The Trans Movement that Started at the Stonewall Inn: Violence is their preferred mode of expressing themselves because it has worked

Scientifically speaking, we may be dealing with retarded malcontents from other dimensional realities when trying to understand a vast evil that entered our world during the 1969 Stonewall Inn riots.  As I explain all the time, most paranormal activity, I think, can be explained through quantum mechanics, and to that understanding, there are likely many lifeforms who live below and above our four-dimensional reality, and they have their own motivations.  We might rationalize them as the spirit world, but they are there, and to work with or through us, it’s difficult to do it directly but to do it spiritually, we can at times communicate with them.  Some of us can hear their voices quite clearly, others not so much so.  Intoxication seems to be a vehicle to allow these otherwise restricted minds to interact with our reality more often and more accessibly.  But given the history of the world, we should not assume that these voices are intelligent.  Just because they come to us from other dimensional realities, we should not assume that they are the best their world offers.  Because they are talking to us, we might otherwise apply that they are not of a sane mind and may seek to dominate our spiritual world because they have been discarded in their own.  That would certainly explain the antics of Ishtar and her other deities from the times of Mesopotamia, which actually may not be so old at all, but are working as openly in our world of today as they did in the reported times of pre-Biblical associations in the land of Canaan, and the Mesopotamian valley, then extending down to the early civilizations of Egypt.  Studying the life of the actual person, Ishtar, I think she may have been a deranged fool, not an object of worship, as she has taken on that role even in our present society, and she makes herself most known when technological boosts show her that our world is outgrowing her rule from the shadows. 

The 1960s was a challenging time in America, we were the new superpower in the world after the creation of the United Nations in a post-World War II relationship, and the KGB was looking to undermine American life with all kinds of psychotic tricks, drug use, and cultural destruction, most recognized by the hippie movement.  China today has resumed that level of discontent, but many doors were opened during the 1960s to purposely kill off American culture from the level of the youth and hopefully stop all the technological innovations that were coming from us that the rest of the world just couldn’t put their finger on.  So it should not be surprising that in the summer of 1969, as America landed people on the moon, the KGB aggressively undermined our society and many other competing forces, including occultists who wanted to see global communism.  Gay lifestyles were illegal then, so it was quite a rebellious thing for the people who gathered in Greenwich Village in New York City, at the mob-owned gay bar, a kind of speakeasy for its time, the Stonewall Inn, and participate in that lifestyle.  To enforce their anti-gay policy, the police would often raid this bar for operating without a license and arrest everyone.  But they’d be free within a few hours and would resume their gay lifestyles back at the bar.  The mob would bribe the police behind the scenes to keep the place open, and things went on like that for quite a while.

When we talk about gay and perverse sexual lifestyles, it was the goddess Ishtar who, all during written record, all around the world, has represented the life of the prostitute and enjoyed watching human beings having sex.  And the more perverse sex, the more she was interested, and people all through the years would engage in such activity hoping to win her appeal and maybe have her sprinkle some fertility their way in the way of luck, productivity, or just plain good fortune.  In that regard, a place of drunken action in one of the biggest cities in the world, under the occult attraction of the anti-American forces, would be a great place to evoke the attention of the goddess, especially one month before the moon landing, which had the world jealous with rage at the time.  So this time, at the end of June of that year, the police raided, but the people fought back, all in the name of gay rights.  It was there that the gay men, the lesbians, and the transexuals who had been forced to live closet lives in a very Christianized America fought back, and a riot took place that started the Pride movement.  And from there, the rest was history.  Gay people saw radicalism and violence as their way to advance their lifestyle and not be worried about social prosecution.  And from that Stonewall Riot until the present, the Pride movement, the arm of Ishtar’s cult of sexual perversion, rampant pornography, and massive prostitution, has been unleashed on American society with the military intent to bring it down.  Ishtar herself has seen many civilizations rise and fall from her perspective and could care less about America.  But the attention she gets from her worshipers has made her a rockstar in the spirit world, giving her many reasons to continue her quantum abuse across dimensional space and time. 

