All Unionized Labor Should Be Illegal if Tax Money is Involved: They want to be highly paid without the results to justify it

There is, of course, more to the story.  I certainly heard the exasperation in the Louder with Crowder team as they investigated the horrendous story of the massive mishandling of a Butler Tech intern at the Butler County jail, which led to sex and the corruption of a minor in really disastrous ways.  As the story unfolded and all the adults involved pointed at each other for the blame, I saw on people’s faces and could hear in their words that they were exasperated by the lack of responsibility provided by the adults.  And here’s the thing: just a few days before this story broke, I had a chance to talk to Sheriff Jones quite a bit, and I am sure he and I agree on much more than we disagree with.  If we watched a bunch of old westerns on a Saturday afternoon, we would likely like the same things about them and share a sense of justice that would be enjoyable.  As people, as it is with most people, we agree on most things.  If we had a Thanksgiving dinner together, along with a bunch of other random people, I know there would be a lot more in common than not.  Differences occur when individual people try to bend themselves toward group-oriented consensus, where they toss their values out the window in trade for the power of group rule.  And that is what is going on with this Butler County case and why all the adults are complicit.  And why is the little girl being prosecuted while all the adults slither into the background to hide behind their labor unions and collective bargaining agreements?  This is why they are in labor unions so that the power of the group can leverage responsibility away from them in case something goes wrong, which it certainly did in this case. 

Probably the most guilty person in all this is the Butler Tech teacher, Aaron Fitzgerald, who ran the criminal justice program and was responsible for putting that 17-year-old girl unsupervised into a jail with a bunch of criminals and murderers, so often that she established sexual relationships with them.  Even more, some of the inmates were claiming her as a wife and were trying to “lock her down,” so we aren’t talking about a casual mistake that happened once or twice.  It happened repeatedly, systemically, and it was how Aaron Fitzgerald ran his program and the dangers he put the kids in with his permissive attitude. I would further blame the board at Butler Tech for their permissive, progressive attitudes about sex and their behavior in public, such as Julie Shaffer from the Lakota school board has shown to all the adults in charge, and the breadcrumbs of the blame certainly fall at their doorstep.  The Louder with Crowder crew went to Aaron’s house to talk to him about this case, and he freaked out.  But what was revealed was that he had a nice home in a very nice neighborhood.  That in itself isn’t uncommon in Butler County, Ohio.  But his sense of entitlement is something we had just witnessed on the whole Lakota schools superintendent issue, where reckless sexual lifestyles destroyed that guy once the public learned just how bad they were.  These are unionized employees with a sense of entitlement that is common in most labor union activity, where they want to be paid top dollar for some of the worst results that come from any labor activity.  They want all the money without any responsibility.  And when they get into trouble, as they certainly have in Butler County, Ohio, they circle the wagons and blame everyone who isn’t in the union.  In this case, the only person without a labor union relationship is the little girl. 

Over the years, I have argued this point extensively, and the impact of the disaster hasn’t changed.  I think it should be illegal for any labor union to be connected in any way to a taxpayer dollar.  We went down that path in 2012 when we thought we had a good governor in Kasich before everyone got a hold of him and destroyed him into just another progressive.  Sheriff Jones and I were on opposite ends of that issue, and they managed to hang on to their government unions for a while longer.  These days, President Trump has the labor union vote, so everyone is in a big Republican tent these days on the issue.  But it doesn’t change what labor unions are.  And what you get with them is too expensive, and the performance is terrible.  In this Butler Tech case, the measure of success is whether they have kids to put in the program.  Not what they learn or what happens to them along the way.  Unionized labor attached to government has been a disaster, and what you get from them is a horrendous performance with a perpetual sense of entitlement, like they are owed their jobs.  And they don’t feel they have to compete with anybody else to have them.  Then, when something goes wrong, they collectively circle the wagons and protect each other from the results.  Their goals are not in performance but in concealment and protection from expectations in results. 

