Don’t Hide Behind the Robes of Jesus: God wants us all to fight evil, and to destroy it

I understand biblical scripture regarding fighting evil and going to war with the villains of God’s pantheon.  God says often in the Bible, through human interpreters, of course, but he expects people representing him on earth to fight for Heaven even when the odds look horrendous.  God spends much of the Bible angry at his chosen people who doubt him, waver away from the task, and do not conquer on his behalf.  As I say that, I think of the great prophet Elijah who fought in a dual the high priests of Baal, and at the end of the fight, goodness massacred the vile characters in a bloodbath.  God was not disappointed.  And, of course, we all know what happened to Jezebel.  She was eaten by dogs, torn from limb to limb for her commitment to worshiping Baal and steering Ahab down the dark ways of idol worship.  Remember the spies who were to take Israel into the promised land of Canaan but hesitated because they saw giants there and doubted that they could conquer such ominous villains?  God punished Israel with another generation to wander in the desert wilderness until younger people would trust him and do as he said, to attack and destroy every breathing creature of the Baal cult worshiping pagan losers of Canaan, utterly and without forgiveness.  God would protect them if they only did the task.    I have been through enough in my life to know that even when it looks hopeless, when you do the right thing, God does have a way of rewarding you.  I understand the lessons of King David, who had his faults.  When he sent Bathsheba’s husband away to war so he could seduce her, God was not happy. His favorite king had killed a rival for his affections even though David had a whole wine list of other wives and concubines to sleep with.  David had killed an innocent man to sleep with his wife.  Yet God still blessed David because he had conquered evil on behalf of the kingdom of Heaven, so God gave David the benefit of doubt. 

Yet I have often heard from various church leaders and other religious personalities who think they know better than God what should be happening in this current time, where evil is spreading rapidly, like weeds in a garden untended to, which is choking off goodness purposely.  And they are hiding behind the name of Jesus and using peace and a poor understanding of scripture to justify a lack of action.  They say on Sundays that the church should stay out of politics and not pick sides in the presidential election between Trump and Biden.  And that the purpose of religious study is to concentrate on the life ever after.  And not to engage and fight for what’s right.  Our focus should be on the afterlife.  That this life is corrupt and that we should not pursue material things, then to surrender ourselves to God and the gates of Heaven.  When we all get to Heaven, if God wants to be mad at me for the things I have done to bad people, I’m cool with it.  Because I don’t think God will be all that mad at me.  I expect more than a participation trophy from God.  What those Church leaders are essentially doing when talking about how to fight evil in our own time is surrendering before the fight even starts, and they are hiding behind Jesus as their justification, much the way the Israelites did under Moses when the spies returned to report on the giants who held the promised land, much to the frustration of God. 

God can forgive them. I won’t. Call me a sinner, I’m good with it.

What people who are cowards do when they don’t want to act is hidden behind something they think people don’t understand, like scripture; even though many people attend church on Sunday and profess to love and worship God, they never read the Bible.  In that case, your priest or pastor on Sunday becomes just as worthless as the average lawyer who does the same with our Constitutions and assumes that the people they are talking to haven’t read the text for themselves, leaving it to the corrupt to interpret the meaning.  To mask their cowardness, they hide their lack of inaction behind scripture and say that God wants them to surrender to evil to forgive their enemies instead of defeating them in bloody violence to fight to make Earth as it is in Heaven.  All this forgiving and forgetting stuff is for the birds.  Evil in whatever form it presents itself must be punished.  And yes, God will have your back if you fight for righteousness.  God needs humans to do his work, and when they refuse to do it because they are timid and don’t trust that God will be there when required, it makes God furious.  The Bible captures that frustration quite well and makes that religious document unique among others in the world.  God wants evil conquered and punished, not forgiven.  And to answer how I could know such a thing, I know from experience.  The purpose of evil, as God made it, was to test humans and to draw from them the character necessary for Heaven.  And to fight on behalf of Heavenly objectives as they relate to the universe.  Did you think you were born to bow at a cross and make a few gestures with your hands across your chest just to prepare to die?  No, God wants you to fight, and he is judging your character with every breath you take. 

I have been talking about religion more lately because many people think these are the end of times, that evil is making its push for global domination at the expense of us all.  And I keep hearing from these religious leaders who are scared that they need to follow in the ways of Jesus and allow themselves to be hung on a cross and killed as a sacrifice to the powers of evil.  But that was never the point of the Bible; God wants people to fight for goodness and justice on his behalf.  In politics, in our families, communities, everywhere.  When we see evil, God expects all those granted with the gift of life to fight on his behalf.  Because he is elsewhere doing what God does.  We are here on earth, and it is our task, until we take our ambitions into space, to fight evil, just as we were to do so in the land of Canaan.  And to fight against Baal and all his minions.  When Elijah won his duel, they didn’t sit around and share a coffee with the priest of Baal and talk about co-existing with them.  They killed the priests and slaughtered them ruthlessly.  And justifiably.  Fighting for God did not mean peaceful misunderstandings.  And for those who lack courage in this life, nothing makes God more unhappy than power-puff patriots and wishy-washy losers who hide behind the Bible and Jesus, hoping that nobody has studied the scripture and knows what it says about evil and the need to fight it.  In times like this, we should all take a page from the antics of the great Elijah and conduct our lives similarly.

Rich Hoffman

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The Jewish People Should Learn from History: Stop trying to appease evil

Never forget, it was the Hamas terrorists who parachuted into Israel, like a cut scene from a Call of Duty video game, and purposely assassinated innocent Jewish people just because they exist. Since then, the people who support Palestine, the original occupants of the land of Canaan that God decided needed to be eradicated for their sinful ways and given to the people of Israel, have been claiming to be the victims and have been calling for a ceasefire from retaliation.  They attack, kill, and destroy, then immediately ask for peace.  The Jewish people are one of the oldest people living on earth to this day, with a culture that has survived many tough times.  They are God’s chosen people, yet all their history, persecution of their very existence has followed them wherever they’ve been scattered to, to the ends of the earth.  So, to some extent, they have survived by appeasing all the bad guys in the world, and for Bible readers who study the ancient texts without a preconceived notion, Yahweh has become very angry toward the Jewish people for their weakness and apathy toward conviction.  It was a source of much frustration for God that the Jewish people sought to appease their persecutors so much when he would have rather had them slay their enemies without remorse.  And we see that now, even as Israel is under attack by terrorist groups sympathetic to the PLO many Jewish people in America are registered Democrats and support liberal policies that are detrimental to their very existence and feed the power of their oppressors.  Which is a very dumb idea.  It’s one of the reasons that such villains exist in the world: nobody stops them from unleashing hell upon it.  God would prefer the Jewish people to defend themselves as a group of people.  Not seeking to survive by appeasing evil with timid social values.

