The Problem with Peace: When sperm find themselves in the wrong place

I’m not a big Jesus guy, I love his dad. But I’m not OK with the peace and love that Jesus is always talking about in the New Testament. This idea of the Fall in the Garden being redeemed by Jesus dying on the cross for all our sins sounds to me like a Greek and Roman desire politically to control the mass population for the preservation of their imperial perspective. I prefer the Old Testament and the wrath of Yahweh to the anti-ownership and anti-wealth sentiment in the New Testament. I grew up with such religious assumptions, but over the years and after traveling a time or two to Asia to see things for myself, I think there is a big piece of the story in the Bible that is missing from its regional perspective, which is directly applicable and is being exploited in a very modern way. I think Jesus studied the Hindu religion as it is articulated by the blue skin of the poisoned Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, which is essentially part of book 6 of the Mahabharata. The Hindu religion actually goes back to the days of Abraham emerging from Mesopotamia, so these influences along the Silk Road are pretty obvious, and so are the many contextual references to Jesus in the many war-torn areas of that part of the world that seem very intent to conceal this information. Apparently, the Vatican knows all about Jesus studying in India, and by the time he came along, Buddhism was already 500 years old. So the New Testament starts to make a lot more sense when you understand how its perspective was influenced along the Silk Road, which is a vast span of territory that is mysteriously not part of modern Archaeology and is war-torn even though there really isn’t much going on there economically these days. So why so much war and terrorism?

Peace is for suckers. I love the God of the Old Testament

I find value in just about all religions, even Islam.  If it helps people relate to higher concepts, it’s wonderful.  But we must consider the political implications of faith and how they are often weaponized to rule large groups of people, and that is what I see emerging out of Hindu religions and Buddhism.  Not by device, but by default.  I heard a joke the other day about sperm that provoked all this contemplation that is actually very relevant.  It becomes our business because just about every rock band that we’ve had for decades points to India and specifically the Hindu and Buddhist faith, and says we should calm ourselves down and be more like them.  Even in Christianity, we are told to be more like Jesus, including the Jesus movement that came along during the hippie era, Jesus Christ Superstar, and the Helter Skelter cult.  Jim Jones and many crazed religious lunatics have taken this passive value toward life and become maniacal dictators of personal destruction.  I know a lot of Hindu people, and I’ve read all their religious texts, and I’m not a fan.  I don’t like Gandhi.  And I’m not a fan of Jesus offering to sacrifice himself for the benefit of all humanity.  I think everyone has read it all wrong from the very start, and to understand that, we have to understand the vast influence that the Old Silk Road had in our history and what role it still plays today.   My suggestion is that the war in the Near and Middle East is purposeful to conceal the vast history of the most enormous land mass on earth.  Meanwhile, we’re supposed to keep our focus on just European history and the Renaissance, and the efforts of the Greeks and Romans to create civilization.

So the joke goes like this, and I’m sure many people have heard this, but I think it’s very relevant to these religions of peace that are so prevalent and wrong for the human race.  A couple of sperm find themselves injected into a situation, and they are eager to find an egg for the fertilization process, as we understand these things from sex ed.  It takes thousands of sperm, but only one will penetrate the egg, and a life is born—the miracle of life.  So here are a few sperm injected into a sexual union, and they are looking for an egg.  One is ambitious and works hard to beat the other sperm to the prize.  But there is a wise sperm who is saying to the ambitious one, “Why are you working so hard.”  Of course, the ambitious sperm says, “I want to be the first to get to the egg.”  But the wise sperm says, “But dude, we’re inside some dude’s “exit.”  There is no egg, so why try?”  To frame a homosexual experience nicely.    That is the essential message behind the Hindu faith, Zoroastrianism, as it developed in Iran in 600 BC.  Buddhism as it developed in 500 BC.  Jesus started Christianity due to studying in those many lost years in India, in the Kashmir region 500 years later.  Islam would come along 600 years after that as an aggressive religion invented by the Arabs as a reaction to their continued occupation by the Romans, who went underground as an empire and became a church intent to rule over Europe and the world.  We have falsely centered our study on the Mediterranean region when we should have looked at the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea all over the Himalayas.  Many people were displaced by war, and they had developed a means to deal with its many disappointments—the religions of indifference, peace, and non-action. 

