The Eclipse of 2024 in Ohio: When immortality is observed in all its magnificance

I’ve seen eclipses before, but this one in 2024 was different, especially since it was close to where I live in Liberty Township, Ohio.  The totality band was going to be very nearby, so once we received a decent weather report and had the exact path agreed upon by analysis, we found a good RV campsite in Rossburg, Ohio, to set up a base and make a real thing of it.  My crew is very interested in those things, and it certainly made a difference that all three of my grandchildren are inclined toward intelligent things. Even at age seven, one of them is showing a Thomas Edison level of genius, so we wanted to make this a unique experience for them.  Plus, getting out the campers after a hard winter was a chance to stretch our legs a bit.  For an eclipse, the event was scheduled to occur between 1 and 5 PM on April 8th, with the totality of darkness happening around 3:07 PM.  So rather than wait in some parking lot for that specific event, we took our homes on the road and were very relaxed.  So relaxed that we stayed at that campsite for a good part of the week.  It was also my birthday on the 9th so we made quite a thing of it.  We got up on the morning of the 8th, ready for a front-row seat of a great celestial anomaly.  We didn’t have to get up and go anywhere to observe it, so already that was a good thing.  We had a nice breakfast at our campsite, the kids played fervently, and the adults had some raw downtime to talk in ways there was never time for, so we had a very nice experience. 

It was worth it; by the time the moon had blocked the sun 100%, there was a nice halo ring around the celestial bodies that blocked out most of the light from the sun, and the stars came out.  On all horizons, it looked like a sunset for about 50 miles in every direction.  But directly over our heads, it was essentially night.  I put a video up with speed advanced to see that narrow 4-minute period where day became night, and we had two sunsets on the same day.  That particular part of the world is indeed in God’s country. Our campsite was in a flat open area with no trees close, and our campers were essentially pointed in the direction of the whole event as if it were a giant IMAX screen put there for our entertainment.  For a last-minute campsite, the one in Rossburg was fantastic.  It had a couple of lakes with fish and a beach for the kids to play in, which was quite nice.  And for four minutes of totality, everyone could geek out on science and optimally enjoy the eclipse.  All my kids would be lucky to ever see an eclipse like that again in their lives, and we were happy to have the chance to share it together.  Life has so many moving pieces, and getting so many people together to do something like this is hard.  And the celestial show did not let us down.  Even I found the whole thing to be a bit of a miracle and a sensational opportunity to study science in the field and contemplate larger concepts.  The little kids, my grandchildren, were overwhelmed with the spectacle, which is what we wanted for them, and it was obvious that interests were sparked in them at that moment that would last a lifetime.

During the totality, I couldn’t help but think of Tecumseh when he famously predicted an eclipse and an earthquake along the New Madrid Faultline by St. Lewis.  I also thought of all the conspiracy theories that had led up to the eclipse as people tried to make sense of such a meaningful event to human minds.  For instance, why were their ten towns named after the Biblical Nineveh along the path of the totality in North America?  Did many of the Masons who organized these towns initially know this eclipse would happen mathematically, and they set fate to play host to some celestial significance rooted in ancient astrological belief systems?  What role did this particular eclipse play in Jewish rituals, and how planned were they for this event in 2024?  And what results were produced by the particle collider at CERN, which was supposed to have gone off at that exact moment of the totality band in America?  All that was playing in my mind as we watched the eclipse unfold.  Yet, for me, it looked purely like a regional thing.  We had gone to that location because at home, even though home wasn’t very far away compared to other places that we’ve gone, the whole experience was a regional one.  Obviously, celestial observers witnessing events discussed in the Bible would only be important to those experiencing even the most dramatic events.  Most people in the world wouldn’t even notice that there was an eclipse at all.  The sun would dim a bit, and if you didn’t have special glasses to look at it, you would not see the moon passing in front of it.  And wouldn’t even know what was happening, if anything at all. 

The world did not end, and after that event, I continued to think about how humans bring meaning to natural occurrences to attempt to understand the cosmic significance.  As creatures of nature, we tend to do that, where nature happens, and people may observe it, but the importance may not have any significance other than three celestial bodies interacting with each other, the sun, the moon, and the earth relative to their positions.  Suppose anybody hung around long enough over billions of years. In that case, our Milky Way galaxy will collide with a neighboring galaxy, and there will be all kinds of disruptive, likely destructive, celestial events on a grand, epic scale.  This eclipse was a regional thing that had harmless consequences and reminded all the humans watching it, that there was a lot more to existence that they needed to understand.  And that they attempted to bring meaning to the passage of the moon in front of the sun in very specific places in North America was an interesting observation of relativity, but not much else.  But humans have minds, and they think and observe. So many stories came to their minds saying that they were doing what nature intended them to do, to take nature and make meaningful the occurrences in a way that shapes necessity in interesting ways.  The ability to think was the most miraculous event that day, to see a celestial event and to bring human meaning to it as a greater cosmic significance.  We certainly enjoyed it; we wanted all the kids to have something important to think about and see as gloriously as possible.  And to create memories that would last for years, even longer.  There would be more eclipses, not in that part of the world, but they would happen.  But they would never occur under that collection of circumstances ever again, where meaning was created by the minds observing it.  And what is born of that meaning is better than nature for its own sake and is the stuff that makes immortality such a grand word.