So it should come as no surprise that after a trans-liberal shot up a Christian school in Nashville, where the authorities worked hard to suppress the manifesto of radicalism that the shooter left behind, that violence is the preferred method of expressing themselves.  We saw transsexual Rocky Horror Picture Show lunatics storm the capital to make the entire issue about gun rights, not their sexual predilections that just caused the death of many innocent Christians.  We have also watched many trans activists vandalize lawmakers’ homes and move further to the aggression of violence to advance their agenda of the Cult of Ishtar.  They do it because it worked at the Stonewall Inn, and since then, they have not seen a resistance from society to inspire them not to.  And their movement is driven by the ancient Goddess Ishtar, and foolishly they assume that by appealing to her, they gain the power of expression that extends into the afterworld.  Their empty, drunken minds open them to the evils of Ishtar’s world, either from her directly or her many minions.  But the mistake comes in thinking that she has intelligence, or a moral role in the superiorities of mother earth worship, which ultimately points to the worship of her, worship of Aphrodite, of Venus, of Isis, of all the voices of the spirit world who are likely too stupid not to abuse their position from other dimensional realities to a species of the dumb and lazy who would rather get action from the spirit world than to do for themselves with the tools of their own existence.  For the lazy, help from Ishtar is like the mother they never had, so they listen to her insanity for destroying the world because they are too insecure to do anything else.  And in this fashion, the Cult of Ishtar has been unleashed upon our world to deal with.  And we see her violence and chaos in our modern news stories, which will continue until we stop allowing it to happen.  Of course, trying to rationalize with them is a foolish enterprise that will never work.

Rich Hoffman

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Another Example of How Government is More Dangerous Than Mass Shooters: Without guns, the American government would have already used the “China Model” to rule over all of society

We’ve been through this before with all these mass shootings. This Walmart shooting in Virginia recently, where an overnight lead person named Andre Bling opened fire on the same workers that worked for him, killing six and injuring several others, isn’t unusual these days. But it’s not a question of gun control, as the Biden administration would like, nor the elements of our intelligence community who work for the Liberal World Order would want you to believe. There is far too much evidence that through various means, certain types of people can be pushed psychologically into committing violent acts by third parties, and we have seen that this Biden administration and its structural support of globalism will do anything to gain power and to hold it, including election fraud. Or manufacturing deadly viruses and exploiting their release to control mass populations. It’s not even worth a debate at this point because they have been caught in the act too many times over the last five years to deny it. I would always point to the Las Vegas shooter, one of the biggest mass shootings on record that killed many people in one of America’s most reckless and visited tourist spots. Notice how there are no documentaries on the shooter; his memory just went away along with the Jeffery Epstein jail cell cameras during his “suicide.” The government talks about disinformation and their obsession with the “China Model” are not going to work in the United States, and that panic is starting to set in with some of these big government globalist groups. Therefore it’s not unusual that people like this shooter, Andre Bling, at the ripe age of 31, we’re talking about government dishonesty. More and more people are because the government has proven itself to be far more dangerous than some of these young people who crack under the pressure of modern expectations and commit mass shootings, whether they were pushed into it by some clandestine government agency hungry for news stories in their favor, or whether or not people can manage their personal concerns. Once the smoke clears on the subject, every mass shooting is sad. But a society without guns is even worse because what we know now, which we didn’t admit to ourselves prior to President Trump becoming president, is that the government is far more dangerous than the potential for mass shooters.

