War and Mashed Potatoes: Open borders are an act of war, and the aggressors must be punished as such

There is more to the border problems of the world than just attracting voting demographics.  In the United States, the assumption is that Democrats want new voters because they are losing their old ones, with reckless border security, and they intend to turn red states like Texas into blue states like Illinois and Minnesota.  And that is undoubtedly a surface-level concern.  But this isn’t just a problem in the United States.  I feel very fortunate to have seen with my family Notre Dame before it was burnt down by terrorists in Paris.  They are about to reopen it, although it will forever be damaged because of the history it contained; the cause of the destruction was globalism and the deliberate military intention to provoke open borders all around the world so that new ideas and cultures would burden the old cultures of nationalism and in that way, take down all notions of borders and achieve what progressives have always wanted, a borderless world ran by a one world government that identifies as global citizens.  With that known, all the attempts at such a cause must be viewed as a military objective as hostile agents, no different than when an Emperor of the past sent troops to conquer some foreign land so that they could acquire the resources of that territory.  That is how the Greek, Roman, and British empires and countless others were established.  Genghis Khan comes to mind.  What is happening with open border policies around the world is no different, it’s just being done on a scale we usually don’t consider, which is one of their strategies for aggression.   To override our cultures before we figure out what has always been the intention.  Which is to destroy all concepts of nationalism in the world and to replace it with globalism. 

Just imagine making mashed potatoes for your Thanksgiving meals.  The decision to isolate a potato and serve it as it takes work distinguishes it from the rest of the contents on the plate.  If you are looking for uniformity, you don’t want to isolate the ingredients when cooking; you want to mess them all together, like a stir fry or a mashed potato serving complete with a lot of gravy.  For those in the world at the World Economic Forum who want global communism and a centralized authority run by the United Nations but don’t have a military of their own, how else would they perform their task?  They have sponsored open border policies desiring to move migrants from one part of the world to the next to mix all the ingredients of the world so that the concept of identity is destroyed, and the newly displaced people, even in formally strong countries, will be thrown together looking for a new leader to unify them, and define new rules of conduct.  This was always the risk when transportation and communication worldwide made it possible; the temptation for the next tyrant to conquer everyone would prove too much.  But in this case, all the tyrants of the world have united under a common cause and set globalism as their means to achieve their tyrannies in a shared way under the banner of communism.  Because they at least share all that intention in “common.”  So there is only one way to view open border policies, as a military threat and an intentional world war against all nationalist concepts, nations that intend to maintain their identities and resist a global world order of centralized government.  The attack is no different than Pearl Harbor or any other aggression against American soil.  But since it’s innocent people being used as weapons, and not tanks and troops, people have been slow to realize what’s happening. 

This is clear to me as I travel around the world.  I visit Japan relatively often, so I see the dramatic contrast in apparent manifestations.  Japan is an island nation that is difficult to get to.  You can’t just have an open border; you must fly in or arrive by boat.  And it’s small enough of a nation to cover the borders easily by water.  Nobody is getting into Japan without them knowing about it.  So, they have maintained their culture in a very traditional way.  They are friendly to foreigners and are always nice to me, but they don’t give up their culture for anybody.  It is also why they are one of the top economies in the world despite the challenges of their remote location and lack of resources to work with on their island.  One striking thing about their culture is how little crime they have and how well their cities operate.  That is because they are mainly free of the manipulations of foreign hostilities, such as the World Economic Forum. Because Japan is isolated, the World Economic Forum has a hard time using policy to overthrow the country and to destroy its concept of nationalism.  The world has bigger fish to fry, and that is where the World Economic Forum is focused.  They will worry about Japan later once the rest of the world is under their thumb.  Currently, the game is to prop up China with phony money and then use the communist model to overthrow America and Europe.  The war with Russia is meant to degrade their concept of nationalism, and then once the domino falls, countries like Japan can be targeted.  But for now, the vulnerable countries are those who tolerate diversity so that open borders can destroy the concept of sovereignty. 

But for all those fools who say, “It’s for national security,” when you have open borders, your national security is gone.  And for all the money we spend on the military, what good is it if the real war is moving people all around the world with fake hostilities to provoke globalism in a kind of mashed potatoes presentation?  As I said what I did about Japan, I could say the opposite about England and France, obvious targets of globalism to weaken the former empires of Europe and beat them with incoming migrants from formally conquered territories.  Rather than fight them directly, the goal is to undermine their cultures.  And I have had a chance to see the progress over the previous decade.  The hostilities between cultures are purposeful.  Race relations were weaponized to achieve this goal of globalism.  And the only way to deal with it is to recognize it for what it is: war.  An attack against sovereign nations to overthrow them and, in the wreckage, create new laws centered around globalism.  Knowing all this, then we should be applying our military to these hostile actors and punishing them for their attack against our country.  Like Japan, a country is a set of ideas that produce good or bad results as they are applied to the world.  Japan is booming, and America has been.  Europe has been.  But this is just another attack on financial values, such as capitalism by communism.  It’s only that the approach has not directly involved military hostility.  However, hostility is different between races, sexes, and regional values.  Putting them all together as mashed potatoes to be served up to the lords of globalism is what the goals have been.  People have been slow to realize what the game is, and how to play it, by calling it what it really is, war.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Corporation of the United States against The United States of America: We are well into this new Civil War, which is behind the actions of Letitia James

I hate to say it, but there is a reason a lot of this diabolical behavior has been allowed to gestate in our American culture, where radical Marxists like Fani Willis and that goofball loser from New York, Letitia James, are permitted to cover for a maniacal menace to our Constitutional Republic.  We don’t discuss it much, but it’s a genuine problem.  I of course have talked about it for years, but to this detail we haven’t spent much time, because it’s a depressing concept.  And that is the idea that the truth of our nation and the nature of globalism is that corporations run it rather than the people.  And that our governments are set up to give the illusion that people are in charge, just like in the marketplace, but that behind-the-scenes decisions are made for the preservation of the corporation at the expense of everything else.  Of course, there are all kinds of things wrong with this idea, and I refuse the premise.  Not that it exists, but that it is the foundation for our rule of law.  Yet, when it is analyzed why so many people in government hate the idea of President Trump, and that they will do anything to stop him from even running for office, let alone being in charge of the Executive Branch, then we have to talk about this essential problem that we do not have a United States of America ran as republic, but a Corporation of the United States ran by corporate communists.  This traces back to the battlelines that the World Economic Forum has established, and we saw their footprints all over COVID-19 and the Great Reset economy they attempted.  However, the roots of this corporation idea started a long time ago, most notably in the 1950s during Eisenhower’s term in office.  He didn’t want to sell us out to the global corporations, but they pinned him down which led to his famous speech upon exiting office, warning us of this menace.

