“Decency is on the Ballot” The lying, cheating, sex-crazed Democrats and their need for power, to stay out of jail

When the “decency is on the ballot” statement is made by people like Jill Biden just as a family member of hers, Hunter Biden, her husband’s son, was called to Capitol Hill to testify on behalf of an impeachment query into multiple problems that their family has been involved in, you know you are dealing with some treacherous liars and scammers in a big way.  The Democrats represent below-the-line thinking and much more so than they used to.  These days, they are downright criminal and rely extensively on deceit to accomplish their task.  Just as Hunter Biden said to the public as he refused testimony showing obvious contempt for Congress, he was there to speak, just as he turned away and walked away.  We are dealing with people who need the power of government in order to justify their otherwise treacherous lives with deceit and scandal, which would otherwise not allow them to get out of bed in the morning due to all the guilt.  To say they are evil people is to slander the term “evil.”  They are horrendous.  And unfortunately, some people are suckers to vote for them, and Democrats have made it into a fine art to lie to them in every way possible and to toss away all guilt for their actions onto circumstances they say are beyond their control, just as Hunter Biden records himself taking bribes on a laptop from foreign governments, doing illegal drugs with physical evidence, engaging in sex acts with prostitutes, another illegal activity, then selling themselves as being virtuous.  For those who know the truth, it’s a bizarre thing to watch.  And to those who are too lazy or too stupid to know better, they are being suckered right in front of their faces.  Democrats think so little of their voters that they don’t even believe that anything they say and do should be rooted in reality. 

In truth, what is on the ballot is the economy.  The “Bidenomics” of the last three years has been in depression territory on spreadsheets.  But the system that put Biden in office and wants him to stay there for their consolidated powers denies that we are even in a recession, which would have been two negative quarters of GDP growth.  Probably the best measure for the economy was the gas prices because there has been a World Economic Forum strategy Joe Biden put in place to carry out, to end fossil fuels, destroy people’s reliance on car ownership, and attack the personal independence that people enjoy with a car in their driveway.  I have been to many places in the world, many civilized places, where people do not have cars.  Or they have to store their vehicles at some offsite facility because their apartments in the city can’t keep them anywhere, and if they did, they couldn’t drive them because the roads are too small and the traffic too intense for such a radical idea.  Americans generally have space.  Homelessness is a choice.  And you can be anywhere you want quickly, which is unique worldwide.  And that freedom has been under assault by globalist powers using Joe Biden to destroy it for a New World Order run by these same kinds of below-the-line losers.  The Biden administration has driven up gas prices into the 4-dollar-per-gallon territory to inspire people to give up their gas cars and switch to electric vehicles, conducting an attack against the very same oil companies that put the gasoline at our local pumps, hoping to destroy an entire market sector. 

But then, going into 2024 with the polls for Democrats down in treacherous ways, the oil companies conspired to bring down the price of their product to help Biden.  On the morning I did the included video, I was standing outside a gas station where unleaded regular gas was $2.62 per gallon, as just another form of deceit to the same gullible public.  When they win elections, those prices will return to the radical price fixes of an overly controlling government that seeks to put them out of business.  But some of these business executives for the gas industry are so afraid of Trump that they are willing to work with the Biden administration to keep him in power.  Because they’d rather have a puppet in the White House than free market competition, and they think people are too dumb to notice.  What is being done with the low gas prices is an attempt to get through the 2024 election season without the economy being the drag on re-election.  But even with lower gas prices, all the other consumer indexes are way off from what they were when Trump was in the White House, and people can feel that their lives have never recovered to pre-COVID optimism.  Unlike the first time, Trump ran for office with many promises, now he has a track record that even moderates remember as good.  And what Joe Biden has done to the American economy has created a lot of hate that won’t help them now because the damage is already done.  But they think so little of all of us that they believe they can fix everything with some artificially low gas prices and that the oil executives will play along toward their destruction like captured bank tellers hoping to live a few more seconds if only they comply with the bank robbers wishes and do what they say for their own survival. 

