Larry Fink: The President of the World and power of the new country, BlackRock–as created by the Fed

Here’s the problem with the Federal Reserve, and it goes back to 1913, when after many attempts at centralized banking, the Fed was created to handle monetary policy.  And it hasn’t been an experiment that worked, it simply ushered in a communist approach to banking that was aligned with a progressive invasion of the United States at the turn of the last century, and essentially the policy of the Fed has been to cover up its many mistakes over that entire duration.  I am not so much of an anti-Fed guy.  I think a country needs to manage its money supply.  But letting the banks form a partnership with the government has been disastrous, and the ultimate form of that destruction was in the creation of Larry Fink, the most dangerous man in the world.  Larry Fink would be nobody if not for the Fed.  Jerome Powell, Janet Yellen, and Ben Bernanke used reckless quantitative easing to print endless amounts of money and pour it into Wall Street, where people like Fink would flow it into the economy.  And the net result of that scandalous activity has made BlackRock, the company Larry Fink manages that controls around a ten trillion dollars of assets, the most politically active company in the world, and Larry Fink is far more powerful than an American president, even to the point where this unregulated power can then control elections and policy that superseded the American constitution in dangerous ways.  By printing phony money and giving it to people like Fink to manage, the Fed gave the government power it never would have had otherwise, and now the results are out of control.  Most of the bad things we are seeing now in the political world are because of Larry Fink, his connection to the World Economic Forum, and a leftist radicalism that is being imposed on people that they would never vote for. 

People are starting to get it when these are the discussions on the Joe Rogan podcast, which discussed this topic recently.  People are now seeing how out of control this Larry Fink thing is.  Larry Fink, because of BlackRock and the way the Fed made it powerful with Modern Monetary Theory, and that it now manages the money in China, as the only money manager that can do so, is essentially the president of the world, ruling behind the scenes and imposing politics that is far removed from any representative form of government.  This was a hostile takeover using Larry Fink as the figurehead to do what people like Napolean, or Genghis Kahn, the legendary figure in history, known for his conquests and his role in founding the Mongol Empire. He was a skilled warrior and a brilliant strategist, and his military campaigns changed the course of history. Despite his reputation as a ruthless conqueror, Genghis Kahn is still remembered as one of the most influential figures in world history. Alexander the Great similarly comes to mind.  Larry Fink is right there with the rest of them. Still, he was not a warrior; he was a person willing to carry the water of the shadow government running behind the Fed. This corporate alliance sought to take power in the world, and they made their move by propping up Larry to be that new world conqueror.    

And you conquer this new world by not taking over countries.  You ignore the politics of nations, take away the people’s will, and take control of where they work, how they spend their money, and on what.  Larry wanted to be in politics during college and just happened to be in a position to acquire wealth through Wall Street.  He only had success once he was willing to partner with the Fed after the housing collapse of 2008.  But what risk was there really when the Fed was ready to print infinite amounts of wealth and pump it into Wall Street through Larry and his friends?  The writing is certainly on the wall with this one, much more dramatic than in Nebuchadnezzar’s time, the attackers planned the downfall of America, and the plan was to cover it all up before people realized it with Central Bank Digital Currency.  It was a different kind of war which Fink has been talking about in his letters to CEOs, such as the one in 2022, “In consultation with our stakeholders, BlackRock has also joined the global effort to isolate Russia from financial markets, the ramifications of this war are not limited to Eastern Europe, they are layered on top of a pandemic that has already had profound effects on political, economic, and social trends.  The impact will reverberate for decades to come in ways we can’t yet predict.”  Then ultimately, Fink finished up his address by saying, “As I wrote in my letter to CEOs earlier this year, (2022) access to capital markets is a privilege, not a right.  And following Russia’s invasion, we saw how the private sector quickly terminated long-standing business and investment relationships” to implement political objectives.  I’ve read all of Larry’s dumb letters to CEOs each year and always thought of him as a fool.  But he’s a very politically active fool who was given the power of money through fake monetary Fed policy to take global military power through the private sector to bypass the actions of war generally regulated to countries to play out. 

