Judge and Judge Often: Don’t get hung on a cross or be destroyed like the Indians–punish evil and make them pay

Here’s my thing: we’ve been too friendly to the Marxist movement behind much of our social interactions.  There are a lot of people upset with me over my recent smoke shop article and find my anti-pot stance intolerable.  Hey, I told everyone back in August 2023 how it would be before a bunch of losers and lobbyists worked to make marijuana legal.  And if there is an edge to me now that people didn’t notice so much before, it’s because of things like this.  I have watched the pot movement grow over the years by these hippie flower children forces that have been gaining ground since I was born, and I never liked them.  I treated them fairly, but their intentions were always to take and take more, no matter how much kindness we gave them, and now they are going for the destruction of our country, and they aren’t shy about it.  And now that pot has been legalized in Ohio, a place I call home, I consider it an act of war.  And anybody who has looked up my past and researched me already knows my position.  There is a lot of violence in my wake over fighting pot in my various communities.  I have been evident in my position, and I could tell stories all day about my long life fighting against it that have much more relevance to people now with the context.  There are lots of police, mayors, and commissioners who hear my name and know the trouble, and they’d rather forget about it.  These were not things done in secrecy; it’s all been well documented.  But this whole “you do you, and I’ll do me” libertarian nonsense isn’t going to work for me.  So the pot heads brought it on themselves; now that they’ve brought that stuff overtly into my community, pot is the new “Lakota Schools,” for me.  Locals in my community will understand what that means.

One thing you will never see in front of one of these smoke shops selling marijuana paraphernalia is a nice car.  People who do dope tend to be lazy losers who drive beater cars and look like the kind of people who can barely get out of bed in the morning.  Anybody who thought they could replace good business in all the vacant strip malls with these smoke shops and that it would be “good for our community” was not thinking straight.  When people say to me, “Who died and made you king,” here’s the deal: if people are free to rub pot consumption in my face, then I am free to cast judgments on it and the people who use it.  For me, there is no blurred line on pot consumption because it’s the sign of a society retreating to the primitive, to follow the Vico Cycle back to the village hut of compliance to a tribal council, and is the opposite of freedom.  Consumers of pot are weak, and they are seeking to justify it with a chemical substance that hides it from the world where they should be working to make themselves better.  So when people tell me I should be like Jesus and “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” (Matthew 7:1), I say, look what happened to Jesus when he was hung on a cross crying for the Father not to abandon him.  Don’t end up hanging on a cross.  Humans can bring whatever meaning they want to religion, but I’m not OK with the teachings of Jesus if people think we aren’t supposed to judge lousy behavior or punish people for it.  I’ll stick with the Old Testament, thank you. I say, “judge and judge often,” and punish those who intend harm to you and your society.  And any advocate of marijuana is intending harm to our society.

I warned everyone of the old hippie notion of “live and let live.”  I’ve told everyone the truth about how the KGB and the CIA worked hard to import communism to our college campuses, just as they are now with the anti-Israel movement, to erode the foundations of our youth.  The concept of “let’s party” was revealed in the excellent Ayn Rand book We The Living, a youth movement meant to usher communism into their society in Russia.  Ayn Rand would know because she had to flee her homeland and her family to escape it.  And all that nonsense was brought to America in the 1930s with Roosevelt’s New Deal policies, and it culminated in the 1960s with all the campus riots.  And it’s still happening, festered on by people like George Soros, who fund a lot of this destructive behavior among people willing to take the easy money and bring chaos to our streets, to submit to communism.  And pot is one of those strategies of communism against America.  The intent was to weaken our youth and our Biblical culture of values and to fall to communism because everyone was too stoned to fight back.  That is why I have such a hatred for the stuff.  I’ve known this for a long time.  I feel this way because I read a lot.  And I don’t take attacks against my country kindly.  And all drug consumption, even alcohol, as far as I’m concerned, is an attack.  The legalization of pot is meant to destroy the concept of civil society and replace it with a bunch of stoned losers who won’t work, won’t lead their families, and are no good to anybody for anything.  Yes, I will judge others, and I will judge often. 

I ordered a margarita with some friends at a fancy dinner the other day.  People around me at the table were shocked because they knew my position on drugs.  Occasionally, I’ll drink something with alcohol in it because the texture of the drink makes it interesting.  I’ll occasionally sip on a wine as well.  But not very often, and never to get drunk.  In a long list of people who have known me over the years, nobody will ever be able to claim that they saw me drunk and disorderly.  I was always the one who was sober and had my head on straight, even when I spent time with some very wild and crazy people.  In my church, there was an epic battle between them, my congregation, and me over communion.  If not for the church, I likely would have never tasted a drop of alcohol.  I was never OK with the cannibal ritual of eating the symbolic body of Christ and drinking his blood, which is a Roman way of bringing all the religions of their empire under one roof of Christianity.  I’d rather not sacrifice people to the powers of the universe in any way.  And I’d always recommend staying sober to do it.  But with pot, there is no redeeming factor.  Like many people have said to me recently, “But the Indians did it.”  Yeah, that’s my point.  Most of them ended up dead and eradicated from existence, with their culture destroyed.  See a pattern?  There is nothing good about pot smoking, and anybody who is trying to sell it to you is trying to destroy your culture.  And there is no compromise with it.  If people want to bring it to my front door, they will get what they get.  Now that they have, I am much less tolerant of their other behaviors that I find objectionable, and they will hear from me about it often.  Because I will be doing what you should be doing dear reader, and that is “judging and judging often.”  And punishing those who have done wrong.  If you want to save your country and not end up destroyed like the Indians or hung on a cross like Jesus, try something different, starting with judging evil and punishing those who commit it.  And look at intoxication the way I do, as a slow way of killing intellect and, therefore, the person that houses it.  And punish it as attempted murder because that’s what intoxication, all intoxication, is.  The murder of a mind. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Don’t Hide Behind the Robes of Jesus: God wants us all to fight evil, and to destroy it

I understand biblical scripture regarding fighting evil and going to war with the villains of God’s pantheon.  God says often in the Bible, through human interpreters, of course, but he expects people representing him on earth to fight for Heaven even when the odds look horrendous.  God spends much of the Bible angry at his chosen people who doubt him, waver away from the task, and do not conquer on his behalf.  As I say that, I think of the great prophet Elijah who fought in a dual the high priests of Baal, and at the end of the fight, goodness massacred the vile characters in a bloodbath.  God was not disappointed.  And, of course, we all know what happened to Jezebel.  She was eaten by dogs, torn from limb to limb for her commitment to worshiping Baal and steering Ahab down the dark ways of idol worship.  Remember the spies who were to take Israel into the promised land of Canaan but hesitated because they saw giants there and doubted that they could conquer such ominous villains?  God punished Israel with another generation to wander in the desert wilderness until younger people would trust him and do as he said, to attack and destroy every breathing creature of the Baal cult worshiping pagan losers of Canaan, utterly and without forgiveness.  God would protect them if they only did the task.    I have been through enough in my life to know that even when it looks hopeless, when you do the right thing, God does have a way of rewarding you.  I understand the lessons of King David, who had his faults.  When he sent Bathsheba’s husband away to war so he could seduce her, God was not happy. His favorite king had killed a rival for his affections even though David had a whole wine list of other wives and concubines to sleep with.  David had killed an innocent man to sleep with his wife.  Yet God still blessed David because he had conquered evil on behalf of the kingdom of Heaven, so God gave David the benefit of doubt. 

