The Way to Beat Secret Societies: Hidden power gained through hidden rules to create the illusion of knowledge

Usually, when people talk about secret societies, there is a level of dread that is associated. Secret societies seem ominous because, as human beings, we think of the things we don’t know about as being powerful and godly, which is part of the appeal that drives people into secret society membership. And this is a problem when you are trying to run a transparent society where you understand the characters and their motives. In an honest world, there shouldn’t be any desire for secret societies. There shouldn’t be any secrets. But as we have learned over the last several years, many secret societies work in the background and are attached to many of the messes that are part of our modern problems. The quest for secret knowledge to leverage power over others is a strong aphrodisiac to the kind of personalities who want to rule over others. That has made secret society membership a menace to society because it keeps people from dealing squarely with one another. If so many secret societies ask for supernatural, occult aid, how should a straightforward, election-based culture operate? And that is where we currently find ourselves, especially in Europe and America–those who want to be like Europe. I know of many secret societies, and I know the kind of people who are members, and they aren’t very secret, especially in a society that has as much information access as we do these days. Secret societies aren’t so secret anymore because everyone knows where everyone else is and what they’re doing. Which leaves the question pending, why join one in the first place? What could they possibly do for anybody? 

Well, I have a very different take on secret societies that I have formed over a long period of time. And what helps that perspective is that I have never wanted to be in one. I tend to like to be in charge. I was like that as a little kid, so working my way up in a secret society, like the Masons, or some other group, was never for me. I never liked being told what to do, and I always required full autonomy for my independence. So, it was easy for me to say no to those kinds of membership offers. I once had quite a fight with an entire fraternity because I went there to see a friend of mine with my wife, which apparently there were all kinds of rules against. And on our way up to the fraternity house, she walked across the seal on the sidewalk for their membership. There were house rules on how to serve that seal best, and not knowing anything about those rules as a visitor, she didn’t know she wasn’t supposed to walk over it. The entire house rallied to assault us, but I have an unyielding personality, so a stalemate ensued because they really didn’t want to fight. They were obligated by the fraternity charter to conduct themselves in such a way, but they were all wimps who really didn’t want to fight that they were forced to stew; as I visited my friend, he toured me around the house, and we left uneventfully. My friend was removed from the fraternity after we left, which is a common passive-aggressive action that low-conflict threshold people perform when faced with a challenge to their invisible authority. 

This is what the weakness of all secret societies have, whether it’s just a college fraternity or the Skull and Bones Society that the Bush and Kerry families were members of. The training for this way of thinking often starts early for people so that by the time they are fully functioning adults, they are largely governed by secret social rules that aren’t openly expressed, which then makes managing a stable society a challenge because you have people worshipping lots of rules that are not part of the ethics of a social construct. And I have found all such people to be weak and easy to beat in whatever the engagement is, whether it’s physical, legal, or purely social. People drawn to secret societies want secret rules and power to protect them from their insecurities, which is why they are attracted to such powers in the first place. The power is an illusion because other people can’t know what those powers are. And this little shift in social engagement gives the illusion of power. In some ancient cultures, a high priest might acquire such power by understanding when an eclipse would occur and might point at the sky and declare power over the heavens. And because the information about how eclipses occur was secret to the society, who did not have access to that information because of some tyrannical regime, the high priest appears to have a secret power over the heavens. But the whole gag is about a lack of knowledge, not in full disclosure. And this is what draws people into secret societies, invisible rules to create the illusion of secret power. 