The solution I always say to mass shootings is for more people to carry. There should have been armed people in the breakroom to shoot Andre Bling when he opened fire. Nobody should be a sitting duck anywhere, at any time. In a free society, gun ownership and Constitutional carry are critical to its maintenance. This notion that there is a government control solution to any episodes of violence is ridiculous. There are no law enforcement officials in existence that can take away the intent of a criminal to do harm. And the government simply cannot be trusted with the safety of its citizens. The best way to deal with the corruption of government, which this shooter was concerned with, which contributed to his desperate state, is to keep it small and decentralized. To take away their monopoly power over social maintenance. We need government for critical things, but it should not be so big that it can control our very lives. Finding that balance has been an interesting bit of social history, and without question, the modern ratio is way too high. Government to be less corrupt, must be dramatically scaled back, and that doesn’t mean adding more government workers to the payroll to prevent mass shootings. Too often, we find that those police officers and armed security do not engage a threat in the way we expect, and people still end up getting killed when a shooter decides to snap and open fire on mass society who are innocently minding their own business. I carry a gun every day, everywhere I go, and I participate with a lot of people who are gun owners. In my community, there are over 400,000 people, most of whom own and carry many guns. And nobody shoots each other.

Guns themselves are not dangerous; people are dangerous, especially when they have bad ideas. It used to be that we recruited police and security from the military, where our government would train people to be reliable killers under pressure to prepare for wartime engagement perpetually. But this new military is more interested in transvestite rights, gays showering together, and how many women they can train alongside the men than in actually preparing people to deal with pressure under difficulty and put their own lives on the line when threats matter most. So naturally, we are seeing significant failures in our nation’s security and defense both with foreign threats and domestically. We are not making tough people anymore due to government policy. In the process, we are creating millions of potential young people who can snap at any moment and become tomorrow’s mass killers. The best solution to that is less government and more personal responsibility to diffuse mass shootings wherever they occur. Whether it’s in the classroom, or as a person sitting in a Walmart breakroom, wherever lots of people gather, there is always the potential that one or two of them will be prone to psychological distress and find themselves the next mass shooter. The liberal approach is to eliminate the guns themselves and to have gun control which the crooked Biden administration immediately tried to implement. But that is giving the government power it doesn’t deserve and obviously can’t handle, and it is not a solution worth consideration in any way.

If not for private gun ownership, the government, which is far more dangerous than any mass shooter, would have already made its move toward the China Model of complete control over society. We see in Brazil mass protests of millions of people because of the recent election where their presidential pick was stolen from them. In China, we see the same mass protests in the big cities, like Shanghai, where the government is trying to impose phony Covid lockdowns to get political control of their mass population. In hindsight, they tried the same thing here, and people obeyed for the first few months. But because of gun ownership, the government knew it could not go door to door for enforcement, which forced the courts and legislators to rely on the Constitution for an answer to the problem, for which there wasn’t a big government solution to be found, nor should there have been. The Covid push was an attempt by the world’s governments and their financiers in the World Economic Forum to commit a Great Reset behind the chaos, which is the real threat to society. Not some young person who can’t handle the pressures of life and committed violence against his peers in a moment of crisis. The solution would have been for Walmart to have an open carry policy that would have stopped the kid from shooting as soon as he showed “intent.” Many fewer people would have been killed and injured. But even worse than that potential crisis is the goals of government that have demonstrated its intent, which is to remove guns from society so that they can get administrative control over it and take Americans to places they don’t want to go on the chessboard of globalism. Instead, I’d recommend, in reaction to that government intent, that you buy a new gun today and let them know you are buying it. Because that is a vote, they can’t steal from you, and it allows the real bad guys no that domination of America won’t be easy and done behind the desk of some pinhead. But people can defend themselves from the threats of violence resulting from government policy and are free to live their lives despite the failures of big government and its minions of ignorance, malice, and doom.

Rich Hoffman

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The Paper Tigers of Liberalism: Should we expect violence before and after the election and what to do about it

