The Message Behind Putting Steve Bannon in Jail: Refusing to acknowledge that Trump was the official government, which he was

The real danger in the case against Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro from the January 6th Committee isn’t just in the jail time imposed on these former members of the Trump White House.  Of course, this is not the first in history where Congress pushed executive branch members to provide some testimony, and the claim of executive privilege was used to deny it.  Eric Holder was found in contempt of Congress.  So was Lois Lerner, along with many others.  It’s normal to claim executive privilege when another branch of government is seeking information from another.  But there is something far worse going on here; it’s not just an argument about executive privilege that is going on behind all the prosecutions of President Trump and the people who worked directly for him.  It’s a denial that President Trump ever had the right to be president and that anybody from his administration could never claim such a right because they never existed.  That is the essential legal premise that was upheld by the appeals court, which rejected the conviction of Steve Bannon, the former strategist for the White House and the current voice of the Warroom podcast, which is very popular.  We are learning how much our current government is like the mob and how large it is.  The premise of destruction that they are putting forth is arrogant and audacious.  Yet it is their political position to go all in and attack members of the Trump administration, which sets a precedent for all future presidents that will only lead to destruction one way or the other of the other side.  This is more than a political gamble; it’s a desperate attempt to show mass force by the power of government over the representatives of an elected government, and its menace has been overt, to say the least.

When the January 6th event occurred, and the Congressional committee of the same name was enacted to investigate the circumstances, it was a political event.  It had nothing to do with justice, just as the cases against Trump have nothing to do with crime, but in using political force to keep a rival from running for office.  For those doubters about election fraud in the 2020 election, just study the intent behind the January 6th Committee of Republicans and Democrats, and it will become clear that if they could cheat in the election, they certainly would.  And they certainly had the means to cheat massively, because of all the newly adopted Covid rules that were essentially written on the back of a napkin and had absolutely no Constitutional validity.  Democrats had been held in contempt of Congress many times, so when the shoe was on the other foot and Congress put together an investigation into President Trump’s role in what they were calling an insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro did what the established behavior was from the Executive Branch perspective and that is to refuse to testify.  If it had been me, I would have testified.  I think they should have testified.  I would have made a mess of their hearing with my testimony in ways that would have been far more destructive to them, the Committee members.  But I get it. Steve and Peter didn’t want to show any respect for a crooked court, and they used their Executive Privilege to protest that power over them as they had an established right to do so.  But, the committee representing the general sentiment of the Beltway culture refused to recognize that right, which is why these contempt charges were different and why Bannon is going to go to jail at a critical time in the election process of 2024, to get him off the table.  And Peter Navarro is already there. 

However, by all legal parameters, and this is where things get very dangerous and will have lasting effects for the future, either way, that same Beltway culture is refusing to acknowledge that the Trump administration even existed.  The purpose of the January 6th event and the following committee was to provide a cover story for a stolen government.  Trump was the popularly elected government at the time and was the authority.  Trump couldn’t have an insurrection against himself.  It was the Beltway culture of lawyers, politicians, political pundits, investors, and globalists who refused to believe that they did not have power over the people and that people would elect someone to office in the White House that they did not have control over.  So, by prosecuting Bannon and Navarro, there is more than a contempt charge going on here.  There is a message to the public that this government that took over through election fraud, a previously established government, was in charge.  And if they, too, didn’t want to rot away in jail, they better get on board and do what they were told.  The message couldn’t be more precise.  This stolen government was asserting power over the previous government by denying its existence and justifying its actions through some fake insurrection accusation when the Biden administration, controlled by globalist interests, had performed the actual crime.  And the January 6th participants who rioted against the Capitol on that day were upset.  They had a right to be.  Their government had been taken from them, and they were given Joe Biden, but they weren’t OK with it.

As with all authoritarian governments, particularly communist ones, shows of force like this are common.  This is not an unusual playbook.  However, through our checks on power and divided government, we have an assumption in America that we can avoid these kinds of problems, which provides a stable platform for a constructive society that is financially viable.  However, the premise behind attacking members of Trump’s White House and Trump himself as he runs for President this third time is that the enemy is perfectly willing to throw the baby out with the bath water to get what they want out of it.  And if that means the destruction of America, that’s just as good for them.  These are evil people using the same audacious display of power and control as we saw among mobsters in American culture, and they have hijacked our legal system as a cover for their intent to commit crimes.  And on this stage, we are talking about crimes through the force and security of global communism.  They don’t care that throwing political rivals in jail might make people mad because they have already declared war against those who voted for the Trump administration.  Like the mob, putting Navarro and Bannon in jail and anybody else they can get their hands on is a warning.  They don’t care about the fairness of it.  Or the legality of it.  They only want to destroy their political opposition by any means.  And that is how we need to talk about this case, and we certainly can’t put up with it.  These are some of the most significant crimes in the history of the world, and we can’t just turn our back on them.  The bad guys have to be punished severely.  And the bad guys are not Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon.  But those who refuse to acknowledge that Trump was the legitimate government from 2016 to 2020.  2024, they will be more popular than ever because people want to pick their government.  They don’t like it selected for them by globalist forces who use the government as a cover for crimes against humanity, as evil people have always sought to do.

Rich Hoffman

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