There is also a strong desire for weak people to hide in the herd to not be independent. They fear being singled out in society, so they seek membership in groups to hide in the safety of the masses. Group membership tells the world that people value them enough to be associated with a secret handshake and an exchange of some fundamental shared values. One of the most insecure things for people is to grow up and away from their parents; most people never develop that ability. So to fill that void, they seek a brotherhood and create a new family out of secret society membership, such as the Masons. Companionship is one of human beings’ most primal needs, so group consensus associated with limited access is a very persuasive motivator. And that is all innocent enough until those mentalities are brought into elected politics, where you expect representatives to perform on a job based on a platform they were elected to. Not following some rules of the secret handshake in the Skull and Bones Society which dominates Beltway politics within the intelligence agencies and operates to social practices that the rest of society that pays for their government through taxes has no idea about, like my story about the fraternity seal. To the outside world, the seal meant nothing. But to the fraternity brothers, it was everything; it represented their secret fears glazed over by symbols and rules only they knew about, which gave them the illusion of security in a scary world. And that is the key to beating such groups. If they were secure people, they wouldn’t seek group membership. But they do because they aren’t powerful people. They depend on numbers to hide their timidity as individuals. Once that is known and exploited, they fall apart quickly. Just as the scam of the high priest predicting an eclipse. If other members of the society understand how to read star alignments and know the cause of eclipses, the phony power of the high priest will lose all its influence. Because the power is based on ignorance and group association to maintain that illusion, but once that curtain falls, the power of the secret society is gone, which is where we find ourselves in the modern world. Many high priests are making their livings off secret society membership to rules only they know about. But the public isn’t as ignorant as they once were, because of the vast amounts of available shared information. And because of that and the need for independence in people who are not timid, the powers that have ruled the world in secrecy are desperately vulnerable and not nearly as scary as they once were.

Rich Hoffman

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The Fight We Are Fighting: Giambattista Vico’s three boundaries of human thought and the strategy against existence

Of course, we are dealing with an enemy here that I think is best described in the Bible with Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in the high places.” To my mind, if the apostle Paul and all he had gone through, one of the most valuable statements of any religion ever uttered is that one that climaxed under that statement. Because there is real evil in the world, it exists outside of our laws and order, outside of our nationalism, our families, and our industries. It runs deep in the human experience, and people behave differently when contemplating it. Then in some cases, it runs so deep that it is practically invisible to our eyes, but we can certainly see the intentions of evil and how it interacts with us. And with that in mind, fighting this level of evil can then be elusive.

But additionally, aside from this fine statement from the Bible, we have fantastic philosophers who have come along who provide additional information into the world around us; we are clear about what we observe in our modern political context, the vast evil behind the tech industry, behind global politics that intends bad things against us all. These are things that we used to deal with in religion under the various concepts of sacrifice, where the blood of a goat might have replaced the sins of our existence from the original sin in the Garden of Eden, which I would argue was originally in the United States, during a time long past. We know the Mormons knew of North America and migrated as a lost tribe of Israel to that homeland to escape the pending doom of Nebuchadnezzar. And we know that the sacrificial procedure at Solomon’s Temple was an east-to-west occurrence, to pay reverence to the original fall in Eden, to the mercy seat between the cherubim, which guarded the garden. Humans have been fighting this evil for a long time, and it’s upon us now. And there aren’t enough goats to appease it.

Probably my favorite philosopher in all history was Giambattista Vico, which I found stunningly that my philosophy classes in college found repulsive. Giambattista Vico has done some of the best work in human understanding of the rise and fall of civilizations, which I talk about a lot with the Vico Cycle. I was first exposed to Vico when reading the great James Joyce classic Finnegan’s Wake, which is structured entirely around the concepts of Giambattista Vico’s revolutionary work, New Science, published in 1744. Vico’s book would have certainly have been on the shelves of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson and thought about when Adam Smith was writing his panicle book, The Wealth of Nations. Much of the trouble we see these days is this vast evil in the world attempting to put human thought back into a bottle so it’s easier to control. But by reading from the minds of people during this period of Vico and the creation of the United States of America during the same century, the long history of the human race and its purpose begins to become much clearer, even if the sentiment of the present looks to be an apocalypse altogether final and destructive. 

One of the big concepts explored in Vico’s New Science is that of the “The Three Boundaries of Human Reason,” the very foundations of all thoughtful enterprise. Because without human thought, can we actually reason that anything exists? For something to exist, we have to have a thought about it as human beings. Other animals of the world experience life as they are programmed at their DNA level. They don’t have an opinion on the matter one way or another. They may feel joy, pain, regret, and hunger. But they do not possess the ability to contemplate their role in such mechanisms as human beings do. And the prerequisites of all thought specific to the human race are divine providence, the moderation of passions through marriage, and the immortality of the human souls attested by burial. Under those three foundations of human thought and experience, we can shape the concept of society. So it should be of no surprise that when we observe society being attacked by unseen forces, but forces using members of the human race as avatars for their destruction, it is these concepts defined by Vico that they are attacking, the idea of something bigger than humans, God, the deliberate resistance to animal temptations, sexual, consumables, social acceptance—then the purpose of a soul merging into the afterlife. The hatching of the egg to become something useful in immortality. By attacking these experiences, the evil of existence seeks to control us to its own ends, and that is clearly the fight upon us now. When we say we must win the “fight,” we aren’t just talking about the conflict between political parties worldwide. We are talking about the merit of these foundations of human experience as Vico defined them and seeking a positive outcome for the human race, which those principalities of evil clearly don’t want.   