Not only do I know a lot of lawyers, but I also know many people with very high IQs.  And I know and have known quite a few people with IQs in the 200 range, which is supposed to be impossible.  I can say that I have known more than one to keep some form of anonymity for their own good.  Because they are not necessarily flag-waving patriots the way I am, or you might be, dear reader.  These are people who have been trying to recruit me for the last thirty years into the Sovereign Citizens Movement, and they have been in and out of jail and have all kinds of problems.  Not because they are dumb, of course, but they are too smart to play the game, which the rest of us do.  And that game is that America is a free nation run by free people.  They would argue that it’s a corporation, that our Social Security numbers are our only real names, and that we are all products of the state as the state decides.  And that government is run by corporations, which I think is beyond a doubt.  What we’ve seen over these last few years when we talk about the Deep State is these kinds of characters scrambling around in a panic.  Like the Wizard in The Wizard of Oz, Toto pulled back the curtain to the Wizard’s little booth, where he made all the illusions the world saw.  Trump’s was in that effect, Toto pulling back the curtain to the Deep State, and suddenly everything real started to emerge, shattering the illusion of a free republic.

I have told these people over the years that I do not acknowledge a Corporation of America.  I only recognize the American Constitution, and anybody who does not adhere to the Constitution of the United States of America will have a lot of trouble with me.  And that has certainly been the case over a long period, and there’s not much anybody can do about it in protest.  The courts must support an assumption that they follow the Constitution to maintain the illusion of a republic.  But due to their impatience, they have been pushing to subvert the Constitution for years and replace it with a kind of corporation human resource handbook intending to enable outright communism, which most corporations are attracted to for obvious reasons of centralized planning.  But strategically, I have expressed to all these citizen protestors, again, not stupid people, that I would always stand with the Constitution, and anybody who wanted to fight about it would have to deal with it.  Because I wasn’t giving up on it, and I certainly had no plans to be a fugitive rebel living in the mountains, hoping the FBI, CIA, and IRS never find me.  I’m a kick-the-front-door kind of guy, not a sneak-around subversive type.  So, that has been an impasse I have lived with for a long time, and my position on it is essential because of what we are witnessing now.  There are no longer a few random people talking about these things, but essentially everyone.

The reason of importance now to discuss it, in the wake of all that’s happened to President Trump, and the more success he has, the more panic that there is from these Corporation of America types, which we loosely call RINOs, Deep Staters, Administrators of the Administrative State, people like Mitch McConnell and other members of the House and Senate who have become very rich off politics.  People like Biden and his puppet master Barack Obama.  Who do you think put the terrorists from the Weather Underground in power who then put Obama in the White House?  It was not a random act, and it turned out to be the same people who used the power of government to steal the 2020 election.  It’s the members of the hostile Corporation of America, and they wish to keep their gig going without revolution.  But we are in another Civil War as we speak, and yes, people are being killed.  The battlefield is in our living rooms, school boards, and Chambers of Commerce.  And it’s not so easy to see who the good guys are.  But for me, the good guys stand for the Constitution.  Those against it are the enemy.  We are fighting for a free United States of America from the forces of the Corporation of the United States, which is just one door in the centralized planning scheme of the World Economic Forum.  Unfortunately, these guys have been in power operating outside Constitutional law for a long time.  And now we are ripping away their assumptions about existence, and it will be messy.  And the days of battle that I have told my friends over the years that I would stand on are here.  I stand for the Constitution, and anybody who says otherwise is an enemy of the United States, and that’s how it will be.  And they will suffer accordingly.  This isn’t a new problem.  For most of us, it has been in the background our entire lives.  But it’s not how it’s supposed to be, and they won’t give up their scam easily.  Which ultimately, is on them when they suffer for it.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Joe Biden and the World Economic Forum are Far More Dangerous than Putin: How the strings to the puppets are pulled, and by whom

I’m used to having a lot of people mad at me.  Over the many years I have been doing this, I remember when the entire country of India was angry at me for pointing out to them that Lord Hanuman was gay.  They didn’t like that very much, but it was true.  And they didn’t appreciate me saying it.  I had a similar experience when the Greeks were having a meltdown financially because they were choking on socialism when I pointed out that their entire culture was built on homosexuality and that Hercules was gay for other men.  They didn’t like that very much either.  And so it has been that way for more than 15 years.  I wouldn’t consider myself doing an excellent job if I didn’t always have people mad at me.  And I do it often.  But I have yet to have anybody come and tell me I was wrong about something.  It’s one of the mysteries of the universe, and I’m entirely OK with it.  People get mad because they don’t want to admit that something is accurate and would rather behold an illusion about something than admit to the facts.  And that was undoubtedly revealed in that disastrous press conference with Joe Biden when he came out at precisely 8 PM to do something he never does, and that is talk to the press who were questioning him after a damning report about why they weren’t going to prosecute him for mishandling classified documents.  (news flash, Trump was president and had the right to classified documents, whereas Joe Biden was only VP and he didn’t have the right)  Biden couldn’t help himself; he came out and was driven by ego, argued with the press, and even started to leave, but came back again to argue more before he ran out of gas after about 10 minutes only to confirm everyone’s suspicions.  It was a total set-up by the people handling Biden.  But why?  Why that time, 8 PM on a Thursday at the start of February, right in the middle of primary season?

What did we learn from this interview? One, the primary political party in Ukraine is Neo-Nazis, made that way because of the 2014 CIA insurrection led by Obama. They didn’t have any identity, so they adopted Nazi ideology. Russia was at war with the Nazis, so this is an old conflict. That’s not something they talked about in the news media that wants us to send tax money to a government that supports Neo-Nazi philosophy. That’s kind of a problem. What we have here is a bunch of globalists who have taken over Western governments, and they have created Ukraine as a state for their purposes. And the real fight is to remove these criminals from our government and regain control of Western civilization from corporate communism.

Well, at that precise moment in Russia, Tucker Carlson, the new Julian Assange, and at this moment, the most notable reporter in the world, was interviewing Vladimir Putin, much to the melting faces of those committed to the World Economic Forum tyrannies around the globe.  They had propped up Putin to be their straw man over the Russian invasion of Ukraine, where lots of crimes have been committed, and the war gave them an excellent cover story.  And ironically, the history of the Putin invasion is the same kind of strings on puppets that we were seeing at the precise moment with President Biden.  I pointed out to everyone listening at the time that these same characters were provoking Putin into attacking Ukraine because NATO was being set up on the Russian border, and they were poking the wasp nest, purposely for a political philosophy of globalism against any nation claiming nationalized status.  It’s the same general philosophy that we see on America’s southern border, where migrants are being pushed and funded to invade the sovereignty of our nation to collapse the concept of national borders in favor of a one-world government run by the United Nations and fueled by the World Economic Forum.  Everyone knew what Putin would do, so they did it, and the war was started, and the money laundering through Ukraine began, using the war as the cover story.  Do you see the pattern here, dear reader?  The playbook is well-known now; they think you are too stupid to notice. 