Sheriff Jones, the same guy who talks to me about law and order and not putting up with terrorists coming into our community, took the union position on this Butler County jail case, saying that their prosecution of the girl was based on her admission.  And that all the kids sign a waiver (I don’t think sodomizing kids was on the sheet) and that she was almost 18, so that’s close enough.  She could be hired into the jail in a few months anyway.   And he said these things to reporters, thinking they were perfectly acceptable statements in a sane world.  And I know he doesn’t believe any of those things, yet he was saying them, as all brotherhood members do when one of them gets into trouble.  That’s why those kinds of people seek union membership.  And labor unions aren’t just a disaster in government occupations.  In the private sector, if you call up a supplier looking for your thing, and the person you are talking to can see it on a shipping dock through a window, waiting for someone to put it on a skid to be loaded onto a truck.  But they can’t load it themselves because they need a union guy to do it, so they have to wait for him to come off his 4-hour break, watching Loony Toons on his cell phone to load the truck.  That is how it is with all unionized labor and why they aren’t competitive in the world marketplace.  They cost too much, do too little, and when you need to know who’s responsible, they never admit to anything.  When they get into trouble, they rally behind their brother and sisterhoods to protect each other from judgment.  And that is why everyone involved gets away with horrendous behavior.  The only people who pay are those who are not in the union.  The union members, or those who directly benefit from the unionized labor, get away with everything because it’s part of their collective bargaining strategy.  If you try to pin them down on something then they take the labor away completely, making enforcement of policy nearly impossible.  So everyone just avoids punishment and discipline from bad decisions.  And it’s so disgraceful that it takes logic and good people and turns them into grotesque monsters who perpetuate evil to get easy and unearned paychecks, as is the case with Aaron Fitzgerald and many others.   

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Sodomizing a 17-Year-Old Girl in the Butler County Jail: When all the adults let down kids

The trouble with stories like this one is that I like many of the people involved.  But here’s the thing, and this goes for all adults: it is a privilege to have the trust of children, and they need us to help guide them into their first functions in life.  The wonderful thing about kids is that they have their whole lives in front of them, so I think trade schools like Butler Tech do great things by giving kids specific skills that will launch them into life.  I am very supportive of Butler Tech in my neighborhood as I live within a few miles of their three major campuses and know many of the people who run it personally.  Putting kids in contact with a valuable skill, or skills in technical fields, is a great way to start in life, so I am very supportive of Butler Tech in Butler County, Ohio, and their mission.  But often, intent does not match reality, and by the time you start putting a bunch of lazy slugs into the mix you end up moving from a dream of conception to a nightmare reality and that is what we learned about on a national story from the Louder with Crowder Show who unraveled an alarming story of national importance right in our back yard, yet again.  Why can’t the adults in these schools behave themselves?  Wait, I know the answer, I’m just being rhetorical. 

So this wasn’t a one-time, oops, where a young 17-year-old girl, who was an intern for the Butler Tech criminal justice program, was left alone with inmates at the Butler County Jail.  This was a systemic problem day in and day out where nobody was managing the poor kid even as she was being exposed to hardened criminals and murderers, freely.  And the best answer to come from Tony Dwyer was, “Well, she’ll be 18 soon, and we hire 18-year-olds at the jail.”   The permissive attitude is going on at the jail where this young lady was able to have sexual relationships with at least two of the inmates and send letters to the extent that they wanted to marry her and were claiming her as their own over the other inmates.  And the sex went to such an extent that she was sodomized, which was all indicated in letters to her from the inmates.  The first problem is that she, as a criminal justice intern, was so unsupervised that she had time to build up all these relationships that led to so much sex.  Obviously, nobody was watching what was going on, and if they did know about it, they were so brain-dead that the atmosphere of permissiveness was a long way away from community expectations.  What was pathetic was that once the Louder with Crowder report hit the national news, all the news outlets from traditional media made the story all about the contraband she helped smuggle into the jail.  Very few news outlets caught the actual crime of the story, in how the Butler Tech structure left this poor kid completely unsupervised and exposed to all these dangerous elements over a sustained period.  This relationship building between the student and these inmates went on for a long time, and once caught, nobody seemed to be responsible, and the only person who got into trouble was the little girl.  They are prosecuting her for smuggling in contraband to the inmates and other poor conduct. The responsibility was the other way around; all the adults who were supposed to teach her criminal justice let her down detrimentally.  And they all embarrassed us in our community by making a good thing bad on a national stage. 