Rich Hoffman

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The Government Lies Again to Push Gun Legislation: How racism started and What Nazis really believe

Notice how quickly the shooting at the Allen Premium Outlets outside of Dallas, Texas fell off the front page. That was because there were a lot of messy narratives that did not give the political left their desires for more gun control allowing their out-of-control government to have more power over people’s individual liberty. Every time one of these mass shootings happens, I first look for evidence of intelligence agencies tampering with these kids more than a root cause for the actual intent because that is how low and manipulative these government workers are these days. They have a playbook, and they hope to use crimes committed by guns to inspire changes to the constitutional framework of our nation. But it wasn’t but hours after the shooting that a person of Mexican descent named Mauricio Garcia had killed eight innocent people before being killed himself was being painted by the media as a MAGA type of assailant. Again, suppose there had been a gun-free zone. In that case, somebody carrying a gun could have ended the killings much faster than waiting for a paid security representative in the form of a guard or police officer. But after the killer was killed, they discovered that he had a lot of Nazi tattoos of swastikas and similar references, so the media tried to pass him off as a “white supremacist,” which then became the whole story of the tragedy. Here was a Mexican descendant who showed Nazi sympathies and was living with parents that couldn’t speak English to the degree that they had to have an interpreter to understand what had just happened with their son. 

If we hadn’t seen it a lot before, we might have been shocked to see the media, and the government, so quickly trying to form a narrative around the Nazi tattoos. And then photos were resurrected showing him with a group of neo-Nazi types playing dress up in complete military outfits, and that by itself was supposed to convince everyone that the shooter was a representative from the MAGA movement and that some leftist fantasy about the motives could then proceed to provide ground cover for anti-gun legislation. And shockingly, the government soaked up the narrative and began pounding the drum for more gun control measures, seemingly not caring one bit for the poor, unfortunate people who had just been killed. The Nazi connection is a complete designation made up by the media in connection with Trump and has no place in the reality of everyday people. Here was a kid who had parents who were immigrants and couldn’t teach the young person much about the history of the United States. And like kids who come out of Mexico and connect to drug cartels, tattoos are rites of passage. And so are aligning themselves with social groups that appear to be powerful, whether it’s the drug cartels themselves or neo-Nazi types who celebrate power through historical references that had previously terrified the world. To young, insecure people not native to the culture of the United States, it can be hard to understand how to manipulate power for their own preservation. Many kids these days get tattoos for all the same reasons that Mauricio Garcia did, to express themselves in a confusing culture and assert themselves as tough. How a person goes from Nazi tattoos to a mass shooting is the real problem, and for that, I say that intelligence agencies have been caught blowing on the fires of discontent among disturbed youth many times, especially when those youth consume drugs like marijuana. But there is more to this Nazi narrative that many clearly don’t understand that is important, especially in this case. 

The attempt to make acts of violence a condition of racism is a trick of the left that they have used for a long time. But in this case, a Mexican Nazi has many misfit concepts that don’t fit neatly into that traditional narrative. When you think of a neo-Nazi, you might think of some white guy with a mohawk, slightly overweight with a half-shaved reddish beard, with skin that looks like he has eaten too many Cheetos.   Not some kid growing up in a drug cartel world where Mexican people try to appear tougher and more established in what they think represents aggressive world history that might scare off rival aggressors when their parents couldn’t teach them much history because they lived in a country where they couldn’t speak any English.   The idea of a Nazi to a young person without much understanding of history might seem like a good idea if you are trying to impress the cartels. But even the media had very little knowledge of the origins of Nazi actions in politics. They think it represents the MAGA movement which is far removed from reality. The Nazis were big government authority figures, whereas the American conservatives are small as possible government supporters who despise authority figures. Especially ostentatious ones like Adolph Hitler. 