Many people are worried about how liberals will react after losing so much in the upcoming midterms. It’s a similar concern that I heard ahead of 2020 when people worried that the reelection of President Trump would lead to riots in the streets, the attack of Trump voters in their homes, and a general collapse of all society. That was until we saw the massive amount of cheating that took place, which put their pick, Joe Biden, the criminal, treasonous malcontent in the White House, through unthinkable scandal. But that was during an unthinkable year where Covid was used to steal the election and have a global insurgency against the trends of populism. We know a lot now that we didn’t then, and speaking from my personal experiences, I think it’s safe to say that we have witnessed the worst that the political left has to offer. Sure, they can still kick and scream and incite riots. But their strategy for everything has been endured, and the concerns that violence will erupt due to a conservative clean sweep is based on a paper tiger villain that falls apart quickly when wet. And as a result of this next election, that will surely be the result. It has been a scary time for everyone. But the bottom line is that much of the bad behavior that we witnessed that has given everyone the anxiety of violence has been illegal. This insurgency of the Biden administration and leftist politics, in general, has violated the American Constitution in favor of new rules written by the Desecrators of Davos under the United Nations. They planned to abandon our Constitution in favor of one written by the United Nations in the future, and in that act, they told us everything we needed to know about how to defend ourselves. 

Speaking truthfully, which is something I have been hesitating to talk about, but it’s been on my mind for two years now, I have expected every day and every hour of those days to be in a shootout with some branch of this insurgent government. Whether they were official officers of the law sent like the FBI to harass Trump patriots or paid off assassins by those forces so as not to have dirt on their hands toward groups known for terrorism and discord. I have expected to be attacked and to have to defend myself at all times. And it has been rough. I’m not Roger Stone or Paul Manafort, public figures who talk tough in public but quickly surrender when authority is applied. I would offer that the abuse of them and others around Trump was carefully selected. The authorities knew these personalities would not fight back when attacked, so they were picked to make an example of them to scare other supporters who were not so inclined. I’m sure the scouting report on me is deep, so I never expected any courtesy of politeness to be applied. When I was up reading at 2 AM in the morning, I was expecting a knock on the door, and I have been quite sure of how I would handle it. For me, the Bill of Rights of our American Constitution is absolute. It’s the agreed-upon laws of our land. There is no compromise with the 4th Amendment, which states: “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” The government cannot invent crises like Covid to bypass these laws. Once that happens once, even if the excuse might have merit, then the law loses its effectiveness, which was obviously the strategy of the global insurgents all along. 

A Great Work of Political Philosophy, and the Word of God as far as America Goes.

During the Covid lockdowns, it was clear to me that the governor was violating the American Constitution, and I did not follow the health director guidelines of the state of Ohio because there was no legal grounding for it. I argued many times with $400 an-hour lawyers in the heat of those times, and I was right about the validity of a state governor overriding the Constitution with emergency powers without the legislature to consider the proposal. And in the end, I was right, as the years in court after that would prove. But it was scary at the time. Even members of the Ohio Supreme Court whom I spoke with were unsure how to proceed with such an intrusion of our constitutional rights by the emergency powers of a governor under a crisis, made up or legitimate. So I operated my life as normal. I was on the road every day, and I fully expected to be stopped by the police at some point during the lockdowns and harassed for not following the made-up on the back of a napkin Governor rules for Covid. And that would have been a clear violation of the 4th Amendment, and I was prepared, and still am, to defend the Bill of Rights with the 2nd Amendment. Not that I ever wanted anybody to get hurt, but this violation of the law to me was serious business, and I felt that at any time, I was going to be targeted as an example to be made of so that others wouldn’t get the same idea.   I stayed on edge like that for two solid years until it became apparent recently that the whole Liberal World Order overplayed its hand and is now falling apart. I’m still ready for anything at any moment. But the political momentum for the political left is lost, and now they are in a retreat.

