No More Mr. Nice Guy: Trump needs to put all his opponents in jail, and even worse after sentencing Steve Bannon to prison effective July 1st

Trump is a lot nicer than I am.  When he had a chance to throw Hillary in jail, he should have during his first term.  Because when the communist left acquired power, look what they have done with it.  It is best to strike first.  To destroy your opponents and forget about all this sissy turning the other cheek stuff.  That’s for Jesus and the gang, everlasting life, forgiveness, and all that.  I want heads on pikes.  I want the enemy destroyed.  I want revenge.  I want to see anyone who expresses hatred toward the American flag go to jail for as long as we can put them in there.  I don’t care if the woman who married the crack-addicted sex-obsessed Hunter Biden calls people a Nazi for pursuing justice against the President’s disgraceful son.  Nazis are just more members of the same lefty problem, and they should all be prosecuted and tossed away for as long as we can do it.  So I wasn’t particularly impressed with President Trump’s interview with Sean Hannity, where he talked about his reasons for not putting Hillary Clinton in jail when he could have and should have.  And even Obama.  Trump made himself a victim of communist insurgency, including being such a nice guy that Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci talked him into shutting down the American economy to prevent the spread of a virus they helped make in a lab in Wuhan.  Covid-19 didn’t just naturally jump from animals to humans; it was made that way on purpose, as a bioweapon released for political reasons.  And they marched into Trump’s office and lied to him because they knew Trump was too much of a nice guy to call them out on it.  Trump has no plans to be a dictator, even now.  He wants to Make America Great Again.  And to win an election where the cutthroats in politics don’t want to ruin his life for existing.  Trump, I think, is a very reasonable person.  Much more so than I would be.

But now they’ve gone and done it, and even as we speak, Trump is wondering if, during his sentencing hearing for the Fat Alvin Bragg case in New York, he too will have to go to jail until after the election is over, where he will be released because people have elected him to be president.  Peter Navarro is already in jail. He was a member of Trump’s immediate staff and right-hand man in the White House during his previous administration and will likely be his right-hand man during the next Trump term.  Steve Bannon is also now sentenced to go to jail on July 1st, effectively to take the popular pro-Trump WarRoom podcast off the air during the rest of the election.  Democrats have gone way too far with lawfare, and they have to be punished, and I don’t mean just a little bit.  From top to bottom, they must be prosecuted for their gross abuses of power.  So, they have no reason to call Trump a dictator and tyrant.  They behaved that way once they had power and had to be punished for it.  Otherwise, they will do it all again if given the chance.  These fears that the left have of Trump returning to the White House are of their own making.  Because they know what they did and still plan to do.  And when Trump is back in the White House, I expect him to do what’s hard for him, and that is prosecute everyone who has participated in the coup against him over the last ten years, from Robert Mueller, Barack Obama, and of course Joe Biden.  Even Paul Ryan for the way he worked Republicans against Trump and assisted with the Russian Dossier scam.  They all have it coming, and they must get it. 

So this greasing-the-skids thing going on now, trying to force Trump to do the opposite because of their accusations, will fall on deaf ears.  These are vile people, and there aren’t jails to hold them all or graveyards.  My policy is not just to fight fire with fire.  But to respond with a nuclear bomb, even in reaction to a squinted eye, and to make sure to rub their nose in it for the rest of their lives.  That is not Trump’s personality.  Like I said, he’s a nice guy.  He’s running for president and has built his life to do it.  I have not.  So, for all the people involved, that’s a good thing.  They’ll get off easy.  However, Trump is more than justified in putting a strong Attorney General into the Department of Justice and cleaning the house.  These hearings with Merrick Garland, Hunter Biden, and Dr. Fauci are just the tip of the tip of the iceberg in that disgusting town.  One of the reasons Trump is still the leading candidate for the presidency, even after all that has happened, is that people still see him as their best revenge against a corrupt and out-of-control government.  And yes, people expect revenge for what has been done to their representative government, at the very least.  They don’t want to kiss and make up.  They want their political adversaries in jail because of what they have done to their picks.  And it hasn’t just been Trump. 

While all this was going on, Joe Biden was giving his pitch for making the wealthy pay their fair share, as if that is what people want and expect of their government, wholly clueless and braindead as to what the words meant as he read what people had prepared for him from the progressive playbook.  Who says that the government deserves the level of money they are demanding? Look what they have done with it in the prosecution of Trump.  Why should we want to pay the government anything the way they waste money?  Yet that is the essential platform for the Biden presidency: more money to fund more government that will break the law and throw conservative resistors into jail for not doing what they want them to do.  That is how disconnected they are from the realities of the day.  They shouldn’t be asking for more money to waste or even demanding it, as they arrogantly do.  They should be waiting for their court dates and when they will be prosecuted to the furthest extent of the law.  And to save some of the money from incarceration, many of them should suffer capital punishment for their crimes against our nation.  Anybody, and I mean anybody in the FBI, CIA, or elected office, who participated in a coup against President Trump should be prosecuted with capital punishment in mind because that is a crime of high office that intended to harm our nation at its core.  And Trump is way too nice to say that on his own.  When we elect him again, we expect him to see things our way and not let the left play him for a sucker as they have in the past.  However, as to how the future looks, the political left should be thrilled that Trump is more forgiving than most of the people supporting him.  Judgment Day is coming because they deserve it for what they’ve done and continue to do, and I don’t mean the one for everlasting life.  But life in America is about how it steps forward out of all this smoke and treachery to live again for the people of its creation.  Turning the other cheek is not an option.

Rich Hoffman

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