Obviously, everyone needs a history lesson on the root cause of racism because it did all start with the Nazis. But not for the reasons that people think. The Nazi Party was created by the Thule Society, who believed they were interacting with aliens who seeded planet Earth. And it was their Aryan race that they thought was superior to all the other genetic experiments that were going on around the earth that created the five primary races. Hitler was picked as a spokesman for the Thule Society, which had a lot of support before World War II because their concern was the preservation of the seed of the gods being preserved from mixing with the other genetic experiments that the aliens had dispersed elsewhere, they desired to preserve that origin, alien, bloodline.   Not something they typically teach you in school. But that is the history of the Nazi party and why they were so obsessed with racism. And that message has been used by the political left so much that they don’t even understand the meaning anymore. Racism as a concern is all about preserving alien blood from a seeding species from other planets. And none of that represents what Trump supporters and NRA members in American culture represent. Instead, Nazi reverence is more common with lost kids who didn’t have a very good childhood and are concerned about being affiliated with cartel gang activity that might make them appear weak. The border violence, including this Allen shooting, is more a problem with border policy than political parameters. And that is what the Biden White House doesn’t want to discuss, or the media culture that keeps him propped up. But as usual, the narrative for this violent encounter has nothing to do with reality, and it was ironic to watch them attempt to paint a picture anyway. It showed to what extent the government is willing to lie and mislead innocent people for a power grab they are obsessed with. They are eager to exploit the government’s desire to have an anti-gun policy in disgusting ways, even if what they say to the public has nothing to do with actual history or reality. And for every media member who attempts to paint everything with a brush of racism, they have no understanding of how racism started and why, which is quite astonishing. 

Rich Hoffman

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The Indictment of President Trump: A gift that will change the world–they don’t have the guts!

Actually, the original influence for the religious symbol of the “cross” was in reference to when the planet Marduk collided with the planet Tiamat between Mars and Jupiter, destroying it completely, leaving behind the asteroid belt we see today, and seeding life on Earth in a modern context, within 400,000 years. But most contemporarily, the cross symbolizes the crucifixion of Christ as the classic struggle between institutionalized religion controlled by the state, and the kind of independence that Jesus Christ was teaching, and the punishment for it. The symbol of crucifixion became a whole new religion that changed life on Earth forever, and the death of Christ gave life to a new way of thinking, which would eventually become the country of America, by the evolution of the story of the Bible which ultimately inspired the creation of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The cross utilization was a reverence that the Romans had in their mass killings as a sacrifice to some of that ancient history mentioned, but the reality became something far from the original intention. If suppression of Christ’s teachings was the goal, then the reality was greatly disappointing to the established order; they started a whole new religion that would permeate most of the world and cause them to lose control entirely of their empire. And in many ways, the mug shot of President Trump will have the same effect. The intentions of corrupt powers often don’t learn from history, and that is essentially what Democrats have done to themselves with the indictment of President Trump and the publication of his mugshot, which was always their intention from the beginning, to show the world that they are in charge and that the world must bend the knee to their government of communism, socialism and tyranny as a global menace. 

It’s not an accident that two of the world’s greatest works of literature, the Bible and Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, both feature their main characters being crucified at the end by ominous tyrannies represented by out-of-control governments. In Atlas Shrugged, it was John Galt who was tortured at the end and made an example of to serve the state and to show power over all of mankind’s hopes that fantasies of individual Government would be possible. It was, after all, in our own Declaration of Independence written on July 4th, 1776, that we said as newly created Americans, “that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” It goes on to say explicitly “that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government and provide new Guards for their future security.” And that is what is happening now; our government has grown out of control; it is evil, and to hold power, they are abusing that power, most notably with the indictment of a former and future president. The abuse is widespread; the J6 prisoners had every right to get control of a government they could see was not reporting to them, which caused the government to dig deeper into its own evils, culminating in the violation of many constitutional concepts to preserve an insurgent global force that seeks the destruction of us all. 

My wife actually said it all perfectly what the prosecution by the radicals of New York means regarding Trump; she stated to me simply that we are dealing with two ideologies that just can’t live on planet earth together. Our side, “conservatives,” have more of a live-and-let-live attitude and have accommodated other points of view. But the other side wants our complete destruction, and those ideas are not merged. They simply cannot live together. And she’s right. We’ve been turning the other cheek for too long, trying to make it work. But it’s just not possible. And that last desperation from them, “the globalists” who run our government presently are abusing their power everywhere, hoping to destroy all of us before we figure out what they are trying to do to us, which is destroy all opposition and enslave the rest who bend the knee to them out of self-preservation. There isn’t any middle ground with them; it’s complete destruction of the American concept or nothing else. And when we see such a government at work, as stated in our founding documents, we have every right to throw off that tyrannical Government and to start over. And based on the actions of the government swamp toward a freely elected President in Trump, there is no redeeming value in them to preserve. We are at that point now where we must start over our government for the management of our sovereign country away from the globalism that has been imposed on us with a kind of military force conducted through the destruction of our financial system.

