Judge and Judge Often: Don’t get hung on a cross or be destroyed like the Indians–punish evil and make them pay

Here’s my thing: we’ve been too friendly to the Marxist movement behind much of our social interactions.  There are a lot of people upset with me over my recent smoke shop article and find my anti-pot stance intolerable.  Hey, I told everyone back in August 2023 how it would be before a bunch of losers and lobbyists worked to make marijuana legal.  And if there is an edge to me now that people didn’t notice so much before, it’s because of things like this.  I have watched the pot movement grow over the years by these hippie flower children forces that have been gaining ground since I was born, and I never liked them.  I treated them fairly, but their intentions were always to take and take more, no matter how much kindness we gave them, and now they are going for the destruction of our country, and they aren’t shy about it.  And now that pot has been legalized in Ohio, a place I call home, I consider it an act of war.  And anybody who has looked up my past and researched me already knows my position.  There is a lot of violence in my wake over fighting pot in my various communities.  I have been evident in my position, and I could tell stories all day about my long life fighting against it that have much more relevance to people now with the context.  There are lots of police, mayors, and commissioners who hear my name and know the trouble, and they’d rather forget about it.  These were not things done in secrecy; it’s all been well documented.  But this whole “you do you, and I’ll do me” libertarian nonsense isn’t going to work for me.  So the pot heads brought it on themselves; now that they’ve brought that stuff overtly into my community, pot is the new “Lakota Schools,” for me.  Locals in my community will understand what that means.

One thing you will never see in front of one of these smoke shops selling marijuana paraphernalia is a nice car.  People who do dope tend to be lazy losers who drive beater cars and look like the kind of people who can barely get out of bed in the morning.  Anybody who thought they could replace good business in all the vacant strip malls with these smoke shops and that it would be “good for our community” was not thinking straight.  When people say to me, “Who died and made you king,” here’s the deal: if people are free to rub pot consumption in my face, then I am free to cast judgments on it and the people who use it.  For me, there is no blurred line on pot consumption because it’s the sign of a society retreating to the primitive, to follow the Vico Cycle back to the village hut of compliance to a tribal council, and is the opposite of freedom.  Consumers of pot are weak, and they are seeking to justify it with a chemical substance that hides it from the world where they should be working to make themselves better.  So when people tell me I should be like Jesus and “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” (Matthew 7:1), I say, look what happened to Jesus when he was hung on a cross crying for the Father not to abandon him.  Don’t end up hanging on a cross.  Humans can bring whatever meaning they want to religion, but I’m not OK with the teachings of Jesus if people think we aren’t supposed to judge lousy behavior or punish people for it.  I’ll stick with the Old Testament, thank you. I say, “judge and judge often,” and punish those who intend harm to you and your society.  And any advocate of marijuana is intending harm to our society.

I warned everyone of the old hippie notion of “live and let live.”  I’ve told everyone the truth about how the KGB and the CIA worked hard to import communism to our college campuses, just as they are now with the anti-Israel movement, to erode the foundations of our youth.  The concept of “let’s party” was revealed in the excellent Ayn Rand book We The Living, a youth movement meant to usher communism into their society in Russia.  Ayn Rand would know because she had to flee her homeland and her family to escape it.  And all that nonsense was brought to America in the 1930s with Roosevelt’s New Deal policies, and it culminated in the 1960s with all the campus riots.  And it’s still happening, festered on by people like George Soros, who fund a lot of this destructive behavior among people willing to take the easy money and bring chaos to our streets, to submit to communism.  And pot is one of those strategies of communism against America.  The intent was to weaken our youth and our Biblical culture of values and to fall to communism because everyone was too stoned to fight back.  That is why I have such a hatred for the stuff.  I’ve known this for a long time.  I feel this way because I read a lot.  And I don’t take attacks against my country kindly.  And all drug consumption, even alcohol, as far as I’m concerned, is an attack.  The legalization of pot is meant to destroy the concept of civil society and replace it with a bunch of stoned losers who won’t work, won’t lead their families, and are no good to anybody for anything.  Yes, I will judge others, and I will judge often. 

I ordered a margarita with some friends at a fancy dinner the other day.  People around me at the table were shocked because they knew my position on drugs.  Occasionally, I’ll drink something with alcohol in it because the texture of the drink makes it interesting.  I’ll occasionally sip on a wine as well.  But not very often, and never to get drunk.  In a long list of people who have known me over the years, nobody will ever be able to claim that they saw me drunk and disorderly.  I was always the one who was sober and had my head on straight, even when I spent time with some very wild and crazy people.  In my church, there was an epic battle between them, my congregation, and me over communion.  If not for the church, I likely would have never tasted a drop of alcohol.  I was never OK with the cannibal ritual of eating the symbolic body of Christ and drinking his blood, which is a Roman way of bringing all the religions of their empire under one roof of Christianity.  I’d rather not sacrifice people to the powers of the universe in any way.  And I’d always recommend staying sober to do it.  But with pot, there is no redeeming factor.  Like many people have said to me recently, “But the Indians did it.”  Yeah, that’s my point.  Most of them ended up dead and eradicated from existence, with their culture destroyed.  See a pattern?  There is nothing good about pot smoking, and anybody who is trying to sell it to you is trying to destroy your culture.  And there is no compromise with it.  If people want to bring it to my front door, they will get what they get.  Now that they have, I am much less tolerant of their other behaviors that I find objectionable, and they will hear from me about it often.  Because I will be doing what you should be doing dear reader, and that is “judging and judging often.”  And punishing those who have done wrong.  If you want to save your country and not end up destroyed like the Indians or hung on a cross like Jesus, try something different, starting with judging evil and punishing those who commit it.  And look at intoxication the way I do, as a slow way of killing intellect and, therefore, the person that houses it.  And punish it as attempted murder because that’s what intoxication, all intoxication, is.  The murder of a mind. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Interacting with the Spirit World: How incense provides a vehicle to a world beyond the living

I’ve been thinking about how the spirit world dramatically influences the politics of our lives, as most indicators point to massive manipulation of our politics from the realm best articulated in the traditional Bible.  I found myself in Japan visiting some of the best-known temples in Kyoto with friends and comparing them to what we know about the Temple of Solomon.  Even though there have been over three thousand years of evolution in them, I couldn’t help but see massive similarities and notice how a religious relationship with the politics of a nation has either a positive or negative effect.  The gods worshipped aren’t even the same; in the case of Solomon’s Temple, it was Yahweh.  In the temples of Kyoto, it was Buddha, but as I have been saying for a while now, even including the way that the original Hebrew Bible was written from back to front, right to left, just as Japan writes to this day, it is obvious that the influences along the Silk Road, even in ancient times were a massive culture of uniformity that has its influences even now.  It might be uncomfortable for many people to consider their regional specificity, but there is a common theme that is easily verified when visiting these religious places, and that is the use of incense to establish a relationship with spiritual entities for assistance in the here and now.  Watching people interact with incense in Japan by washing it over themselves and then stepping into the temple to pray to Buddha reminded me almost identically of the tabernacle rituals of Solomon’s Temple and many others worldwide.  However, the same approach to these sacred precincts established by the Jewish people was more than just a coincidence.  There was a science to the approach that worked at some unconscious level, and it had been established long ago and is still in use to this very moment. 