You might have seen that Steven Spielberg and other Hollywood types support Joe Biden with a big fundraiser hoping to get the old man’s campaign moving in a positive direction.  Spielberg used to be a great filmmaker, but not so much anymore.  Like many Jewish people, his politics have not lined up with reality, and it shows in him as a person.  Many Jewish people in Hollywood support Democrats and have made themselves part of the problem by essentially making peace with their oppressors in a kind of Stockholm Syndrome.  It’s great to have an ancient connection to your past, but what good is it if your only means of survival is to embrace the bad guys?  It reminds me of the old stagecoach robberies where villains would get on a train with many passengers with a lot of money and stick them up.  I always wondered why people were so compliant and did so without fighting back.  Perhaps it’s because they believe material possessions aren’t worth dying over.  They think that they can always make more money or get more stuff.  So that their view of protecting their family is to do whatever they need to do to live another day.  My thoughts, however, are that when someone tells you to hold your hands up if you want to live, then that is the time that you pull out your own gun and defend yourself.  Appeasing evil strengthens their resolve and makes it easy for them to be evil.  This ties into a lot of God’s original problems with the Jewish people, as stated quite clearly in the Bible.  Why don’t people attack their enemies and trust that God will protect them from harm?  When God says to attack a nation and destroy it, do it, even if you are grossly outnumbered.  Trust God: he will take care of you. 

God was always frustrated with his chosen people because they did not attack, and they were always trying to appease the desecrators of their culture, such as the Baal worshipers who continued to corrupt them during their entire existence.  King Solomon didn’t just build temples to Yahweh; he built temples to other gods because he had thousands of wives and concubines who worshipped Baal and other regional gods and always tried to make them all happy.  It was about that time that God just gave up on the people and let Nebuchadnezzar have them through a vicious attack that oppressed the Jewish people for the next several thousand years.  If it wasn’t the Babylonians, it was the Romans.  Then, Islamic radicalism took over all the Holy sites from the Bible to essentially attempt to desecrate them beyond memory, and in doing so, tried to kill off the Jewish people entirely because the dispute was whether or not they should have ever existed in the first place.  What right did God have to give them the promised land, where the indigenous people were worshiping all these pagan gods and were considered the original owners?  Who was this God to come along and give their land away?  That is where morality comes into play and the right and obligation to pass judgment on the wicked and decide that a proper morality has more value than just surviving.  Defending the world from evil has more merit in Heaven than just giving up and appeasing evil so you can survive another day. 

And we see this same mentality in supporters of liberal politics, those who support Democrats in America, for instance, the Steven Spielberg types.  For them, the fantasy characters they created in Hollywood that did fight back represented the desire all people have to fight back against evil.  But then there is the ethical problem of saying, “It’s only money.  Give it to them so they don’t shoot us.”  And once that kind of appeasement has been entertained, Hollywood types like the Spielbergs of the world lose their audience because that’s not what MAGA Americans want their country to be like, appeasers to evil who don’t fight back.  That is the essential element of those against Trump.  To make America Great Again means fighting back against evil oppressors when so many Democrats and RINOs have decided that the best way to survive is to give evil what it wants, not to cast judgment against all the Jezebels of existence, and to make peace, not war.  Isn’t that what all the dope-smoking, communist hippies always said?  Going back to the movie Poltergeist, I always had a problem with Steven Spielberg putting that pot scene in the bedroom where the main characters were smoking a joint together.   No wonder the ghosts ran them off from their home because they were weak-minded losers.  But that was Steven Spielberg on a plate.  And that is why Hollywood isn’t what it used to be.  Like the Biden administration, which talks out of both sides of its mouth, not because it has any conviction but because its goal is to survive at all cost, the goal is not to fight evil, but to yield to it.  Even if it means appeasing the evil in the world when God wants people to fight against it, appeasing evil was never God’s choice.  Jesus came along and gave everyone an excuse to embrace peace, which has all kinds of Hindu elements to the approach that has only fed many villains in the world, appeasement, which has only encouraged them to rob more trains and take more people’s money without working hard to earn it for themselves.  And in that way, appeasement is the root cause of how evil spreads worldwide.  And when we look around at why there is so much evil thriving everywhere, it’s because we have too many appeasers who look to avoid conflict when they should be embracing it, as Yahweh always tried to convince them to do with his full support.

Rich Hoffman

The Blood Cult of Baal: Destroying the Deep State demand for sacrifice

Since it is the most obvious topic in the world, and I have had to talk about it related to several local cases, many people have approached me wanting some kind of class on the conspiracies that most affect us, and why they are important. And unfortunately, either consciously or unconsciously, most people participate because of their need for group behavior. It’s a problem that has been with us since the beginning of time. The keys to this problem are outlined especially in the Bible, which I’ve had a relationship with for over 50 years. And I’ve read it many, many times. Then, as our times demand, because it’s the main topic of our everyday news, I constantly refer to one key aspect that reminds me of the supporting text of one of my favorite passages, Psalms 82. Now, I have known people who would consider themselves biblical scholars and make their livings interpreting the Bible, and my take on the purpose of the Bible is entirely different. I think all the churches and almost every person get the interpretations of the Bible wrong, the point of the plot. All the Abrahamic religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, have, to my mind, interpreted everything incorrectly, which makes up most of the religions of the entire world. The rest believe that UFOs came to the world and had a massive battle, and we are the result, which is clearly the case in the Mahabharata, which I’ve read too and is a thing all its own. For the Bible, I think the Greeks and Romans saw what they wanted to see when they gave their interpretation of the Bible, and people who wanted to control all humanity carefully edited the text for a very malicious purpose, and that was to preserve the Cult of Baal that has been with us since the beginning of recorded time, predating the Bible by many thousands of years, likely tens of thousands of years.

The Cult of Baal it’s very much alive today, maybe more than ever.