We saw this obvious tactic in the discussions of common core in public schools, where absurdities in math were supposed to be accepted. The lack of trust in facts would erode any concepts of “The Three Boundaries of Human Reason,” and sink human thought back into the grips of evil that permeates the universe. Such absurdities would then be part of the political dialogue of the trans movement, that a woman can decide that it is a man or a man or a woman based on their thoughtful assumption, not as their sexual roles intended for procreation and the furtherance of life. By destroying thought then, the mass sacrifice of the human race through abortion, trashed lives, misery, and physical suffering could then commence to the gods as it always did, the original concept of sacrifice as humans have always tried to stave off the effects of evil in the world, through the spilling of blood. Those that consume blood through sacrificial rituals obviously want the unrestricted flow of sacrifice to their existence. The last thing they want is a bunch of human beings who make up good countries dedicated to fighting evil and standing for righteousness to start thinking about other things, productive things. And not seeking the protection of the maleficent to shield them from harm from those principalities of doom which are more common than all the leaves on the trees that currently inhabit the earth or ever have before or after. The way to prevent such evil from achieving its goals is to protect those concepts in the human race, those “Three Boundaries of Human Reason.” To defeat those principalities of evil, as spoken about in Ephesians 6:12, the mechanism to do so is contained in Vico’s observations on the foundations of all human thought. To not achieve such a lofty height, then society moves through the Vico Cycle, theocracy, aristocracy, democracy, then anarchy over and over again perpetually, with the only thing benefitting from human existence being the evil that feeds off it. But the rebellion against that sacrifice is the foundation of all existence, and despite our current observations, we have seen significant progress that is worth fighting for. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

The Cult of Ishtar: What’s behind the crazy sex beliefs of modern politics

The famous film by Stanley Kubrick, Eyes Wide Shut with Tom Cruise and Nichole Kidman, is renowned for its crazy sex scenes featuring elite members of society hiring prostitutes for massive orgies in society mansions. It’s a peak behind many people’s belief systems and defies understanding of a traditional Christian-based society. But it’s not so strange if you understand what those elites are trying to achieve. They are no different than the ancient Sumerian farmer or even the Israelites who turned away from God because they worried their crops wouldn’t come. So what they would do was to go to a statue of the Goddess Ishtar, the ancient Sumerian goddess famous from the Epic of Gilgamesh; they would hire a prostitute and would have sex with them, hoping to appease the perverted nature of the deity in hopes that it might rain. Once that is understood then, a multitude of our modern mysteries starts to make sense. We have a lot of people in politics who do not trust in God for positive things to happen in their lives, and they have turned to the ancient gods of antiquity, just as people always have, for supernatural assistance. And that is what the Cult of Ishtar is all about; Ishtar was a sex crazed lunatic. The actual character from the pantheon of Sumerian gods was likely a creature with a few screws loose. That history goes back 450,000 years of chronology, so there is likely a lot lost in the translations, but Ishtar was, by the time the Bible was starting to be written, a very ancient figure, and people had a reason to believe that by appeasing her with sexual practices that good things might come their way. 

We would call such actions evil because anybody too lazy to do the right things could be said to be doing the work of evil. Turning to a goddess to make life easier for anybody is what I would call evil. And knowing the nature of politics and the people who are drawn to that profession, it’s all too tempting to take the easy way out. So embracing sex practices of perversion in the hopes of personal fulfillment of Ishtar into their lives is an all too tempting proposition. This is the surface point of Jonathan Cahn’s newest book, The Return of the Gods, which I think is fantastic, essential reading. For the sake of a book, he focuses on three main gods from Sumerian and Egyptian mythology that are trying to manifest into our modern world from ancient times. I would argue that they never went away. That the way these gods work is through quantum mechanics. They are competing lifeforms with our four-dimensional reality, which has the benefit of concealment. And many lazy people in our world are always looking for the easy way out, so appeasing the sex magic of the goddess Ishtar is very lucrative. We could easily then attribute the trans movement to that appeasement, the embrace of gay rights, abortion, easy sex, internet pornography, child sex trafficking, getting kids to have sex in public school as early as possible, high divorce rates, and broken marriages, all as a social, political appeasement of the goddess Ishtar the same as the Biblical period farmer who is struggling with his crops, and asks his wife what they should do. And they decide that having sex with a prostitute by the statue of Ishtar is the thing to do. In modern times, we see a massive commitment to this ancient goddess by lazy minds easily corrupted because they lack the intellect to contemplate any other reality than appeasement. 

