The Blood Cult of Baal: Destroying the Deep State demand for sacrifice

Since it is the most obvious topic in the world, and I have had to talk about it related to several local cases, many people have approached me wanting some kind of class on the conspiracies that most affect us, and why they are important. And unfortunately, either consciously or unconsciously, most people participate because of their need for group behavior. It’s a problem that has been with us since the beginning of time. The keys to this problem are outlined especially in the Bible, which I’ve had a relationship with for over 50 years. And I’ve read it many, many times. Then, as our times demand, because it’s the main topic of our everyday news, I constantly refer to one key aspect that reminds me of the supporting text of one of my favorite passages, Psalms 82. Now, I have known people who would consider themselves biblical scholars and make their livings interpreting the Bible, and my take on the purpose of the Bible is entirely different. I think all the churches and almost every person get the interpretations of the Bible wrong, the point of the plot. All the Abrahamic religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, have, to my mind, interpreted everything incorrectly, which makes up most of the religions of the entire world. The rest believe that UFOs came to the world and had a massive battle, and we are the result, which is clearly the case in the Mahabharata, which I’ve read too and is a thing all its own. For the Bible, I think the Greeks and Romans saw what they wanted to see when they gave their interpretation of the Bible, and people who wanted to control all humanity carefully edited the text for a very malicious purpose, and that was to preserve the Cult of Baal that has been with us since the beginning of recorded time, predating the Bible by many thousands of years, likely tens of thousands of years.

The Cult of Baal it’s very much alive today, maybe more than ever.

As I said in the video, which covers a lot of needed ground, I see myself as politically right of God, Yahweh. I am far more conservative. But out of all my religious study over the years, I really like Yahweh and I feel his pain, and want to help him. When I read the Bible, I don’t read about an all-powerful god who created the universe. That might be the case from various points of view. What I see is a character trying desperately to destroy the Blood Cult of Baal so that humanity can perpetuate productively into a much more prosperous future. It is Baal who is the Darth Vader of the Bible, not Satan, Lucifer, or the Devil, which are mentioned in the Bible but are not discussed nearly to the level that Baal is. The fight between Baal and Yahweh is the entire point of the Bible, it’s the plot that should be the center of all discussion. Yet the presentation of the material is given to us to serve deities, as humans always did. People either pick Baal, which is always tempting humanity away from God, Yahweh, or they like Yahweh so long as he performs some magic and heals some people from illnesses, almost like they must be bribed into doing the right thing in life; otherwise, they always slip into the temptation to worship Baal. And this is how we get our modern political foundations where “sacrifice” is the core tenant of religion and life as we know it. But what I hear coming from Yahweh is “productivity.” Yahweh, in many ways, wanted people to become capitalists, and he rewarded those who fought to free people of bondage to the Cult of Baal. Think of Elijah at Mt. Carmal, the famous dual between the priests of Baal and Yahweh, 1 Kings 18. Why is it do you think that the “Free Palestine” movement is also capitalist-hating Marxists? The answer is obvious if you look with the right eyes and correct definitions of reality.

Abortion is just one form of the modern sacrifice culture to ancient deities.

The great deception is constructing a society that still serves Baal while the global masses perform the deeds unaware.  This was done by essentially changing the names and focus of our religious figures to lure everyone into continuing to serve Baal in his insatiable appetite for sacrifice.  As people asked me for more information, I thought of these guys at the Deep State Mapping Project, a very new phenomenon.  I don’t think these guys would even exist if not for Trump’s first term in office.  But the crack in the façade occurred, and now there is water squirting out everywhere, and these Deep State Mapping guys are part of that positive erosion of the Deep State control over the world.  When we talk about the Deep State, we are talking about a complicated history that essentially is committed to keeping the world in the mode of sacrificial beings appeasing Baal and his pantheon of losers, cutthroats, and maniacal lunatics who are hundreds of thousands of years old and still linger in our interactions of quantum physics.  Yahweh was rebelling against this Cult of Baal as is captured in that Psalm 82 passage and other places, especially in the actual Jewish word for God, Elohim, which means plural god in many cases, or a reference to the Divine Council that rules everything from beyond our conscious tapestries.  I’ve known about all this for a long time, but the plot became most apparent when all these characters thought they could get away with the COVID killings, massive election fraud, and domination over the media in an attempt to get rid of Trump and the humanity that elected him.  It was the Deep State grasping for power as the old Cult of Baal was being threatened for the first time because of the decentralization of information in our current society. 

Baal has always been a problem

These Deep State Mapping guys have taken many of the studies I have personally conducted and made it very easy for people. It might seem like a crazy QAnon conspiracy theory at first, but I have independently validated most of the maps they offer, especially the Cult of Baal, and can provide testimony to their truth. Trying to shame people into compliance is the way the Cult of Baal has maintained itself for thousands of years, and it is a starving entity that demands humans sustain a cult of sacrifice, which we have. Sacrifice is the central premise behind most of the world’s religions on purpose. Yet, Ayn Rand, an atheist, could see this problem nicely by pointing out that human beings are meant to be productive. If you make things, why would there be a need to sacrifice anything to anyone, no matter how vital the god was? The conspiracy theories of the past, and I read all of Jim Marr’s books, and I miss that guy a lot, aren’t so conspiratorial now that the curtain has been pulled back, and we can see things better than we ever have. And to see this vast conspiracy in the best, most educational way possible, I would suggest the material provided by the Deep State Mapping Project. Things are going to get pretty wild over the next ten years. The Deep State has already lost control, so the water is flowing faster now. I spend a lot of my free time trying to prepare people for it by having them question the reality they have been taught. Yahweh understood, and I like him. I want to help him and spend a lot of my time doing that for purposes that the human race has a great need of. And these guys at are doing a great job simplifying the process and vast amounts of information. It took me four or five decades to piece it all together myself. It’s all there for your convenience, and for those curious, I would suggest starting that needed education with their material. There is much to discuss, and an excellent map certainly helps.

Who would ever think to sacrifice their firstborn children to Baal? Apparently, a lot of people, as history has witnessed through oceans of blood and death.

Rich Hoffman

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