As I said in the video, which covers a lot of needed ground, I see myself as politically right of God, Yahweh. I am far more conservative. But out of all my religious study over the years, I really like Yahweh and I feel his pain, and want to help him. When I read the Bible, I don’t read about an all-powerful god who created the universe. That might be the case from various points of view. What I see is a character trying desperately to destroy the Blood Cult of Baal so that humanity can perpetuate productively into a much more prosperous future. It is Baal who is the Darth Vader of the Bible, not Satan, Lucifer, or the Devil, which are mentioned in the Bible but are not discussed nearly to the level that Baal is. The fight between Baal and Yahweh is the entire point of the Bible, it’s the plot that should be the center of all discussion. Yet the presentation of the material is given to us to serve deities, as humans always did. People either pick Baal, which is always tempting humanity away from God, Yahweh, or they like Yahweh so long as he performs some magic and heals some people from illnesses, almost like they must be bribed into doing the right thing in life; otherwise, they always slip into the temptation to worship Baal. And this is how we get our modern political foundations where “sacrifice” is the core tenant of religion and life as we know it. But what I hear coming from Yahweh is “productivity.” Yahweh, in many ways, wanted people to become capitalists, and he rewarded those who fought to free people of bondage to the Cult of Baal. Think of Elijah at Mt. Carmal, the famous dual between the priests of Baal and Yahweh, 1 Kings 18. Why is it do you think that the “Free Palestine” movement is also capitalist-hating Marxists? The answer is obvious if you look with the right eyes and correct definitions of reality.

Abortion is just one form of the modern sacrifice culture to ancient deities.

The great deception is constructing a society that still serves Baal while the global masses perform the deeds unaware.  This was done by essentially changing the names and focus of our religious figures to lure everyone into continuing to serve Baal in his insatiable appetite for sacrifice.  As people asked me for more information, I thought of these guys at the Deep State Mapping Project, a very new phenomenon.  I don’t think these guys would even exist if not for Trump’s first term in office.  But the crack in the façade occurred, and now there is water squirting out everywhere, and these Deep State Mapping guys are part of that positive erosion of the Deep State control over the world.  When we talk about the Deep State, we are talking about a complicated history that essentially is committed to keeping the world in the mode of sacrificial beings appeasing Baal and his pantheon of losers, cutthroats, and maniacal lunatics who are hundreds of thousands of years old and still linger in our interactions of quantum physics.  Yahweh was rebelling against this Cult of Baal as is captured in that Psalm 82 passage and other places, especially in the actual Jewish word for God, Elohim, which means plural god in many cases, or a reference to the Divine Council that rules everything from beyond our conscious tapestries.  I’ve known about all this for a long time, but the plot became most apparent when all these characters thought they could get away with the COVID killings, massive election fraud, and domination over the media in an attempt to get rid of Trump and the humanity that elected him.  It was the Deep State grasping for power as the old Cult of Baal was being threatened for the first time because of the decentralization of information in our current society. 

Baal has always been a problem

These Deep State Mapping guys have taken many of the studies I have personally conducted and made it very easy for people. It might seem like a crazy QAnon conspiracy theory at first, but I have independently validated most of the maps they offer, especially the Cult of Baal, and can provide testimony to their truth. Trying to shame people into compliance is the way the Cult of Baal has maintained itself for thousands of years, and it is a starving entity that demands humans sustain a cult of sacrifice, which we have. Sacrifice is the central premise behind most of the world’s religions on purpose. Yet, Ayn Rand, an atheist, could see this problem nicely by pointing out that human beings are meant to be productive. If you make things, why would there be a need to sacrifice anything to anyone, no matter how vital the god was? The conspiracy theories of the past, and I read all of Jim Marr’s books, and I miss that guy a lot, aren’t so conspiratorial now that the curtain has been pulled back, and we can see things better than we ever have. And to see this vast conspiracy in the best, most educational way possible, I would suggest the material provided by the Deep State Mapping Project. Things are going to get pretty wild over the next ten years. The Deep State has already lost control, so the water is flowing faster now. I spend a lot of my free time trying to prepare people for it by having them question the reality they have been taught. Yahweh understood, and I like him. I want to help him and spend a lot of my time doing that for purposes that the human race has a great need of. And these guys at are doing a great job simplifying the process and vast amounts of information. It took me four or five decades to piece it all together myself. It’s all there for your convenience, and for those curious, I would suggest starting that needed education with their material. There is much to discuss, and an excellent map certainly helps.

Who would ever think to sacrifice their firstborn children to Baal? Apparently, a lot of people, as history has witnessed through oceans of blood and death.

Rich Hoffman

They Hate Trump Because He Recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel: The ancient evil at the heart of everything

Of course, there is more to the extreme hatred of President Trump than just that the Liberal World Order can’t control him. There are some really evil people out there, many of them have embedded themselves into our government taking advice from past trends of known history, and they hate Trump because of the high bar he brings with him. The level of expectation that a person like him from the capitalist private sector imposes on the communist central government types who strive to be professional bureaucrats who do very little all their lives but expect to make small fortunes off the taxpayers. No, it’s much more profound than any of that, and it essentially goes back to the beginning of known time, when the God Yahweh had an ancient battle of rebellion against the Mesopotamian God Baal and his ensemble of detrimental deities, Moloch, Ishtar, Marduk, and many others. If you know your biblical history, you know that Abraham was born in Mesopotamia and was picked by God to inhabit the promised land, which became the land of Canaan, named after the seed of Adam, the famous Cain. God picked this land as the territory that would contain the eventual descendants of Israel, and the rest was history. The fight over this particular stretch of land which goes back tens of thousands of years, much longer than traditional historical dates have recognized, and it essentially embodies the rebellion of Yahweh to wrestle control of the region away from Baal. To biblical purists who think of Yahweh as an all-powerful god who created the universe, the context is that God was very frustrated with his chosen band of rebels whom he rescued from Egyptian tyranny and handed through great force and bloodshed the land of Israel, which they never seemed to appreciate. Every time God turned his back, it seemed like the people of Israel were always cheating on him with the worship of Baal, which continues to this very day behind the backdrop of Middle Eastern politics.

