Joe Biden and the World Economic Forum are Far More Dangerous than Putin: How the strings to the puppets are pulled, and by whom

I’m used to having a lot of people mad at me.  Over the many years I have been doing this, I remember when the entire country of India was angry at me for pointing out to them that Lord Hanuman was gay.  They didn’t like that very much, but it was true.  And they didn’t appreciate me saying it.  I had a similar experience when the Greeks were having a meltdown financially because they were choking on socialism when I pointed out that their entire culture was built on homosexuality and that Hercules was gay for other men.  They didn’t like that very much either.  And so it has been that way for more than 15 years.  I wouldn’t consider myself doing an excellent job if I didn’t always have people mad at me.  And I do it often.  But I have yet to have anybody come and tell me I was wrong about something.  It’s one of the mysteries of the universe, and I’m entirely OK with it.  People get mad because they don’t want to admit that something is accurate and would rather behold an illusion about something than admit to the facts.  And that was undoubtedly revealed in that disastrous press conference with Joe Biden when he came out at precisely 8 PM to do something he never does, and that is talk to the press who were questioning him after a damning report about why they weren’t going to prosecute him for mishandling classified documents.  (news flash, Trump was president and had the right to classified documents, whereas Joe Biden was only VP and he didn’t have the right)  Biden couldn’t help himself; he came out and was driven by ego, argued with the press, and even started to leave, but came back again to argue more before he ran out of gas after about 10 minutes only to confirm everyone’s suspicions.  It was a total set-up by the people handling Biden.  But why?  Why that time, 8 PM on a Thursday at the start of February, right in the middle of primary season?

What did we learn from this interview? One, the primary political party in Ukraine is Neo-Nazis, made that way because of the 2014 CIA insurrection led by Obama. They didn’t have any identity, so they adopted Nazi ideology. Russia was at war with the Nazis, so this is an old conflict. That’s not something they talked about in the news media that wants us to send tax money to a government that supports Neo-Nazi philosophy. That’s kind of a problem. What we have here is a bunch of globalists who have taken over Western governments, and they have created Ukraine as a state for their purposes. And the real fight is to remove these criminals from our government and regain control of Western civilization from corporate communism.

Well, at that precise moment in Russia, Tucker Carlson, the new Julian Assange, and at this moment, the most notable reporter in the world, was interviewing Vladimir Putin, much to the melting faces of those committed to the World Economic Forum tyrannies around the globe.  They had propped up Putin to be their straw man over the Russian invasion of Ukraine, where lots of crimes have been committed, and the war gave them an excellent cover story.  And ironically, the history of the Putin invasion is the same kind of strings on puppets that we were seeing at the precise moment with President Biden.  I pointed out to everyone listening at the time that these same characters were provoking Putin into attacking Ukraine because NATO was being set up on the Russian border, and they were poking the wasp nest, purposely for a political philosophy of globalism against any nation claiming nationalized status.  It’s the same general philosophy that we see on America’s southern border, where migrants are being pushed and funded to invade the sovereignty of our nation to collapse the concept of national borders in favor of a one-world government run by the United Nations and fueled by the World Economic Forum.  Everyone knew what Putin would do, so they did it, and the war was started, and the money laundering through Ukraine began, using the war as the cover story.  Do you see the pattern here, dear reader?  The playbook is well-known now; they think you are too stupid to notice. 

The truth often hurts, so people avoid it, which then bad guys exploit to commit mass crime

Biden is down in the polls, and he was a perfectly sacrificial victim to the bigger story, which was that Tucker was interviewing Putin, and the controllers of the world didn’t want that interview to happen.  So they pushed Biden out at the same time slot to do something he never would otherwise do, and the story around the world wasn’t about Putin.  It was about how old Biden was, and the corporate news cycles took the bait and ran with it like they were predicted and trained to do.  That, too, comes from their playbook, just as it would in football if you are on fourth down but only have less than 5 yards to go for a first down; you perform a hard count to draw an aggressive defense offside.  Everyone knew that Biden’s ego would propel him into several acts of disastrous foolishness, which was astonishing.  And it did soak up the news cycle.  And the same happened with Putin when he was drawn to attack Ukraine through NATO bait.  And in the scheme of things, the Putin interview with Tucker Carlson was far more dangerous than losing a puppet president in America who was projected to lose to Trump again anyway.  For the New World Order, the most pressing control they had to exert was to take the Putin interview off the front page because they needed to keep people from learning the truth about Putin. After all, he was their cover story for many terrible crimes going on in Ukraine for hundreds of very sinister reasons.  So people were left scratching their heads, bewildered by what they were seeing, but the truth was that we noticed how the puppets were maneuvered behind the stage for a change, and people had many questions. 

Said a spokesman for the New World Order

As it usually is, I listened to everyone, hoping that somebody else would talk about it, but nobody did; I told everyone that Putin was just a distraction to the greater crime, and of course, people were angry and wanted to say that my statements were “unpatriotic” as if we had some unsaid obligation to listen to the Biden administration about anything.  Or to trust our FBI, CIA, or the World Economic Forum’s view of the world.  That it was somehow violating some code in America for pointing out that as bad as Putin had been over the years, the Biden administration was much more dangerous.  And to that point, the people who put him in power, to begin with, and keep him propped up on stage to distract everyone from the international corporate crimes that are being conducted right in front of our faces, audaciously, are supposed to be given unwarranted merit.  And like that press conference and that Ukrainian war, the malice is hidden behind concepts of patriotism.  For the good of America, we have to listen to the people who want to destroy it.  That is the logic and the assumption as it was given to us on that critical Thursday night, February 8th, 2024.   Never forget it.  Oh, I see exactly what is being done.  I have been able to do it for many years and under many conditions.  And people who don’t want to admit to such evil are, of course, upset about it a lot.  But that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.  The World Economic Forum and their puppets in government are far more dangerous than Putin.  And better late than never, we are seeing a desperation coming from them that has never been there before because they are losing their grip on the world.  And when forced to, they were pressed into a hard count, and Biden was pushed on stage to address a political problem, and they did it to cover up their bigger problem, Tucker Carlson interviewing Vladimir Putin on prime time on the newly revised social media platform, Elon Musk’s “X.”  Yes, these are exciting times, and a lot more was revealed than the bad guys intended.  Which, to the way I see things, is a wonderful thing.  The bad guys in the world need a Putin straw man to cover their many horrendous crimes.  And that Tucker interview took that away and showed people a different kind of Putin.  An ex-KGB agent who runs one of the most ruthless countries in the world with diabolical propaganda and brute strength.  But in the scheme of things, Joe Biden, his handlers, and the World Economic Forum are far, far, far worse—and they have a lot more power behind the scenes than people have previously thought. 

Rich Hoffman

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