Why Standing With Israel is Good: Western Civilization is worth defending from those who want to stay primitive and fight against human progress

So why stand with Israel and against the Palestinian position of destruction?  I thought it was interesting in my neighborhood this morning to drive by a home with a flag of the Palestinians in the front yard blowing along proudly in the breeze.  They also had a sign for Julie Shaffer, the liberal school board member on the corrupt Lakota school board.  Why did those things go together? Because they do, and why should people have an opinion on the matter even though it’s a conflict on the other side of the world?  Well, the first thing I would say is that we are primarily lucky to have been born in the United States, those reading this.  If you have traveled any of the world, it is not as nice of a place to live.  I have been to quite a few places worldwide, and there is never a better moment than landing back in America.  I did this recently late on a Saturday night.  It was just me traveling on that trip so I was alone with my car, which needed gas.  It had been over a week since I had my favorite drink in the world, a Mello Yello, so I stopped at one of the gas stations across the highway from CVG airport for both things.  There was a Mexican attendant who was blaring country music and watching some Latino talk show on his computer who was the attendant and it was just us late at night.  The world was pretty quiet, and I felt fortunate to call America home from where I had been to where I was.  And that happens to me every time I travel, even to places like Paris and London.  No matter where in the civilized world or the primitive, there is no place like home, truly. 

One of the reasons I like the Bible so much is that it has very clear standards.  It’s not just religious utterances, but it has a story about the progress of the necessity for cleanliness and has an overall decision about the state of nature as a whole.  Yahweh is my kind of God.  For people who know me, and this goes back a very long time, to when I was a little kid, well before my first conscious Bible school studies, which I did have through the 8th grade, I don’t like human stuff.  I don’t like belching, farting, or any references to animal traits.  When I drink from a class, I do not let the part of the liquid that touches my lips run down the glass.  I wipe it away.  In short, I am a very clean person.  I don’t like bad breath.  I don’t like unshowered people.  I don’t like hairy armpits on women.  I don’t like sloppy men with fat stomachs.  I like to see humans maintain themselves and live at a level above nature.  And to show dominion over it.  The Bible tells the story of a chosen people who were supposed to live an elevated existence and step above the level of gutter rats.  I do judge others and judge often, and I am very proud of it.  I have compassion for people like that guy at the gas station who are reaching for the American dream but weren’t born into it.  I was lucky enough to be born an American.  I love to see people working to be more Western in their lives, and I will always show them the way.  But I am much more judgmental of human behavior than even Yahweh.  I love civilization and excellence and am always reaching for personal betterment.  But I detest humans who do not go for the stars and surrender to their animal instincts.  I despise them, honestly. 

The history of Israel was an intentional injection of a regional problem where the Palestinians, in the form of the Canaanites, in the region where Israel is now, were child-sacrificing barbarians worshipping ancient gods that demanded blood, a lot of it.  They were a superstitious group of people who had been around by the stories of the region for more than 450,000 years, and they were never able to advance as a civilization because of their need to worship such corrupt and flawed personalities in their deities.  So along came a god that called himself king of all the pantheon, Yahweh, and gave them the Ten Commandments, which are rules for good living, and the nation of Israel was created.  As a result, humanity stepped into a better world, and Western civilization was built.  The fight to this day is from the lazy, the vicious, the scandalous, the desire for blood and human sacrifice to prevail in the region as it has for tens of thousands of years, and it shows.  When traveling to such places there are many in the world, such as the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip, for instance, where Marxism has been accepted over capitalism, where the drastic differences between the two societies are grossly noticeable.  The Palestinians are not a civilized, clean people.  They are barely getting along, which is evident by their housing, cars, and youth’s lifestyles.  I typically feel sorry for such people, but sympathy goes out the window very quickly when they start belching, farting, and looking like they want to hump the leg of every passerby.  They are essentially fighting for the right to be a douchebag, which is the same as saying that they don’t want to advance to the finer things that come from human imagination and expectation. 

Always in the background of the indigenous people’s argument, which for the Palestinians is similar to the Indians of North America is the argument that the greedy capitalists have interrupted the previous civilization that was crawling around in the dirt and worshipping nature with human sacrifice.  In my view, the invention of competitive cultures that may be better has improved the world everywhere it is utilized and because of that competition, the world is a much better place.  Because if left to their own devices, people would continue to get along and feed themselves barely and have a deficient standard of living.  So, I view the advent of Israel as extremely good for the region’s people; it has forced them to be better than they otherwise would be.  The same with the Indians in North America.  The standard of living improved for all people, even them.  Playing in the mud, worshiping a bunch of dirty nature gods, and not having a culture driven by quality and science is not a good life.  That is the difference between capitalist and Marxist cultures.  Or cultures that thrive from biblical context under the laws of Yahweh or those surrendering to an animal condition.  The Palestinians are not striving for excellence; they want to live as they did in the brutal past and are fighting for the right to continue those animal-driven lifestyles at the expense of human progress.  Which is a horrible idea.  Western Civilization was a great invention driven by the Bible, and the world would be much better off if everyone adopted it.  But as long as people fight against it, there will be conflict.  And in such disputes, the efforts at betterment through Western Civilization is a noticeable improvement over what previously was, in every case.

Rich Hoffman

The Scam of Cyber Security: What’s the rush for all this technology–who benefits from it–not us

Each week I have a lot of people trying to waste my time regarding cyber security, and I’ll say here what I say to all of them.  I don’t trust computers, I think it’s ridiculous to put so much private information online, and I can live quite well without it.  Cyber security is a scam, like many things from institutions today.  The same people who will likely hack your computer and steal your information are the same people who are telling you that cyber security is the only way you can survive in the future.  This is the case with Microsoft from the 90s.  People realized that Windows-based systems were particularly vulnerable to viruses.  Then, of course, to operate Windows, you would have to subscribe to some anti-virus software to use the dumb program.  It’s still that way primarily, and it all comes down to a scam.  Ironically, this is precisely how Bill Gates has inserted himself into the world as the Health Minister, he helps unleash viruses so that you have to buy the vaccine he is behind to control all of society.  If a company is talking about cyber security, they are telling you that their software isn’t ready for prime time and that the only people who benefit from it are the bad guys in the world.  The most secure thing to do would be not to use their software if they find that they, as a company, can’t provide that level of security for their customers.  My policy is to keep as little online so that some propped-up villain can’t hack it.  If these systems aren’t more secure than they claim, why use them?  The only people benefiting from all these cybersecurity methods are those making the software. 

All the two-way authentication methods need to be faster.  If you have to slow down your life as much as these modern companies suggest, then all the tech gadgets are worthless.  It’s regressing our culture, not making it better.  With all this concern over A.I. hackers and hackers having easy access to our online activity, why are we making ourselves so vulnerable?  The only people benefiting are the one-world government types who want to funnel all information into a centralized source so they can control us.  Technology isn’t helping the rest of us improve our lives.  Increasingly, we are finding that we must wait for technology to catch up.  I hear from many IT departments worldwide who essentially think it is permissible to slow down their companies and their opportunities for production because they believe that cyber security is more of a priority.  I had a case recently where I was working late at night on multiple projects, at around 1 to 2 in the morning, and suddenly my computer went into a mandatory update.  I didn’t tell it to, it assumed that at the late hours, I would be sleeping, so it went into an update mode that took well over 15 minutes.  The computer figured I had all the time in the world to sit around waiting on it to do its stupid thing.  But I didn’t have the time.  I tossed the computer across the room and turned to the old-fashioned way of doing things, with sheets of paper and raw calculations written upon them.  If technology doesn’t speed my life up and make it better, then it’s an enemy.  It’s that simple. 