If you read the Quran, it becomes very obvious that it was written around 610 AD as an Arab response to the Christian Bible put together by the Council of Nicaea 325 AD to create the Bible as we know it today. Clearly, the Quran was putting their own names and stories to the Biblical characters to hijack the rebellion that created Israel and to inspire their people to continue the ancient fight over the land of Canaan, specifically the reverence to the Kaaba stone in Mecca that dates to the stories of Adam in the Garden of Eden. Behind all this is the worship of the God Baal, who wears the mask by the name of Allah in the Quran, Alif Lam Mim, the (All-Knowing). I don’t know anybody else saying that; I say it based on a tremendous amount of research and working out this problem over several decades. But to take a lot of circumstances and to place it all within a framework of understanding, this is a strategy that we see happening currently behind the movement of radical Islam, the efforts of the World Economic Forum, and global politics as we interact with it. When we ask the question, why do people hate each other so much? What is the difference between Western and Eastern civilization? It all points back to this essential element. Israel and the founding of it became the foundations of Western civilization. But it didn’t come first; it evolved out of rebellion, of Yahweh rebelling against the other pantheon of ancient gods such as Baal, Moloch, Ishtar, and many others, Earth’s first inhabitants. And the trend and desire to shut down that rebellion and to put the world back into the control of those sacrificial gods of destruction and mayhem. When we look at Jerusalem’s history, especially at the Temple Mount, and see how the Islamic faith currently occupies it with the Dome of the Rock and threats of war at any moment over the claim to that fame, we see this ancient rivalry in full play as it always was. 

Islam is an oriental religion, essentially, where the emphasis is on collectivism and the worship of all the old pagan deities under the umbrella of Allah. For instance, the strategy for the U.S. government to embrace radical Islam but reject Christianity is rooted in this essential difference. Western civilization developed the individual and even created a savior in Jesus Christ to be placed equal to God during his time on Earth, which is an appropriate metaphor for all of Western Civilization, especially America. Where the goal of Islam is to find reverence in the muddy middle, never to elevate one’s mind to such a lofty perspective. For the world’s governments, this is what they want in the people they want to rule over, compliance, meekness, servitude. So, Islam serves tyrannical governments much better than Christianity. But essentially, if you look at the world, the gods of the Indus Valley, going all the way over to China, Indonesia, Polynesia, the early Americas, South and North, the pagan gods are all essentially the same, and they all expected out of mankind the same type of cult of sacrifice and reverence. It was that crazy lunatic Yahweh that decided to break away and create Western civilization out of a land he decided was the promised land which then became the land of Israel. 

With all that in mind, then it could be understood that there was a lot of consternation in the world when fresh out of World War II, and sympathies were very high because of the terrible mistreatment of the Jews by Hitler, to give those poor people a state of their own. So, Harry Truman, a fan of the Bible, went against many of his advisors and supported the United Nations’ resolution to create the state of Israel in 1947. Of course, this greatly angered the Palestinians, who have been at war with the concept of Christianity and the laws of Yahweh for many thousands of years. Then lining up with the Jubilee calendar in 2017, President Trump did what no other president had done: further recognize Israel as a state of its own, but that he acknowledged Jerusalem as the capital. Then, to make matters worse, Trump also put an American embassy there. This was an act of war to the rest of the world, and for those behind the Muslim radicalism of terror campaigns to turn the world away from personal courage and back to the worship of Baal behind the mask of Allah, this was devastating. So, we have seen since a radical campaign of all-out war against Western civilization because of the reality of Trump recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel an intense hatred and globalism strategy toward the destruction of all traces of such support. Israel is the defining symbol of Western civilization and the stated efforts of the God Yahweh. And now, Trump and Trump’s presidency have shown the world how quickly Western culture could dominate the old pagan beliefs and scare them. As ugly as it is these days, the thing to know is that it’s only that way because President Trump stirred up the bee’s nest by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and that Western civilization is far from being destroyed, and the old gods of Baal worship are not close to being implemented on a global scale. America still stands in defiance, and Trump represents that ancient defiance in ways that the Eastern cultures don’t understand or appreciate. Yet to understand it for all its true intentions, Islam is only a mask for Baal worship which has always been the villain of all civilization, everywhere, throughout all recorded time.    

Rich Hoffman

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The Cult of Baal: Worshiping nature is the whore of evil

Mother Nature is a whore that has seduced many to her plight, and we see her work in our modern times by way of climate change worshippers, who defy righteousness in favor of the lazy, yielding to the mysterious forces of antiquity. I see the Holy Bible differently than many people do; for me, it’s not just the word of God interpreted through mankind for the understanding of a ransom that Jesus paid to die for our sins, but it’s a key to suppressing the nature of sin itself. And in the case of our subject, the worship of sin as a moon god from Babylon and other references of antiquity, it’s not enough for me to say that we are all prone to sin and that to earn God’s reverence, we must acknowledge Jesus and turn a focus on the afterlife as the goal of our existence, surrendering our lives to the forces that have always plagued it. Even if God made heaven and earth, good and evil, I see the task of the human being and the evolution of Western civilization to be a champion for righteousness that is unique in the universe. And the creation of America as the product of that philosophic contemplation. Suppose the forces of existence are at war with each other, and God set them against each other purposely. In that case, it isn’t enough to just yield to them and hope for eternal life, but to conquer them in the classic battle of East versus West, with the West being the creation of an entirely new religion and philosophy that is very much at war today. But the forces of old have always wanted to conquer Western civilization and beat it back into the ground from which it sprung forth, and it’s just as alive today as it was before the creation of the Christian and the concept of righteousness that was born from that rebellion of Yahweh against the forces of an ancient religion that predates the cultures of Sumer and Egypt. 

The Bible is a miracle of human intellect. It was a divorce from the blind nature worship that permeated all existence for many thousands of years before its contemplation from the Hebrews into the organized texts of the Council of Nicaea. And among the pantheon of the known gods to our mythology of existence is the war between Yahweh and the Zeus-like God Baal. Before there was anybody else on earth, there was this classic struggle between East and West civilization embodied in these two rival factions. And a careful reading of the Bible will show clearly that it wasn’t Satan or Lucifer that were the primary villains of the Bible, but it was Baal worship and his pantheon of gods who were devoted to the worship of conditional nature as the universe presented it. Not the domination of nature as the Lord, God Yahweh intended, chronicled through the rebellion of his chosen people after the antics of Noah and the conquest of the promised land. Why was the land of Canaan promised? Yahweh intended to conquer Baal and show that a society with his Ten Commandments would be superior to the societies that worshipped Baal with sacrifices and a yielding of intellect to the forces of nature. Over time the names of these gods would change a bit depending on the culture, but the personalities would not change, and they are with us today in the same kind of classic struggle. Baal very much has worshippers in globalism, especially the core beliefs of the World Economic Forum in every reference toward climate change and the politics of the Left. It’s a classic problem that never came to a proper resolution as our interpretation of history has ignored the core issue, and that collision is very much the theme of our modern times. 