As evident as it is, the revelation of the scam is very telling.  We are being flooded with lie after lie after lie, topped with more bad conduct at a pace that the Democrats can’t lie about it anymore.  They have imposed themselves on the public in detrimental ways, and people not even curious about politics can now see it for themselves.  And Democrats won’t be able to lie out of this one.  The gas prices won’t even help them this time because decency is on the ballot in many ways.  People have seen just how evil and corrupt the Biden family is.  With all the horrendous evidence that was on that Hunter Biden laptop, people see what has happened to the guy who had possession of that laptop, Rudy Guiliani, who now is seeking bankruptcy protection from a false court settlement in Georgia that is trying to destroy him as a political enemy of the Bidens.  This is criminal activity on a scale never before witnessed in such a way that people can see.  They know what Hunter Biden is.  They see how ineffective Joe Biden is.  They know that Jill Biden is a soothsaying liberal who means the exact opposite of what she says.  How could a woman of any value be head of a family like the Biden clan and ever say the word decency in the same sentence?  People know.  This is why the 14th Amendment cases are being applied because Democrats know they have been caught, and they can’t lie their way out of this one.  So, they are trying to keep their opposition from appearing on the ballot.  Who doesn’t think this band of cheaters didn’t rig the 2020 election now?  The pressure has revealed who they really are and always were.  And the American public doesn’t like it. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Intentional Government Terrorism Behind Raised Gas Prices: The Weather Underground still working in the background

We know they lie; the government lied about Barack Obama’s birth certificate, which was proven a fake by Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The birth certificate that the Obama people produced was a digital one that could not have been made at the time of Obama’s birth because that kind of technology wasn’t available then. Even though Obama, who is still working in the background of the Biden administration, had his career start in the living room of Bill Ayers, a known domestic terrorist, we ended up with eight years of Obama and all his government tampering with markets that caused prices to go up on goods and services. I remember about Obama most about high gas prices and light bulbs that didn’t work. And the reason it’s relevant now is that people didn’t vote for Obama, honestly. He was pushed on us so our way of life could be stolen from us. So, of course, they did the same thing with a continuation of Obama, the Biden administration. They stole the election to go back to their attack on American infrastructure because that is precisely what is happening with gas prices. We learned the method during the Obama years; then we learned just how rigged the game really was during the Trump presidency. America is sitting on so much natural energy that it can be an energy exporter. So all the policies that the Biden administration and the Obama administration before have been deliberate attacks on us all, causing inflation and destroying our economy so that other countries could prosper and our wealth redistributed.   It would be one thing if people actually voted for these people, but in both cases, they didn’t or were misrepresented to the public to conduct the attacks we have been seeing.

I remember when Bill O’Reilly was the big man at Fox News in the old days. I never thought of him as a hardline conservative. He was just a guy who asked a lot of questions. And when he was still on Fox News during the Obama White House, he was constantly wondering why gas prices were so high back then.   Every time a turtle crossed the road somewhere, gas prices were going up, and we gave the oil producers and refineries the benefit of the doubt. But we learned later, during the Trump administration, that all that was nonsense. Gas prices were artificially propped up, the oil companies were able to jack up their prices because of government tampering with their market, and everyone got something out of the deal, except for the end-use consumer. Bill O’Reilly was pushed off Fox News during the early part of the Trump years. We saw much of the same kinds of lies, manipulation, and scandal go after anybody associated with Trump, unleashed with much more ferocity than occurred to put Obama in place the first time. But the game was obvious this time because gas prices were under $2 per gallon under Trump. They had been lying to us all along, just as they did, about our role in Europe, the real threat of Russia, North Korea, and many others.   Trump did a great job as president, and it ended up exposing just how much Obama and Biden have been lying to people to attack the core infrastructure of our nation for acts of climate terrorism once again. That was, after all, the core goal of Bill Ayers and his Weather Underground back when he was organizing violent terrorism against America during the 1960s. 