The truth often hurts, so people avoid it, which then bad guys exploit to commit mass crime

Biden is down in the polls, and he was a perfectly sacrificial victim to the bigger story, which was that Tucker was interviewing Putin, and the controllers of the world didn’t want that interview to happen.  So they pushed Biden out at the same time slot to do something he never would otherwise do, and the story around the world wasn’t about Putin.  It was about how old Biden was, and the corporate news cycles took the bait and ran with it like they were predicted and trained to do.  That, too, comes from their playbook, just as it would in football if you are on fourth down but only have less than 5 yards to go for a first down; you perform a hard count to draw an aggressive defense offside.  Everyone knew that Biden’s ego would propel him into several acts of disastrous foolishness, which was astonishing.  And it did soak up the news cycle.  And the same happened with Putin when he was drawn to attack Ukraine through NATO bait.  And in the scheme of things, the Putin interview with Tucker Carlson was far more dangerous than losing a puppet president in America who was projected to lose to Trump again anyway.  For the New World Order, the most pressing control they had to exert was to take the Putin interview off the front page because they needed to keep people from learning the truth about Putin. After all, he was their cover story for many terrible crimes going on in Ukraine for hundreds of very sinister reasons.  So people were left scratching their heads, bewildered by what they were seeing, but the truth was that we noticed how the puppets were maneuvered behind the stage for a change, and people had many questions. 

Said a spokesman for the New World Order

As it usually is, I listened to everyone, hoping that somebody else would talk about it, but nobody did; I told everyone that Putin was just a distraction to the greater crime, and of course, people were angry and wanted to say that my statements were “unpatriotic” as if we had some unsaid obligation to listen to the Biden administration about anything.  Or to trust our FBI, CIA, or the World Economic Forum’s view of the world.  That it was somehow violating some code in America for pointing out that as bad as Putin had been over the years, the Biden administration was much more dangerous.  And to that point, the people who put him in power, to begin with, and keep him propped up on stage to distract everyone from the international corporate crimes that are being conducted right in front of our faces, audaciously, are supposed to be given unwarranted merit.  And like that press conference and that Ukrainian war, the malice is hidden behind concepts of patriotism.  For the good of America, we have to listen to the people who want to destroy it.  That is the logic and the assumption as it was given to us on that critical Thursday night, February 8th, 2024.   Never forget it.  Oh, I see exactly what is being done.  I have been able to do it for many years and under many conditions.  And people who don’t want to admit to such evil are, of course, upset about it a lot.  But that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.  The World Economic Forum and their puppets in government are far more dangerous than Putin.  And better late than never, we are seeing a desperation coming from them that has never been there before because they are losing their grip on the world.  And when forced to, they were pressed into a hard count, and Biden was pushed on stage to address a political problem, and they did it to cover up their bigger problem, Tucker Carlson interviewing Vladimir Putin on prime time on the newly revised social media platform, Elon Musk’s “X.”  Yes, these are exciting times, and a lot more was revealed than the bad guys intended.  Which, to the way I see things, is a wonderful thing.  The bad guys in the world need a Putin straw man to cover their many horrendous crimes.  And that Tucker interview took that away and showed people a different kind of Putin.  An ex-KGB agent who runs one of the most ruthless countries in the world with diabolical propaganda and brute strength.  But in the scheme of things, Joe Biden, his handlers, and the World Economic Forum are far, far, far worse—and they have a lot more power behind the scenes than people have previously thought. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Yuval Harari is Wrong About Human Rights: Understanding the nature of God and the Universe and its need to be discovered

When Yuval Harari said at a recent public speaking event that human rights were just a story, just like Israel is just a story, and the same with America, he was pointing out the vast failure of progressive thought and the extreme danger of letting anybody like him have any legislative control over other people.  Harari is the critical philosopher and advisor to the World Economic Forum, and essentially, they are all like him.  The basis for progressive thought is embodied in Harari’s statements and shows declaratively the main differences between their way of thinking and ours.  I have always said that progressive thought was built on the foundations of insecure people functioning from broken concepts of human interaction.  They look for a government that they can see and feel to do what gods used to do for people, to explain away the things they are most anxious about.  And they rely on technology to do what they mistrust in themselves.  Then the danger is when all these people get together and think that mass collectivism from diseased and corrupt people will then become the standard of the future. You have a dangerous and maniacal people, precisely what I say the World Economic Forum has been, mainly because they have listened to Yuval Harari.  I have made it a point to go and read all of Yuval’s books, as I had Klaus Schwab, the head of the World Economic Forum, and I feel sorry for the little guy.  The world thinks he’s some brilliant philosopher, but in reality, he has turned out to be an insecure person who needs handrails to such a degree that he is pretty much useless to the dangerous waters of life.  He needs to see and feel everything by touch to understand it, which is the foundation of mass psychosis, and those following him will find a life of disappointment in his wake, which the world is waking up to. 

This is important because human rights and whether we have them are central to this debate.  The World Economic Forum people, led by Harari and Schwab, have built all of the global progressive thought and the desire for Chinese-style communism around the premise that no human being has individual human rights granted by some god and that we should all be committed to the greater good, as people like Yuval Harari define it.  In the past, some high priests of Baal always proclaimed to understand these things, and sacrifice was at the core of their religions.  Often, they would sacrifice their firstborn children or have sex with a temple prostitute to appease the gods and see their crops grow, or that it might rain.  History tells quite a story about people like Yuval Harari who are essentially blind, timid people who build their entire lives around the constructs of their mass psychosis.  Then, people following such people having the same condition ruin their civilization and wonder what happens when everything fails rapidly.  Harari is one of the best-selling writers in the world right now, but that’s not because what he says is brilliant, but because he substantiates the insecurity that most people feel about their lives and its relationship with the universe along all dimensional plains of reality, and simplifies their lives to concepts that their feeble little minds can wrap themselves around.  And build reality and government around those weaknesses for the detriment of all.  Not to be mean or anything, but they aren’t brilliant people, and the progressive movement has its foundation along those lines. 

So to say there is no God because you can’t see it or touch it, or that there is no America because it’s just a story, an idea created by people for the entertainment of people, is to miss the more significant connection to the process that thought and imagination will pave the way for tomorrow, and the impact that people play in it.  And, of course, if there is no God or an America that protects the natural rights of human beings from the corruption of governments and other mass collectivist organizations, such as corporations, then there can be no stable foundation for global populism that is scratching at the fence demanding to be let out.  And to assure those timid types, they turn away from God, as is often discussed in the Bible when ancient ancestors, like Yuval Harari, found themselves too timid to see the big picture, which God was always trying to get people to see.  People always fell short, and God was very frustrated with those who could never quite reach it.  But what were they supposed to get?  Especially if what they were supposed to grasp couldn’t be seen with human eyes?  Should we have said there were no radio waves because we couldn’t see them or a spirit world? After all, there are life forms that exist on a quantum level and desire desperately to speak to us in our four-dimensional existence.  One verification that we can have that God exists is that those in the world who have followed biblical concepts have been successful societies that have advanced the plight of the human being, and the world for that matter, toward a more creative future.  And that the hand of God doesn’t necessarily have to be a tangible, material thing but more of the idea for which our minds connect across all plains of reality to understand abstract concepts that can’t be grappled with unless a higher idea of God and natural rights is embraced.