Technology is not in charge, as much as the World Economic Forum people want us all to believe.  They are the ones who are creating the marketplace for all the identity theft and other fraudulent activity online.  Because they want technology to take over the world essentially, they are pushing it out upon the world too fast because they want it. It certainly isn’t beneficial for us ordinary people.  It helps them get to their cashless society, digital fraud-based currencies, and centralized control of all means of production.  That’s what they are after with their double authentication codes, where every time you are away from your computer for a few minutes, you must sign back in with passwords that constantly change.  And to work your computer, you have to have a phone tracking you all over the place so that some mindless A.I. program can call you to ensure you are using the computer.  Online banking only helps these power-hungry globalists get control of our lives, making us wait on them to get their products to work right.  But if everything is so insecure, then why are we using it in the first place?  What’s the benefit?  Those are the questions we should be asking.  We should not be waiting on technology to “work.”  I would rather deal with a person directly than some computer interface.  Call it old-fashioned, but I don’t want to mess with all that ridiculous security.  It’s not worth it to me to use some computer that is essentially spying on everything I do so that it can go to the NSA to be analyzed by hostile forces in government.  That isn’t my idea of an intelligent approach to the future. 

If these computer interfaces are so insecure, the companies putting them out need to go back to the drawing board and figure out how to improve them before offering them to the marketplace.  There is no rush for most of us.  The push for computers and online transactions to become such a big part of our lives comes from the goals of the United Nations and their masters at the World Economic Forum.  They want us to be inconvenienced with their products to fulfill their dumb 2030 targets for international commerce, which takes power away from countries where they can manage them and puts it all in the hands of mindless European bureaucrats.  They are the ones who want digital currencies that they can manipulate with Modern Monetary Theory and can turn all of society into a cashless society.  So the burden for security falls on them.  Not the rest of us slowed down to a mind-numbing speed because of all their dumb technology and the cyber security needed to make it usable.  Cyber security, as it has always been, is a scam to make technology appear better than it is.  Forcing it into the marketplace has only created a new breed of criminal in the world, the hackers who otherwise would have a more challenging time stealing people’s money.  Technology makes it easier for them to prey on innocent people, which Bill Gates is pleased about.  But for the rest of us, we should be asking why we are rushing to get all this technology into the marketplace only to be restricted by its limits.  All the companies buying into this cyber security scam will find themselves less profitable and greatly limited by the slowness of technology rather than any real benefits.  If something is as insecure as computer technology over the internet, we shouldn’t use it for anything other than information.  But personal banking and business networks should be done the old-fashioned way until technology can get it together as it is now. It’s just a scam that only benefits the bad guys in the world.  And why would we want to do that?

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Alex Soros is Taking Over the 25 Billion Domestic Terrorism Business: But it won’t be as easy for him as it was with George

It looks ol’ George Soros, in his 90s, is finally hanging up his financial holsters in the economic terrorism business and is passing it to his young son Alex.  And the concern is that Alex is more politically active and political than his dad, who is known worldwide as one of the most dangerous people in existence.  George Soros has been working to collapse the United States with economic depravity and has personally funded many acts of terror for most of his adult life.  But in his old age, he has become something of a shell of his former self, and his obvious hope is that his 30-something son will do much more damage now that he’s inherited the multibillion-dollar fortune of his father to fund the globalist intentions of the family business.  The Soros brand has been aggressive in buying up whoring politicians around the world and pushing them into far-left causes.  And “whore” is a fair word.  It’s the word I apply to those who will do anything for money.

Everyone knows that God has blessed me with many ripe talents; if I wanted to, I could likely be one of the wealthiest people on the planet.  As I say all the time, getting rich is easy.  Being a good person is not, so becoming a whore, someone who sells themselves for money, isn’t hard.  In many ways, I view Elon Musk as a whore, because he made much of his money off government subsidies.  He did good things with the money, but he had to play the game to get there, and in a lot of ways, he was not free to express himself publicly because of his relationship with China.  You might meet whores who are nice people, perhaps even intelligent.  But if they are whores and someone is buying them, they switch into boot-licking mode and are no longer themselves because there is money to be made.  And that’s the difference.  I have purposely said no to that kind of thing all my life, and I won’t start now.  And what I have in return for all that restriction is “objectivity” and “freedom of thought,” things I consider much more valuable than money.  And that’s what’s required to call the Soros operation what it is, terrorism.  Because over the years, Daddy George has worked with plenty of whores to help them commit domestic terrorism without being prosecuted because there are plenty of whores out there who love the easy money.

George is proud of Alex.  The old man has other sons, but this one has shown his father that he’s the one most interested in open borders and other radical leftist causes.  So it was Alex who inherited his father’s 25 billion dollar business for conquering national sovereignty, and there are plenty of whores like the Biden crime family, Chuck Schumer, and Kamala Harris who are all too eager to sell away anything to get their hands on some of the Soros money.  By themselves, the Soros family has been very dangerous, and obviously, they have gotten away with it because they sprinkle so much money around that they are very popular.  If you’ve ever been to a strip joint with lots of people we feel more comfortable calling whores, women who sell their bodies for sexual gratification, you can see this behavior in its raw form.  The pretty girls who make themselves available to anybody with money under any condition are considered cheap, unethical, and dangerous to the creation and maintenance of a family.  A married woman attached to a husband who would go to one of these places and give such a girl hard-earned family money for some sexual fulfillment outside of the marriage would have every right to be upset because the act is an attack on everything that motivates the couple to stay married and build a family.  Once sex becomes cheapened, then the essential value of a husband and wife relationship is destroyed. 

That is essentially what George Soros has done in the world politically.  Except it hasn’t been over the topic of sex directly.  It’s been on topics like financial stability through currency manipulation, open borders, and manipulating law and order by funding the campaigns of excessively liberal district attorneys.  George has been that guy in the whore house who tips all the girls and pays for a lap dance from each one and even pays for lap dances for other people because his goal has been to use his money to shape policy, to be the cool guy who spreads his wealth to the lazy and unrighteous.  In many ways, what George Soros has done to American politicians and policymakers has been worse than what goes on in a whorehouse or a strip club.  Sex is just one product of misconduct.  But in such actions, the attack of a family is the destructive mechanism inspired by evil deeds.  In politics, the attack is on our nation, so it impacts every person living in that nation.  We are all disgraced wives to some degree or another, being cheated on by our political class who finds the temptation of Soros money too alluring to say no, or to behave in some whoring fashion because it’s easy to get.  Then once they take it, they are scared for life, so they make no future attempt at ethical behavior, and our society declines in value, just like the family struggling with the tendencies of a cheating husband leaving his wife alone at home while he sluts himself to strange women for the silly benefit of personal pleasure.  But the Soros family isn’t alone in this enterprise.  Many of these billionaires use their money for radical leftist causes in similar ways, and they have been the greatest threat to us all.  China and Ukraine are just distractions.  The real danger has come from these people.