Gas prices have been an act of terrorism in reaction to a fake crisis in climate change to justify the theft of American wealth and industry for the specific act of terrorism against us all. The terrorists have shown us what they are willing to do in the past. As soon as they were able to get Biden elected with fake votes paid for by Facebook, they went right back to manipulating the markets to attempt to destroy the American economy. We would call this an act of war at any other point in history. But they have taught us in our public schools, which they control, that we shouldn’t judge and, therefore, that we should not have an opinion about the terrorist intentions of radical climate terrorists to attack the infrastructure of America. If this were World War II and the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, which was a strike against the mainland of America, then the nation would have declared war on the aggressors. But these enemies are not the kind of enemies we were taught we are supposed to wage war on. So the thefts occur outside the understanding of the crimes, just as was done to steal the White House several times now. We know they were willing to do it with Obama. And as if there were any doubt, they did it outrightly with Biden. With Obama, they used the fake birth certificate to get by the rules of becoming president. With Biden, so that Obama could be president in the background, they just changed the election laws so that fake ballots could be counted during a fake pandemic designed by all the people who wanted gas prices in America to increase for all kinds of terrorist reasons. 

The point of the matter is that the pain we are all feeling now at the gas pumps is the result of terrorist activity instigated by a government not properly elected by the people but by insurgents who want to destroy the concept of America in every way they can get by with it. It’s not an honest mistake in policymaking. It was purposeful theft of the American way of life. And as they did with Bill O’Reilly on Fox News, and ultimately Trump, with the same lies they pushed into the public over the Obama birth certificate and the election fraud conducted to create a fake Biden administration, the crime is being done right in front of our faces. They are daring us to do anything about it. Because the implication is that if we stand up to it, then a worse fate will await us. At every level, the conduct is unforgivable and hostile in its intention. But these are not the days of Obama where we wondered about these things and whether or not they purposely lied or even if they would. Now we know they will and have. The birth certificate was always crucial because Obama didn’t meet the basic criteria even to be president. Yet, they did it anyway, and if we questioned it, they called us a racist. And because they got by with it, they have done much worse since then, leading to what we are seeing with Biden now. So think about that every time you get gas because we put up with it over all these years and gave these terrorists the benefit of the doubt. They have unleashed terror on America by directly attacking our basic infrastructure in ways that can only be viewed as acts of war. Many don’t want to believe that their government is so corrupt, but the evidence over the years has been overwhelming. There simply isn’t any other explanation. These are not people on “team” America. They are our way of life attackers, and they are out for blood. And blood is what we have at our gas pumps; intentional terrorists meant to destroy our way of life. And they think it’s funny because they continue to get away with it. Behind it, all is still the terrorism of the Weather Underground as they set in motion the schemes to destroy America, just as they started to do in the 1960s for all the same insane reasons. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

It’s All About Gas Prices: Who cares about Khashoggi, for $20 I was able to fill up my whole tank

You have to understand what’s going on when you hear that all these United States Senators and the like are suddenly upset about the CIA report saying the crowned Prince of Saudi Arabia was directly involved in the execution of a Washington Post reporter in Istanbul. The righteous indignation is not over the death of a political activist reformer using his position as a reporter to incite challenges to Saudi Arabian rule, it is to make the gasoline lobby in Washington happy because they are very unhappy that President Trump has made America independent again at the gas pump and that has driven fuel prices under $2 per gallon where I live in Cincinnati, Ohio. This happening just as the Holiday season is in full gear giving American consumers millions and millions of extra dollars to spend on a fourth quarter spike to the 2018 economy. Those who profit from a less than great American economy are pretty pissed off, which all who are reading here should be very happy about.

