The Revenge of 2024 Will Be Delicious: We played by the rules, and now they will have no choice but to match it

We’re at that point where it’s time to benefit from many good decisions made under challenging circumstances.  And to pay ourselves back for sticking with the Constitution and not being drawn offside by truly malicious characters.  But we played by the rules, even in the face of massive crimes in 2020, election fraud, and the distribution for purposeful terrorism, Covid from a Wuhan lab in China that killed millions of people, we stood by due process; Trump got on his airplane after leaving the White House, and we stuck to the rule of law even though most of us knew that the law had been manipulated to benefit the cheaters.  It was rough, and we had to endure it gracefully.  It certainly was not easy.  But we had to set up this particular election year of 2024.  In the process, we have rooted out many malicious characters who would have otherwise remained hidden from our view.  What should have been Trump’s second term in office ended up being a terror that showed the world who has been running things behind the scenes because they had to show themselves to attempt to hold power.  And now that they have it, we have a real opportunity to make America great again with more than talk and campaign slogans.  But now the shoe is on the other foot.  The pendulum is swinging in the other direction.  And because we did everything right, it forced the other side to do the same, even though they knew they couldn’t afford anything but violence and chaos in protest.  Because they have cheated to stay in power, they don’t have a very deep bench, and the players they do have are all compromised beyond scrutiny.  And they won’t be able to hold up to what will happen next. 

I had to have some hard talks with many people in the cold early days of 2021 as Biden took office.  We all knew that there had been election fraud.  We had seen the precinct maps of the entire country and knew where the cheating had occurred with over counts on mail-in ballots.   You could see county by county all across the country, then there would be these sudden spikes in voter turnout and results for Biden in critical areas around metropolitan areas, such as Detroit, Phoenix, Philly, Milwaukee, and Atlanta, and everyone knew the cause.  And we watched the paid-for color revolutions before that, where leftist billionaires poured money into minority communities to inspire them to burn down buildings, desecrate historic monuments, and drive discontent all over the nation.  All this happened after the COVID lockdowns, where genuinely evil and malicious people walked into Trump’s office in the White House and urged him to shut down the entire economy to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  We were all justified in picking up arms and taking down the many criminals who had done America wrong in 2020 to steal an election and to unleash an artificial virus engineered for its task to create the opportunity for stolen power.  Many people didn’t want to see Trump leave office in those dark days but to call in the military to prevent the takeover of our country by these globalists advocating open communism, what else were we supposed to do?  It was like the communist revolution in St. Petersburg many years ago, which was now happening in America.  And our American media, including Fox News, was in on it all, and people were lost as to what to do, and they wanted to fight.

I think I stopped many small wars from breaking out that winter and it wasn’t easy.  I had to convince people to let the process play out even though I wanted to lash out myself.  Every movie and book we had ever consumed in entertainment culture told us that the only thing to do was to grab our guns and go hunting for bad guys who had infiltrated our government and to remove them violently.  But we talked against it because there was a bigger prize.  We had a perfect opportunity to exploit these losers for what they were, and we could stand by the rule of law in the face of great adversity and lead by example, which is what we did.  It was challenging and excruciating.  But we have endured it, and now here we are.  Our time for revenge is at hand, and the victory will taste delicious.  It’s our time to watch the other side wiggle in the trap they set for themselves, and there is no reason for us to feel sorry for them for what’s coming because they did it to themselves.  They can only blame themselves, the person who looks back at them in the mirror, for what they have become.  They hoped to provoke us into a mountain of mistakes, and because we didn’t take the bait, they had no choice but to play the game the same way.  And now, after all these years of treating Trump and the rest of us with every kind of abuse of the law that they could get by with, it’s time to pay for all those crimes, and no amount of crying will alleviate them from justice.  Now, they will face the same kind of decisions we had to make, but they aren’t as good as we are, so they don’t have the intellectual means to survive.  Their defeat this time around will crush them and their Marxist, globalist movement with it, and our victory will be better than if we had fought for it with guns and the points of knives. 

They will have no choice but to follow the rule of law, leave the White House, certify the election, and deal with all the policy changes Trump will make toward capitalism in the coming months.  And that is something I couldn’t have said we would have had with a typical Trump second term.  The world was on fire then, and the enemy was desperate.  And we had to play it out.  We needed these last four years to empty their weapons and expose them for what they were.  If Trump had been in the White House, it would have just been another term of a media circus.  People needed to see what Joe Biden and the gang were about, and the pressure forced them to reveal it all.  And since then, the World Economic Forum and their central bankers of doom have been exposed for the actual insurrection of our country that they had long planned and committed to.  And to hold power, they won’t be able to afford to live within the confines of the rule of law.  But they aren’t warranted to unleash their violence, which is their only means of achieving power because they don’t have any public support as a minority terrorist organization.  That is what the Democrat Party is, after all: a terrorist organization for globalists and insurrectionists who want America to be crushed off the world stage forever.  But because we didn’t take the bait, we exposed them in ways they weren’t prepared for.  And the revenge that is coming will be fantastic to witness.  We’ll achieve it because we stayed with the rule of law and did not allow ourselves to be pulled into a nation-ending battle, which we would have otherwise given them justification for violence and malice.  By sticking with the rule of law, they have no choice but to do the same, which they can’t afford to do.  It’s a wonderful paradox. 

Rich Hoffman

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