Upon hearing this story, I first thought that Julie Shaffer was now on the board at Butler Tech, along with many other presidents of school boards from our local region.  Lakota schools are the closest to these Butler Tech facilities, so she is just one of the guiding voices on the board.  But all this happened recently, in March of 2024.  Julie just won an election, even though people know about the stories of her out-of-control drinking in public, the loss of clothing at educational events, and being found in embarrassing and compromising ways.  People voted for her anyway, and she played a crucial role in using lawfare to eliminate school board members she didn’t like, who were elected by the community.  And she hasn’t just done that once recently, but on several occasions.  When people make mistakes, she has used those mistakes to pound them into destruction, and she is one of the guiding voices at Butler Tech.  So when we see teachers who fall short of expectations, which we have in this case, it all starts from the top, from the board members.  They all love to play house and use the kids to make themselves feel important.  But when it comes time to take responsibility for anything, everyone else always has the problem.  Never them.  But when the question is asked, why did Butler Tech’s teachers think it was all right to let 17-year-old girls run around in the general population of a county jail unsupervised? Julie Shaffer and the board members are the first to be responsible.  They love the authority of board positions and to be called leadership.  But when someone needed to look out for the well-being of this young girl, they blamed the girl.

Julie has advocated for all kinds of permissive sexual lifestyles, most recently the whole superintendent controversy at Lakota.  No wonder the staff and teachers have such permissive attitudes about sex, especially after the excuses the Lakota school board had while they tried to keep their superintendent even after the public learned about his reckless sexual lifestyle.  They even helped him find another job.  So what could go wrong when many of these same people were responsible for putting a 17-year-old kid in jail unsupervised with murderers and sexual deviants?  All the adults wanted to say to the public was that there was a program to teach kids about criminal justice by giving them access to real-world scenarios.  They left the whole sodomizing out of the story, and when the rest of the news reported the story, it was all to protect the adults from their responsibility in the matter.  It became all about contraband, while sex with minors was pushed entirely to the back of consideration.  And that is the problem with all these education institutions these days; they are entirely too permissible about sexual lifestyles to the point where they can’t see right from wrong, even right in front of their faces.  Is sex that easy in jail?  Who runs these places?  Why do inmates get to call people all the time?  And how could a young girl walk around jail and go behind closed doors and have sex with so many people, and the guards didn’t do anything about it?  And when an independent journalist breaks open the story, the only person, all the adults, wanted to blame was the kid they were supposed to be teaching?  You have to be kidding?  Yet, that is what we are dealing with, and it isn’t very encouraging.  Extremely embarrassing.  When adults have permissive attitudes about anything, this is the result we end up with.  And all these adults, in this case, were way too permissive, and they have let down so many kids who are looking for real mentors to show them the way in life.  In the case of this young girl, they showed her the ugliest side of life and threw her into the deep end, only to blame her when it all went wrong.  How pathetic!

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

The Collapse of the Communist Left’s Expert World: Never stay in your lane, always challenge the “experts”

Another one of the reasons that the communist left will never recover from their present condition, which they put themselves in, is that trust in an expert class will never return.  The grand failure was in what they tried to do with COVID-19, but the general attitude toward a credentialed class of experts has been falling apart for many decades.  The fantasy that communists had of a world run by experts has blown itself apart in America, and the rest of the world is following our example.  And that is a power that will forever be gone from society building.  During COVID-19, we were told to “trust the experts,” and the experts then ran us all over a cliff toward social destruction.  America was designed as a decentralized country that promoted people within its society through merit, not expert status.  In America, being good at many things is very fashionable, not just one specific thing.  Of course, Dr. Fauci was the ultimate example of an expert society people put too much trust in, who abused that leverage for personal reasons and became a menace to society.  That was the last straw for many people in the wake of that activity.  But the first began a long time ago as the labor movement tried to apply to society, in general, this ridiculous notion they have afflicted culture through labor unions, where only specialists in work performed a task.  An engineer didn’t do labor.  Labor didn’t do engineering.  And management stayed in an office somewhere and practiced for the next golf game.  Everyone had a specialty, and they stayed in their lane.  But the needs of human beings are much more dynamic than that.  And people are not happy with such a cap on limited knowledge.  People are happiest when they know many things and can approach life with curiosity and vigor. 