I wasn’t paying much attention to the gas prices. I stopped by my usual place to get gas early in the morning before most people were up and decided to put $20 into the tank. Usually that gives me about a half tank that I use most of the rest of the week. When the pre-pay was complete, I put the gas nozzle back into its holster and jumped into the driver’s seat to go about my business. Out of habit I looked at the gas gauge just to make sure that it was reading the fuel that had just been applied to my vehicle’s tank and was surprised to see it was nearly full. That prompted me to look at the sign out by the main road at what the gas prices were and sure enough it said the price per gallon was $1.99. I thought that was simply astonishing given the world conditions. After all, that was precisely why Parisians were rioting in the streets that weekend, was due to excessively high gas prices due to too many environmental constraints.

President Trump had a plan and that was to make the American economy the strongest it has ever been, so one of the first things he did once sworn in was to make more supply of gas so that Saudi Arabia couldn’t dictate the supply exclusively essentially charging anything they wanted for a barrel of oil. Politics had created an artificial constraint to leverage favor toward the oil and gas lobby and that meant very favorable margins for them at the expense of the consumer. Trump took that away from that lobby and put the money back in the pockets of the consumer with competitive supply making America the largest oil-producing nation in just a few short years of his first term in office. A miraculous feat in and of itself. Of course, you won’t read about this miracle in the press and within the media culture because most of them still rely heavily on oil and gas money in advertising, and they certainly don’t want the public to know how fragile their existence truly was or how they have been price gouging people at the pumps for well over 50 years.

Of course, part of that equation was to keep Saudi Arabia as a supplier, because that competition leverages even American producers to keep their prices per barrel of oil down. So in a free market system that needs as many competitors as possible to get prices to a real market value, “what customers are willing to pay for gas” Trump leveraged the American fuel market to bring down the costs in Saudi Arabia and that effect has been a downward trend in gas prices since 2016, when Trump took office officially. Then of course the Crowned Prince appears to have killed off a rival in the press for which the world, particularly those in the media, wanted punishment for. But Saudi Arabia is a sovereign country. If he wants to kill people, that’s his business, right?

The way liberals work is they use peer pressure to leverage sentiment. In this case they wanted to trick Trump into going against Saudi Arabia which would really make the gas lobby happy, and it would give liberals what they want as well, a damaged president with a weak economy going into the 2020 election which would make him easier for them to beat. By excreting peer pressure on Trump they “the media run by the oil and gas lobby through advertising” could force him into a corner for which he could never get out of. But, Trump fortunately is a business guy and he isn’t so prone to emotional sentiment because he knows how the game is played, so he did the unexpected, he used his friendship with Saudi Arabia to leverage them to further reduce oil prices which is why gas prices are trending downward dramatically right in the meat of the Holiday season in America. This has pumped a lot of expendable income that would otherwise just go to oil companies in artificially inflated margins and put those dollars to use in the American economy. How about that—who would have figured?

People die all the time. For instance, a lot of people have died near the Clintons all through the years over lots of different types of issues. Benghazi comes to mind. Seth Rich does too. What if The New York Times and other newspapers put as much effort into discovering the conditions of murder of that Democrat operative who supposedly was leaking documents from the DNC directly to Wikileaks had an investigation done to the extent that they perform one for the murdered Washington Post reporter Jamal Khashoggi? Both were high-profile murders, but one directly involved Democrats and pointed to a smoking gun that was very embarrassing to them. The other took away the leverage President Trump had created with Saudi Arabia through friendship to keep gas prices down in the fourth and first quarter of a new year during the 2018 Holiday season. The media being against the Trump agenda almost violently is picking their stories to fit an agenda, one that makes their advertisers happy ultimately.

