Joe Biden is a Communist: The American government is the new criminal syndicate on a global scale

What did I think of Biden’s speech?  Well, I have been traveling, so I haven’t had much time to talk about it with people, and I have received hundreds and hundreds of email requests asking me about it, which I have not gotten around to answering, even but a handful.  And before I replied, I thought about it to take the edge out of my opinion.  It would have been easy to pick on that ridiculous State of the Union speech by Biden, who was an inserted president, not one selected by the people in an honest election.  The 2020 election that put Biden in power is by the exact control mechanisms that keep dictators in power in Cuba, China, Russia, Venezuela, and other communist countries around the world.  Elections in those countries are not free and by the people.  They give the illusion of free choice, but there is too much power and money for people to vote away that power with an election.  Who is dumb enough to believe that not to be the case, and that is why there are so many stupid election laws in America disguised as “voter equality” when, in fact, it’s voter suppression on a mass scale?  The mail-in ballots are something that Russia and China would come up with to stay in power, and Democrats in America think that same method is going to work here, too.  That’s why they were so cocky with Biden, because they believe, even with such a dumb fool, that they control the process so audaciously that it’s laughable that Trump would ever be in office again.   What was that the FBI said during pillow talk?  “We won’t allow it.”  Yeah, don’t be a sucker, what Biden has been and still is was purely the Deep State showing it has the power over American elections, and they are daring people to challenge them, and they have the power of government behind them, which has made them even more arrogant.  The J6 prisoners are all about reminders to the population to submit to their authority and to say uncle, hoping to get some semblance of normalcy back to their lives, in gas prices, bread, and a job that can barely pay the bills. 

No, what Biden’s speech delivered was exactly what Democrats and some Republicans have been accused of since the McCarthy hearings: it was communists on parade, and what’s different now than in times past is that Biden is not a particularly good spokesman for it.  Bill Clinton could sell a used car as new well, as could the domestic terrorist Barack Obama, the foreign kid from Indonesia who lied about everything but hid the scam behind racism.  Joe Biden is just a corrupt old fool who was stuck into power as a placeholder until they could figure out how to kill off the MAGA movement with their massive control over society, from the courts to the media to elected offices.  They have been using the China model.  And I say they because it is “they” the globalists who support global communism through corporate boards and banks as their delivery method.  However, further support goes to their European secret societies and trade unions.  Communism is as alive today as it was before the fall of the Berlin Wall.  But to take the edge off the public, they just allowed for a breakdown of the wall so they could get rid of people like Ronald Reagan from office and get one of their assets into positions of power, like George Bush, the senior, the ex-CIA director.  I told you guys when I had a chance to talk directly to the CIA Director, Mike Pompeo; I asked him way before anybody about the significance of the intel community who lied about Trump and Russia, the famous 51 now.  He was embarrassed, of course, but he knew.  He tried to do something about those problems but couldn’t put his desire for presidential office down long enough to do any real good.  Or they would have just gotten rid of him, too.  I’m not talking about these things in the vacuum of ideology, but most of the time with a wide perspective and input from the actual people.

When Biden says he’s a capitalist, he’s playing the identical plan Castro used to take power in Cuba in the ’60s and ’70s.  Biden is too compromised to be his own man, so they put him in power.  So they could control him.  And they have told him, “they” being the same globalist malcontents, that if he wants to stay out of jail, then he has to keep the office of president.  That’s why many of these criminal types wish for power, so they can control the law and stay out of jail.  I also told everyone about how the mobs moved out of localized control and into government for the same reasons.  Mobsters stopped having shootouts with the cops years ago.  Now, they raised their kids to grow up to be attornies, to keep their crooked operations into power without fighting the courts.  Instead, they became the courts, and they have expected to get away with it.  Biden is a communist, and we know it because we’ve seen this communist scam in most countries around the world.  I had the opportunity to see all this clearly by being in Japan for the last week, the third most powerful economy in the world, but they do it with far fewer people.  And it becomes apparent the communists have been in control through the Democrat Party for a long time.  And with MAGA we are looking to put them out of power without it turning to bloodshed.  And the Biden speech of 2024 announced the apparent necessity of that ambition.

The system isn’t so far gone that we have to scrap everything.  But we must put the people back in charge of their own government.  Right now, the globalists are in charge of their radical communist European interests.  While in Japan, I had an interesting conversation about zoning, because we were comparing American zoning to Japanese zoning, and I had to report not happily that the United Nations has been in charge of American zoning for more than three decades now, and most city planners are trained Marxist right out of our colleges who have been converted to the same.  We call them liberals, Democrats, Progressives, Rinos, everything but what they are, and that is communists.  But we need to start naming the beast for what it is.  I had the benefit of clarity gained through travel.  But in America, that’s what we all must face.  Biden is a communist and so are the Democrats trying to keep him in power.  And we are at a place where we have to do something about it now, or we will have more significant problems later.  Because they aren’t hiding it anymore, they can’t afford to.  But they believe they have so much control over the process that they can’t lose power.  That is what was behind Joe Biden’s speech: a tired old man who didn’t even have the gas in the tank to sell communism any longer.  He was running for president to keep his family out of jail because, in his warped way, even though he likes to take showers with his daughter and he has a crackhead son, he loves his family and doesn’t want them to suffer for the sins he committed while climbing for power.  And they will do anything they have to do to stay in power.  Including adopting the Marxist playbook.  Biden can’t afford to be a moderate, as he has sold himself in the past.  Because if he doesn’t support the communist playbook, he’ll have far worse trouble.  So, all he could do was throw people off the scent by declaring himself a capitalist.  Nothing in his speech indicated that he even remotely understood what that was.

Rich Hoffman

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