We don’t get to see such a spiritual alignment in the United States because we have allowed ourselves to be suckered into a church versus state argument that discourages public displays of religious value, which the Japanese people have no apprehension over.  As a direct result, you can travel the streets in downtown Tokyo at 2 AM and see nearly no litter and experience very little crime.  People are overwhelmingly respectful of each other, and much of the root of this behavior is their relationship with the spirit world, which they are very open about.  Visiting temples in Kinkakujicho, the Kinna-ji Temple, the magnificent Kiyomizu-dera Temple, and several others, the use of incense smoke to provide a place for the spirit world to manifest in our three-dimensional world is a foundation for establishing a relationship with those characters.  It is common for people to regionally associate their deities of worship with the specificity of their culture and give them names like people name their goldfish.  But in truth, there is much more than just mimicry across multiple cultures over vast periods.  There was a cause and effect that couldn’t be ignored and was at the root of all successful societies.  Much of the Bible deals specifically with the nature of having a relationship with God, as the purpose of the Tabernacle even before the Temple of Solomon was built, was so that God could exist with his people, to manifest upon the Mercy Seat over the outstretched wings of the Ark of the Covenant.  I often think of the Ten Commandments as being the key to a prosperous society, in having rules that work and structure people to work together with shared assumptions.  But even more than that, this relationship with God through incense smoke is unmistakably productive. 

When people stopped worshipping God, as chronicled in the Bible and stepped back into the worship of the high places with human sacrifice to Baal, those societies quickly crumbled into a heap of madness.  And that has been the same story of all cultures who stepped away from God over the many years, the God Yahweh, as the Jewish people came to know him.  As I watched people in Japan interacting with the smoke and washing it over themselves, I kept thinking that the smoke itself was something anybody could produce anywhere, from simple incense burners from Walmart.  There was nothing specifically special about the smoke.  It was only made at a place meant to take the participant’s mind away from the noise of their daily life and have a relationship with the spirit world and whatever Gods might answer.  They have their names for them.  Just as most religions around the world do as well.  But that the intent was the same was more than a coincidence.  If you wanted to see what temple life was like for the Hebrew people in the Near East and understand what a thriving culture looked like, Japan had its finger on it.  Whereas modern Israel is war-torn and under contention, purposely trying to suppress a successful religious experience, much of the world is in conflict over this essential relationship, I would argue.  This is not just for the regional aspects of nation-building but also for the soldiers of the spirit world themselves.  They are at war with each other, and they use the minds of men to corrupt them into conflict by interrupting a positive experience of chaos and maniacal lunacy, such as the church and state arguments. 

By eroding the values of a culture, people allow themselves to be manipulated like pawns in a grand chess game from rivals beyond the world of the living.  And in places in the world where that relationship is positive, they also have a political culture that is functioning correctly.  The best way to destroy a person is to destroy their relationship with the spirit world, no matter what they call their gods, whether those gods are the same character with different names or a pantheon of different characters sometimes called the same name.  It’s the relationship that matters and how it carries over into a political society.  And what about the smoke of incense that carries a relationship with God?  It’s a common theme we can learn from the longest-running, prosperous society of people, the Jewish people because they have been doing it for a long time.  In Japan, as I visited many temples last week in Kyoto, the functionary relationship with the spirit world is alive and well.  And it’s working for them successfully.  Few places on earth today are more successful culturally than what is witnessed in Japan, especially Kyoto, the old capital.  People had a relationship with the more significant aspects of dimensional confinement, and they were happy about it.  The incense smoke appealed to that relationship, which was tangible and precisely like the Tabernacle of the Hebrew people.  When people fell to Baal worship, they turned to appeasement of those gods through the sacrifice of the living.  Whereas to Yahweh, and eventually the Buddha, who came 500 years later, and then the influence of Christ from India, we see an approach that worked along the Silk Road many thousands of miles apart.  It can be shown that a successful relationship with the spirit world creates an opportunity for a prosperous society.  But the temptations to shortcut or abandon that relationship are all too common and involve politics beyond our lives, yet very much at the center of everything we do. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Frank Herbert’s ‘Dune’: The kind of political philosophy that will take mankind into a space economy

I spend a lot of time thinking about the challenges of becoming an interplanetary civilization.  When people ask me why I do what I do, I tell them it’s not for money, it’s not for popularity, and it’s certainly not for a platform for politics.  I am interested in philosophy as Socrates exhibited it, specifically, the thinking it will take to move humanity off the Earth and become a multi-planetary species.  This past week, two things happened that reminded me of this task. The first was the Starship launch, which was very successful with SpaceX.  The second Dune movie did very well at the box office, showing continued interest, which I think is terrific because it gives people access to the old Frank Herbert books, which I think are masterpieces on a biblical scale, as opposed to just science fiction.  I have been thinking a lot about Frank and his books lately, the six he wrote, then the final two in the original series that his son continued to conclusion. 

If we want to be an interplanetary civilization, we must first solve some fundamental problems. One of those is the problem of power and why people crave it. One great example of exploring that problem is the novels by Frank Herbert in, Dune, the eight-book analysis introduced to the world through the latest movies, which are very good. But just the start of quite a journey.  More people would better understand our current circumstances if they read Frank Herbert’s books because he deals with a lot of serious stuff in that fantastic series.  Yes, as in the movies, they are dealing with the human race as they have colonized space, all over the universe space, not just a regional galaxy, 10,000 years in the future.  The politics are very similar to the concerns of the Old Testament, with bloodlines and kingdoms at the heart of the story.  Frank is very concerned with the nature of politics, so these Dune books are more about sociology and politics than they are about science or fiction. In the movies, the one from 1984 and now these recent ones, the lead character rises to greatness to become the new emperor, and that’s the end of the story.  That fits a typical narrative for a Hollywood movie.  But Dune is much more than these things, so these stories have been hard to make into movies.  The point in building up the lead story and characters is that the rest of the book rips them apart in a kind of libertarian study of the human race and how power corrupts, or does it?  One thing that Frank does that I am very interested in, that very few anybodies has ever touched, is how the spirit world influences the politics of humanity.  It’s an offering of the kind of Divine Council discussed in Psalms 82 and certainly reflects what Paul talked about in Ephesians.  Who rules us from beyond the grave, and how far down the rabbit hole does it go?  In those Dune books, Herbert even calls his work a prediction, not fiction, as he sets out to study ecology.  I think of our political life as just the surface reflections of much deeper forces at work, not all of them human as we think of the word.  And not just spiritual as we think of Casper the ghost or the Holy Spirit.  We must look at the spirit world as it strives to exist outside our known universe and expect that they are using self-interest to manipulate our lives to their advantage.  Frank Herbert deals with that level of political management, and it’s fantastic and can’t really be captured in the movies. 