Of those paid participants in this grand conspiracy are senators like Bob Corker, the forever Never Trumper who wears a Republican title next to his name, but might as well be a Democrat operative in all reality. Corker and those like him in the senate who really hate everything about Trump because the president is independent of the usual Washington controls would love to see the American economy tank if it got rid of President Trump. They wouldn’t care if gas prices were $4 per gallon, which they were under previous administrations for which Bob Corker was still a senator because the gas lobby was happy and that money flowed back into the pockets of senators through indirect means, and the Washington establishment was very happy about it. I’m only picking on Bob Corker because he has put himself at the front of the Anti-Trump Saudi conspiracy. There are reasons for his Anti-Trumper behavior and you’d understand if you know anything about the guy. He is a compromised person, years ago he made a lot of his previous money in real estate, a lot of which went bad. As of 2008 he had a net worth of around $19 million and just ten years later its at $40 to $50 million on a job that only pays $174,000 per year. Math doesn’t lie even though senators often do, Republicans and Democrats.

Part Two: The Corruption of Bob Corker

I say all this because you have to know the game that is being played, not the one that the media is showing. The hatred of Trump isn’t because of the death of a Washington Post reporter, it’s because the economy is too good, and that Saudi Arabia has lost their leverage. By looking the other way on the Khashoggi death Saudi Arabia has to be very thankful to Trump, and gas prices are showing it, and will get even better as we get into the 2019 vacation months. After all, the Seth Rich death was overlooked, so why not Khashoggi? I mean if all deaths are equal, everyone should care about them no matter who they are. But the Khashoggi death is only out of a need to control the optics so that the gas lobby can attempt to regain control of the world market. But Trump didn’t fall for it and I’m happy because for $20, I was able to fill up my whole tank at the gas pump. And that is what really matters.

Rich Hoffman

Sign up for Second Call Defense here: http://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707 Use my name to get added benefits.

Gas Over $3 Per Gallon is the Fault of Politics and Nothing Else

Many people forget that during the summer of 2008 fuel costs were up over $4 per gallon. What happened was all the money that Americans normally spent on McDonalds, Walmart, and other consumer outlets, suddenly went to the excessive fuel costs and a long way to creating the recession we are currently in. Americans were using their expendable income on fuel costs, not on other items in the economy.

And here we go again. Doc Thompson has on a guest that discusses this very issue.

It is unacceptable to have fuel costs higher than what they are now. If fuel costs go up, it is entirely due to the ineptness of our political structures. Americans should not be “nudged” into other forms of energy while our economic competitors fuel their economic engines with unregulated drilling. In America we have regulated ourselves into a poor strategic position.

It is not my fault that our politicians screwed up and stood with weak backs to environmentalists that are in actuality communists at heart and crave an end to American Imperialism by crushing their great independent “car culture.” I will not spend the extra money on fuel. Instead, I will spend less. I will ride my motorcycle when I’d normally take a car. I’ll ride a bicycle or even walk before I use my extra money on a tank of fuel.

America would be wise to only use the fuel it needs, and respond to these price increases by hurting the revenue of all the government hands that have their hands in the cookie jar that is fuel industry. If you want to punch back the government that screwed all this up to begin with, hurt the money they take in with each gallon of gas that you buy. Below is some information on how much we pay in taxes by state for each gallon of gas. 

