‘Irresistible Revolution’ by Matthew Lohmeier: Marxism is everywhere and people are just now willing to admit to it

I was having a perfect top-grade Kobe steak in Japan with a friend of mine, a retired colonel in the military when the next layer of discussions started to happen. Usually, in polite conversation, you talk about all the surface stuff from the time you order until the food arrives, between 15 to 20 minutes. And in those conversations, you talk about family, hobbies, and general interests that are usually neutrally driven, and non-political. I typically have many of those where the actual talk of anything never has time to hatch. Yet these days, more often, that polite conversation is not happening and people are discussing with me the heart of most matters, the actual survival of the human race in what appears to be the apocalypse as described by John in the Book of Revelation. Usually, among military people, people who work all their lives with ranks and procedures have typically kept their opinions to themselves. But growing among this group is a concern that they have had for a long time, accelerated by their observations of woke policies advancing into the military, they are not happy about it, and they want to do whatever they can to save it. My advice to them is to vote for Trump in the next election. But our dinner conversation went further than that, and a book recommendation came my way which I then read quickly once I returned to my room, and finished while on the plane back to the States. I was surprised by it because I usually get recommended these types of books, and I don’t learn much new. But the book Irresistible Revolution by Matthew Lohmeier was excellent and current. It’s only a few years old, but as I read it, I was surprised by the content because it went down the rabbit hole on Marxism in America in ways I had not seen before from what I would consider a mainstream, military personality.

Honestly, this is the talk of the world; people aren’t happy, normal, regular, everyday people. They ask me about the crazy politics in the United States and their first concern is “When will Trump be back,” because the world wants a strong dollar, and they want a political defender of it because most of the world sees what’s been happening now that the trouble has arrived at their front door by way of altered supply chains, the hidden tax of inflation, and the moral depravity of the current generation. And especially military people, once they achieve a high enough rank to express their opinions, they are concerned by what they see, which is the case of this author has a very respectable military career that migrated into the recent Space Force and has several advanced degrees. He’s not Alex Jones or Glenn Beck, who is known for conspiracy theories; he is a regular guy who has been among the best that the military produced, and I was surprised to hear other knowledgeable people beginning to talk about the cost of woke policy to American policy generally, and how destructive it has been. It was something that they wouldn’t have been caught doing before 2019, which was the last excellent year for America in most categories before Covid came along, and the unmasking of Marxism overtly showed itself to an unsuspecting public. What was unique about this particular book, Irresistible Revolution was that it was saying about Marxism much of what I have, but it was coming from another reliable source with a cutting critic that was very refreshing, and helpful to many people who are now clamoring for some sense of sanity, wondering what is wrong with the world.

It’s true, even though the Illuminati only lasted for just over a decade as a secret society political movement, before it was eradicated, dissolved under its own pressure, or went underground and stayed underground behind the Masonic activity disguised as something else, what political people would in the future call globalism, Marxism was a creation by them to perform precisely what we are seeing today, the overthrow of all the world’s governments so that a one world government ran by these secret society orders could then run everyone from the background. The culmination of all these plans over the last several centuries was in Covid, used as a bioweapon of terrorism to stun the world into global compliance. But the goal was always the spread of Marxism to every corner of the world to gain control of powerful countries’ governments in an international chess game meant to confiscate the world’s wealth into a centrally controlled power. Don’t forget Karl Marx and his friends at the time were Masons, and it was through that order that Marxism spread behind the many social masks they wore in public to advance the old aims of the Illuminati, which created the policies of Marxism and then spread them. How does anybody think that Vladimir Lenin was in exile and suddenly, by train, was sent to St Petersburg to overthrow Russia, and it did it on its own? That sounds pretty wild to regular people who don’t read many books and get their news from CNN or Fox News. But that is part of the mask that has hidden Marxism from everyone’s views because it was too wild of an idea even to be accurate. Yet, now we know it was all too real all along.

I have known these things about Marxism in our culture for the last three decades.  It has only been recently, though, that all the dots connected into how Marxism became the weapon of choice by the global insurgents and how they were able to spread their message, which was particularly appealing to low-level masonic initiates who thought they were studying the workings of Christ and not the ancient wisdom of Thoth and the seeding of the earth by an experiment of the gods contained in hidden history that isn’t so hidden these days.  The government of the world by these people using selected biblical passages to soft sell it to an unsuspecting public was Marxism, and we have it dripping wet all over American culture because nobody knew what they were dealing with.  The names were changed, and the motivations sold as wholesome and fair, until those masks have come off over the last few years to show what they were all along.  And in that crisis, we have very good people like the colonel I was talking about and military people like Matthew Lohmeier, who are heroically ringing the bell to alarm others to their discoveries.  I read Irresistible Revolution and thought it was about time for this level of conversation.  People just weren’t ready to admit to it before Trump came along and exposed this maniacal scheme.  But the truth is what it is, and Matthew Lohmeier hit the nail on the head.  And I can’t recommend enough to people his excellent book on Marxism.  But I would add, that it’s not just in the military, but in all levels of society, especially in corporate culture.  And Marxism will have to be destroyed everywhere in the world.  It’s the current world war.  It’s wrapped up in finance, entertainment, and politics; Secret societies spread it, not so secretly, and now the damage is apparent.  And before us for time to judge our reaction to it.  And with all that said, that Kobe steak was delicious, as was the conversation afterward.

Rich Hoffman

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