The Communist Left Wants Out: Punishment Old Testament style is coming for them after what they have done to Trump

The communist left has gone too far, and I would look for them to try and find some reason to have a mistrial regarding Trump’s sentencing.  Yes, of course, they want to put him in jail and gain the ability to decide where and when he goes on any campaigning on the final stretch of running for president, which everyone seems so shocked to see; Trump is pulling away from Biden rapidly in current polling, especially in the critical battleground states.  The risk for the communists now is what happens to them when the shoe is on the other foot.  Because they have gone all in and then some to use their power to keep Trump out of the presidency, but if he wins anyway, and authentic “democracy” puts him in office, as they did in 2016, despite all the games and shenanigans, what will happen to them?   I can say that Trump was very nice in not jailing Hillary Clinton.  I said then that Trump should have done it because they would do it to him.  However, Trump wanted to play the high ground and be nice to his political enemies.  But they have not been so kind to him, and have done everything they could to destroy him and his family.  Even members of his administration.  Members of Congress.  The Supreme Court itself.  They have shown every ugly card imaginable, and for what, to arrive at this point in history with the public still picking him when given a choice?  And now they are looking for ways out of the corner they painted themselves into.  Including the judge in the New York case looking for an avenue out indicating a mistrial because once Trump does win in November, and the shoe is on the other foot, the communist left will be vulnerable in ways they never imagined. 

My advice, which many people are asking for these days, big names who do critical jobs and are looking for clarity, is that if you want law and order in society, you must punish those who break the law.  And you have to do it Old Testament style.  None of this Jesus stuff of forgiveness.  We don’t have another three hundred years of Christian persecutions only to finally have the Romans adopt our religion and try to unify the world with the Bible, a selection of stories they picked to build a healthy society from their perspective of social control and domination.  I am a supporter of the books of the Apocrypha to be added to the Septuagint for a complete understanding of God’s story from that period of history.  And Jesus was appealing to those who didn’t want to be fed to the lions themselves.  “Remember, Jesus said to turn the other cheek?  Please don’t hurt us for all we’ve done to you.”  Remember what they did to you and give it back to them and then some.  Punish them viciously and ruthlessly, and don’t be nice about it.  That is my advice to everyone in the wake of what we have caught the communist left doing to our society globally.  And when Trump is in office again, if any form of democratic voting system is allowed to happen, people are going to pick Trump, and then Democrats are going to have to be punished for what they did to not only Trump but America in general.  They have openly plotted the destruction of our country, and they must pay for what they did.  And it doesn’t matter how much pain it causes them.  They should have thought about all that before they did what they did.  And compassion for their pain will only make society worse.  

Merrick Garland has been found in contempt of Congress, the same charge they are putting Steve Bannon in jail for, along with Peter Navarro, who is already there.  These were respected members of the Trump White House.  The communist left may not have liked them, but they were “democratically” picked, so nobody who speaks against that process of society picking their representatives and then working actively to punish their political opponents once they gained office can claim they are working for a “democracy.”  Such hypocrisy only fuels the anger against those advocates for such injustice in the wake of the picks of a free society.  Because, in essence, nothing is free in such a world controlled by totality and ruthless authority.  Essentially erasing the exploits of every war won or fought over time by the depraved menaces of scandal and evil.  For every family who has lost a loved one to war, these antics are spitting on the graves of those lost as a reminder that these forces of destruction are in control of our government and are doing whatever they must to hold that power at every expense.  But in so doing, they have lost any reference to public support, even by people who may have otherwise voted for them by choice.  The disrespect for the very system of government that indicates a government by choice has now had that mask ripped away, and people are poised to vote for Trump to remind Democrats that communism is not the government we are going to put up with.  And our elections still matter.  While the communist left wants to desperately when the sentencing for Trump occurs on July 11th, 2024, throw him in jail and hope revenge never comes to them. 

They started all this, now they are worried about the pay back.

Steve Bannon has to report to jail on the 1st of July, so all these dates match up to a vast conspiracy by a communist government, globalist in its reference but every bit as communist as China currently is.  The judicial goal is to remove the critical pieces of the political chess board during the final stretch of the election and hope the public will let them get away with it with such a show of force.  But unlike China and other places in the world where globalists have put communism into the management of their controlled societies, voting is still somewhat free in America.  They do not have the control they had in 2020 when they stole the election and pushed Trump out of office even though people picked him as their representative.  They still have to pay for that crime.  And COVID still has to be paid for; lots of people in our government killed many people, including many of our loved ones.  There were a lot of terrible things done, and there are lots and lots of people who need to go to jail, and even worse, from what we know, they did.  Let alone what we have yet to discover.  And now that they have gone too far with Navarro, Bannon, and Trump himself, they have only themselves to blame when justice comes looking for them.  Because right now, that’s where people are.  They are going to pick Trump.  And if that doesn’t work, they will resort to more ruthless measures because that is their right, and obligation.  That is why I say, for the sake of all humanity, that Old Testament ruthlessness on the law and order front is the only option.  It is the most humane way to deal with the crimes committed against us all.  Such crimes must be frustrated in the future, and if they aren’t punished, they will be inspired to commit crimes all over again.  And we can’t have that.

Rich Hoffman

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