Trump is Protected by the 8th Amendment: Letitia James, the communist, won’t get what she wants

I haven’t said much about the Letitia James case in New York against Trump because, in many ways, it’s such a joke.  Under no circumstances will Trump have to suffer under this ridiculous prosecution, and I think the Trump team has known this all along, as now they are talking about it a bit more since the talk of confiscating the President’s assets is now something this prominent communist Attorney General in New York is pushing for.  This is the communist playbook, the confiscation of private property, and is a direct result of the Marxist movement infiltrating minority communities, which was what Black Lives Matter was all about.  This goofy behavior by James is to see if she’ll get away with it because she is clearly in violation of the 8th Amendment; Trump is Constitutionally protected from excessive bail nor, excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.  The reason the Trump team declared that such a 454 million dollar bond was unreasonable wasn’t because Trump doesn’t have the money.  Trump can easily cover these costs with just the revenue from Truth Social.  However, to emphasize the protection of the 8th Amendment, the definition needs to be established that this is an excessive bond and is cruel and unusual punishment by an out-of-control government way out of its lane.  What Letitia James is doing with the loser Judge Engoron is illegal, and they represent the government trying to do what the government is not allowed to do, and that is confiscate property and take out political rivals with the legal system.  Something not new in history, but it’s certainly an expectation that people in America have, is the protection of their lives and property under the Constitution.  But all that outright Marxism is testing our courts now, an infiltration that many weren’t ready to admit to. 

It has been sad to see, even though I have warned about it for decades, the obvious problem of just how many people, especially in the media but Democrats in general, are salivating over this tragedy. This is the kind of government they want on the Jimmy Fallon show, on The View, and on just about every network television outlet, and it’s so far out of line from what ordinary people want in the country that it can be shocking.  Obviously, many of these people have never read a book, and if they had, they would understand some basic civics lessons.  But they are too happy that some crooked political judge in New York could come up with an excessive fine and impose an unreasonably high bond.  How do we know it’s unreasonable?  Why did the Trump legal team have to define it that way in court?  Because it’s the largest in history and proportional to case law, it is cruel and unusual punishment.  It’s not that Trump didn’t have the money or resources to pay the fine to keep his assets from being seized.   It was that he shouldn’t have to, and the power of the government had to be regulated by invoking the definition of the 8th Amendment.  The confiscation of wealth by the government is a big no, no.  It’s just something we cannot allow in our society, and its attempt is yet more proof that Marxism is the thrust behind the Democrat Party unleashed by the political rival in the White House, put there through massive election fraud.  We are seeing up close just how deeply this Marxist philosophy has infiltrated American society.  People didn’t see it because they assumed that the Constitution was the law of the land, which it was supposed to be.  But Marxists like Letitia James have been trying to overthrow the law of the land by getting elected into Attorney General positions and attempting to challenge the rule of law to erode constitutional limits and destroy our culture as a capitalist nation. 

These are the same people who ran the NRA out of New York, and those legal cases are still pending, but it’s the game plan of the radical left who have as their foundation of government China-style communism.  And there are a lot of people who have been purposely dumbed down in our education system to believe that all this was possible in American law, which we have not previously challenged because of skin color concerns.  Communism has been hiding in the background of racist talk purposely to set up this particular kind of intrusion on personal rights and protections of private property.  To the dumb and unknowing, it can be scary or thrilling to see the government abuse its power, such as Letitia James has.  But under our Constitution, which is the law of the land, this behavior is prohibited.  Without it, Letitia James has no control.  Power doesn’t just flow one way.  Suppose you abandon the Constitution under some conditions but not all others. In that case, the total of it no longer has any meaning, and any Constitutional oath of office that James might have would be cast away to the mob. There would be no stopping the violence that would follow if everyone abandoned the law, as she is suggesting.  The power of government is meaningless without the Constitution’s constraints, such as the protections under the 8th Amendment.  The purpose of the 8th Amendment is to keep the government from doing what it’s trying to do to a political rival in President Trump. 

There will be no confiscation of Trump’s assets by a communist judge in New York and a radical Marxist Attorney General.  All of Trump’s political enemies can laugh and giggle at the prospect of power exhibited by James and the hostile New York culture in general, but it will be short-lived.  This is the same kind of terrorism that was shown toward America in the World Trade Center attack, an attempt to stick a dagger into the eye of capitalism and cut it out of our culture by attacking symbols of it.  Trump is a symbol of that capitalist culture that they have targeted for destruction, just as terrorists always do.  But the perpetrators of this communist advocacy should have read a few books before they made a move because they aren’t going to get what they want.  It’s ridiculous.  The Trump legal team has smartly played these aggressors to reveal their hands, which showed who and what they always were, so as to establish to the Supreme Court an unchallenging perspective of a violation of the 8th Amendment.  They let the communists go too far to set a standard that history could then judge by.  By revealing the actions of the communist hostilities, the public at large can see what’s really going on and make decisions for themselves accordingly.  This isn’t just a legal case in New York; it’s an invasion of Marxists into our Constitutional Republic.  And by attacking symbols of capitalism, their radicalism is being unleashed for all to see.  This is why there was an 8th Amendment in the first place: to prevent this abuse from being passed by the courts.  We have seen under great desecration these past few years many cases like this one in New York where radical communists have infiltrated the legal system.  But that doesn’t change the Constitutional limits to their powers of government that keep them from harassing innocent people.  This is a hard lesson that Letitia James and the gang in New York will learn quite spectacularly.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

My Vacation from Slow People: The need for speed is a very real thing, and is uniquely American

For purely selfish reasons, I have spent much more time shooting in Fast Draw competitions during the summer of 2022. I’ve always done competitions like this, but this year I went to all the Ohio Fast Draw events and traveled a lot more than usual to competitive events giving myself a much-needed vacation. The question that has come at me is why I was running myself ragged with all the events. There are a lot of easier things to do in life than competing with guns in stressful and very fast matches where things are measured in such small increments. Shooting and hitting a target in under half a second, or at nearly a quarter of a second as I typically do, isn’t what many people consider relaxing. But believe me, in my life, it is. That kind of speed and free flow of pure energy is a real benefit in ways that are hard to explain, which I’ve tried when people have asked, scratching their heads. But after a weekend shoot over Labor Day where I could shoot competitively with some really great shooters and the event was fast and very competent, I found myself grateful for the experience and the summation of all the other summer shoots. I was taking some of my own advice from my book The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business, and I’m very glad I did. Fast Draw is the fastest sport in the world, and when you have to deal with many hundreds of people per week, sometimes thousands, the chance to stand in front of a target and just let everything rip forth is wonderful.