But I don’t think it will be as easy for Alex as it was for his dad.  George was able to hide in the background more than his son will be.  More people are onto this whoring game than they used to be, and I think Alex Soros is going to get criticism where his father got awards.  People don’t like a society of cheats and scandals, and now that it’s been quite visible who in our society goes to the whorehouses and cheats on their constituents for easy pleasure, voters have more value in their say than they used to.  These are not the times of tradition that brought us to this precipice of doom.  As I heard this news, my first thought was that I felt a bit sorry for Alex, the kid.  I don’t think 25 billion dollars is much, and it could be turned around and used against the kid easily If people understand how the game works.  People are tired of whoring politicians and business leaders who are unethical and lazy.  And they are ready to take power back and give it to those who aren’t tempted by the whorehouses of life.  As we now know that there are lots of whores in the world, not just 22-year-old girls who are too lazy to do anything productive in their life but use their looks for some easy money while they can still get it.  Plenty of middle-aged men laugh at all the jokes from someone they consider richer than they are, hoping that some benefit might come their way from the relationship, which is cheap in its own way.  Not much different than the whore selling sex.  And in a world where people pass judgment correctly on such people, it will be much harder for Alex Soros to operate than it was for his father, which will be fun to watch. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

The Cause of Economic Depravity: Duds, derelicts, scumbags, pot-smoking losers, liberal behavior that destroys society

Where else would you want to celebrate a silver anniversary but Costco? Yet that’s where my wife and I went after 35 years of marriage to spend a day together and enjoy what the new Costco in Liberty Township, Ohio had to offer. Out of all the options that are out there, all we really wanted to do was buy a new kayak for some 2023 adventures and have a hot dog meal together. And that’s how it is when you are married for so long. You get a real feel for what your spouse likes, and you get to graduate from any pretension of social circumstance. And the new Costco is fantastic; it was bustling on a Sunday afternoon, and it seemed much busier than it was at the previous location down at Tri-County, which is several miles south of Liberty Township. Now I’ve talked about this situation before, how money tends to move from neighborhood to neighborhood based on the rejection of liberal areas as opposed to conservative regions. Money flows to where conservatives reside, generally leaving behind the toxic stench of liberalism, and you can plot this out on a map all across America. And that was never more obvious than when the Costco in Tri-County moved just a few miles north to Liberty Township, Ohio, to essentially get away from the derelicts that were attending that store, driving away good people who otherwise would have wanted to visit. 

And my wife was certainly one of those people; she would never have felt comfortable going to that Tri-County Costco to have a hot dog meal to celebrate a wedding anniversary. We would go there to have an occasional hot dog together and meet for lunch or while busy things were happening in our life, and it was convenient. But there were a lot of slugs at the Tri-County store that the new store just didn’t have. Now Costco is an excellent example because it has a stable baseline measure. You must have a membership to even get into a Costco store, so a unified value is already established. That means that the typical attendees are regionally inspired. And during our anniversary meal at Costco in Liberty Township, the store was jam-packed, and there weren’t any derelicts, slobs, or slugs of any kind, making it a very nice experience. I’m sure Costco and other businesses would never admit to this problem because it would get them into all kinds of social trouble. But I can say it. People don’t like to be around slugs; when a store gives them a slob-free experience, they will flock toward that economic opportunity. And when I say people are not of a preferred standard, I’m not talking about skin color. There were plenty of diverse people at the Liberty Township store from all over the world. But they at least shared values of a social standard that was refreshing. The cars in the parking lot were all nice; there were not a lot of people with neck tattoos, looking like they just broke out of prison. Nobody smelled like pot smoke standing in line with us. It was nice, and the people there agreed, and it made shopping for things much more fun. 

This is a problem of social management; when an area government becomes too big and starts looking to make victims of its residents, then the bi-product is liberalism. And from there, bad behavior is often rewarded or overlooked. And social conditions in that community go downhill quickly. This can happen in just a neighborhood or in entire states, such as California is these days. It can ruin a community over a decade, or it might take a generation, but eventually, when nefarious characters start bringing bad behavior to a region that people call home, then good people tend to stay locked up in their homes, or they move away. And Tri-County is one of those obvious areas that used to be one of the most vibrant centers of economic activity in the state of Ohio. But as liberal policies failed to regulate bad behavior, then good money packed up and left. And people who had money simply stopped coming to visit because they didn’t want to be around the bad behavior of an out-of-control youth or people who obviously were not sharing values of worth with other people. They didn’t dress well; they spoke poorly to each other and otherwise presented themselves as disasters of intellect and objectionable to a shared experience. This is the cost of too much government that imposes high taxes that pushes people away, leaving behind only the leeches who live off the efforts of others. People with money tend to have values that attract it, so economic depravity follows liberal political policies. There aren’t many places in all of the world where liberal policies equal sustained wealth generation. Wherever big government imposes bad social behavior degradation is soon to follow, including well-known cities like Paris and London. 

Developers have solved this problem of protecting retailers by having privately managed offerings, such as Liberty Center, which is near the new Liberty Township Costco, or the Greene in Dayton, which are self-contained cities of their own. They give you the look of a city environment but are carefully managed to keep away the derelicts and slobs. You won’t find gang behavior in those places with graffiti all over the walls, and that’s what shoppers want. They want to be free of such menaces so they can spend their money on things they value without the threats to their safety, perceived or real. I know many people who have tried to give Over-The-Rhine a chance in downtown Cincinnati only to have their cars broken into and have the women catcalled by unchained youth openly smoking pot on street corners. Only liberals are willing even to look the other way with that behavior. Conservatives, they just don’t go, and they keep their money. And those are the facts, bad behavior pushes away financial wealth and creates a depleted condition. Then it’s so rare to have such an experience as my wife, and I had at Costco that it was nice enough for us to celebrate a wedding anniversary there and to relax. There were a lot of people, but the crowd had shared interests. Many were like us; they wanted to buy a new boat, then right next to it, there were bacon and potato skins. How could you not like that? But nobody wants to deal with people with very little value for things in life, regardless of skin color. Bad behavior will turn away economic activity more than any other detrimental condition. And when communities like Tri-County fail to manage their standard of living and let things slide downhill, the public transportation system starts to bring duds in from the deprived areas; then, the virus spreads to those nicer areas. And it is a virus; it’s a virus of bad conduct. It either spreads to others directly or it inspires them to pack up and leave for an area without such people. And that is a condition of management that is consistent no matter where in the world you go. And it’s why my wife and I went to Costco for our 35th anniversary as opposed to any other place.