As crazy as our political system is, I consider it a healthy necessity.  What America is going through is needed for global management of political systems that can then carry over into off-world colonies, which are coming at us much faster than people realize.  And we must solve some of these problems before we come to that impasse.  We must have a political system based on a healthy understanding of capitalism before we start moon colonies and cities on Mars.  Too much micromanagement of adventures into space will stop progress, and as Herbert assumes in his books, humanity reverts to the biblical necessity of royal bloodlines through the Vico Cycle.  I disagree with a lot about Herbert, especially regarding drug use.  But like the work of Graham Hancock that I have talked about in using ayahuasca to communicate with the spirit world, the spice in Dune is essentially the same kind of thing, and I think Herbert is on to something essential as far back as 1965.  Many of the Baal worshipers of Canaan also used psychedelics in their rituals, and in that context, it is likely the cause of the frequent turning away from God that is a majority of the narrative in the Bible.  Frank Herbert in Dune explores why this is the case and when drugs are used to speak to other spirit beings, who they are, and what they are motivated by.  And by coming to terms with that, you can then understand the kind of evil that is loose in the world now, and understand it with some perspective. 

Herbert goes so far as to place political motivations for spiritual influence in his many Dune books and migrates beyond universal influence, which is pretty impressive as a work of fiction.  I would put it on the level of Atlas Shrugged and other Ayn Rand works.  I don’t agree with everything she does either, but the thought process is beneficial.  Somewhere in these intellectual works are the answers we need to become an interplanetary species, so I don’t get too excited about transitory elections.  What we are all fighting against each other to achieve is the war of ideas that survive into the future, and I tend to think of these efforts in the most extensive picture possible. The trajectory of change will far exceed standard election cycles.  It’s why people win that matters, why certain people are attracted to power, and how power corrupts or is helpful to society.  And how a tyrant today might be a benefactor tomorrow.  Morality is often not so much determined by what we see but by what we are growing to understand and how that understanding is influential across over 22 dimensions.  And as we continue to build nations and colonies in space, what kind of political system should they have to accommodate with all considerations available, as we can know them, through science or fiction.  The Dune books have some magnificent things to say along those lines, and I think it is wonderful that the movies are doing well and that people are learning about the books for the first time.   One thing that space travel needs is a healthy appreciation of government systems that embrace capitalism.  Future religions must be joined at the hip; otherwise, their value will fall apart.  So, it’s not enough to build a Starship and start moving people into a new space economy.  We must work on the deep philosophical problems that have permeated the human race since the beginning.  And we have to solve them with something fresh, and America is the leader of that movement.  In the long run, it will make much more sense for people.


Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Filth of Collective Religions and their Politics: I support the Jewish people because they are cleaner than the miscreants–belching, farting, grotesque, lazy losers of the world

I’ve never been one to talk much about religion to people until recently, when the intentions of the bad guys were never more apparent, so proclamations against them are more than warranted.  I think those who are fortunate enough to be born in Western civilization are extremely lucky to have exposure to Biblical religions.  But not for the reasons many might feel about immortality, the Trinity, and life in the church.  But for a point of religion that I don’t think gets near enough attention.  At the heart of Jewish religion is how they prepare their minds for spiritual life with God, and that is through cleanliness. Mainly the way the Jewish people set up the tent of the Tabernacle with the laws of God so carefully worshiped everlasting concepts at the heart of their relationship.  To behold God, the people, especially the high priests, had to be clean.  And I like clean people.  So, as I hear all this garbage about how bad the Jewish people are for the world and why we shouldn’t have ever created a state of Israel for them to reside in as most cultures around the world have wanted to eradicate them from the face of the earth, there is a kind of quiet hatred that permeates the whole concept.  Heathen religions are dirty.  The worship of Baal was dirty and still is.  Most of the religions of the world are pretty dirty.  But the Jewish people were very clean.  The Ark of the Covenant, which had within it the mercy seat where God could actually permeate into our world and communicate with people, had to be approached with purity.  They had to wash their hands carefully and keep all the dirty world of human life on the other side of a veil that protected the Ark from the dirtiness of life itself.  And I think there is a lot of good from this simple recognition. 

When we look at all the communists in the world and what they stand for I think of filthy people.  And that goes for the concept of partying.  Rock concerts, mosh pits, and dancing on dance floors at night clubs are dirty, sweaty, disgusting social exercises that are rooted in ancient Baal worship, and they are meant to appeal to the many maniacal characters of the spirit world, which I have explained many times as being explained by quantum mechanics.  I very much see the Bible as a rebellion from their previous domination of religion on earth and the kind of societies that were born from them, submissive, dirty, heathens to power players and politics.  What the Hebrew people were worshiping was something more significant than the dirty humans had previously embraced, which is very appealing to me.  As we are told that we need to be accommodating of homosexual relationships, transexual understanding, drugs, sacrifice, and collective-based entertainment, all that says to me is filth.  I like the concept of circumcision—washed bodies without the sweat and discharge of human mechanisms.  And sex was designed one way between a man and a woman.  Getting dirty with other people during sex is gross and I like most that the Bible addresses this issue in a way that is most appealing to me.  Most of the people in the world preaching communism, and the primary platform of the Democrat Party in America is also preaching filthy lives and gross interactions that naturally come from nature.  When they say to worship nature as globalists, they also say to abandon values that judge cleanliness from filth.  Nature is dirty.  Being clean is an act of conscious living.  To be clean is to rebel against nature and to show dominion over it.  Clean culture is a good one, and as we travel down the road of capitalist values, clean, nicely washed cars with wonderfully perfumed women going to dinner in them, and nicely pressed clothes are what we start to deal with instead of some human covered in denigrating tattoos and body piercings willing to give it a go with just anybody because we are all collective goo from the universe living life until death when we are all thrown back to the dirt from which we came, so why bother?

My grandparents both lived on farms, and one thing I always hated was wearing tennis shoes to their house and leaving with poo in the tread, especially when I had to go near the hen house to get eggs.  I was somewhere between the ages of 4 and 5 years old, and my parents and grandparents would look at me in bafflement as I tried to wipe my shoes clean of any poop in the grass.  They didn’t understand.  Nobody taught me to be that way; it is just something I have always hated, the filth of the human race, the things that the body produces to discharge waste.  I find it all disgusting.  So an orgy at some music festival with a bunch of stinky-haired losers sharing pot smoke and conducting acts of drunkenness was never appealing to me.  I was a bizarre teenager, and I couldn’t wait to get married and get off the rat race of social interaction.  I don’t like people who belch, fart, or who dress dirty.  I have learned to put up with them when I have to be around them, but I hold my breath in elevators so I don’t have to breathe other people’s air.  And I wouldn’t say I like touching them with bare skin, even accidently. 

