One Person in Jail is Not Near Enough: Much of what Democrats have done against America, and God, deserves a terminal sentence

In a recent interview, Hillary Clinton was attempting to paint a negative picture of all the people Trump would throw in jail for a revenge tour.  A tour that Democrats have embarked on themselves.  So there is a real fear by her, and many others, that Trump will target them for jail next, once people elected him for a third time to the White House.  The crimes from the coup against Trump are just the tip of the iceberg in denying the people the pick they made for President of the United States in 2020.  All the efforts Hillary Clinton made to destroy the life of President Trump, the corruption by the Obama administration, and, of course, Biden working actively to put Trump in jail for hundreds of years and millions of dollars in fines to keep him off the campaign trail.  These are not the actions of innocent people who know they had 81 million votes and won the presidency legitimately.  These are criminals who broke the law and have attempted to destroy our country and worse.  And now the shoe will be on the other foot, and they are terrified.  Well, when Hillary Clinton says that one person going to jail once Trump is in office and can then put his political rivals in jail for what they have done to him, I would say that one person would not be nearly enough.  As I write this, Steve Bannon, the former Chief Strategist for the President, has lost his appeal and is facing jail time, joining Peter Navarro, another Trump White House official who is currently in jail, put there by hostile Democrats at all levels of society.  Hey, they started it.  But we won’t be happy with just one or two obvious criminals going to jail, I would say it needs to be in the thousands. 

This is no time to feel sorry for any Democrats who have broken the law and are now facing the wrath of Trump.  I personally think Trump is too nice.  He says the right things and, as an executive in business, naturally understands the tough decisions it takes to get things moving in the right direction.  I think during his first term, he should have drawn first blood and put Hillary in jail because they were always going to try to do it to him anyway.  There was no harm in putting them all in prison because that’s where we have been in politics for a long time.  The politeness in politics between political parties has only worked against Republicans because Democrats have a proven track record of brutality.  That is the foundation of their entire political platform, and we have to admit that all gains they have been making are the tactics of Marxism and not American capitalism.  They are hostile to the American way of life and have no intention to preserve our nation well into the future.  They are criminals and cutthroats at best.  So, giving them the benefit of the doubt as Trump did was devastating.  That’s why they thought they could get away with destroying the American economy with Covid by walking into his office and lying to him about a potential death count, where Covid was made, who was involved, and what the plan was all along for socialist lockdowns and a push to more centralized governments all around the world.  They knew behind all the tough talk Trump was a nice guy, and they did what Democrats always do, they take advantage of Republicans who present themselves as suckers. 

I’m sure Trump would not like to have that tag stuck to him, that he was a “sucker” to Democrats.  But he was.  That doesn’t mean I won’t vote for him again in 2024.   Considering the ominous globalist forces at work here, I think he played the game as well as it could be.  I mean, Fusion GPS wasn’t just Hillary Clinton; it involved John McCain, a well-known Republican at the time, and much of the FBI and CIA who were in on destroying an American president with the same kind of vigor that we now know went on behind Kennedy and Nixon, by many of these same types of characters.  American voters were considered not relevant.  And when COVID was made and released during an election year to provide a cover story for a stolen election, which was the plan all along because they knew what the poll numbers said, Democrats had no fear of revenge for being caught doing what they were doing.  They had no concern that what they were doing to people, by the millions, would put them in jail because they had no respect for Republicans in general.  Republicans talk about fairness and justice.   But when the rubber hits the road, they put up with crime and corruption with the best of them.  They do so because they seek comfort in life; they trust that God will be the one who issues judgment, so they stay out of the business.  And since Democrats hate God and seek to destroy religion, replacing it with state power, then Democrats always have an advantage over Republicans.  They don’t confine their evil to their thoughts because they don’t believe there is a God to punish them. 

I view this effort as being the hands of God in this world, and we were created in his image to inflict justice and bring heaven to earth, wherever possible.  And that starts with punishing people who break the law and harm innocent people.  I think absolute ruthlessness in this category is essential to a civil society that functions well.  When bad people do bad things, the righteous should viciously punish them.  But who is the “righteous?”  Well, those who follow God’s law and the Ten Commandments.  Those who are following Biblical principles.  With Trump, it was good that he embraced the Bible when Marxist thugs were attacking a church right outside of the White House and were trying to burn down Washington.  But he should have done more, and I would expect him to know that he has had a lesson in radical Marxist movements who are not cheerleaders for America.  I would like to see the perpetrators executed for treason against our country, not just thrown in jail.  And so many millions of people are involved that they can’t all be punished.  Well, yes, they can all be punished, and if we have it my way, there will be many thousands, if not millions, who will be punished with more than jail time.  I would hope that after all this, Trump would be more ruthless than he was in his first term and that he would not hold back the power of his office to severely punish those who came after him and his administration so horrendously.  I want to see blood paid for these sins by the truckload.  I do not want to forgive and forget; I want to see the enemies of America punished in a way that would discourage all future action.  And I think many Americans feel the same way, especially after watching what they were willing to do to Trump.  Americans don’t want to see the bad guys get away with all this yet again.  And that is a world that Hillary Clinton doesn’t understand.  But I feel they are all about to learn a lesson in justice that will shock the world.  And they deserve everything and then some, that is coming their way.

Rich Hoffman

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