Covid is Over: Ohio and Indiana are taking back their states from out of control government

I enjoyed the exchange, I thought it was healthy.   But I also thought it was a year too late.  We should have been having these discussions in the opening days of the lockdowns.  It was in fact Governor DeWine of Ohio who was one of the first to go too far, and started shutting down restaurants, changing elections, and behaving like a single point failure tyrant expressing every reason why we have constitutional law to begin with, to limit government power from people who show they can’t handle the pressure and get suckered into an international scam as coronavirus obviously was.  Now the masks and all the ridiculous rules are meant to give a cover story to the scandal, so that people believe everything was really just as serious as the government said it was to justify all the trillions and trillions and trillions of lost dollars that was sucked out of our economy in an effort to help the Chinese become the dominate financial power by 2028.  I’d rather have Rand Paul too late than not at all, but we needed him in April of last year instead of blasting Dr. Fauci in 2021, after all the damage has already been done.  What felt good about watching Paul grill Fauci was that it was really the first time in public any politician or media personality had scrutinized Fauci to his face, including Trump.  Everyone tried to play it both ways with Dr. Doom, and he used that reluctance to lie, cheat and scheme all of us right over a cliff.  He deserves everything he has coming as people realize slowly how suckered with Covid we have all been. 

Its not that Covid wasn’t a sickness we had to deal with.  I know lots of people who have had it, some of them many times.  But to project it as a killer, as it was sold to us where we needed to suspend our constitutional liberties, or else, was malicious.  Whether it was on purpose or accident, it happened because our entire society allowed themselves to move away from a constitutional republic and emerge into a dictatorship by governors.  Not exactly what Trump planned when he went along with Dr. Fauci initially, and Bill Gates who were already blaming Trump for every car accident, every sniffle, and every heart attack that suddenly fell under the category of a Covid death.  I think Trump thought he could outsmart these malicious characters who launched this against him during an election year, and once he gave in to it, and DeWine started a chain reaction that the rest of the country followed, election laws were changed which then put liberals in power with scandalous mail-in ballots.  And that was used to perform a coup against President Trump and give us the mess we are dealing with now politically, Democrats in power everywhere, even though we didn’t pick them at the ballot box.

But it took a lot to get people to wake up and start rebelling against this out-of-control government.  I knew it would come eventually, but I didn’t think it would take this long to get there.  People should have been protesting this government during the summer instead of waiting until things were irreparable socially and economically.  But since Dr. Fauci was put in his place with Rand Paul, suddenly people are feeling bolder in proclaiming their distain for Covid-19 protocols.  I suppose that people had to see just how far the government would take their mandates, and how they would refuse to give that power back well past the time to do so.  Its one thing to tell people something, its another to see it for themselves and its obvious that people needed to see the evidence.  Well, now they’ve seen it, they’ve heard how Joe Biden plans to drag all this out until the summer and it proved to be too much for Red State governors, starting with Texas, then Florida, Alabama, Oklahoma then Indiana.  Even with the case counts going way down, and Covid testing facilities trying with everything they can to squeeze more life out of all the testing they can get through their system to justify their existence, DeWine has still been holding on.  He even passed Stand Your Ground laws to make a deal with Republicans in the House and Senate to spare him from the wrath he has coming. 

However, its over.  Covid has been dead and buried for weeks, yet the government doesn’t want it to go away.  It was their biggest chance yet at grabbing total power over everyone and destroying our constitutional republic.  And this should be a lesson to everyone involved.  Government can never be allowed to have that much power, because when they get it, its like crack to them.  Highly addictive and justifies all the power grabs they sought to achieve by getting into politics to begin with.  These politicians need to be punished many times over far worse than what Rand Paul did to Dr. Fauci.  The media that propped up these tyrants need a lesson taught to them too, for the role they played in the mess.  For the way they idolized Governor DeWine for being far worse than any Democrat in Ohio we could have voted for, in taking over the state based on the superstitious whims of his tiny, incompetent mind.  At last, we are freeing ourselves from these terrible people, the latest being the governor of Indiana reacting to the inevitable.  People are sick of Covid and the new government rules pulled out of their ass to deal with it.  It was a hard and costly lesson, but at least finally, people are starting to fight back.

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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Don’t Worry about Social Scorecards: You still hold all the cards

Hey, even with me, I had planned about a $10k trip to Disney World over this past winter, but with Covid restrictions and all the stupid masks, we cancelled the trip and spent the money in other places that didn’t have such dumb restrictions. Who wants to pay all that money to a vacation spot where you have to run around with a dumb mask in the hot sun?  Not me, so we took our money elsewhere and will continue to do so.  This stupid idea that these corporations have like Disney and Carnival is that their product is so desired that people will be willing to cave to their Covid rules to participate. But in reality, they are only slicing up their own market share and hurting themselves, and it won’t take them long to learn that lesson.  All these companies got these stupid ideas from the communist country of China where they have been doing just this kind of thing for along time.  But you have to understand the proportional reality of basic economics to see just how foolish it really is so that a reality can be planned going forth. 