That is why Larry Fink, the very left-leaning political activist that nobody voted for, is directly connected to the radical Marxist activism of the World Economic Forum and was given the power by the Fed, which is also connected to the World Economic Forum, and strategies by China for global communism is the most dangerous person in the world.  He now manages most of our 401K plans and conquers us by capturing wealth, part of his leftist ideology, whether we like it or not.  And now that BlackRock is the majority shareholder of most American corporations, he has taken away the average shareholder values and converted them to ESG-driven stakeholder values.  And at some point, people will be furious at Larry Fink and the Fed.  But they hope that before people figure out what they have been doing, America will be on a digital dollar, and they can hide their scam behind the push of a button where a centralized authority will control all value for all money.  So while the world looks at the conflict in Ukraine, the potential conflict in Taiwan by China, or the latest missile flight in North Korea, the real fight has been by BlackRock, led by Larry Fink, to take over the world’s supply of money, and to place it in the hands of the real threat in the world, the World Economic Forum.  And because we are all a little complicit in the action because of our money management, we tend not to look at it in favor of a more classic interpretation of war.  But those wars no longer matter.  The real fight is with finance, who controls it.  Larry Fink is now more powerful than any president in the world, and he knows it.  But he didn’t get that way from well-fought battles as a master strategist.  But because he was willing to be the bag man for the Fed, which is a power they never should have had in the first place. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

The Deep State Must Be Destroyed: They started the war, elections are the best path to a peaceful resolution

Please make no mistake about it, the World Economic Forum types; the Deep State as it operates in the world is at war with us in the United States.  They have attacked us through controls over finance, and their intentions were just as hostile as any other kind of military attack.  I understand Steve Bannon’s speech at Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point Conference in Florida, where President Trump also spoke.  Supporting Trump is a vote against the Deep State that has attacked our country, and the general enemy is globalism.  And many people, like Steve Bannon and Trump, get it.  We are not having a policy discussion in America.  We are at war.  Now this just didn’t come out of nowhere.  I have quite a few people I associate with who have IQs over 180 who have been trying to recruit me to the Sovereign Citizen Movement for most of my adult life.  The Sovereign Citizen Movement is a controversial group of individuals who believe that they are not subject to the laws and regulations of the government. They often use their beliefs to justify illegal actions, such as refusing to pay taxes or obtaining false identification.  I think some of my friends in this movement are too smart to play the game and they gave up their citizenship years ago and would rationalize to me that America is not America.   There is no Constitution; there is no Bill of Rights.  America is a corporation.  It is not the land of the free, and I was being delusional to believe any of it.  So when it comes to compliance with the Desecrators of Davo’s enemy, who want to control the world through globalism, I know many people in various pockets that will fight hard should the time call for it. 

I can’t say that any of those rebel factions are wrong, but my statement is different, which is why I’m not in their movement. I don’t care what some central bankers think; I don’t worship the Rothchilds or any globalist ruling families. They are all idiots, and their money means nothing to me. And if they want a fight, well, I’m always happy to give it to them because I believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. And that is what I am willing to fight for. It doesn’t make any difference to me whether or not they accept those laws. I always viewed some of those intelligent friends as chickens for not wanting to stand and fight for their country. And I don’t mean signing up for the military, even though that’s how most people think. To me, the army of our government is a branch of globalism. I have very different views on it. But fighting for the Constitution, the First and Second Amendments, the Fourth and Fifth, which are routinely violated by this criminal syndicate Biden administration, is worth fighting for. So far, that fight is in politics. If votes matter, I’d say utilize them as far as possible. But submission to these globalist forces that have infected our institutions, our government at every level. No, that isn’t in the playbook—no submission to anything but American sovereignty. Running and hiding in other countries without American citizenship is not my idea of fighting. It’s running, so I have very different views than the Sovereign Citizens. I understand their argument but disagree with the resolution for correction. The real fight to fight is on the finance front. This isn’t a war of tangible battlegrounds like we’ve seen in the Revolutionary War or the Civil War. This is one at the bank and its connections to international investors who want to destroy our country from the outside in.