The cleanliness of the Jewish religion is something that I find very appealing, and when a God demands such things, I get it.  That makes those religious preparations very lucrative to me.   In the Bible, humanity was to have dominion over nature, not to worship and be subversive to it.  And certainly not to relish in the filth of existence.   All this coexisting talk about putting up with other people’s dirty beliefs is not an appealing concept, and it has always bothered me.  I will never coexist with dirty people who have poor personal values, and in the politics of collectivism, there is this general assumption for social interaction that goes back to Baal worship, which I find most significant.  Behind their premise for existence is this worship of nature, of the dirty nature of life that comes with it, that I find utterly disgusting.  And I was born that way.  It’s not necessarily something I learned by attending church at a young age.  But I formed my opinions to pursue the divine through intelligent contemplation.  The dirt of life is meant to be subdued and not relished.  And politically, when those dirty religions want to impose on me their dirty lifestyles, I’m a hard no.  A very hard no.  It’s not just about having differences of opinion, but it’s about not accepting filthy people who are too lazy to bathe and justify it through collective-based religions.  I like the rituals that the Jewish people started, and I would support a Jewish state over just this premise alone.  Who has the cleaner religion?  That is the one I will take seriously.  That after-party at the Super Bowl, which I will have a lot to talk about once I cool down from what I saw, is not my idea of a good time.  And it’s certainly not what we should be celebrating as a culture.  But the rituals of the Jews and the demands of the God Yahweh, I respect that for how clean they were.  And how being clean was a domination over nature.  Not an embrace of it.  Which is the purpose of the human being as the universe created them.  Not to be disgusting animals eating their feces and humping the leg of anything that moves.  But to be deliberate in our work and clean while doing it.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Yuval Harari is Wrong About Human Rights: Understanding the nature of God and the Universe and its need to be discovered

When Yuval Harari said at a recent public speaking event that human rights were just a story, just like Israel is just a story, and the same with America, he was pointing out the vast failure of progressive thought and the extreme danger of letting anybody like him have any legislative control over other people.  Harari is the critical philosopher and advisor to the World Economic Forum, and essentially, they are all like him.  The basis for progressive thought is embodied in Harari’s statements and shows declaratively the main differences between their way of thinking and ours.  I have always said that progressive thought was built on the foundations of insecure people functioning from broken concepts of human interaction.  They look for a government that they can see and feel to do what gods used to do for people, to explain away the things they are most anxious about.  And they rely on technology to do what they mistrust in themselves.  Then the danger is when all these people get together and think that mass collectivism from diseased and corrupt people will then become the standard of the future. You have a dangerous and maniacal people, precisely what I say the World Economic Forum has been, mainly because they have listened to Yuval Harari.  I have made it a point to go and read all of Yuval’s books, as I had Klaus Schwab, the head of the World Economic Forum, and I feel sorry for the little guy.  The world thinks he’s some brilliant philosopher, but in reality, he has turned out to be an insecure person who needs handrails to such a degree that he is pretty much useless to the dangerous waters of life.  He needs to see and feel everything by touch to understand it, which is the foundation of mass psychosis, and those following him will find a life of disappointment in his wake, which the world is waking up to. 

This is important because human rights and whether we have them are central to this debate.  The World Economic Forum people, led by Harari and Schwab, have built all of the global progressive thought and the desire for Chinese-style communism around the premise that no human being has individual human rights granted by some god and that we should all be committed to the greater good, as people like Yuval Harari define it.  In the past, some high priests of Baal always proclaimed to understand these things, and sacrifice was at the core of their religions.  Often, they would sacrifice their firstborn children or have sex with a temple prostitute to appease the gods and see their crops grow, or that it might rain.  History tells quite a story about people like Yuval Harari who are essentially blind, timid people who build their entire lives around the constructs of their mass psychosis.  Then, people following such people having the same condition ruin their civilization and wonder what happens when everything fails rapidly.  Harari is one of the best-selling writers in the world right now, but that’s not because what he says is brilliant, but because he substantiates the insecurity that most people feel about their lives and its relationship with the universe along all dimensional plains of reality, and simplifies their lives to concepts that their feeble little minds can wrap themselves around.  And build reality and government around those weaknesses for the detriment of all.  Not to be mean or anything, but they aren’t brilliant people, and the progressive movement has its foundation along those lines. 

So to say there is no God because you can’t see it or touch it, or that there is no America because it’s just a story, an idea created by people for the entertainment of people, is to miss the more significant connection to the process that thought and imagination will pave the way for tomorrow, and the impact that people play in it.  And, of course, if there is no God or an America that protects the natural rights of human beings from the corruption of governments and other mass collectivist organizations, such as corporations, then there can be no stable foundation for global populism that is scratching at the fence demanding to be let out.  And to assure those timid types, they turn away from God, as is often discussed in the Bible when ancient ancestors, like Yuval Harari, found themselves too timid to see the big picture, which God was always trying to get people to see.  People always fell short, and God was very frustrated with those who could never quite reach it.  But what were they supposed to get?  Especially if what they were supposed to grasp couldn’t be seen with human eyes?  Should we have said there were no radio waves because we couldn’t see them or a spirit world? After all, there are life forms that exist on a quantum level and desire desperately to speak to us in our four-dimensional existence.  One verification that we can have that God exists is that those in the world who have followed biblical concepts have been successful societies that have advanced the plight of the human being, and the world for that matter, toward a more creative future.  And that the hand of God doesn’t necessarily have to be a tangible, material thing but more of the idea for which our minds connect across all plains of reality to understand abstract concepts that can’t be grappled with unless a higher idea of God and natural rights is embraced.