They have around 1.3 billion people in China and a GDP economy that is producing around $20 trillion per year, about the same as the United States.  There is quite a push by them to become the dominate world power economically where they overtake us, which they can largely only do if they trick us into playing the same dumb games they force their society to live with, which is with all these restrictions, the credit score manipulations so that if you want to buy a certain car, but you have a bad social score because of something you said on social media, then they will turn you away until you can prove that you can behave. The trouble is we have less than a third of that total number of people contributing the same essential economic numbers, actually we have far less due to a number of circumstances who are actually contributing to the GDP meaning that our economy is a rocket engine compared to the propeller of China and that is due exclusively to the overly managed nature of their entire society.  The more restrictions you have from a government the less activity you are destined to get as a result.  China has been looking for that balance of power for many years and they have concluded that their only path forward is to trick other nations into adopting their policies and behaving like they do, so that they can then sneak out in front economically and take over the best in the world position. 

Of course, dumb companies in America who have been lured to believe that China will give them access to their 1 billion people are willing to do whatever China says because they think that is the only way toward their continued growth, is to penetrate these communist markets instead of dealing with the saturation point that is showing up on their growth charts.  That is certainly where Disney has been looking, but they all have similar thoughts and that is why we are hearing that these same companies plan to adopt communist politics on social manipulations through scorecards to drive American economic behavior.  However, reality has a lot more to say on the matter than any of them are willing to admit to.  Those same American companies, like Disney, and Nike along with many others are used to begging for our business.  They have invested hundreds of millions, if not billions, building their brands so that people will spend $10K on a vacation, or will buy the products that finance makes it easy to purchase with low interest rates. 

The truth is, if you are a hard worker who shows up at a job every day, and you have good credit as determined by your habit to pay back your loans, these companies will continue to eat out of your hand and you will remain in control.  If you don’t like what they are doing, don’t buy their product and they’ll get the message really fast.  I would say they are already feeling it, but wouldn’t dare admit it this early in the game.  All these liberal policies, especially on energy are starting to cost people a lot of money and they will alter their plans accordingly costing many of these companies many hundreds of millions of dollars in lost opportunity cost.  In China they get away with it because there are no other options.  In America, there are always options and as everyone learned with Covid, there was a shelf-life on generosity that people were willing to put up with an overly restricted society.  The amount of rebelliousness that is on display now regarding people and mask mandates were not well thought out during Event 201 where pretentious liberals in love with communist societies obviously didn’t think everything through from all the angles.  They would have done well to consider some of the sociology concerns rather than just listening to a few communist economists who are contaminated with their ideological view of the world instead of the cold hard truth of reality.

Yet the message is the same to you, remember that you hold all the cards and it won’t take the corporations long to realize how valuable your business is to them.  They have gotten greedy in going for these Chinese global markets and many people will lose their jobs over this move, and those same corporations will be seeking desperately to earn back your business.  The rules are still true, if you are a quality person and you have worked hard every day, the world will still beat a path to your door.  Its not the other way around which China is trying to establish where you are lucky to do business with them.  You continue to hold all the cards and should never forget it.  And don’t be afraid to rub it in either.  Just don’t take that cruise if they have the Covid restrictions.  Do something else until they figure out the lay of the land and the path to true economic activity.

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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When People No Longer Listen: Biden tripping up the steps

Tripping up the stairs was just an accident, but placed among all the other anxieties that are starting to really pile up, the Biden people are learning quickly how difficult it is to rule over people who don’t want you or like you.  The media is learning that there is a lot more to it than just manipulating election numbers and declaring Biden a winner on election night and setting in motion a media story that supports that view of the world.  People know who they voted for and it wasn’t Joey boy Biden, the Beijing bastard suckling the tit of communism from the mother country invading America.  People are looking for an excuse to defy the Biden administration, its becoming a game.  Since the announcement that if we were all good little boys and girls—ooopps, I used pronouns, then we might get to have our families over for the 4th of July.  Wow, isn’t that nice of the government, to let us do that?  Then there was Rand Paul finally standing up to Dr. Fauci on Capitol Hill this past week over the stupid mask mandates.  More and more people are now sick of Covid and the government and they are ready to lash out at someone somewhere.  And of course, Joe Biden was feeling the pressure when he went up those steps to Air Force One and tripped like a fool in front of the world.  Not only do we have a government of incompetent people running things, by force, because they stole the election over Covid, but the fool can’t even go up the steps of an airplane.  Yeah, things are mounting for the Biden people in ways they have no plan to deal with.

I would say I’m surprised but that would be a lie.  In fact, I am not shocked by any of this.  I could have told everyone what was going to happen the week after November when the election was up in the air and nobody knew what was happening in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Arizona as we watched the vote count slowly go from Trump to Biden.  The Deep Staters thought everyone would just take it and go away accepting this implant of theirs, Joe Biden.  Generally, people were pretty nice about it, but here’s what nobody thought of—the American need to rebel against unjustified force and the passive aggressive methods that people will go to in order to express themselves.  I would argue that these passive aggressive methods are far, far worse than any Capitol riot that the Democrats are now so terrified of.  Once you get people against you, there really isn’t any way of putting the Genie back into the bottle.  Then the danger for the Biden people is that we are really only a few months into this mess and people are already feeling too comfortable thumbing their noses at American authority. 