The truth is that people are slow; they spend much of their lives looking for reasons not to do things, so when you find yourself dealing with many people, all who are doing their best to do very little, it can be very frustrating. And the world, after Covid, as a result of Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset and the intrusive actions of Bill Gates, making the governments of the world dance by the strings they control like wood-carved marionettes, has only become slower. Bureaucrats have one purpose in life: to make things go slower. Everyone in the world these days seems fully committed to going as slow as they can and to lobby for things to be slower and slower. You can see the difference in a typical drive-thru window; things have slowed down at McDonald’s and Wendy’s fast food restaurants due to a post-Covid world. The government has told employees they can take off all they want and still get paid. Doctors have become everyone’s parents and intercede when those mean old employers expect work performance for the pay they issue. It has become a real mess of incompetence that is the net result of the Biden administration’s attitude toward work, labor, and globalism, which has sucked the air out of the ambition of American effort in truly disgusting ways. And I have been getting angrier and angrier the more I deal with people causing me several times during the year of 2022 to consider just packing everything up, telling everyone to go to hell, and going to a mountaintop with all my books and saying, “peace out.” 

I live a very fast life; I always have. I love speed because the quicker you can do things, the more you get to do in life. So it is hard for me to slow down long enough to go to see medical people because time is always scheduled to their convenience, not yours. I hate going to the BMV for that very reason. It’s such a slow process. I have even been very frustrated with one of my favorite things, going to Kings Island on Friday nights after a busy professional week, because things have really slowed down there as well. My wife and I like to ride roller coasters to blow off steam. I get time to think about things while we wait in line, and of course, roller coasters are nice and fast. But the employees have been horrible this year, worse than at any other time in my life; they are slow, dim-witted, almost representatives of a zombie apocalypse. I don’t think that the people changed, but we lost IQ points during Covid, and the government has crippled young people into thinking in a lazy fashion that makes them barely functional. So even going to Kings Island to relax on roller coasters has not been as fulfilling as it normally is. I’ve never liked the European attitude toward work, which you can clearly see anytime you go to London, Paris, or the Netherlands; they don’t like the American expectation to have everything fast; they like to take their time and smell the roses as they say. But I find all that slowness disgusting. And with Covid and the Biden administration, those types of slow people have been empowered, and the more you deal with people, the more of that attitude you tend to interact with. And for me, it has been real torture. 

So that brings us back to Cowboy Fast Draw and competitive events. All the people in that sport get it. They understand the need for speed and the beauty of unleashing energy and flowing toward an objective as quickly as possible. And spending more time with those kinds of people has been truly wonderful. I can’t say that I will always be able to shoot in those competitive events as much as I did this year. What I did was probably excessive, but it benefited me wonderfully. But, I have been gone a lot. I am one who does not do well in traffic jams. I don’t like to get stuck under any conditions waiting for much of anything. When I get out of a traffic jam and back into the country where roads are wide open, I like to drive as fast as I can without people in my way to slow me down. And that’s how I am with most people. I like to pack a lifetime into a typical day, so when you end up dealing with people who would rather be asleep and multiply that by 100 or 200 people, it can be very frustrating. But I healed much of that this summer and accomplished many of my personal goals for shooting. I won a lot of events which made me happy. It was consistent even under great duress at times, so I learned a lot of good things in doing these events. But the ability to remove all the noise from my life and just let loose all the speed I can muster on something with intense focus has been wonderful. It has restored me some patience in dealing with a much slower world that needs motivation to go faster and be more competent. That is, after all, one of my core values to others, and when I get to the point where I don’t want to do it anymore, a lot of people end up suffering. So the Fast Draw events have been significant; I have been doing them almost every weekend and traveled to many places to participate in them with many like-minded people. And I can’t recommend Fast Draw as a sport enough, for all the reasons stated and more. Speed is great. Slowness is for the lazy. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

A Monopoly on Violence: Elon Musk sees it, and soon will the rest of the world

The Government’s Monopoly on Violance

Elon Musk has said it in a couple of interviews toward the end of the year since Time Magazine has made him “Man of the Year,” that government has a lot of problems. He thinks that government should be a referee on the field but not a player in the game. And he has continued to say that one of the biggest problems with the government is that they have a “monopoly on violence.” I first heard these comments from him during a Wall Street Journal interview at a yearly think tank kind of thing they do in Washington D.C.  Then again, shortly after that, at a surprise sit down with the Babylon Bee, the online satire website. Many of us have been saying things like that for a long time. Elon Musk is obviously having an evolution as he runs his two major companies, Tesla and SpaceX, with the challenges of government regulation and global commerce that is trying desperately to move toward Chinese communism. The difference is that Musk cannot be canceled for saying what he does because he is at the front of the train on virtually everything. Actually, at a recent Joe Biden EV Summitt, Musk wasn’t invited, even though Tesla is undoubtedly the most important player when it comes to the electric car market. But instead of it looking bad on Musk, it blew up in the face of Biden, like everything does these days. So for Musk to say things about the government that are consistent with Tea Party positions over the last decade is quite a thing and certainly an indicator of things to come. When people like Musk are critiquing government correctly, many mainstreamers want the overflow of his money who will by default see things his way.

And isn’t that the heart of the problem with the government, that government has a monopoly on violence? That is precisely why they naturally are inefficient in everything they do because they never have to worry about someone calling them out as the big bullies. Or at least, that’s what they have assumed for a long time. That is why they feel they can start riots all over the country during 2020, trying to use racism to blame the Trump supporters for the unrest they created, but their real intent was to remove President Trump from office. But then when people went to Washington, a quarter-million people, to hear Trump give one of his final speeches and the frustrations spilled over into a mob at the Capitol building, the government felt it could arrest the participants and hold them in jail for some undetermined time ignoring completely any due process along the way. They also thought they could shoot Ashley Babbitt for no real reason and that there would be no recourse for their reckless actions. They felt they could arrest the participants of the January 6th, 2021 demonstration without any real just cause because of their monopoly on violence. In that case, they could have arrested people in all the mobs previously that were incited by the government, including on Inauguration Day in 2017 when President Trump was sworn in. The damage to Washington D.C. and other places was much more severe on that day, but as we have seen over the last several years, the government picks what it wants to enforce and abandons all laws when it’s not convenient to them. 

Then we have the FBI, which I have been talking about for a while now as one of the most corrupt law enforcement branches we have these days. They are obviously radical from top to bottom. They are not only corrupt at the top floor of the FBI in Washington. The revelations in the Whitmer case in Michigan prove that several FBI agents were involved in a set up of the Wolverine Watchmen, where several agents had penetrated the group and were trying to inspire them into criminal activity. Like it looks, they did on January 6th. The ideas for violence weren’t coming from the militia groups themselves, but from the FBI trying to plant ideas for violence to cause an action that they could then arrest people for entrapment. The corruption in the FBI is at the top level, the middle level, and certainly in every field office.