For those like Harari, who have to rationalize all their insecurities as people into science and a blanket of technology to protect themselves from uncertainty, government power and centralized control provide them with the means to navigate a scary world and then project themselves as the high priests of its order.  This is the role that Yuval Harari has, among other timid personalities.  But to consider him a great philosopher, only people suffering from the same disillusionment can relate, which is the gulf between us.  We cannot all live together in agreement.  You can’t have the adventurous spirit of the human race confined to the timid types of progressives like Yuval Harari and expect everything to work.  The human being was created to be what it is: an adventurous and creative entity that advances the universe’s needs.  The Bible captured this ambition in the best way that human writers could put pen to paper and transfer the information across time to our concepts of human rights to this day.  Once human rights are understood, the temple of thought that comes from individual imaginations can grow and perpetuate goodness for all to benefit from, which is why biblical cultures have much higher rates of good living than cultures missing those values.  And it’s always timid people like Yuval Harari who hold humanity back and regress civilization along the limits of the Vico Cycle, not because of the impossibility of science, but to hide from the creative demands of adventurers and free thinkers everywhere.  It is within such types that God is proven and honest and works to advance civilization in ways that are hard to see with human eyes, and it is over a lifetime that we must develop the ability to see beyond our terrestrial limits to the potential of a universe waiting to be discovered and understood. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Christian Nationalism is the Most Powerful Political Force in the World: And they are voting for Trump

Here’s the little con game they don’t want to talk about at Fox News and throughout the media that makes a lot of money off the election process through ads and consultant contributions: Christian Nationalism is far more powerful than they want to admit. After the New Hampshire primaries, where it was evident that Nikki Haley wasn’t going to win, which was her best place to succeed, the game plan for the opposition became quite clear. Keep the Republican Party from uniting around President Trump in a last-ditch effort to slow him down. It’s the same kind of strategy you see in college basketball games when a team is down 10 points at the end with under a minute to play, and the losing team switches to a full-court press, hoping to draw a penalty and go to the line to shoot points with no time on the clock. Of course, the fear is that the Deep State is about to lose all touch with someone in the White House, which will be a first for them. When Trump was president the last time, it was Mike Pence who was their representative, someone they thought they could deal with and who could control President Trump somehow. But before that arrangement, Reagan had his Bush. And George W. Bush had Chaney. Nikki Haley, for traditional Republicans, is their safety rail, and they were talking her up as if she could have some hold over President Trump, which is absurd. I have traveled to almost every corner of America and know it very well. I can tell you that the world’s most potent force in politics is Christian Nationalism. There are a lot of them, as the evidence shows, all across the landscape from sea to shining sea, there are a lot of nice white steeples from churches that reach into each community with the values of Biblical text, and they are more engaged in politics now than in any of the years past. And they are voting for Trump.

The media narrative that Republicans have to work harder to win anything against some vile Democrats and independents is a game of chicken I’m perfectly willing to play.  I would argue that Trump is already a Democrat enough to pull over votes from the other side, especially the union vote.  Trump will draw Democrats from concerned suburban women worried about putting food in the refrigerator; he will get immigrants chasing the American dream to vote for him, and he has a lot of minority support in general.  Then there are the classic Republicans.  Trump in a general election against an entrenched Biden is a blowout.  What the political forces fear is their lack of relevance.  And then there is election fraud, which has kept Democrats in power and is the real story behind the scenes with the donor class.  They believe they own elections because they control the money that feeds the media culture and, therefore, can control election messages and the world with it.  President Trump does not need Nikki Haley as a running mate.  He can afford to pick anybody he wants and would be wise to choose a successor, someone most like him.  I have stated my favorite pick would be Kristi Noem.  But Vivek Ramaswami would be great because of his youth and energy as an attack dog.  But this next Trump term, a revenge tour in a lot of ways, is about stopping the Deep State, as it is anything else, and Nikki Haley is their pick.  Not Trump’s.

If you have been paying attention, all the things that make America great have been under attack by these same people propping up Nikki Haley, even as a loser.  With strong families and strong faith in religion, when Ben Carson compared Trump to King David recently as an imperfect man picked by the hand of God to lead the American nation, the reaction was desperate.  The panic was evident on many fronts with that kind of talk.  And that’s how you know they know that people are seeing through their long-established scam, a divide-and-conquer strategy that they thought would always protect them from just this type of election with political people like Trump changing the game away from their control.  I believe the comparison between King David and Trump is a good one.  Trump does look to be the hand-picked agent of God, and that hand is at work with the power of the universe behind it to defeat the forces of evil that have embedded themselves into the American government as globalists.  And a lot of people who would have never otherwise voted are as good Christian soldiers marching as to war, and they are voting as if it was a war.  Engagement is much higher than usual, and Trump is poised in every state to blow Biden off the map in ways we have never seen before.  When Newt Gingrich recently said that the 2024 election was shaping up to be a return to the kind of blowout numbers that Reagan had over Carter, I think he was being nice, and that will essentially be because of Christian Nationalism.  America is a Christian nation, and so is much of the world, and they see in Trump the work of God that is a destiny.  And they are willing to play their part in it, one way or the other.  As I said about traveling around the country, America is not controlled by Democrats.  Most people are Christian Republicans, and the only reason they haven’t voted in past elections was because they didn’t have anybody to vote for. 

And that is the little secret that the Deep State would like everyone not to know, that Christian Nationalism beats them in every form they present themselves.  To win, not only do they have to cheat, as they have been doing for many years.  But they have to erode people’s foundations of value, so they have been attacking the church as one of their primary objectives.  It was not an accident that the ridiculously unscientific social distancing standards were trying to keep people from attending Church together during Covid.  The goal is obvious: the political left and the Deep State, in general, have been trying hard to subdue Christian Nationalism as a strategy for their takeover of global politics, and they have been working hard at it in America.  This only pushed Christianity’s influence to the back burner because there was nobody to vote for in the past.  But now there is.  And it’s a much more powerful political force than anything else.  It is the biggest rival of the United Nations attempting to take over global politics as godless heathens of polytheism and a return to the pantheon of Mesopotamian gods that have been around since the dawn of human intelligence.  The ideas of individualism are what they find objectionable, and there is nothing more individual than a God who runs the universe all by himself.  That is the enemy of mass collectivists everywhere, and they have been working hard to separate the world from such a relationship with God and nature in themselves, individualism, and the impulse of their spirit.  To serve the globalist and their United Nations political autocracy is to serve the polytheism of their ancient gods and return to the kings over their subjects, which is the fantasy of the World Economic Forum and communist governments around the world, especially socialists like Justin Trudeau and the lunatics at the European Union.  People get it; through Christian Nationalism, they can take America back and spread that influence to the far corners of the world, as we should.  And Trump is the means to do that, and people are going to crawl through broken glass naked to do it.  Nikki Haley has no role in that effort as the RINOs need to be crushed and removed from the Republican Party, and the media culture that has supported all these tyrannies be eradicated for the role they have played in America’s destruction.  Trump is just the start of it; there is a lot more to come on behalf of Christian Nationalism. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Three Wise Men, The Elohim, and UFOs: What the heck was Tucker Carlson talking about

Tucker Carlson always did reports on UFOs, as he was interested in the subject when he was on the mainstream news. But now that he’s on X as a news platform, he has the freedom to cover subjects I knew would make him a much more powerful voice. And UFO subjects come with a kind of stigma where just mentioning them throws the conversation into a conspiracy territory that abandons rationality from the outset. It’s then that you know that many people have been up to no good because UFOs are probably the most significant story worth discussing. They undoubtedly exist; we can see them and often do. Yet for Elon Musk to say that humans will become an interplanetary species for the first time in 4.5 billion years invites scrutiny. How could a person like him not know, who has spent so much time looking into space, studying the surface of Mars and the Moon, and listening to every story from every astronaut who has talked openly about UFO encounters, especially Buzz Aldrin’s descriptions of what they found on the moon? Undoubtedly, much of the anxiety of our times is that these long-held secrets are getting out. Mass media and decentralized discussions have made it so, probably not part of the plan. And now, the world forces are scrambling to keep themselves concealed. Because in concealment comes power, people are always terrified of what they can’t see. Once they realize what something is, they are much more prone not to be afraid of it. So, the UFO stories have a natural inclination toward authoritarian rule by those who can broker such information. And that power has a lot of desire to be maintained. So what did Tucker Carlson, newly freed from Fox News, mean when he said that UFO stories had a spiritual element to them that he found terrifying?