You would have never seen Trump trip up the stairs.  He might have had an issue, but he would have smoothed it out quickly, he certainly wouldn’t have dug himself deeper by continuing to fall again and again then running up the ramp like a child and saluting before doing that little old man jog into his office on the plane.  It looked weak and it showed a person who is not competent to rule over others.  Then with Trump, he was very respectful of people’s rights to have differing opinions and he held close to the Constitution during his entire presidency.  Biden loves to give rules, but he has no intention like all Democrats do of actually living up to any of them.  They love to rule, and they expect respect whether people believe it or not.  They demand compliance.  That’s why Biden ran up that ramp and hid in his office after falling because he knew the unspoken rules were playing out at that moment.  People are quick to unfollow a fool who can’t walk up the stairs, especially when they have too many rules and regulations and are starting to cost them a lot of money. 

Gas prices are already going up because of the dumb energy policies of Biden and this congress, and that is cutting into all of our wallets.  I had to fill my car up twice this week instead of just once, and we are all seeing it.  Those contrasts with Trump are going to continue to grow, and the worse it gets, the more rebellious people will grow.  The push backs on Covid and the government mandates on masks are just a sideshow at this point, evidence of people’s discontent aimed at an issue everyone can see.  But the deeper sentiment is one where people don’t like being ruled by an embarrassment of a person.  If people are going to be told what to do, they at least want to think well of the person representing the authority.  Without that buy-in, mass discontent is setting the stage for quite a coup of our own.  You can’t fake it till you make it in the real world, you have to have the goods and Biden can’t even walk up the steps.  That was the message of the week for the Biden people.  They aren’t going to be able to fake leadership. People are looking for every chance to tear away at him and his administration because they don’t like being lied to, they don’t like being manipulated, and they don’t like or did they vote for Joe Beijing Biden—and everyone knows it.  You can’t give people something they don’t want and expect them to just go along with it for the good of the Deep State.  We are about to see why……………….

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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When People Refuse the Vaccine: What happens then?

The truth of the matter is that this is far from just calling the situation an “anti-vaccination” problem.  I certainly don’t fall under the umbrella of conspiracy theory.  My refusal of the vaccine certainly has concerns about the viability of the tests that were conducted.  There’s a lot we still don’t know about the virus and what we do know was ignored, such as using hydroxychloroquine to fight it, and UVC light to kill it on open surfaces.  Those are real science approaches which were completely ignored in this case, so the answer to that has a lot to do with whether or not I’d trust the government to even acknowledge the pandemic status by the CDC.  Until they can answer that question, I don’t believe anything they have to say, because until they answer the question about selected science, I can’t accept the false emergency status of Covid-19 as it was used to control so much of our society.  If the known science at the time was going to ignore treatments, then that says they wanted the spread of the virus, not the management of it.  Anybody with half a brain would then ask the next obvious question, why?  Well, the answer easiest to see was that we had a political insurrection going on, where the Trump administration was under coordinated attack by the science experts and World Health parasites to stage a coup of liberalism in the wake of the 2020 elections.  But what would any of that have to do with the vaccinations for Covid-19?  See the problem?

I thought it was certainly odd during all this that the well-known movie, Close Encounters could not be found on YouTube to show the science where the government faked the virus outbreak that killed all life around the Devil’s Tower Monument in Wyoming.  The reason for the fake virus outbreak was to clear the area of all life so that aliens could meet up with the military for an kind of prisoner exchange.  Many times over the course of 2020 with everyone running around with masks I thought of that scene from that movie, which so many people have watched for themselves, yet they couldn’t put two and two together when reality was hitting them square in the face.  Not that Close Encounters was a true story or anything, but if the imagination can think of it in a story, they will seek to do the same in reality at some point.  In Close Encounters the attempt to trick the public into a lockdown was regional, only focused on the Devil’s Tower area.  But for Covid-19 it was a global attempt and involved many millions of people to be in on the scam.  The difficulty is in believing that so many people could be in on such a thing, that somebody would leak the farce.  But then again, the scene in Close Encounters was pretty much erased from the internet which I thought was remarkable.  Because in real life, that is exactly what Covid-19 was, and several people at Google thought enough to have the scene from Close Encounters removed from YouTube so not to trigger people into even asking the question. 

Of course, there will always be a certain percentage of people who will question everything, and if given their free will, will not participate in government vaccinations.  It comes down to trust, and government will never have 100% of the people behind them over anything, ever.  So, there will always be controversies in anything that government does, no matter what political party happens to be in power.  The question is, when a government has told itself that their goal is 100% or nothing, what are they going to do when nothing is the pick?  How are they supposed to deal with that percentage of the population who will be against them all the time?  I would call that a healthy balance of government management, it keeps a government from getting perpetually out of control to have constant challenges to their authority in that fashion.  It is the balance of a civil society to always have some extremes who will challenge the basic premise of everything.  But accepting that ratio of discourse is obviously not part of the Biden plan.  For them, its complete compliance, like in China, or nothing.  That poses a problem they aren’t ready to deal with. 