I think it’s great that all this has happened to Trump because of what history tells us it means. The Trump “mug shot” will become a new kind of cross, and all Americans will view it as a sacrifice, which is precisely what it has been. I personally don’t think the government has the guts to go through it, but I’m hoping so. We are lucky Trump has been willing to go through all this, even if he doesn’t like it. The flimsy laws that these prosecutors of Trump are just as ridiculous as those leveled at Jesus Christ, for which he was killed for, and the fictional character of John Galt from Atlas Shrugged, where the ultimate sacrifice for the demand of public consumption was pressed upon him to break him and force all of civilization to follow. We are dealing with that here, and the results are known. Trump’s campaign for 2024 will be elevated to Biblical levels. People needed to see just how corrupt our modern Government is and be reminded that they actually had control all along. And it is in our time that we are called to act on their tyrannies, as our own founding documents demand of us. And like the cross became a symbol of something new, the Trump Mug Shot will become just as powerful, if not more so. Populism worldwide is waiting for a trigger effect, and the actions of this mug shot by the corrupt DA of New York will put it in perspective for people. Which I think is the greatest gift in politics, something I have been hoping for my entire adult life. This government overreach by these desperate Democrats with roots in global commerce has nothing else but fear and intimidation to work with, and it has forced them to make this dreadful error. Much as the Romans did when they killed Jesus Christ. It was Christianity that would eventually destroy their empire under Constantine. And through this crucifixion of President Trump, the Democrats will destroy themselves along with their globalist alliances. But what’s different with Trump is that we have a whole Bill of Rights that will prevent the actual death, and the resurrection of his presidency is contained within our founding documents. We don’t have to put up with tyranny, which this Government clearly intends. We have a right to end that Government, and now they have given us every reason in the world to do so without any second guessing. 

Rich Hoffman

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We Need 16 Billion People, Not just 8: The genocide from the United Nations and the World Economic Forum that desire a much lower number

I’m prepared to call it what it is, what we are dealing with on planet earth, and that is a cult of death, a purposeful genocide to kill the perceived enemy over the classic motivation of religious persecution, that is essentially as old as time. And the intent comes from the Desecrators of Davos, the members of the World Economic Forum who have an occult love for Mother Earth and wish to remove any perceived threats to it to satisfy their view of the world. Bill Gates comes to mind when thinking about this subject because he is on record for wanting to reduce the earth’s population to help make a more sustainable world. And this is the same kind of language we hear from the United Nations, a more “sustainable world.” Well, sustainable for who, and who will decide such things for us? Who are they to decide on what is sustainable or not relative to what you or I might think? And what you will find when you ask that question is that Gates and many others, such as the people who built the Georgia Guidestones or created the art at the Denver airport, show an obvious apocalypse. Many of the images that foretold the government’s approach to Covid-19 many years before it happened, as if it were a plot against humanity, the intent by those serving the cult of Earth Worship are purposely committing genocide against the world’s population in all the classic ways that those intentions have been utilized throughout history. And now that it has been announced that there are 8 billion people on earth, those factions are expressing themselves with increased desperation, which has given away their game plan all along. 

Before calling it genocide and the intentional murder of billions of people, the climate change activists behind the earth worship movement are seeking to reduce the earth’s population to much less to take the pressure off the earth and its support of human beings. They view it as thinning the population to benefit earth. Certainly not for the humans who live on it. I’ve been thinking about this a lot over the last few years, especially due to what we learned about the Phizer vaccines and the government’s role in forcing its consumption to shorten people’s lifespans dramatically.  (Moderna is no better)  You may or may not have noticed that reported deaths are getting lower, where people dying in their 50s and 60s are increasing in our post-Covid world. There has been a flood of Tik Tok celebrities and other notable young people in their 20s and 30s who are dropping dead for no apparent reason. The media is reporting it as if it were a naturally occurring thing. The perception of saving every life until that life can’t live any longer has changed to deciding how long is enough. If a person gets elderly and is going to put too much of a burden on a country’s health care system, then it makes sense to let them just die with assisted suicide, from the point of view of these kinds of people. There has been a decided shift in sentiment towards life and death by this earth worship cult, and the cover for them has been the bioweapon that Covid was. Remember what I always said from the beginning: Covid was a bioweapon created in a lab in China, Wuhan. It was distributed around the world to control human populations by the governments controlled by the Desecrators of Davos, who hide behind their billionaire fortunes and spend their money on their religion of earth worship and the destruction of threats they perceive are happening to that world. The Covid virus gave the means to inject the population with dangerous medicine that is having an effect on lifespans, and the blame will then go to other factors instead of the actual villain, which essentially is a form of religious genocide that is just as dangerous, and likely, more dangerous than any previous attempt in world history.

My conclusions on the matter have been in thinking about the original dispute over the land of Israel when God promised the people of Moses freed from Egypt the land of Abraham. God had promised the Israelites the complete destruction of the people of Canaan and that he would pave the way for their occupation of the land. And why Canaan? Well, because of the nakedness that Ham had witnessed in Noah for which Canaan, Noah’s grandson, had to pay for the wrath of what looks to have been a sexual assault case of Ham against Noah while the elder was drunk, sons against the father. And so the people of Canaan were forever the target of that wrath by God, and they deserved to be eradicated by any means necessary. From there, many holocausts have occurred that have been justified by religious persecution using the Bible as justification, such as Cortez destroying the Aztecs and Mayas, the foundation of America as a country against the Indians, or the Catholic Church destroying Protestants, or any trace of the Gnostics. And to this day, different versions of the Abraham religions are at war with each other at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. So from that perspective, people who see the human race as a virus to the world energies of planet Earth could easily say they did it, so we are justified to apply the same techniques back in their direction. Which when you talk to those types of people at a dinner party, like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and their cult of doom in Davos, those are the kinds of justifications they have for abortion, for mandated vaccines, and government-imposed violence for which they pull the strings with finance. 