Time and definitions are often shaped by tyranny

I read an excellent book over the 2023 Holiday season called The Magi, which was about the Three Wise Men, or instead, the people who brought three gifts to baby Jesus, and what the nature of the star that led them there was all about, and even how translations over time and various cultures, and languages can undoubtedly create a haze of folklore that means different things to different people.  Tucker Carlson is a good and serious reporter who has been doing investigative journalism for a long time now, so when he admits that his view of UFOs is that they aren’t necessarily coming from Mars and are very ancient, what could he mean?  This is a good reason why we should talk more about the Jewish word for God called Elohim rather than the other words we have misused.  The word “god” does not give us all the information we need to know about Divine Council politics, their motivations, and how they interact with humanity.  It even further gets interesting when you take the reports of ayahuasca users and apply their experiences to UFO abductees.  They have remarkably similar stories to tell, and I find it quite stunning that Peruvian shamans from remote villages high in the mountains paint descriptions of UFOs visiting them under the influence of psychedelics because they have no point of reference to draw from.  All this opens up a discussion I think we all need to have about what we know about these things and how long we have known it, particularly in how power has ruled over humanity, and the cost of that power toward human intellect.

I think there is enough compelling evidence to discuss the Bible as a chronicle of UFO stories during a time when nobody had a stigma about what they were, including the Three Wise Men story of Christmas.  We have defined what they are to keep humanity under control.  But if we are looking for the little Martian from Bugs Bunny cartoons, we will likely be very disappointed, and Elon Musk may be right about humanity with some wordplay added in.  What you see isn’t necessarily what something is if you have been convinced it is something else.  For me, the more proper way to talk about UFOs is to discuss the role that the Elohim have played in Jewish culture and to consider that supernatural events aren’t so unusual but have been expected.  It has been our experience that was limited and our vision suppressed so that what we did see and when we saw it and reported it through literature, art, or entertainment, skepticism followed so that those who wanted to maintain power, either through the spirit world, or the material world, could remain in power and pull their strings to make humanity dance at their whims, maliciously as has often been the case.  The first step in unraveling this story is to treat UFOs not as unusual but as standard and not recent but ancient.  And they may not be “something else” from “somewhere else,” but they are us as we have always been and continue to be everywhere.  It has been our wrong definitions, not our observations.  And they were unfit to control us and for no other reason.

As I said in Elon Musk’s statement on space, we will deal with these problems now. Going to space is the right thing to do.  With the freedom of speech that the X platform gives him, reporters like Tucker Carlson will be able to report these UFO stories in new and unusual ways.  Ultimately, we will discover that they are very ancient and that we have a past connected to the rest of the universe in very complex ways that all our mythologies and religions have failed to capture correctly.  When we get into space, we will learn what all these astronauts have been seeing, and we will have to deal with it from an archaeological perspective.  And it’s not something for us to fear because it was us all along, and we have been interacting with these Elohim since humanity could write things down to remember later.  The desire to continue to fear visits from outer space by aliens is a lust that governments have to grow and protect us from.  But the more we learn, the less there is to fear.  And the more we realize that all along, the powers of the world have been lying to us and having us worship ancient pagan gods and maniacal political figures from the Elohim who do not have our best interest in mind.  And they are losing their cover story of deceit, which has always been part of their interactions.  So what will happen then?  We will find out, as Elon Musk said, about Starship’s role in taking humans into space.  We’re going, and we need to.  And what we learn is what we should have known all along.  Our ancient past isn’t well understood, and the ramifications of that purposeful ignorance will undoubtedly play a role in the future of politics on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Heaven isn’t necessarily somewhere else far away on a cloud somewhere, but in our backyard, and it was always there, as Jesus said, that mankind did not see it because they weren’t looking at it correctly.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Elohim and Plight of the Divine Council: Fighting the great war that spans eternity

In case you haven’t figured it out yet, we are being played in a kind of chess game with some basic patterns of thinking that are precisely how marketing motives are revealed. To say that the Jewish people are all one way or another is utterly ridiculous. That is like saying that Joe Biden and I are both American. But the next question about Republicans and Democrats, traditionalists and progressives, ends the conversation. There are no more similarities between Joe Biden and me than in saying that we live within the same borders of the same country. It has come up a lot over the Holiday season where people have been asking me a lot about the Bible, why and how I can support the Jewish people, and the creation of Israel at the expense of the Palestinians the way I do, even knowing what I do about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. So, of course, that opens up many explanation opportunities, which I’m happy to divulge. But to put it nicely, if you have allowed yourself to be marketed into foolishness, then you will be a little upset to find out all the ways you’ve been suckered, including most of the translations of the Bible. I think most people, including some of the most vigorous religious studies, get their interpretation of the Bible all wrong, and I often turn to Psalm 82 for the entire purpose of the Bible, which I would argue runs counter to everything people believe. 99. 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of everyone gets the Bible wrong. They have allowed their worldview and their religions to be shaped by institutional aggressors who are prone to mischaracterizations and influences of scandal that reside in the hearts of most translations, on purpose or by accident.

The Elohim is the proper word for God

There is quite a movement looming in the background that has figured some of this out and has been gaining momentum over the last few decades, which I would attribute to the nature of mass communication and having so many cultures interact now in ways they never could before. The old game of keep-away isn’t working like it used to, of pitting various sides against each other. I love the Jewish people because they are the oldest surviving group on earth. They are an ancient people, and with them and their rituals comes a window into the past that I find fascinating. Why do they believe the things they do? And why have so many groups, including those of today, want to eradicate them from the face of the earth, yet they are still here after many such attempts? And regarding any references to the Jewish people running all banking and controlling the world in the way that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion have chronicled, I would use the Joe Biden comparison, too. We both might have white skin. We both might live in America and be called American, but the differences end there. Otherwise, I’m nothing like Joe Biden, and regarding the many conspiracies, the Jewish people are not like the Rothchilds and various globalists who try to hide their tendency to want to control the world by hiding behind a religion, a region of the world, or the sentiments of history. Those who try to put everyone into these neat little categories are part of the problem, and their antics should be revealed for what they are: the actual manipulations of the Elohim and the Divine Council politics that work their way into our lives daily but reside far beyond our reach materially, into the chess games of Heaven that are very much a part of our daily life.