State Gasoline Diesel Additional Sales Tax Comment
(¢/g) (¢/g) (%)
Alabama 18 19 4 The gasoline gasohol and diesel rates include a 2 cents per gallon inspection fee. Alabama-registered LPG vehicles pay an annual fee based on vehicle type in lieu of the volume tax.
Alaska 8 8 0  
Arizona 18 19 5 The fuel tax on diesel remains at 18 cents per gallon for light and exempt vehicles but is set at 27 cents per gallon if used to propel a truck with more than two axles or with a declared gross weight over 26 000 pounds.
Arkansas 21.5 22.5 4.5 The gasoline gasohol and diesel rates include 0.4 cents per gallon Environmental Assurance Fee. Applicants for LPG user permits must pay a fee in lieu of the volume tax.
California 18 18 6 LPG users may pay an annual fee in lieu of the volume tax.
Colorado 22 20.5 3 Owners of LPG vehicles registered in the State must pay an annual fee in lieu of the volume tax.
Connecticut 25 45.1 5 The tax is computed at 5% of the gross earnings from the first sale of a petroleum product in the State.
Delaware 23 22 0 The tax rate varies annually based on the average wholesale price of gasoline for the previous year.
Dist. of Columbia 23.5 20 5.8  
Florida 16 16 0 Tax rates are variable, adjusted annually. For gasoline and gasohol, in addition to the rates shown, there is a State-imposed State Comprehensive Enhanced Transportation System (SCETS) tax that varies by the county from 0-5.0 cents per gallon. All counties levy the SCETS tax on gasoline, but a few levy less than the maximum rate. LPG vehicles registered in the State pay an annual fee in lieu of the tax on alternative fuels and the SCETS tax.
Georgia 7.5 7.5 4  
Hawaii 17 17 4 Effective 01/01/02, alternative fuels pay an amount proportional to the diesel tax as follows: .29 for ethanol, .5 for bio-diesel, and .33 for LPG. An additional 1 cent is added to these amounts, and then rounded to the nearest 1 cent.
Idaho 25 25 5 LPG users may pay an annual fee based on vehicle weight in lieu of volume tax.
Illinois 19 21.5   Motor carriers pay an additional 6.3 cents per gallon on gasoline, 6.5 cents on diesel, and 5.9 cents on LPG.
Indiana 18 16 5 Motor carriers pay an additional 11 cents per gallon. LPG vehicles pay an annual fee.
Iowa 21 22.5 5 Effective 07/01/02, motor fuel tax rates will be adjusted annually based on the amounts of ethanol blended gasoline being sold and distributed annually.
Kansas 24 26 4.9 LPG users may pay an annual fee based on mileage and gross vehicle weight in lieu of the volume tax.
Kentucky 24.1 21.1 6 Tax rates are variable, adjusted quarterly. A 2 percent surtax is imposed on gasoline and 4.7 percent on special fuels for any vehicle with 3 or more axles. The gasoline, gasohol, and diesel rates include 1.4 cents per gallon Petroleum Environmental Assurance Fee.
Louisiana 20 20 0  
Maine 29.5 30.7 0 Rates are variable, adjusted every February based on past years Consumer Price Index. Rates are effective on the following July 1.
Maryland 23.5 24.25 5  
Massachusetts 21 21 5  
Michigan 19 15 6 For vehicles defined under the Motor Carrier Fuel Tax Act, diesel fuel is discounted 6 cents per gallon at the pump; and assessed a 12 cents per gallon surcharge on a quarterly return, with a provision for a 6 cent per gallon refund on fuel purchased in Michigan.
Minnesota 27.1 27.1 6 There is a credit to the wholesaler of 15 cents per gallon of alcohol used to make gasohol.
Mississippi 18.4 18.4   The gasoline, gasohol, and diesel rates include 0.4 cents per gallon dedicated to the Groundwater Protection Trust Fund.
Missouri 17 17 0 LPG vehicles 18,000 pounds or less gross vehicle weight registered in the State pay an annual fee in lieu of the volume tax.
Montana 27.75 27.75 0 LPG vehicles registed in the State pay an annual fee based on gross weight in lieu of the volume tax. Out-of-State vehicles purchase trip permits. There is an alcohol distiller credit of 30 cents per gallon of alcohol produced in the State with State agricultural products and used to make gasohol.