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

“Escapades of Doom”: Kristi Ertel’s Interview with Brian Thomas on 55 KRC

I’m very proud of Kristi Ertel of Protect Lakota Kids.com for her really good interview on 55 KRC with Brian Thomas. She was there to talk about the latest information on Matt Miller, the controversial superintendent from Lakota, and the trouble he has put himself into with his reckless personal life. Many in the Lakota district, over 800 people, have signed the petition to force Miller to resign. Miller and his radical union members at Lakota did the same thing to the new school board member Darbi Boddy just a few months before, having a petition to force her to resign essentially because they didn’t like her. Supporters of a conservative school board took exception and found out what kind of crazy sexual lifestyle Miller thought was normal, and it became public information at that point. So now the shoe is on the other foot, and I thought Kristi did an exceptional job representing the many people in the Lakota school district who have found how the school board has dealt with the issue reprehensible. And some people like Kristi, who is a fantastic Christian woman with very high standards, can’t deal with the level of morality exhibited by the Lakota administration and its school board. Even with the threats of lawsuits that the superintendent has lashed out at toward his critics, Kristi is the type of person who can’t turn away from a dilemma, which is asking the community to look the other way when reprehensible moral circumstances are imposed on everyone. And she’s not alone. But good for her to stand up for what’s right even when so much is wrong and horrible, and that has been threatened by the public employees as if they were ultimately in charge. When I read the cease-and-desist letter from Matt Miller’s attorney, and Kristi talked about this on the radio interview, I thought some alien from another planet had written it. It clearly didn’t consider any Constitutional provisions regarding free speech. And to the point discussed on 55 KRC, all the information was based on Matt Miller’s own words. But my conclusion reflects the microcosm that is essentially the macrocosm of global politics these days. 

It wasn’t just this interview with Kristi that had spawned a lot of attention on this story over the past week; Libs of TikTok was talking about it, which cascaded into it being covered by the very popular Louder with Crowder show, and Charlie Kirk. The story was always going to get out; when a very public employee exhibits such bad behavior, it was bound to. As if that weren’t bad enough, it’s the cover-up of that information that has presented itself as far worse, as if all the participants involved, the media, the school board, the police, the prosecutor’s office, a whole bunch of lawyers, its as if they believed that if they denied that anything happened, then sent out threatening letters to harass the public into submission, that they could somehow change the nature of reality itself. And if they believed that, then no wonder they thought they could do anything and get away with it. That is, after all, what we are seeing in international and national politics, that characters like Nancy Pelosi, Hunter Biden, or even the fact that Covid was made in a lab in Wuhan, China, and so long as the communist country pretended that nothing happened, then they could literally get away with murder. Or that election fraud never occurred in 2020 or 2022, even though Katie Hobbs in Arizona was caught certifying her own election by pushing all the complaints of voter irregularities past the certification date forcing constitutionally protected fraud in the process. What we saw happening at Lakota was essentially the same type of crazy, extremely liberal behavior. 

Yet the thing that gets missed in all these cases is that no matter what the administrative state does to contain information with public relations officials, lawyers, or open harassment through violence or other means, people are still going to have an opinion on the matter. Unlike in China, where they control every aspect of people’s lives, people in America still have free will and the ability to think independently. Just because authority figures say something is red or yellow when we can see it’s blue, we are not obligated to accept what those authority figures say just because they are authority figures. What’s fascinating about this Lakota cult of liberalism is that they really thought they were going to be able to contain the bad behavior of their superintendent and force good people like Kristi Ertel to act against her conscience, her strong belief system in goodness and the good of God, and accept evil right in front of her face, and that there was nothing she, or anybody could do about it. It’s as if Matt Miller and his army of wife-swapping administrators thought they were in charge of the whole community or something instead of employees within it. And that they could literally do anything, say anything, and push any kind of agenda onto the taxpayers, and they would be obligated to accept their reality without question. It was essentially the China Model but without the controls of a totalitarian regime controlling over a billion people in every way, shape, and form, upon fear of death.  It has been a head-scratcher because I know many of the characters involved. It has been bizarre to see them so consumed with the process and willing to accept outright evil because of some misplaced fear that the law was working against us all and that the big bad administrative state could destroy us at any time. Hey, read a book sometime, and get smart. Lakota schools, their public employees, lawyers, PR people, and the media tag alongs who have helped cover some really detrimental behavior have all contributed to making our community worse, making things more dangerous for children, and thumbing their noses at the community in general.  Lakota was already declining in quality before Matt Miller came along, and since he stepped into that superintendent role, the grades for Lakota have continued to drop. So why all these people would seek to protect a bad employee with a bad track record is beyond logic. But yet, what we have seen come out of all these liberal institutions is an assumption that so long as they control information and how people perceive it, they can hide their poor performance behind this strange veil of corruption. And that people wouldn’t form their own opinions on things. Well, people do have opinions on things, and free minds have arrived at the opinion that what has been going on at Lakota and public schools, in general, does not reflect what taxpayers want. And they are angry about it. I am very happy to know that many people like Kristi Ertel are free-thinking enough to form their own opinions and defend them when challenged by such nonsense as we have witnessed in this Lakota case. If not for free speech and people like Kristi, there would be a lot more corruption in the world, and now we see why things are so screwed up everywhere because there haven’t been enough Kristi Ertels in the world standing up for what’s right, and teaching children how adults should behave by condemning bad behavior when we do see it. And if more people did call out such bad behavior, it would at least force the perpetrators to keep it hidden from public view. But when bad people don’t fear the judgment of the public because they think the system will hide them from the guilt of their actions, well, then you get what we have seen at Lakota, and other places, wherever liberalism is out of control, and a war against God and goodness has been unleashed as if the pages of the Book of Revelations were manifest on the earth and the Devil himself were in charge of everything, and everybody. 

Rich Hoffman

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The Lakota 5-Year Forecast: What do I think of it?

Since the most recent five-year forecast by the Lakota school system just before Thanksgiving 2022, I have been asked hundreds of times what I thought about it. I’m happy that the government school doesn’t plan to ask for more money until 2025. There are elements of the radical teacher’s union background who think that we haven’t had a tax increase since 2013, and before that, there were a lot of fights on three previous attempts to stop the school from taking more money from the public, so the push has been that its time to extract more money from the community. Before we elected three board members that are supposed to be conservative to the board, the previous school board was very liberal and wanted to take the surpluses that we had and spend that money on new facilities projects. There is this belief that is built into the progressive mentality, which believes that Lakota is the largest employer in our region of Butler County and that they deserve to be treated with respect and always have new things, like state-of-the-art school buildings, and nice amenities for the staff to work in, because if we want to recruit the best teachers to the area, that we have to do those things in order to stay competitive. In reality, the unionized teachers go where it’s good for them financially, and as we have learned, there are quite a few of them who are swingers and alternative sexual lifestyles participants, so access to other such people is as big of a decision for them as anything else. Access to bars to pick up 22-year-old kids and younger is a significant benefit for them and part of their decision-making process. Communities with block parties happening often and providing plenty of socializing are very attractive to new Lakota staff recruits. They really don’t care about a nice new building; they care about access to other people who are just as deranged as they are. This is why there hasn’t been a mass exodus after all the drama about the current Lakota school board superintendent. Instead of being a detriment, it has been a recruiting tool because it advertised to the world what Lakota is really about, which has been far more enticing than anything taxpayers could spend money on.