So what are we dealing with here, a vast conspiracy of Bilderberg, World Economic Forum, or Rothchild manipulations who have constructed all these religions to control mass society and perpetually keep wars going in the region to prevent anybody from learning the truth?  Because they want the masses to adopt peaceful beliefs and not fight back against their intrusion.  I’d say it goes deeper into that and was best explained by Paul in the Book of Ephesians when these manipulators were identified as “principalities.”  These creatures work to undo the world God made and stand against goodness as defined by the perpetuation of the human race, as chronicled in the Old Testament, which is older than all the mentioned religions.  My argument is that these principalities have plotted against Yahweh for many thousands of years, and many of the conflicts that are dealt with today are directly associated.  When Jesus and the rest of the Hindus sought to get away from the mess in the mountains of the Himalayas and started so many religions that developed along the Silk Road, they all missed the point.  The goal of life is not to avoid reaching the egg and create a new life.  All the sperm should at least try, even if they are in the wrong place.  It’s not their fault; they should still try to do what they were designed to do: create a new life.  The purpose of humans is to fight and develop as a result of battlefield victory, so in that regard, peace is bad for civilization.  I can understand what Jesus and the Hindus were after.  Buddhism is a great way to manage stress in life.  But like the wise sperm who knew where he was and pointed out the pointless task in front of them, all creatures should fully embrace their job in the hopes that one of them will reach an egg and bring forth new life, either in a physical form or perhaps only in an idea.  But in creation, everything should be dedicated.  Which the Hindu perspective of “non-action” stands against. 

Rich Hoffman

The Principalities of Doom: Protecting your Soul in the Akashic Records from an evil, universal menace

To really understand the enemy, we must get beyond the surface of things.  It’s not enough to deal with the politics of the obvious, the lives that our senses were meant to deal with.  But to the many other influences that are quite prevalent and looming.  When people ask me who the enemy is in our modern political world, my common response is that they are principalities, hostile members of the Divine Council who were always giving Yahweh a hard time.  I explain to them that there is a very complicated politics attached to this Divine Council that has always been with us, even before we were we.  And an excellent place to start with that understanding is by reading books by Linda Howe such as How to Read the Akashic Records.  I like Linda Howe quite a lot, and she has a lot of books and what they all deal with is unlocking the memory and potential of your human soul and the history it has over a long period of time.  By dealing with the Akashic Records, you can not only deal with the details of your own human soul, the eternal part of yourself that lasts essentially forever, but also communicate with people long gone and, in some cases, people who will become important to you who haven’t even been born yet.  I find Linda’s Akashic Records to be fascinating, and a good step at getting to the real problem of evil in the world and how it spreads.  And is one of the better means of stopping such evil, by going to the lair where many of these principalities reside.  Most cultures have some basic understanding of the human soul and how to at least manage it to the best of their five senses.  Some of the methods used in the Akashic Records can at least help you establish a relationship that stops giving free reign to the many, and infinite malicious characters who reside to attack your essence in the still unlocked mysteries of quantum mechanics where many living things plot, and scheme with the same voracious detail as the most cunning K-Street lobbyists. 

It’s not enough for me to call evil beings and spirits devils or demons.  The truth of the matter requires more definition to begin to understand it.  But when you look around the world at the kinds of problems that start out of nowhere, then consider what the strategic need is, you often need to do more than just pull back the curtain on a Wizard of Oz hiding there.  You must understand why the guy is hiding behind the curtain, who made the curtain, and why.  And to do that, you must deal with malicious principalities who are clearly against God’s plan where we find ourselves as battlefield pawns to a much larger story of interdimensional significance.  For instance, when you look at the motivations of the current terrorist sentiments of Hamas, the Free Palestine movement, it’s not enough to say that the Devil made everyone do it, even if such a statement is headed in the direction of the truth.  The motivations are more complicated than even what the World Economic Forum Marxists could do on their own.  Of course, they are responsible for what they do in life, but why do they believe the things they do, what kind of dreams do they have, and what makes those dreams pop into their heads for which they build political schemes in life to deal with?  The question as to why people believe the things they do is a more critical question than just dealing with the after-effects of their menace. 