So we must fight them knowing what they intend, and regarding the earth’s population, I would argue that we need twice as many, 16 billion, or even more. The earth is here to serve the human race, not the other way around and our job as a species is to get off the planet before something happens that will destroy the earth anyway, like some naturally occurring cataclysm floating around in space that has killed many planets not just in our own solar system, but throughout our galaxy and others. If Elon Musk’s political attitude has made a noticeable shift over this same period of time, it’s clear that he understands the math. Human beings need to be growing as a population, not retracting. To move into space, we need a lot more humans to expand our economies with more products to make it possible to do such an ambitious thing. And he can see that government-imposed controls will not allow that to happen. So he is working in that direction these days, towards more freedom for more people and divorcing himself from the China model, which has been at the core of the Desecrators of Davos strategy for many decades. The goal of governments is to make things easier on them, which means fewer people to manage, especially if the Desecrators of Davos rig elections and those are the masters they learn they must serve to stay in power. But everything points back to the same essential problem that we must name to gain the ability to solve the problem, its genocide that the World Economic Forum has in mind, and they are looking at history as its justification. Now, I can make an argument in favor of the Israelites and for Christianity in general, and we certainly will in the coming months and years. But for now, understand that the fight of the day is for the United Nations types who worship climate change and, in general, the ancient gods of earth worship, to reduce the world population from what it is now, over 8 billion people. For the pro-growth types, 8 billion isn’t near enough. But the climate change fanatics want the number to be under 4 billion, and they are willing to commit genocide through many methods to get there. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

The Occult of Climate Change Fanatics: The perspective of a galactic year

The debate on climate change cannot be understood by rational political discussion because there is nothing reasonable about it. To accept the premise of John Kerry, Greta Thunberg, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and the Biden administration, you’d have to be insane. Liberalism, progressivism, and all things on the political left are various degrees of insanity and cannot be explained by science or even an attempt to understand science. Liberalism and the earth worship of climate change are rooted in the ancient superstitions of the occult and the various religions that spawn from fear and irrationality. And it is there and only there where climate change and earth worship can be explained as an approach to a long-known problem. Because what we do know about the earth is that it has a minimal shelf life, and it has been bombed by space debris many times in its history, which isn’t that long by measuring it in galactic years, which is the proper way to understand earth and its problems. Humans are lucky to have come along in the silly little period of 25,000 years of their entire existence if we measure such a thing by conscious recognition of social development. Its always a race against time to see if life can become something special before the next great cataclysm, and that is where the insanity of liberalism takes a detour from rational thought and begins to utilize ancient practices of human sacrifices to appeal to pagan gods and preserve the earth from catastrophe rather than using intellect to solve the problems of gaining control of our solar system or even the entire galaxy and become a type 1, 2 or even 3 civilization. So long as we keep ourselves chained to the earth and its vulnerabilities, we will always be at risk of complete destruction at a moment’s notice, and sacrificing productivity lives or thoughts to the gods of the universe hoping to be spared will not solve the problem.

Here is the heart of the matter, the earth, of course, revolves around the sun once a year, which is how we measure the age of our home planet. But that is not the proper way to measure anything because its importance only has weight in our own backyard. Instead, our sun and solar system are just one part of one arm of a spiral galaxy that you can see by looking up on a dark night in areas where there isn’t a lot of light pollution. Recently my wife and I were in upper Michigan, and she had been out of our RV with my daughters, and she came to wake me up from my sleep hastily. They rushed me to a clearing at 2 am to look up, and the spiral arm of our home galaxy was clearly visible in the clear night. So you can see it without the aid of a telescope. Well, that arm travels around the black hole at the galaxy’s center every 230 million years or so. For us, the dinosaurs and all the epics of life on earth evolved during that one galactic year. Then during that year of travel of the solar system around the core of the Milkey Way galaxy, the journey through that galactic arm of debris occurs. Our solar system spends a third of its time on one side of that arm, but during the galactic year, it travels to the other side, much in the way that the earth’s seasons are created by its position around the sun over an earth year. A galactic year has various seasons of influence over our solar system. And it takes 30 million years for our solar system to pass from one side of that spiral arm to another. Then during this period, the gravity wells within our solar system pick up lots of strange hitchhikers in the form of planet-killing debris, which move into orbit around our inner planets, and have routinely killed those planets and everything over time. It’s a cycle that occurs during every galactic year. 