But just like attackers on the battlefield in the past, during the Civil War, for instance, railroads were targets for destroying supply chains. The same is happening now, but it is choking off our corporate structure in board rooms. The attack is to starve Americans of their freedoms slowly, to leave the infrastructure intact for a communist takeover that has been planned through globalism for over a hundred years. And now they are cashing their checks, and the moment is upon us. I would say the attackers have a math problem; so long as there are people like Steve Bannon out there and Charlie Kirk, who know how to fight these fights the right way, it is impossible for the Deep State to win, where the Sovereign Citizens believed all along that the whole effort was pointless. I would say it’s far from hopeless, especially if you understand the intentions of the Deep State. For years they have operated in the background, in hiding. But now they are exposed in the light of day and won’t last long like this. So I feel wonderful about America’s chances. What Bannon says about Trump is true. Trump is a peaceful resolution to this conflict. But if the Deep State insists on confrontation and things go sideways, that’s on them. More than enough people are willing to fight to destroy the Deep State.

And that’s what we are talking about here, the Destruction of the Deep State.  They went to war with us; we were minding our own business.  We were living by the rules of the Constitution.  They were the ones who came along in an attempt to destroy our founding documents, and people now understand the implications of that effort.  Today I spent the entire day with some excellent friends who remind me every year at the Annie Oakley Festival, which I have been a part of for over two decades, that many people are more than willing to fight the Deep State.  They are minding their own business and don’t even know what a Deep State is.  But tell them they can’t buy a gun, or vote for Trump, or that they can’t get gas for their truck, and they will be looking for someone to pay for interrupting their lives.  And you can bet I’ll point them in the right direction.  I’ll be happy to.  The Deep State deserves destruction for what they have done to America and is attempting to do presently to the world.  They are the ones who attacked us; they have killed innocent people and have looted trillions of dollars from all of us.  They are bloodthirsty killers hiding behind a fancy façade of polite “European” society.  And they aren’t welcome.  I’d say I interact with a very “diverse” number of people, and I know how many people find the message of the War Room with Steve Bannon a better representation of their political alliances than Fox News, or any of the other mainstream offerings.  So all the strategies of the Deep State are pretty flimsy.  They are ruthless, and they have shown us their teeth.  But failure is in their future, and how painful it is, is really up to them.  It’s what they do; next, that will decide how that future proceeds.  But domination and compliance of American society it’s not in the cards. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Alex Soros is Taking Over the 25 Billion Domestic Terrorism Business: But it won’t be as easy for him as it was with George

It looks ol’ George Soros, in his 90s, is finally hanging up his financial holsters in the economic terrorism business and is passing it to his young son Alex.  And the concern is that Alex is more politically active and political than his dad, who is known worldwide as one of the most dangerous people in existence.  George Soros has been working to collapse the United States with economic depravity and has personally funded many acts of terror for most of his adult life.  But in his old age, he has become something of a shell of his former self, and his obvious hope is that his 30-something son will do much more damage now that he’s inherited the multibillion-dollar fortune of his father to fund the globalist intentions of the family business.  The Soros brand has been aggressive in buying up whoring politicians around the world and pushing them into far-left causes.  And “whore” is a fair word.  It’s the word I apply to those who will do anything for money.

Everyone knows that God has blessed me with many ripe talents; if I wanted to, I could likely be one of the wealthiest people on the planet.  As I say all the time, getting rich is easy.  Being a good person is not, so becoming a whore, someone who sells themselves for money, isn’t hard.  In many ways, I view Elon Musk as a whore, because he made much of his money off government subsidies.  He did good things with the money, but he had to play the game to get there, and in a lot of ways, he was not free to express himself publicly because of his relationship with China.  You might meet whores who are nice people, perhaps even intelligent.  But if they are whores and someone is buying them, they switch into boot-licking mode and are no longer themselves because there is money to be made.  And that’s the difference.  I have purposely said no to that kind of thing all my life, and I won’t start now.  And what I have in return for all that restriction is “objectivity” and “freedom of thought,” things I consider much more valuable than money.  And that’s what’s required to call the Soros operation what it is, terrorism.  Because over the years, Daddy George has worked with plenty of whores to help them commit domestic terrorism without being prosecuted because there are plenty of whores out there who love the easy money.