One thing that is dealt with in the Akashic Records is the premise of past lives, which then ties some of this to Hindu culture and a way of thinking that steps away from the development of an individual soul, which I would say is the meaning of life.  I’m in a pretty unique thought process on that, and I thought about an excellent way for my verification while I watched people at a Shinto shrine in Japan on a street corner in Kobe.  To my way of thinking, most people get the entire purpose of life wrong, but we have been working these things out for many thousands of years, which is part of a much larger universal process.  Human beings are developing as a species for purposes that are certainly a concern for the principalities of all existence.  And they are highly motivated by how our souls grow.  What’s good for us is likely very bad for them, so much of what our politics consists of on the nightly news has traces of the everlasting politics within it.  But I do not think that memories of past lives, or even famous people from the past, such as having memories of being Joan of Arc or Napolean, is that we were those actual people.  But the DNA in our bodies, just like the water we consume, is billions of years old and likely has some memory, and when we think we are talking to ourselves as a memory, we are talking to these many employees in our bodies who all have unique histories and a vast experience that interacts with us, but may not be “us” as we typically define it. 

The development of our soul through our lives is a purpose that eludes most people, and of course, to fulfill their own political objectives; the principalities of doom are doing what they feel they must do to protect themselves from our soul’s development.  If they can get people to stay focused on conditions that make them easy to control, then the politics of their concern ease them considerably.  But if you are a threat to them, even though you may not intentionally do so, then they will seek politically to eliminate you from their plans, which is the reason that things are so wacky these days.  These forces have always been looming in the background, and living beings developed various religions to deal with them and manage some appeasement relationships.  But when things get out of control for those principalities, of course, they will attack the very soul of those most of a threat to them and attempt to burden them in ways that often aren’t perceptual in the regular ways.  Be very cautious about why you think the things you do, and always question where those sources come from.  They may not be friendly; in fact, I would argue that they are likely very malicious.  The politics of Heaven are much more complicated than our terrestrial lives, and we should expect that.  Just because we haven’t managed to have a relationship with those elements, it doesn’t mean that the human race isn’t on a similar path as our souls, and we are growing an understanding that is very much a threat to the eternal order in a good way.  But to understand this view of existence, the Akashic Records is a great place to start in getting to know the real you, not the creature that is born, and grows up and dies.  But your eternal nature, the real you who, through life, is being developed as you live.  And it is the real you, not the person that looks at you in the mirror, that many of these evil principalities are trying to destroy before you ever figure out what they are really up to.

Rich Hoffman

Jesus Lived and Died in Kashmir: Why the Led Zeppelin song is so popular, and how Islam hides the truth

I’ve never been much of a Jesus fan from the Bible. I like the character from the show Chosen, but the way Jesus has been portrayed everywhere else has always been to me, something more Eastern than Western. I love his dad, Yahweh. Now that guy I can understand, making a footstool out of your enemies, an eye for an eye, punishing entire nations. That is someone I can relate to. But his son is more like the spoiled second-generation kid of a cutting-edge self-starter. He might be a super nice guy, but I have always found the message of giving your enemy your cloak if they want to take your shirt personally revolting. Many people don’t like to talk about these things because religions have some strict rules on the matter, but I’m not much of a rule guy either. I understand law and order, but all too often, the rules are made by all the wrong people so that they can control their peers without the armed conflict of tradition. I love the Bible; I have read it thoroughly and still do. But I’m not sure that people understand what the Bible means and that honoring God means accepting those human mistakes. I certainly don’t believe that humans understand God perfectly and without flaws. Instead, I see that the Romans wanted to unite their empire and used the concept of Jesus, the scapegoat, to perform the task, and the world reacted with other religions, such as Islam. To this day, the conflicts in the region of the Near East are suspiciously occult-driven and hide behind a veil of religious belief that is keeping us in these modern times from knowing the whole truth and nothing but the facts. Something else I do love is the truth, not belief in how other people interpret it out of fear or anxiety over their afterlife.