Looking at Mars and studying the earth, the planetary bombardment has been a routine every several hundred thousand years, and presently we are about 9 million years into that passage through the spiral ring to the other side and are due for a planet-killing impact which is the usual thing in space encounters.   We don’t typically think about these things as human beings because we measure time in ridiculously recent memories. We think of events in the Bible as old instead of very current, as we should. So we tend to think we have all the time in the world regarding galactic years, yet we don’t have much time to solve human problems before the next planet killer comes. And that is clearly what happened to Mars and even Venus. A planet-killing comet struck Mars, and the planet is actually distorted as a result. The tall volcanos on Mars are more the result of pressure points of magma under the planet from planetary impacts that pushed the entire crust up in places on the opposite side of the planet from fatal impacts. Any life that was on Mars was not killed by climate change, as liberal radicals want to assume since it’s evident that there were massive amounts of water on that planet that is now gone. When a planet gets hit with large objects, the atmosphere can be stripped away, causing all the water to evaporate into space and become space debris that eventually falls to other planets millions of miles away. Many tons of material fall to earth each year from Mars, which has been floating around since its last cataclysm. 

The only way for the people of earth to solve this problem is to embrace it by way of virtue as established in the Bible, where God made man, and man was to have the Genesis concept of having dominion over it and everything on it. That is the psychological path to becoming a Type 1 civilization and harnessing all the power of a solar system to use for mankind to flourish and, thus, all the planets it touches. Currently, we are planning to go to Mars and build a new atmosphere through terraforming. And we can do the same on earth. We can build and do anything we want so long as we live. But if we sit around sacrificing to the pagan gods of astrology and hope they will take pity on us as many societies did in the past, hoping that appeasement will preserve life ultimately, then that society is planning for failure. And that is what liberals propose. That is what the religion of climate change is all about. It’s not such a miracle that earth exists. It’s a miracle that so much life has grown in such a short period of time between planetary bombardments. Earth has been hit many times, and our mythology records some of the trauma caused by the flood stories. Our oceans have not always been where they are today, land masses have risen and fallen, and parts of the earth that used to be river beds are now the peaks of mountains thousands of feet above sea level.

The forces applied to the planet from the galaxy itself often reshape what we think are finite waterfronts and mountainous regions, making them as flexible as a child’s toy.   And we only have a short time to advance or be destroyed. Liberal appeasement is not a practical approach. Only science can solve the problem by using the tools of the universe for mankind’s disposal. And we start that by not listening to the fools of insanity, the earth worshipers, and liberals of destruction. Anyone who follows anything they have to say is doomed. Yet any society that wishes to flourish will use the tools available to us and move into space to take command of our destiny quickly before it’s too late.

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Liz Cheney Loses Big in Wyoming: The Masons, Never-Trumpers, and established order of politics are very confused and want desperately to lash out at voters who aren’t picking them in elections

It was a bizarre proposition from Liz Cheney, after losing in the primary 28.9% to 66%, a massive blowout in Wyoming by any measures, that she compared herself to Lincoln and hinted at running for president. As if she learned nothing from her dramatic fall in coming out against President Trump and being the face of the January 6th Unselect Committee. Just as bizarre was the campaign ad that her dad did for her, wearing a cowboy hat and looking stern into the camera, warning about the destruction of the republic by Donald Trump. Didn’t he watch Mitt Romney do the same thing back in 2016, which did nothing to harm Trump’s brand? The Cheneys are politically savvy; they’ve been around for a long time and served in top offices. Why couldn’t they read the tea leaves? Or was it that they could read the tea leaves but be in denial about what they were saying? Perhaps they are suffering from the same problem that is causing the entire Never-Trumper movement so much consternation, the knowledge that the plan they had for so long in America, to serve the Liberal World Order as they themselves have been calling it, was falling apart and people had rejected it wholesale. Their anger at Trump was really anger at themselves displaced because they couldn’t look in the mirror and apply blame where it belonged. 

Every political age has its own unique circumstances. In her concession speech, Liz tried to brand herself as the Lincoln of our time, even though she was just smoked in a very conservative state in an embarrassing election. Like some unthinking drone, she is hell-bent on a course she learned from her father over the years to put her political head to the grindstone and just barrel through it because institutionalism would come to her somewhere out there defense, and her fortunes would change. That is the belief she has been functioning from. When she turned against Trump and put on the massive show trial that benefited only Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden with the name of a Republican denying that election fraud occurred in the 2020 election, it proved to be a terrible strategy. People saw for themselves what happened, there is plenty of evidence of election fraud during that election, and people saw that it gave them Joe Biden, a loser of a president that has raised taxes, destroyed our economy, destroyed our advantage in the world with fossil fuels, and brought a lot of corruption and scandal to our White House. It’s been embarrassing, and Liz Cheney made herself the apologist for all that bad behavior by trying to put all the focus on Trump. And people grew angry with her over it. 

