Do You Know Someone Possessed by a Demon: They are a lot more common than most might believe

With all the evil that is obvious in the world, the question has been brought up a lot about the nature of demons and whether or not they are taking over people’s bodies, and if they were, how would we know?  This has been most discussed when explaining the behavior of a recent school board member who has shown a noticeable behavior change from campaign mode to actual board service.  The personality shift has been stunning, leading people to conclude that some other life form has taken hold of his body and is driving the car.  Which is precisely how I think demons work.  Our bodies are like the cars we drive.  The drivers of the car can change, but the car is a car; it ages, gets old, and eventually breaks down and stops running.  But when it comes to paranormal activity, I think quantum mechanics can largely explain it.  Then knowing that there are lifeforms in several dimensional realities, our own 4-dimensional space being just one of them.  Yet in them all, there are lifeforms in various manifestations teaming with activity.  And if they can take root in our reality by grabbing hold of a car to drive, such as one of our bodies, then they will do it and do it often.  We can all tell stories of people we know who behave differently when they drink or use drugs.  I would say this is what it’s like when there are multiple passengers in a car but only one driver.  If the driver lets go of the wheel or maybe even gets out of the car for some reason and a new driver takes their place, then you could see how there might be a behavioral change from one driver to the next. 

Listening to women talk about people is often very entertaining; they associate a personality with the biological DNA of a person they know or have been raising.  When they say to someone else, “oh, look, he has your mouth,” or “he has your eyes,” they are saying something we all do to a point, we identify a lifeform with the vehicle it inhabits.  There is to a body the biological codes that put it together, and we associate those mechanisms with a personality.  And to a large degree, people are what their biological makeup determines them to be.  Whether they are short-tempered, whether they are tall, short, smart, dumb, happy, or sad are all attributes that are genetically inherited.  And when a person dies, those traits are no longer useful and peel away into memory.  But because that’s what we see about a person, we tend to associate those attributes with them, so we often get confused when we witness a behavioral change in their personality.  When we see the same physical features, only they suddenly behave differently, as if someone else is driving those bodies, it upsets us because we thought we knew them.  I tend to think of people in their eternal aspect, the parts of them that are not associated with the biological devices of a body but are the drivers which reside there during a lifetime.  When you really get to know someone, you could be said to get to know their “soul” rather than just getting to know the person that was raised by so and so at a such and such address that became friends because of a birthday party when you were both five years old.  Those aspects of life are conditional based on DNA and the combination of those elements in a four-dimensional reality.  That life might contribute to a soul’s development, but the car’s driver is not the car.

I tend to think the push for intoxication and the abuse of bodies comes from competing lifeforms trying to sneak their way into a body by either pushing out the driver or convincing the driver that someone else could drive their car better.  By whatever means, once a driver surrenders their body to another lifeform, we can see then a noticeable behavioral difference.  The owner of the body might even still be in the body, but something else is clearly driving, especially under intoxicating circumstances.  I think there are a lot of lifeforms out there, some of them very jealous of our four-dimensional existence, and they would love to take over a person’s body and experience life as we do.  Is it appropriate to call these lifeforms demons?  I think so, and I think they are ubiquitous.  Do they take up permanent residence in a body, or is it just temporary?  Well, I think that varies depending on the need to drive the car and why they are there in the first place.  Maybe they are just joyriding in our dimensional reality.  Or perhaps they want to go somewhere and need a body to get there.  Or perhaps there is a massive interdimensional strategy that makes sense to their reality where influence over our reality makes sense to them.  What we call evil may be perfectly justified to them in their quantum realm.  That doesn’t give them the right to do what they do to us, but it may explain the desire to occupy bodies massively to destroy life in the way we observe. 

Yet we are born into our bodies, which are ours to keep.  We do not have to share them with other life forms.  And throughout life, there are many times when others would clearly like to drive our car because they like it and want one for themselves.  It’s up to us if we allow ourselves to be tricked into surrendering ourselves to their manipulation, and I think many gullible people get suckered in this way.  Sometimes it’s by choice, such as by allowing intoxication to unlock the doors for others to get into our car.  Sometimes it’s by blood, where ancient lifeforms might have known the DNA code of a family lineage and find themselves attracted to the driver of that car and want to reside within that car with the driver for as long as they can because it’s familiar to them.  And sometimes it’s just malicious; it’s a Grand Theft Auto kind of thing where they abuse their ability to jump in and out of other people’s cars and shove them out of the driver’s seat for a criminal-inspired joy ride.  There are many ways that other lifeforms can jump into our cars and drive our bodies without us realizing it or knowing it as observers, especially if we assume that the person we know is the biological thing we can see.

People are far more than just the cars that they drive.  And when it comes to observing the vast amounts of evil that we see today, yes, I think many of them are driven by demons.  And there are lots of demons at work, armies of them.  More than we could possibly ever count.  And their motives are likely as endless as an imagination could conceive.  But do they have a right?  Of course not.  Our bodies are our own, and we should guard them aggressively.  We should not take for granted anything about our lives, and we should treat our bodies just as greedily as we lock our cars when we park them somewhere, with utmost security.  We should be careful what kind of music we listen to and what we eat and drink.  We should be cautious about what we learn and share intimate details and with whom.  Because there are lots of reasons for demons to inhabit bodies, and as we see in reality, they often do, and with terrifying results. 

Rich Hoffman

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3 thoughts on “Do You Know Someone Possessed by a Demon: They are a lot more common than most might believe

  1. This is downright LIBELLOUS! You have NO RIGHT to accuse Isaac of this! Isaac is a good man, and I was HAPPY to campaign for him!

    We have a few mutual friends – one in particular – and I think you need to assess how you will be viewed in the community when you put such TRASH on the Internet!



    1. Doesn’t look like such a good guy here. He was leading the crowd. It is dishonest to abandon the truth just to shape a public image. That’s how things got out of control in Lakota, too many people are worried about how they will be viewed in the community, and not enough people care about the facts. There were a lot of people who worked with Isaac, and they are wondering where that guy went. The guy I worked with is vastly different than the guy who is on that school board now, shown in this video.


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