I know people who are in the FBI. I also know people in the Secret Service. Over the years, many people have worked for me who move off into these fields, and good for them. We always need people to do these jobs; like Elon Musk says, we do need referees to help keep the game honest. But we don’t need the government playing the game.   And when it comes to law enforcement, a badge doesn’t make a good person. Many people who have left me for some federal job I wouldn’t trust with a box of rocks, it’s not that they aren’t good people or were good employees. Yes, without good leadership around them, they go corrupt quickly, almost every time. I would never permit them to arrest people on fake FISA warrants in the middle of the night. What I have heard from the FBI, especially regarding their actions against President Trump, does not surprise me. And for what they have been caught in at the highest levels, you have to logically conclude that they are doing much worse where they never thought they’d get caught. 

Corruption in federal law enforcement, even localized law enforcement, comes from one common source when the government thinks that they have a right to inflict violence on you. Still, you are never allowed to give it back to them, so we have created a corrupt legal system. When power is given to anybody without some measure of regulation, that power will undoubtedly go to their heads. One of those employees I spoke about who used to work for me became a local cop. He was always good for me; he was a model employee. But without me, he spun out of control quickly, and soon he was pulling over carloads of young girls and scaring them with threats of jail and traffic tickets that they didn’t want their parents to find out about. So he and his fellow officers would force the girls to perform oral sex on them to get out of trouble. And it worked most of the time until someone finally came forward and reported what had been happening. By nature, no matter who it is, authority over others will corrupt everyone. The best measure against it is to remove any monopoly of violence. In our brilliant constitutional republic, we do have a measure of addressing that very issue, the Second Amendment. The only reason we have any sense of justice in America is because of gun rights. The government would have gone wrong beyond repair years ago without those gun rights. What’s terrible about these last few years is that the government has gone further in corruption than ever before because of the Trump election of 2016. They were so insulted that people would vote for someone like Trump that they have turned toward their monopoly on violence to commit some significant constitutional crimes, including what they have done with Covid. We will be sorting out that mess for many years to come, but the crimes were, and continue to be, reprehensible. But good things are happening, and when people like Elon Musk are where many of us have been for a long time, positive changes are on the horizon. And in this case, talking about the problem is the first step in fixing it. We no longer have the assumption that we can trust these government authorities. Left alone, they are prone to corruption at every level, and it is from there, we must take action to correct it in the future.

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Gavin Newsom is Wrong In California: Guns are Constitutionally protected, abortion is not

Abortion is Murder, Gun Rights is about Protecting LIfe

The best thing about the last few years in America has been that people have read and understood the Constitution more than ever.  I remember well that our local Tea Party used to have Saturday classes to teach the Constitution.  My son-in-law also took a lengthy class at Liberty University as an immigrant from the United Kingdom that he valued quite a lot.  Many in the world have understood the Constitution for a long time, the law of the land, and our country.  Without those laws, we don’t have a country.  Otherwise, there is merely a mob of power-hungry bureaucrats who live to tell other people what to do, like Dr. Fauci.  Little people like him gain a lot of power if there is no constitutional law, so there are apparent forces at play to erode our laws so that a bureaucratic expert class can take over.  For instance, if people had just followed the law from the outset of Covid, there wouldn’t be many of the problems we have now.  We don’t change our laws to solve emergencies, even government-made ones like Covid-19 and manufactured variants.  We use science to solve those kinds of problems, and while that occurs, we stay on target with a law-and-order society.  Those are the rules, and more people than ever understand those rules.  So, it didn’t take much for people to see through the problem quickly of California’s Gavin Newsom’s attempt to turn the world upside down to rally progressives to their increasingly losing cause.

Newsom and other progressives were upset about the trajectory of the Supreme Court, specifically a Texas law that allows for legal procedures against abortion clinics that enable abortions after six weeks.  They attempted to flip the script and apply the same methods to firearms in California.  The effort gained a lot of press from the communists, socialists, and soothsayers of public education who work in the media, but nobody seemed to understand the differences.  Many media types referred to the abortion law of Texas as an attack on a constitutionally protected right, whereas removing gun rights in any form was somehow validated.  This is where a decent understanding of the Constitution comes in handy.  Every American should understand it.  It should be taught in public schools when we are all little. It’s the essential thing you can learn, yet obviously, that has not been the case with most people in politics.  The Supreme Court made a mistake with Roe v. Wade that will be rectified after a few decades of analysis.  The trajectory of the law is that it will be revisited, and that decision that allowed for abortion will be reversed because it was never a constitutional right.

Meanwhile, gun rights are in the same mold in that their effectiveness has been eroded unjustly because they are a constitutionally protected right.  Thugs and losers posing as a mob threatening to destroy the lives of members of the court were how Roe v. Wade came about in the first place.  And if guns had played a more central role in the protests, preventing acts of violence from being threatened, then a more logical court decision would have transpired, and we wouldn’t be talking about all this now. 

The trajectory meanwhile of gun rights, despite the progressive controls we see all around us from the government, is that restoration of legal purity is underway.  In Ohio and many other places, we aren’t just talking about Concealed Carry; we are moving toward Constitutional Carry, where you don’t even have to let the police know you are armed if you get pulled over for a traffic stop.  Carrying a gun should be as common as carrying a wallet, and that’s where many of the mistakes progressives have made are taking our nation to a more pure appreciation for the Constitution in the first place.  I say it often; I have copies of The Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers next to my reading chair, which I look at several times a week for pleasure.  I see them as works of philosophy emerging from western civilization resulting from centuries of trial and error.  They are incredible human achievement works, and I often remind myself of them by sifting through their pages during football games and other television programs.

Additionally, I have a copy of the Ohio Constitution that I do the same with.  These are law and order components of our society which has worked well for all people.  And I stand by them.  On the other hand, I don’t have tolerance or understanding among law enforcement or politicians who do not follow the rules.  What happened to General Flynn, Roger Stone, even Brad Parscall won’t happen at my house.  I will defend it the way the Constitution specifies.  The legal system doesn’t get to suspend my constitutional rights while they figure things out as a slow, dim-witted, bureaucratic society.  In their world, people like Dr. Fauci are king.  But in the world of the constitutionally protected, kings are rejected, and their powers are limited to some useless office position behind a desk somewhere.  They are not allowed to bring their nonsense into our lives. 

Now, regarding that California proposal, which is just air coming out of the mouth of Gavin Newsom, looking for revenge and intimidation meant to hurl at the Supreme Court if Roe v. Wade is overturned in the summer of 2022.  Gun rights are legal and constitutionally protected.  They are intended to protect us from overreaching authority figures like Gavin Newsom and Dr. Fauci.  And yes, that means that gunfights are expected and patriotic if a government goes bad and comes to spread their “badness” to constitutionally protected people.  Not desired, but neither is government abuse.  Gun rights are the last right of defense against an out-of-control government, and over the previous several years, we have seen just how bad it can get.  It’s one thing to warn about these things before people know for themselves how dangerous government can be and what we saw from the government over Covid should be enough to rattle the foundations of anybody.

