The Invasion

There’s no other way to put it, from the very beginning it was an invasion of American soil by enemies of the Constitution and we allowed it to go on far too long. No sane person could say otherwise. The idea that people from other countries should be able to pour into the United States openly and without passports or any kind of identification is insane unless the perspective is viewed from the position of an enemy. Democrats clearly have been willing to play their part as a political party that can’t compete in the realm of debate and must rely constantly on new membership to stay in the game. For them they must have illegal immigration to stay relevant because they have essentially turned their backs on American ideas of ownership and responsibility to advance their causes. That is why anything they propose, such as the current bill in congress to eliminate the sales of private gun transactions, or extended restrictions on gun show loopholes should be considered as a hostile act by a foreign power, because all Democrats by their very affiliation have sided with the anti-Constitutional forces seeking from outside the United States to attack the foundations of freedom which prevent their open molestation of our continental resources.

The invasion was planned long ago, likely before World War II ever started. The Great Depression certainly was a direct result of the progressive invasion where government was seeking to put the clamps on the Roaring 20s open capitalism which flourished after World War I. So this isn’t a new thing but when we talk about making America Great Again, we are talking about an American sovereignty that wasn’t present before these events. We aren’t talking about racism, women’s rights, and immigration policies—these were all conditions that were on path to improvement because of the American Constitution. Meaning, they would have happened regardless of any progressive influence. The Civil War was fought by Republicans to free people of color and the women were on the same trajectory to vote. Democrats didn’t make those things happen, the American Constitution did. The world didn’t pay much attention until two world wars later the economic powerhouse that American capitalism produced showed that the United States was on a path to outpace the rest of the world in innovation, demographic freedoms, and individualized wealth, and the world couldn’t have that.

That’s when it was decided by enemies of the United States Constitution that the very foundation of America had to be scrutinized and challenged. Those enemies sought to take over American companies and institutions in an effort to deface the foundation documents which made so many good things happen. They sought to take over our media, they took over our public schools and embedded themselves in both our political parties with deep tentacles into the lobbying community to fund the effort. And that has now been going on for many decades and was and is currently an invasion—not with guns, but of voting power. The idea of flooding the American border with illegal immigration was to destroy the sovereignty of America and ultimately the Constitution of the United States, and we should all consider that an extreme violation of our good natures.

For every person who now supports the legalization of drugs and other socially disastrous practices it’s not cool to be a loser, and that is precisely what forces against America want, they want the people of America dumb, drunk, stoned and disasters of the human condition because it makes for an easy conquest. They want corrupt lawyers making huge sums of money off Americans divorcing each other over reckless sex antics and other unfocused adult pursuits rather than learning the words and meanings of the American Constitution so they can defend it under assault. The enemies of America want the citizens of the United States to bend over backwards for global approval and a surrender of sovereign values rather than defending themselves from the inevitable tyranny of jealous hostiles from around the world wanting to topple the most successful country in the world.

Anybody who is for open borders, unregulated socialist instruction in our public schools, and evolving legal understandings of the Constitution itself is an enemy of America and is taking part in the invasion, and they need to be dealt with. We have played nice with them for decades and gave them the benefit of the doubt, but they have shown themselves to be what they are, part of the invasion force that has intended to destroy our way of life and impose on us hostile intents from across both oceans—and they are happy about it. None of this was by accident, it was purposeful, and malicious and has been as cold as their proposals to destroy human life in the womb of a mother, and to push mothers out into the world under the banner of human rights just to have the ill intent to destroy the American family so that future bold specimens of freedom fighters defending the Constitution would not even be born, or conceived. The target of these attacks from day one of the invasion was the American family and the mothers who stood at the front of them. They didn’t want to just destroy them, but the children who would never be born.

Viewed in these ways the invasion is every bit as maniacal as any in history, as when Hitler bombed London, or took over Paris. The invasion is as audacious as anything history has ever presented but because it did not come with guns, but with policies and voting numbers, they managed to disguise their intentions and to hide their military maneuvers behind political correction. We blush at even suggesting that such an invasion is even happening because it’s not cool or socially mandated to even speak in such ways. Yet it has been happening before our very eyes. The borders are being invaded, our debt is up to $22 trillion and the global powers who have launched these efforts are wringing their hands together hoping that their plans will hold, that President Trump’s economy won’t turn the tables and that Americans won’t catch onto the nature of the invasion until it’s too late.

Part of the plan was to mire Americans in chaos so that they didn’t take the time to even read the Constitution and understand it, let alone defend it with their very lives. Most Americans today are so distracted by really stupid concerns that they don’t even see the invading forces. They are too drunk and stoned to care, which was part of the plot and it should sicken everyone to the conditions of their countrymen. This is the fight of the millennia and most are too illiterate to even see it. But that doesn’t take away the reality. Truth doesn’t change just because millions of losers believe something to the contrary. This invasion is happening, and the targets are not men, women, minorities or even sexual preferences, they are the protections provided by the American Constitution for the benefit not just of Americans, but to those in the world with no hope but our bright lights and sharp ideas for which they gaze and yearn for. The enemies of America want that light to go out, and its up to us to not let that happen.

Rich Hoffman

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