Make My Day Michelle Obama: Davos is Planning a Disease X to stay in power

I think it’s fair to say that I hate Michelle Obama and her husband, the terrorist Barack, the former president of the United States.  I don’t think there is one good thing that I like about them, and I see them as American terrorists who purposefully initiated an unwanted change to America to fulfill the terrorist intentions of Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dorn as an extension of their Weather Underground radicalism.  And additionally, through the Islamic radicalism always working in the background that was learned in the “God damn America” church that Obama grew up in with Reverend Jerimiah Wright in Chicago as pastor.  I don’t think, based on the evidence, that Obama was even qualified to be president and that terrorists used his skin color to hide his radical, communist extremism to usher in under the door the destruction of America, for which the Biden administration represents.  There is nothing good about them; the Obamas are poison intent to kill the patient, and their goal has been to kill Americans and the people who resist their terrorist acts of progressive transformation.  And they have been paid well to be those terrorists by lots of people hostile to the American way of life.  I have written millions and millions of words about the Obamas over the last 15 years, and everything I have said, as it usually is, has turned out to be 100% true.   And in many ways, the ways that the Obama family was forced down our throats in the early 2000s is precisely why Trump emerged into politics.  For all those who are upset that a person like Trump ended up in the White House for the first time, they can only blame themselves for shoving first the Clintons on us, then the outright terrorist, Barack Obama.  He was the Weather Underground president, and many of our intelligence agencies who want to see globalism happen with the destruction of America joined forces to give us the most corrupt three administrations in the history of the presidency, with the third term being what we have witnessed with the compromised, hapless fool, Joe Biden, the puppet of Barack Obama.

So it was no surprise, given what we know about Joe and his chances of keeping the White House, that the Obamas are panicking. President Trump is poised to recapture the White House. The world is in a panic. The opening dialogue in Davos, where the World Economic Forum is in a panic as well, is that they need to release the lab-created “Disease X” so that they won’t have to face prosecution from another Trump administration that must pay them back for what they did to the world with Covid. Would they rather kill off the world to save their Gaia “earth” from the parasitic humans on it? You bet they would. In a heartbeat, many of them are legitimately crazy and should be nowhere near public policy. More on that one later because that is a concern all its own. These dangerous forces have been unleashed because we have been too kind to them, and that was certainly the case with Barack and Michelle Obama because we wanted to prove that we weren’t what they called us, racist slaveholders when it was the Republican Party that ended slavery, and we fought a war over it. People with shallow understandings of history thought they had to accept the terrorism of the Obama terrorists to prove they could get into leadership positions with people of color when the intention all along was to use racism as a Trojan Horse to destroy the concept of domestic America so that globalism could take over as the ruling force. But the polling shows that Trump will be president and that Biden has no chance of winning. So, all the panic-driven rants are starting to take shape with just a few months to go before the next election. That will be a lot harder for them to cheat so as to hold power the way they have in the past.

Michelle Obama has been testing the waters to indicate that she might get involved in the election by offering herself up as a candidate because it is obvious that Joe Biden is not up for the job, and Democrats are praying that either she or Gavin Newsom gets in the pool to save them from the inevitable. Democrats and globalists must pay for what they have done to us over the last several decades. They created Trump, and they are going to have to suffer for what they knowingly did, which, in many cases, is far worse than mass murder. I would love to see Michelle Obama run against Trump because, in many ways, it would be a proper payback. After all he’s been through, Michelle Obama is not going to save the Democrat Party from the revenge that America must issue toward its enemies. Trump would be able to destroy the Obama brand once and for all; honestly, that’s what we need to see happen. It would be suitable for Americans to watch that slaughter publically through the election process. I would even say such an event would be the hand of God working retribution against those of ill intent. So I would like nothing more than just beating the election fraud president, Joe Biden, one of the most corrupt people on the face of planet Earth, but the destruction completely of his puppeteer, Barack Obama, and his goon island wife, Michelle Obama. There aren’t harsh enough words in the English language to describe my hatred of those communist terrorists.

Obama’s presidency spied on Trump as a candidate, and these people have done everything except pull the trigger of a gun to kill the MAGA president, and if they could, I have no doubt they would have by now. The best thing about Trump is that as a former president, he has some of the best security in the world, and these are not the days of Kennedy when the CIA could kill a president and lie to the public so quickly. Such an act these days would set off a civil war of armed conflict that would make the one where Republicans eliminated slavery from the Democrat slaveholders in 1864 look like child’s play. The World Economic Forum, the Chinese antagonizers, and every Marxist on planet Earth that has been plotting the death and destruction of Americans know what the stakes are, and we are there. We either have an election where they lose all their power, or we have a bloody civil war with a nation that has more guns than people. That’s why the most guilty are planning the release of Disease X in Davos. They are making the vaccine for it now so that they will live through the release. Hey, don’t take my word for it; listen to their meetings, they are openly talking about it, and if you read the Robert F. Kennedy book on The Wuhan Cover-up, you will know that I’m being nice about what they intend to do to avoid the revenge that is coming their way. Michelle Obama isn’t going to get herself dirty; she and her terrorist husband are getting in line to get that vaccine so they can survive the next virus release, this one much more deadly than Covid, so they never get that day in court, or that embarrassment of losing power after the 2024 election. They are living a good life, and they aren’t going to stop, even if they, and all their criminal counterparts, have to hit the destruct button to keep the mobs from their front door. Because, at the very least, that is what the future looks like for them due to all they have done to deserve it. Go ahead, Michelle Obama, make my day. Watching the destruction of the Obama brand would be very gratifying.

She is an anti-American terrorist who hasn’t yet been able to destroy her target. And she is unhappy about it.


Rich Hoffman

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