Nobody wants to shoot people in self-defense.  But living under tyranny is worse.  So that is why there is a trend in states toward even fewer gun restrictions instead of more.   And this has all happened as the government is trying to bankrupt the NRA financially.  Like Trump, through the NRA, the government thought those were the forces behind gun rights, so they attacked them in ways to destroy them.  No, the NRA was just a collection of over 5 million people who supported gun rights.  They would continue to support gun rights whether or not there was an NRA.  One did not create the other.   There are no rights to apply to anti-gun advocates seeking to use the Texas abortion law to gun sales in California.  Guns are constitutionally protected.  Abortion is not and never was.  Only threats of intimidation allowed for abortion, and that portion of the law will soon be restored to constitutional observations of life.  Guns are meant to protect life, liberty, and happiness.  And abortion is about killing life.  Now that more people appreciate the Constitution, we see a restoration of its legal value.  And from my observation, that is a wonderful, new trait that I welcome tremendously. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

UC Davis Makes First Move For Gun Confiscation: Why buying guns is the best vote that they can’t steal to save the republic

Buying More Guns is Great

It’s not as if we didn’t see this coming, but here is the case established by a liberal from the University of California Davis setting the story for anti-gun legislation under the Biden administration.  This is how the game goes, as I explain in the video above.  Garen Wintermute published a report in the Journal Injury Epidemiology stating that “upward trends in firearm purchasing, violence, and political extremism are converging to put the USA at risk for disaster in the months ahead.  We have no time to waste if we are to prevent the loss of thousands of lives and emerge with our democracy intact.” So this was one of the goals of Covid-19 was to establish the relationship between mass public health emergencies and the rights government could or should have under them.  When the government says something is a public health emergency, you see, that is the trigger for a suspension of constitutional rights. That’s the way they are playing this game.  And this professor at the liberal University of UC Davis is playing his role as an “expert” with an informed opinion that then demands legislative action by the political class.  (Yes, this is why I’m one of the most banned people on the internet.  All my IP addresses are shadow-banned, but the information gets out anyway, even in drips.  The bad guys don’t want you to know these kinds of things)  But the game is there for all to see.

Of course, what is never discussed is why tensions are so high in our country and so divided.  Well, that’s simple; it’s the political left who has attempted to drag right-minded people to their side of things with coercion and violence, or else.  That tends to make people angry, so angry that they are looking for some retaliation.  Some people do bend the knee and cave to the political pressure socially.  But there are many, around half the nation, who just won’t. I’d say the “absolutely won’t” is about 30% of the country with approximately 30% who are what they call “independent,” people who are indifferent to politics until it hits them in their homes.  They stay out of all conversations about political topics and positions of morality until the price of gas or milk goes up, then they become engaged.  But the political left has attempted to drag people kicking and screaming toward socialism and communism that has caused the reaction of buying more guns to defend themselves, which is the subject of this concerned political hit piece by the professor from UC Davis. 

With more than 300 million guns in America, there are very few shootings, statistically.  Those that do happen don’t usually occur by NRA types. It’s the drug users and sellers, the gang bangers, the lost pot smoking liberals who shoot up schools.  People from the radical left, not from the conservative right, use guns to kill people.  So this article has no basis in actual reality, only in building up a perception so the Biden administration can entertain the basis for gun confiscation.

In contrast, they still have the power to try it.  With the poll numbers being what they are and a change of party in the House and Senate coming, the Biden administration knows it doesn’t have much time to act on its radical gun-grabbing plan.  So that is the function of this liberal loser, writing this article as a “gun expert” about the possible public health emergency that gun violence could cause due to the rough waters ahead in a divided country.  The political left, after all, will be losing lots of seats, and to defend their loss of political power, they will attempt to create riots in the streets and harm people for it because—well, that’s all they know how to do.  They use violence and the threat of it to get power.  And when they lose power, they use violence and the threat of it to get it back.  That is why people have rushed out to buy so many guns because it gives them some political insulation from this insanity.   It makes people feel safer to have a home full of guns because they can’t trust their government. 

This has been the story of Covid-19, to establish an epidemiology case, to argue not on the merits of the Second Amendment, but on the grounds of public health, a new way to approach the issue of communism, that the public good outweighs the rights of individuals.  Did you see that coming, dear reader?  Pretty slick legal trick they are trying, but that’s the playbook.  Notice how the mass shooter from Las Vegas was never heard from again?  Or the many mass shooters in public schools were revealed to be marijuana-smoking liberals?  Or how the FBI tampered with evidence in the San Bernadino case during the Christmas season a few years back where they allowed the media into the killer’s apartment a few days after the shooting disguising it as “being transparent” when the real goal was to “destroy evidence at the scene of the crime.” That’s how these liberals get away with their crimes; they provoke the problem, then attempt to erase their footprints in the process.  What we have here with the professor from UC Davis is a radical in the crime approach, setting up the story before the crises could be announced to the world by the Biden administration.  It’s all so fascinating. 

Of course, Americans are correct to buy lots of guns, as many as they can afford. It’s the exact reason that we have not yet lost our country to the criminal attempts of the climate change United Nations insurgents who are controlling the Biden administration.  Imagine if we didn’t have guns?  How far they would have gone during Covid at stealing away our rights as a free people?  These attackers were behind the Great Reset targets that started gain of function research at the Wuhan lab sponsored by the American government’s Dr. Fauci, all to set up this legal merit to using public health issues to destroy constitutional protections.  If there were no guns, what would give them pause in their aggressive actions—the law, which they have shown they are willing to break openly?  Many Americans see what the political left is up to.

I certainly do, and my many readers here do, too, even with all the shadow banning.  In many cases, people are only getting this information at sites like this one.  Even the most alternative media out there doesn’t go far enough to explain these processes as they occur.  But enough of us see the writing on the wall, and we have responded with a healthy protest of buying guns to protect ourselves from this out-of-control, criminal government.  Knowing people who buy lots of guns and use them often, I can say that they haven’t given up on the ability to vote these losers out of office.  I certainly haven’t given up on our republic.  But before we turn to a socialist or communist government under the United Nations, we need to know that we have insulation from the attacks of our government against us.  And that is why gun sales and ammunition are so much higher than they have been in the past.  There is no shame in it. I’m not worried about any of my many neighbors and friends who have enough guns to fight off an army from their homes.  It’s not them who are the threat. It’s the intentions of this Biden government who has no problem stealing elections, selling us out to the United Nations, and creating Covid-19 under gain-of-function behind Trump’s back in 2017 under Dr. Fauci to create a bioweapon dedicated to the Great Reset goals of the United Nations.  Guns are our last line of defense from being sold out to other sovereignties, and I encourage people to go out and buy more, more and more.  In many ways, it’s the most honest vote we can have, one they can’t steal. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Guns Don’t Kill People, Alec Baldwin Does: Make no mistake about it, we hate these anti-American activists