As the weeks come and vaccine amounts are stacked up yet there aren’t enough people to want to go and get them, what will be the story then?  What will be the reason for continued lockdowns when people just no longer have the stomach for talking about Covid-19 and the long list of dumb things they can’t do because the government has stuck its nose into everyone’s way.  And when told to get a vaccination or they can’t fly on a plane, or go to a sporting event, or enjoy the basics of economic life, is the government ready for the ramification of that bad move?  I’d offer, no.  They have no clue as to what anything they do might cost as an opposite reaction to the government position on Covid-19 in order to get a higher percentage of vaccinations among the adult population, just to save face from the reported embarrassments that are already mounting.  At the heart of all that is the continued challenge of a free society who can actually ask questions and will refuse to go along to get along.  And for them, the government has no real plan but to call them names and make enemies out of them, which will not serve the case of massive government expansion any better than when Trump was elected in 2016.  The problem for the big government types remains, and they have no answer or game plan. 

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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When Crimes Happen Faster than the Media can Spin Them: The Truth about the shooting spree in Atlanta

The political left could not afford for the truth to be told on this sex addiction case, because most of what progressive politics is all about is in pushing people into sexual addictions so that the government can expand under their haze and make more dependents out of people.  In truth, the Biden administration is all about sex addiction, it’s about the legalization of drugs, in making dependents out of all people.  People like Robert Long are the creations of progressive politics, people who are addicted to sex and want to take their experience beyond their computer where the stuff is piped into everyone’s home who has a computer, young and old alike, and can partake in their weaknesses for as much as they want.  Robert Aaron Long was a prime candidate for being mentally ill, yet he was able to buy the gun he used to shoot people that day knowing that he had been in treatment for sex addiction.  Now I’m not for deeper background checks, but the point is, people out there knew this kid was a loose cannon.  He practically gave himself up once police caught up with him during his shooting spree.  He left behind plenty of breadcrumbs and as quick as it started, police had their motive and their guy.  And almost as fast as that was Joe Biden saying that the killing was a hate crime against Asian people.

By admitting that these murders were sex crimes it would put as liabilities most of the Democrat platform as potential suspects, so there is no way that could be allowed.  Instead, liberals were trying to blame President Trump’s anti-China rhetoric over Covid-19 for the violence.  Now how about that?  Isn’t that a stretch!  Well, it sure was, unbelievable really that any official government would attempt to create such a picture even as the evidence was fresh from the crime scene with an admission from the guilty party who explicitly stated he was not targeting Asians.   They just happened to be working in that type of sex industry.  Here was an admitted pervert, a sex seeking addict who had been getting treatment admitting to killing off his targets so that he wouldn’t be further tempted to engage in sex with those places being dismissed so that a story of racism could be told instead.  You see, Joe Biden knows more about the elements of this murder than the killer himself.  Even when we have a direct admission the government decided that it would give us another set of facts to ponder, ones that they made up completely. 

This should serve as a valuable lesson for all those other cases where people wonder if that’s what the government is up to but doesn’t quite have the proof.  Here is your proof to what extent they will lie to you or manipulate the facts to serve their interests.  Events happened; people were killed. The killer was caught, there was a confession, yet the government made up their own story about the events anyway, in spite of what the evidence said.  It was atrocious really, the level of lying that the government so quickly had no problem portraying in order to protect their own political base.  If it wasn’t for sexual deviants, how many Democrats would there really be out there.  And if this story were allowed to stand as is with the evidence being so rigid against sexual crimes, then how many more people like Robert Long were out there?  How many potential murders were being covered up as we speak?  Probably hundreds of thousands, and the government would cover them all up if they could.  But for their own problems, often they have to wait for one of them to pop a screw loose and do something stupid, as happened here.  They knew to catch Robert Aaron Long so fast because they had been watching him, as they watch all of us.  They knew he was going to these places, and that illegal sex acts were happening, just as everyone knows.  Just as everyone knows where to get illegal drugs that liberals want people to get.  They ignore the laws they don’t like so that they can create more people like this 21-year-old sex addicted kid.  They want them out there breaking the law, sexually abusing other people, because it spreads turmoil everywhere making more and more dependents onto government.  Its all part of their Democrat game. 

Then when they do snap and go too far, as Long did, guilt climbing into his thoughts to push him into some sort of countermeasure, then the Democrats lose control of their society quickly.  But they are not going to admit to that, instead they look for ways to exploit the problem against a political rival, or to make an argument in favor of gun control.  They don’t care who dies, only that someone does so they can use it to grab for more power. If the game has never been clearer, then in the wake of this Atlanta shooting where the police work was so clear, the suspect so cooperative and the chain of events unfolding quicker than the media could distort everything to the liberal narrative, such clarity would not be ever so defined. 

This is what I have been talking about regarding life after Trump.  The political left is so desperate to cover all their crimes and all their bad behavior with the tricks that are now so worn out, and they are so sloppy now that the media has shown themselves to be so complicit that they aren’t even trying to put that extra little bit of pepper on the cheese anymore.  And with Biden being so mentally slow, and just reading the note cards they give him, he’s not even trying to sell it the way these guys in the past have.  It just comes out now as raw nonsense and is openly confirming everything people like me have said about false flags for years.  They try to shove these news stories into being, then when they get them, they try to shape the narrative to their advantage and it usually works.  Except in this case the killer was caught in record time and admitted to the crime before the White House could issue their statement.  And by then, it was too late. 