Yet I have often heard from various church leaders and other religious personalities who think they know better than God what should be happening in this current time, where evil is spreading rapidly, like weeds in a garden untended to, which is choking off goodness purposely.  And they are hiding behind the name of Jesus and using peace and a poor understanding of scripture to justify a lack of action.  They say on Sundays that the church should stay out of politics and not pick sides in the presidential election between Trump and Biden.  And that the purpose of religious study is to concentrate on the life ever after.  And not to engage and fight for what’s right.  Our focus should be on the afterlife.  That this life is corrupt and that we should not pursue material things, then to surrender ourselves to God and the gates of Heaven.  When we all get to Heaven, if God wants to be mad at me for the things I have done to bad people, I’m cool with it.  Because I don’t think God will be all that mad at me.  I expect more than a participation trophy from God.  What those Church leaders are essentially doing when talking about how to fight evil in our own time is surrendering before the fight even starts, and they are hiding behind Jesus as their justification, much the way the Israelites did under Moses when the spies returned to report on the giants who held the promised land, much to the frustration of God. 

God can forgive them. I won’t. Call me a sinner, I’m good with it.

What people who are cowards do when they don’t want to act is hidden behind something they think people don’t understand, like scripture; even though many people attend church on Sunday and profess to love and worship God, they never read the Bible.  In that case, your priest or pastor on Sunday becomes just as worthless as the average lawyer who does the same with our Constitutions and assumes that the people they are talking to haven’t read the text for themselves, leaving it to the corrupt to interpret the meaning.  To mask their cowardness, they hide their lack of inaction behind scripture and say that God wants them to surrender to evil to forgive their enemies instead of defeating them in bloody violence to fight to make Earth as it is in Heaven.  All this forgiving and forgetting stuff is for the birds.  Evil in whatever form it presents itself must be punished.  And yes, God will have your back if you fight for righteousness.  God needs humans to do his work, and when they refuse to do it because they are timid and don’t trust that God will be there when required, it makes God furious.  The Bible captures that frustration quite well and makes that religious document unique among others in the world.  God wants evil conquered and punished, not forgiven.  And to answer how I could know such a thing, I know from experience.  The purpose of evil, as God made it, was to test humans and to draw from them the character necessary for Heaven.  And to fight on behalf of Heavenly objectives as they relate to the universe.  Did you think you were born to bow at a cross and make a few gestures with your hands across your chest just to prepare to die?  No, God wants you to fight, and he is judging your character with every breath you take. 

I have been talking about religion more lately because many people think these are the end of times, that evil is making its push for global domination at the expense of us all.  And I keep hearing from these religious leaders who are scared that they need to follow in the ways of Jesus and allow themselves to be hung on a cross and killed as a sacrifice to the powers of evil.  But that was never the point of the Bible; God wants people to fight for goodness and justice on his behalf.  In politics, in our families, communities, everywhere.  When we see evil, God expects all those granted with the gift of life to fight on his behalf.  Because he is elsewhere doing what God does.  We are here on earth, and it is our task, until we take our ambitions into space, to fight evil, just as we were to do so in the land of Canaan.  And to fight against Baal and all his minions.  When Elijah won his duel, they didn’t sit around and share a coffee with the priest of Baal and talk about co-existing with them.  They killed the priests and slaughtered them ruthlessly.  And justifiably.  Fighting for God did not mean peaceful misunderstandings.  And for those who lack courage in this life, nothing makes God more unhappy than power-puff patriots and wishy-washy losers who hide behind the Bible and Jesus, hoping that nobody has studied the scripture and knows what it says about evil and the need to fight it.  In times like this, we should all take a page from the antics of the great Elijah and conduct our lives similarly.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Christian Nationalism is the Most Powerful Political Force in the World: And they are voting for Trump

Here’s the little con game they don’t want to talk about at Fox News and throughout the media that makes a lot of money off the election process through ads and consultant contributions: Christian Nationalism is far more powerful than they want to admit. After the New Hampshire primaries, where it was evident that Nikki Haley wasn’t going to win, which was her best place to succeed, the game plan for the opposition became quite clear. Keep the Republican Party from uniting around President Trump in a last-ditch effort to slow him down. It’s the same kind of strategy you see in college basketball games when a team is down 10 points at the end with under a minute to play, and the losing team switches to a full-court press, hoping to draw a penalty and go to the line to shoot points with no time on the clock. Of course, the fear is that the Deep State is about to lose all touch with someone in the White House, which will be a first for them. When Trump was president the last time, it was Mike Pence who was their representative, someone they thought they could deal with and who could control President Trump somehow. But before that arrangement, Reagan had his Bush. And George W. Bush had Chaney. Nikki Haley, for traditional Republicans, is their safety rail, and they were talking her up as if she could have some hold over President Trump, which is absurd. I have traveled to almost every corner of America and know it very well. I can tell you that the world’s most potent force in politics is Christian Nationalism. There are a lot of them, as the evidence shows, all across the landscape from sea to shining sea, there are a lot of nice white steeples from churches that reach into each community with the values of Biblical text, and they are more engaged in politics now than in any of the years past. And they are voting for Trump.

The media narrative that Republicans have to work harder to win anything against some vile Democrats and independents is a game of chicken I’m perfectly willing to play.  I would argue that Trump is already a Democrat enough to pull over votes from the other side, especially the union vote.  Trump will draw Democrats from concerned suburban women worried about putting food in the refrigerator; he will get immigrants chasing the American dream to vote for him, and he has a lot of minority support in general.  Then there are the classic Republicans.  Trump in a general election against an entrenched Biden is a blowout.  What the political forces fear is their lack of relevance.  And then there is election fraud, which has kept Democrats in power and is the real story behind the scenes with the donor class.  They believe they own elections because they control the money that feeds the media culture and, therefore, can control election messages and the world with it.  President Trump does not need Nikki Haley as a running mate.  He can afford to pick anybody he wants and would be wise to choose a successor, someone most like him.  I have stated my favorite pick would be Kristi Noem.  But Vivek Ramaswami would be great because of his youth and energy as an attack dog.  But this next Trump term, a revenge tour in a lot of ways, is about stopping the Deep State, as it is anything else, and Nikki Haley is their pick.  Not Trump’s.