Yet, the Lakota school system has a large tax base; if anything, Lakota should be looking to lower taxes. There are a lot of residents who support 17,000 students with valuable property that is much higher than other school districts. And that’s before all the commercial real estate is taxed. That revenue is only increasing, especially by the Liberty Center part of the community where a new Costco and many new wonderful developments are emerging, so with Lakota operating at a surplus for much of the last decade, that is because student enrollment really hasn’t increased, but property value and commercial opportunities have increased dramatically. So we are talking about millions of dollars that Lakota has benefited from and wasted on employee raises for essentially a terrible product, a free babysitting service to the community. But even with all those benefits, we had a previous school board that wanted to spend, spend, spend into oblivion so that they could ask for more money with a tax levy. And that was the talk from 2020 until 2022. That the Lakota school board felt they hadn’t asked for money for a long time, and it was time to do so, regardless of whether anybody really needed it. And that assumption comes from a unionized workforce that wants all the benefits of employment without any downside of management control. They want facilities; they want fewer students in the classroom. They want unionized bus drivers who call off work for every sniffle they have and blame it on Covid. Lakota has mismanaged itself into a complete disaster of an organization, with poor report card showings happening since Matt Miller took over as superintendent. So on the performance side, Lakota has been a disaster, and they don’t deserve a dime in addition to the many hundreds of millions that their budget currently is. They get enough and should be giving back a lot of that money by lowering their current costs. 

When I heard the 5-year forecast and saw the PowerPoint they presented, it made me sick because of a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff that few people know about. While I’m happy that Lakota announced that they had enough money to stay solvent until the year 2025 and had to gag at the school board praising the treasurer for a presentation that should be expected, not praised, I could see clearly that a lot of Lakota’s assumptions on money is built into their lack of preparation for a professional world. Like all progressive institutions, they have a presumption of entitlement and don’t expect to be judged by performance, and that is clear in their 5-year forecast. Contained within it are all the assurances I wanted that there wouldn’t be further pushing for a tax levy from Lakota as the radical liberal types had been wanting. I know that Lynda O’Conner didn’t want to deal with a tax increase, and only a few months ago, she and Issac Adi met with me in a super-secret location in someone’s basement to talk about the problems at Lakota. At that time, we were working out their problems with Darbi Boddy, who I continue to think is the best school board member I have seen in decades. I want four more of her over the next few years because if we do have more like her, Lakota will be forced to live within its very generous budget and not ask for more money. They wanted to talk me away from Darbi; I wanted to find out why they didn’t like her suddenly. But at that meeting, I told them, as I tell everyone who asks, I generally don’t care about Lakota until they ask for more money. I think the product is garbage, too expensive, and that they teach radical leftist concepts to the next generation in my community is reprehensible. And in that 5-year forecast, they addressed all my concerns that we talked about in that private meeting. 

But why? What had changed over these last few months when it looked like a tax increase was the only thing the school board wanted to discuss? Well, they chained themselves to a sinking ship in their superintendent, who had gotten himself into a lot of trouble, and once he brought all that brand damage to Lakota, he threatened the public like some entitled, spoiled brat, all to hide his terrible performance since he was hired in 2017, and obviously the school system itself needs time to recover. Their former treasurer Jenni Logan, Matt Miller’s partner for a long time, suddenly left in August to become one of the seven indictments against Roger Reynolds in an upcoming trial. And that same month, all the crap literally hit the fan regarding the superintendent’s bizarre sexual lifestyle, which was revealed because he decided to pick a fight with school board member Darbi Boddy and her supporters. So there has been a bloody battle, and Lakota has brand damage because of it. If Lakota tried for a levy now, it would take more than three attempts to get it passed, and they know it. So they have to wait for a while for things to cool off and for the politics to change in a more favorable direction for them. They hope that if the people of Lakota just go back to sleep, they will be able to return to the good old days when nobody wanted to come to school board meetings, and they could have fantasies about tax increases for their progressive lifestyles. Jenni Logan didn’t leave a good job for a couple of bad ones at the commissioner’s office and at Ross schools for her health. There is a lot of bad behind the scenes, so when I see a report like this, it says Lakota needs time to recalibrate and repair its public perception. But it doesn’t change a thing about their internal management; they are a disaster with out-of-control employees who are too expensive and, most of the time, should not be around children. And no public relations firm in the world will be able to hide that pile of garbage by 2025. That’s what I think of the new 5-year forecast.

Rich Hoffman

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Where the Caves of Lakota Go: The evils of following process instead of logic

At the last Lakota school board meeting, approval on the payout of a lawsuit for $15,000 had to be voted upon over the procedural misconduct to remove public comment from an October meeting that had occurred. It was an easy victory for the person who filed the legal action; everyone knew it at the time, just as there are many explorations into further actions due to the actions of the board. I remember when this whole story about the superintendent of Lakota schools broke and his messy divorce, and his personal behavior that clearly didn’t align with the values of the community he worked in as a public figure, I was curious how the information would flow through the known communication channels of our community. After all, I knew all the characters involved at every level, so I was curious if the dye was poured into the cave water, where it would come out on the other end. Would it be where we expected, or would it duck and dive only to come out someplace surprising? And in the process of these many months, it looks like as the dye moved through the Caves of Lakota, through the various government bodies of our community, we ended up with a new decision, what to do about the obvious case of “intimidation of witnesses” as defined by the “intent to coerce a witness not to report information.”  And perhaps the most audacious exchange at that meeting was not the sudden revelation about financial stability through 2025, suddenly, but the lashing out of board member Kelly Casper toward Darbi Boddy about who board members represent and who they don’t. Darbi got it right, and Kelly had it all wrong when Darbi said of herself that she represented members of the community who had elected her for the purpose of board business in so many words or less. Kelly disagreed and stated that Darbi was elected to represent everyone in the community. And in that simple disagreement, we could clearly see the misunderstandings that had been costing Lakota schools so much mismanagement, expensive mismanagement. And why bad things happened in the first place that taxpayers were always on the hook for fixing. Darbi Boddy was sent to the board by the public to get control of the school board. Not to get along with the people who traditionally screwed everything up. 

In the case of Lakota, the bad, expensive things that have happened to support the antics of their superintendent, who has mismanaged his life and then turned on the community with hostile threats to suppress the information, the most significant faults were in the desire for people in the process to follow the directions that were written by liberalism and that there value system was in obeying the rules, not in deciding if the rules were applicable, or needed to be challenged. We see this in trustee meetings all the time when they rubber stamp the latest Agenda 21 roundabout or a bike path meant to prevent cars from burning fossil fuels just to get a loaf of bread at the grocery. Community planners are all trained at the same liberal sources baked into everything they do; all over the country, progressive policies are then approved by conservative politicians who believe their job is to be good administrators of the rules and to follow instructions. They never seem to understand or question whether liberals or conservatives wrote the rules and if they should be following them. Not that I was surprised, but I watched with great curiosity at every level how all the people I knew, from the police department to the school board, and the media, followed strange liberal rules and procedures right into a situation that escalated everything into a public menace that only enraged the public, and did nothing to quell the original problems. 

