The Magnificant Launch of Starship: A Jealous, Fat, Mother that wants to Sabotage her son’s hot wife

The biggest story of the year so far was undoubtedly the SpaceX Starship launch that occurred on April 20th, 2023. It was the largest rocket configuration that ever attempted to fly, and they managed to get the monstrosity to leave the pad and achieve supersonic speeds in its first flight. I stopped what I was doing when the launch occurred in Boca Chica, Texas, around 9:30 AM. And the rest of the world was watching too. Suddenly nothing else was more important, and it was nice to see. But of course, there were problems. The force of the launch damaged the launch pad, some of the Raptor engines did not ignite, and others burned out during the flight, leaving the upward trajectory to fall short of its orbital goals. The craft lost control in the upper atmosphere and had to self-destruct in what SpaceX called “an unscheduled disassembly.” We were watching an entirely new sector of the economy blooming before our eyes. Starship was essentially a giant space bus that would make it possible to move civilization into space with routine, reusable space flights, much more effectively than the Space Shuttle from NASA was able to. Starship was a game changer, and they actually made the thing fly, which many thought would be impossible. So with everything going on which seemed so important, there was nothing bigger, better, or more dramatic than the launch of SpaceX’s Starship into orbital testing. There are more phases to test, such as the orbital spaceflight itself and reloading back on a pad in Texas for rapid refueling and relaunch. Yet, there is a lot more going on with this launch than just a technical achievement. The entire world was not happy about it, even though they were paying attention. You didn’t see Joe Biden stop and give a press conference about this event from the Rose Garden because, in essence, the world’s politics did not want to see SpaceX achieve anything, which became apparent in the hours after the launch. 

All the news coverage was negative to one degree or another. The key reports talked about the damage to the launch pad and that the Starship had exploded on its first flight. There was almost a jealous parent syndrome going on when a son brings home a hot young girl he intends to marry, and the mother is a fat piece of cabbage shaped by years of bad decisions who says nothing but bad things about the young wife-to-be. Of course, the son wants his mom to be happy, but she’s overtly jealous and can’t say anything good because here is a nice young couple who have a chance to do all kinds of great things together, while the mom’s life is essentially over. So she jealously criticizes everything about the young couple to their face, and even worse, behind their backs, making it impossible to have a conversation with her about anything because she is so filled with jealous hate. That global mother is the earth, and the way she intends to manage her family is communism, as China has been selling it to the world. And with communists, a centralized government intends to prevent options for the children so that they are easier to control. For top-heavy governments filled with lazy bureaucrats, they are always looking for the easiest options, so they wish to limit the desires of the human race to fit their limited abilities. Space, in this case, is the hot young wife that is filled with promise colliding with the desire by governments to rule at all costs. They want Covid restrictions and economy lockdowns, while the children want to be free of such parental figures and a chance to do things their own way in the world. That is what Starship brings to civilization.

The plan is for Starship to launch a new craft several times a week within a few years. The assembly line-like approach at Starbase, where the Starship launches, currently have plenty of other rockets ready to go. That’s the way SpaceX operates. Even with all the damage, SpaceX will have another craft ready to fly in a few months, and they’ll stay along that path until they achieve stable flight that is so routine that people won’t even pay attention anymore, much the way that the Falcon Heavy launches are now, that launch so often that nobody hardly takes the time to watch them, even though every one of them is its own minor miracle of science. In a short time, Starship will be able to take people into space by the busloads, and they will unlock a whole new economy where the tools of space will suddenly free mankind in ways that recorded history has never been able to achieve. The ability to set up space stations on the moon, manufacture in the weightlessness of space, and travel to Mars and other places is a game changer that many haven’t come to terms with. And yet launches like the one early in 2023 drag that angry mother along for the ride that is way beyond their control, and they don’t like it. 

A quick reminder that when NASA landed people on the moon, we had two significant events that sought to pull mankind back into the worship of ancient Sumerian gods, such as the Cult of Ishtar with the Stonewall Inn riots at the end of June 1969, then again a month after the July landing on the moon with the Woodstock music festival. What we saw was a crawl by the timid of our society back to the primitive grasp of that jealous mother because they lacked the courage to embrace this new future where mankind could build a rocket and land people on the moon to walk around, pick up rocks and practice their golf swing. The governments of the world should be more supportive, just as they should support the young son who brings home the hot wife-to-be, untarnished by the mistakes of age and a fresh outlook on life. Space is an opportunity for everyone, and SpaceX’s work is destroying the yearnings for global communism because it brings too many options to civilization, requiring an entirely new political philosophy. Knowing all that, the way that the news media is these days, entirely on board with centralized governments controlling every aspect of society, this push into space does not fit their comfort zone of technical innovation. The imagination and ambition of our society were outgrowing the governments that wanted to hold it back with silly rules and regulations. And many of those static figures hoped that SpaceX would fail and continue to fail. So all they could think about during that magnificent launch was their hope that it would all go bad and that; hopefully, Elon Musk would get discouraged and stop trying to get into space and would shut up, sit down, and take orders from an authoritarian government like everyone else. Instead, what SpaceX continues to do, and why people cheer on those launches the way they do, is because space gives people options. Options that organized societies have always struggled with. How do you boss around people with kingly roles if people can just pick up their stuff and leave? And with that, there were many animosities that Starship had a successful launch, that it had left the pad and achieved great things that will bring tremendous new options to all existence. Which clearly the tyrants of the world do not want to see. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Hollywood’s Democrats are Blood Sucking Occultists: Study what they do, not what they say, and start with Alister Crowley, Jack Parsons, and L. Ron Hubbard

When faced with so much evil, it’s logical to wonder about conspiracy theories, such as does the Illuminati run Hollywood and the record industry? Do modern actors and musicians worship Satan? Is there a blood cult of liberals who drink the blood of tortured children hoping to invoke help from the spirit realm to make their lazy asses more successful in life? Well, I’d say, based on experience, that the answer to all those questions is yes. Liberals, in general, are lazy, and yes, they would instead seek supernatural aid in bringing success to their lives through the occult than in being good, honest, and hard-working to achieve success. Yes, they will contact spirits from some parallel dimension to work through some problem, just as they would sit on the side of the road with a flat tire and wait for someone to come along to change it for them. Evil is driven by laziness, and lazy people will always be prone to evil deeds. How do we know? There is plenty of evidence of it, especially from characters I have written about before, who helped start Hollywood and NASA, L. Ron Hubbard, Alister Crowley, and Jack Parsons. All three of those people brought sex magic to Pasadena, California, in the hopes of getting help from the spirit world to further their success. It’s clear that Jack Parsons is the man behind rocketry in America and putting people on the moon. Without Jack Parsons, there would have never been a NASA. There is a crater on the moon named after him, so he’s not some crazy, irrelevant figure. When you know history, you can understand the motivations of people. So when concerned voters these days look at the occult for rationalization as to the level of evil they are seeing now in modern times, there’s a good reason for it.