If you have been paying attention, all the things that make America great have been under attack by these same people propping up Nikki Haley, even as a loser.  With strong families and strong faith in religion, when Ben Carson compared Trump to King David recently as an imperfect man picked by the hand of God to lead the American nation, the reaction was desperate.  The panic was evident on many fronts with that kind of talk.  And that’s how you know they know that people are seeing through their long-established scam, a divide-and-conquer strategy that they thought would always protect them from just this type of election with political people like Trump changing the game away from their control.  I believe the comparison between King David and Trump is a good one.  Trump does look to be the hand-picked agent of God, and that hand is at work with the power of the universe behind it to defeat the forces of evil that have embedded themselves into the American government as globalists.  And a lot of people who would have never otherwise voted are as good Christian soldiers marching as to war, and they are voting as if it was a war.  Engagement is much higher than usual, and Trump is poised in every state to blow Biden off the map in ways we have never seen before.  When Newt Gingrich recently said that the 2024 election was shaping up to be a return to the kind of blowout numbers that Reagan had over Carter, I think he was being nice, and that will essentially be because of Christian Nationalism.  America is a Christian nation, and so is much of the world, and they see in Trump the work of God that is a destiny.  And they are willing to play their part in it, one way or the other.  As I said about traveling around the country, America is not controlled by Democrats.  Most people are Christian Republicans, and the only reason they haven’t voted in past elections was because they didn’t have anybody to vote for. 

And that is the little secret that the Deep State would like everyone not to know, that Christian Nationalism beats them in every form they present themselves.  To win, not only do they have to cheat, as they have been doing for many years.  But they have to erode people’s foundations of value, so they have been attacking the church as one of their primary objectives.  It was not an accident that the ridiculously unscientific social distancing standards were trying to keep people from attending Church together during Covid.  The goal is obvious: the political left and the Deep State, in general, have been trying hard to subdue Christian Nationalism as a strategy for their takeover of global politics, and they have been working hard at it in America.  This only pushed Christianity’s influence to the back burner because there was nobody to vote for in the past.  But now there is.  And it’s a much more powerful political force than anything else.  It is the biggest rival of the United Nations attempting to take over global politics as godless heathens of polytheism and a return to the pantheon of Mesopotamian gods that have been around since the dawn of human intelligence.  The ideas of individualism are what they find objectionable, and there is nothing more individual than a God who runs the universe all by himself.  That is the enemy of mass collectivists everywhere, and they have been working hard to separate the world from such a relationship with God and nature in themselves, individualism, and the impulse of their spirit.  To serve the globalist and their United Nations political autocracy is to serve the polytheism of their ancient gods and return to the kings over their subjects, which is the fantasy of the World Economic Forum and communist governments around the world, especially socialists like Justin Trudeau and the lunatics at the European Union.  People get it; through Christian Nationalism, they can take America back and spread that influence to the far corners of the world, as we should.  And Trump is the means to do that, and people are going to crawl through broken glass naked to do it.  Nikki Haley has no role in that effort as the RINOs need to be crushed and removed from the Republican Party, and the media culture that has supported all these tyrannies be eradicated for the role they have played in America’s destruction.  Trump is just the start of it; there is a lot more to come on behalf of Christian Nationalism. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Cult of Ishtar: What’s behind the crazy sex beliefs of modern politics

The famous film by Stanley Kubrick, Eyes Wide Shut with Tom Cruise and Nichole Kidman, is renowned for its crazy sex scenes featuring elite members of society hiring prostitutes for massive orgies in society mansions. It’s a peak behind many people’s belief systems and defies understanding of a traditional Christian-based society. But it’s not so strange if you understand what those elites are trying to achieve. They are no different than the ancient Sumerian farmer or even the Israelites who turned away from God because they worried their crops wouldn’t come. So what they would do was to go to a statue of the Goddess Ishtar, the ancient Sumerian goddess famous from the Epic of Gilgamesh; they would hire a prostitute and would have sex with them, hoping to appease the perverted nature of the deity in hopes that it might rain. Once that is understood then, a multitude of our modern mysteries starts to make sense. We have a lot of people in politics who do not trust in God for positive things to happen in their lives, and they have turned to the ancient gods of antiquity, just as people always have, for supernatural assistance. And that is what the Cult of Ishtar is all about; Ishtar was a sex crazed lunatic. The actual character from the pantheon of Sumerian gods was likely a creature with a few screws loose. That history goes back 450,000 years of chronology, so there is likely a lot lost in the translations, but Ishtar was, by the time the Bible was starting to be written, a very ancient figure, and people had a reason to believe that by appeasing her with sexual practices that good things might come their way. 

We would call such actions evil because anybody too lazy to do the right things could be said to be doing the work of evil. Turning to a goddess to make life easier for anybody is what I would call evil. And knowing the nature of politics and the people who are drawn to that profession, it’s all too tempting to take the easy way out. So embracing sex practices of perversion in the hopes of personal fulfillment of Ishtar into their lives is an all too tempting proposition. This is the surface point of Jonathan Cahn’s newest book, The Return of the Gods, which I think is fantastic, essential reading. For the sake of a book, he focuses on three main gods from Sumerian and Egyptian mythology that are trying to manifest into our modern world from ancient times. I would argue that they never went away. That the way these gods work is through quantum mechanics. They are competing lifeforms with our four-dimensional reality, which has the benefit of concealment. And many lazy people in our world are always looking for the easy way out, so appeasing the sex magic of the goddess Ishtar is very lucrative. We could easily then attribute the trans movement to that appeasement, the embrace of gay rights, abortion, easy sex, internet pornography, child sex trafficking, getting kids to have sex in public school as early as possible, high divorce rates, and broken marriages, all as a social, political appeasement of the goddess Ishtar the same as the Biblical period farmer who is struggling with his crops, and asks his wife what they should do. And they decide that having sex with a prostitute by the statue of Ishtar is the thing to do. In modern times, we see a massive commitment to this ancient goddess by lazy minds easily corrupted because they lack the intellect to contemplate any other reality than appeasement. 