And it was that pesky problem again, which always comes up when the rule of law is applied to mass society in the wake of so much progressive influence over several years now, decades, really. As the Bible has been removed from being a foundation of law and order, the values that built America, to begin with, we have seen bureaucratic pinheads stepping in as the administrative state to replace the Biblical concepts of God in society, and therefore all sense of value for what a community can agree on. No wonder Nancy Pelosi could lie to our faces during a press conference about her crazy husband, that keeps getting into all kinds of trouble, or the mass media conspiracy regarding the Hunter Biden laptop. Or that there was no evidence of election fraud, even though the evidence, like this case in Lakota, was dripping everywhere with plenty of things to consider. The liberal denial of a fact was proposed because logic had been surrendered to the values of process control. Value wasn’t based these days on the judgment of an individual mind; it was built entirely in progressive processing around compliance with what was created by controls. Therefore, the value wasn’t in thinking about what was happening, but it was complying with the rules which were created to follow. So long as everyone followed the rules written for them, they could feel that their actions were moral and fulfilled a sense of justice from their point of view. But those in the community who expected community values to be conservative and to respect at least the foundations of Biblical understanding, the glue that holds western civilization together, found the decisions reprehensible.  More and more these days, these Biblical references come up as the source of the solution to our many social problems. I had always considered that everyone, regardless of their politics, functioned from that basic premise. However, I started to notice when I was in a hotel in 2014 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that it was missing the Bible in the hotel room and that more courtrooms, school systems, and even swearing-in ceremonies were going in the direction of the sports players who refused to stand for the National Anthem. There was a real progressive push to remove western civilization from the practice of any value judgments. At the heart of that was the Bible, essentially 1400 years of establishing laws that built western civilization. And once those values were removed from the decision-making process, even conservative people, or people who think they are conservatives, found that value judgments were reduced to just following the rules of a process. And if liberals wrote the processes, then it didn’t matter if the people participating in those decisions were liberals or conservatives; they would all act the same if the path to resolution centered on compliance with a process instead of the judgment of the parties involved. And in that way, we learned that there were many hidden chambers where the dye went before it came out of the cave in strange places. And that information is extremely valuable. Then, looking back at how the community has divided over this issue makes a lot more sense. The compliance track thinks it is permissible to punish the community for deviating from the process that allows public officials to game the system at significant taxpayer cost. While the public functioning from traditional value judgments of right and wrong as established Biblically, as the foundation of our entire society, found the proposals reprehensible. The good news is that while functioning at the Supreme Court level, our court system still lives by such Biblical ideas and that the rule of law is our Constitution. Even while the progressive-minded would like that not to be the case and would love to throw their political enemies in jail, or take them to court over frivolous litigation, the truth of the matter is that in those places, the Bible still matters.   Because if people don’t believe in that, then you can’t have the basic tenants of civil society. And under that view of the law, harassing the public for discussing evidence is witness intimidation, which opens a whole new can of worms.

Rich Hoffman

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Remember When Lakota Paid $175,000 to an Employee over Ethical Violations: The cost of mismanagement of public employees is extraordinarily high

For the quick answer that is being talked about because of the Lakota superintendent’s lawsuit threat letters, the response to them would, of course, be frivolous litigation aggressively pursued based on The New York Times v. Sullivan case of 1964. In that well-known case, criticism of public officials protected by the 1st and 14th Amendments ensures that legal recourse is off limits for pursuing damages. The price for a life in public office and the comforts that come with living off public funds is that criticism is healthy for an honest exchange of information. No matter how crazy the information may be, which hasn’t been the case with this Lakota superintendent case, it is protected under the American Constitution. There is consistent case law that resolves the issue to the extent that any challenge to it would perfectly justify a knowingly frivolous abuse of litigation and the time of the courts themselves. And with that known, the aggressive attack on the public by sending out threatening letters to around ten community members just because they expressed themselves about the kind of private conduct that Matt Miller has utilized in his life has only caused a lot more anger. Because of this aggressive act, and what has been learned about what the school board knew and when, now there have been explorations of class action litigation against Lakota schools themselves for the reckless spending of taxpayer funds that have gone on not just in the actions of protecting their superintendent from public judgment, but in several other instances as well. Currently, a group of people are adding up all the costs and instances so that a coherent story can be pieced together by the evidence, and further action is pending in those assemblies. 

Yet, along the way, it has been noticed that a lawsuit filed by former teacher union leadership member Emily Osterling won her $175,000 in 2019 for wrongful termination back in 2017. At that time, Matt Miller put forth an 11-page resolution that listed a series of allegations, none of them criminal, pertaining to Osterling’s dealings with students and their parents. The resolution illustrated behavior that was willful and persistent violations of board policy pertaining to staff ethics as well as Ohio’s code of professional conduct for educators. And federal laws govern how she educates and serves the students. Well, that got some people’s attention since we had all just been told that any of the Lakota superintendent’s actions revealed from his very explicit divorce records that his conduct wasn’t illegal. And that morality wasn’t a consideration of employment. Upon learning about all this behavior, many people in the Lakota district were shocked that Lakota didn’t have a “morality clause” in the superintendent’s contract like other schools do. And in that oversight, they have allowed a very aggressive, a very progressive activist and an unwelcomed figure into our community at a high cost, with no way to get rid of him. And that has brought up the excessive cost of keeping that employee with indirect costs that go far beyond his actual salary and benefits. By the time his cost to Lakota is added up due to lawyer fees, public relations firms, and other burdens connected to other instances of similar mismanagement, it looks to be in the many thousands of dollars. Even millions if we go back to all the circumstances since his hiring in 2017 when that Emily Osterling case occurred. Now I’m not suddenly a supporter of teacher union members. But the point of this matter is how Emily Osterling could be held to some standard of values and even terminated from her job when Matt Miller was not held to the same standard as a superintendent for essentially doing much worse. 

Matt Miller was always nice in my presence, so I was shocked to learn that several school board members thought Matt would sue the district over his contract for a lot of money if he were terminated over the revelation of his divorce revelations in 2020. I had my doubts about this until I saw how he behaved toward the community who learned about his private life and expressed themselves as to why they didn’t like it. The letter I received was very aggressive, and my policy on that kind of thing was to hit back many times harder. That’s when discussion about a class action case started to take root in gathering up all the facts and the timeline. And after reading that letter, it was obvious that the school board’s worries were justified. However, to understand the law, it would have been better to settle the issue in court than to dig deeper into the trouble with attempts to cover it all up with PR firms and lawyers. Understanding the constitutional limits of legal recourse, it would have been perfectly justified to counter any such attack with frivolous litigation given the context of his contract concerning community reputation, which was his burden to maintain healthily. 

With the standard set by the Emily Osterling case, it’s evident that a community precedent had been established in removing her as an employee. It didn’t hold up in court, and they ended up paying her out a lot of money. Add her case to the many others out there and we have a serious case of mismanagement at the school board level over a long period of time. The job has been too big for them to handle since they give everything to some professional class to take care of, which ends up costing a lot of money. Of course, there will be justifiable legal costs, with legal firms and PR outlets, but what we are seeing is a massive amount of waste, waste we wouldn’t have noticed unless Lakota’s superintendent decided to attack members of the community in these bizarre ways as if he were entitled to employment, no matter what his personal conduct revealed. Much of this he has done to himself through his own mismanagement of his own life. Then Lakota, as a district, has had to spend a lot of money to protect him from his own actions. Then when you add up all those costs to all other similar disputes with other employees and public relations problems, you get quite a large number. And that large number results from massive mismanagement by a public-school culture that is out of control and not aligned with the community that pays for it.