The sex orgies of the movie Eyes Wide Shut and the spirit world interactions of David Lynch films is a very real thing, even though people may not talk about it. Alister Crowley so entranced members of the band Led Zepplin that they bought his house at Loch Ness, which is said to be horribly haunted. Likely because of all the rituals that Crowley utilized in the house to manipulate the spirit world to his aims. You can’t really talk about politics and liberalism in general without pulling back the layers of the occult that reside just underneath the surface. Liberals in the Democrat party believe what they do for a reason, and we need to understand what those things are. Based on their belief system, including the “spirit cooking” that we know about in John Podesta’s emails, revealed by Wikileaks, contact with the spirit world is essential to these people. Podesta himself, the campaign manager for Hillary Clinton in 2016, is a huge UFO advocate who is pushing for full disclosure to the public of what the government knows about the activity, and for those who don’t know, UFO phenomena and occult rituals are closely linked. It’s not so much about little green men “out there” somewhere but other kinds of characters. You don’t hear about conservatives doing these things. These beliefs that liberals have must be analyzed to understand their political viewpoint, which at the center of it involves a massive blood cult of killing babies. Abortion is at the center of what all Democrats believe in, and the scandal of Covid has ripped away the cloak of their primary concern. For abortion it’s all about the rights of the mother. But for Covid, nobody owned their body, and the government could tell everyone to get mandatory medicine. See how things fall apart with these people; logically, they are up to no good, which gets revealed in such quandaries.

Understanding the political left’s stance on abortion and knowing the background of their origins in Hollywood, such as the cults left behind by Alister Crowley, L. Ron Hubbard, and Jack Parsons, it makes more sense to view the killing of babies as a massive blood sacrifice to the demons of existence than to argue that sex and perversions are acceptable to a nation founded by Christians for the appeasement of ambitious spirits who seek to bring great harm and mayhem to our world through rituals and blood magic. Its more logical to view satanic influences in the movie industry, human trafficking, music, drugs, and all the communist elements of the counter-culture movement that followed Jack and the gang after the 1940s, when many Hollywood actresses, producers, and influencers were at these massive sex orgies trying to invoke the spirit world to their desires expressed through orgasm to the universe addicted to the pornography of human inhabitants on earth. Not your typical Little House on the Prairie storyline, but it’s what these people essentially are doing. By opening such a thoughtful door to such creatures of mythology, the political left has actually tried to commit mass ritual destruction to America through these practices. Even today, L. Ron Hubbard, who stole away the wife and centerpiece of the sex orgies at Parson’s house, is at the heart of Hollywood with his religion of Scientology based on science fiction books. And Jack was OK with it at the time. Hubbard would start one of Hollywood’s prominent religions after that, where they believe that we all have harnessed spirits that need to be set free because the galactic dictator Zenu brought them to earth and imprisoned them in human bodies, which gave birth to the human race. These are the kind of Democrats who voted for Joe Biden and worked against President Trump in modern times, killers of babies, desecrators of America’s puritan founding, and advocates of massive sex magic rituals to invoke the spirit world to help their lazy asses to gain fame and fortune. Would many people in Hollywood drink menstrual blood and pray to the celestial sign of Venus under the chanting and drug inducement of a bunch of lunatics? Yes, they would, especially if they might gain fame and fortune in the entertainment industry.   

Of course, they will lie to our faces. They don’t believe in God, so what’s to stop them from lying? What does it matter if they put their hand on a Bible and take an oath to the Constitution? These people don’t believe in the same kind of things that the rest of us believe. And they have been operating in the light of day for over a century. Like I say all the time, don’t listen to what they say; pay attention to what they do. And look at who the founders of Hollywood were; sex magic was a thing in Pasadena at the start of two major industries, entertainment, and aviation. And people in those industries know it, but you don’t see NASA change the crater’s name on the moon due to cancel culture. Instead, many have followed in the footsteps of the characters mentioned here. They watched their success, and they sought to do the same for themselves. We’ve seen what kind of losers are running the Disney Company these days. This stuff didn’t just grow overnight. It took years to develop the occult fascination that we see so many references to in our entertainment culture, especially in music. Why all the Illuminati signs from pop culture icons? Well, because they believe it works and will help them succeed in life. For them, it’s a better life than following some poor dude who was nailed to a cross and died for all our sins. They’d rather commit those sins, sacrifice babies to the demons of existence, and drink menstrual blood to give birth to the moon goddess than actually work for a living the traditional way. And that is why there is so much evil in the world. Occultist personalities are lazy, real, and everywhere, especially on the progressive side of belief. And that is the reality of what we are fighting today. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Covid is a ‘Return to the Primitive’: Government attacking regenerative science so they can stay in control and imprison society at large

Government Returns to the Primitive

Well, if there was ever a great example of Ayn Rand’s book Return of the Primitive, a compilation of articles she had written in the 60s, the Biden speech on Covid was it.  So, you get tested, then what?  You find out you have Covid; what happens next?  How is testing a proactive measure by government in any way?  What is the point of testing?   Essentially, all testing does is give the media something to talk about in case counts.  But it does nothing to solve the problem of Covid.  The government assumes that once someone has Covid, they should sit around in quarantine for several days to avoid spreading it to other people so that we don’t have hospital staffing shortages?  The whole approach is one of the finest examples of government stupidity that there has ever been, and sadly, many people have been caught up in the shell game in negative ways.  What we have with Covid is a government-made cold that was tampered with by Dr. Fauci in partnership with the Chinese, who used all this panic as a means to alter the election of 2020. Now they are stuck in the perpetual lie that they have to maintain to cover up the original sin.  It’s really pathetic in the scheme of things.  For authoritarian types, those who like to do government work because they want to boss around other people, the temptation to always regress to the “primitive” is always there and is the most dangerous aspect of modern society. It’s not the virus that is dangerous with Covid. It’s the dumb government that has created many artificial policies to deal with it. 

In that Ayn Rand book, she points out the paradox of the space race and that the Woodstock music festival happened within a month of landing on the moon for the first time.  We saw the best that human ingenuity and imagination could achieve in one case.  Then we saw the reaction of the below-the-line thinkers, hippies, communists, and scum bags who wanted to listen to Jimmie Hendrix play a guitar. At the same time, the participants did lots of drugs, wallowed in the mud naked, and had sex with whoever happened to come along.  Those music festival participants essentially wanted to climb back to a time in the past when humans were subservient to the weather, to the seasons, and the village chief.  And essentially, we still have those same elements playing out before our eyes.  On the day of this article, Christmas of 2021, the James Webb Space Telescope was launched to peer into the distant universe.  Space X is poised to test out their Super Heavy rockets for the first significant step into colonizing Mars, either for the first time or to return there from some distant past long erased from memory.  Then you have these government idiots telling us to run and hide from a silly virus that they made and funded essentially to manipulate political circumstances so that they could be the village chief.  But to be the boss, they have to cut off the feet of all the villagers effectively so they can’t run away from them.  To paralyze people with fear over Covid has been one of the most destructive things that any government has ever done to people, and the results have been pathetically ridiculous. 

Long-time readers here know about regenerative science.  There is essentially no reason ever to get cancer or get sick about anything.  Almost everything can be fixed at the level of a DNA strain.   Suppose we had a government not trying to crawl back into the past campfires and control vast amounts of our economy with government regulation and intrusion. In that case, we could really empty our hospitals by fixing the people who are stuck there rather quickly.  The truth is, and we can see it with Covid, the government wants people in the hospitals.  They want people sick.  They work like K-Street pimps in whoring out the pharmaceutical drugs because those are their donors, and an unsuspecting public awaits!  The government does not want regenerative medicine because it takes away their power.  There is power in fear, and when people are afraid to die, they seek the village chief, just as all primitive people have.  But it’s all by choice.  Real science says that we can fix anything in anybody at any time.  In fact, one of the latest Elon Musk projects is Neuralink which will allow paralyzed people to walk again, like usual.  There really isn’t a problem the human race can’t solve.  There is no reason to get sick and die unless it’s by some freak accident.  The governments of the world want people in a weak state to control them and their economies.  And that is all that Covid ever was in all its variants. 