Many people don’t know that the Pride flag of the gay movement, the rainbow, is the battle flag of Ishtar, and the colors all have precise meanings. When its argued that showing inclusion in our public schools of rainbow art made by the students is a great thing but that the cross of Christ cannot be displayed, we are dealing with massive hypocrisy. The rainbow flag is a religious symbol, just as much as the cross is for Christians. The rainbow flag represents the Cult of Ishtar, a sex cult meant to appease the goddess for all aspects of fertility. That fertility might be a new job promotion as viewed in a modern concept, increased GDP among losers in government who do not understand economics and have had their opinions shaped by Karl Marx, Keynesian notions, or even a sports franchise that hopes to win the next big game. Those who lack the confidence to live good lives and succeed with merit instead of supernatural aid are most susceptible to the Cult of Ishtar. Living as a Christian takes a lot more work, so to erase their guilt and weakness, they are openly seeking the destruction of the Christian judgement so to make their worship of the Cult of Ishtar more socially acceptable. And left unchecked, we see that it’s out of control in our politics today. It’s corrupting everything, our children, our businesses, even our beer cans. 

Ultimately, Ishtar was a prostitute, she could never stay faithful to one sex partner, and she was one who often embraced the ability to change her sex at will. This is why the trans movement we are seeing now has taken hold the way it is, and now all these media companies are openly embracing it, along with the powers of government. It’s an ancient superstition attached to pleasure, making it all too lucrative for the not-very-smart. Of course, the farmer will be happy that his wife will let him have sexual relations with a prostitute if it brings good things to their family. And in that way, millions and millions of modern people have been suckered into this Ishtar mess. When in truth, Ishtar, as a living creature, or now as a spirit residing in the 8th dimension, is likely insane and deranged beyond help. But the destruction of her ideas allowed for people to believe that perversion was merit, and since it fed their animal instincts with pleasure, they were all too willing to accept it. And that belief has gone on now for tens of thousands of years. But it’s not by accident that we see so much sex-based commitment by the modern political left. They are not very smart to begin with, leaving them to be very superstitious. They want to believe that if they appease some ancient goddess, their lives will be easier, just as they vote for Democrats to make a big and powerful government that can take care of their lazy asses perpetually. So they are tempted to bring great evil into the world so that they can avoid working too hard and thinking about things on their own. It’s much easier to hope Ishtar will reward them for perversions rather than to work hard to produce something unique from their intellect. Once it is understood that the Cult of Ishtar is behind much of the perverse sex in our modern culture, it becomes a much more manageable problem. I can’t recommend enough that people read Jonathan Cahn’s new book. He has created a great foundation of understanding so we can solve this very modern problem. I think the situation is much worse than he does; there are many Ishtar’s out there, and the politics of the gods are a real challenge when people are so willing to worship them and their menace so easily. But to understand many of our modern problems, understanding the Cult of Ishtar is essential to a solution that won’t come easily. Because that cult’s temptations are lucrative, it is easy for stupid people to follow while engaging in pleasure disguised as a sacrifice for financial benefit. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Protect Lakota Kids.com and the Public Records that Show all the Evidence: Defending children from the extreme liberalism of Lakota schools

It’s not like the bad behavior at Lakota schools happened overnight. It took place over a long period of time. For those who have been wanting to see all the evidence from the Matt Miller divorce and the crazy sexual lifestyle of the superintendent of Lakota that has been much talked about, you can see it all down to the last public document at the excellent website Protect Lakota Kids.com.  CLICK TO Visit for yourself. I am proud of the great people who put that site together, and you better believe it; it was not an enterprise of a few lonely people. It’s a community effort; even better, over 600 people have signed the petition to protect Lakota Kids from the diabolical exploits of the radical progressives who work for all these government schools. This particular school is in our neighborhood, and it is challenging our values as a community, so it’s great to see people coming together to stand up to the vile behavior that has been on full display for quite a while now. The evidence of that behavior is reflected in the meeting segment shown below. A parent gave a very nice speech about the bad behavior of the superintendent, but additionally on the behavior of the school board members and other administrators. No wonder they didn’t see anything wrong with the superintendent’s sexual behavior because they are just as bad in many cases. What does that say about the people who run Lakota schools, especially when you can see for yourself just how bad that behavior has been for the superintendent? 

When the upset parent’s speech was given, I was working on getting new school board members elected. For me, that was the solution: to get better management on the board who would take the job a lot more seriously, not drink so much, and find themselves in compromising situations when they went to social events around town and out of town. The stories from some of these events have been horrendous and embarrassing to me. I like my community; I think there are a lot of good people who live in Butler County. I’ve been associated with Butler County most of my life. I could have lived anywhere in the world that I wanted, but I loved Butler County so much that I stayed in the area by choice. But these extreme leftist types who always come with more government expansion, especially in the public schools, do not represent the values of the community I have known for five decades. Many people moved to the area to be part of that kind of community. They did not move to Butler County to be embarrassed by the extreme liberalism of Lakota schools. For too long, they have put up with it to go along to get along. But after learning more about just how liberal and sexually reckless the people who run Lakota schools really are, there has been a very steady chorus of anger that has been building for several years now. To say the least, when Matt Miller was hired to be the superintendent in 2017, he reflected the values obviously of the people who hired him. And to understand what those values were, just read the voluminous public records on the Protect Lakota Kids website. We know the school board knew in 2020 just how bad things were, and instead of fixing the problem, they moved to cover everything up, which everyone should find alarming.

I had hopes that good management might fix some of these problems, but instantly the governing board gave the new school board members a fruit basket of friendship and worked to either bring them into the fold or to get rid of them. One of the newly elected board members seemed to like the fruit basket. The other one could care less, and instantly, Matt Miller and his partners on the school board worked quickly to get rid of her. And at that point, it was apparent that I had wasted my time trying to work with the board to have proper management at Lakota. Because the sexual deviants, the swingers, and the radical left loons who make up Lakota management wanted to protect their racket from the outside eyes of the holy rollers in the community and their pesky “Christian values.” They had no desire to listen to voters; they simply wanted to hide bad behavior from the public, and by reviewing the public documents at Protect Lakota Kids, it’s obvious that this was a common assumption, not an isolated behavior. With our tax money, we were funding the kind of behavior among the adults at Lakota that we wouldn’t endorse in our community otherwise except behind the innocent faces of our children. 

Yes, the title of that website, Protect Lakota Kids.com, is appropriate because if we don’t do it, who will? The school board certainly isn’t interested in helping kids find their moral compass in life. And if we aren’t teaching kids the basics of living a good, productive life, then what are we teaching them to be? If you leave it to the school, the role model they have in mind is Matt Miller. Obviously, the Lakota superintendent has serious sexual issues, as chronicled by the public records listed on the Protect Lakota Kids website. And you don’t have to live in Lakota to have an opinion about this matter. This is a problem in all public schools. Everywhere there are government schools, we see the same essential issues.