People can see the evidence for themselves on election fraud and what was going on over January 6th, 2021. It’s not like President Trump owns the opinions of so many millions of people. But people have chosen to favor his opinions over all others, and that option is what has Liz Cheney and many other anti-Trump forces like her upset. Trump is changing the political landscape away from what they thought were the rules of conduct. Republicans would play a role in Washington politics as the flop, while Democrats would be the people’s party of equal rights. So long as everyone stayed in their lane, everything would work out just fine, which is how it was for her father during the Bush administration. Behind the scenes, there were many forces at work, but there was a code that was established by the Masons who founded Washington D.C. of how politics would run in the new country of America, and the establishment understood what those ground rules were. Republicans played bad cop and represented business. Democrats played good cop and represented minority groups and equal rights. But in the Mason lodges around Washington D.C. and in every community around the country were the understandings of the Three Crafts, regarding equality, dependence on others, fidelity to promises, contemplation of death, and duty to others which was the underlying foundation to everything in politics. Republicans and Democrats who were all Masons or involved with Masons through fundraising activities knew the rules. So long as everything stayed on those value systems, everyone could agree to disagree. The Masons were bringing to the New World starting in 1776 a long contemplated utopia, and people would love them for it. 

The crisis came several hundred years later when it all blew up in their face. The more freedom people had, whether in transportation, communication, or education, the less inclined they were to follow the Mason vision for how America would evolve. That rocked the political world, which needed more and more scandals and wars to distract Americans from their information hunger in a free society. When the Masons contemplated how a free society would function, they obviously had not been drawing from successful examples around the world because there was no society previously that had figured it out. But the American Constitution created a truly an unruly maniac that defied the rules of conduct that a polite, “masonic” society would give them. Free will turned out to be problematic, and for political insiders like the Cheney family, it was well beyond their grasp to deal with. That is why they had that lost puppy look in their campaign ads and were tone deaf in the aftermath of the election results. America had rejected them when given a choice by Trump. Never-Trumpers directed their anger at Trump for providing that “non-Masonic” option that everyone in political theater through their mason halls agreed never to breach. But Americans didn’t want to be controlled by the Masons either. And the Masons never planned to control them initially. But Plato never addressed how free people should act; the role in politics was always to have that philosopher-king presence in politics who would rule over people with wisdom and compassion.

Liz Cheney and her father thought that’s what they were, and now people rejected them. They were perplexed, beyond recognition. In the aftermath of her concession speech, it was clear that Liz Cheney wasn’t even close to understanding the MAGA movement, what role Trump played in it, or what would happen next. So, of course, from her perspective and the Mason-driven establishment of America and European political discourse, the world is coming to an end. Thousands of years of planning and manipulating political power behind the curtain were falling apart, and all they knew to do was to be angry at Donald Trump. But all Trump did was offer himself as an option and refused to kiss any political rings. And from there, they hated him. But people loved Trump for it. Trump gave people a choice they hadn’t had before, hadn’t had for thousands of years. And now, all those long-established political forces were unprepared for the blatant rejection. You could see it on Liz Cheney’s face; this was not the political order of the world she had learned from her father. You could see it on Dick’s face, too, during that ridiculous ad he did for his daughter, thinking that the cowboy hat would sell his pitch. We are living in a world where it takes a lot more than that. Political candidates must be much more substantial and freedom-loving, not in token considerations but to their souls. And the establishment is lost as to what to do with this new knowledge. In the Mason’s ideal society of Egypt, there wasn’t a version of Donald Trump, so they didn’t know what to do with populism. And now they are learning the hard lessons history never taught them.

Rich Hoffman

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Why Climate Change is a Complete Hoax: The escape room of planet earth

Climate Change is a Hoax

One of the biggest scams in the world currently is the ridiculous notions of climate change that communist lefties are perpetually talking about.  It is the exact voodoo government science that we get from Covid virus talk.  They are trying to tell us that there are Delta, Beta, and Alpha variants that could kill us at any moment, all in an attempt to keep us under the control of fear for their political maneuvering.  Climate change is much worse because they don’t have anything tangible to point to and say that it’s real, such as they did with Covid by pointing to a few sick people and declaring the suspension of all global constitutions to have a political coup where health directors became the new dictators.  Yet in our modern-day with all the science at our disposal, the Biden administration has identified climate change as the priority of our military, of our pentagon resources. It has set targets of achievement that will strangle our economy, chasing after a specter of zero emissions and 100% pure Sierra Club emotion rooted in sentiment, not facts.  For the facts on the matter, I would point any curious mind to Dinosaur National Monument, a perfect destination in Utah and Colorado to see natural science at work at the Morrison excavation site where dinosaur bones are falling out of the rocks from 150 million years ago.