There are solutions right now in hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin that can contain the virus outbreak but make sure to note that the governments and their pawns, Big Tech, corporate media, and other distributors of misinformation want to steer people away from anything that doesn’t make massive profits for their pharmaceutical donors.  The government pays Big Pharma then gives away the medicine for free to build a mandated client base for the drugs for the virus that the government made to control all those people. It’s the most significant sham ever tried, and its mission statement is regression, to take mankind back to the campfire, not to the distant stars of the universe as a species.  The government doesn’t want solutions to the problems they caused because they want the issues to steer society in ways they desire, which is profitable as authoritarians.  When Biden gave his speech to the nation without a plan on putting society back to normal, it was an insult.  All he could utter was some babbling talk about testing without a plan to get rid of the virus and make society normal again.  Instead, all the government wanted to talk about was some method of listening to their tainted leadership for safety and an endless list of nonsense that would keep people in a depleted condition forever. 

But despite all that government tampering, science has evolved the state of the human being, and to this very moment, there is no mystery as to some problem that can’t be solved, not with humans themselves or the greater world around them.  All cancers could be solved, every disease has an answer, and biological improvements are there for us to pluck off the tree of life like a ripe apple ready for our stomachs.  It’s all there for us if only we would reach up and just take it.  But the government is that snake that says, “no, don’t leave me behind. Don’t eat from the tree of immortality.  Eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, as defined by evil! Don’t take Ivermectin to kill the virus we made to make you love me. Don’t solve the problems I gave you to be together.  Stay with me in Hell, forever, because I love you so much.” It sounds pretty crazy, doesn’t it?  Yet that is precisely what Joe Biden and his government losers were saying in his address to the nation over Covid.  It was pathetic, a declaration of the primitive, and a lie in the face of real science, which is yearning to bust free of government clutches and do good work for all humanity, well into the future.  A future the government would instead sabotage than endure because that future means we would need them much less.

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

We Don’t Have the Right Politics for Space Travel: We’ll have to change that before settling Mars

To move into Space, we need Capitalism as the driver of our politics

I am by far not an Elon Musk fanboy.  I like a lot about Elon Musk and the great work he does with Tesla and SpaceX.  But I’m not crazy at all about his talk about universal incomes and climate change.  I view a lot of what he says as a guy throwing up ideas, much the way he runs his companies, and if someone can shoot holes in his thoughts, he welcomes that chance.  He sees it as making things better.  I could talk and argue with Elon Musk all day and year, and I would have fun doing it.  And I think he would too.  But I found an extraordinary moment from him recently on Part III of the exclusive Everyday Astronaut interview where Elon walked them around the Starbase facility ahead of a Superheavy launch attempt. I’ll put those interviews up here for you to watch, but I found them remarkable.  Space X is how most companies should be run. It reminded me of the eventual aim of my recent book, The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business, which is to learn not to be afraid of those who intend to impose fear on you.  To learn not to fall in love with rigid rules and to reunite yourself to risk because that’s how the human race advances.  During Part III, Elon paused and referred to just that very concept.  But he knows he can’t say such things.  He has all kinds of people who follow him, liberals, conservatives, people who have no idea what they are.  He currently has to work with the Biden administration if he wants to send ships into space.  He must also work with other countries, like China, because we are all tangled together in unhealthy ways.  So, I get why he couldn’t say what he wanted to say.  But I am under no such restriction. 

I don’t typically think of the “degrowth movement” as an accurate word. Still, the way Mark Levin talked about it in his recent book, American Marxism, seems more appropriate when talking about the sciences than just saying “socialism” or “communism.” Many young people think of these things not as a recent threat but as an ancient menace that expired well before their time.  But they understand growth, and for this topic, it’s certainly the correct way to term what the political left has been doing.  Elon Musk has played around with left-leaning ideas, such as the universal income, electric infrastructure ran by solar, and even smoking pot on a podcast to show how cool and hip he was.  Those are all things that have made me ignore what Elon Musk has been doing.  That is until he does something magnificent like developing the Falcon rockets for reusable landings and building the Starships in Texas.  Slowly over time, I’ve watched Elon as he has tried to do “growth” things in a world run increasingly by “degrowth” personalities; he has been getting frustrated.  For instance, he moved to Texas, leaving California behind after the ridiculous Covid policies shut down the state economically.  And recently, when environmentalists threw protests toward his desire to build a Starship factory at the Starport facility because of water concerns, he sounded more like a Trump supporter than a centralist libertarian. 

Musk is trying to do all pro-growth in a world being drug into a no-growth period by the participants of the Vico Cycle, which I explain in detail in my Gunfighter’s Guide to Business.  These cycles are not new to the human race, they have occurred many times in the past, and we end up constantly re-inventing ourselves.  And that is what Elon Musk sees he is up against, and he let it out a bit during that Part III interview.  That was the primary reason I wrote my book, to help people not repeat the past, but to punch through into this new space age not with restriction and fear, which the communists of the world want, but with unrestricted adventure fueled by the power of capitalism.  When it comes down to the various philosophies, we cannot all have different ideas about the direction of the human race.  We either want to grow or retreat into the huts of history and return to yelling at lightning bolts and attributing gods to their origins to make sense out of a storm.  Or, we want to fly about those mysteries into the worlds beyond and fulfill our quests for adventure, both large and small, on a vast playing field of unlimited possibilities.  The two views of the world will not live together forever.  The inflection point is upon us.

And that’s when Elon Musk realized that everything done at SpaceX would disappear in an instant without him.  It is he alone that is doing all these outstanding achievements.  Sure, he has lots of brilliant employees who do the heavy lifting, but he provides the vision, and without vision, nothing happens.  If human beings are going to be a space-oriented society, then a new type of government will have to be embraced.  The one we have now, which fought hard to keep Donald Trump from being president and wanted to get rid of him when he was, will not allow the efforts of Elon Musk either to carry humans into space.  We have to solve one problem at the philosophical level if we are ever to put 1 million people onto Mars like Elon Musk wants to do.  We have to have a growing economy with an increasing workforce to accommodate it all.  To have hundreds of thousands of people on the moon, Mars, and wherever else in the next couple of decades, Elon can do the math that was in his words during the interview.  The illogical politics of our current moment, driven by communism and Marxism, are just wrong for the adventure of space. 

Going even further, we have never solved these problems even in our science fiction, except perhaps in Star Wars.  People need to be free, adventurous, experimental, and free to fail for space to work.  A micromanaging government will always be in the way of what Elon Musk wants to do.  He can only smoke joints so much, enough to keep the parasites off his heels.  He can only spout off so much greenie weenie appeasement to keep the environmental protestors from standing in the way of a new Starship manufacturing plant in the middle of the desert.  And that is the point of my book, not to crawl back into the Old West and sleep in hot unairconditioned cabins using the restroom outside.  And getting water with a bucket every time you wanted a drink.  Modern conveniences are good to have.  But what we may not want to leave behind is the courage and adventure of discovery and wealth building.  I would say that those are far more essential things than climate preservation or the appeasement of soft-natured Marxists looking for a big daddy government to care for them the way their parents failed.  Once we solve those problems, we can then move to space.  Elon Musk has figured out how millions of people are excited about it and follow his every move.  They don’t know that the politics they wish to ignore are just the very thing that will keep their feet on the ground and their starships from flying.  We must solve the politics before we can solve the space. 