Alec Baldwin is Guilty of Killing

I support entirely Donald Trump Jr’s statement about Alec Baldwin on the new shirt sold on his website, stating, “guns don’t kill people, Alec Baldwin does.” I tend to like Christian people; I grew up with lots of families with a religious background.  But I’m a vengeful person, and I think it’s consistent with the laws of nature.  I don’t forgive and forget.  I think it’s stupid to turn the other cheek, and when you get a chance at revenge for things that people have done to you, you take every opportunity to enjoy it.  They deserve what they have coming, those who inflict evil on you.  They deserve to feel all the pain and misery of the ramifications of their deeds.  That certainly is the way I think about those who pushed President Trump out of office, have signed America up for all these terrible United Nations climate change policies, and all those anti-gun liberals like Baldwin. They have done so much evil over the years toward my position.  If Donald Trump Jr. hadn’t made up a shirt like that, I would have.  Now my wife is one of those forgiving types, and her reaction is likely similar to many people out there.  She stated that everyone is worthy of forgiveness.  Well, no, they aren’t.  When people are as bad as Alec Baldwin is, they deserve all the misery of whatever pain they feel, and they are not worthy of forgiveness in any way.  I feel sorry for the cinematographer who was killed on the movie set of the western, Rust, who was killed by a gun Alec Baldwin was using as what they thought was a “prop gun.” That killing should never have happened.  But I don’t buy that Alec Baldwin feels terrible about it the way he is showing. He’s a phony, an actor.  He is a liberal loser and an anti-gunner, and ultimately, he is responsible for the death that occurred on that movie set and nobody else.  He killed an innocent person with a gun, and he can live with that forever in misery, and I hope it rots his soul from the inside out.

The first problem with Alec Baldwin is that he has sold himself to Hollywood and the political world as an anti-gun activist.  Yet he was the producer of the film Rust, a western where guns are always the subject of a story.  Baldwin has made a good living in his life, such as in his gangster films, using guns to tell his stories and make his money; they turn around and talk about how evil they are. He’s a two-faced tyrant at best and a hothead who has personally attacked many conservatives over the years as an outright bully.  I love westerns, but I would not have watched Rust because Alec Baldwin was in it.  What he did on Saturday Night Live to the Trump family and to the president I elected and loved was war.  He insulted all the MAGA movement notoriously and without guilt or thought to any damage it might cause.  Before his Saturday Night Live skits against Donald Trump, I might have just thought Baldwin was a hothead actor.  I might watch a movie with him in it and shake my head at how stupid he was.  But I learned to hate him over the Trump years as he proved himself to be an enemy of America, a progressive buffoon who made money off guns then turned around and sought ways to destroy America by attacking an America First president.  Again, I’ve heard it all before; we aren’t supposed to carry hate in our hearts.  As good “Christian” people, we are not supposed to feed hate or give it a harbor within our minds.  Well, I think that’s a stupid idea, and I have felt that way since my many years of Sunday school until I was beyond the 8th grade.  Not having hate in a heart is like operating in a world without eyes.  Hate is the result of how you feel about what people do to you, and it’s a natural emotion generated from the way people live life.  And the way Alec Baldwin has lived his life and sought to change the way I live mine, I hate him.  I would say I hate every cell in his body and the air he breathes. 

I’ve worked on movie sets, I’ve spent my life around guns.  I work with guns every day of my life, and I would have known that there was a bullet in that gun as soon as someone handed it to me.  I would have been able to tell by the weight of a single live round. I’ve worked with blanks, many kinds of bullets, and guns that fire lasers for sight alignment.  As the person holding the gun, it was Alec Baldwin’s responsibility to know if the weapon he was pointing downrange was loaded or not.  It’s not the armorer or the assistant director.  They can tell you if the gun is hot or cold.  You still must check it yourself before doing anything with it.  These are gun skills that every young person in America should know before they leave grade school.  Millions of families handle lots of guns every year and don’t have accidents as Alec Baldwin did.  Baldwin, as a liberal, trusted as all liberals do the system of responsibility that kills all liberals in every argument.  They are never at fault for anything because it’s always a system’s failure if something goes wrong.  This is precisely what the media attempted to do with this shooting on the set of Rust.  They try to say that the gun was used in target practice earlier that day, and a round was left in it.  The system failed, not the shooter.  They try to say that the prop master was inexperienced, that there were union disputes on the set.  They said many things, but ultimately, everyone who handles a gun under any circumstances knows; the person holding the gun is always responsible.  Guns don’t kill people; they don’t go off on their own.  People kill people. Don Jr. is not wrong in what his t-shirt says. 

Alec Baldwin should never be let off the hook for all those reasons and many, many more.  This shooting should ruin his life in every way.  And we should allow ourselves to smile at the justice of it.  It’s terrible that someone had to die because Alec Baldwin was so stupid.  But it was his fault and only his fault.  Being a nasty liberal and anti-gun activist, he had no business even making a western with guns in it.  The only people who operate guns on a film set should know guns in everyday life and have the skills to work with them.  Putting guns in the hands of many Hollywood liberals who are ignorant about the little things regarding gun safety is an open invitation for stuff like this to go wrong.  But liberals like to talk out of both sides of their mouth; they want to make money with guns, then speak against them like the activist that Alec Baldwin always has been.  And Alec Baldwin should suffer, as should everyone who works against an American First agenda.  These people are not our life partners; they are not our friends.  They are domestic enemies, and they need to be punished when they do something wrong.  And when someone dies because of what they do, forgiveness is not an option.  Hatred is the right emotion, and to never forgive it is the correct thing to do. Some people are just bad in life, and Alec Baldwin is a bad person.

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

All Red Flag Laws Are Government Overreach: While everyone was looking at the loser Biden, legislators have snuck them into the NDAA Bill

All Read Flag Laws are Government Overreach

About ten years ago, I warned everyone about the National Defense and Authorization Act, in how it was meant to trample all over the Bill of Rights under the guise of emergency power.  This NDAA thing told that any time the military needed to get control of something the government deemed was an out-of-control situation, they could then use the NDAA to suspend the Constitutional rights of anybody and get things under control.  In theory.  The NDAA was always a bridge too far. It was sold to us as patriotic, just as Homeland Security was, and it lingers in the background of about everything that happens domestically involving the military.  My position on things is that I support the military so long as they are fighting for the Constitution.  But when they become the enemy under an oppressive government, such as the one that we have presently with China running the Biden administration, then that’s where you don’t want the military to have too many domestic teeth.  This is why we should never have let it happen in the first place.  Now, to my points in the past, there is a 1300-page bill passing through the House and Senate installing red flag laws that many Republicans have signed on to.  Even the NRA has had a weak position on this red flag problem.  So, while everyone is looking at the chaos of the Biden administration and election theft by foreign antagonizers, a power grab by the government and the military is happening right under our noses. 