So to the point of violence, I can say from personal experience that the entire makeup of the Liberal World Order, from the local authorities to the military, to the IRS bureaucrats that there is so much talk of, are paper tigers wherever such Marxist pushes occur in the world, especially in Africa where rebels against insurgent Marxists have figured it out, that the Administrative State is filled with paper tigers that fall apart quickly. They do not have the moral authority to conduct their abuse. We have seen the worst they can manage to apply to the world in what they did under the Trump administration, climaxing into the election fraud of 2020 and the creation of Covid in a Wuhan lab in China to push the world into the Desecrators of Davos Great Reset. The whole event was a military attack to my way of looking at these things that were meant to destroy the American rule of law through the Constitution, and that was a line I was never going to cross. And others felt the same way; the result was that the effort failed for the Liberal World Order, and they were caught. So when they lose, which they will lose, they will not have the authority to go door to door, killing Republican voters. They don’t have a right to do that, and nobody should fear it or abuse authority to arrest people just because they voted for a conservative. Follow the Constitution. Keep it committed in your mind and be prepared to defend that rule of law in the face of lawlessness. I get it; it was scary during those Covid days. But know that the bad guys are weak; they are paper tigers who are easily exposed. And once people know that, the fear goes away quickly, and a world that is restored to the rule of law can take place once again, which is the obligation of each and every one of us. 

Rich Hoffman

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The Wisconsin Hit List that Mitch McConnell’s Name Was On: How evil spreads in the world

First of all, political hits like the one against Wisconsin judge John Roemer in Wisconsin are more common than they should be. Like election fraud, there is a level of this behavior that we have come to accept. We see this reflected in the Bret Kavanaugh case in Washington D.C. at the Supreme Court level. The threats of assassination, literal or socially, have been a form of judicial control for years. Suppose a judge comes up with an unpopular ruling. In that case, there is the constant fear that some assassin like Douglas Uhde, who killed Judge Roemer in his home tied to a chair with zip ties, before going down into the basement to shoot himself in the head only to die days later from the wound, will knock on our door. Unfortunately, judicial activism has been very common in political tides to persuade them to behave in ways that a criminal class desires. The threat of such actions as occurred with Douglas Uhde is meant to maintain control over their logic. Speaking from a lot of experience, I have known a lot of judges over the years like John Roemer, and I certainly have known a lot of hit people like Douglas Uhde. Most hit people are not slick, bold people like you see in the movies. Instead, they are low-level people with messy hair and messy lives with a personality type that allows them to desire that line of work because they are a little crazy. Stories like this killing are so common it would provoke the question of why this one made national news. After the police found Uhde’s body in the basement, they also found a hit list in his truck at the site with Mitch McConnell’s name and the name of Governor Whitmer in Michigan.

It’s not that a vast evil is in charge of all thoughts and deeds because what happened next was a baked-in imposition similar to the original intent of judicial activism. There happens to be a push by Democrats nationally to ignore inflation numbers and all the other debacles of the Biden administration and to do something on gun control legislation to give the hapless loser some kind of victory going into the midterms. Democrats have convinced ten pathetic Republican senators to sign on to some token gun control legislation after the media has essentially put every shooting on the news that has happened across the nation for the last several weeks to perform the task. The evil at play is baked into the system; it’s not a hidden message from Skeletor or Cobra from those old 80s cartoons like GI Joe, who are orchestrating all this mess. The evil is systematic, and the media knows what to do with it when they see it. Killings like this with the judge normally wouldn’t make news outside their local community. Still, this one had the name of two prominent politicians on it who are sympathetic to progressive causes, so this story was unleashed as a national incident. Reporters taught in liberal institutions guided by liberal financing know what they need to do to keep a job in the industry, and stories like this killing keep them relevant.   So the media picked it up to help the cases of Whitmer in Michigan, who is in a tough challenge for her seat to make her a one-term governor, and to work on Mitch McConnell on gun legislation in the senate. Even if he didn’t put his name down for support of gun control legislation, he wouldn’t stand in the way of it either. After all, his name was just found on a hit list. 

So this is how these stories of hidden menace manipulate our culture at the legal level and why many cry in the night for justice but never get it because the bad guys always seem to be in control. Silently, we accept this kind of injustice and harassment of our legal system, and instead of fighting back, we hide in our homes and hope that people like Douglas Uhde never come to see us. In my experience with these kinds of people, they are quite common, and law enforcement knows about them. They live in the cracks, often have deep criminal backgrounds, and messy lives in every way you can imagine. But they kill people for a living, and judges are careful with these types because they don’t want to end up on a list like the one found in Uhde’s truck. And over time, the more rigid we have become with gun control laws, the more we have chipped away at the Second Amendment, the more empowered people like this hitman have become in our world. And our media and legal system have accepted these terms to make way for progressive politics and consider the actions “collateral damage.” The best way to stay off such lists was to do what the thugs in the world want and not stand up to anything significant. By the nature of the killing of Judge Roemer, who was retired and trying to live his best life, the fact that he was tied to a chair before receiving a gunshot to the chest indicated a payback for a court case or a series of court cases. There was a person who fled the scene and called the police. When the police came, Uhde was still in the house and had no choice but to kill himself or go to jail. 