Rich Hoffman

The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business
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Asking Questions: Elon Musk understands that answers are less important

This interview shown below with Elon Musk and the very popular YouTube Channel ‘Everyday Astronaut’ was remarkable in many ways, so it is worth sharing here for those who don’t find themselves exposed to these kinds of things. I thought both participants in this interview were covering some very extraordinary aspects of our current culture and how we are getting from here to there so to speak. For me, I think the concept and pace of engineering that is going on at SpaceX regarding the Starship MK1 is truly transitory for our civilization and is one of the most important things going on in the world today. I’m a huge fan of the work SpaceX is doing on many levels, and it didn’t surprise me to learn that Elon Musk’s primary philosophical motivation is science fiction, especially the work of Douglas Adams in his pinnacle work, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. There is of course a little Star Wars sprinkled in for good effect behind the scenes making this interview unusual in the boyish optimism displayed that is unheard of in government driven attempts at space travel and for one main reason, the understanding that its not always the answers we seek, but the question.

For me the work of Joseph Campbell has always been what has unlocked the ceiling of intellectual potential. It doesn’t matter what does it for an individual, it could be Douglas Adams, George Lucas or Joseph Campbell, what matters is that the creative work does something to unlock the limits of human understanding by provoking the questions that need to be asked, instead of always focusing on the answer. Answers to questions are relative to the interpretations of those responding. What matters more than anything no matter what the endeavor is in life is in discovering the questions that then need answers, otherwise the results are always ambiguous. For this Starship MK1 where conventional avionic development would favor composite construction, due to a lack of autoclave availability in such sizes and not wanting to wait for one to be built, SpaceX moved on to this stainless steel design, which is brilliant not just esthetically, but in function. It is an excellent example of how asking the right questions can change everything and bring to life the benefits of invention.

And watching Elon Musk give that interview was a true delight, not in that it was a stuffy discussion about how smart all the engineers are and how dangerous space flight can be, but it was beholding the energy of a child who just wanted to play with new toys for the sake of discovering new questions to ask where smart people could relish in answering those ponderances. To do something for the joy of it that changes our perception of reality is quite an important thing to do and it all starts with the mechanisms of discovering the questions that need answers, otherwise answers without questions have no relevancy. It is the question that matters more than the answer.

This is certainly the case with all leadership functions, and when people wonder why CEOs or presidents of companies are so important to growth and prosperity it is for this basic function. A company can hire hundreds if not thousands of people to answer questions, but often it is only a small number of leadership who knows how to ask questions drawn out from obscurity to set people on a pace to discover an answer. If the questions are never asked, then what work is there for people to do to resolve it? So the creative aspect of something like building this new Starship is that Elon Musk thought to ask the questions of, “why can’t we make it out of stainless steel.” “Why can’t we fly it to Mars.” “Why can’t we refuel in space?” “Why, why, why.”

When humans stop asking questions is when they cease to become effective in their roles, and their intellectual decline is not long behind. Children naturally ask lots of questions, but we are all taught that at some point, maturity means you have the answers and questions are less and less asked—which is the state of decline for any culture. Seeing Elon Musk and his engineers at SpaceX asking lots of questions that often outpace what reporters even think of considering was refreshing because its not something we see much of these days unless you happen to be at a SpaceX media event, or a gathering of geeks and freaks at a local comic con. The optimism of those events is not in the answers, but in asking about the possibilities—the what if scenarios, even in science fiction ponderances. For Musk ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ inspired him to ask lots of questions and the results of those pursuits is in the creation of very wonderful things, like the Starship MK1 complete with its 6 Raptor engines carried to orbit by 37 others in the Super Heavy booster powered by cryogenic methane and liquid oxygen.

Innovation is always directly connected to having the ability to ask questions and to provoke a quest for answers, and that is the reason that everyone in the world is not equipped to be a leader at the level of a CEO. Its not the work that is important, the spreadsheets and presentations that are often associated with such roles, it’s in the ability to ask what if questions and to set the mind of others on fire seeking answers. A society without questions is one that is on the decline victimized by their own stagnation. And to see Elon Musk so alive with enthusiasm the way a seven-year-old might be is refreshing because we can all see the benefit. Musk when presented with a problem such as, “sir, we can’t find an autoclave anywhere in the world where we can build the fuselage out of composites.” “Well, what other material can we make it out of?” Thus, we have a question that unleashes a new technology and means to build very large craft to enter into space. Otherwise, in less innovative companies driven by less ambitious leaders, the engineering staff would have forced the project to remain on a path to stay within the confines of the accepted practices for aviation, which would be composite construction as someone builds an autoclave of the proper size.

Perhaps more important than asking the right questions is the ability to move quickly, and in that regard, that too comes from the ability to ask questions to keep everyone’s feet moving. Entering market share while imaginations are still hot is more important than all other aspects of development and the pace of engineering at SpaceX is remarkable because the employees are allowed to ask lots of questions and to drive innovation toward the proper answer for questions that are pursued beyond relativity, but in the abstract rules of science which are not discovered by any other means but in asking questions. The more questions the better. And when questions are asked, we as human beings come alive with that same excitement that we had as children discovering things for the first time, and that is what will ultimately save us. Its not the science we discover in the process, but in the quality of the questions we think to ask no matter what the means is in discovering which questions to ask as adventure demands the contemplation of a thinking species.

Rich Hoffman

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The Meaning of Life: How to accept the new roles of colonizing distant planets in relation to governing policies

You know, philosophy and science didn’t end with the American inputs of William James, Robert Pirsig and Ayn Rand. Even though the institutions of our modern society are tempted to think that they are the end of the line and that they must now teach what they have learned to anybody willing to pay them $100 thousand for an education that really it’s the labor unions supporting them that’s talking, again from a long dead philosopher in Karl Marx who is irrelevant to modern thought, because his beliefs were more a wish for the lazy than an observed fact of existence. No, there is a lot more to learn and to think about and as it so happens to be, we are living in the most dynamic time for that kind of thought in the history of the entire world. So if you are like me, which is conducive to the reality of the moment, the old static thoughts of old need to give way to the dynamic intellectualism of the creative moment and for that I’m going to say something very important, something that nobody else will tell you presently on the face of earth, but it is the most solid footing that mankind could hope to have, and that is in the rock, paper, scissor game of human development, the way to determine the value in something is in how we can monetize it, because that determines the value of something. Science by its very nature is needed to study where we’ve been but they cannot be allowed to step in the way of human advancement.

I’m thinking of space and colonizing Mars, the Moon, and several other moons circling the moons of the big gas giants at the center of our solar system. In their natural state they are just there doing nothing waiting for the sun to explode destroying everything in its gravitational pull. Humans have been given a tight window to develop life of just a few million years and we need to take full advantage of it presently. That means that all the scientific protestors like Green Peace and PETA, along with the political protestors such as the Karl Marx inspired ANTIFA must either be destroyed or given a seat at the back of the bus and told to shut up. They may have rights to express themselves under the American Constitution and if other countries want to adopt the philosophy of American thought and create laws based on that, so be it. But soon we are going to be returning to the wild, wild west of space travel and frontier pushing that will last pretty much for the rest of human existence, for many millions of years to come and always there will be a frontier to push. It is the nature of human thought to use the necessity of adventure to advance human needs and desires and the governing practice that keeps everything in check are not the laws of institutional thinking, it is the value of the conduct.