I think Jonathan Cahn has done a great thing in his most recent book, The Return of the Gods. I have a long history with Sumerian chronology and their gods that I recognize going back 450,000 years. And the worship of Baal, Ishtar, and Moloch are just a few of the maniacal characters that have always been working in the background toward destructive intentions for the human race. I think many millions of these evil forces live in the realms of quantum mechanics and whisper to us all the things that aren’t good for us and want to see our consumption and destruction for their own rival purposes. By the time Yahweh came along with his rebellion against these forces by segregating his people, his family lineage of chosen people, there had already been a prehistory that largely did not survive analysis that predated the great flood. I think Jonathan Cahn’s work with his book in capturing those three main deities as a threat to our modern world is perfectly valid and all too true.   Baal, or whatever name anybody wants to give him, is the threat he always was, and the spirit of his menace is alive and well in modern politics. The same villainy that drove the events of the Bible is precisely the same as we see today. And God would be just as frustrated with our reaction as he was then. God often viewed the antics of the Israelites as cheating whores who turned from him to return to the worship of Baal and the other gods of the region. 

But there is more at stake than just the salvation of all humanity. Western civilization evolved from the rebellion of Yahweh, and it has shown itself to be far more effective than anything the worship of Baal came up with. And that same challenge is at the center of everything political now. Baal is still the God of much of the world, no matter what name they give him. And the war against Christianity is a very real menace. Global forces are conducting the destruction of America in the same way that Nebuchadnezzar invaded Jerusalem after the people of Israel had turned to Baal worship over Yahweh’s Ten Commandments. And knowing that there is no reason to wait for Jesus to return and defeat the forces of darkness in the last battle of Revelation. Only what is needed is for Americans to regain their pride in righteousness and to live their lives in such a way that rejects Baal worship and rubs the faces of evil in the dung heap of their sin and their loathing lives. That is the path to Baal worship when it is said not to judge, lest ye not be judged. I would say, judge, and judge often and be more righteous than the enemy because the enemy is real. The enemy is ancient. And the enemy is before us now in the form of climate change and radical leftist politics. There is nothing new about them, they have destroyed many millions of lives over tens of thousands of years, and they are on our nightly news now. It’s Baal all over again; he never went away. We lost focus on defeating him because we assumed that just by acknowledging Jesus Christ, we were doing all that was required of us. But then there is the game between Western and Eastern civilizations and the need to win one way or the other. To play the game of fighting evil with good and destroying the enemy that all future generations require. Baal is still the threat that he always was. But our yielding to the forces of evil is what must change, perhaps for the first time in history. America was created to destroy evil, and it’s time we play that game to win instead of letting evil ruin the lives of all it touches. And to understand that, we must understand that Baal is still a threat and defeat him with righteousness. Then to apply Western civilization to cast light on all the shadows of evil that permeate through the communist movement that is worldwide and is hard at work to evoke our personal destruction.

Rich Hoffman

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‘Return of the Gods’: The kind of evil explored in ‘Lord of the Rings’ is upon us now, but on a much larger scale than people can relate to

I had read the new Jonathan Cahn book Return of the Gods when it first came out in September of 2022, and I liked it a lot. But the content at even that time seemed a bit too obscure for mainstream politics. But now we are just a few months into 2023, and not even eight months have passed, but the trans movement has exploded, the government has been caught lying to us about many things, especially the proxy war with Russia, and virtually everywhere we look where the government is involved in an out-of-control level of evil that people are perplexed with, we see a vast maliciousness that most just can’t get their minds around.   It doesn’t surprise me, but I spend a lot of time thinking about these things in all kinds of out-of-the-box ways. Then I happened to be listening to the Glenn Beck radio show right around Easter of 2023, and he was talking about the Jonathan Cahn book. Cahn is most known for his Harbinger books, but this was different, this Return of the Gods, because it dealt with something that was very much aligned with my way of thinking, that the ancient gods from Sumerian culture and the early Bible were making their way back into the world from times long past, and that their influence explained a lot about the vast level of evil that we are seeing presently. Who are these gods they are talking about? Well, I’ve been leading up to this kind of discussion for most of the last year because if you really want to solve the problem, you have to go to where the problem is, and in this case, its spiritual enemies who live likely in the realms of quantum mechanics, and originally were living creatures that probably didn’t even come from earth, but settled in the Middle East area to start off as gods among the people they interacted with. And that’s where things get too weird for most people to deal with, and the narrative quickly falls apart. But even that is by design.

Jonathan Cahn is a rabbi who specializes in scriptural interpretation, and when reading the Bible, especially as a grown adult with lots of life experiences, it becomes very clear that Yahweh, the God of the Bible, the only God that Christian people were to worship, was extremely vengeful of the gods of the land of Canaan and that the creation of the people of Israel for him was a kind of modern Tea Party movement or MAGA. He gave the people of Israel the Ten Commandments and promised those who followed them a great life. And history shows us that when the Ten Commandments were used to construct of society, good things did happen. But God, the Yahweh of the Bible, was constantly frustrated that his people kept “cheating” on him with other gods, which are the gods that Jonathan Cahn talks about in his book as if they were not long dead, but were making yet again a comeback into the world of the living. Which I am certain is true. Are these the same gods and entities from such a long time ago? I think it’s actually much more complicated than just the three gods covered in the book Return of the Gods, which are Baal, Ishtar, and Molech, the pagan gods who were the primary villains of the Bible. This would mean to the masses that all the gods of the Bible were not fictional characters but were likely, through quantum entanglement, to be with us today on a global scale and were shaping the movement behind globalism in general. These were the gods of the Desecrators of Davos, the World Economic Forum, the efforts of communism, and the many wars that have occurred over the last century or more. And that concept to most people is extremely unsettling because we sort of think about events in the Bible over and done with, from a time well before ours. But when the efforts of Baal, Ishtar, and Moleck, or as I think of him (Marduk) is understood, we can see that the same battle for the souls of mankind is well underway and never left us, and over time has only gained in strength. 