Red flag laws are reprehensible.  They allow peer pressure to run the world essentially.  Before Covid, people might have had a hard time understanding, but it’s what’s happening with the masks.  Demanding people to wear a mask or take a vaccine is unconstitutional by every measure of the law.  So to get around that law, the government encourages peers to tattle on each other to force compliance that the government has no right to conduct.  When it comes to gun ownership under red flag laws, if you don’t wave at your neighbor the way they think you should, or if you don’t take care of a member of your extended family the way they want, they could call up the government hotline and report you as a danger to yourself or others.  Then the government could come to your home in theory and confiscate your guns “for your own good.” Just as Obama did, the Biden administration has been trying to use every mass shooting as an excuse to unleash red flag laws as a power grab.  When the fundamental problem of mass shootings is likely related to marijuana use, the red flag intends to provoke mental instability into government control over a person’s essence in society.  If “they” (potential mass shooters)  cannot be trusted, they must be watched and managed as a menace to others. 

The government has been trying to get people to accept this line of thought with Covid by introducing the concept that what you do might be a danger to others as a premise.  Once we accept that concept, then red flag laws come next.  Even Mike DeWine of Ohio, who was supposed to be a Republican, favored red flag laws after a Dayton nightclub shooting that occurred not that long ago.  The kid who did the shooting was a drug-using loser from the political left.  But DeWine ignored all that and went for a constitutional violation of all gun owner’s property rights.  Like Covid, he showed that he was more inclined to centralized government authority than to protect individual rights.  And that’s the real danger when we give the government the power to manage a situation on their own and aren’t driven by the inclination of the vote.  The misinterpretation of their abilities and timidity can then trample the rights of the people they are supposed to represent.  As a little fellow, DeWine may be scared of viruses and other threats, but he does not have a right to impose his limited view of the world on those he was elected to govern. 

This latest red flag law is written in that NDAA update bill. If there is a concern over a gun owner, the issue is presented to a military tribunal. From there, the opinions of “experts” can then issue the mandate to confiscate the guns from a property owner.  Now the government would say that these are under emergency conditions where the military was involved.  Well, ten years ago, that might have sounded like science fiction where the government would shut down the Constitution and become a branch of local law enforcement, but then look what Governor DeWine did over Covid-19.  We did see a governor power-hungry and dystopian suddenly go all-in on complete tyranny.  The next time might be the next virus or even some other form of attack where the military takes over society and starts making demands on us.  Such an occasion could be a storm that knocks out the power grid leaving everyone without power.  Or it could be a political upheaval like we saw on January 6th, where people were upset over the election results, and for a good reason, upset.  The opposition party then decided that those people and their families were threats to their order, so they arrested them and put them in jail, warning their peers what the power of government could do to them.  Under those conditions of a Nancy Pelosi radicalism, such an NDAA provision on red flag laws could be implemented at that time. We’ve already seen the warning signs; it’s not very far-fetched to see how this little thing could become a big constitutional menace. 

As to what I would do if such a corrupt court of military officers came to my house, I won’t say directly. Instead, I would point to two books that I had written to express my motives when and if such a thing did happen.  One book that I wrote was specifically about this kind of abuse of authority, called Tail of the Dragon.  The other book I wrote a long time ago is called The Symposium of Justice.  Needless to say, if what the military or a governor or president does is not in the Constitution, I could care less what some skinny jean author of an NDAA bill slides into a massive 1300-page document.  It’s unconstitutional and a law that will be ignored and challenged in every way possible.  But for those still scared of it, I would remind everyone of the Battle of Wounded Knee, where the military was worried about the Lakota Sioux under Sitting Bull conducting Ghost Dances.

The government went to arrest Sitting Bull.  There was a massive shootout, and the government never lived it down.  If such a thing happened today among gun and militia groups, it would be much worse than Waco or Ruby Ridge.  Only, in the case of Sitting Bull, the Indians there was part of a dying race.  The MAGA supporters in the country between Washington D.C. and Los Angeles don’t have much tolerance for Biden and the Democrats.  The situation could quickly get out of hand, and the government couldn’t afford what would happen in the aftermath.  Any red flag law proposed is against the Constitution, so I’d say at this time, don’t let it distract you.  They might want to have complete control over us for their climbs to power.  We have seen in Covid that “experts” can’t be trusted, so there is a lot wrong with the NDAA concept that needs to be flushed out in the future.  And if the government has plans to abuse their authority, they will be met correctly.  We have guns to keep the government in check.  Not to surrender our freedoms to those drunk on power and of a timid nature unable to solve complicated problems.  They do not have a right to make their problems our problems. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Wanted: Men who can shoot and defend our nation against evil

Observing the situation clearly, and now no longer speculating what foreign intentions have been for our country in pitching the stupid ideas that our media have picked up and ran with, like domesticizing men and devaluing women to become more man like over the years was a clear attack on the defense of our nation.  As we look at the massive amounts of short courage in standing up for ourselves in the face of great evil regarding this election fraud issue alone, and the bullying that has been evident by corrupt and stupid governors regarding Covid-19 one thing is clear, we have needed men to defend our country and great women to raise our families and we’ve had neither leaving America open to foreign attack and scandalous behavior unchecked.  And for me it all starts with gun ownership.  Sadly, many young men and women these days have forgotten the value of a good gun and what it does for the psyche of boys and men everywhere and that at its most primal function has been the means for how China and their puppets in politics and the media have felt so confident in conducting plots of American destruction openly now in the light of day, and its been reprehensible. 

In the video above I provide several examples of why guns and gun ownership are positives specifically for young men.  Part of the plot to feminize men has been to conquer them more easily as China has planned their attack for a long time.  They didn’t want any resistance so with the same audacity that they sought to cheat in our 2020 election, they have been trying to convince men that defending their nation, and their women was a futile and stupid concept.  They also wanted to de-emphasize the need to learn combat and self-defense so that when they were attacked or were throttled in the street by some Antifa thug, that they wouldn’t know how to fight back. And like a bunch of dummies, culturally, certainly not in my household, we listened to their dumb asses.  I grew up knowing many good men who all had guns.  My grandparents had farms, real farms and on Thanksgivings, especially when I was young after dinner, we went out shooting in the field in the stark cold air.  It was for me an initiation into manhood, a way to teach the young the secrets of masculinity and of guarding the valor of a family.  It was a code of honor to learn about different guns and how they shot, how much power had to be controlled while shooting.  Guns just as is featured in the yearly classic Christmas movie, A Christmas Story, are the centerpiece of American civilization, especially in the life of men.  Women aren’t excluded, but typically women in traditional families like to talk about food and feeding the men in their lives, while men went out shooting together to work up an appetite for dessert once they returned inside.  And America was strong and dumb little attackers both foreign and domestic weren’t trying to overthrow the nation, because they would have been shot and killed for attempting it.