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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What Musk Does Right: Technical innovation isn’t always about being smart, its about daring to ask questions

One of the best tricks I’ve ever seen is how Elon Musk is pulling all this off so playfully.  I was watching the cartoon show, Rick & Morty the other night on the Cartoon Network and Elon Musk was a guest star, something he clearly didn’t have to do but felt compelled to play a part of.  All this while running one of the top car making companies in the world.  Any of these things would allow Musk to sit on a pedestal and just let the world come to him the way the Vanderbilt’s or Rothschilds might have in years past, but that’s not how he operates.  Musk is just an unpretentious person who likes to play with toys and he’d rather be thinking about how to fix the landing of the next Starship than going to awards ceremonies where people tell him how smart he is, indirectly looking for some of his money.  What Elon Musk has built in Boca Chica, Texas is a group of some of the smartest people who are just like him, young minds, playful people, and untainted adults still with the gifts of childhood governing their lives and it’s a dream come true for me.  I’ve been hoping to see more of this kind of thing in more industries for decades, but at least we are seeing it now with SpaceX.  Finally, someone with the passion of Thomas Edison, the money of Henry Ford, but the curiosity about life that a typical five-year-old has who is taking humanity to the next great places.

Recently I had to talk about the failures of Virgin Galactic as compared to SpaceX, which pained me because I had really been rooting for Richard Branson’s group to pull off space tourism.  However, the Virgin Galactic approach to space was way too adult-like.  Way too rigid, which allowed pin headed government types to stick their noses into the business of innovation and whitewash away the results.  Musk has built his company the way a child would, if one experiment goes bad, then we’ll just try again and again until we get it.  Even with the mishaps of SN10, the plans were already in place to put SN11 on the lunch pad.  After SN11 the plans for SN16, SN17 then SN20 for the scheduled orbital flight by midsummer.   If this were any other company, it would have taken 6 months to even put another Starship on the launchpad, let alone continue to push for the aggressive orbital goals that many companies would just put on the schedule as a placeholder.  With SpaceX, they intend to meet their schedule, not at the sacrifice of the product itself, but they do view time lost as time gone forever and lost opportunity that slips away each time. 

By making the rockets automated and removing the concept of a pilot from the Starship program, Elon Musk set the standard for success in this highly litigious age we live in presently where micromanagement of everything kills innovation before an idea is even born.  I often think what a shame it is that there aren’t more people like Elon Musk in any society at any given point in history because of this ratio of risk and rewards, but I am grateful to have Musk at all.  He has just the right temperament to run so many large-scale operations at the same time, and be one of the richest people on the planet without the pretense that usually comes from those titles.  Musk is just as likely to be found at a Boco Chica coffee shop with his engineering late at night scratching out ideas on a napkin than he is high rolling it with the rich and famous, and that is an unspoken part of this whole mix that is more important than anything.  As I pointed out with Virgin Galactic, people like Richard Branson use their considerable charm to schmooze the powerful in government, but because they do not have the extra gears that Elon Musk does, cannot help the real people in the trenches solve the hard problems.  That is how Musk has pulled his companies out and away from the pack so effectively and why they are so successful now.

The obsession that Elon Musk has on the Starship program reminds me a lot of Edison working out the details on the light bulb, and the endless quest to manufacture rubber that he was trying to do for the Ford Motor Company.  To people on the outside, it looks dangerous and even obsessive, but there has never been a better personality than Musk to handle it.  As great as Edison was you wouldn’t see him on a popular cartoon like Rick & Morty.  The biggest difference has been in Musk’s playful approach to the rocket business on the top end and has been a template for all future success that people will be following for years.  I can’t think of a better example of how management and problem solving in business should be done than in what SpaceX is doing presently, and under tremendous pressure.  Any other company and group of personalities would be crushed in the process, but SpaceX continues to make it all look so easy—which is because they have separated themselves from the pretentiousness of adulthood and left the realm of innovation where it belongs, with the heart of playful kids and rocket geniuses. 

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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Roswell, New Mexico Deserves a Chance: Why SpaceX worked and Virgin Galactic didn’t

But while SpaceX was doing well and was accelerating their plans, Virgin Galactic looks to never recover from a few of the tragedies they had been mired with.  And that is the warning of what happens when government gets involved in your business, they typically destroy a process with too much regulation and bureaucracy with pinheads getting in the way, before killing a project with a pre-mature death.  Richard Branson had chosen wrong to make friends with all these progressive politicians over they years, so he was stuck playing by the kind of dumb rules they always come up with, whereas Elon Musk had kept a healthy distance from the politicians and his approach to space allowed him to aggressively develop his vision.  With Virgin Galactic, people were required to pilot the experimental craft, and when things go wrong with people, government feels it must stick its nose in all our lives to protect them.  So the lesson couldn’t be more obvious.   Emerging into space would have to involve robots and automation.  The grand old days of adventure and flying by the seat of our pants weren’t going to work with modern government hell bent on micromanagement.  And the results had played themselves out on the deserts of the American Southwest.