I used to read National Geographic magazines and books voraciously. Going to the museum for me in Washington D.C. was like visiting heaven on earth. But over the years I have grown to understand that they have a very limited perspective on the world and of human existence altogether. What makes human beings so important over other life forms is the creative impulse to see what is around the corner and to use their imaginations to get there. No other animal anywhere does this and it can be argued through applied scientific observation that this is the meaning of life—of all life—to feed this trend in existence. National Geographic still has the progressive vision of its founders, Alexander Graham Bell and many others who weren’t wrong to ask questions about the role science played in human experience, but the value of their work only has relevancy to people. Give a National Geographic magazine to an elk in Alaska or a beaver in Colorado and they’ll just look at it. The animal rights activists that might learn something from reading National Geographic are wrong to assume that they are meant to act on behalf of nature because again the ability to contemplate the “nature” of things is purely human. The forces that made the Rocky Mountains could and would destroy every last human being ever created without giving anything a thought. So the contemplation of value is purely human. When in the very well-produced television series titled Mars, produced by National Geographic the assumption is made that there needs to be a governing body in space just as there is on earth, they’d be incorrect. Value is determined by what humans do with the nature that is around them—at every level. A turtle can’t dig in the ground and pull out raw ore and make something economically valuable about it. Only humans can, and thus on the wild frontier of space where huge companies will set up residence and take over the colonization of Mars and many other planets at a rapid pace, science and conservation must take a back seat. The scientists cannot be allowed to become governing elements in the dynamic need to destroy static assumptions. When we get to Mars and set up huge cities of minors and construction workers, the science of understanding what happened to Mars takes a back seat. The funding for their science comes from business investment and economic expansion, so they need to accept that and get away from assuming that their static reality of observation can be allowed to slow down even a little the curiosity of mankind and its never-ending quest for economic development.

Monetizing a planet, or a moon is not an evil thing, it’s quite the opposite. When something is monetized it is suddenly graced with a value that it didn’t have before. Mars in the state that it is now is just sitting there with all its history. The scientist might find all that fascinating just as they may enjoy watching Humpback wales breeding off the coast of California. So what, when did a whale or a dolphin ever build a space ship to colonize a distant star? The value of existence isn’t just in doing what some version of God started as a pattern of life, to breed, to eat, to reproduce then to die in a long cycle of existence, it is accepting that jump-start into consciousness, then to do something with the intellect that emerges. Death or preparing for death for the rest of our lives as the Buddhists do is not a value conducive to the human experience, nor is living in harmony with nature. The meaning of life as defined by human beings is to accept their role of a dynamic force in a very static universe. It is not for the scientist to sit in the back of a caboose studying history, it is in the entrepreneur at the front of the train, at the cutting edge as Robert Pirsig put it in his work so well, that is where the value for all things are.

At the heart of all this is the debate on gun control. As humans move into the vast frontiers of space away from the governments on earth that central question of who controls who and how and why comes up. In America the right to have guns and to use them has decentralized the process of justice. People can live in the middle of nowhere and not expect to be robbed of their values because they have guns to defend themselves. The same application of order will be used heavily on the far distance bases in orbit around Jupiter or scattered all over Mars as a continuous stream of rockets full of payload travels between the earth and those destinations raising the stakes with each visit as those environments become much more earth like in their living conditions. And as all this happens there will be no room for the nosey scientist or the environmental protestors who assumes that their work is the most important to conduct in the universe. The way to determine that is to measure the value that work has in the scope of human progress. If it isn’t valuable, then it must be discarded for something that is, because it is the tools we come to use as humans that matter as we reach out and expand our curiosity to the next corner of the galaxy. It may be interesting to consider where things have been historically, but what matters is tomorrow, and our always driven yearning to find it. That is the meaning of life.

Rich Hoffman

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Why the World Needs a Space Force: Thinking back to the moon landing and the vile music festival of Woodstock

It is a little surprising that there is so much mockery toward the Trump administration over the new fifth branch of the armed forces they are proposing called the Space Force. We’ve known and talked about it for a long time on this site and many others that progressives are actually a regressive group of people who desire with everything in their being to follow the human trajectory of the Vico cycle and to return to a world of theocracy, as mankind has done over and over again throughout history for what looks like many hundreds of thousands of years. That is the nature of politics, to control mankind in a sort of passive role under the rule of our planet and its conditions. Modern progressives in order to sell their warped desire to control all human effort simply can’t have people leaving earth and settling in space because once that happens they lose power and influence over the direction of all achievement. Out the window go the carbon credits, the taxing of farts from people and animals, the emissions of cars and capitalism, and the development of suburbia. By moving into space and settling on massive space stations as exotic metal minors on the moon, around Venus and Mars, the moons of Jupiter the concern of over populating the earth goes away. Humans can have all the babies they want, they can even double or triple their intellectual power with the use of artificial intelligence, all the concerns of today regarding human influence over that goddess mother earth go away. So why are liberals so against Trump’s Space Force and why is it so mocked?

The Trump administration had a nice little fundraiser where they presented several concept drawings for the new Space Force and I picked the design that was mostly red that looked a lot like the NASA emblem. As I made the selection I was proud to do it because it felt like a step forward that should have happened many years ago. The point of a blog like this as opposed to writing for a magazine or a newspaper is that I can bring my personal experiences into focus to share with readers which makes it an unusual platform if you are the kind of person with a lot to say. That happens to be an excellent description for my particular lifestyle as I cover a lot of topics that I am personally interested in, and even professionally involved. I was born one year before the moon landing so I’ve watched this thing come and go in strange ways. I was in high school as the space shuttle program was the envy of the world and I watched three eight-year presidents reduce NASA to an Islamic study group prior to the Trump administration. I’m close to aerospace in many aspects, its something I’ve always enjoyed and wanted to help advance in any way possible because I see it as the next great frontier. As I share often my favorite period of American history was the westward expansion into the American west during the gold rush period which created massive wealth for a new nation and I see the space age as a new period with the same level of potential, actually proportionally greater.

Just this past week my wife and I got a call about a hot new condo property coming available at Cape Canaveral where our family has some vested interest in providing housing to the great engineers who come and go from assignments at the Cape. Business was good through the late 80s and 90s but dropped off considerably during the second term of the Bush administration and was utterly destroyed during the Obama years where that socialist president pointed NASA to Russia and told them that if they wanted to study space, then ride with the Russians. No more Space Shuttles, and nothing was coming after. Of course, from the investment side of things you can’t plop down a half million dollars on a condo that no engineers are going to use because there’s no work at the Cape. But for this latest proposal it looks attractive because Space X has moved in and is routinely firing off rockets into space putting a lot of people to work with their fabulous Falcon 9 which just launched again the other night. And with the Trump administration getting behind NASA once again, things are looking good again at the Kennedy Space Center, and they should always have. If America is going to climb out from under the massive debt that Trump inherited of over 20 trillion dollars that money has to come out of new markets and revenue streams. Space is where that revenue is at, and the United States needs to be in charge of it, for the sake of the entire world. Seeing the situation up close it has been sad, but now the entire market is looking better and the next great frontier is there for us to enjoy as the next great adventure.

Talking about the moon landing which occurred on July 20th 1969, I actually remember it. I was just over one year old. I have memories of it and before which is unusual, for being so young but it was hot. We didn’t have air conditioning and I was sweating but I remember the day being hot and very sunny outside and the sounds of the television as the radio broadcasts came back from the moon and my mom talking about what an important day it was. Then I remembered the news reports a month later coming from the music festival in Woodstock on August 15th. It was ugly to me, to see so many people stuck together in the mud of a field listing to music that I have never liked—depressing loser music. As I became older I was able to think about those two events often and came to understand them as two choices of American direction. Woodstock was the progressive answer to the moon landing. The stuffy engineers in their suit and ties at NASA versus the naked hippies and drug induced losers of Woodstock. One group was saying yes to new challenges of human endeavor, the other was saying no, let’s go back to being a tribe of hunter and gathers erecting rocks to the gods and having sex in front of each other covered in mud while our language is reduced to tribal chants. The same debate rages today, those descendants of Woodstock are now running universities, magazines and television stations and are the foundation of progressive politics while aerospace development has been continually ridiculed by them in what we call the Mainstream Media. Those same stuffy suits still desire to explore what’s beyond earth like a teenager wanting to move out of their parent’s house and start of life on their own.