For those like Harari, who have to rationalize all their insecurities as people into science and a blanket of technology to protect themselves from uncertainty, government power and centralized control provide them with the means to navigate a scary world and then project themselves as the high priests of its order.  This is the role that Yuval Harari has, among other timid personalities.  But to consider him a great philosopher, only people suffering from the same disillusionment can relate, which is the gulf between us.  We cannot all live together in agreement.  You can’t have the adventurous spirit of the human race confined to the timid types of progressives like Yuval Harari and expect everything to work.  The human being was created to be what it is: an adventurous and creative entity that advances the universe’s needs.  The Bible captured this ambition in the best way that human writers could put pen to paper and transfer the information across time to our concepts of human rights to this day.  Once human rights are understood, the temple of thought that comes from individual imaginations can grow and perpetuate goodness for all to benefit from, which is why biblical cultures have much higher rates of good living than cultures missing those values.  And it’s always timid people like Yuval Harari who hold humanity back and regress civilization along the limits of the Vico Cycle, not because of the impossibility of science, but to hide from the creative demands of adventurers and free thinkers everywhere.  It is within such types that God is proven and honest and works to advance civilization in ways that are hard to see with human eyes, and it is over a lifetime that we must develop the ability to see beyond our terrestrial limits to the potential of a universe waiting to be discovered and understood. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Dummies of Davos: Rather than taking over the world they should be in jail

Yikes, this year’s World Economic Forum meetings in Davos were not very appetizing. Whatever they were trying to do, in looking like a bunch of smart people gathered to talk about solving the world’s problems, it blew up in their faces quite dramatically. As I say all the time, I watch the reports from Davos whenever they have them, so I have observed them evolve over the years. They are entertaining, and I enjoy watching what those kinds of people think, even if I disagree with them. Regarding the Davos participants, many people are naturally insecure about what they believe are “smart people.” The World Economic Forum participants tend to be highly educated, and the natural assumption is that because of their many years of commitment to academics, they are naturally more intelligent than the average person. So automatically, a barrier between them and everyone else forms, which they exploit to their advantage. Over the years, they have used that relationship to make a move for world domination because of their leverage over people who form across the lines of intelligence. The Davos participants are a group of people who assume that they are the smartest people in existence and that, by that nature, they should rule over those not as smart as them. They think they know better than any of the world’s governments and the people who elected them what should happen on Earth and how the affairs of human beings should be conducted. And because most people don’t feel very confident in having a conversation with academic people, all conflicts are avoided and the Davos types came away with the impression that they had a right to rule the world, almost as if it were an obligation to their existence.

I would say that such impressions of intelligence only grew because people didn’t know who any of those people were. But once you understand them a bit, you find out that they aren’t very smart, just as is the case with most academic types. Once that natural assumption is removed, and you talk to some of these people, you find out that they aren’t brilliant and pursue academic lifestyles to disguise their insecurities about intelligence. And at that point, the ruse falls apart. Which is what has been happening in Davos over the last several years. It used to be that nobody outside of their network paid any attention, except people like me. But because of their massive political tampering around the world, by attempting to take over governments by unelected bureaucrats, and their role in starting the Covid crisis, which was detrimental to happiness everywhere, people are paying more attention to these malcontents than they ever have before which has forced them, at Davos, to be more self-conscious knowing that the world was paying attention to their every word, and scrutinizing it. Now, with the freedom of speech that is quite common on social media, especially in the United States, the filters the World Economic Forum has enjoyed in the past aren’t present, and people are noticing that not only are Klaus Schwab and the gang not very smart, but they are radical leftists that are dangerous to everyone’s personal lives. The more people learned about them, the harder they had to work to make a good public impression, which did not turn out well for them. Because they are coming across as the phonies they always were, without the intimidating presence of intelligence to back it up.

Not that there is anything wrong with academics, but most of the time, the case is “those who can’t do, teach” certainly comes into play here. What Davos was this year, 2024, was a collection of micromanagers who have very little understanding of how the world works and what the people in it are really like. Like most academics who pursue such a life to protect themselves from social judgment, the game works until reality displays the opposite. It’s not enough to have theories about how things should work. But when those theories are imposed upon people who know better because of vast life experience, the results are never good for the academic, and that is the best way to describe this past year of events at Davos. They failed miserably if they were trying to show how smart and capable they would be running a one-world government. Rather, they overplayed their hand because of the level of scrutiny they now have to overcome. More people are now paying attention to their antics, and that pressure negatively affects them. Most of the events of the week were centered around building trust with the public, which they had lost. And their market brand has taken a massive hit, which I would say they deserve emphatically. Over the last decade, they had a public impression of being “elite” in the world. But now, they just looked like a bunch of out-of-touch fools full of untested ideas that would only make everyone much more miserable along the way. And in trying to overcome that level of public scrutiny, they made fools of themselves. It’s hard to believe that anybody used to listen to these people: John Kerry, Larry Fink, Bill Gates, and many others. But people are much less inclined now that they know more about these people. The brand of the World Economic Forum has taken a major hit.

My name for them over the years has been the Desecrators of Davos because they tended to want to desecrate everything in the world that was related to value and national culture since they desired to rule the world, literally being the creation of the United Nations.  Their fantasy has been to be like the United States, only a collection of socialist nations as opposed to capitalist-driven states.  And that they were going to shame and desecrate any lifestyle that did not facilitate their whims of progressive thought.  But their approach made their effort appear more like a day in the life of the high school homecoming queen who ruled the halls of the government schools with peer pressure and inviting people to her latest party as the only claim to power.  Once people caught on, they were fine and free to enforce that rule by doing many other things there was to do in life but appease some worthless homecoming queen just to be seen being near her.  I would say that these characters deserve a new name, based on their performance at this year’s Davos events, and that is the Dummies of Davos because that is the only explanation of their performance that anyone could make.  What they showed to the world was dumb.  It is hardly the kind of behavior that would cause people to want to follow them and change their governments to appease their wishes.  What we know now is that most of those participants weren’t only dumb, but they should be under investigation or in jail for the mass destruction they have sponsored as part of their globalist social experiments that went wrong.  Law enforcement within the countries affected should arrest them and lock them away before they could do more harm.  And that the Dummies of Davos could be prevented from further harm in the critical years to come.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Government Plan to Cheapen Death: Hiding the massive crime of Covid from public justice

