The Government Plan to Cheapen Death: Hiding the massive crime of Covid from public justice

Why aren’t the people involved in producing the COVID-19 vaccine and distributing it in jail? Or at least in court explaining why we have a lot of people under the age of 50 suddenly dying at a much more rapid rate than usual? Instead, as it is in Ohio, we have billboards up advertising from the Department of Health that people should get their COVID-19 vaccine and booster shots to avoid contracting the virus, which, based on the evidence, is complicit in an act that is highly probable, deliberately harming people. Ladies and gentlemen, Covid was a scam, a plandemic put on by global economic terrorists, and they have killed people in the process, and ruined the lives of just about everyone on planet earth. And they should be prosecuted and punished for what they did to the world, not put in power or listened to about anything. I wouldn’t trust anything these people would say, including what we should watch on television. I’m certainly not an “anti-science” kind of guy, but that’s not what we are talking about regarding the COVID shots and the virus itself. It’s good to have medicine to avoid getting sick so people can continue to work and be productive instead of lying around on a bed and getting healthy again. But Covid was a developed bioweapon made in a lab in Wuhan by American globalists who wanted to help the World Economic Forum perform a Great Reset of the world’s economy and to push it from a capitalist one into a communist model, such as what China has. They built the weapon in China because of the low regulatory environment, much less hot than Fort Detrick, where the whole project was started, and they planned to use the tight controls that the Chinese government had over the media to contain the story.

Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates, along with many others, conspired with the American government and many other governments around the world through the World Economic Forum and their organizations of influence, The World Health Organization and The United Nations, to perform gain of function research so to make a Covid virus transmissible to humans, which under natural immunity wasn’t possible. COVID was a hypervirus made to suddenly transmit to humans under cover of vaccine preparation so that people would have medicine when viruses hit. Ralph Baric was one of the people involved at the core of the story who performed this gain of function under the assumption that they could remove the elements of human tampering, which is why Dr. Fauci denied any tampering because he thought the human imprint had been expelled from the process, that the fingerprints so to say, were removed and the evidence was destroyed. But Duke University and other places figured out how to read the genetic manipulation and have uncovered the destroyed proof, so now we know, without question, that COVID was created in a lab for use as a bioweapon against a global population intent to drive people toward more government regulation and a change in economic values. So there is nothing worse than a created virus to spread harm to a human population globally than perhaps the medicine associated with it. Why should people be forced or even encouraged to take medicine for a virus that isn’t even natural for human beings anyway? Nature already built immunity to the COVID-19 virus, and by introducing a weaponized version of that virus into the population, what could have gone wrong?

I would argue that many guilty parties are so arrogant in believing they can control media narratives and the legal system that they are thumbing their noses at the world. And that protecting vaccine makers from prosecution is part of the problem. And so is desensitizing people to the concept of death to hide this massive crime. For instance, we might recall recently the hockey player who was cut across his neck during a game by a rival player’s skate. It killed him right there on the ice in front of a filled arena and on live television. It was murder to my eyes, yet you didn’t hear them talking about it on ESPN and other Phizer-sponsored broadcasts. Politicians like getting money for campaigns from the pharma companies, so nobody pushed the issue of prosecution and spoke about what a tragedy it was to see such a killing on live television. Over the past several years, especially since we have seen COVID-19, it is evident that the reporting of deaths has been minimized. There is what looks to be a purposeful campaign to desensitize people toward death and to accept such losses as a fact of life. This attitude is a market push by all the same flawed characters, and they are the ones bringing us no romance in movies, so to push a social agenda toward the destruction of the family and to make masculinity appear toxic to the same social engineers that are invited to speak at the World Economic Forum in Davos. They have ruined music by infusing communism into the money structure of marketing and distribution to keep any social messages in pop culture tightly controlled and much less expressive. Death and cheapening it is their current agenda so to hide their massive crime in a devalued society, and they are laughing at us with every Health Department billboard encouraging people to get a vaccine shot for a fake virus as a result of a phony government-controlled pandemic.

Covid was the crime of the century, and the vaccines were already ready before it was released.  Now that Trump is coming back into politics, officially, people are playing back what happened in 2020 when he got wrapped up in the scam because, at the time, he had no other option but to trust the science.  Dr. Fauci was there as the highest-paid government employee, and Bill Gates had this obsession with vaccines, and nobody had any reason not to trust them when they demanded that the economy be shut down and that people listen to another economic terrorist, Richard Hatchett when he designed the social distancing policies advised by our own CDC not to protect people from this government-made virus but to destroy the concept of any individual rights that the world might have left, especially the Bill of Rights in America.  This was an officially stated objective by Hatchett discussed before the virus’s release.  And these kinds of people advised Trump in that critical year.  The social controls got much worse under Biden, as he moved to make the vaccine distribution among the public mandatory, where the government could tell people what kind of medicine to take for a virus that they created in the first place.  And as a result, people look to be dying everywhere, prematurely.  It happens every day.  And to help cover up the massive crime that has killed many millions and continues to, we are being desensitized to even the concept of death.  We now accept death much more casually than before COVID-19, and that is part of covering up the original crime, which is stealing from us an entirely new generation.  It is the greatest catastrophe known to planet Earth, far worse than anything else, and the government is still playing the game of COVID-19, which obviously produces a vaccine that has negative health attributes for a percentage of people.  And when they die of those effects, we have a media culture and governments that are covering it up to protect the drug makers so they can continue to do their illicit deed, to the death of the innocent in large amounts that looks to be connected to a larger plan to participate in a depopulation agenda, not for the good of people, but the religion of Gaia, and the mass sacrifices that have always been attribute to that worship from the lunatics of history.

Rich Hoffman

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