My personal approach to life is based on the 9 Ways of the Samurai from The Book of Five Rings, which says, “develop intuitive judgment and understanding for everything.”  And “know the Way of all professions.”  A long time ago, I worked as a machine refurbisher at Cincinnati Milacron down in Oakley, Ohio, in its prime years, and I had a big toolbox that had those 9 Ways attached to my toolbox lid, where most of the other guys had cutouts of nude women from Penthouse Magazine.  They thought I was a weird young man, but I loved my samurai books and read them every day on my breaks during those years, and it used to drive them crazy that I wasn’t interested only in my primary job.  They used to tell me to “stay in my lane” all the time and not to disrupt the apple cart.  Make your living, go home, sleep on the couch like everyone else did, and don’t try to change it.  Well, that was never good enough for me; I wanted to know something about everything, so I read many weekly books on various subjects.  Technically, these days, I could claim to be an expert in more fields of endeavor than I have fingers on my hands.  And I think that’s how the human condition wants it to be.  We have curious minds and want to learn as many things as possible.  At least we start that way as kids.  Most people hit puberty and throw that curiosity away forever once they start chasing after sexual pursuits.  But that is more of a biological surrender than the mind’s condition.  But to pull off their grand scheme on the world, global communists needed people to stay in their lane, do only what they were good at, and wait for an expert to tell them all the other things in an interdependent society of specialists trained in liberalism at the local college.  And to stay that way forever. 

By decentralizing information and making it so that people could acquire as much knowledge over a lifetime as they dared to pursue, the concept of an expert class has collapsed.  In frustration, you could see them draw that line in the sand in late 2019 when they unleashed COVID-19.  I was sitting at a bar in Orlando, Florida, watching the news of the unleashing of Covid from Wuhan, China, and I knew right away what it was because my base of knowledge was not expert-driven on a single source of wisdom but was applied over many interconnecting fields from psychology, philosophy, to essential medicine, law, politics, strategy, and military history.  And I knew it was an attack by a frustrated group of experts who were like union stewards in a typical manufacturing facility, upset that someone not qualified to do mechanical work picked up a wrench to fix something themselves instead of waiting on the union worker to stop watching television during his long break, and come and perform the work as needed.  Trump was in office and shaking up this world of experts, and they unleashed COVID-19 out of frustration to get the world to listen to them, the experts in the medical profession.  All it did was make everyone frustrated and angry because, in America, we had access to all the information we could ever hope for, and people could learn more about COVID-19 than the “experts” wanted us to know.  And they lost massive amounts of power during this period.

That was always one of the keys to the success of the United States as opposed to other countries that were much less dynamic.  Waiting for a class of experts would not work in an impatient world where progress was measured in seconds, not days and years.  The complaints about this fast-moving world always come from the sluggish communists who want a world of experts to stay in their lane and provide specificity on only the topics they are credentialed for from a local university.  I hear it probably a thousand times a week; “what makes you think you have a right to provide expert opinions on law, medicine, or political strategy?  What university did you attend that provided you with a degree in those fields?”  And my answer is that I have done more work in those fields than most people with six-year degrees combined perform over their entire lifetimes.  And that real-world experience doing real things that matter is a far better education than a liberal arts major in a specified field that limits you for the rest of your life.  And more people are figuring that out for themselves, and they are much happier.  Doing for yourself is much more rewarding than hiring an expert.  America used to be known for its self-reliance, for the backyard mechanic, and the craftsman who could build a dining room table on the weekend for their family.  The world of experts has not been rewarding, and most people who have stuck to the rules have grown into miserable adults and boring spouses.  Look at the divorce rates of most people, and you will find that most of them are drowning under the burden of an expert life where they learn their little things, stayed in their lane as they were told to all their lives, and end up brain dead by their 40s because they lose interest in life because they are so bored.  So they develop sex addictions and other detriments to fill their vacant lives with something interesting, which never works because all the effort is misapplied.  That is the world the communists wanted to give us, and it has been soundly rejected in America.  And that movement is moving to the world as a whole.  And not a moment too soon. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

The Communist Left Wants Out: Punishment Old Testament style is coming for them after what they have done to Trump