Roswell really would be the best place for the tourist access point to space.  Boca Chica, Texas for most people is still a long way south, which is where SpaceX is.  As the Hyperloop tech comes online, I can’t think of a better first application.  Elon Musk is already planning to build his own city there, so Roswell is the best location to really get people moving around in a part of the country that currently has almost no economic development.  And it has a lot of land to test out new vehicle prototypes.  Of course, there is a lot of planning and corporation that would have to take place first and lots of people with billions of dollars of investment would have to be attracted to the idea.  Roswell is already making the transition from a town of conspiracy to an open embrace to the kind of alien tech that will take the human race to the next level, whether we inherited it from some other space immigrant, or whether we have built the tech ourselves.  The thrill of adventure is what space needs to be igniting and for the benefit of aerospace, it would be great to unite those efforts in some cohesive way.

For every rocket that goes into space, for every yearning for a new thing to go there, there needs to be literally hundreds of millions of hours of people thinking about space, such as in entertainment culture, conventions, science workshops, something like what they have been trying to do in Roswell for a long time, make it the home base for open contemplation about anything strange and out there, and to have a little scientific fun with it.  That is how an embrace of new tech is best sold, when people are already out on the edge a bit anyway.  The plans for the spaceport convention center that I saw planned for Roswell is likely a $500 million investment, and by itself it wouldn’t make much sense.  But to connect it with hyperloops to Elon Musk’s SpaceX facilities in Texas then to Spaceport over in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico would be groundbreaking.  Yet I was disappointed that Virgin Galactic just wasn’t making the cut.  Their approach to their part of it was just too far behind and likely was never going to get there due to the way they played the game.  I still think the Roswell project is worth doing, as a way to bridge all these emerging technologies into a single space story.  It’s a part of the world where political alignment would be achievable for something that involves multiple states and a lot of land.  But there needs to be more of a hook than just SpaceX, and right now, there isn’t anybody.

Space tourism would have been perfect about 4 or 5 years ago.  People need to get into space and come back to talk about it.  Virgin Galactic could have done such great things, but their rigid concept just involves too many real people and one mistake by any of them and the whole thing is mired down in bureaucratic investigations.  Elon Musk was smart, he developed automation so when there is a mistake, a rocket blows up and nobody really cares.  It’s a loss of money for him, but so long as lives aren’t lost, the government pinheads could care less what happens.  So that has kept SpaceX moving while Virgin Galactic has just fizzled out.  It’s a shame took, because the Spaceport in New Mexico was built to accommodate, but nobody delivered, and all that stuff is now just sitting around looking to be part of a greater story.  I went to New Mexico hoping to connect some of the pieces, at least at an imaginative investment end.  But without Virgin Galactic up and running, that leaves only SpaceX out there doing anything really exciting.  By the time half a billion dollars is raised to make some of these projects possible Virgin Galactic will likely be gone from anybody’s plans and that New Mexico Spaceport will continue to whither away into dust from a lack of use. 

For me the biggest surprise was in Roswell itself.  That is a town that wants to live.  It wants to be part of a bigger story.  Its hungry for a chance.  The problem for them is that they are literally in the middle of nowhere.  That’s great for a space industry, but not great for attracting investments.  It’s probably a little early to be thinking about these kinds of things but when it comes to new, groundbreaking technology, a few decades of early thought is appropriate on these matters, and if any town deserves a crack at the bat, its certainly Roswell, New Mexico. 

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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Its Time to Swing on the Noose: Let the Democrats choke on it

I feel bad even bringing it up because there wasn’t anything Trump could have done about it.  It was an election year.  Nobody had ever seen this kind of malice coming from a shadow government before.  Heck, people have a hard time admitting that there is a shadow government, let alone that its not something they are in control of.  So, It seem unfair to hold Trump to such a measure, but if we are going to be honest, Trump made a huge mistake by playing along with Covid.  The result is that a fake scientific community is still laying claim to being the authority on science and the designation of a global pandemic as something the world should be concerned with, and that is still the basic policy driver behind so much government expansion that we are seeing on a daily basis.   The effort it will take to put this genie back in the bottle will be incredibly difficult.   Its still possible, but it will be much worse now than even a year ago.  Now I wouldn’t blame Trump for it.  He was learning about this stuff along with the rest of us.  Nobody really understood how deceitful these monsters were.  Well, I did.  But I can certainly understand how and why normal people would miss the mark.  To see this stuff for what it was you must admit to some basic traits about the human race that few people are ready to admit to and that really is the essence behind the Covid scam.  Most people just don’t have it in their hearts to see the truth, and the villains are well aware of this natural cover that they always enjoy. 

That’s also why our plan must be to let them run their course and hang every mistake on their necks with their full weight.  Right now, the political left, the insurgents are just running through the bullet points on their script without considering reality at all which is interesting.  Its yet another reason that they had to tamper with the election of 2020 through Covid relief laws made up as they went along, to allow for massive election fraud to put them in power and fulfill all these goals.  Such as the notion of using Covid relief payments as a foundation for a universal wage.  Part of the script has been to just give people money, to make more dependents out of normal people and as long as the MAGA movement was in the way, they always had an excuse for why their utopian paradise wasn’t working.  Now there is no opposition.  Trump is hiding out in exile and everyone else is on their heels.  There is no opposition to speak of now with the House, Senate and the Executive—even the Judicial all in this socialist takeover long planned in America.  It’s the nightmare scenario for sure of what the world would look like if the people of Georgetown suddenly were in charge of everything, this is the world they would give to everyone.  They think it makes sense, but to the rest of us, it’s a pretentious escapade of wine drinking mixed with second generation wealth that nobody understood how the first generation made the money in the first place.  They are only good at spending it. 