Women have their menstrual cycles to announce to them that they are changed from girls into sexually dangerous specimens who could give birth and start families of their own.  Men have almost no rituals to tell them how to manage their bigger, stronger bodies after puberty nor how to deal with their newly loaded guns in their reproductive organs.  Once boys become men with the ability to get a girl pregnant, the need to explain that danger to them is vital to the survival of any successful society.  It used to be that men respected women and they learned those basic skills by learning to shoot and master the techniques it took to handle firearms.  If boys learned how to handle guns and not kill other people in the process, they were more prepared to not stick their penises into every girl who would let them and not start families they weren’t prepared to support with a lifelong commitment.  And we can look around today and see what progressives have done to young men.  Boys today are totally disconnected from consequences because nobody has taught them how to manage danger.  Today sex is without consequence and overly coddled young men are completely devoid of the basic skills it takes to run a family, or to be in a relationship with a woman and the children of their life.  In many ways, it does all start with learning gun ownership in America.

Repeating what I said about men I knew when I was young, they all owned and used guns, not a single one out of many dozens ever shot anybody, or robbed a store, or behaved in bad ways.  All of them held responsible jobs, conducted themselves with care understanding the power they had as men, being stronger, more aggressive by nature than women typically are, the guns in their lives taught them the code of conduct for which to live.  It also taught them when it was necessary to stand up to bad people, whether it was at a trustee meeting, or a school board meeting, or some other local government event.  Gun ownership and the reminder of them hanging on a gun rack in their bedroom, or next to their bed emphasized that if justice was to be administered in life, it had to come from them, not some government losers looking for a payday out of China as we have today.  Guns have always been the centerpiece of an advanced culture because it brought forth in the men of that culture a sense of purpose and ownership that solidified constitutional principles. 

So it is in that context that we should know that political enemies of America have been seeking to destroy that relationship in preparation for their great, planned conquest.  They wanted to convince men that Bruce Jenner could put on a dress and be just another one of the girls while public schools are suspending the young boys in school for make the shape of a gun with their hands and play shooting with other boys on the playground.  That school officers and police are now being called if a teacher sees a child on a video conference who has a Nerf gun hanging on the wall behind them and designating them as a menace to society.  You can have sex and be taught all kinds of perversions in the 3rd grade these days, but if a school or any progressive learns that you bought a child a Red Ryder BB gun, then it is assumed the state has a right to destroy that family with government oversight.  And if there are some men who want to take the young boys out shooting, the are now considered terrorists, if the governors of our states even let us have Thanksgiving or Christmas due to Covid-19.  So, you see dear reader what has happened and how we arrived here.  We let progressives and foreign attackers set our gun policy and define for us what it took to be a man, and they screwed up and turned our society into cowards, and child delinquent monsters more at home in the Clockwork Orange than as heads of families and productive American citizens.  And its been reprehensible to watch, especially in the wake of great constitutional tragedy and a time where more strong people are needed from both sexes to rise to the occasion of our times and to defend us from foreign invasion.  There hasn’t been anybody there to hold the line because instead of grabbing guns to defend ourselves from aggression, the modern men are getting their hair done and picking out panties at Wal-Mart to replace the ones they soiled after the latest news broadcast scaring them to death over the next made-up pandemic by the CDC. 

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior
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“Social Distancing” was always a Scam: The new kind of terrorists in the world

My job in life is a problem solver and what I do on this site for free is because I enjoy helping people who can’t help themselves. I would not limit myself to an overly specialized field of understanding, such as to be a doctor. I would be bored out of my mind for one, and two, I wouldn’t be able to solve very many problems because often to do so, you must understand a great many things to create solutions and that is not the life of a doctor. What is sad is that this ability, the problem solver ability used to be common in America, but after listening to opinions from “experts” about the six foot distancing rule that has spawned from the coronavirus outbreak its quite obvious that the problem of dealing with Covid-19 was too far out of the scope of most people and anything that did not follow the dialogue has been considered a conspiracy theory by both Republicans and Democrats. Thankfully, Rush Limbaugh gets it and I was happy that he beat me to the punch on talking about the ridiculous nature of the “social distancing” policy that was created to give politicians more time to paint the Covid-19 virus to be more of a threat for their objectives than it really was. And they did that by tricking us to “flatten the curve” by artificially making the curve look worse with bad numbers from the World Health Organization, then prolonging the effects of the virus to justify the shutting down of the world economy. It was a massive hoax that goes well beyond the most audacious conspiracy theory except for those who can see the really big picture. Rush Limbaugh says pretty much what I have been saying about this whole matter in hour three of his April 9th show which can be viewed below.

It should be obvious to everyone that the resistance to the drug Hydroxycloroquine and azithroymycin is because to the eye of any problem solver, not a specialized doctor with political agendas, it was a quick solution from a fast acting President of the United States who wanted to put an end to the virus outbreak that was shutting down the economy, where a solution was not wanted by people like Dr. Fauci from the CDC. What he and big activist donors wanted was a means to shut down the world with a power that had never been tried before from the academic class that was heavily radicalized toward leftist causes. They were essentially Antifa but in suits and ties instead of the gear of anarchy. Most people have been trained in our society to trust what these people say, so that was the cause of the paralysis psychologically, and its why the attackers are very happy with the results of Covid-19, only that it appears to be much less deadly than they had hoped, because it’s tough to make a story out of a subpar virus and to convince people that it’s deadly when it wasn’t. The global numbers will be well under a typical virus and the only reason we are still talking about coronavirus is because we interfered with the herd immunity that naturally occurs with these things. The natural way to deal with these matters is for humans to get it, and get over it. The spread would stop by immune systems developing a resistance and if we had not interfered, Covid-19 would have died in March all on its own. Instead, we introduced social distancing to slow the spread not to save lives, but to make the story last longer for the advocates of changes to world economics through pandemic emergencies.

Once they “the experts” got our attention and froze our actions by associating everything we do on the potential for fake deaths, they had us. Now that we’ve given them this power over us not even the smartest people in the world can figure out how to reopen the American economy without being blamed by a left leaning socialist media for every death that might happen. The theme of the day is that humans interfered with the natural process of getting over viruses and stopping their outbreak by inserting medical professionals in the middle of the action to slow the spread because they wanted to do two things, highlight needs in the healthcare profession from their point of view, and to reduce the carbon imprint on the world to reduce man-made climate change. The social distancing concept was a scam from the start, sure they wanted to slow the spread, but not for the reasons they told us. They wanted to scare us into believing whatever it took to give them the stage and now that they have it, they aren’t giving it back. Trump is literally going to have to rip Dr. Fauci off the stage with his friends and to deal with the consequences. They don’t want a solution other than more laws and to make vaccines that can track us everywhere we go and everything we do mandatory by the same stupid government that over-reacted to this virus. And the longer it goes on, the more able they are to see success of their original objectives.