What is different about the school district of Lakota is that parents are taking control of their community. We have tried to elect good school board members. But the progressive types have rebelled against that notion. So, if parents can’t control their school board, they will create awareness with their own media, with websites like Protect Lakota Kids.com.   At that site, they are doing the job that the media should have been doing all along. But it’s not as if good people didn’t try to do things the traditional way. Speeches like the frustrated parent shown here have been going on for a long time. And it proves that the school board chose not to listen and to act to defend the bad behavior from the judgment of the public at all costs. And that isn’t acceptable. We aren’t paying all the money that we do in taxes to fuel this level of liberal politics. Butler County is a very conservative place in the world, and Lakota schools are a playground of liberalism that has embedded itself into our community in extremely unhealthy ways. It’s a fight worth having because, in the end, the product of the community is the children. Left to their own devices, the leadership of Lakota is intent on making kids into reflections of their own impoverished lifestyles, into the train wrecks spoken about by that concerned parent. I know that parent, and when she was talking about handpicking people from the GOP for the school board, she was talking about my work. She was frustrated with the results; she was ready to give up on the school way back then. I would say that it’s always good to try to fix something. But to her point, Lakota has been beyond gone for a long time now. And it will never get better if we allow them to govern themselves. Because given a choice, Lakota management will always pick the wrong thing.

Rich Hoffman

Without the Bible, There is No America: Lee Greenwood’s fantastic version

I read a lot of books, and I have a lot of experience with Bibles. I remember getting my grandmother a fancy Bible made just for her when I was a little kid that was huge in downtown Hamilton, Ohio, which she cherished all her life. I went to Sunday school, then catechism until the 8th grade, and read the Bible many times over during that duration. And the Bible has come up a lot for looking up research specifically over the last 40 years at least once a week. To go along with my Bibles, I have a very unique set of books that my grandmother gave me which is the Encyclopedia of the Bible, published in 1968, the year of my birth that extends into many volumes, which goes into explicit detail about the events and characters of the Bible which I have rifled through for over 45 years now. They are some of my most cherished books. But I’ll have to say, after all the experience and exposure to the Bible, I have never had one that I like as much as the new Lee Greenwood King James American version. I wasn’t sure what to think about it because it has the American Constitution in the back, along with the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Pledge of Allegiance, along with a signed page with the Lee Greenwood song, “God Bless the USA.” I bought it because it reminded me of this period in time when election fraud postponed the MAGA movement to some extent, and that song reminds me of Trump because he plays it whenever he does a public event. “God Bless the USA” has become the song of the Trump presidency, so I thought I’d give the Lee Greenwood Bible a chance. 

The battleground is set, and here is the guide to victory!

When it arrived, it felt magical. It is built well; it’s compact yet very vast like you expect Bibles to be. But it’s made of a very durable vinal with images of the American flag, which takes the religious feel of Sunday church services that are too ornate and puts the document of western civilization comfortably in your hands. It far exceeded my expectations, and I have found that I love it very much. I love the way it feels in my hands. I love how soft the pages are. I have a thing for well-crafted books with especially high-grade pages. I have a complete works of Shakespeare book that my wife gave me three decades ago that I love a lot. I often get it down just to rub my fingers through the pages. I also like the smell of books, which is a running joke with my grandchildren. I never hold a book without smelling the pages because I like how books of fine quality smell. And this Lee Greenwood Bible is made of some really good stuff that makes you want to interact with it. I was astonishingly impressed with its quality. If you were going to make a Bible representing Trump, MAGA, and the overall America First Agenda, Lee Greenwood impressively hit the target. 

This is my America and I pledge to fight all communist scum bags 7 days a week 24 hours a day until every one of them are gone. It’s time to go Old Testament on their very existence.

I’ve spoken many times about keeping copies of The Federalist Papers and The Anti-Federalist Papers next to my reading chair, which I reflect upon often. Both copies have the Constitution and Bill of Rights in the back, and I find myself reading them all the time, just for fun and reflection. But the way this Lee Greenwood Bible is set up, it’s very easy to read the Founding Documents, which is quite purposeful. Not only is the extensive story of the Bible there for reflection, but connecting it to the American Founding documents is immensely satisfying. It’s very easy to read them; the spacing is well done and clear. It may be the best presentation I’ve seen of the Founding Documents outside of a museum, such as what you can see at the National Archives. But these are in the Bible, so everything that gave birth to America is right there to study in a very troubled time. And no matter what anybody thinks of religion, there wouldn’t be an America without the Bible. The attacks on that relationship with the separation of church and state arguments, the Larry Flint Hustler challenges in the Supreme Court, the foundation of America is the Bible, a collection of philosophy that is the root of all western civilization that has led to the most prosperous nation in the world. It’s nothing to be taken lightly, and the Lee Greenwood Bible doesn’t; it’s very respectful and offers itself as a good friend when the mind of mankind needs it most. I absolutely love it. Living in Cincinnati, I followed the Hustler case, and eventually, before his death, Larry Flint managed to get a Hustler store put in near my home in Monroe, Ohio. It bothers me every time I see it. It’s a spit in the face of Christian values and a mark on my community, like some dog pissing on the values of America. And there has been a lot of that going on, where the world has been working hard to destroy America by removing it from its foundations. So in many ways, Lee Greenwood understood the need for an American Bible that put everything in one place. And it works far better than I would have thought. 

You better believe it; we are at WAR!

I’ve been thinking about this problem for a long time, the long progressive war that has not involved bullets and troops but the essential values of our families and personal intellects. So many people are beaten up intellectually; they are addicted to porn and have had their childhood curiosities destroyed by the empty promises of a progressive society. And people need to turn off the TV more often and read a book of some kind for their own good. Because if people lose the ability to think or have fundamental values, there is no way to have a society of any kind. If we are ever to Make America Great Again, people need to learn to read again and have the fundamental values that church on Sundays typically provides. But Lee Greenwood has made it easy, he has put in that one Bible the essence of Making America Great Again, and as we are ready for the Midterms and the long march out of a time of great sadness, characterized by the Biden administration and its criminals of misconduct, and globalists insurgents, and hostile Liberal World Order maniacs, only a sharp intellect can fight the mischief of the vast evil intentions displayed in front of us to assault our senses, and to make fighting back seem hopeless. I can report that holding the Lee Greenwood Bible and reading from it will help solve these ills. It will restore you in ways that you probably didn’t know you needed to nurture. And it will undoubtedly positively enhance your life. I think it has the potential to restore America to a greatness we previously took for granted, such as when I was little, and we were buying a Bible for my grandmother, a grand endeavor that she loved dearly. I’ve seen the positive effect Bibles can have on people firsthand. But now we need it more than ever, and Lee Greenwood certainly has delivered. I have all new respect for him for doing what he has done, and this Bible is undoubtedly one that will be near me at all times as we fight the battle that is before us now. And it will make such a battle much more endurable. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Todd Minniear Seeks to Protect Liberty Township: When progressives are angry it means that the right thing is happening