By acknowledging a Space Force progressives know there will never be any going back because government in the context of American history never gets smaller, it only grows and if that growth is to encompass the level of personal freedom that conservatives demand, then the influence of American reach must grow to justify that potential. There is of course the addition of space tourism that is a market happening this year as well as many advanced satellites that are important to our culture that need protection, so a Space Force now only makes sense to meet the needs of a growing civilization. Yet people like Al Gore, and Michael Moore, and the greenie weenie Democrats truly do desire to turn off the minds of human beings with drug use, which is why they support the legalization of pot, and to have another music festival like a bunch of cannibals dancing around a rock in the mud praying to the gods to make it rain so that they can grow food. Today the god is no longer some Celtic tyrant, or Roman myth, but is the earth itself. But science says that the earth won’t be around much longer anyway. It’s only a matter of time before Yellowstone’s massive volcano erupts destroying much of North America, or something hits earth from space, or the sun grows to a size that eventually swallows our entire planet to a fiery cataclysm. The human race has a choice to survive and move into space to escape that fate, and we should take it. And we will need a Space Force to protect that advancement for the sake of our species. And I picked the red emblem as my vote for the patch that those new members of the military should wear while doing it.

Rich Hoffman

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Yes, there was Life on Mars: Relearning our own ancinet past and meeting our future with honesty

As sure as you are reading this, I am quite sure that there was life on Mars and that at least at a microbial level, there may still be. When the question of as to whether there is life on other planets comes up I view such a proposal as absolutely preposterous—of course there was. Life on Mars is not at all farfetched, the big difference with it is that it supersedes the timeline that we accept on earth as a history of understanding. Entire civilizations could have risen and fallen in the hundreds of millions of years before the relatively recent period on earth that we might call loosely the days of the dinosaurs. I am reading a very good book right now by Peter Frankopan called The Silk Roads: A New History of the World which puts a focus on our own world history around the Caspian Sea region just over the last 1000 years or so and a lot of things change as to our own historical perspective if looked at in such a way. Take the center of focus of human civilization from a study point of view away from London and suddenly many things look different. I have for instance written many articles talking about how the orient settled North America much sooner than anyone previously has thought, and how trade around the world occurred even back in time to the period of the Phoenicians. It is surprising how many people have trouble with just these very easy understandings of history, so they just aren’t intellectually prepared to deal with the fact that many human beings on earth are likely descendants of Martians, and that by the time that planet had lost its atmosphere and water, life there that could, found a way to reestablish themselves on earth for their basic survival, just as we today are looking for options among the stars for our next phases, if we can survive the present one.

Announced this week in a story that would have been the biggest news on planet earth a few years ago, NASA’s Curiosity rover was reported to have uncovered signatures of an environment on the red planet that may once have been habitable. In two separate studies on data collected by the Mars rover over the last few years, scientists have identified an abundant source of organic matter in the ancient soil of a long dried up lake bed and traced some of the planet’s atmospheric methane to its roots. The findings could help to guide the search for ancient microbial life and improve our understanding of seasonal processes on Mars which indicate that there may be some forms of life still functioning there. I am quite sure that once mankind starts settling on Mars during the upcoming 2020s that we will find all types of archaeology on that red planet that really for us will be like coming home. Its been a long time, but I think innately we all understand that our roots on earth started in the stars, not that we are now going to them for the first time.

It’s not just the scientific proof that is now emerging that points toward this conclusion, but its two books from our human culture that has basically captured how this can happen which I’d advise everyone to read. The first is Finnegan’s Wake, within that great novel is the keys to all known human history—centered from the European perspective—and articulates how the human race continues to reinvent itself over and over again through birth and death leaving the original history difficult to trace due to poor philosophies of mankind constantly destroying all our progress only to rise again somewhere else in the world over and over again perpetually. It doesn’t take long to realize that great societies long forgotten in our history books are probably on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, or under the English Channel, lost under the Persian Gulf and many other places as the ocean levels were much shallower tens of thousands of years ago, even hundreds of millions of years ago. Big cities like New York and Tokyo of course would have been along coastal waters in those ancient times and those locations are now under water making archaeology difficult to study if not impossible, because anything older than 10,000 years old would be by now virtually erased due to erosion and other forms of degradation.

The second book is by Ayn Rand which doesn’t get much attention where it should, and that is her little book called Anthem. In that novelette mankind has recently just discovered the light bulb—set well into the future. Obviously, that is hard for us all to comprehend, after all we are preparing to recolonize Mars, and we enjoy a technological society with the internet and delivering packages from all over the world to our doorsteps. But over the many years we find that the human need to blanket their minds with religion and superstition clouds their observations of reality—such as building an epistemological belief system in America that slavery and the abuse of the Indian are political concerns specific to the foundation of the greatest capitalist country on earth—if successful it would be possible to erase all the history of the United States from any record and to reinterpret everything through the lens of whatever political order arrives to replace it—which is a process that was well on its way to occurring before Donald Trump became president. But barring similar dynamic circumstances it is evident that all through human history this is precisely how events have unfolded, meaning that the inventions born from humanity may have occurred over and over again out of necessity only to be wiped out by political decadence and a yearning to always start over. A society might be said to be successful if it can stave off this trend for a few thousand years, but it is unrealistic to assume that it can do so over millions of years, which is the primary reason that we as human beings think that our history began only 12 thousand years ago with the stone monuments of Egypt, or Gobekli Tepe. There are even people functioning today especially in the Appalachia culture from the American south who believe that all of the history of the world is only a few thousand biblical years old—according to the latest religion of Christianity.

It’s easy to see how this could happen, most of us can relate to some circumstance where we may have a cheating spouse, and we chose not to see it because it’s too painful to deal with, or we may have bad parents which we fail to see their faults because it makes looking in the mirror much more difficult—when we do this on a much larger scale as nations it makes the analysis of history much more difficult to resurrect. I can say personally I find the history of England very fascinating, and they have fabulous programs on archaeology, but their national history sort of begins and ends after William the Conquer arrived on the scene and shaped their national identity. The current communist government of China is completely ignoring their own ancient past as they don’t want their people to have reverence for what came before, but rather what is before them now. Africa has some wonderful treasures from the past, but uncovering it is impossible as Marxist strife has enveloped the entire continent—and we all know the history of the Middle East today, what was obviously a cradle of civilization is locked behind a struggle of Islam versus Christianity.

Those are our struggles on earth, so it’s not hard to understand how we have managed to bury our own past with the planet Mars which likely took place before there were ever dinosaurs on earth, or after—or both. There could have been travel between there and here for many thousands of years until Mars was uninhabitable, then some stayed on earth while others headed for elsewhere. The evidence of such feats is in our own mythologies, which are obviously more than stories—they are footprints in the sand which do get washed away over time but are there just long enough to indicate that something happened which provoked a story in the minds of humans. The big news from NASA on the building blocks of life being discovered on Mars isn’t at all surprising to me. I expect we’ll have many more and much more profound discoveries over the coming years. The big question remains however, how can we avoid the pitfalls of the past that tend to erase such memories to begin with, so that mankind can continue to expand and exist instead of always reinventing the light bulb over and over again? That is the big question, not as to whether there was ever life on other planets and if they interacted or even started life on earth, its whether life can sustain itself long enough to advance as a civilization so that history isn’t always repeating itself for millions and millions of years. The question is not are we alone in the universe, it is whether or not we can keep life directed long enough to actually advance. That is the achievement that seems to be the biggest challenge of human life—how long can we last under a philosophic system that allows for actual progress. That is the real answer that we will soon be digging up on Mars, and how we deal with that evidence will decide our fates as humans for the next several million years—which is just a blip of geological time in the perspective of our solar system.