Many people don’t know that the Pride flag of the gay movement, the rainbow, is the battle flag of Ishtar, and the colors all have precise meanings. When its argued that showing inclusion in our public schools of rainbow art made by the students is a great thing but that the cross of Christ cannot be displayed, we are dealing with massive hypocrisy. The rainbow flag is a religious symbol, just as much as the cross is for Christians. The rainbow flag represents the Cult of Ishtar, a sex cult meant to appease the goddess for all aspects of fertility. That fertility might be a new job promotion as viewed in a modern concept, increased GDP among losers in government who do not understand economics and have had their opinions shaped by Karl Marx, Keynesian notions, or even a sports franchise that hopes to win the next big game. Those who lack the confidence to live good lives and succeed with merit instead of supernatural aid are most susceptible to the Cult of Ishtar. Living as a Christian takes a lot more work, so to erase their guilt and weakness, they are openly seeking the destruction of the Christian judgement so to make their worship of the Cult of Ishtar more socially acceptable. And left unchecked, we see that it’s out of control in our politics today. It’s corrupting everything, our children, our businesses, even our beer cans. 

Ultimately, Ishtar was a prostitute, she could never stay faithful to one sex partner, and she was one who often embraced the ability to change her sex at will. This is why the trans movement we are seeing now has taken hold the way it is, and now all these media companies are openly embracing it, along with the powers of government. It’s an ancient superstition attached to pleasure, making it all too lucrative for the not-very-smart. Of course, the farmer will be happy that his wife will let him have sexual relations with a prostitute if it brings good things to their family. And in that way, millions and millions of modern people have been suckered into this Ishtar mess. When in truth, Ishtar, as a living creature, or now as a spirit residing in the 8th dimension, is likely insane and deranged beyond help. But the destruction of her ideas allowed for people to believe that perversion was merit, and since it fed their animal instincts with pleasure, they were all too willing to accept it. And that belief has gone on now for tens of thousands of years. But it’s not by accident that we see so much sex-based commitment by the modern political left. They are not very smart to begin with, leaving them to be very superstitious. They want to believe that if they appease some ancient goddess, their lives will be easier, just as they vote for Democrats to make a big and powerful government that can take care of their lazy asses perpetually. So they are tempted to bring great evil into the world so that they can avoid working too hard and thinking about things on their own. It’s much easier to hope Ishtar will reward them for perversions rather than to work hard to produce something unique from their intellect. Once it is understood that the Cult of Ishtar is behind much of the perverse sex in our modern culture, it becomes a much more manageable problem. I can’t recommend enough that people read Jonathan Cahn’s new book. He has created a great foundation of understanding so we can solve this very modern problem. I think the situation is much worse than he does; there are many Ishtar’s out there, and the politics of the gods are a real challenge when people are so willing to worship them and their menace so easily. But to understand many of our modern problems, understanding the Cult of Ishtar is essential to a solution that won’t come easily. Because that cult’s temptations are lucrative, it is easy for stupid people to follow while engaging in pleasure disguised as a sacrifice for financial benefit. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

What the New Trump Ad Says: Democrats don’t know what they are doing

This Trump ad put together after both of the national conventions tells a good story that accurately frames the situation. I have been writing and speaking for a very long time about how out of touch liberals are to the heart of human beings. One of the best examples of this has been the makers of the new Star Wars movies where they had all the tools in the world to produce a good movie but have destroyed the brand of the movie franchise anyway with an over emphasis on social justice and racial and sexual politics. I personally see it all the time, especially in the business world where corporate participants have simply been trained by too many left leaning institutions, like college, and it has numbed their hearts to the ways of human enterprise, and they are lost as to what to do without group consensus. Liberalism destroys leadership, and leadership is what makes action possible, so its no wonder that for people like Joe Biden and Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton—all of them, that they believe the best days of America are behind it and that the purpose of government is to manage the decline. But in Trump we elected a builder, a person who knows how to get things done, and put his personal touch on the Republican Convention which shows.