I said it when he was overwhelmingly elected in November of 2021, and I’m still saying it, I love Todd Minniear as the new trustee of Liberty Township, Ohio. He ran on a freedom platform, and he’s living up to it by proposing a resolution at the May 3rd, 2022, trustee meeting to make Liberty Township a “constitutional township,” with a written promise. However, for some reason, the sweat bees of Lakota are going crazy over the idea, which is very interesting.   When I first heard about the resolution, I thought it was a great idea but wondered why it was needed. After all, isn’t all townships supposed to be “constitutional townships?” Well, yeah, of course. So why was something like this proposal needed at all? In 2020, when the government made lots of mistakes over Covid, it was up to the local governments to step in and challenge the governor’s actions. In this case, the governor took on emergency powers and bypassed the legislature to assume powers that Governor DeWine did not have. The lockdowns and mask mandates that destroyed so many businesses were unconstitutional. None of them could be defended in court, and so far, all the cases have been lost and looking back on what went wrong, it’s clear that local trustees should have pushed back against the governor. One person can’t be allowed to ruin the lives of so many people with a bad decision. That’s why we have a republic and not some flea-bitten democracy in America. We have a local government that is accountable to the people instead of some top-down kingship, which is how Mike DeWine behaved. Joe Biden crossed those same lines with vaccine mandates and mask requirements, built entirely off misinformation and science in the pocket of big pharma. 

Yet, the same people who have been giving Darbi Boddy of the Lakota school board a hard time for trying to remove the mask mandates in the school as one of her first official duties newly elected are now going after Todd. Notice how arrogant they are and how condescending in their online postings. These are the same people who think that mask mandates should be forever, that sexual indoctrination of our kids in grade school should be normalized and that Joe Biden should be president. These people have had control of the political process for far too long because they make so much noise, but they are actually a small minority. In a community like Liberty Township, they can find a few thousand people who think the way they do. But Todd Minniear and Darbi Boddy were elected by many more thousands, both gaining the most vote totals in the last election. So plenty of people want to see these kinds of challenges to federal and state power. People did not like the way things happened with Covid and how vulnerable they were to an out-of-control government, and they wanted to see these new politicians representing their interests. Of course, these progressive lunatics don’t want to lose control of the process. They love to harass people into doing what they want to see done with threats and public attacks, which is why it’s so wonderful that we finally have some politicians who are willing to do the hard work. When I heard Todd wanted to make this resolution, I didn’t think it was a big deal at all. But he knew that there would be those same opposing voices who would come armed with their name-calling and arrogant slanders. 

So why is something like this resolution for a “constitutional township” needed. Investors in the community, including homeowners, need to know that the trustees can provide a stable environment from intrusive government. Mike DeWine wasn’t accountable to people in Ohio, but their local representatives were. When a governor like DeWine takes action on his own to cut out our elected representatives in the legislature, we must have some mechanisms to resist the intrusion. For Todd Minniear, he looks to the great book The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates for how our constitutional republic is supposed to function. The book is a proper resistance to tyranny and a repudiation of unlimited obedience to civil government. The example given in the book is about a church leader who is taking money from the collection plate and should expect their congregation to question them should they skim from the pot. Human beings can fail, especially in intellect, and the purpose of our government is to keep innocent people free of those mistakes as much as possible. And as a trustee, Todd ran on a platform to keep Liberty Township free of those kinds of failures in government. Such a declaration like what Todd proposed is necessary so that the people of Liberty Township can feel some sense of protection from the government by their local representatives since our state and federal governments have failed us so obviously. 

The sweat bee progressives of Liberty Township are so upset because they have in mind the complete desecration of our republic and a merge into the chaos of a democracy which would then propel us into the Vico Cycle, which has destroyed so many civilizations over the years. The Vico Cycle is a theocracy, aristocracy, democracy, then anarchy. So if they are upset by this “constitutional township” resolution, that means it’s a great thing. When these people hate what you are doing, you know you are on the right side of history and doing what voters elected people like Todd Minniear to do. Traditionally, they have attacked people like Todd and Darbi, who have only been on the job for a few months. In Lakota, they already have a petition to get rid of her because she pushed for removing the mask mandates. And you see by their comments about this “constitutional township” resolution that they find it a threat to go back against centralized control. Because as liberals, that’s what they want, and for far too many years, politicians have given them the benefit of the doubt.   But we’ve seen where that takes us, and Covid showed us too much of what we didn’t want to know. Those same people felt the power of a centralized government that was out of control, and they liked it. They never want it to stop. And now that people are returning to normal and are electing people like Todd Minniear to represent them, instead of the classic politician of least resistance, they are worried about losing their power. 

All the noise aside, our task in Liberty Township is to provide stability for business investment and residential ownership. And to give that stability, we must remove the intrusive elements of government from some faraway land that is not accountable to us, who can then destroy our community with just the swipe of a pen. A mask mandate here, a lockdown there, a created crisis to hide bad inflation numbers, Liberty Township deserves to be free of the kinds of corruption we always see in centralized governments because accountability is often missing. Todd Minniear and the other Liberty Township trustees are accountable to their neighbors, which is how it should be. And the next time some government overreach occurs, we need to know that our trustees will follow the Ohio and federal constitutions. They didn’t in 2020. Nobody knew what to do because we had never seen such a thing before. But now we do know. We know all about Covid and how the government made it and managed it. And we saw what it did to all our lives. So, we deserve to be free of those intrusions in the future. And the more that the political left screams about it, the more of that kind of thing we should do because it just validates why it was so important in the first place. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Jesus Christ was Wrong: Turning the other cheek is a dumb idea

Jesus Christ was a socialist—they were of course called something else back in the day as religion and politics were less distinctive from each other. But a quick study through history will show that while Jesus was traveling in the wilderness he obviously came across Buddhism and adapted it for his own homeland in a way that conflicted with the powerful orthodox of the Jews who worked closely with the Roman Empire to be regional governors. Jesus used passivity to inspire the poor to rebel against their overlords and the Jews killed him for the threat to their society. Several centuries later the Roman Empire had a desire to turn to the political left so they imposed Christianity onto the regions they controlled and shortly thereafter the their entire society collapsed. The Dark Ages followed which had a Medieval Church that used the blunt hammer of Jesus Christ’s “sacrifice” as a mechanism to keep the living from trying to overtake their church leaders who ruled the lands with a Bible only they could read, as ignorance was the most powerful weapon in those days. People were too stupid and superstitious to think of individual rights until the Age of Reason rescued Europe from its long dark past. It was during the Renaissance that the ideas for America were born culminating in a mad dash for a country overrun with oriental savages from China with the same kind of leftist occult driven superstition as Jesus ran into during his days in the wilderness. The American frontiersman confronted those left leaning heathens on the western frontier and won. But along the way the Christian values they brought with them from Europe became the basic tenants of conservatism which worked well among their own kind. But the many oriental ideas in the teachings of Jesus paralyzed conservatives as they tried to deal with enemies to their value system—after all their leader had been crucified due to his threat to the Roman/Jewish relationship in Jerusalem.