Rich Hoffman

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Donald Trump’s Tomorrowland: Making “Failure’s Not An Option” great again!

I kept looking for it but have yet to see any news really covering what Donald Trump’s administration has been doing in regard to American space exploration.  It was only just before July 4th 2017 that Trump signed an executive order reactivating the National Space Council at NASA and  making Mike Pence the is the chairman of the board.  Then just a few days after that great American Holiday Mike Pence was giving a speech at the Vehicle Assembly Building at Kennedy Space Center announcing that the first meeting of the new council would before summer ended.  It was a big speech with grand national appeal but it was eclipsed behind Trump’s G20 visit and the first face to face meeting with Russia’s Vladimir Putin.  The news media was completely consumed with the news of this oversea visit and the antics of Trump’s combat with the various news organizations—so they missed the announcements about America’s new role in space that sounded much more spectacular than when Kennedy gave in his famous challenge ahead of the Apollo program in the 60s.  Trump was thinking bigger—much bigger and Mike Pence is about to make his mark as a very strong VP in the vastness of space.

As Trump and Pence were unleashing space once again the Wall Street Journal had a very interesting article which was quite familiar to me, that “smart medicine” was in fact the wave of the future and ultimate cure to illness on earth.  And to what effect?  We don’t need to get sick as humans and die of old age—we can fix all that now and until very, very recently–publications like the Wall Street Journal were not covering those regenerative technologies.   I bring it up here because space exploration takes time and the best way to embark on such an adventure is to live the amount of time that Noah did from the Bible, to see many years of development to and from the vastness of space and to colonize the once unthinkable.  We’ll want every human being and more available today for such adventures. There were so many magnificent quotes given in Trump’s speech then Pence’s speech at the Kennedy Space Center to be played back to history for many years.  I thought many of those quotes were better than when Kennedy made his famous challenge to the American people when he announced that he intended to put man on the moon within a decade.   In case you haven’t heard, Trump wants to do that by 2020.  Trump then wants to be on Mars by 2024.  Those are ambitious goals for a space agency that has literally been turned off to study climate science and Islamic contributions to science.  Trump’s commitment to space is actually astonishing and will carry with it a new era in adventure, science, philosophy and politics.

I haven’t been down to our family retreat at Cape Canaveral for a few years now.  I have often spoken glowingly about my visits there to my favorite beach in the world, Cocoa Beach and the many famous landmarks that evolved in the wake of the space program at NASA.  From our condo we can see the Vehicle Assembly Building at Kennedy Space Center.  My kids are especially in love with the place and have watched several launches from that four story balcony.  They were there to see the last Space Shuttle mission return home under the Obama administration and they have recently seen the Space X rocket tests and have been enthusiastic about it still.  But they don’t know it like I do—where Space Shuttles seemed to take off every month and we were on a fast track to life outside of earth.  I love the optimism of space, the promise not only of adventure but of new discoveries and opportunities, such as mining Helium-3 off the moon for real nuclear power.   There is great talk now of going to Mars in weeks not just months which of course would allow us to mine the moons of Jupiter and even Saturn realistically and carry our civilization toward a Type 1 classification—where we master our solar system for resources to advance our technology.  Having that promise ripped away by the Obama administration and other previous presidents has been extremely disheartening.

It was my fault; back when my kids were getting more home school from my wife and I than anything they learned in ten years of school I took my children on a very special trip to Florida to visit the Kennedy Space Center then directly to Disney’s Epcot center.  The entire trip was focused on science and technology showing them the possibilities that were in front of their lives.  That was in 2003, George W. Bush was in the White House and I really thought he was serious about returning America back to the moon.   So I took my kids to the family condo at Cape Canaveral and let them meet astronauts at the Space Center and literally turned their imaginations loose.   Since then there really hasn’t been any ambition for space by virtually anybody.  This has been reflected in a few very forward-looking movies, like Tomorrowland based on the Disney attraction at Magic Kingdom and the very good Christopher Nolan movie, Intersteller.   I was very surprised to learn from my oldest daughter that her favorite movie so far in her life is Intersteller.  It made me a little sad because it was I who planted those seeds so long ago and in her life nothing had so far came from it.  So many kids in her generation have had their minds turned off and now they look at the world inwardly instead of outwardly.  Their vision is small because they have their faces pressed into the feces of their own existence and that folly is literally destroying mankind with remarkable swiftness.  And bright thinkers like my daughters—ignited by an overly optimistic dad have seen little to match that zeal from their generation.  When Trump said that in the vastness of space many of our problems would seem small—he’s right.  The solution to much that sickens us as a species will be solved in space and in the journey of mastering it.

It was during that trip that I bought a t-shirt from the NASA shop stating “Failure is not an option” which was the classic line from the Apollo 13 mission that was made into a movie by the great movie director, Ron Howard.  I wore it everywhere because it matched my optimism for everything.  Anyone who deals with me knows that this is my basic philosophy.  Failure is never an option for me—and never has been.  It is kind of an innate instinct that I have always had, but the space program in America framed the spirit in a way I have always fed from.   It was quite remarkable to wear that shirt to Epcot Center the next day with my kids asking questions and taking them to Tomorrowland to see all the optimism contained there for our future.   Even though my kids were impressed, I was frustrated because I felt we could be doing so much more as a country—but from the very top—in the White House we lacked vision and the great dreamers had been grounded, seemingly on purpose.

If you’ve ever been through a NADCAP audit dear reader you’ll understand what I’m talking about.  For many decades now government has imposed so many rules and regulations onto the aerospace industry that we’ve stifled creativity and brave innovations with so much bureaucratic red tape that the love for adventure that used to be present even in engineers has been stuffed into a bottle and sealed up tight.  The days where World War II fighter pilots were the test pilots and advisors for NASA are over—they have been replaced by pin headed politicians and paper pushers whose only adventure in life is to decide who will make the coffee run to Starbucks.  The industry bureaucrats have replaced the type of horse sense innovation that actually invented space travel with static manufacturing plans designed to take the thinking away from production leaving us all with a cold—dead work environment of people disconnected from the passion that can be garnered from being a part of the industry.   Aerospace today from the top to the bottom look for reasons not to do things than in how to do them because the regulatory zeal placed upon it by government has crushed the desire to achieve things.  The good news of Trump’s commitment to space means so much more than just going back to the moon—it means uncovering that American spirit that put us there in the first place and going back to what worked—and allowing young people to dream of a work culture that stated “Failure is Not an Option” and spent every last breath of their lives articulating that type of thinking.

It was as if there were a cloud of negativity that has taken over the world and until Trump unleashed his big ideas that cloud has been in full rebellion.  It doesn’t want Trump to succeed in these quests and it has been so thick that even the magnanimity of the two speeches done after the 4th of July 2017 by first the President then the Vice President down at Kennedy Space Center that nobody heard about these events.  They were probably the most important news stories of the week, yet nobody covered them—not even Fox News.  Even supporters of Trump’s administration like Jessie Watters and Eric Boiling didn’t make a mention of these bold speeches on their coverage that I could see watching them through the following weekend—the news was all about CNN’s fake news coverage and the G20 Summit.  Nothing about America’s new commitment to space or the wonderful science that will come from it—we are talking about a new dawn for the human race while the attention is on keeping our heads in the waste of our lives by cowardly bureaucrats who want to keep our feet firmly in concrete sealed to the shallow history of European stagnation.