Democrats tried to use coronavirus to put limits on Trump’s campaign freedom trying to trick him into adhering to the Covid-19 rules that they made up to provide strength to their limits. They felt that if they could dull Trump’s creativity and energy that they might have a chance at this election so they made a big deal about the in-person convention that was supposed to be held in North Carolina. Then when Trump found a away around their opposition by moving the convention to Jacksonville, Florida they tried to use the coronavirus spikes as a way to push Trump toward a virtual convention like they were planning. That left Trump to do the convention largely from his home, which happens to be the White House. Democrats asked for it, and Trump did what he always does, he found a creative solution that was not limited to the tight controls of government. If Joe Biden was going to work from his home, Trump would too which would satisfy the critics. But in the end it worked out well for Trump because it helped him show the world that he was the occupant of the White House and that he had all the energy and creativity to stay there.

This more than shows the benefits of thinking outside the box, but it demonstrates emphatically why this new Republican Party is so much better than the old one and why Democrats are hopelessly devoted to failure. America is all about swagger, creativity and tenacity, which is why capitalism works and socialism doesn’t. You can’t have a bunch of leeches living off a system of economics and expect it to work. Capitalism needs constant vigor to continue to push competition and invention toward new objectives and the Democrats have rejected all those elements. At least in the past with Democrats like JFK, they were at least pointing to the stars and wanting to go there. These modern Democrats simply want socialism and communism and hope that if they play their cards right that they’ll be in the ruling class administration. That’s not what Trump wants, he’s already won at life, he’s achieved things and is proud of what he has accomplished and now as president he wants to share that enthusiasm for others to feel. What’s wrong with that? Not a thing, its what we should expect out of all politicians. And Trump wants to win this election like he does all things, giving us a full example of ultimately why conditions in America have improved under Trump. A passion for winning is the beginning of any success.

Yet there is more said in that Trump ad than most people realize, Democrats expected to win this election by defining the rules of conduct which they control, then forcing everyone else to adhere to them. That’s how we ended up with the Covid-19 reaction, is that liberal “experts” set limited ground rules which were controlled by a centralized authority that severely limited the output of the nation economically. Which is precisely why socialism never works anywhere and communism is a complete failure. Democrats point to China and says that communism can work, but they are wrong. China lives off the lives of others, they do not do for themselves. They steal American business ideas and technology and use their vast labor force to produce everything cheaper. The lack of self-direction in their economy is obvious, where even with over a billion people and vast plots of land, they still trail behind the GDP of America. A free people are much more efficient and creative than a people dominated by too many rules and regulations. Democrats had to live by the rules they created with the convention, where Trump worked around the rules and the results were obvious. One convention was certainly better than the other—by a lot.

This election is about rules and freedom, and they do not go well together. Democrats believe that an overly managed society is the path to prosperity, and when it doesn’t come easily, they point to racial diversity and sex to garner improvement. But the lesson they have never learned is that economics is a measurement of creativity, a society of free people who all have equal opportunities to be successful is the best way to arrive at a fair and just society which is how Trump was able to parade a long line of very diverse people to the convention to say great things about him for days on end without pause. There wasn’t a weak spot in the entire convention whereas the Democrats came across as a telethon at 2 am in the morning. Ultimately tribalism is a liberal concept and like the chieftains of old modern liberals believe that rules make a society great. By cutting off the head of a captured prisoner the Mayans thought that the gods would bring them rain for a harvest, or that the many Indians of North America could appeal to the spirits for passage into various phases of life with a little dance around the campfire. And modern Democrats believed that appeasing an invisible enemy in Covid-19 with face masks would save them from certain death, and shutting down the economy to appease the viruses’ ego might help make it go away.

Republicans like Trump believe in creating and using their imaginations to drive impulse to action. They aren’t waiting for the appeal of any gods; they are of the belief that immortality is present in creation and that mankind can shape their own destiny which is where success comes from. Back to the Star Wars example of the old movies versus the new and why Bob Iger at Disney even with the vast resources at his disposal was unable to duplicate what George Lucas did. Achievement in life is not about skin color, sex or group think—adhering to the rules of a tribal council. Rather, it is in individuals who want to win at life who do shape the rules of the universe and point the way into the future. And you can tell by that ad that Donald Trump wants to win this election and for those of us who also like to win, the parameters of victory are obvious.

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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