George is proud of Alex.  The old man has other sons, but this one has shown his father that he’s the one most interested in open borders and other radical leftist causes.  So it was Alex who inherited his father’s 25 billion dollar business for conquering national sovereignty, and there are plenty of whores like the Biden crime family, Chuck Schumer, and Kamala Harris who are all too eager to sell away anything to get their hands on some of the Soros money.  By themselves, the Soros family has been very dangerous, and obviously, they have gotten away with it because they sprinkle so much money around that they are very popular.  If you’ve ever been to a strip joint with lots of people we feel more comfortable calling whores, women who sell their bodies for sexual gratification, you can see this behavior in its raw form.  The pretty girls who make themselves available to anybody with money under any condition are considered cheap, unethical, and dangerous to the creation and maintenance of a family.  A married woman attached to a husband who would go to one of these places and give such a girl hard-earned family money for some sexual fulfillment outside of the marriage would have every right to be upset because the act is an attack on everything that motivates the couple to stay married and build a family.  Once sex becomes cheapened, then the essential value of a husband and wife relationship is destroyed. 

That is essentially what George Soros has done in the world politically.  Except it hasn’t been over the topic of sex directly.  It’s been on topics like financial stability through currency manipulation, open borders, and manipulating law and order by funding the campaigns of excessively liberal district attorneys.  George has been that guy in the whore house who tips all the girls and pays for a lap dance from each one and even pays for lap dances for other people because his goal has been to use his money to shape policy, to be the cool guy who spreads his wealth to the lazy and unrighteous.  In many ways, what George Soros has done to American politicians and policymakers has been worse than what goes on in a whorehouse or a strip club.  Sex is just one product of misconduct.  But in such actions, the attack of a family is the destructive mechanism inspired by evil deeds.  In politics, the attack is on our nation, so it impacts every person living in that nation.  We are all disgraced wives to some degree or another, being cheated on by our political class who finds the temptation of Soros money too alluring to say no, or to behave in some whoring fashion because it’s easy to get.  Then once they take it, they are scared for life, so they make no future attempt at ethical behavior, and our society declines in value, just like the family struggling with the tendencies of a cheating husband leaving his wife alone at home while he sluts himself to strange women for the silly benefit of personal pleasure.  But the Soros family isn’t alone in this enterprise.  Many of these billionaires use their money for radical leftist causes in similar ways, and they have been the greatest threat to us all.  China and Ukraine are just distractions.  The real danger has come from these people.

But I don’t think it will be as easy for Alex as it was for his dad.  George was able to hide in the background more than his son will be.  More people are onto this whoring game than they used to be, and I think Alex Soros is going to get criticism where his father got awards.  People don’t like a society of cheats and scandals, and now that it’s been quite visible who in our society goes to the whorehouses and cheats on their constituents for easy pleasure, voters have more value in their say than they used to.  These are not the times of tradition that brought us to this precipice of doom.  As I heard this news, my first thought was that I felt a bit sorry for Alex, the kid.  I don’t think 25 billion dollars is much, and it could be turned around and used against the kid easily If people understand how the game works.  People are tired of whoring politicians and business leaders who are unethical and lazy.  And they are ready to take power back and give it to those who aren’t tempted by the whorehouses of life.  As we now know that there are lots of whores in the world, not just 22-year-old girls who are too lazy to do anything productive in their life but use their looks for some easy money while they can still get it.  Plenty of middle-aged men laugh at all the jokes from someone they consider richer than they are, hoping that some benefit might come their way from the relationship, which is cheap in its own way.  Not much different than the whore selling sex.  And in a world where people pass judgment correctly on such people, it will be much harder for Alex Soros to operate than it was for his father, which will be fun to watch. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Not Even Aliens Can Save The FBI From Public Wrath: Why Jim Comey says it can only be Joe Biden