And in many cases, the only correction we have for such bad behavior on a massive scale is the constitutional protections of The New York Times v. Sullivan, 1964. No wonder progressives everywhere want to shut down free speech. But all the law of our country is built around constitutional law, not the protection of public employees by a judgmental public. Without those judgments, there is literally nothing to keep public employees honest. And what is such an insult with this case at Lakota, despite learning that the very things that are happening now and being justified as correct were the same things that same superintendent did to get rid of other employees, for ethical standards. And to keep people from talking about it, he sent out nasty threats to people hoping to crush criticism which in his case, the criticisms are more than well justified. The best advice anybody could give him would be that he shouldn’t be making news if he doesn’t want to be in the news. And threatening the community for their anger at his actions is making news, not the kind Lakota would like to have. But it’s just the latest in a long history of mistakes that have cost a fortune and have nothing to do with funding education for children. 

Rich Hoffman

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The Men of Butler County, Ohio Are Too Busy Getting Their Nails Done to Stand up to Bullies: Republican Party endorses Roger Reynolds for Auditor, Thomas Hall is found innocent of any ethics violations

The number one question I get asked lately is, “where are the men of Butler County, Ohio?” People see what happened to Roger Reynolds, the auditor of Butler County, who is running for re-election but has seven indictments against him pushed by Sheriff Jones. They wonder why nobody has stood up for Roger. The indictments are apparent abuses of power coming out of the Sheriff’s office, yet few people have stood up to the Sheriff to defend Roger, and many don’t understand why. The ethics investigation into Thomas Hall has resulted in him being found not guilty of any trouble, even though Sheriff Jones pushed hard to find something to bust the young man on. The Sheriff even went way out of his way to try to primary a replacement candidate during the re-election of the State Representative of the 46th District. Thomas had to hire a lawyer to help clear his name, which is part of the abuse of power game. These public employees love power because it gives them leverage over people to quell their thirst for the abuse of it, and it costs money to defend against that power in courts that are essentially run by the same forces. I backed Thomas when it wasn’t popular to do so, and Jones backed Matt King and put many of his resources behind the young challenger. But Thomas won anyway, despite all the dirty politics. Recently while the Lakota superintendent was being interviewed by police he sent a message to his friend, Sheriff Jones, hoping for help in the matter of him being caught having “pillow talk” about three kids who go to his school where he wanted his wife to “drug them, molest them, and video them” for his sexual gratification, he reminded Jones that I was the same person who supported Thomas Hall in the election that was an embarrassing loss for the Sheriff, implying that law enforcement should look the other way on his issue because of it. There is a whole heap of dirty politics to go around in just those few examples, and you better believe it, there are many more cases not even talked about. This is why many are asking where the men are these days, and I say they are out getting their nails done, filling out their Fantasy Football picks, and being nice little compliant progressives that the modern world told them to be, while crime, bullying, and evil go unmolested in county politics. 

I’ve talked to people involved on the inside of the dispute between Roger Reynolds and Sheriff Jones. They used to get along just fine until a couple of things happened, which we have to talk about because Jones is the one who decided to abuse his authority behind the law to try and destroy Roger Reynolds over ridiculous conditions. I saw an ad the other day asking the question ahead of the election, “would you support Roger Reynolds with your money even though he has seven indictments against him and is facing jail time?” Well, YES! I know why there are seven indictments against Roger Reynolds, and I think they are bogus charges by a rigged system by a political enemy who has sought power and position to use government to control people, and I don’t like it one bit. Roger Reynolds knowing what I know about the case, is an innocent man being prosecuted by a system of bullies who have used politics to destroy people for personal reasons. And with Roger, one of those issues was that he let go of a family member of Sheriff Jones because they had worked in the auditor’s office and stopped coming to work because of Covid. We have all seen many employees abusing the Covid protocols set up by the out-of-control CDC, and this was a person who needed to be at work. But they were following the government nonsense regarding Covid, so Roger let them go as a non-essential worker. Nobody can say what Sheriff Jones thinks or doesn’t but judging by his behavior and what he has said to others, he then used his power and position to destroy Roger Reynolds and teach him a lesson for not keeping his family member employed. But logic would say that Roger Reynolds did the right thing. 

Then there was the incident over disclosure where Roger and Sheriff Jones were talking about maintaining records for the public. Roger Reynolds is a full-disclosure kind of guy, but Sherrif Jones wasn’t. As he said to Roger, “I don’t want someone sitting on their toilet to know how I’m spending my money. If you do it, I’ll have to do it too,” or something to that effect, according to the witnesses. Well, Roger Reynolds pushed for it anyway, so it’s at that point that the political war between them moved into all the ugliness that led to those seven phony indictments that were led by Channel 19, who started the story. (they’ll do a phony story for the Sheriff but not a legitimate story about Lakota schools, how about that)  Then Sheriff Jones pulled all his strings to set the indictments into motion to get rid of Roger Reynolds and put Bruce Jones in his place, the current fiscal officer of West Chester. I know Bruce Jones quite well. He was the campaign manager for Venessa Wells, who was running for the Lakota school board before she got so sick of the politics and wanted to drop off the slate card with party endorsement.

Venessa also received all the divorce information that led to the trouble with Matt Miller, the Lakota superintendent and the pillow talk about children that have him in so much trouble. Do you see how all this connects? Yet we don’t see Sheriff Jones indicting Miller. The law is used as a weapon to protect public employees from public management, not as an instrument of justice, and that is what has people so upset. I like Venessa; I like Bruce; I even like Sheriff Jones. In my experience, Sheriff Jones respects masculinity and tough people. But if he thinks he can get by with pushing people around, he certainly will. I’ve never had a problem with him, but I hear about all these terrible stories from just about everyone leaving people to wonder where the men are to defend against such bullies.                                                   

I am happy to report that the great Butler County Republican Party has endorsed Roger Reynolds for the upcoming election despite the seven Sheriff Jones indictments. This is even with Sheriff Jones being in the leadership of the Republican Party. The thing about politics is that people aren’t supposed to always get along. There are supposed to be fights and testing of the resolve for it to work, and Roger Reynolds has certainly shown himself to be tough and not back down from a fight.   It shouldn’t have cost him many thousands of dollars as he has to defend himself in court. At some point, Sheriff Jones owes Reynolds a lot of money to compensate him for the political hit job he has endeavored to utilize as an abuse of office to inflict catastrophic political damage to an innocent man. Nobody trusts the law when they indict Roger Reynolds but lets someone like Matt Miller go free. People see what’s going on. Despite trying to destroy Roger Reynolds out of political revenge, the Butler County Republican Party’s Central Committee did the right thing and voted to endorse Roger Reynolds anyway. So, there is good in the world. Sheriff Jones might not like it, but who cares.   He has put himself on the wrong side of history and obviously acted in ways that were not on the side of right. In public life, all kinds of people abuse their power to control and ruin other people’s lives. Roger Reynolds certainly isn’t one of them. And when it comes to standing up for what’s right, voting for Roger Reynolds on November 8th is undoubtedly a step in that direction. I’ll be voting for him proudly.  As to standing for what’s right, it’s not people who fail to defend innocent children, yet prosecute public officials who promote full disclosure who anybody should fear. There is no reason for men to hide from such bullies behind the skirts of their women while trying to impress them with talk of nail polish and feminine napkins on sale at Walgreens. It’s the bullies who should fear the men of Butler County. And as things stand now, it’s mainly the women who are the only ones standing up for anything.