Why aren’t the people involved in producing the COVID-19 vaccine and distributing it in jail? Or at least in court explaining why we have a lot of people under the age of 50 suddenly dying at a much more rapid rate than usual? Instead, as it is in Ohio, we have billboards up advertising from the Department of Health that people should get their COVID-19 vaccine and booster shots to avoid contracting the virus, which, based on the evidence, is complicit in an act that is highly probable, deliberately harming people. Ladies and gentlemen, Covid was a scam, a plandemic put on by global economic terrorists, and they have killed people in the process, and ruined the lives of just about everyone on planet earth. And they should be prosecuted and punished for what they did to the world, not put in power or listened to about anything. I wouldn’t trust anything these people would say, including what we should watch on television. I’m certainly not an “anti-science” kind of guy, but that’s not what we are talking about regarding the COVID shots and the virus itself. It’s good to have medicine to avoid getting sick so people can continue to work and be productive instead of lying around on a bed and getting healthy again. But Covid was a developed bioweapon made in a lab in Wuhan by American globalists who wanted to help the World Economic Forum perform a Great Reset of the world’s economy and to push it from a capitalist one into a communist model, such as what China has. They built the weapon in China because of the low regulatory environment, much less hot than Fort Detrick, where the whole project was started, and they planned to use the tight controls that the Chinese government had over the media to contain the story.

Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates, along with many others, conspired with the American government and many other governments around the world through the World Economic Forum and their organizations of influence, The World Health Organization and The United Nations, to perform gain of function research so to make a Covid virus transmissible to humans, which under natural immunity wasn’t possible. COVID was a hypervirus made to suddenly transmit to humans under cover of vaccine preparation so that people would have medicine when viruses hit. Ralph Baric was one of the people involved at the core of the story who performed this gain of function under the assumption that they could remove the elements of human tampering, which is why Dr. Fauci denied any tampering because he thought the human imprint had been expelled from the process, that the fingerprints so to say, were removed and the evidence was destroyed. But Duke University and other places figured out how to read the genetic manipulation and have uncovered the destroyed proof, so now we know, without question, that COVID was created in a lab for use as a bioweapon against a global population intent to drive people toward more government regulation and a change in economic values. So there is nothing worse than a created virus to spread harm to a human population globally than perhaps the medicine associated with it. Why should people be forced or even encouraged to take medicine for a virus that isn’t even natural for human beings anyway? Nature already built immunity to the COVID-19 virus, and by introducing a weaponized version of that virus into the population, what could have gone wrong?

I would argue that many guilty parties are so arrogant in believing they can control media narratives and the legal system that they are thumbing their noses at the world. And that protecting vaccine makers from prosecution is part of the problem. And so is desensitizing people to the concept of death to hide this massive crime. For instance, we might recall recently the hockey player who was cut across his neck during a game by a rival player’s skate. It killed him right there on the ice in front of a filled arena and on live television. It was murder to my eyes, yet you didn’t hear them talking about it on ESPN and other Phizer-sponsored broadcasts. Politicians like getting money for campaigns from the pharma companies, so nobody pushed the issue of prosecution and spoke about what a tragedy it was to see such a killing on live television. Over the past several years, especially since we have seen COVID-19, it is evident that the reporting of deaths has been minimized. There is what looks to be a purposeful campaign to desensitize people toward death and to accept such losses as a fact of life. This attitude is a market push by all the same flawed characters, and they are the ones bringing us no romance in movies, so to push a social agenda toward the destruction of the family and to make masculinity appear toxic to the same social engineers that are invited to speak at the World Economic Forum in Davos. They have ruined music by infusing communism into the money structure of marketing and distribution to keep any social messages in pop culture tightly controlled and much less expressive. Death and cheapening it is their current agenda so to hide their massive crime in a devalued society, and they are laughing at us with every Health Department billboard encouraging people to get a vaccine shot for a fake virus as a result of a phony government-controlled pandemic.

Covid was the crime of the century, and the vaccines were already ready before it was released.  Now that Trump is coming back into politics, officially, people are playing back what happened in 2020 when he got wrapped up in the scam because, at the time, he had no other option but to trust the science.  Dr. Fauci was there as the highest-paid government employee, and Bill Gates had this obsession with vaccines, and nobody had any reason not to trust them when they demanded that the economy be shut down and that people listen to another economic terrorist, Richard Hatchett when he designed the social distancing policies advised by our own CDC not to protect people from this government-made virus but to destroy the concept of any individual rights that the world might have left, especially the Bill of Rights in America.  This was an officially stated objective by Hatchett discussed before the virus’s release.  And these kinds of people advised Trump in that critical year.  The social controls got much worse under Biden, as he moved to make the vaccine distribution among the public mandatory, where the government could tell people what kind of medicine to take for a virus that they created in the first place.  And as a result, people look to be dying everywhere, prematurely.  It happens every day.  And to help cover up the massive crime that has killed many millions and continues to, we are being desensitized to even the concept of death.  We now accept death much more casually than before COVID-19, and that is part of covering up the original crime, which is stealing from us an entirely new generation.  It is the greatest catastrophe known to planet Earth, far worse than anything else, and the government is still playing the game of COVID-19, which obviously produces a vaccine that has negative health attributes for a percentage of people.  And when they die of those effects, we have a media culture and governments that are covering it up to protect the drug makers so they can continue to do their illicit deed, to the death of the innocent in large amounts that looks to be connected to a larger plan to participate in a depopulation agenda, not for the good of people, but the religion of Gaia, and the mass sacrifices that have always been attribute to that worship from the lunatics of history.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Has Been A Devastatingly Stupid Hiring Practice: Why Doors Fall Off Airplanes

I like Boeing as a company; I know many people who work there and consider it one of the significant assets of American manufacturing. But as I have been saying for a long time, the enemies of America are not fighting us in the way we would expect, with tanks and troops. Instead, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion standards (DEI) have been introduced into our corporate culture to essentially destroy American capitalism from the perspective of the global Marxists, and we are now seeing the results. Feminism and other Civil Rights concerns for the political left were never about fairness; it was always intended to project quality, that one person was no better than another to erode any system of merit that might exist in a culture. By making value about everything but what was important, they could destroy the concept of value produced through economic means. And that’s what we are now seeing in big corporations like Boeing who thought they were playing the game of the future, hiring people based on all the wrong criteria, sex, skin color, and sexual preference, and they lowered their standards to allow those people to be in high ranking positions, then everyone was confused when a door flew off one of there best aircraft, the Boeing 737 MAX 9.