An amazing book compiled over a tremendous amount of time

In that wonderful passage, Psalm 82, we find the proper word for God, Elohim, used by the Jewish people in their Hebrew Bibles, particularly before the modern era of progressive impact on the publishing industry began tampering with words, that the Hebrew names for things are essential.  God calls on the Divine Council of Heaven to pull it together and judge wickedness righteously.  Even though God spoke about here as the singular Elohim, he has trouble keeping his Divine Council together even as creator of the universe.  They are plotting and scheming always to undercut all civilization for their political purposes.  We tend to think of Heaven as a relief from the concerns of Earth, but reality indicates that things are on Earth as they are in Heaven.  Politics is a creation of Heavenly existence; our motivations are similar everywhere, including on the other side of the universe among all living creatures.  The idea of a utopia where everyone gets along is the fantasy of those who don’t have the will to fight and understand politics as living things interact.  I have many different Bibles that I use for study, and one of my favorites for this very reason is a Complete Jewish Study Bible that has gone to great effort to put its original Hebrew words in it to translate the true meanings of biblical passages.  One of my Bibles, my study Bible for the King James version, is wonderful, but purposefully, the translation from the original Septuagint in Greek is very much watered down.  These last few decades, It has been challenging to find a Bible with the correct term for God, the Elohim, in it for the context of meaning.  And even then, there has been a lot lost to time and translation by minds not entirely up to the task of wrapping their minds around the concept of a “divine council” that is always rebelling against God and using the plight of humanity for malicious purposes. 

The wars we are fighting are instigated by many of these same forces who jump into the minds of the stupid and weak willingly for purposes that cannot be understood until the context of the entire Bible is conceived as an attempt over many thousands of years to see this big picture of politics among the Divine Council for what it is.  Psalm 82 was likely written around 1450 BC, so it predates the building of Solomon’s Temple by 500 years and the birth of Christ by over a thousand.  So, to put together this story as the Jewish people had by being one of the only civilizations to be together still after such an ancient past is quite remarkable and worth preserving.  Another interesting fact is that Jewish people, by heritage, can all trace back their genealogy to one common ancestor 140,000 years ago, which makes sense to me.  To all those who want to think about the entire history of the world starting about 6000 years ago, I believe that is because the translations are off.  That doesn’t cheapen the religious experience but is driven because the context of history is off in translating ancient material.  Such a consideration gives the Adam and Eve story a lot more merit.  If the Middle East didn’t have so many wars all the time, we would likely be able to confirm all this, but then perhaps that’s the point of all the political turmoil.  To keep us from figuring it out, the political mechanisms can be applied for reasons that extend well beyond the concerns of the Earth.  And that is my answer on the Jewish people and religion in general.  I like to understand politics and am very interested in why people do what they do.  But saying all that, I am very interested in the Elohim in the plural sense and their politics so that we, too, can play the big chess game and win it on the side of goodness and righteousness.  And to not be victims as Job was, or many other characters who were caught up in the political antics of the Elohim.  But to fight back against them in ways they aren’t prepared for, and to win.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Yes, You Can Throw a Forest: Defeating evil before it can grow

Of course, if I said to you, “pick up those trees in that forest and throw them off into the distance,” you would think it impossible.  Yet I might still insist that you could do it.  And that the success of that venture isn’t in whether it was possible or not but that it was all a matter of timing.  If you wait until the trees are deeply rooted and fully grown, it is a much more challenging task than if you were to try to throw the various trees if they had not yet been planted in the ground, and were still contained within a bag of seeds.  Even a child could throw the trees then, by throwing them while they are still seeds.  A seed is still a tree before it has had the opportunity to grow into something much more substantial.  If we were to plant the entire bag of seeds into the ground and let them grow into a whole forest, things would have changed a lot, making it much more difficult to throw a forest.  But you still could; you’d have to change the state of the matter.  A fully grown forest then takes a lot of work to remove, lots of power tools, and a means of chopping up the trees into something much smaller so we could deal with them.  Like a chipper shredder and a chainsaw.  The impossibility of the task is only in the state of growth.  If you try to throw a seed, you can do it easily.  If you try to throw a fully grown tree, it would be impossible without the tools of humanity to change the condition and break it up into much smaller segments.  So, the outlandish nature is purely a judgment based on timing. 

There has been a lot of fear based on what people are seeing regarding the level of evil that has grown all around us, such as the recent TikTok story about Osama bin Laden’s “Letter to America,” which has been weaponized to appeal to an entirely new generation of Americans and is a topic all its own.  Many of those kids weren’t even born yet, but they were targeted by the enemy with this Chinese-driven propaganda campaign essentially before they had a chance to grow up.  China, using the Art of War, which anybody can read, is planning the destruction of America and their rival in the global marketplace by essentially destroying the forest by crushing the seeds before they have a chance to grow.  And we could say that about most things we see around us, from drugs, education, finance, the concerns of the Chamber of Commerce, things start to make a lot more sense if you think of war in this strategy of destroying the enemy before roots from the seeds ever take hold.  Much of what has been coming at us, as Americans, by many enemies around the world is this strategy of destroying the country before its next generation matures.  If they wait too long, it would become a much more complicated task and require more technology and force, which those enemies may never be able to muster.  All these problems that we see now didn’t just happen, nor did they form overnight.  They were always intended to attack early and destroy often.  Not by attacking the strength of a nation, but their weakness, their youth.  And clearly, we can look around us and see the results.  Many people are complicit in letting it all happen because they got caught paying attention to everything but what they should have been thinking about.

But all is not lost because the same works the other way.  To defeat evil, destroy it while it grows or takes hold in a culture.  Attacking it while fully grown is much more complicated than pulling it up by the roots while it’s still growing from a seed.  If you have ever done any gardening, it is not good to let weeds grow around your corn, potatoes, and green beans.  You want to get in there and pull up all the weeds so they cannot contaminate your good crops.  Allowing the weeds to grow with everything else only makes a mess and takes away from the healthy growth of the plants you want.  When the enemies of our culture told us that we should not judge, what they meant was that we should not look at our gardens and our youth and say this beautiful corn and this weed are different.  They are both plants and growing, but we should not judge which is valuable.  Of course, that was just another form of this attack because, in the early stages, you can’t quickly tell a weed from a stalk of corn.  As they are growing from seeds, they look very much alike.  And for good reason.  They want to survive as a plant species, so not showing what they are early allows them to sneak under the radar of judgment to fulfill their purpose.  If it’s corn, then they will produce food.  If they are weeds, they will take away from the healthy growth of other plants.  But if we wait too long to make those judgments, the change will have happened, and removing them from our culture is much more complex, like throwing out the forest. 