Dealing with this kind of evil was what J.R.R. Tolkien did best with his Lord of the Rings books, which Peter Jackson made into the very popular movies. They are fantasy stories, but they have a lot of Christian concepts in them that obviously Tolkien was wrestling with as a metaphor for World War I and how global politics works. Ultimately, it wasn’t just the deceit of mankind by the ever-present spirit world where even the dead are never really gone and are always trying to make their way back into the living world. In the Lord of the Rings story, the dark, evil character Sauron is re-manifesting thousands of years after his defeat as a conqueror of the known world. And in the new stories, he is manifesting again to bring evil into the world. In a simplified way, with one bad guy to consider with all the efforts that made up the massively popular books, I think Tolkien touched on more reality than fiction when he contemplated how evil moved through people over vast periods of time. And what Jonathan Cahn was doing with his Return of the Gods was explaining that we were living our own version of Lord of the Rings; only what we were going through was much worse but vastly less obvious. The bad guys came to us not as dark, vile characters that were easy to identify due to their corrosive nature, but they came to us as friends, family, corporate logos, and in politics, and our minds weren’t ready to deal with such an evil. Yet, here it is. 

I’ll spend a little time on this topic because it is complicated. I am very impressed with Jonathan Cahn’s work, and now that Glenn Beck and other media outlets are giving the book a chance, it’s worth a bit of a deep dive into this subject. The Return of the Gods is a very popular book within Christian circles. It’s the kind of thing that people who visit Cracker Barrel or Chick-fil-A would feel right at home with. If you go to a bookstore and ask where it’s at, usually, the employees know exactly where it’s at because it’s one of their hottest-selling authors, even though it’s in the Christian book section. But this is a mainstream problem, this evil, and even people who don’t spend much time thinking about Christian issues, more than casually, are going to have a challenge wrestling with this one. But to solve the problems we are seeing today, the Bible is actually the mechanism for defeating this evil on the battlefield because that’s what Yahweh had done before, even though he was personally frustrated by the results.

We like to think that Jesus came along by his father, God, and made fighting evil to be more like an easy bake oven. Jesus died for our sins. All we had to do was acknowledge Jesus, and we would be saved because that’s why God sent him to us. He couldn’t keep people from falling to the pagan gods in the masses that they were, so Jesus came along and solved the problem with a kind of ransom for the type of evil we see all about us, and it’s been there since the beginning of time. And it’s with us now. It never really went away, and when we contemplate the events of our modern news cycles, it’s the root cause of most of our problems.   And if we want to understand those problems and have a chance to fix them, we must factually deal with that evil and face it with an epic battle that has become the responsibility of our age. We aren’t just reading about things that happened a long time ago before we were born. But this is our own history in the making, and it will be up to our resolve to defeat this evil, which I think is our destiny. Yet, before we can do that, we must understand what we are fighting, which is why Jonathan Cahn’s book is so important. I can’t recommend it enough; as quickly as you can get it, and read it.

Rich Hoffman

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What the Spy Ballon from China Meant to America: The menace behind the curtain, the little dog has pulled back for us all to see

Early last year, I explained the sphere of influence people lived within and showed how they are manipulated along those assumptions. Most people live in their little bubbles of experience and never step beyond them. This is why lately, I have been talking more about various conspiracy theories, even some of the more outlandish ones, because there are enough facts now to demonstrate the real problem in our modern age and what needs to be done about it. We just watched a spy balloon from China float completely across our North American space, only to be shot down once it was over Atlantic Ocean airspace. Just a few years ago, such a thing would not have even made it from the Pacific into American airspace.   There is a militant attack against us all that is obvious, has been concealed behind the bubbles of reality we all live in, and the threats have hidden in the background only to provide a menace from that concealment which they feel empowered to perform. And the answer to this threat isn’t in basic politics and its analysis. Our political realities are just another level of bubbles that we all live in, and the forces that shape those bubbles continue to operate unchallenged because the human race does not have the mind to see them or deal with them. Then knowing all that, the conduct of our American government, the push, for instance, from the FBI to keep Democrats in power, to preserve at all costs the swamp of Washington D.C. and general CIA operations, the NSA, and its many tentacles into our lives, it is clear that none of them are working for the American Constitution. They are reporting to something else and to understand that we must look at the situation beyond the bubbles of influence we spend all our time residing in. Seeing how the game has been played against us all, it’s time to pop those bubbles and get control of our lives again, and avoiding complex and controversial topics is not the way to achieve success, and from my point of view, success is the only option.

The game we are dealing with, turning back to the silly spy balloon from China, is that we are meant to experience these little provocations from China and to be in awe of them. China is at war with America but not in the way we typically measure it. They are working hard to rot us from the inside out, with poison from the drug culture, from undermining our form of government with financial influence, and stripping away every aspect of our culture with woke politics meant to destabilize our basic philosophical foundations. But behind that bubble of concern is a much more sinister villain: the group of global financial investors and corporations that are the Desecrators of Davos, the members of the World Economic Forum. It has been their money that has put China on the map. Without them, China would not have the financial means to conduct war. It’s very similar to how the NAZI party was created by the Thule Society, which had a definite occult foundation. This method of building up an international bad guy has been occurring since mass communication started over a century ago. Of course, there would be powerful forces who would try to use it to their own advantage. As a human species, we have not figured out how to deal with it because the answers fall outside our sphere of influence. But at this point, we see all these secret societies working to control the world beyond the limits of national governments, and they’ve been doing it for a long time. Then to deal with that threat, we have to pull back even further to the root cause of their behavior, their occult beliefs that are the foundation of their very existence. 

I personally don’t care about aliens and space travel. I’ve said it many times; I would treat them the way I’d treat anybody. I don’t care if the lifeforms I’m dealing with are from the star system Sirius or if they are from Kansas, I don’t care at all. There is nothing god-like about people from someplace else other than the fact that they likely have the technology developed along a different path of understanding from our present civilization. Now that we know that our own biblical history is just a recent human experience, it all starts to make sense. There have been intelligent lifeforms trying to make a go at it on earth for many thousands of years. Evidence in a book I have called Forbidden Archaeology shows intelligent influence on earth goes back millions of years, and much of their previous civilizations have crumbled away into dust just as the current Great Pyramids are now. A few tens of thousands of years from now, those great monuments will ultimately erode away, leaving nothing at all behind of their history. And future people will wonder where the stories of their culture came from because they will only be looking at the situation from their personal perspective and historical reference in time. Yet, what is evident among those in our world who want so much power so they can hope to influence all the unknown forces in the world is to have relationships with that past to control the future. And those types of people have infested themselves in our government not for our benefit but for their own silly insecurities. And you learn a lot about them from the unconstitutional interactions that always surround investigations into UFOs and interactions with space-fairing civilizations that are at the heart of most occult practices in the secret societies connected to our current global commerce. 