Now there is a proper context to the recent interview with Jim Comey, the former FBI Director when he said that only Joe Biden could be president in 2024. With all that we know about Biden’s health, his scandals, and his ineffectiveness, now everyone can see just how radicalized the FBI has been for a long time. Too many people gave them the benefit of the doubt and wanted to think they were a patriotic group. But now we know, and it’s especially obvious with the latest indictment case against Trump with Jack Smith and the monstrously corrupt Department of Justice, how the game has been played for a very long time, and to keep all those sins from the past concealed, they have to have a dummy in the White House who will do what they say, and won’t go poking around in all the vast evils committed by the 4th branch of government, which believes its totally unaccountable to the voters of America. Comey said the quiet part out loud, which was a bit redeeming. I couldn’t help but reflect on the spot on CNN where I made my prophetic utterances about just how corrupt Jim Comey was after Trump fired him in 2017. To much controversy, I told CNN that Comey was a liar, a practitioner of falsehoods, which they found repulsive. How could I say such a thing? It was a different world back then; America was much more innocent about how out of control the intelligence agencies were. Some people talked about the NSA’s massive power and that FBI agents were spying on people. That the CIA was behind the killing of JFK. But just a few short years later, in 2023, much of what conspiracy theorists had been thinking about turned out to be true. We now know the CIA was behind the JFK killing because it’s in declassified documents; we know that the FBI has been involved in a lot of nefarious scandals because they have been caught working with Democrats to keep them in power, and they have been aggressively engaged in a coup to remove President Trump from office. 

To keep the FBI safe from the wrath of the public, they must have Joe Biden in the White House; otherwise, the whole house of cards is built on lie after lie after lie for the fulfillment of Democrat globalism, an alignment with communist China, will come crashing down. And Comey knows it. For them, it’s Joe Biden or bust. The corrupt old man can’t do anything but run because behind him are so many crimes that he must sell to the public through a kind of grandpa image that the entire system that is hiding behind him would otherwise be exposed. They have no other choice; they are so vulnerable that their activism over the years is finally catching up to them. There is nothing to this Jack Smith story. It will be lucky ever to make it to court. The entire effort was in the back pocket of the Department of Justice for when the heavy stuff about Burisma bribes totaling over 5 million dollars hit the news, where the Biden family was caught in a shell corporation game of influence peddling during his Vice President days. A few hours after that news story hit, they launched this indictment of President Trump, the leading Republican player poised to dethrone the illegally installed Joe Biden into the White House. The system knows that if they hope to survive public scrutiny, all the sins that have been committed, they must keep Joe Biden in office, one way or the other. Who still thinks that there wasn’t election fraud in 2020? 

And you know it’s bad when the alien stories start to emerge; whistleblowers are coming forth to talk about all the alien craft that our military has that they have been experimenting on. And that the military has alien bodies in their possession. This has been on the mainstream news recently, along with an alien crash in Las Vegas where 8-foot green visitors from another planet struggled to conceal their cloaked craft after it left a mark in a parking lot. One of the aliens actually tried to get into a piece of construction equipment to drive it. As I heard these reports, they have a lot of credibility. I’m not one who doesn’t believe in space aliens. I actually think they are quite common, and the Vegas story, as well as the military leak, doesn’t surprise me in the least. I think aliens are as common in the world as Chinese people or Russians. Interacting with them might be a novelty from a foreign culture, but they are just living beings like the rest of us—no big deal. The conspiracy part of it is that the various intelligence agencies have tried to create a narrative about them that controls what people think. Such as acknowledging that they exist and that anybody who thinks such a thing is a massive conspiracy theorist. However, when the FBI needs to shake people away from investigating them, the alien stories hit the networks who obligingly remind the public that we might be facing a menace from outer space and that we need the FBI and the CIA to keep us safe. 

An alien invasion from forces beyond planet Earth is much less of a threat than our FBI. The American intelligence agencies are corrupt beyond repair and have shown the dangers of trusting people like Jim Comey too much. And I’ll go ahead and say it, once all these indictments go nowhere, and Trump is still the leading candidate for the GOP to run against the hapless Joe Biden and the mountains of corruption that the FBI is attempting to hide to keep him in power, there is going to be a very violent panic from these people, once they have to face the facts that they are not in power. They were never in power. Americans employed them to do a job, and they did not do that job. They let us down. And the stacks of lies they have been hiding behind all this time are coming apart rapidly. I said Comey was a crook well in advance of all that we have learned, and I’m saying now that the entire mechanism of the administrative state are on the ballot in 2024. Yes, they will attempt to cheat in massive ways because they have no other way to stay in power. But people are finally waking up to just how bad a lot of these people have always been.

