Gunfighters, Poker Players, and the Great American Constitution

I personally use the western expansion period of American history as a reference to something of a miracle. While the enemy in America, those trying to change the very nature of the Constitution seek to re-write history with progressive sentiments, I see the situation of the great journey into the West by Americans after the Civil War as something of a miracle and I carry around symbols of that age with me every day everywhere I go. The more I have practiced Cowboy Fast Draw with my Ruger Vaquero the more obvious the miracles of America’s west have become to me. Recently a good friend of mine who returned from Vegas brought with him some literal Trump playing cards that he found in his hotel gift shop. Even though they are only playing cards I thought they were some of the most beautiful items I have seen in a while. They are gold covered of course and have Trump’s face on a $100-dollar bill on the back. I think they are fabulous as I do love the game of poker because it is a game structured under the premise of American capitalism. I can’t carry my guns around with me everywhere, even though I think I should. I do wear a cowboy hat often and usually have playing cards and poker chips in my pocket at all times to remind me of just how special the American West was and what role it still plays to this day in the political landscape. Poker was the game of gunfighters and it was the American gunfighters who broke the back of the Vico Cycle in the context of world history and presented us with options today that I would argue are the first in human history.

History and its understanding is more than a hobby for me. I know quite a lot about it, and I would say that up until the Renaissance Period mankind likely for tens of thousands of years if not hundreds of thousands of years rose and fell along the lines of what is known as the Vico Cycle which essentially means all societies rise along a known trajectory of habit, starting with theocracy, then aristocracy, then democracy, anarchy, only to start again. When archaeologists really get into the weeds of why societies fail and great cities suddenly empty and their inhabitants disappear, it is due to this condition everywhere in the world for all recorded history and likely into history we are not even aware of because the rate of decay and erosion prevent our study that far back. During the Dark Ages of Europe, just another period of time when theocracy ruled the minds of mankind, the Renaissance was born and enlightened minds started asking hard questions that took a few centuries to work out, but eventually the Scottish Rites started contemplating what would eventually become the United States. They’d have to leave Europe to try the experiment of self-ruled people but once they did, there was a revolution and born from that the American Constitution. In the context of historical documents, starting with the Magna Carta in England and merging into what we now call the American Constitution I think are some of the greatest concepts of philosophy so far created as a species of thinking creatures.

The Constitution made many freedoms possible for minorities, for women and for all the immigrants migrating into the New World. It produced great wealth which changed the nature of global politics within a hundred years and I would argue broke the Vico Cycle of world history. There was always some Hitler type that came along and cast the world back into theocracy after anarchy but this time it was the West that saved the world from a tyrant and history was changed. Of course, the enemies of the American Constitution recognize that and have learned not to try to fight free people directly. So they are seeking to undermine the power of America by eroding away at the philosophy which created it which describes accurately our present circumstances. However, it was the American cowboy, gunslinger, card player and gold digger who effectively destroyed the Vico Cycle and put us on the precipice of leaving earth to colonize other planets, such as Mars in such a short period of time because due to the Constitution, the autonomous actions of mankind were unleashed and thus a new age was born.

I would contend that the American Indian was not “native” or “indigenous” but were in fact migrants from previous failed societies, some from the Maya, some from the Aztec, some from cultures that came and went which have never been recorded before, but all had a try at the Vico Cycle and failed reverting back to tribal theocracies dancing like idiots just to make it rain under storm clouds dressed as birds and other animals. They were not functioning under the premise of an American Constitution representing free people so the Indians were run over by a conflict of clashing philosophies, one successful and one not. One culture had science, one culture had superstitions and theocratic limitations similar to the Dark Ages of Europe. As the Indians were pushed off their lands and towns were built on the emerging American frontier brothels, casinos and criminal elements emerged and were only regulated by the gun which to an outsider looked like chaos and the worst of mankind. Modern day Las Vegas is very much the same representation, the best and worst that mankind has to offer is on full display. But the judgment of scum and villainy is only a transitory one, it is the unleashed human mind that benefited most, the opportunity to make money free of aristocracy and to personal profit from the work one applied, even if it was a diseased whore working in a gold rush town’s saloon. Or the gambler working a poker table trying to get rich off the ignorance of his associates, a new way of thinking emerged and the perils of the Vico Cycle were effectively ended on the Western frontier backed by a philosophic experiment of the American Constitution.

So yeah, the gold cards with President Trump on them from Vegas were special to me because they represent a change in thought that was new to mankind. When we talk about the age of MAGA, (Make America Great Again) this is what we are talking about, a Constitution that created great autonomy among people who unleashed thriving new opportunities which quickly became huge cities, railroads that crawled across the nation and an unrivaled international economy all within a few hundred years. The enemy of the Constitution of course are jealous and they want to erode away all the value that this fine history has produced, and they want to focus on the slavery, the conflict with the Indians, the conflict with the Spanish who had conquered Mexico and even the fights with Europe to forge the new Constitution. Of course they’d love to erase all the great gains made and get back to the Vico Cycle because it’s all they know and they lack the courage to be free themselves so they look to the Indian and the Eastern mystic for guidance, to surrender thought to the gods of superstition, which likely ruled the minds of the weak for hundreds of thousands of years. But in America things changed, the Constitution brought forth the beginnings of an autonomous culture which didn’t look pretty at first, but through the gun smoke and the haze of bar room poker games came something new, and the greatest country on the face and history of planet earth emerged and it was a miracle worth fighting for. And that’s what I think of when I see a cool gold playing card from Vegas, the hopes and dreams of a civilization that just wanted to be free of the Vico Cycle, and for once it actually happened after a lot of work and thought.

Rich Hoffman

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