Everyone should have seen this coming, after all Trump is all about thinking big, and by the time he is done our previous visits to space will seem like distant history—not to be forgotten, but certainly not the focus of future visits of people to the Kennedy Space Center. Based on what Mike Pence said, Cape Canaveral is poised to be a true space port where private sector and government truly work properly toward the goal of expanding mankind into the vast cosmos above our heads. Instead of saying “remember that” we will be making t-shirts of what was just said in a board room off in the corner of the Vehicle Assembly Building as some engineering problem revealed major headaches for everyone.   It is in the thrill of overcoming those obstacles that the adventure of space happens—not from the losers who throw their hands up in because the word “the” is placed in the wrong place in a manufacturing plan.

But that those plans will be written once more as discovery happens and innovation dictates light feet and an indomitable spirit.  Yes, Trump’s commitment to space is the best thing to happen in America over many years and I am proud once again of our space program.  It won’t take long to see the results even though at this point very few people are talking about it.  Soon however, that won’t be the case.  It will prove to be one of the biggest things to have ever happened to the human race and its happening right now. And not a moment too soon!  We’ve needed this, and now Donald Trump is starting that train of successes in science moving again and the results will be positive for every single human being on planet earth—and that’s not an understatement.

Rich Hoffman

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Donald Trump had a Great Week According to Fountainheads: The news about NASA is much bigger than the health care discussion

I felt bad for Donald Trump on Friday because after all his cheerleading congress still did not have enough votes to repeal Obamacare and start the process on healthcare reform.  I understand completely how negative that whole experience was for him particularly after I read an article from the Huffington Post on Thursday gloating when it was obvious that the Republican votes just weren’t there in spite of all the hard work Trump put into the effort.  I am working on something big right now which Trump has done before in a similar way which costs millions and millions of dollars and a lot of people’s livelihoods and it is really painful to be the only one in the room who has worked hard enough to see what’s over the horizon knowing that you are dragging 50 to 100 people behind you who are nowhere near as talented as you are, or creative–yet you have to work with them on a project kicking and screaming across the finish line because they can’t see the big picture and have no desire to do the work to gain that ability.  Trump has been to this point before, but now when he does these things it’s on a national scale and political enemies are lingering everywhere to point out every negative thing that happens—so to preserve their world view.  Read what this writer by the name of Howard Fineman Global Editorial Director, The Huffington Post said in his article after the health care repeal bill was pulled Thursday night.

WASHINGTON ― If this was The Art of the Deal in action, then Donald Trump needs to write a new book.

In his first, and therefore crucial, foray into presidential negotiating, the prince of New York real estate failed miserably because he was dealing with a world and a way of doing things he never faced when he was buying and building.

In Washington, legislating, and leading the country as president, require more than simply bullying people or buying them off with borrowed cash. As a result, Trump had to postpone a vote Friday on the GOP health care plan he tried to bully through Congress, after it became clear that the legislation could not secure enough votes.

As a harbinger of the future, the situation could not have been more devastating.

“At the end of the day, this isn’t a dictatorship,” Trump’s press secretary, Sean Spicer, said as the bill was sliding to oblivion. He sounded resigned to the reality of legislating in a democracy. Whether his boss agrees – and learns – is the key question.

Among other things, President Trump has to learn that in Washington, you can’t simply build your own design. You have to build what other people want. Your job is to find consensus and entice others – many others ― into thinking that your vision is theirs. Projects get “built” here more with rewards than threats. It is not a brutal game of “the last man standing.” It’s “we’re all in this together,” even when the “we” is just your own party.

I’ve heard all that before in my own life and essentially this is the debate in the great American novel, The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand—who makes something go and who should get the credit.  Our entire society is built around this notion of collective “we” making decisions and it just doesn’t work.  Without a leader, people just don’t perform well in the human race and without that one person who works harder than everyone else, who is smarter because they are the ones who stay up all night 7 days a week doing the hard work at the front of the train—all the other people who are needed to “reach consensus” are just ornaments to the process.  At the finish line of a completed project—which is what I’m going through—when the average people can see that what’s going to happen will actually work, that is the point where all the weaklings jump on your coattails and ride your efforts to success.  Trump made most of his forty-year career in real estate under this premise.  Give a guy like Howard Fineman a million dollars the way that Trump’s dad loaned Donald money to get started, and Howard probably would have bought a Florida condo and taken all his friends out to dinner for a decade talking about doing something successful.  And after ten years, he’d be broke again with nothing to show for the money.  It takes a special kind of person to do things—and not everyone is up to the task.

Trump created about three possible trajectories for the future of health care reform so he’s hardly done—but I’m sure his faith in the human race is much less today than it was on Wednesday of last week because negative people like those opposing the house bill under Speaker Ryan just couldn’t see the big picture.  And Ryan screwed up his end too by playing cloak and dagger games in the beginning.  Trump tried to pull all those idiots together, but in the end, they couldn’t see past their own noses—and that’s how it is in most cases.  I spent most of this last week talking about furniture and completely irrelevant details which were easy for normal people to get their mind around only because they could now see that success was just ahead—and everyone suddenly wants on the train which of course slows everything down because a single mind isn’t able to just direct everyone what to do—because all of them learned incorrectly in their various colleges and military backgrounds that it is a collective “we” who make the world move—and that’s just not true. Take away Trump and there’s not even a health care discussion.  Apply his influence, and eventually a bill will get done—this time one shaped by Rand Paul which is more like what Trump wants anyway.  People like Fineman don’t understand those kinds of things, but that’s why he’s a reporter and not a doer.  He’s simply not equipped like a lot of people do make things happen.  Its people like him who have built this “consensus system” which fails to properly identify how things really work not in a theoretical democracy, but in the way human beings actually think.

Even worse is that the news cycle completely missed Trump’s message about pulling off the cuffs on NASA which is something I’ve been talking about for years.  I reported way back in 2011 how terrible it was that NASA had been virtually shut down under Obama and redirected to study Muslim contributions to science.  Space X has helped fill the void, but NASA is the government agency that got the whole thing started and they should be back at it again in Cape Canaveral.  In a lot of ways the news this week about NASA was much bigger than the health care debate because the wealth that will be created by the space agency will go a long way to solving the kinds of problems that actually drive up health care costs.  You need an abundance of something if you want to drive down costs, and right now in health care there are too many people who abuse the system and too few insurance companies willing to play the game because of the risks involved.  And with declining personal incomes in America because jobs like those that typically are conducted at NASA have gone away—people aren’t willing to spend such extraordinary amounts of money on health insurance.  So to fix one people you need the other, and unleashing NASA goes a long way to solving the American jobs problem—and that is truly exciting.

What is sad though is that Trump did a lot of great work last week, but nobody but the “fountainheads” understand it.  Normal people who are the late comers to everything don’t get it—yet they still insist that they are equal in the process of creation through consensus building.   Consensus building is the flaw of all democracies because not everyone is equally equipped.  Some people are lazier or just dumber and they are not willing to put the work in that people like Trump are.  What Fineman calls bullying are what Trump would call “working” and so long as there are people out there who don’t know the difference, nothing will work the way things should.  Stupid people cannot be allowed to hold things up just because they are not willing to do the hard work and seek to hide that behind “consensus building.”  That’s usually why they are stupid, because they keep themselves in that state by refusing to learn all the things needed to accomplish a difficult task.  And it is truly sad to see those types of people celebrating Trump’s struggles even while the very good information about NASA was coming forward even over the health care debate.  Yet nobody paid any attention because they don’t see the value in it.  And that is truly unfortunate.

Rich Hoffman


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