Luckily nobody was sitting by that emergency door when it fell off while in flight, and the altitude wasn’t at its peak where the pressure outside was much lower and would have sucked out everyone in the plane. But it was a terrifying thing to witness from people riding what they expected to be an uneventful flight on Alaskan Airlines. This isn’t the first time Boeing has had significant problems with this plane. But if there was one root cause to the mess Boeing has been going through over the last decade, it traces back to the problems of globalism and trying to meet the ridiculous social standards of the World Economic Forum. Diversity hirings have been devastating to all companies that have been suckered into them, especially in aviation, where the hires used to come out of the military and pilots had thousands of hours of training while serving. But these days, many of those upper-level executive positions are being filled with DEI candidates who are put in place for all the wrong leadership qualities. Even as I write this, I have just received a notification that a book I have ordered is being delayed due to severe weather. About an inch of snow is on the ground, so the delivery trucks have been called in to ride out the weather. That amount of snow is hardly significant, but when you start hiring all the wrong people for important leadership jobs, that’s what you get. Too much safety, which disguises laziness for concern or horrendous quality in product manufacture, which is certainly the case with Boeing. It’s not just that particular airline company. Just ask Disney about their problems these days with the same kind of hiring practices. Promoting people without merit gets terrible results, and the consumer directly witnesses the evidence. And to people’s eyes, there is nothing worse than a door flying off an airline while in transit. In many cases, this is worse than the several crashes the same jet has had with all passengers on board because the psychological reminder of such a lack of safety is more disturbing. The enemies of America, of course, are laughing at us for following their truly dumb ideas. And this is the cost of dealing with globalists who are Marxists ideologically, advocates of socialism and communism. And the labor unions in America have joined lockstep in that movement for all the same progressive reasons. And the results have been a disaster.

The future of manufacturing and all other business endeavors will be merit-based, as they traditionally have been.  All people are not equal, which is the real message behind Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion standards.  The measure of work is not universally consistent when it comes to people of all different backgrounds.  Statistically speaking, much better people are produced in capitalist cultures as opposed to oppressed communist ones.  Because the people in those cultures have access to more things from which they can gain experience.  However, I do find that people from impoverished cultures make much harder workers who enter the workforce with a much better work ethic.  Many of the youth in America have had their work ethics trashed by public education, more progressive intrusion attempting to teach this DEI value to them and expecting the results to flourish rather than become the disaster that reality has displayed.  The message always was sameness, and if all people can do all things equally well, we should hire diverse people from all different backgrounds to perform essential leadership roles.  And that bit of stupidity has been devastating to the marketplace.  Great for people who want to destroy the idea of merit-based American capitalism.  But it isn’t enjoyable for people who expect a package to be delivered when there is an inch of snow on the ground.  The world is much worse because of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion than it ever was in the dog-eat-dog world of Capitalism.  The world works best when there is competition, which then drives value.  Without that quest for value, the world falls apart, as we see it doing now. 

What typically keeps accidents like the one from Boeing happening is the worry that a bad job might get someone fired.  But with DEI measures, employees act like the employer is lucky to have them on the job, no matter how much they screw up.  When we show a dissatisfied eye toward the government, we are thinking about how we have seen many of these problems for decades, poor performance in the consumer experience. After all, they have been hiring all the wrong people and expecting nothing from them for years.  And the results disgust us as productive people.  But we have seen under the mask of globalism this urgent desire to remove merit from work so that jobs are easy and irreplaceable, preventing terminations for lack of performance.  While the new standard of skin color and sex is the updated value system, it can’t be taken away from even the most lazy worker.  And in so doing, you give the political left precisely what they always wanted: a guaranteed job no matter how bad they were at it.  So, nobody should be surprised when doors fall off an aircraft while in flight.  And if a few people get sucked out of the plane and die, that is to be considered simply the cost of DEI. As a result, the vital thing to Boeing is that they made the World Economic Forum happy and their money managers at BlackRock because they hired a gay black woman who weighs in at 300 pounds and is an atheist.  They put someone like that in charge of installing aircraft doors and performing final inspections to get a good DEI score.  What could go wrong, as opposed to the person who has worked at installing doors on aircraft for 20 years, came from a military background, and was the best at their job and making more money than their co-workers because of the value of the work performed over a long period?  Companies seeking a good DEI score will have a lot of trouble in the future.  And the sooner corporate America stops listening to the World Economic Forum, the better for them.  The best method of producing products that the world wants, in the way that they want them, is a value of good ol’ capitalism that is merit-based because anything less won’t do. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

War of the Worlds as Conceived by H.G. Wells: Bioweapons are the most dangerous weapons in the world, and Davos intends to use them for global control

The talk about Disease X consumed all the discussion at Davos this year.  The unelected World Economic Forum losers who want to rule the world by buying up all the world governments and using medical crises to change border policy and run everything from the centralized state of the United Nations to their offshoot, the World Health Organization is the greatest threat to the world so far.  These are all bands of socialists and communists who are extremely dangerous. They got away with literal murder and massive destruction with their first bioweapon concoction in 2020, so they are turning to another version of that same concept to drive their current policy. They talked about it at Davos a lot this year during their annual meetings in the third week of January 2024.  We’re not in the conspiracy territory any longer with this Covid talk.  There have now been many books from insiders who have blown the whistle on the whos, whats, whens, and wheres.  One of my favorites is the more recent one by Robert F. Kennedy, The Wuhan Cover-up, which spills the beans and most of the kitchen with the names, places, and money trail.  The book is set up like a legal prosecution that could be displayed in court.  But it’s a massive cover-up involving many thousands of people.  In some cases, millions, and there aren’t enough jails in the world to hold all the guilty, which is part of the cover-up.  The criminal terrorists in this case who wanted to take over the world with a developed bioweapon believe they are going to get away with the crime by literally having so many people involved that they all couldn’t possibly be prosecuted.  But there are names like Dr. Fauci, Ralph Baric, Richard Hatchett, and Bill Gates that come to mind who are featured in the book explicitly as the masterminds of Covid and paving the way for the Davos economic terrorists to unleash a more dangerous version of Covid with Disease X to avoid the prosecution of the first one.  And they were pretty arrogant about it because they felt “safe” in Davos among their globalist partners.  They think no court could get them, so they behave immune to prosecution. 

This is war territory that we are dealing with, and it’s the most hostile enemy in the world, these World Economic Forum people. They are a country without a country trying to spread socialism and communism throughout the world using partnerships with corporate compliance to act against the world in devastating ways. Listening to the many speeches at Davos, we don’t want those people running anything, yet what they are talking about is nothing less than wartime talk from a hostile entity. There is one primary reason that nations would and should resist the destruction of nationalism and accept the borderless concept of globalism, and it is to have the ability to prosecute hostile agents like the Davos crowd. Their weapon of choice is the most dangerous kind in the world; it’s the development of bioweapons, which COVID was, and the use of them to threaten the entire planet unless people have been protected with a pre-developed vaccine, which they control. And if you want access to that vaccine, you must do what they say. I would call it the War of the Worlds strategy, where if you recall from the famous H.G. Wells book, a superior species of aliens attacked the earth and caused a lot of damage until they died of a virus because their immune systems were not prepared for life on earth.