I would still argue that we are a lot better off knowing what we do today.  What we were doing in 2016 wasn’t possible because there were too many malicious characters who had been hiding in plain sight to deal with.  We had no idea the FBI and Justice Departments were so corrupt; we had no idea how vile the Obama administration had been and how politically manipulative they were.  We had no real idea how deep in bed many of our own people were with China and how rich our politicians were getting off the relationships.  In hindsight, it should be very obvious.  But it was hard to see going forward.  Nobody was coming out and saying just how much they wanted to see America fall to the rest of the world, including many in our own political circles.  I was certainly there, but I understood that most people just don’t have room in their hearts for that type of hatred of people in general, because to see it, you have to hate it.  And to hate it you must be ready to make that judgment in a world where judgments are looked down upon.  So that means you must break that peer pressure and be comfortable with the ridicule.  Trump certainly wasn’t signing up for that.  He wanted to be America’s cheerleader, and the parts of his job that allowed him to do that, he was spectacularly good at.  But it was the wrong game all together that we got pulled into playing. 

That is also why I’m more reserved about all this than I might have been in the past.  Now that we’ve all hit the wall, there really isn’t anything to be afraid of.  The Democrats have done all this on their own without any help from Republicans, other than them just laying down like weaklings and letting them do their will.  That means that the script with all its flaws will be exposed for now on against a world that clearly didn’t vote for Joe Biden.  And the plan was always to just pay people off to shut up.  But it took too long to get out the $1400 checks and this is all as easy as it will ever get for them.  And its no paradise, not by a long shot.  Its hard to have power and to keep it, so now that burden is on the Democrats, and its obvious that they will choke on it.  And for our part, its time to swing on the noose to help the process along.  But nothing else. 

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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A Lesson from Sports: We will have a reason to celebrate once again

Tampa Bay as I have said many times is a place, I consider to a be a second home.  I love the football team there, it’s been that way for years.  I love the Tampa Bay Buccaneers every year, even when they lose a lot like they did last year where they had a 7 and 9 season.   I think sports are important because it creates a nice little microcosm about life, what works as a culture and what doesn’t for people to see and cheer for.  As I said, most of the results fall far short of any big prize, but its fun to watch and root for something that you can share with other people.  This past season for the Bucs I was more upset because the general manager had pulled off some great contractual miracles in signing Tom Brady and some other big names and it looked to be just the thing the Buccaneers needed, veteran leadership that could finally take them over the top.   But that is if there’d be an NFL season at all.  The NFL got a lot of criticism for going so far woke, in allowing players not to stand for the national anthem, in allowing Black Lives Matters to imprint messages in the endzones, but I was more forgiving not just because I like the product, but that I appreciate the bigger game for what it is.  Roger Goodell managed to keep the NFL viable and the lunatic health people found a way to have the games even if the entire preseason was cancelled.  So the football season started, even though at first it felt as if the whole thing might come crashing down in a moment.  But up to that point, Covid was bigger than everything and I was really worried that if that ever happened to American Football, that we might never recover as a country.

Our nation needed it, the weekly games, the highlights on the news, something else to think about besides Covid lockdowns.  The Bucs did well, but not well enough.  They lost some key games to the Saints, to the Chiefs and Bears that I thought were going to ruin the entire season.  But by December Tom Brady showed why he’s much more than a quarterback by getting the team functioning on all cylinders as they continued to win the rest of the games for the year on into the playoffs.  And it was a thing of beauty to watch, even if you weren’t a Tampa Bay Buc fan.  It was good to see that part of our culture come back to life.  By the time the Bucs went to the Super Bowl in their own stadium, which has been talked about in Tampa for so many years it was so good to watch so many big gambling efforts come together perfectly only to have the Bucs beat the Chiefs so convincingly.  Really it came back as investments of the team owners, the Glazers had made into their own organization which were paying off now in a perfect storm of unlikely circumstances that just felt good.  It reminded me that with all the seasons and hoping that often go into any kind of sports support, that sometimes you do get a payoff and it is worth the effort when it does.

I couldn’t help but think of Donald Trump and the state of Republican politics through all this, because honestly, it’s a very similar game.  As hopeless as things can sometimes appear, a good play here, a good play there, and suddenly you have something to cheer for again.  As exciting as it was to see the Bucs win another Super Bowl I could see it clearly where I would feel even better about future wins in the House and Senate culminating in a new president in 2024.  That the hopeless situation of today is largely a manufactured reality that has a shelf life and our hopes, needs and dreams will outlast them easily.   I approach every season of the Bucs with enthusiasm but by the last week I’m already looking toward the next year.  And its been that way for decades.  They went to the Super Bowl in 2003 before going again this past year and every year in between I went through the same ups and downs that everyone goes through only to end up disappointed with the end result.  However, it is worth it when you invest yourself in these kinds of things to see it all come together in a nice, beautiful package of success.  And in politics, we will smile again, we will have hope again, we will have revenge for what has been done to us.  We will have revenge for the debts, we will have revenge for the wokeness, the censorship, the massive expansion of government overreach.  We will have options again and it will feel great to see those victories.