That brief history flashed through my mind as I watched an exasperated Brit Hume on Fox News attempt to put his conservative finger on the problems of our day, as leftists were openly calling for violence against any Trump supporter in the streets of America. Brit’s comments showed us why we had turned away from Jeb Bush, John Kasich, John McCain and Mitch McConnell and started flying our flags behind Trump. It was a mystery to Brit how we could regain a civilized society under the value systems he embodied as a conservative. The Christian conservative is perfectly fine as a value system in the open spaces between the big cities of America. Just visit a Bob Evens at around 8:30 AM anywhere, and you’ll see America at its best. People are good to each other as old men sit at the counter and read the newspaper. Families eat in peace and treat each other respectfully, it’s an idea that has a lot of appeal—until a political leftist tries to steal that value through some kind of protest. At that point the same elements that ended the Roman Empire, destroyed the Churches of Europe and essentially led to every war that mankind had fought with each other throughout history is exposed and the conservatives have no recourse to deal with the intrusion because of their paralysis in the teachings of Jesus Christ. They turn the other cheek to their enemies only to find that cheek slapped too, and not just once, but twice, three times, and more, until the skin is literally falling off their face. The typical leftist is a heathen not that much unlike the Indians that Laura Ingalls Wilder’s mother described in the famous novels written by that author constituting the Little House on the Prairie series.

The big story of the day when Brit Hume was musing about the lack of civility in our modern political world was that Laura Ingalls Wilder was having her name removed from a prestigious literary award due to her comments on Indians, which in her day were always a threat to kill families on the frontier. Modern leftists have attempted to reinvent the past by defining the Indians as the original inhabitants of North America and that the white European settlers that brought with them new philosophies of self-management from the Age of Reason were confronting Chinese settlers who had radically different ideas on the nature of existence, and the two sides fought it out. The new Americans won over the oriental colonists from China. Many of these Chinese colonists came to North America during the Ming Dynasty when their giant ships were trading with countries all over the world, well before the Europeans were even thinking of a journey to North America. The New World at that time was already well-known in the East because they had been traveling there for centuries. And before the Chinese it was the Vikings and Phoenicians. Ancient descendents from all those nationalities were already in North America and had many empires rise and fall well before Laura Ingalls Wilder’s mother said that “the only good Indian was a dead Indian.” Many of the Indian nations were warring factions that used violence as a test of manhood—they were not docile nature lovers. They were the original leftists in the New World and the modern left has tied themselves to their ancient ancestors and have been trying for quite a long time to use that guilt as leverage over the newly founded country of America.

That is where conservatives find themselves paralyzed because the leader of most right-thinking people is ultimately Jesus Christ who was very ideologically aligned with the typical socialist and Indian warrior on the frontier of America. Maxine Watters isn’t the first radical to call for action through collective assimilation. So when the political left plays Jesus against conservatives by taking advantage of a turned cheek or a desire for peace, the political leftists attack and has been pushing conservatives further and further back for as long as humans have interacted with each other and we’re at a point where the running has to stop.

I would say to Brit Hume and to the estate of Laura Ingalls Wilder, and to Trump supporters in general that peace is not possible with the leftists. Just as treaties were not possible with the Indians because they were of a different mindset that was not conducive to the American idea. Or the Renaissance artist who was drawing naked bodies on buildings after hundreds of years of stagnant thinking coming out of the Dark Ages—the two sides of thinking are not compatible. Values cannot stand up to constant attack if the person with values always surrenders to the aggressions of the heathens. The Chinese were heathens during the Ming Dynasty because they were a collective based society seeking to impose themselves on the entire world. The Indians were heathens because they were another mixed batch of collective based cultures seeking to put superstition over the minds of reason, no different from the cults of churches in the Dark Ages were inclined to follow some priest who could magically read words on a page and decipher meaning from them. Or the Romans and Jews who were collectively based cultures who wanted to execute an individual preaching a collective eastern based religion that didn’t even need a church to guide them—a hippie from the wilderness known as Jesus who taught us all to turn the other cheek even as he was crucified on a cross with his blood dripping out upon the ground. The Roman Empire in its last days turned left and told us all that we should follow the teachings of the oriental Christ and sacrifice ourselves to the living so that we could live eternally in the afterlife. But in so doing they implied that we sanction evil in the here and now putting peace on earth above the morality of the good—and that is something that we as conservatives need to stop doing. We cannot surrender the world to evil with an eye to the everlasting. Because as many wise people have said over many centuries, what we do in life, does reflect us in death, and yielding to evil in life or death is not permissible. Jesus was wrong.

It’s one thing to be good to your fellow neighbors and to preach peace to people who have shared values at church, in our neighborhoods, and even at Bob Evens on a morning breakfast at 8:30 AM. But when the leftist as they are known to do, whether it’s the barbarian hordes that sacked Rome to officially end the Empire, or the Indians who were Chinese conquerors from the Ming Dynasty, and probably earlier, the Vikings or the latest clan of Maxine Waters supporters, they intend always to attack those of us who have individual values so war is always their first option. And when faced with such an option it is not enough to sacrifice ourselves to the crosses they wish to nail us to, which has been the path of most mainstream conservatives for many years—the world of Brit Hume. When faced with such a menace we must fight, and that goes beyond what our religions instruct us to do—unless you seek the deeper meaning of the plight of the Christian Soldiers, marching as to war. Not all of Christianity is a turn the other cheek religion. But for the parts that are, do not listen to those instructions, because they were created from the very beginning by liberals of countless names throughout history, and their intention was always to leave conservatives with no other option but to be conquered. And its time to change that history for a change toward the rights and freedoms of the individual.

Rich Hoffman

Sign up for Second Call Defense here: http://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707 Use my name to get added benefits.

Critics of the Ark Encounter and the Trump Presidency: A collision of east and western thought

While doing a little research on the Ark Encounter for an article reporting my recent visit there I ran across a number of really disturbing trends which correlate perfectly to the Trump presidency.   It’s no secret that evangelicals supported Donald Trump massively in the last election and that they would continue to be a solidifying electorate base—so obviously the criticism leveled at the type of evangelicals who were behind the Ark Encounter project were the same who wanted to end the Trump presidency with bizarre conspiracy theories and constant small-minded thinking—especially in the example below from the lunatic making fun of not only the Ark Encounter, but the type of people who live in Kentucky.  What we are seeing is a classic battle between traditionalists and the progressives from the coastal territories and the urban viewpoints that their culture is superior from a European mindset, contains all the arrogance which articulates our current crises in America—and they are of course dead wrong.