You might recall also that H.G. Wells was a socialist at the start of progressive politics and the shrinking world of globalism, where people could get around the earth quickly within a day. And, of course, all these Mason types from Europe wanted to spread Marxism all over the world to rule as a centralized government. Wherever there are people, there are those who want to rule over them as gods and kings, so that is what we have going on in Davos. They have no respect for the sovereign state of any country or its laws, which they laugh at openly. Human beings have not yet learned how to identify threats like war and hostilities from these types of enemies. Dr. Fauci was happy to develop bioweapons with the Department of Defense and their connection to many intelligence agencies, specifically the CIA, and to use those bioweapons to steer people toward globalism. This is essentially a fourth branch of government illegally formed in America to bring tools to the World Economic Forum for the spread of global communism because of regulatory oversite, especially at the heart of all this development at Fort Detrick, Maryland. The operation was moved to the Wuhan lab in China, where the communist government could hide what they were doing from the public because there was no free press there and, therefore, no oversight. It was all preplanned, and they initially used taxpayer money to fund it. And it’s the kind of stuff that should provoke massive war trials against treasonous characters for severe crimes against humanity. And that’s being very nice about it. Covid was a purposeful attack used by globalist forces to gain control of the sovereignty of nations, and the results of that experiment were essentially the subject of the Davos meeting in 2024.

It’s not nuclear weapons that are the biggest threat to humanity, as we have been led to believe. The ability to destroy entire cities and pollute the air with radiation is nothing compared to the invisible forces of destruction that have been developed with bioweapons. Specifically, the kind designed for Covid that now will make up this Disease X. Who needs to worry about a nation like America with a population that has more guns than people, a military that cannot be beaten on the battlefield, and a nuclear arsenal that could blow up the world many times over. Who needs to worry when you could kill all the people you want while they sleep or are sick with other diseases, often provoked in the background with a developed bioweapon that simply destroyed the immune system of its targets? Like War of the Worlds, what good is superior technology if all the people who use that technology are dead from a virus? And now that people like those in Davos have shown they can make and distribute bioweapons, they have no fear of the world they wish to take over. If they want to kill you, they will just release the virus they made in these Biolabs, under cover of darkness and under authoritarian regimes that they know they can control, like China and Ukraine come to mind. And if you want to live, you will bend the knee to your new masters to get their vaccine. But at a cost. You will have to do what they say. Covid was just a test, and now they know what they can and cannot get away with, so Disease X is ready for war, which they decided they were going to utilize many years ago. That’s why they fear nothing from any American courts or judicial desire from any country. They think they are above and beyond any law as a globalist force with the most powerful weapon ever made on earth. A bioweapon that was started at Fort Detrick and moved to Wuhan, China, to terrorize the world the way all wars have struggled to do. And in this war, they don’t have to fire a shot. They bring it to your door, silently presenting you with life or death depending on your level of obedience to them.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

It’s Far Worse Than Anybody Thought: Covid was a Bioweapon and a Criminal Enterprise Released from China by Private/Corporate Terrorists, and those People Must be Prosecuted

Coming out of Davos in 2024 is something that I have been warning about for a few years now, and of course, with things being the way they are, we are getting the details. There are certainly plans from the same monsters who created the Covid crisis to unleash Disease X. And when you want to know who to go after for its development and release, just turn your gaze to the unelected monsters who attended the World Economic Forum in Davos. We now know that COVID was a bioweapon created by a criminal syndicate and released from China by private/corporate terrorists. Some of those terrorists are common household names, like Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci. Others are not so well known, like Richard Hatchett and Ralph Baric. We know that people made it to destroy the world, and we know the names; they have been listed nicely in the Robert F. Kennedy book, The Wuhan Cover-up, which I can’t say enough about how good and relevant that book is. And it’s one of those stories much worse than reporting can point out. There was nothing natural about Covid or the methods used to deal with it. If the people who were behind the Covid outbreak of 2020 are not punished in a kind of war trial type of way, they will be inspired to do it all again, only this time worse than before. Of course, people learned at this most recent Davos gathering that Disease X is ready to go, which is why none of these people fear prosecution. Because they can release such a virus at will, and they already have a vaccine to protect them from the ramifications. We are dealing with a new kind of war here that most people can’t even wrap their minds around, yet here it is.

Richard Hatchett came up with the paper that caused the lockdowns and promoted the China strategy, not for health reasons but to crush the concept of the Bill of Rights. It’s on pg. 382 of The Wuhan Cover-up. Then, on pg. 386, he recommends to the Chinese, “There is a literature which I would certainly encourage the Chinese authorities to review.” His direct attack was on the Bill of Rights from a 2007 study and a 2006 Pandemic Influenza Implementation Plan. When you want to know who created the ridiculous lockdown plans, it all started with this guy. Covid cost America alone 16 trillion dollars in losses and destroyed over a million small businesses. Who is going to pay for all that? And it was Ralph Baric, the prolific gain of function researcher at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill who mastered the cloning of the RNA viruses and seamless ligation technology that hides genetic manipulation in a process called the “no-wee-um” method. Yet, we know that Covid was genetically modified to jump from animals to humans by Baric’s people, and Dr. Fauci knew all about it. They were haughty about what they had done because they thought nobody would ever figure out that they had erased their crime. However, researchers from Duke University and the University Clinics of Wurzburg found a way to see these invisible identifiers, and they have been able to trace back that manipulation into SARS-CoV-2. That means humans made Covid in the lab at Wuhan under the full knowledge of people like Bill Gates, who was pushing for a gain of function to build vaccines ahead of time for a bioweapon that the Department of Defense could never make in the states due to regulatory oversight. China didn’t care, so everyone moved their operation there so that nobody would learn what they were doing with taxpayer money, thinking that they had the cover of a communist tyrannical government to hide their crimes.

Ultimately, this is the danger of letting a few control the many. It’s a nightmare scenario when mindless bureaucrats are given too much power over individuals and, indeed, explain the faults of an administrative state. We can never again let people like Dr. Fauci or Ralph Baric have power over the masses, no matter what you think of their sanity. When coming up with the concept of COVID protocols, Richard Hatchett let it be known in his recommendations that the target wasn’t the virus itself but the behavior of the masses in destroying the concept of individual rights, such as the Bill of Rights in America. These power-hungry maniacs can never be allowed to have the kind of power they had with COVID-19, where Bill Gates used his money to buy up media that hid the whole crime from the public with serious misinformation, which money could then determine what information was valid. Such as they did with the medical journal The Lancet, formally respected but shown during Covid to be just another whore of outside money that would say anything for a price, no matter what it did to the world. They lied, and lots of people died and continue to have their lives ruined by Covid. Covid alone is worse than any war experienced on Earth, and now we know it was only a test. The deadly viruses made by these same people are loaded up and ready to go from a bioweapons facility in various places around the world. And it’s why many of these people knew that COVID was a bioweapon meant to make globalist health policy through an emergency that would suspend the world’s constitutions and give power to the United Nations through the World Health Organization.