A very interesting book

Another thing I have never liked is the Led Zeppelin song, “Kashmir.” It’s not a bad song; I think it’s a fantastic one, but I have never liked it, and I hate watching people dance to it at rock concerts. It’s one of those personal revolting attributes of life that has existed since I was a little kid. I was reminded of this hatred while traveling recently in Japan, where I had just explained to people I thought the reach of King Solomon’s empire had a heavy influence on their early culture, with the many keyhole tombs that they call Kofun tombs that are all over the Osaka area, and elsewhere. I base that on several books about Solomon that never made it into the Bible’s final cut, so when you read about the reach of his empire, oddly, there is almost no mention of tapping into the East. I have a great map that I love out of my favorite Bible and I love it for all the things it doesn’t show. Remember, I always judge things not by what people tell me but by their actions, and in this case, that map shows more in what it doesn’t offer than in what it does. A person as influential as King Solomon would have been trading along the early version of the Silk Road, which extends from Europe, over the northern part of the Himalayas across China, down through Korea, and then into Japan. I propose that the cult of King Solomon found its way to early Japanese emperors.

The Old Silk Road, known for many thousands of years pre-dating the ancient world as we know it.

Based on wide reading from many sources, the topic of Jesus being influenced by the Buddhist cultures of India and that of the Hindus and the Jains makes perfect sense.  Where was Jesus from the Bible in those teenage and young adult years up until around age 29?  Which, in those days, was a pretty mature adult.  Then, suddenly, he shows up and starts teaching the people of Israel.  I’ve heard the stories over many years that Jesus never actually died on the cross and that he had lived and died in Kashmir, which is in northern India, right in the middle of the hot zone for all modern political terrorism, surrounded by Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Nepal with Iran and Iraq looming nearby.  I have for most of my life also been a massive fan of Biblical Archaeology Review and can report a much more significant than average interest in the kinds of things that lots of outstanding and intelligent scientists have found digging in the dirt in the ancient Holy Land.  It is rich and abundant, but nowhere near the effect it could have if there weren’t conflict in the region.  And when it comes to the Old Silk Road, the entire span of it these days is wrapped up in political turmoil, I think on purpose, to keep investigations into the truth of the past from ever being revealed.  Because a story isn’t being talked about, that should be.

As I returned from Japan in one of the many airports I had to travel through, a young lady who looked more Indian than Chinese sat by me with her headphones, listening to that Led Zepplin song. I could hear it clearly even though she was in her own little world. And I was thinking of the Silk Road. So I picked up a copy of Suzanne Olson’s book Jesus in Kashmir and read it, which confirmed a lot of what I had been thinking for a long time, and biologically, I think most of the world understands it too, which is why that Kashmir song was so popularly received and continues to be an icon of pulp culture. I tend to believe the stories that Jesus was either cut down or had stories by the Romans who made up his death for their convenience. Because there was no body, it was explained away as an ascension to heaven. They wanted to impress their Roman supervisors, so the regional overlords and the Jewish political influence wanted to let everyone know they got rid of the rebel Jesus from their society. And that Jesus escaped, injured, back to Kashmir, where he had spent much time as a youth, married there, and had many kids. And died a king, and the tomb is still there, hidden not by sight but by politics.

The way that Romans interpreted Christianity served their empire well and the church that would follow.  Be like Jesus, sacrifice yourself to the state, and prepare yourself for the afterworld by being friendly, compliant, and much more like Gandhi than that radical warlord of a father, Yahweh.  Even Jesus managed to put a soft edge on the plight of the Hebrew people, the descendants of Abraham who had been traveling to Kashmir for thousands of years.  Moses, as does his brother Aaron, has a tomb in the Kashmir region.  So does Mother Mary and other characters, including the remains of King Solomon.  When you consider this Kashmir story suddenly, many mysteries of the Bible start making a lot more sense.  But proper investigations into those mysteries are stifled because of the politics of modern warfare that keeps anybody from looking under the veil, as radical Islam seemingly keeps regional control on purpose.  Which then, we are all reminded of this recent conflict with Israel.  We are witnessing a shell game that takes place over most of the world to prevent people from learning the truth of their past and future.  And much of that truth is hiding in plain sight, which we subconsciously understand, in songs like Led Zepplin’s “Kashmir.”  But because we fear death at the hands of terrorists, death in the eternal fire of damnation, or the cry of public scrutiny because our quest falls outside the established religious parameters, we find ourselves prisoners to the obvious.  And part of that obviousness is that Jesus lived and died in Kashmir.  And the implications of that are jaw-dropping and necessary.