This is precisely why we have the Second Amendment. If the person who fled the house had stayed and fought off Uhde, we would have a different story. If Judge Roemer had been armed himself and had shot Uhde long before he was tied to a chair, we would likely be short one hitman in the world, which nobody would bat an eye at. Many people would have lived happily ever after. But evil in the world doesn’t want us to be happy or to feel secure. So they want to chip away at our right to defend ourselves with gun control legislation and use every violent occurrence to perpetuate our fears so that we are easier to control. To make us all into potential victims. That is precisely what the judicial branch has come to accept, even at the level of the Supreme Court. When deciding a case, they have to think about whether or not they might be killed for making it. So is a decision worth dying for? Is Roe v. Wade worth dying for because Chuck Schumer, who just pushed those 10 Republicans into joining him for gun control legislation to make Biden look good, also inspired violence toward the Supreme Court judges, which one lonely 26-year-old kid was just trying to kill Kavanaugh. He turned himself in before making the killing. But the implication was enough to get everyone’s attention, which was the reason for the threat. And sometimes, to back up a threat, sometimes the hit must occur. It certainly got Mitch McConnell’s attention.

Everyone talks about living in a “civil society.” Yet, we have an entire political system that accepts acts of violence and the maniacal lives of people like Douglas Uhde because it helps evil gain power in the world. That is how evil grows; we accept it in small bits at a time. Killers like Uhde exist. After all, they help corrupt politicians like Chuck Schumer and Gretchen Whitmer grow in power because they terrify the people downstream, especially local judicial judges like the poor Wisconsin Juneau County Circuit Court retiree. And ultimately, that’s why they want to disarm us all so that we might be tied to a chair and killed for not ruling in the ways evil desires. And that we would attack our means of defending ourselves, making it easier for evil to spread in the world because we have no other means of dealing with it but to yield to it and hope that a killer like Douglas Uhde never knocks on our door.

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

A Monopoly on Violence: Elon Musk sees it, and soon will the rest of the world

The Government’s Monopoly on Violance

Elon Musk has said it in a couple of interviews toward the end of the year since Time Magazine has made him “Man of the Year,” that government has a lot of problems. He thinks that government should be a referee on the field but not a player in the game. And he has continued to say that one of the biggest problems with the government is that they have a “monopoly on violence.” I first heard these comments from him during a Wall Street Journal interview at a yearly think tank kind of thing they do in Washington D.C.  Then again, shortly after that, at a surprise sit down with the Babylon Bee, the online satire website. Many of us have been saying things like that for a long time. Elon Musk is obviously having an evolution as he runs his two major companies, Tesla and SpaceX, with the challenges of government regulation and global commerce that is trying desperately to move toward Chinese communism. The difference is that Musk cannot be canceled for saying what he does because he is at the front of the train on virtually everything. Actually, at a recent Joe Biden EV Summitt, Musk wasn’t invited, even though Tesla is undoubtedly the most important player when it comes to the electric car market. But instead of it looking bad on Musk, it blew up in the face of Biden, like everything does these days. So for Musk to say things about the government that are consistent with Tea Party positions over the last decade is quite a thing and certainly an indicator of things to come. When people like Musk are critiquing government correctly, many mainstreamers want the overflow of his money who will by default see things his way.