Thousands of people were knowingly part of this crime, and they did it anyway. The Biden administration knew by the time that they demanded everyone take the vaccine that Covid was a bioweapon made by the government for just what they were using it for. People like Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates had no problem lying to President Trump about COVID-19, and they felt they were beyond the reach of the American government. That they were untouchable like some mob boss feels they have paid off all the cops and prosecutions, so they are immune to justice. COVID was not an accident; it was a purposeful terrorist act against the freedoms of all people everywhere in the world, and they attacked us viciously with that bioweapon. The bioweapon was not intended to bring harm to other countries; it was made to force compliance and to develop vaccines that the new power would control so they could pick who was going to live and who would die, which was the ultimate conquest of the world. By the time people figured it out, they would have control of the deadly viruses they make in labs, and the vaccines will be under the control of the World Economic Forum characters who have been after a Great Reset of wealth distribution for decades. And this was an attack by them that can only be viewed as a radical leftist military invasion of the entire world. And if you wanted to continue living, you’d have to do what they say, take their vaccines, and give up all your rights. Which was their plan all along, and why they no longer hide their plans, such as what was revealed in 2024 at Davos and their next weapon is Disease X.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Make My Day Michelle Obama: Davos is Planning a Disease X to stay in power

I think it’s fair to say that I hate Michelle Obama and her husband, the terrorist Barack, the former president of the United States.  I don’t think there is one good thing that I like about them, and I see them as American terrorists who purposefully initiated an unwanted change to America to fulfill the terrorist intentions of Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dorn as an extension of their Weather Underground radicalism.  And additionally, through the Islamic radicalism always working in the background that was learned in the “God damn America” church that Obama grew up in with Reverend Jerimiah Wright in Chicago as pastor.  I don’t think, based on the evidence, that Obama was even qualified to be president and that terrorists used his skin color to hide his radical, communist extremism to usher in under the door the destruction of America, for which the Biden administration represents.  There is nothing good about them; the Obamas are poison intent to kill the patient, and their goal has been to kill Americans and the people who resist their terrorist acts of progressive transformation.  And they have been paid well to be those terrorists by lots of people hostile to the American way of life.  I have written millions and millions of words about the Obamas over the last 15 years, and everything I have said, as it usually is, has turned out to be 100% true.   And in many ways, the ways that the Obama family was forced down our throats in the early 2000s is precisely why Trump emerged into politics.  For all those who are upset that a person like Trump ended up in the White House for the first time, they can only blame themselves for shoving first the Clintons on us, then the outright terrorist, Barack Obama.  He was the Weather Underground president, and many of our intelligence agencies who want to see globalism happen with the destruction of America joined forces to give us the most corrupt three administrations in the history of the presidency, with the third term being what we have witnessed with the compromised, hapless fool, Joe Biden, the puppet of Barack Obama.

So it was no surprise, given what we know about Joe and his chances of keeping the White House, that the Obamas are panicking. President Trump is poised to recapture the White House. The world is in a panic. The opening dialogue in Davos, where the World Economic Forum is in a panic as well, is that they need to release the lab-created “Disease X” so that they won’t have to face prosecution from another Trump administration that must pay them back for what they did to the world with Covid. Would they rather kill off the world to save their Gaia “earth” from the parasitic humans on it? You bet they would. In a heartbeat, many of them are legitimately crazy and should be nowhere near public policy. More on that one later because that is a concern all its own. These dangerous forces have been unleashed because we have been too kind to them, and that was certainly the case with Barack and Michelle Obama because we wanted to prove that we weren’t what they called us, racist slaveholders when it was the Republican Party that ended slavery, and we fought a war over it. People with shallow understandings of history thought they had to accept the terrorism of the Obama terrorists to prove they could get into leadership positions with people of color when the intention all along was to use racism as a Trojan Horse to destroy the concept of domestic America so that globalism could take over as the ruling force. But the polling shows that Trump will be president and that Biden has no chance of winning. So, all the panic-driven rants are starting to take shape with just a few months to go before the next election. That will be a lot harder for them to cheat so as to hold power the way they have in the past.

Michelle Obama has been testing the waters to indicate that she might get involved in the election by offering herself up as a candidate because it is obvious that Joe Biden is not up for the job, and Democrats are praying that either she or Gavin Newsom gets in the pool to save them from the inevitable. Democrats and globalists must pay for what they have done to us over the last several decades. They created Trump, and they are going to have to suffer for what they knowingly did, which, in many cases, is far worse than mass murder. I would love to see Michelle Obama run against Trump because, in many ways, it would be a proper payback. After all he’s been through, Michelle Obama is not going to save the Democrat Party from the revenge that America must issue toward its enemies. Trump would be able to destroy the Obama brand once and for all; honestly, that’s what we need to see happen. It would be suitable for Americans to watch that slaughter publically through the election process. I would even say such an event would be the hand of God working retribution against those of ill intent. So I would like nothing more than just beating the election fraud president, Joe Biden, one of the most corrupt people on the face of planet Earth, but the destruction completely of his puppeteer, Barack Obama, and his goon island wife, Michelle Obama. There aren’t harsh enough words in the English language to describe my hatred of those communist terrorists.

Obama’s presidency spied on Trump as a candidate, and these people have done everything except pull the trigger of a gun to kill the MAGA president, and if they could, I have no doubt they would have by now. The best thing about Trump is that as a former president, he has some of the best security in the world, and these are not the days of Kennedy when the CIA could kill a president and lie to the public so quickly. Such an act these days would set off a civil war of armed conflict that would make the one where Republicans eliminated slavery from the Democrat slaveholders in 1864 look like child’s play. The World Economic Forum, the Chinese antagonizers, and every Marxist on planet Earth that has been plotting the death and destruction of Americans know what the stakes are, and we are there. We either have an election where they lose all their power, or we have a bloody civil war with a nation that has more guns than people. That’s why the most guilty are planning the release of Disease X in Davos. They are making the vaccine for it now so that they will live through the release. Hey, don’t take my word for it; listen to their meetings, they are openly talking about it, and if you read the Robert F. Kennedy book on The Wuhan Cover-up, you will know that I’m being nice about what they intend to do to avoid the revenge that is coming their way. Michelle Obama isn’t going to get herself dirty; she and her terrorist husband are getting in line to get that vaccine so they can survive the next virus release, this one much more deadly than Covid, so they never get that day in court, or that embarrassment of losing power after the 2024 election. They are living a good life, and they aren’t going to stop, even if they, and all their criminal counterparts, have to hit the destruct button to keep the mobs from their front door. Because, at the very least, that is what the future looks like for them due to all they have done to deserve it. Go ahead, Michelle Obama, make my day. Watching the destruction of the Obama brand would be very gratifying.

She is an anti-American terrorist who hasn’t yet been able to destroy her target. And she is unhappy about it.


Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707