Now that so many have tasted the power of panic, they won’t give it back easily which is evident by the amount of time even people like Larry Kudlow are saying it will take to get back to normal. Of course, the governors and the doctors at the CDC never want to go back to normal where the world couldn’t care less what they thought about much of anything. Suddenly they are kings of the world and they like it. William Barr, the Attorney General has noticed the draconian violations to state and federal constitutions and is outraged by it. There has been so much wrong with all this activity that it has spun many minds into chaos. They can’t see the big picture because this virus has been smashing them in the face so that they can see nothing else. But I’ll be happy to report that the social distancing was never anything more than a trick to get us to look at one thing while the other hands moved the rabbit into the hat to pull out for a show to a terrified audience.

Just think of all the things we haven’t been talking about, like the FISA abuses, the many perils of the FBI activism in favor of the DNC. We haven’t even been talking about the attempts at freedom in Hong Kong and Iran by populations sick and tired of totalitarian regimes. This virus outbreak has distracted us all to the point we’d agree to almost any draconian measure just to be able to go to a restaurant again. That is exactly what these environmental wackos at the CDC and WHO wanted with this coronavirus outbreak. And their phony social distancing served only their own purposes by keeping us from talking to each other and putting our minds on this virus and nothing else so they could work Agenda 21 objectives through the World Health Organization. And to make the virus appear more dangerous and to keep the economy closed longer, they did want to slow the spread. Not to save lives but to save their movement, and we played right into it. It was a ploy any problem solver should see easily. But unfortunately, we have trusted the experts too much, because they have turned out to be terrorists of a different kind, one we weren’t prepared to see and we are now paying the price.

Rich Hoffman

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Don’t Shop At Walmart: Anyone against guns is against the idea of America and is an advocate of domestic terrorism

Do you know what the difference is between “us” and “them” the political right and the political left, both of which cannot have a stake in the future of America because the philosophies of living are just too dramatically far apart? “We” talk about doing things and “they” do them. Such is the case with “us” talking about making Antifa a terrorist organization, which it clearly is, then the San Francisco Board of Supervisors passing a resolution declaring the National Rifle Association a “domestic terrorist organization.” While the resolution is purely a political stunt, what is at stake is the branding of guns in general and any group or individuals who defend the right to have them—as terrorists. This as Antifa members beat people senseless, harass elderly flag waving veterans, and espouse brown shirt socialism from their corner Starbucks with outward threats of violence and mayhem. Even the now wimpy Walmart is in on the game of banning ammunition and pistols from their inventory refusing to sell them to their customers under pressure from these same forces.

The same mode of attack is at play as Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok suing the FBI for wrongful termination even though they are the ones who committed the crimes, or the school levy supporter who advocates to boycott any business that does not support their mandatory tax increases, or the drug advocate who wants to ignore that all these mass shooters were depressed fatherless young people who by their indicated states had altered their mental acuity into dangerous assassins. The political left doesn’t care if 5 people are killed in a mass shooting or 50. Much higher numbers are shot and killed every weekend in Chicago. The goal for the left isn’t to eliminate shootings and mass killing. If they were for life, they wouldn’t be supporters of abortion which kills many more people every year. So do car accidents, and stabbings. For them mass killings, which they have their hand in the philosophies that cause them completely, are opportunities to exploit their real aim, the abandonment of the Constitution the re-invention of America, and the acquiring of power for a large central government over an independent republic.

My advice to you dear reader is not to shop at Walmart due to their activism against guns, which is the backbone of American life in so many ways. I am writing a book on that subject as a matter of fact and I could easily fill it with content as large as War and Peace. Of course, that would be too long, so editorial considerations must be made in the process, and I’m certainly not going to try to define it here, in these little 1200-word articles. Its beyond the scope of this subject. However, Walmart has built an empire off the American lifestyle and once they turn against guns and their users, they are headed in the wrong direction and are victims of the radicals rather than helpers of a better world.

My wife has to drag me to a Walmart every time we go. She likes it, has a loyalty to them for offering goods at the lowest price possible. But what I see is an ocean of mediocrity and I like to avoid the place and the smell. My thoughts on the matter are that low prices tend to bring out low expectations in life, so in a lot of ways, Walmart has hurt people, not helped them. Lowering the bar for living a good life may not be the best thing. After all, what good is an expensive item gained cheaply if you cheat the real value. The only way to pull off that hat trick is to actually lower the value of the product itself which is the case with Walmart. The value of Walmart to a person like me is that I can buy guns and ammunition while my wife shops for groceries. If I can’t do that, then I have no value for Walmart.

And that’s the way it always is, it’s always conservatives who move toward a position that the left claims—its never the other way around and that is because conservatives are such nice people. They are just and they do have empathy while the left is like that spoiled teenager that can never be made happy. What we never talk about is why they are never happy. Its not because they don’t want to be happy, but because they use their unhappiness to change policy for themselves, so they can get one more hour on their curfew, or the keys to the family car for a night out on the town. The left throws fits of rage for the hell of it, so they can bring hell to the rest of us. They expect us to compromise while they do nothing to meet us halfway. So why in the world would we do it knowing that?

The reason is that conservatives are smarter than liberals and are naturally averse to conflict. They would rather use other aspects of their intellect to solve a problem than fight and that is what the left exploits, because like a spoiled teenager of loving parents, or guilty parents, they know they can get away with it. That is precisely how Antifa expects to inflict terrorism on us, and why the FBI drifted away from justice and became radicalized. They knew they could get away with the effort, so they went for the aggression, because nobody was standing in their way.

I am a proud member of the NRA. I just renewed my membership which I do every year at this time just so I can have the privilege of renewing it. I like knowing that I am a member, so the renewal is my way of keeping it fresh in my mind. And within that membership I see and hear from the true backbone of America, and I like those people. I take offense to it when they are called names and when my organization is attacked and called a terrorist organization. To whom? The actual domestic terrorists within our borders—the political left?

For me I do have other tools to fight with than violence and I spend most of my life using those tools. But unlike other conservatives I am not against meeting violence with violence. If that’s the only language that the left can speak, well I can assure them that I can shout louder than they can. I am not OK with Walmart turning anti-American, I am not OK with my group being called a terrorist organization. And I am not a supporter of Antifa terrorism, radical levy moms and their boycotts of businesses, teacher union losers striking for more money when kids need someone to watch them while their parents are working, and I’m not OK with an FBI that tampered with the last American election and expects to get away with it. Guns mean that my life will not be controlled by those kinds of people. Removing guns from society means those types of people will decide how I live and that isn’t acceptable. The debate isn’t one of gun control, its about what kind of America we want. Mass shootings are caused and exploited by left leaning political activists for their own brand of terrorism, and it is not the task of the political right to appease them unopposed. Since we can’t trust politicians, we have the NRA, which people like me make up. And when it is attacked, I consider it an attack on me. And that is not a good strategy on behalf of the real domestic terrorists, the political left.

Rich Hoffman
Sign up for Second Call Defense here: Use my name to get added benefits.