The FBI was not our friend. The intelligence agencies have not been working to preserve the American Constitution. They have been conspirators, malicious agents of destruction. And they have been caught and only have Joe Biden’s presidency to shield them from punishment. Not even the alien stories can save them any longer. Which is quite a thing to consider; that’s how bad it is. They have been lying to us for years to acquire power and steer America in a hostile, globalist direction, intentionally misleading the public toward their destruction. And now their fate rests behind the efforts of one beat-up, corrupt old man. Yes, the desperation is showing.


Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Killing the Sacred Cow of Military in America: Republicans have been suckers in supporting just another big government scam that only the United Nations benefits from

This one might be a little controversial, but we must discuss it because a trick is being applied that brings conservatives to mass collectivism and partners Republicans with diabolical America-hating Democrats with common ground. This was never more obvious than the bone that was thrown into the last bill that was passed in Congress to commit trillions of dollars more in debt over the nation just to get some defense spending that Democrats pretend to protest against. But in truth, it’s a bone they always throw to the dogs of Republicans they appease time and time again out of a misplaced sentiment toward the military. I’ve never been one of those “thank you for your service” kind of people when I meet people who serve. Entry into the military for me is just another government job, and I am always weary of the power government has to command individual lives toward mass collectivism. The first thing ritually that is done in the military during boot camp is to strip people of their individual selves, the people their parents made them, shave them, give them a uniform and integrate them into the system of the military, the yes sirs, no sirs of process and the blind compliance to a culture that gives orders and soldiers are to follow them without a thought. I don’t see much of anything good about that system, and I never have. But over time, the people who hate the American way have turned such a process into a representation of morality, and I find the whole thing reprehensible. 

Of course, when people hear my thoughts on it, they are quick to say, “but they died or committed themselves to it for your freedom.” Well, that is not how our military works, as exposed during the Trump administration, specifically in North Korea. The American Constitution is what gives me freedom, and our military isn’t fighting for it; they are fighting against it. The scam is that by selling themselves as advocates of American independence, our military then gets used as the world’s police, the military that the United Nations never could legally hold, and we do all that they have no power to do themselves. We get involved in all kinds of wars dedicated to globalism and disguise it as “global security,” and while everyone is too busy following orders to question it, or Fox News is doing the latest color ceremonies dedicated to those who serve, the real villains are stirring up war all over the world and counting on American troops to advance the needs of the United Nations one world government and using our money and troops to perform the task. When we were told for years that North Korea was the biggest menace on planet earth, then within a short time of taking office, President Trump was crossing the line into North Korea and shaking hands with the basketball fan who happens to love America very much, much more was revealed than just The Art of the Deal by Trump to break down barriers to negotiation. Our military, once the League of Nations was started in Europe and the United Nations was created, was not to serve the interests of America; it was built, funded, and populated with soldiers to fulfill the needs of progressive intent and then to use the reputation of America to take the hit as imperialists. And in that way, the political left could complain about American involvement in fighting communists in Vietnam while also pushing for big government solutions like what create a big military in the first place.  By default, Republicans filled that gap, just as the plan called for. American troops were now the empire builders England used to be accused of. Meanwhile, it was just announced that Vietnam is one of the fast-growing economies in the world, on par with China, another propped-up country by the United Nations types. The wars clear out political opposition, whereas international sympathy follows in the wake, and the communist regimes then take over in running those parts of the world. 

To get Americans to support such a structure, patriotism has been used to sell it, that our children join, get a free education, learn to become supporters of woke culture, take orders, wear the uniform, and in that way, we never asked the dreadful questions as to who does the American military support? If our borders aren’t important, as the Biden administration has made clear it’s not, then who does the American military support? Well, the amount of money we have been sending to Ukraine answers that question. Our military as it is today exists to advance the needs of the United Nations and big centralized governments all over the world. And it’s not patriotic to blindly support them. We should be looking to shrink their influence into something Americans could easily control with the Second Amendment. Because under the kind of political regimes we have in America today, as we have seen from our own FBI and CIA, our military is more of a threat than something we should be celebrating blindly. 

