Christian Nationalism is the Most Powerful Political Force in the World: And they are voting for Trump

Here’s the little con game they don’t want to talk about at Fox News and throughout the media that makes a lot of money off the election process through ads and consultant contributions: Christian Nationalism is far more powerful than they want to admit. After the New Hampshire primaries, where it was evident that Nikki Haley wasn’t going to win, which was her best place to succeed, the game plan for the opposition became quite clear. Keep the Republican Party from uniting around President Trump in a last-ditch effort to slow him down. It’s the same kind of strategy you see in college basketball games when a team is down 10 points at the end with under a minute to play, and the losing team switches to a full-court press, hoping to draw a penalty and go to the line to shoot points with no time on the clock. Of course, the fear is that the Deep State is about to lose all touch with someone in the White House, which will be a first for them. When Trump was president the last time, it was Mike Pence who was their representative, someone they thought they could deal with and who could control President Trump somehow. But before that arrangement, Reagan had his Bush. And George W. Bush had Chaney. Nikki Haley, for traditional Republicans, is their safety rail, and they were talking her up as if she could have some hold over President Trump, which is absurd. I have traveled to almost every corner of America and know it very well. I can tell you that the world’s most potent force in politics is Christian Nationalism. There are a lot of them, as the evidence shows, all across the landscape from sea to shining sea, there are a lot of nice white steeples from churches that reach into each community with the values of Biblical text, and they are more engaged in politics now than in any of the years past. And they are voting for Trump.

The media narrative that Republicans have to work harder to win anything against some vile Democrats and independents is a game of chicken I’m perfectly willing to play.  I would argue that Trump is already a Democrat enough to pull over votes from the other side, especially the union vote.  Trump will draw Democrats from concerned suburban women worried about putting food in the refrigerator; he will get immigrants chasing the American dream to vote for him, and he has a lot of minority support in general.  Then there are the classic Republicans.  Trump in a general election against an entrenched Biden is a blowout.  What the political forces fear is their lack of relevance.  And then there is election fraud, which has kept Democrats in power and is the real story behind the scenes with the donor class.  They believe they own elections because they control the money that feeds the media culture and, therefore, can control election messages and the world with it.  President Trump does not need Nikki Haley as a running mate.  He can afford to pick anybody he wants and would be wise to choose a successor, someone most like him.  I have stated my favorite pick would be Kristi Noem.  But Vivek Ramaswami would be great because of his youth and energy as an attack dog.  But this next Trump term, a revenge tour in a lot of ways, is about stopping the Deep State, as it is anything else, and Nikki Haley is their pick.  Not Trump’s.

If you have been paying attention, all the things that make America great have been under attack by these same people propping up Nikki Haley, even as a loser.  With strong families and strong faith in religion, when Ben Carson compared Trump to King David recently as an imperfect man picked by the hand of God to lead the American nation, the reaction was desperate.  The panic was evident on many fronts with that kind of talk.  And that’s how you know they know that people are seeing through their long-established scam, a divide-and-conquer strategy that they thought would always protect them from just this type of election with political people like Trump changing the game away from their control.  I believe the comparison between King David and Trump is a good one.  Trump does look to be the hand-picked agent of God, and that hand is at work with the power of the universe behind it to defeat the forces of evil that have embedded themselves into the American government as globalists.  And a lot of people who would have never otherwise voted are as good Christian soldiers marching as to war, and they are voting as if it was a war.  Engagement is much higher than usual, and Trump is poised in every state to blow Biden off the map in ways we have never seen before.  When Newt Gingrich recently said that the 2024 election was shaping up to be a return to the kind of blowout numbers that Reagan had over Carter, I think he was being nice, and that will essentially be because of Christian Nationalism.  America is a Christian nation, and so is much of the world, and they see in Trump the work of God that is a destiny.  And they are willing to play their part in it, one way or the other.  As I said about traveling around the country, America is not controlled by Democrats.  Most people are Christian Republicans, and the only reason they haven’t voted in past elections was because they didn’t have anybody to vote for. 

And that is the little secret that the Deep State would like everyone not to know, that Christian Nationalism beats them in every form they present themselves.  To win, not only do they have to cheat, as they have been doing for many years.  But they have to erode people’s foundations of value, so they have been attacking the church as one of their primary objectives.  It was not an accident that the ridiculously unscientific social distancing standards were trying to keep people from attending Church together during Covid.  The goal is obvious: the political left and the Deep State, in general, have been trying hard to subdue Christian Nationalism as a strategy for their takeover of global politics, and they have been working hard at it in America.  This only pushed Christianity’s influence to the back burner because there was nobody to vote for in the past.  But now there is.  And it’s a much more powerful political force than anything else.  It is the biggest rival of the United Nations attempting to take over global politics as godless heathens of polytheism and a return to the pantheon of Mesopotamian gods that have been around since the dawn of human intelligence.  The ideas of individualism are what they find objectionable, and there is nothing more individual than a God who runs the universe all by himself.  That is the enemy of mass collectivists everywhere, and they have been working hard to separate the world from such a relationship with God and nature in themselves, individualism, and the impulse of their spirit.  To serve the globalist and their United Nations political autocracy is to serve the polytheism of their ancient gods and return to the kings over their subjects, which is the fantasy of the World Economic Forum and communist governments around the world, especially socialists like Justin Trudeau and the lunatics at the European Union.  People get it; through Christian Nationalism, they can take America back and spread that influence to the far corners of the world, as we should.  And Trump is the means to do that, and people are going to crawl through broken glass naked to do it.  Nikki Haley has no role in that effort as the RINOs need to be crushed and removed from the Republican Party, and the media culture that has supported all these tyrannies be eradicated for the role they have played in America’s destruction.  Trump is just the start of it; there is a lot more to come on behalf of Christian Nationalism. 

Rich Hoffman

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