Rich Hoffman

Obama and his Monkey God Lord Hanuman: Cleaning the ‘excrement’ out of The White House

The 2012 election measuring the follies of President Obama and his economic catastrophes are not of simple job performance. For those who are working on behalf of the Romney/Ryan ticket pounding on doors trying to get the message out to voters to eject the communist ways of Obama back to the abyss from which he came, traditional election procedures will not be enough. The reason is that the undefeated demon fighting monkey-god Lord Hanuman from Hindu faith has blessed the Obama administration with his protection as he seeks to pummel conservative America with its traditional Christian faith into the realm of demons so Obama can continue to reside on his shape shifting throne. Yes, Hanuman it seems protects President Obama from a figurine that has resided in the President’s pocket. Check out the video.

In case that didn’t convince you here is a BBC article on the matter. I’d say the BBC is an exceptionally competent news organization with no skin in the game, and they tend to cover international issues much, much better than the American media does.

To learn more about Lord Hanuman check out the Wikipedia link below:

So what we know about President Obama is that he was personally mentored by the notorious communist Frank Marshell Davis as a young man. Davis was a very sexually kinky guy who appears to have taken several nude pictures of Obama’s mama, which has to be troubling. Obama’s grandparents in Hawaii were open socialists. Obama’s real father was a Kenyan anti colonialist revolutionary who left Obama as a little boy and was married to another woman while he was married to Obama’s white mother. Obama’s step father took him and his mother to Indonesia where Obama attended his most impressionable years in public school, and it is there that Obama discovered the Hindu god Lord Hanuman whom he reverse so intensely that he carries around a small figure of the god in his pocket———–and this isn’t alarming to anybody? Not to mention that Obama started his political life in the living room of a known radical terrorist, and had many other criminal thugs and provokers in his past that appear to guide the President’s hand in matters of economic devastation. To what aim?

Well, if you know anything about foreign Hindu gods and their intentions for the world, Hanuman would like to see the world bow to his feet. According to Obama he was introduced to Lord Hanuman by his step father Lolo as stated in his autobiography, “There standing astride the road was a towering giant at least ten stories tall with the body of a man and the face of an ape. That’s Hanuman, Lolo said as we circled the statue, the monkey-god. I turned around in my seat, mesmerized by the solitary figure, so dark against the sun, poised to leap into the sky as puny traffic swirled around its feet. He’s a great warrior,” Lolo said firmly, “strong as a hundred men. When he fights the demons, he’s never defeated.”

Well, this is a revelation that I did not know, and I’m sure many Americans didn’t know it either as many expect their president to be much more up to date on all things American, and not groveling at the feet of an undefeated monkey-god from Hindu faith. I can’t even conceive of carrying around such a thing in my pocket as Obama does. Such a thing for me might be carrying around a tiny Incredible Hulk  figure for good luck. Yet this information provides much-needed insight, especially in hindsight, into how the President thinks and why he does the strange things he does, and how he gets away with it. You can hear Glenn Beck and his team exploring this further in the video below from a recent radio show.

Obama’s reverence to Hanuman may very well explain why the President has been able to deceive so many people right out in the open. An argument could be made that by praying to Lord Hanuman Obama has gained the Hindu god’s ability to shape shift, which the monkey-god was known to do in order to defeat his enemies.

In the Ramayana Hanuman changes shape several times. For example, while he searches for the kidnapped Sita in Ravana’s palaces on Lanka, he contracts himself to the size of a cat, so that he will not be detected by the enemy. Later on, he takes on the size of a mountain, blazing with radiance, to show his true power to Sita.

Also he enlarges & immediately afterwards contracts his body to out-wit Sirsa, the she-demon, who blocked his path while crossing the sea to reach Lanka. Again, he turns his body microscopically small to enter Lanka before killing Lankini, the she-demon guarding the gates of Lanka.

He achieved this shape-shifting by the powers of two siddhis; Anima and Garima bestowed upon him in his childhood by Sun-God, Surya. Based on this information Obama has been given the power by Hanuman of Anima and Garima to shape shift at will, to seduce to sleep the media and millions of Americans into believing that Obama is not responsible for the economic depression the country is in, he is not responsible for the 16 trillion-dollar debt, he is not responsible for taking America to the doorsteps of tyranny with the signing of the NDAA Act on New Year’s Eve, he is not an open communist with Muslim/Hindu ties, but is a Christian and a free market, capitalist—even though he hates rich people—even though he is himself, rich. The power of Anima and Garima are at work indeed!