With all that value, I’m not one who just writes off sports as anything short of a important social value.  If the rest of the world could organize their sports the way we do in America, they certainly would.  But they don’t have the kind of culture that creates the circumstances.  Sports therefor becomes so reflective on the kind of values we truly have as a culture.  And its good to see that winning is still one of the most important attributes that we all still share.  Winning is still important enough to drive the sporting market and push through all the government nonsense just to play a game and see what happens.   In a year where it looked like a fantasy for anything to become bigger than Covid, the NFL managed to stay open long enough to complete a full season and to show us all that life could return to normal, somewhat.  And that people like me who have rooted for the Buccaneers every year for decades could see happiness again even if it came from unlikely places.  The lesson is that the games of life are worth playing.   Victory is just out there often with one good try here and there.   Eventually, when its due to us, we’ll get it, and we’ll love it!

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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Wokeness Will Soon Be Out of Fashion: And not a moment too soon

People will do a great many things to survive, if they think there is a real danger to themselves and the people they care about, they’ll follow the rules of a loser government up to a point.  During the last year of Covid we have watched most people take a wait and see approach to the perceived danger.  If that culture says to watch what you say about some woke aspect of a culture, they’ll play along as long as it doesn’t cost them anything.  But the minute that the government can no longer prove that there is a danger, or that the danger is noticeably overblown, people will quickly move to their own values.  That means this massive investment in social construct, into accepting transgender politics, equalization among the sexes, in open border advocacy, are false constructs that do not represent the values of normal people.  They will only listen to such arguments out of self-preservation from an overreaching set of government bureaucrats.  When the values of a society are not aligned with the needs of that society, rule breaking will then become the respectable norm.  But blind adherence to a social norm that is created by a tyrannical government is not natural and will be abandoned by a population at the first opportunity. 

Just as the belief from the government was that Covid would bring us all a new normal, where the rules of Covid protocols would dictate a change in social norms.  As if people would accept for the rest of their lives that we would have to wear masks, that we would have to socially distance.  That all the ridiculousness in avoiding Covid would become the standard government procedure.  I have been enjoying lately watching people come back to life, one year after Covid was shoved into our lives we can see the signs of a world post Covid returning to normal.  Its little things here and there, like the Tampa Bay Bucs parade for winning the Super Bowl where people enjoyed life without socially distancing or wearing the dumb masks and the media had very little to say about it. I was at a few restaurants this past week while the NCAA tournaments were on and they were packed.  People were ready to spend money.  The idea of going to baseball games and actually filling up stadiums again are very much on people’s minds.  This was not the intention of the government doomsayers who were intent to change our society to a new normal.  People want normal again, and nothing else.  And that will be the same type of situation with wokeness.  People must want the market trends; they can’t be imposed on everyone just to stick out of regulation.  Without people believing in why we do things, any trend that is put forth will lack its own energy to maintain itself for any kind of duration. 

Whenever I watch one of these academic approaches to social mind control, I find it bewildering that the participants are so stupid.  I mean we all have access to the same books, the same history of human behavior.  Much of this stuff is well studied, yet time and time again they think that they have mastered the efforts for change and that people will drop their need for personal rebellion and suddenly seek instructions for their basic existence.  And that is always at the heart of most progressive governments where they believe that at the heart of all management problems among a society is a large central government to manage the affairs of everyone.  They have no evidence that states that such a large central government was ever successful, yet they plan as if it’s always been the case ignoring the obvious warning signs of social discontent.  China for their own problems has clearly bitten off too much for themselves.  They now have the world captivated to their cause, but they do not have a history of success to display they actually know what they are doing.  China has problems managing their society everywhere.  Particularly among their men.  They have feminized their males; they have too tightly controlled their females.  They are not inventive and are showing massive problems on the horizon that a large government will never be able to inspire growth out of.  Yet they are the ones setting policy controls through the media to steer society from one woke policy to another. 

It will be with the same lack of fanfare that the woke trends of our times now will fall away into ridiculousness as the social controls of today are scrutinized beyond defense.  People will accept the opposite of what we call wokeness now, the default mode will be the opposite—everything but wokeness.  It just takes too much work to think about all these pronoun problems, and all the overly sensitive modes of engagement meant to make lazy people feel less bad about themselves.  There will be a day not so far away where people will make fun of woke terms the way people now make fun of bell bottoms and other outdated social trends that in hindsight make us wonder what we were thinking when we came up with them.  History will remember the criticism, it won’t remember the act itself or what caused it, because neither was created out of necessity, but in an arrogant attempt at social engineering by inferior academic pin heads.  And when it does, we will all have a good, needed laugh.  We will make fun of the losers who created so much trouble for us because they’ll deserve the ridicule.  They’ll deserve our criticism spectacularly.  And the more we do it, the more healthy our society will be as a warning to those future micromanagers, to keep their dumb ideas to themselves and not to transfer to the rest of us all their neurosis.  For as thick as it feels today, we will surely enjoy the snap back into reality for which we are all owed.  It will be a good day when that happens, and we all certainly deserve to see woke culture ridiculed to the ends of the earth with great fanfare.

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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