The Enemy

You have to understand that one of my good friends was just killed by a train in Texas. I’m still very twisted over the arrest of Roger Stone, the investigations of President Trump, and the obvious malice of the F.B.I. attempting to tilt the table in favor of Democrats during the 2016 election so regarding affairs of the “republic” I’m not in a very good mood. If it wasn’t so funny I would be even angrier over the proposed Green New Deal. I thought the old New Deal by FDR was one of the most destructive elements of a free thinking society and should have been eradicated long ago, yet here are political elements who want to go much further, so obviously its time to have a hard talk about when its time to have a real civil war again within the United States where violence is the only way to settle disputes, because the intellectual goals of the two sides are just too far apart. I think now is the time to do so, and I offer this article of opinion as a foundation for any legal issues that might take place later. Because personally speaking, I have reached my limit. I’m ready to defend the Constitution with force now, and that means that its time to define who the enemy is and understand why they are such. From now on I’m not going to rationalize how two sides can live together in debate as the republic was designed because the enemy as defined here doesn’t wish to have a discussion, or find truth in debate. They want to destroy us as Americans, and as men of family, and they don’t care who they have to hurt to get there which is why I now refer to them as “The Enemy.”

Many years ago when I first started this “blog” site I did so inspired by two of my favorite literary classics, The Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers which were collections of essays written for newspaper publication around the time of the Federal Convention to hash out the details of what an American Constitution should be and what it should do to not only hold the country together, but still maintain the spirit of the Revolution so that individual rights could be maintained. It didn’t matter if the Constitution had been written now or 2000 years ago, what occurred in the newly formed United States which at the time was only 13 states was a giant leap in human thought, the idea of self-rule when for the entire known history of civilization people where always ruled by someone no matter where in the world someone may have traveled. Such a concept was worth the bloodshed of a future Civil War, the eradication of the Indian Nations, or any countries that might have tried to stand in the way, because the effort itself was captured during the formation of The United States and gave rise to a world power unlike anything that had ever occurred in all of history. And the philosophical foundations of this effort were captured in the debates of the Constitutional Conventions expressed in The Federalist Papers and The Anti-Federalist Papers. I devoured both as the Tea Party movement emerged in late 2008 and 2009 and found that I was much more of an Anti-Federalist than a Federalist and that for the coming decade I would offer my thoughts on these pages for others to consider in much the same fashion.

It was obvious to me that our modern society had declined to the point where intelligent debate was necessary, so I did my part and I hoped to inspire enough people to seek wisdom from debate to avoid violence. In that regard the modern Tea Party movement was very successful, the revolution was fought as it should be, through education followed by good elections. On the conservative side of things we rooted out the modern versions of Benedict Arnold, politicians like John Boehner and John Kasich from my home state of Ohio and we replaced them with the Republican Party of Donald Trump, which was very peaceful, lawful, and have launched the country into an era of prosperity that is unequivocal in our young country and have forced the world to look at themselves and make peaceful adjustments just to mitigate the risk of becoming globally irrelevant. Taking the long view, the Tea Party movement in the United States from 2009 to 2015 is the way that revolutions should take place, and it is certainly a testament to the strength of the American philosophy that was formed in The Federalist Papers and The Anti-Federalist Papers.

Nothing ever devastates me, I’ve been through everything and seen the worst that people can offer under the worst conditions. So when I found out about the death of my friend Doc Thompson I wouldn’t say that it changed my life or sent me into some shell of sadness. I accept tragedy as part of life and simply moved on to the next thing which for me was an oversea call with some important people. Later that evening after a 20-hour work day was completed I sorted out my thoughts on the matter and decided to re-read for probably the 25th to 26th time in a ten-year period The Anti-Federalist Papers, which took me about 11 hours stopping to eat twice. Doc Thompson I saw was a person who really believed in the American ideas created by the Constitution. As an authentic person it led to his eventual death, not by conspiracy as he was hit by a train, but by the fact that the world of media for which he wanted to work had closed its doors to him and his boss Glenn Beck and they were on the short end of a world that was changing by what I will call the Enemy for the sake of literary distinction.

The Enemy wanted to change the nature of the American Constitution and since Doc was a purist, he was on the outside looking in always trying hard to find a way to get his voice out to speak in favor of Constitutional principles. Unlike his friend Glenn Beck who had made a lot of money in his early Tea Party years at Fox News and was living well off it, Doc had never hit a substantial sum of money and was the living embodiment of what the Founding Fathers would have went through had America not prevailed during the Revolution, English society would have castigated them out of existence. But what occurred to me was that Doc wasn’t supposed to have those effects, none of us were. We had the Constitution and these modern efforts by the Enemy were not supposed to have the impact to our legal and moral system that they were. As I closed the book to The Anti-Federalist Papers for the latest time I realized that violence was inevitable in order to protect The Constitution that was born from that philosophic text written during that critical period of American contemplation.

One thing that really makes me sad however is that when reading those works, The Anti-Federalist Papers and The Federalist Papers it is clear that as a society people are not as intelligent as they once were, our education system has failed, our civilization under guidance of the Enemy has had a destructive influence over our children and neighbors and it really is a tragedy that must be rectified. The Enemy therefore doesn’t just deserve a day in court, they need to be eradicated from existence because they have shown themselves to be a menace. The Enemy are those who want to change the Constitution of America from a document that protects individual liberty to a means of empowering a larger central government to distribute collective salvation even to those who don’t deserve it. Through the actions of the enemy it naturally weakens the strength of The United States as the best light the world has to yearn for and is therefore up to malice that is not forgivable by civil discourse. So from that perspective the Enemy must be destroyed and removed from the political theater and the future of this site will make that case hopefully before bullets start flying. But likely the bullets will be discharged before all is well again because such a measure will be needed to protect the Constitution from domestic enemies who are trying to destroy us all by attacking the philosophic foundations of our very existence.

Rich Hoffman

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