The communist left has gone too far, and I would look for them to try and find some reason to have a mistrial regarding Trump’s sentencing.  Yes, of course, they want to put him in jail and gain the ability to decide where and when he goes on any campaigning on the final stretch of running for president, which everyone seems so shocked to see; Trump is pulling away from Biden rapidly in current polling, especially in the critical battleground states.  The risk for the communists now is what happens to them when the shoe is on the other foot.  Because they have gone all in and then some to use their power to keep Trump out of the presidency, but if he wins anyway, and authentic “democracy” puts him in office, as they did in 2016, despite all the games and shenanigans, what will happen to them?   I can say that Trump was very nice in not jailing Hillary Clinton.  I said then that Trump should have done it because they would do it to him.  However, Trump wanted to play the high ground and be nice to his political enemies.  But they have not been so kind to him, and have done everything they could to destroy him and his family.  Even members of his administration.  Members of Congress.  The Supreme Court itself.  They have shown every ugly card imaginable, and for what, to arrive at this point in history with the public still picking him when given a choice?  And now they are looking for ways out of the corner they painted themselves into.  Including the judge in the New York case looking for an avenue out indicating a mistrial because once Trump does win in November, and the shoe is on the other foot, the communist left will be vulnerable in ways they never imagined. 

My advice, which many people are asking for these days, big names who do critical jobs and are looking for clarity, is that if you want law and order in society, you must punish those who break the law.  And you have to do it Old Testament style.  None of this Jesus stuff of forgiveness.  We don’t have another three hundred years of Christian persecutions only to finally have the Romans adopt our religion and try to unify the world with the Bible, a selection of stories they picked to build a healthy society from their perspective of social control and domination.  I am a supporter of the books of the Apocrypha to be added to the Septuagint for a complete understanding of God’s story from that period of history.  And Jesus was appealing to those who didn’t want to be fed to the lions themselves.  “Remember, Jesus said to turn the other cheek?  Please don’t hurt us for all we’ve done to you.”  Remember what they did to you and give it back to them and then some.  Punish them viciously and ruthlessly, and don’t be nice about it.  That is my advice to everyone in the wake of what we have caught the communist left doing to our society globally.  And when Trump is in office again, if any form of democratic voting system is allowed to happen, people are going to pick Trump, and then Democrats are going to have to be punished for what they did to not only Trump but America in general.  They have openly plotted the destruction of our country, and they must pay for what they did.  And it doesn’t matter how much pain it causes them.  They should have thought about all that before they did what they did.  And compassion for their pain will only make society worse.  

Merrick Garland has been found in contempt of Congress, the same charge they are putting Steve Bannon in jail for, along with Peter Navarro, who is already there.  These were respected members of the Trump White House.  The communist left may not have liked them, but they were “democratically” picked, so nobody who speaks against that process of society picking their representatives and then working actively to punish their political opponents once they gained office can claim they are working for a “democracy.”  Such hypocrisy only fuels the anger against those advocates for such injustice in the wake of the picks of a free society.  Because, in essence, nothing is free in such a world controlled by totality and ruthless authority.  Essentially erasing the exploits of every war won or fought over time by the depraved menaces of scandal and evil.  For every family who has lost a loved one to war, these antics are spitting on the graves of those lost as a reminder that these forces of destruction are in control of our government and are doing whatever they must to hold that power at every expense.  But in so doing, they have lost any reference to public support, even by people who may have otherwise voted for them by choice.  The disrespect for the very system of government that indicates a government by choice has now had that mask ripped away, and people are poised to vote for Trump to remind Democrats that communism is not the government we are going to put up with.  And our elections still matter.  While the communist left wants to desperately when the sentencing for Trump occurs on July 11th, 2024, throw him in jail and hope revenge never comes to them. 

They started all this, now they are worried about the pay back.

