Too Big To Rig: Do we really want stupid people and slack-jawed, dope-smoking losers voting?

It’s a good campaign slogan and accurate; Trump has started using the term “too big to rig” at his campaign events, and it perfectly describes the challenge.  In the case of 2024, as opposed to 2020, Trump has a much better chance.  I have talked a lot about this because it’s only the biggest crime of the century and involves many thousands of people.  But based on the behavior we have seen out of Democrats with the open borders, the mail-in ballots, the law fare, on every front, who in their right minds don’t believe there was massive election fraud in 2020?  And that Democrats used it to take the White House.  It’s always strange to see Biden speak in a State of the Union speech because he never feels like the actual president.  He’s a fake caricature created by a crime, and we are all supposed to pretend as if he’s the real deal.  But to question the process and cry foul admits that we have not had a real president for the last several years, and the acceleration of the destruction of America perpetuates rapidly.  So, to keep the office of the presidency alive and, instead, beat the Democrats at their own game, we’ve had to put up with it in many ways, which has not been a pleasant experience.  But obviously, election fraud is part of the Democrat playbook and they can’t win anywhere, even in blue areas, unless they conduct stolen elections.  For some reason, despite the vast evidence that this has been going on not just in 2020 but in all elections since the 1990s, likely longer, we are not supposed to talk about it.  The truth is America is not a 50/50 country.  It’s made to look that way only through election fraud, which the Democrats conduct on many fronts.

So the strategy for 2024 has to be that voter turnout must be Too Big to Rig, which forces people to admit the obvious and is the only strategy that matters.  Trump is a unique personality, so he has a chance to get a much higher voter turnout than would normally be possible, 75 to 80 million, to outpace the cheating that is built into our election system through digital voting machines, mail-in ballots, and a Biden Department of Justice that knows the only way they can stay in power is to make as legal as possible every chance to get extra voters voting for their criminal syndicate in the government, with corrupted voter roles filled with illegal aliens, early voting, and extended unconstitutional deadlines after the election to keep counting fake ballots until their guy wins, like what happened in 2020, then expect everyone to accept the selection for fear of jail and prosecution.  Over these last several years, what we have seen has been intolerable and certainly not the kind of behavior a free society would expect.  But it’s what we have been dealing with, and it will take an unusually high voter turnout to beat the election fraud that is already baked into the system.  Covid was their cover story in 2020, which they will not have in 2024, and for this year and this year only, they are very vulnerable.  For those who want serious voting reforms, this is the best chance we will get in a long time, without an actual armed revolt, to get back to paper ballots on one election day, and with voter ID.  It’s no longer a question of “if” election fraud has been happening; we know it has been.  It’s now about policing it so that a proper representation of our society is voting and picking its government. 

Just remember what Major League Baseball did with their All-Star game set to take place in Atlanta after Governor Kemp advocated for voter reforms in 2021, part of his own cover story for accepting election fraud to get Trump out of office.  They moved the game out of Georgia and sent it to Denver, a much more Democrat-controlled city, at least for now.  The voter disenfranchisement argument has been a cover story for election fraud because Democrat voters are too stupid to vote on the same day that other people vote, and they need every derelict and slack-jawed pot-smoking loser to keep themselves in power.  So, they need to have people vote as early and as often as possible to justify keeping the numbers close.  But honestly, do we want stupid people who can barely wake up in the morning running our country with representation?  The victimization of minority communities for the exploitation of voting options is the same kind of behavior that Southern Democrats used to justify slavery that caused the Civil War, for which Republicans had to stand up to and beat to have the type of society where all people could vote and have an influence on their government.  But, those qualified to vote, no matter what their skin color or sex, were at least required to show an ID and to vote on election day on a paper ballot that couldn’t be accessed through the government-controlled internet.  With the way that our intelligence agencies lie to us, who thinks in their right mind that letting them have control over the technology that can manipulate reporting results has been honorable?  Give me a break. 

It will take a personality as significant and loud as Trump’s to break this horrendous cycle.  Some average Republicans like Romney or Bush will never do it.  Average voting numbers for Republicans are what have allowed Democrats to cheat as a part of their base platform.  Only by unifying most of the country, which Trump can, can this cycle of election fraud to keep bad politicians in power, politicians that give extensive checks to labor unions, and other globalist interests.  With the amount of money off looted tax money being as high as it is, who in their right mind doesn’t think that election fraud is part of the strategy and always has been?  If you want honest elections, you’ll have to fight for them, not to assume that they would happen by default.  There are too many compromised people running the elections, and yes, they will cheat at every opportunity and have been.  That is the only reason that elections have been close.  Take away the cheating, and everyone will discover that America is much more conservative than anybody previously thought.  And in 2024, with Trump, the strategy has to be to make the election too big to rig.  We won’t be able to get legal reforms before the election; it has taken us this long to admit that it’s been going on.  But now that we know, we can make reforms, so long as we stay focused on beating election fraud in 2024, which is to have the results Too Big to Rig.  Trump needs to get at least what he had in 2020, which he is poised to do.  But for good measure, 80 million votes will make the results unquestionable.  And that amount is undoubtedly on the table after these disastrous years of Biden.  People are hungry for a change, and they can get it if they go to vote and vote in such large numbers that the Democrat rig machine won’t be able to stop it this time.

Rich Hoffman

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