Nebraska 26.8 26.8 5 Rates are variable, adjusted quarterly. The gasoline and gasohol include 0.6 cents per gallon and diesel rate includes 0.2 cents per gallon Petroleum Release Remedial Action Fee. Effective 01/01/02, new Nebraska ethanol production facilities may receive an ethanol production credit equal to 18 cents per gallon of ethanol used to fuel motor vehicles.
Nevada 24 27 0  
New Hampshire 18 18 0 The gasoline, gasohol, and diesel rates include 1.5 cents per gallon Oil Discharge and Disposal Cleanup Fee. Alternative fuel vehicles pay twice the usual registration fee in lieu of the volume tax.
New Jersey 10.5 13.5 0 In addition to the rates shown, there is a Petroleum Products Gross Receipts Tax. The tax is computed on a cents-per-gallon basis and is applicable to a wide variety of petroleum products.
New Mexico 18.875 22.875 5 The gasoline, gasohol, and diesel rates include the Petroleum Products Loading Fee of $150 per 8,000 gallons (1.875 cents per gallon). Owners of LPG-powered vehicles up to 54,000 pounds gross vehicle weight may pay an annual fee in lieu of the volume tax.
New York 24.35 22.55 4 Rates are variable, adjusted annually. Rates include the Petroleum Business Tax of 14.6 cents per gallon. The gasoline rate includes a 0.5 mill (0.05 cents) per gallon Petroleum Testing Fee.
North Carolina 30.55 30.55 0 Rates are variable, adjusted semiannually.
North Dakota 22 22 5 Rates are variable, adjusted semiannually.
Ohio 28 28 5 Commercial vehicles formerly subject to the highway use tax pay an additional 3 cents per gallon. Dealers are refunded 10 cents per gallon of each qualified fuel (ethanol or methanol) blended with unleaded gasoline.
Oklahoma 17 14 4.5 Rates shown include 1 cent per gallon tax dedicated to the Petroleum Underground Tank Release Environmental Cleanup Indemnity Fund. When the Fund reaches specified balance, future tax revenues will be deposited in a highway fund. The gasoline, gasohol, and LPG rates include 0.08 cents for fuel inspection. LPG users may pay an annual fee in lieu of the volume tax.
Oregon 24 24 0 The diesel and LPG rates shown are paid by users for vehicles not under the jurisdiction of Public Utility Commissioner. Vehicles under the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commissioner and paying motor-carrier fees are exempt from payment of the motor-fuel tax.
Pennsylvania 31.2 38.1 6 The rates include the Oil Franchise Tax for Maintenance and Construction, a variable rate tax adjusted annually. LPG rate is based on the gasolie gallon equivalent.
Rhode Island 33 33   Rates includes 1 cent per gallon tax for the Underground Storage Tank Financial Responsibility Fund.
South Carolina 16 16 5  
South Dakota 22 22 4 As of 7/1/2009, South Dakota taxes gasoline at 22 cents and ethyl alcohol at 8 cents.
Tennessee 20 17 6 LPG users without permits must pay in advance at the beginning of the fiscal year, others pay quarterly. Fee is based on vehice weight and fuel efficiency.
Texas 20 20 6.3 Owners of LPG vehicles registered in the State must pay an annual fee in lieu of the volume tax.
Utah 24.5 24.5 4.9 LPG is tax exempt if user purchases annual exemption certificate.
Vermont 20 29 0 Diesel vehicles 10,000 pounds and over pay 26 cents per gallon. LPG vehicles are subject to a registration fee 1.75 times the usual fee. The gasoline, gasohol, and diesel rates include 1 cents per gallon for the Petroleum Cleanup Fund.
Virginia 17.5 17.5 0 Vehicles weighing 26,000 pounds or more having 3 or more axles pay an additional 3.5 cents per gallon.
Washington 37.5 37.5 6.5 Owners of LPG vehicles pay an annual fee.
West Virginia 32.2 32.2 0 Rates are variable, adjusted annually.
Wisconsin 30.9 30.9 5 Rates are variable, adjusted annually.
Wyoming 14 14 4 LPG is subject to sales tax. The gasoline, gasohol, and diesel rates include 1 cent for the Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Account.

There is no reason for gas to go over $3 a gallon. If you put up with it, it’s your own fault.   Our economy has not yet recovered from the last recession.  The arrogance of politicians who believe Americans have enough expendable income to ride the fuel price hikes are at best out of touch.  And the best way to hurt a politician is to take away the money they rely on.  So lower your consumption and therefore the revenue politicians collect at the gas pumps. 

Rich Hoffman