I’ve had to talk about our local Sheriff Jones a lot lately, and many people wonder why over time, I wasn’t closer to him within the Butler County Republican Party, just north of Cincinnati, Ohio. The truth is, we used to be until we found ourselves on opposite ends of a public union issue way back in 2012. At that point, our relationship had become very strained. Then we were at an event at the Ronald Reagan Center at the Voice of America in West Chester, and as he usually does, he led the ceremonies dedicated to the military, which he is very voraciously supportive of. As I usually do at these events, I shudder at the blind compliance that such people like him have to the saluting of the troops, the perfection of uniform compliance, and how quickly he was to accept that the individual is just a small part to a greater good, which in this case was the support of a military with the mask of the American flag on it. I have seen him perform such ceremonies at Republican events many times. Still, that particular time at the Ronald Reagan Center gave me the creeps, not just about him. Still, in how many people who call themselves Republicans are so quickly enticed like moths to the flame in supporting military service without a clear understanding of how that military service actually protects our Constitution when in fact, the people who most benefit from our military around the world want to see our Constitution destroyed. And there are plenty of Sheriff Jones types all over the nation, on Fox News, in every local parade, who sell the military to the public as something good. But I see it and always have as dangerous to the ideas of American values and the eventual erosion of Constitutional protections. Just as we saw during Covid, and forever supporters of the expansion of the NDAA, our military is the first body of government that often violates the Constitution they were sworn to protect. But in blindly supporting the orders of superiors, our own children are often used to shred that Constitution at every opportunity, especially when globalist forces like the United Nations declare something to be an emergency. Then, our military is turned on us, and we learn too late that it never served America. Our military serves the aims of globalism, and they have tricked us into supporting such a move by draping the flag over the effort and talking about sacrifice as if we were a civilization of bloodthirsty Aztecs. And we learn too late that our military never served us at all, but a sinister collection of globalism who fund the efforts of politics and have captured our elected officials in ways we could never have imagined. And because of blind patriotism, we never see the problem until it’s too late, and they are on our doorsteps kicking in our doors and violating our constitutional rights with a smile on their faces because they took us as suckers, and we proved them correct.

Rich Hoffman

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Democrats Own The Crime Spikes in America: Yet, there is something more sinister happening than just stupidity

Even though it’s an election year and Democrats everywhere want you to forget about their defund the police movement, the crime rates that we are seeing today are entirely their fault. The amount of lawlessness present in our current society is incomprehensibly reprehensible. When I was a kid, I thought you could go to jail over stealing a pack of gum. Now, you can sell drugs, smuggle people over the border, rob your neighbor and steal everything they have, and expect to get away with it. Places where there isn’t much concealed carry, have seen crime rates spike, vandalism, rape, abuse of every kind going through the roof. Gangs are flourishing, just as the cartels of Mexico are. And on a global scale, every type of criminal, even political ones, is thriving like never before. Criminals created these policies of no legal enforcement, and they are not motivated to change their behavior, except to trick voters into keeping them in office so they can do more damage. But don’t think for a second any of this is by accident. No, what we are seeing with this decriminalization of criminal conduct is a more powerful attack, long-planned. From the Soros-backed district attornies to the empowerment of the drug cartels to harass good people like some villains from an old western, the real target has always been our concept of constitutional law in America. All Democrats, to some extent, especially if they call themselves progressives, desire to destroy our idea of a constitution and collapse it into something reinterpreted by new forces of a criminal syndicate operating out of the United Nations. So when they wanted to defund the police, they meant to destroy America at its core of constitutional law and that oath that binds us all together.