Imagine little Obama growing up watching a program like the video below as opposed to Thundercats, or Spiderman on TV. The guy on the ground rubbing the king’s leg is Lord Hanuman.  Can anybody imagine Jesus rubbing the leg of King Herod Antipas?  Progressives for many years have looked to India as having all the answers to their life goals, but few understand what extreme collectivists the people of India are, and to what devotion they sacrifice the self to achieve “enlightenment.” This little production tells the story pretty well. This could be a scene from Obama’s childhood, and speaks loudly of his world view.

People not under the spell of Lord Hanuman can see that Obama is everything but a good president and we can see that he takes on many forms, just like the shape shifting god he reveres so highly in the undefeated monkey-god warrior Lord Hanuman. But to those under the spell of the shape shifting Lord Hanuman, they see a smiling man of honor who can sing them to their deaths without them being any wiser. Such powers are granted by the gods like Lord Hanuman, the ability to appear as one thing, while actually being something else.

So we’re not just fighting a Democratic presidential nominee, a covert Communist Party U.S.A infiltration member hiding behind his race to achieve the highest office in the land on a sea of lies dressed up to look appealing, but we are fighting the undefeated demon fighting monkey-god Lord Hanuman from Hindu faith who sees Americans as the great demon, and Obama as his personal soldier for glory who hides his real intentions behind a shape shifting ability that allows Hanuman to conquer America as the great warrior that Obama’s step dad proclaimed the monkey-god to be.

Obama is not a flag waving patriot who has a deep history and respect for The United States. Whether or not he was born as an American citizen is pointless even though it is incredibly relevant by Constitutional standards.  It only matters if there is respect for the Constitution, which there isn’t.  Obama spent his childhood oversees idolizing a father he never knew who was Kenyan, being raised by a kinky anthropologists student who traveled the world and married a dude from Indonesia who thought Hanuman was a great warrior. Years later Obama would carry around a small statue of Hanuman along with a tiny Madonna for good measure. But what Obama is—is not what he sells as the shape shifting president operating under seemingly divine influence of mysterious forces. It is not only Obama who must be defeated in November, but his undefeated demon fighting monkey-god Lord Hanuman. Because The White House is Americas house, and not a palace for Lord Hanuman, and after four years of occupancy, it’s time to clean all the monkey shit out of the house and stop the stank that hovers over Washington before it spreads to the rest of the country.

In America we have freedom of religion for the purpose of keeping it out of creating policy decisions which drive the country. People are free to honor whatever religion they chose. If a court-house wants to have the Ten Commandments to reflect their Christian heritage, they are free to do it. Or if President Obama wants to worship the monkey-god Hanuman with a little figure in his pocket, he’s also free to do it. But what is important is that the people know what they are electing. Politicians should be prevented from selling themselves one way, while actually being something totally different. In the case of Hanuman, the Hindu version of the story Obama was exposed to as a child is one of extreme collectivism, and this explains his thoughts about social welfare in more complicated terms than simply proving him a communist. Hanuman is honored for being able to rip open his chest to show his devotion to the king Ram and his queen imprinted upon his heart. Hindus the world over cherish this tendency has honorable. But in America we don’t have a tradition that honors such blind devotion, yet many feel that Obama believes himself a king, and that Americans should rip open their chests like Hanuman and have pictures of Barack and Michelle imprinted on their hearts, and that is not how Americans roll.

Contrary to what worldwide collectivist think of The United States, it is not that we are godless heathens that are demons to be defeated by the monkey-god Hanuman, but a free people who find more reverence in a Marvel Comics action figure than in a 85 foot tall statue of Lord Hanuman. The reason is we have a diverse and free culture that has evolved under that umbrella of non collectivist thought, and we have advanced, while many in India are still bathing in the filthy Ganges river and riding bicycles down dirt roads hoping that their revered god Hanuman might step off his pedestal and show the world his devotion to his king Ram. Here in America, we don’t honor kings, queens, princes, or princesses, and we certainly don’t worship presidents as sacred. We honor private property and our right to have it, and such psychological investments has made America a superior culture that is the envy of collectivists all over the world, because they have been left behind, and can only hope that infiltrators on behalf of Hanuman can deceive America into reverting back to huts and dirt roads by the shape shifting abilities of President Obama taking orders from the monkey-god that resides in his pocket to destroy any culture that is not collectivists by nature.


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