And isn’t that the heart of the problem with the government, that government has a monopoly on violence? That is precisely why they naturally are inefficient in everything they do because they never have to worry about someone calling them out as the big bullies. Or at least, that’s what they have assumed for a long time. That is why they feel they can start riots all over the country during 2020, trying to use racism to blame the Trump supporters for the unrest they created, but their real intent was to remove President Trump from office. But then when people went to Washington, a quarter-million people, to hear Trump give one of his final speeches and the frustrations spilled over into a mob at the Capitol building, the government felt it could arrest the participants and hold them in jail for some undetermined time ignoring completely any due process along the way. They also thought they could shoot Ashley Babbitt for no real reason and that there would be no recourse for their reckless actions. They felt they could arrest the participants of the January 6th, 2021 demonstration without any real just cause because of their monopoly on violence. In that case, they could have arrested people in all the mobs previously that were incited by the government, including on Inauguration Day in 2017 when President Trump was sworn in. The damage to Washington D.C. and other places was much more severe on that day, but as we have seen over the last several years, the government picks what it wants to enforce and abandons all laws when it’s not convenient to them. 

Then we have the FBI, which I have been talking about for a while now as one of the most corrupt law enforcement branches we have these days. They are obviously radical from top to bottom. They are not only corrupt at the top floor of the FBI in Washington. The revelations in the Whitmer case in Michigan prove that several FBI agents were involved in a set up of the Wolverine Watchmen, where several agents had penetrated the group and were trying to inspire them into criminal activity. Like it looks, they did on January 6th. The ideas for violence weren’t coming from the militia groups themselves, but from the FBI trying to plant ideas for violence to cause an action that they could then arrest people for entrapment. The corruption in the FBI is at the top level, the middle level, and certainly in every field office.

I know people who are in the FBI. I also know people in the Secret Service. Over the years, many people have worked for me who move off into these fields, and good for them. We always need people to do these jobs; like Elon Musk says, we do need referees to help keep the game honest. But we don’t need the government playing the game.   And when it comes to law enforcement, a badge doesn’t make a good person. Many people who have left me for some federal job I wouldn’t trust with a box of rocks, it’s not that they aren’t good people or were good employees. Yes, without good leadership around them, they go corrupt quickly, almost every time. I would never permit them to arrest people on fake FISA warrants in the middle of the night. What I have heard from the FBI, especially regarding their actions against President Trump, does not surprise me. And for what they have been caught in at the highest levels, you have to logically conclude that they are doing much worse where they never thought they’d get caught. 

Corruption in federal law enforcement, even localized law enforcement, comes from one common source when the government thinks that they have a right to inflict violence on you. Still, you are never allowed to give it back to them, so we have created a corrupt legal system. When power is given to anybody without some measure of regulation, that power will undoubtedly go to their heads. One of those employees I spoke about who used to work for me became a local cop. He was always good for me; he was a model employee. But without me, he spun out of control quickly, and soon he was pulling over carloads of young girls and scaring them with threats of jail and traffic tickets that they didn’t want their parents to find out about. So he and his fellow officers would force the girls to perform oral sex on them to get out of trouble. And it worked most of the time until someone finally came forward and reported what had been happening. By nature, no matter who it is, authority over others will corrupt everyone. The best measure against it is to remove any monopoly of violence. In our brilliant constitutional republic, we do have a measure of addressing that very issue, the Second Amendment. The only reason we have any sense of justice in America is because of gun rights. The government would have gone wrong beyond repair years ago without those gun rights. What’s terrible about these last few years is that the government has gone further in corruption than ever before because of the Trump election of 2016. They were so insulted that people would vote for someone like Trump that they have turned toward their monopoly on violence to commit some significant constitutional crimes, including what they have done with Covid. We will be sorting out that mess for many years to come, but the crimes were, and continue to be, reprehensible. But good things are happening, and when people like Elon Musk are where many of us have been for a long time, positive changes are on the horizon. And in this case, talking about the problem is the first step in fixing it. We no longer have the assumption that we can trust these government authorities. Left alone, they are prone to corruption at every level, and it is from there, we must take action to correct it in the future.

Rich Hoffman

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