Many of us are looking at a society of weeds, of drug addicts, lazy people, corrupt people, seeds that have grown into adults, or ideas that have established themselves as foundations of our current institutions that are perpetuating evil, and we feel there is nothing we can do about it.  But I would argue that there is a lot we can do.  Yet I would also say that the success of doing anything depends on the timing.  Do things, plant seeds, or destroy those seeds at their very foundations before they have a chance to grow.  I have seen the freedom movement doing this for many decades in reaction to the evil intentions of America’s enemies.  The casual observers don’t notice much because they are too busy looking at the fully grown forests without considering the plants that make it up, the combination of trees, weeds, shrubbery, and various types of grass.  If such a forest were to be removed, it would be easy when all those plants were just thrown into a bag together as seeds and dealt with accordingly.  But now that they are grown, the sheer magnitude of their physical presence eliminates such thoughts from consideration, and they don’t make the connection.  But we can do to them what they have done to us; we can destroy their dumb ideas while they are still seeds in a bag.  We can rot them from the inside out. We can cut them from being nurtured so they cannot grow into a monstrosity of evil that saturates our senses with villainy and ill intent.  Yes, we can throw a forest.  The key is to do it early and often.  And to judge the good from the bad, the living and the dead.  And not to feed evil as we might provide the plants we want in society.  Life will do what life does; it will grow into something.  What it ends up being and how a forest looks in its final form has much to do with our judgments of their behavior while they are still seeds.  If we address those concerns early enough, we will have much greater success than waiting until everything is fully grown and a much more complex matter.

Rich Hoffman

The Best Way to Fight Terrorism is to Buy a Gun: Israel should have had private gun ownership

I think my wife’s reaction to the attack on Israel is similar to most people.  She is such a sweet, loving person, and not some radical ideologue, that her opinion represents the majority.   And as we watched the footage of all the poor young women being beaten and raped by the thugs of Palestine, she turned to me and said, “I want to buy more guns.”  I asked her how many guns she wanted because we weren’t lacking in that department.  For my concealed carry, I always have my .50 caliber Desert Eagle.  When people ask me about my leather vests, I always wear them because it’s the only thing I can wear that conceals that gun in public.  Additionally, I carry with me at all times a Smith & Wesson .500 Magnum with an extra long barrel to keep the recoil down when firing.  Some people think that is too much heat in a civilized country like America, but I have much experience that says otherwise.  The default mode for all humans is just above that of a wild animal.  The only thing that brings about civility is good laws through a decent religion.  Governments have never been able to install a philosophy that protects people from a centralized state.  So, the key to a civilized society that ensures destruction from a villainous perpetrator is gun rights.  And instinctively, my wife understood that as she watched the carnage from the news coverage and heartbreaking reports.  So I told her we could go up to the gun store at the end of our street and buy as many guns as she wanted.  I’m always good for a few more guns.  They are the best votes you can make in a society that you want to be civil and law-driven. 

Israel’s most significant problem that facilitated all this carnage is that they don’t have gun rights for individuals, which opened them up to this attack.  They have a good military and generally a decent government, which is a deterrent in most cases.  But their lack of personal gun ownership allowed the house-to-house raids in Israel and the Hamas checkpoints, which stopped and slaughtered entire families.  I would further add that if not for individual gun rights, there would have already been terrorist raids like we saw in Israel in the United States.  I do not doubt that there will be attempts by some radical terrorist cells to bring similar horrors to our communities.  That is the intention of the open border policy people.  Hamas is just another terrorist weapon that agents of evil in the world can tap into at will to inspire fear and death for political advantage, and this attack in Israel was far from a spontaneous event.  It was the result of a culture that built into it the vulnerabilities of a liberal world order on purpose so that mass control of the population through fear would be easy to achieve.  I get the ability to travel extensively, and I can report that countries that do not have personal firearm protections and functional religions are ingredients for outright destruction.  Without personal protections and military-grade defense of private property, society cascades into chaos quickly.  The people of that society are either too compliant to be inventive and economically potent or too dangerous to coexist with other people.  Only through the maintenance of private property and a standard of value everyone can share does success in a social regard begin to function correctly. 

I could tell many personal stories I have had from my past where carrying such large caliber weapons makes perfect sense, even if it’s not the shared experience of the everyday business person or soccer mom hauling their kids around to sporting events.  On more than one occasion, I have learned how dangerous people can be just one carload away at a traffic light, so I keep myself prepared for the worst they can offer.  Government rules do not deter villainy; instead, they attract malicious characters like flies on a hot summer in July.  The more guns a culture has, the safer that society is.  And that would be my recommendation based on a lot of personal experience as a lesson from this attack on Israel.  Any government that says it wants to control the private ownership of guns is setting up that culture for personal violence, especially in the United States, where the open border policy in the south has purposefully allowed so many characters with a bad reputation into our country.  The same people telling us they want to take our guns are also creating a policy where Hamas-level terrorists are moving into our cities and communities with just as much hostile intention as they attacked Israel during Yom Kippur.  Only fools would follow such ridiculous instructions.  If they could, they would have attacked already and are always looking for a vulnerability to exploit.  Should society always be that close to complete mayhem?  Well, that’s up to the people’s values, and religion is a means to regulate society into some mutually agreed sentiment of value.  But in an open society with free expression, where governments tend to be corrupt on a good day, people must be able to protect themselves.  Because the government won’t, can’t, and is inspired to evil on its own.

So, if you are considering getting a gun, I would say to do so.  I would also say to carry one with you all the time.  Everywhere.  Do not trust the government to protect you.  It’s great if they do.  But don’t be a sucker and expect it by default.  I told my wife she can buy as many guns as she wants.  I recommend purchasing a new weapon every month and supporting our gun manufacturers.  With more than 300 million guns in America, I want to see more than a billion in private ownership.  And the bigger, the better.  Criminals break the rules, and there is something to steal wherever there is value.  Something to bring harm to.  Israel is a country of value in a pit of vipers who live a substandard, collective existence.  To adequately protect their people, they should have had private gun ownership for those days when Hamas would attack them and perform such acts of terror as we have just witnessed.  It can happen in America, too, and while you can’t remove such intentions from the mind of the malicious, you can stop them once they start shooting and minimize the carnage.  To have a free society that protects private property from even the government gangsters, which, even under the best circumstances, they are, you must always carry firearms with you.  You must have your house filled with them.  And if you want to vote for true prosperity, you can buy lots and lots of guns to let the world know you are more than prepared for anything that might come your way from dangerous personalities.  Buying guns is an act of civility and law and order.  Without the maintenance of every individual in a culture toward that objective, there is no hope to wrestle away from the villains of a stable society of mutual respect.  Only with superior firepower can a society hope to thrive from those despotes of civilization that always want to crawl back into the cave and retreat and stop human progress to fear every approaching thunderstorm that streaks across the sky, unleashed by the gods because somebody forgot to sacrifice a goat.

 Rich Hoffman