Rich Hoffman

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The Public Education Scam: It’s all about protecting an image to sell tax increases no matter how bad the behavior of the employees is

I wouldn’t say that Thom Fladung of Hennes Communications is the example of evil in the world, but it would be quite sufficient to define him and his partners as bricks in a vast wall of evil meant to destroy the First Amendment and ruin the foundations of American government. Whenever you see a message on some news report, such as, “we are not in a recession” or “the sex allegations are unproven,” you are likely seeing the work of some version of Thom Fladung working the media behind a veil of manipulation that would make William Shakespeare blush. In a clear case of child pornography possibilities, such as the Matt Miller case at Lakota schools, where the school superintendent was interviewed by police admitting to pillow talk about drugging, molesting, and videotaping the abuse for sexual gratification, and the kids weren’t random, but kids who went to the school he manages, the lack of concern for the children involved has been stunning. Rather than disciplining the superintendent or finding a new one, once this information got out in 2020 the school board called up Thom Fladung, a managing partner at Hennes. They advertise for just such crisis management. For them, a crisis is meant to be repaired to maintain reputations. And the reports are that Lakota schools were willing to spend over $300 per hour to make the Matt Miller story go away. They weren’t concerned about the behavior; the school board determined that what Matt Miller did in his private life had no impact on his job, even though in Matt’s ex-wife’s police interview, she indicated that there were naked pictures of kids on both of their phones which the superintendent had sent her and that during the divorce, there was a lot of effort to hide his online dating profiles with Ashley Madison, which were on his school computer. Logic would say that hearing such a thing, there would be an investigation to learn the truth, which would be vital if the school’s priorities were the students’ safety. Instead, they called Thom to come in and provide “reputation, crises management.”

This is how they contain stories and keep things from the public. Most people don’t understand the law or their rights and are easily intimidated. But not Venessa Wells. With the amount of information that has come out about this client, discovery would be a good thing, and would put everything in a public record where people could then learn much more. When I saw this, I took it as a bullying tactic, and I don’t like bullies. Especially after what we learned after the police report. The response to this notice resulted in legal action going the other way, and the lawsuits against the school that have been occurring. This employee of Lakota schools is their responsibility, and bad conduct will not be tolerated. They should have dealt with him in 2020 when they first learned of this vile behavior.

Apparently, Matt Miller is listed as one of the top superintendents in the country and is scheduled to speak at the ASU+GSV Summit at the Manchester Grand Hyatt from April 17th  through April 19th in San Diago, 2023. To protect that reputation, built over a long period of time, Lakota was willing in 2020, when they first learned about the problem, to pay to make it go away. The work of Thom kept local media from getting into the story and concealed the details from the public in general as if the public never had a right to know what kind of people they were hiring at Lakota with taxpayer money. The goal was concealment and protection of a reputation that was meant on paper to prop up the superintendent in progressive circles and get awards like a dog for doing what his master told him to do. According to the ASU bio, it says of Miller that he was one of only two superintendents in the country to lead the League’s Real-World Challenge Collaborative, the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative. Yes, that “Zuckerberg,” the progressive owner of Facebook, and his Zuckerbucks program to illegally steal elections with mail-in ballots tampered with during the 2020 election. Those are the kind of people who think that Matt Miller has been doing a good job. Miller has since gotten into a lot of trouble by essentially being the Dr. Fauci of Lakota schools and strictly enforcing the mask mandates for Covid, which made many parents angry. And when Miller dug in and became more combative, people started digging into his personal life and found this messy divorce which Thom has been paid to cover up. And now it’s out in the open, and everyone through public records who wants that information can have it.

And, of course, the reaction of Lakota to all this information, which is clearly terrible for the superintendent, was to cover it up. They tried to find a way to prevent massive amounts of evidence from coming out in public requests, text messages, dating profiles, emails, and all kinds of very serious allegations. But the information got out through the local sheriff’s department as it should have, leaving Lakota obviously uncovered about their methods. They had been caught covering up the actions of Matt Miller in 2020, and now they were paying more legal clean-up people to continue to cover it up. The media all had the information, of course, but by the rules established by people like Thom, who has experience as the managing editor of the Cleveland Plains Dealer and the Detroit Free Press, nobody was going to run with the story for fear of legal action. And in that way, crisis management professionals keep valuable information away from the public when they need it most. When bad things happen, and government schools or other institutions can hire someone like Thom Fladung to keep the information from the public, how can justice of any kind be utilized?   And it worked at Lakota with a story that should have been national news. A big-time school superintendent was caught in sexual conduct involving children, at the very least, thinking about sex with specific children, and there was proof from the police. It wasn’t hearsay and irrelevant or gossip talk. It came from Matt Miller’s own mouth during a police interview that is clearly indicated in the police report. 

The terrifying thing about this case is that everyone was caught red-handed. We know what Thom did and when; we know what the school board did and who knew what and when. We know what Matt Miller, the superintendent of Lakota schools, did because of a messy divorce that shows a very different person from the one who is supposed to be a featured speaker at ASU+GSV Summit, where they give you rewards for masking kids and following the progressive rules that Mark Zuckerberg is pushing on society. When those kinds of people like what you are doing, it only supports those who say government schools like Lakota are incubators of liberal politics meant to reprogram our children away from their parents and into a progressive nightmare that is unraveling all over the country currently. But to hide that evidence, Lakota would rather pay Thom Fladung to perform “reputation management” than to deal with the bad conduct that harmed the reputation in the first place. It’s a phony system built on lies and manipulation. And the media is obviously controlled by public relations and legal manipulators who keep things concealed behind the scenes in the hopes that the managing public who pays for everything will never find out. And when they do, they just grab the ball and hope to run out the clock by denying everything until people get tired of asking. The government plays a little game to protect its own; the police play along by not charging the target, which keeps it from being a story. Lawyers use threats of legal action to keep everyone on the fence.

Meanwhile, Mark Zuckerberg and his progressive friends give out rewards to people like Matt Miller for their work toward liberal politics on a mass scale; and the local government school uses that reputation to help sell more tax increases to the public. But lucky for the people of Lakota, there was a lot of citizen journalism that people like Thom Fladung didn’t control who did report the story, and people know what they need to now despite the efforts to cover it up. And now we see all these characters for what they are, what they did, and when. And we are far better off as taxpayers because of the bold actions of many people who just want their kids safe in public schools.

Rich Hoffman

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