The bottom line is that our various government branches, especially the intelligence agencies, do not work for the American Constitution or us in general. They exist for other reasons that are not to the advantage of American sovereignty, and they think they know best what is suitable for a self-governing people. And they don’t have a right to do what they have been caught doing. We’ve caught them unleashing viruses that have killed massive amounts of people in the world and watched our government become drug pushers for the big pharma companies, resulting in more death. We have watched our government perform a coup of an elected president because they didn’t want him. The FBI alone has been caught in so much political insurgency with Trump that what we have learned has been horrible, beyond most people’s comprehension. And they started this abuse of power with UFO investigations, where much of it has been covered by “Above Top Secret” classifications. Once that premise was set, our governments believed they had a right and obligation to hide things from people they deemed too dangerous to know. This has opened the door to many other manipulations that have been vastly unconstitutional and subject to severe punishments for doing them. Knowing what I do about the matter, and the various secret societies and their dumb beliefs in supernatural powers, earth worship, and the foundations of civilization in general, I wouldn’t trust them to carry a bag of groceries across a parking lot, let alone decide what information is good for the public in a free society, and what isn’t. And this brings us back to China and why they have been propped up by all these incompetent government forces worldwide. Because communism keeps governments in control and allows a corporate alliance from Davos to rule in the shadows and to protect their own religious fevers based on their occult practices, which have always been a problem against self-rule. The spy balloon was meant to show how low America had fallen, how we needed a more decisive government so that we abandon our republic and join the Chinese into a communist, decisive ownership to protect our own survival. But the real menace is just out of reach, protected by our intelligence agencies, and they never had a right to that position.   And it’s time to stop giving them that kind of unchecked power.

Rich Hoffman

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The Fight Between Yahweh and Baal: Studying the Bible to beat globalism and the nature of evil everywhere

There are a lot of people contemplating evil these days. We aren’t exactly living in a stable culture anymore. I had a person ask me about the picture on my blog with me at Jackson Hole the other day, which provoked a question about its significance. Well, the spot I was standing is where the fight in the Clint Eastwood movie Any Which Way You Can ended, with Eastwood winning in front of the entire town. And that is where I bought my white hat at Jackson Hole, Wyoming because I always loved that movie which I watched again recently. It’s not as good as Any Which Way But Loose, but it’s a fun movie about macho material and the problems men have specifically. It’s also a movie that wouldn’t be made today because woke culture has pretty much stamped it out of existence. You don’t see that movie playing on network television anymore, but twenty years ago, it was on all the time. We have a real struggle on our hands with this massive woke conglomerate that wants globalism everywhere and communism for all that is trying to impose itself on all of us. And there is a pushback from our culture against it and a return to the reverence that made movies like those old Clint Eastwood films so popular, to begin with. I loved that movie so much that I had to visit all the places where that big fight took place in the film because it met so much to me. But why, why was it so important, and what are we fighting? Many of us would call it evil. But the macho behavior that is expressed in that movie and many movies from that age was what the globalists would call evil. So, who is right?

It’s an impossible cliché to avoid when discussing evil, but the best book in the world to deal with it is the Holy Bible. I personally love the Bible; it’s been part of my life since I was very little. I grew up in church listening to “Onward Christian Soldiers” at the end of the service as the pews let out, I went to Sunday school most every week, and I had two years of catechism. But I didn’t stop there, I have read widely on all topics over the last 50 years, and I have a pretty good handle on where everyone in the world is coming from based on their personal histories. I can say with great confidence that there isn’t a better book ever written than the Bible in exploring the nature of evil and how detrimental it can be for the human race. Yet my interests in history go far beyond the time frame of the Bible, which is around 4000 B.C. with the start of Adam and Eve and extends to our present time roughly 6000 years later. I consider sources that talk about the “pre-Adamites” and their religions. And when you start getting into the Gnostic beliefs from the Book of Enoch, you open the door to consider humans came not just from the earth but many other places in the galaxy.   I would say the evidence points to “many other places.” And that doesn’t mean that the Bible was wrong in its description of the creation of Adam and Eve. But what we see in the Bible is an experiment by God to break a tribe of humans away from the masses and free them from the bondage of the worship of Baal, an ancient deity from Egypt that persisted with great reverence in the land of Canaan and was the primary villain of the Bible, much more so than Satan, or mentions of the Devil, which don’t come along until almost the end of the Bible, in the New Testament.

You could spend a lifetime putting together all the various puzzles regarding prehistory, the mysteries of today, and how the Bible plays a part in it all. Like most books, it only captures one point of view in a very specific timeframe. But unlike most books, it covers exact references to a family line of descendants over many thousands of years to conduct a particular experiment on the nature of good versus evil and essentially the struggle of Yahweh against the primal nature of all people to worship Baal. This is where western civilization starts, and eastern religions separate themselves, leading to globalism’s primary struggle today, how to merge these two radical forces, which is absolutely impossible. In a world where communist China is being used to sell globalism through corporate control, this issue of Baal is persistently a problem, the worship of the forces of nature and submission to it, as opposed to the western view of conquering nature and using it as a tool for human advancement. The essential problem is what the Bible is about. The Old Testament is a chronicle of this struggle and the ramifications of failure to adhere to it. That’s why I love the Bible because nothing else ever done in literature has really attempted to solve this problem of evil.  Other attempts have tried to define it, but they do very little to solve it.  Are all the worshipers of Baal evil? Why is Yahweh so jealous of Baal, to the point that he would destroy his own people by turning to Baal for worship? I would say that Yahweh was a rebel, a fighter who was trying to free people from the clutches of an ancient problem, one that persisted for many millions of years, the worship of nature to the detriment of human development. Once people started listening to God, the Yahweh of the Bible, then civilization lurched forward, and we have what is called in another book I love quite a lot, The 5000 Year Leap, by Cleon Skousen. 