I am not a “young earth” believer and I see many flaws in the foundation beliefs of the Ark Encounter presentation.   I watched with great effort the great debate at the Ark Encounter between Bill Nye, the Science Guy and the amusement park’s founder, Ken Ham.  My view is that both were functioning from a mythic perspective represented by their two foundational philosophies.  I admired Ken Ham’s passion and his beliefs even though I think there is more evidence that is needed to tell the story.  After all, my father-in-law is a geology professor and I have many friends around the world who are archaeologists, historians, and paleontologists and many of the sciences they are working on is showing that earthly civilizations are much older than 6000 years, that human societies are millions of years old and that a Vico cycle has dominated human thought for many cycles over that time for which the Noah story is all but the most recent one.  But I also reserve the right that everyone might be wrong and that evidence may come forward that shines light in a totally new direction—so from my perspective the stories of these cultures—including our present one provide some of the best insight that we have to work with and serves as a proper starting point for any discussion.  But with Bill Nye—he’s clearly functioning from the European Marxism which has crippled western civilization from the start and the foundation of his entire premise is rooted in global warming being the dominate threat of all mankind.  So as radical as he wants to make Ken Ham out to be for the Ark Encounter’s “young earth” debates both sides are essentially arguing over basic religious views.  The modern progressive is proposing a new religion in earth worship to correct obvious flaws in their traditional thinking and to do that they have to eliminate people like Ken Ham from the discussion to make their own pieces of thought fit and that is why they are so hostile.

I think the Ark Encounter is actually a wonderful place to provoke actual philosophic debate that is badly needed.   I compared it to not only the movie Jurassic Park, but also the Universal Studios attraction which is based on hard science but has many fictional elements added to psychologically tell a story our human minds need to deal with, real philosophical challenges provided by DNA manipulation and other modern concerns,  There is incredible value in that particular modern mythology that cannot be taken factually, but as part of an immersive story.  The Ark Encounter’s value is not in its factual elements—whether Noah built the Ark in 2200 BC and that once all the waters of the world receded from the Biblical flood the vessel ended up on top of Mt Ararat in Turkey.   It’s in the study of good and evil and how decisions on the furtherance of mankind should be articulated in relation to the primal actions of biological urges.   Should human beings allow themselves to be basic primal organisms eating, drinking, and procreating as a blob of cellular activity or should human thinking exceed biological necessity?  As primal as many might blame Ken Ham’s evangelical perspective it is actually the basic foundation which asks the question of mankind—shouldn’t we be more than just a biological mechanism of earth’s many life forms?  If mankind is actually unique in that spectrum and has a special place in a universe created by God on the sixth day of a grand construction project—than shouldn’t we act on an elevated platform?   Such discussion are meant for the temples of the world but at the Ark Encounter Ken Ham has actually revisited the great debates known to Greek society back into the modern world and the effect is quite dramatic—and valuable.  Scholarship shouldn’t be afraid of the truth—because in debating these things, we learn a lot about ourselves and our positions.  The real value isn’t always in the facts which are hard to know when evidence is slow to emerge from science—but the stories that are told contain elements of a hidden truth that our psychology requires to behold advanced concepts beyond the primal necessity of our biological requirements.

As sophisticated as Bill Nye’s reliance on actual science might appear his basic premise is that we live, we die, we leave behind other collective organisms to continue our species—but that humans are not particularly special compared to dogs, cats or ocean animals—and that the greatest threat facing our modern times is man-made global warming.  It is from the Bill Nye type of thinkers that the NASA program was all but shut down in the past and that they don’t want humans thinking too much about themselves intellectually but instead need to find their happy place on planet earth and learn to live there in harmony with nature.   The evolution of this progressive thinking actually comes from medieval Europe where the Christian church proposed by the remnants of the Roman Empire had been adopted by that society which actually came from oriental sentiment considered in India at the time and collided with the individual thinking of the Troubadours and Arthurian romances already in bloom.  The two vantage points never fit together correctly and Europe has been fragmented in its thinking for well over a thousand years now and that essential problem is at the heart of everything concerning conflict between the eastern and western worlds.  The people of the Middle East will admit that they are collectivists so it’s easy for them to submit themselves to angry gods who rule from the heavens.  Eastern societies are also collectivists and will sacrifice their individuality in a moment to the higher powers of celestial involvement.  However Europe was already asking hard questions about the role of the individual soul well before Roman brought that eastern religion of Christianity to its empire and people didn’t agree, and they still don’t leaving us with a very fragmented religious element that still desires to put the individual at the front of thought while the collective nature of all religion seeks to remain the superior force.

The critics of The Ark Encounter fail because they essentially insist that the new religion of earth worship be the dominate bond that unites America with the rest of the world in “progressive” thought.  Their religion is actually one that the Nazi movement was based heavily on—a kind of Celtic reinvention from a time before the Roman Empire used Christianity to unit its empire with common thought.  But, the Celtics were not the Troubadours so there are factions of people who uniquely professed to the world that individuality was important and that our souls were special in the role of the universe—that God would have Noah be the keeper of the world’s animals and that he alone with his three sons and their wives would save all mankind on earth for another round on the Vico cycle.  To me it’s a story that says a lot more than history can put its finger on at the moment.  To others it is the path to eternal life to harbor their individual souls spiritually.  To others it’s a threat to that classic European problem—an eastern religion mixed with western thought to provide so much conflict and pain, that ancient religions long destroyed by the Roman Empire are still desired behind the mask of “earth worship.”

What’s important is the discussions that pour forth and who would have ever known that little Williamstown, Kentucky would be such a center for philosophic discussion.  It’s not New York or Chicago or even London that is the center of modern debate such as Athens served in the past—but a little exit along I-75 where Ken Ham built a massive recreation of Noah’s Ark and invited debate on a campus designed to spark discussion.   That is the aspect to all this that is beautiful and those who don’t want the debate—but just want to lazily accept the conclusions of religions that came before us as fact of course don’t want those debates to occur—just as they don’t want Donald Trump to Make America Great Again.  They just want to live, die, and be forgotten so that the Earth can live its life as a celestial sphere only to eventually die itself as the sun runs out of fuel and the universe will never know that we ever had a human race that thought, built and contemplated new ways of thinking aside from the inherit violence of a universe expanding, contracting, and dying itself for reasons that defy reasoning.  At least at the Ark Encounter there is a defined purpose for living that is presented and that maybe the greatest threat of all.

Rich Hoffman

Sign up for Second Call Defense here:  http://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707  Use my name to get added benefits.