The first answer to the question on climate change can be seen in those rock layers, which at that particular place in America is a very pronounced layer of ancient soil that used to be a winding river that fed an ancient inland sea.  All this was at sea level back then. Still, over time the earth would buckle and wrinkle due to the movement of plate tectonics and, even more dramatically, the same caldera forces that push Yellowstone many miles to the north into essentially a giant pimple on the face of the earth from immense volcanic pressure underneath.  The last major eruption of the Yellowstone caldera was around 600,000 years ago. Compared to the many millions of years that the dinosaur bones were being fossilized in their present locations in the Morrison excavation site, Yellowstone and the forces under the earth had erupted several more times in that duration.  Eventually, those eruptions (and other forces) pushed up the ground that used to be at sea level to where those rock layers from that ancient river bed to well over 6000 feet today.  That is a lot of rock movement and force shaping the earth over a very long time measured in human years.  Not long in geologic time, but for the lifespans of human beings, it all in the blink of an eye. 

They have a wonderful exhibit at Dinosaur National Monument on the Utah side of the park that is just fantastic; they have a quarry discovered in that particular rock layer that has over 1,600 dinosaur bones from that ancient river.  There is a safe assumption that under that current quarry that is now sealed off from the weather with a nice air conditioned building to allow study and visitors to see all this for themselves, many more bones can be found.  The story becomes apparent when you go outside and take a fossil hike through the desert to see literally that more bones directly fall out of the erosion of the surrounding peaks.  I read about all this before visiting Dinosaur National Monument with my family. Still, even I was taken aback by looking at all the various rock layers on display at the peaks of these mountains that were revealed through erosion bit by bit.  Talk about climate change driven by geologic change; it had been going on for a long time, well before there were ever human beings that we know about.  To be so high up in elevation relative to sea level and to see such a vast fossil record stuck in those places, where what is now high up in the earth’s crust used to be at the very bottom, which is how the fossilization occurred in the first place, is to see the truth about global warming.  It’s not a new fad that politicians have just seized upon to drive communism into the cultures of social organization.  Global warming has nothing to do with human beings at all, only that the evidence of millions of years of dinosaur occupation of the earth shows that they were painted with extinction early on and left to die and rot in those rock layers.  Humans have approximately 30,000 years or so to get their act together and get off the earth before the same thing essentially happens to them.  Space is the only way to survive. Otherwise, history would repeat itself, and another 100 million years from now, some lifeform may contemplate us in the same way.  Only what luckily is fossilized under near-perfect conditions of mineral-rich soil preserving everything we have ever done about anything.

Looking for Dinosaur Bones

We also visited Yellowstone, and it was a little unsettling for me to know the truth about what was under our feet.  Yellowstone isn’t just a pretty place; it’s a massive supervolcano that, when it erupts, will turn the soil like a plow everything for hundreds of miles in radius around the park.   It was a reminder that climate change happens on earth and is driven from it through cosmic forces both throughout the solar system, the galaxy beyond, and the universe in general.  Likely even a multiverse plays its part in the movement of forces that tug and pull on the earth that constantly change its surface.  Therefore, climate change activists are some of the dumbest people ever to cast an opinion because they look at the world today and assume that it should stay that way for all eternity, which is entirely unrealistic.  All the preservation attempts made to “save the earth” are futile because humans thinking in the way of climate change activists are just too small-minded to get their minds around the truth.  The earth is almost daring humans to escape its surface before the next great extinction event, which is poised to happen at Yellowstone at any moment.  It’s due for its next eruption, and when it does occur, life on earth will change dramatically. Not for the first time, but as the dinosaurs learned, for a terminal limit on the current life crawling around the surface. It’s not about saving the earth from humans; it’s all about humans leaving the earth before the planet kills everyone.  That is the game at play. 

Dinosaur National Monument

The earth and its violent forces will continue to live and do what it does until the sun eventually expands and consumes the entire planet a few billion years from now.  Many life forms will rise and fall on the earth in that time frame, and what are now oceans will be tomorrow’s mountain peaks.  Nothing will stay the same as it is now.  If all civilizations were to climb into a tent and live a zero-emission life to save the planet from carbons that plantlife consumes anyway, imminent destruction for all life will still threaten all of us.  The game is not preservation, but to look at our term on earth like an escape room.  We have a time limit, and it’s not infinite.  We make our scientific discoveries and hope to invent a way to escape earth as a species before the earth does us in.  All those beautiful mountains we see and coastal areas where we build our condos are all in a state of flex.  Tomorrow they will be gone whether or not humans live or not.  And that is the nature of climate change.  The fact that there is change is irrefutable.  But the cause of that change is not political or controlled by humans.  It’s essentially a geologic escape room that is watching us with a smile on its face, and we are running out of time to get out.  Because the next extinction event is right around the corner. And most people don’t see it because they don’t look at the big picture of how things connect; they only stay in their tiny realms of professional understanding.  They never connect the dots allowing looting politicians to fill the void of knowledge with speculation and power grabs.   

Rich Hoffman

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