Now I’m not one of those people who cry at the thought of a “thin blue line.” I have always had a wary eye toward law enforcement and an even more scrutinous opinion about military service. I am not a fan of “service” to something “bigger” than ourselves. That type of terminology is just more rhetoric from the Bibles of collectivism. The political spectrum we are all told is essential isn’t even on the scale of what the Anti-Federalists who gave us the Bill of Rights were ever thinking. They would be apocalyptic at the level of Federal control they see today.   For instance, the political scale of fascism on the right and communism on the left is entirely wrong, yet nobody in our media gets it right. Even Tucker Carlson on Fox News and Sean Hannity talk about our society in terms of that scale, trying to stay “fair and balanced” within it. While preaching about our “leaders” all the time and where they are on that scale, they still salute fallen soldiers and cops crying over their role in the “thin blue line” and feel they must answer to where they are on that scale, to the right, left, or center. But in my world, it’s all on the left. Fascism is a concept of the left; Hitler was a socialist. None of what the modern media calls the “political left or right” is what is in our Constitution. Our way of law and order in America isn’t even on the scale of what the rest of the world is doing, which is just another form of attack from global forces at the American way of life. 

Just because a cop comes into a Waffle House at 2 AM with a gun on their hip is not a call to worship for me. Under a corrupt administration, that may be my next enemy. If we agree to serve the Constitution, we have common ground. I will be armed too, and a gunfight right then and there would not be to anybody’s advantage because we at least want the same type of society, governed by our Constitution’s rules. But if politicians come into power and try to force changes in Constitutional law, like what we have seen with Roger Stone and Paul Manafort, then that cop might become the new enemy. Federal troops might be good guys under the Trump administration, but those same armed forces may be the enemy breaking down your door at 6 AM with the media truck filming from down the road under Biden’s DOJ. So when a bunch of soldiers comes into that Waffle House at the same hour, all looking for a nice omelet, you won’t see me going over and thanking them for their service. Instead, I would keep my eye on them, weary of their intentions because I might not like who is giving them orders as soldiers following orders. A system never has a higher priority over individual will, and that is what we do when we blindly worship the “thin blue line” or a flag-waving soldier. They may be friends at a Fourth of July parade. Still, they can turn into a menace in a moment over whoever controls the region’s politics, whether they adhere to Constitutional principles or whether they want to get rid of them for something new entirely. 

And that is the actual target radius that Democrats have been caught on with these spikes in crime. I will say that we need police, and we need the military, even if we must keep our eye on them at all times and always keep our own guns nearby in case things go wrong. But the attack on our American Constitution is an attack on the idea of the pronoun “I.” The concept of individual ownership, of one’s own life, children, wife, house, and car. By unleashing a crime wave upon America, the real target is the idea of self and to surrender that self to the blob of collectivism. That even the rich person is equal to the homeless person. The drug addict is privileged to the big screen television of the rich person who has led a clean life, worked hard at a job, a family, and other material possessions to show all that hard work. The Democrats want to erase that measure of work, the possessions that a person acquires over time, and to make it so that the incentive to do so is pointless. And in that way, we would give up our American way of life and begin to accept something else designed at the United Nations. That is what they are after; it’s not that they are crazy. Their attack on America is purposeful and long-planned. Their target against us is in destroying the concept of any form of self-possession, such as “my thoughts” or “my work.” Before Democrats and communists worldwide can ever have a collective-based society, they must remove the pronoun “I” from American culture.

For those who have traveled worldwide, you might instantly recognize this problem when away from America’s shores. The concept of “I” is much removed from daily conversations. Instead, the idea of “We” is much more prevalent. That is undoubtedly prevalent in China, India, and Vietnam. The concept “we” is the center of their society. And increasingly, we see this in Europe as well. And Democrats in America are intent on bringing it to America, and that means attacking the Constitution of our law and order society that protects all ideas of “I” and “My” and replacing that emphases with “we” and “us.” That is where the law enforcement trick comes into place because what are they in service to? We honor police officers and military troops not as individuals but as sacrifices to a “greater good,” a system beyond oneself. So just as in the discussions of the political spectrum being fascism on one side, which might include police brutality, and overly-centralized state-run communism on the left, the entire measurement is focused on a sacrifice of the self to the consumption of the whole. The soldier is no longer a representative of the self; they are now embodiments of a larger body for which they are but “one.” Do you see how they played that little trick? And most everyone in society has fallen for it. So this is a problem far more significant than just defunding the police and seeing crime waves ensue. That was part of the plan all along. It’s part of the Democrat’s desire to eliminate the concept of an American Constitution altogether. And it is there were the many divides of our country start and end. 

Rich Hoffman

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