I recently saw a lot of talk about satanic references, with a picture of three women at the Golden Globes dressed in bizarre outfits. As I’ve pointed out, Satan doesn’t appear in the Bible until 1 Chronicles 21:1, nearly halfway through the text, and when he appears, he’s a kind of census taker. I’m sure there is a lot more to that story somewhere. But the villain of the Bible is Baal, and the plot device is escaping from its rule, which looks to have been around well before the events of the Bible. Much of the modern “satanic” worship referenced is actually humanity’s lazy trend to continue worshiping Baal. Its Baal worship that is essentially behind climate change and is the religion of globalism, especially from the point of view of the communist Chinese. They call their gods by different names, but the nature worship aspect of merging light and darkness as a kind of balance stands opposed to light conquering darkness; that is the message of the Bible. And the two are not compatible. They cannot coexist as the bumper stickers indicate. And to avoid the conflict, you can’t just throw out all religion, which has been the weapon of choice of those globalist-minded. It can all get very confusing, especially if you listen to the authority figures. So if you need to get your bearings, I would suggest rereading the Bible, or for the first time, and getting your mind wrapped around the struggle. Because of all the great things that have happened in history, the essential conflict that we are all still engaged in is this fight between Yahweh and Baal. The battle between human progress and yielding to the forces of nature. And that fight is literally in everything we do. So, understanding it will help your life a lot. Simply put, the path to evil is in the lazy; the worship of Baal comes from those too lazy to do for themselves and hope that nature will give them a way out of personal responsibility. And good, as the Bible defines it, is in self-responsibility and assertiveness to do good in the world by leading a productive life toward the aims of creation.

Rich Hoffman

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Why I Don’t Dance: Of course, there are lots of hostile forces looking for devices of mind control, and music for them is easy

It was one of those weird conversations you have with people who ask unusual questions that do not have usual answers. I was having dinner with some people from the East Coast on the river in Cincinnati, and small talk was the qualifier for many reasons. There was music in the background, which naturally provoked the question of what kind of bands I liked and what music I liked to listen to. And from me, that does not get a usual response to a band listing my favorite music. Most people do have a few musical groups that they enjoy a lot, but I’m not one of them. I have always viewed music as a device for psychological warfare and a fundamental element of mass mind control. And for that reason, it answers the big question, why I never dance to music, anywhere, ever. I do not allow myself to be moved to the beat of music in any way, shape, or form, which is an unusual position to take in any kind of society because music is often seen as a unifier and a bridge builder, which is why it came up in that dinner conversation. I’m not a wet blanket on music when people play it. I don’t point to certain types of music and decry it as “the work of the devil.” But I don’t trust the music to my mind in any way. In a world where many maniacal forces desire the subtle rule of everything, music is an all too tempting playground for the occult to rule in ways they have desired from the beginning of time. Of course, it’s happening now to people in ways they cannot relate to. I only mention it now because I see many people realizing that there is a lot more to the Wizard of Oz of our culture now that the curtain has been pulled back on lots of mass mind control through election fraud, Covid tampering, and politics in general. It’s hard to know who the bad guys are and the good guys are when we see how top-secret documents were handled by the FBI for Trump, for instance, as opposed to Biden. We see there is something wrong that is beyond our grasp, and our trust has been violated, yet we aren’t quite sure how or why. 

If you want to believe that all there is to reality is just the visual spectrum that you can see or the audio waves we can hear, I understand. It’s hard and complicated to reach beyond a human’s perceptual reality and to ask hard questions or not to assume that those who want to rule the world wouldn’t be obsessed with controlling all perceptual reality from the means of strategies that exist outside it. For instance, there is a plant known to the Arabs as the Golden Plant, called Baaras which is supposed to grow on Mount Libanus, underneath the road which leads to Damascus. It flowers in the month of May after the snow melts. At night you can see it with torchlight, but in the day, it’s invisible. Does that mean it doesn’t exist if you cannot see it? Or does it mean you do not have the biological sensitivity range to detect it? I would say that humans have evolved into seeing and hearing what they need to, but there is a lot of outside perceptual reality. All those lifeforms compete for attention in a hostile universe motivated by its transgressions. And that it should never be assumed that reality can be trusted only by what you can see or hear. Many dogs and other animals can see things beyond the hearing range of human beings, and they react to those noises often, barking out the window at what we would call “nothing,” but to them, there is something there. 

What often bothers me about music and those who write music, and knowing something about the entertainment industry over time, and how governments do like to tamper with mass populations, as they were caught doing with Covid and elections, is that drugs often assist songwriters, under the influence, all kinds of elements can be brought into the matter as what is considered an inspiration, but might actually be mind control by hostile forces. How many bands brag about how straight they are while playing music or writing it? Often drugs come into the mix or some other chemical element, and as I have reviewed the matter of Ayahuasca a great deal, I believe those people. I think what they see is not just hallucinations produced by an overly stimulated brain but a glimpse into what we call the spirit world. The correct way to reference it is as “competing” life forms on several dimensional realities. Do we really understand the lyrics to the songs that are sung? There are many references from thoughtful people who look at the concerts of Katy Perry or Madonna, who openly offered free oral sex to anybody who would vote against President Trump, occult references that many suspect point to an Illuminati influence over the music industry. Based on the behavior of most musical artists, people would not be crazy to draw that conclusion. So knowing what we do about corrupt governments and how they would lie to us about Covid, election fraud, and even the importance of classified documents from presidents or former presidents, why wouldn’t we assume that published music released to mass markets isn’t attached to deep occult rituals designed to invoke spirit world help from beyond the grave? And suddenly, innocently, we find ourselves mouthing the words and tapping our feet to a catchy tune that might be trying to invoke some ritualistic menace intent on destroying all humanity. Yet we rationalize it as just “entertainment.”

One of the most ancient conflicts that have been recorded was the one between Yahweh in the Christian Bible and his archrival Baal. Millions and millions of people were killed in this conflict, and it all came down to those who followed the Ten Commandments or worshipped at the altar of Baal. And with all our technology and the noise of modern society, I would say that the point of the noise is to saturate our minds with nonsense so that we don’t pick up on the intent of those who would otherwise call themselves our enemies. The music industry has always been suspected of having motivations beyond just making money. Whether it was playing records backward to detect hidden messages or the ritual nature of mass drug consumption at a rock concert to the beat of seductive music that takes people out of a conscious state of decision-making and makes them artifacts of desire, I think music is a vehicle for mind control by lots of forces, whether they be governments wanting to invoke a compliant sheep-like society, or maniacal demons of the underworld looking to make their mark in the world in ways they otherwise wouldn’t have the power to do, my answer to the music question is that I don’t trust any of it. I don’t think it’s possible just to enjoy entertainment without considering its motivations and the impact on the psychology of the listener. So for all those reasons, and many more just hinted at, I don’t dance to music. Not at weddings. Not at sporting events. Nowhere. When my daughters were married, we did not do the “daddy-daughter” dance because I don’t dance. Anywhere, with anybody, ever. Responding to things, not in your control is not healthy, fun, or smart. 

Rich Hoffman

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