Steve Bannon has to report to jail on the 1st of July, so all these dates match up to a vast conspiracy by a communist government, globalist in its reference but every bit as communist as China currently is.  The judicial goal is to remove the critical pieces of the political chess board during the final stretch of the election and hope the public will let them get away with it with such a show of force.  But unlike China and other places in the world where globalists have put communism into the management of their controlled societies, voting is still somewhat free in America.  They do not have the control they had in 2020 when they stole the election and pushed Trump out of office even though people picked him as their representative.  They still have to pay for that crime.  And COVID still has to be paid for; lots of people in our government killed many people, including many of our loved ones.  There were a lot of terrible things done, and there are lots and lots of people who need to go to jail, and even worse, from what we know, they did.  Let alone what we have yet to discover.  And now that they have gone too far with Navarro, Bannon, and Trump himself, they have only themselves to blame when justice comes looking for them.  Because right now, that’s where people are.  They are going to pick Trump.  And if that doesn’t work, they will resort to more ruthless measures because that is their right, and obligation.  That is why I say, for the sake of all humanity, that Old Testament ruthlessness on the law and order front is the only option.  It is the most humane way to deal with the crimes committed against us all.  Such crimes must be frustrated in the future, and if they aren’t punished, they will be inspired to commit crimes all over again.  And we can’t have that.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Bird Flu is the Next United Nations Bioweapon: We know what they did with Covid, and now the food supply is their next target

We are getting ready to see a level of insanity that has always been a part of the Democrat Party, the communist left, that we’ve never seen before.  They always had the capacity for evil to do what they do, but we will see the worst of them in 2024 as it becomes more evident that they will lose power.  And I say that in the future state because the only way they have gained and held power is through deception in the years leading up to now.  And they can’t maintain that illusion without deception.  So they are losing control and will lose their ability to have power over other people, and the wheels came off during COVID-19.  They went all in with the Chinese bioweapon from Wuhan, sponsored by the United States and a whole list of whores from Bill Gates’ money supply, along with many others, and they killed a lot of people, harmed many others, and ruined all our lives which many are still digging out of.  At this point, more people are willing to admit all that than at any previous point because it’s such an evil concept that most would have never thought it was even possible, even as it was happening.  And that is what the communist left was counting on: people would be slow to recognize the threat, and by the time they did, the world would be functioning from a “New Normal” after the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset.”  I’ll repeat it now, as I did then, well before the Trump administration figured out what was happening.  Even Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, and all the other popular talk show hosts hadn’t caught on to it yet early in 2020 when we first heard about the bioweapon virus.  On day one of the COVID-19 virus, I said it was an attack on a scale bigger than Pearl Harbor.  And that was how we should have been looking at it.  So I was always right about Covid, and with that track record, I offer that bit of history so that people won’t be suckered again.

Bird Flu is the next bioweapon that the communist left is planning to use to have a COVID-19 part II.  And, of course, they have no other choice as they watch the world turn away from them by the masses.  I think all this is good because these bad guys needed to be smoked out of society in ways they have always been concealed.  And you can see the trends in the cross tabs of polling that have them in a panic.  More people of color are supporting Trump, for instance, than anybody thought possible.  And it’s not older people; it’s the under-50 crowd, which is a big problem for Democrats.  Also, regarding deportation politics, over 50% of Hispanics support that nationalized measure, which was a surprise to many who thought that once illegal immigrants were here, they would support all their friends and families, too, coming in the same manner.  However, most support enforcing border policy away from the current open border strategy.  The communist left is finding themselves surprised at every turn; things are not turning out as they academically planned, and now their fingers have been caught in all kinds of cookie jars, poisoning the cookies.  They will lose on the world stage, not just in American elections, and things will improve.  But there will be a lot of violence and chaos in the meantime because most of these people are complicit in many crimes and the mass death of millions of people, and they have to be punished.  I think it’s good because, at least finally, people have seen the evil behind the friendly masks, and all this horrible activity has inspired them to act toward justice.

And I would caution you, dear reader, I’ll say the same thing to you now that I told John Boehner when he was Speaker of the House, and he laughed like I was just another local conspiracy theorist, anything from the United Nations and its partners, like the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Organization need to be considered military endeavors.  I was right then, and I’m right now.  It was people like Boehner, my neighbor, who made us vulnerable to these attackers, to begin with.  They represent global communism and are on a military effort to take over the world and destroy the United States with the most powerful weapons the world has ever known: propaganda.  Another act of aggression that people have been slow to act on even when the evidence was abundant.  Everything they propose should be considered hostile to the sovereignty of the United States because they do not intend anything good for our national sovereignty.  And their biggest weapon to date was Covid.  What they did with it was no different than dropping bombs on an enemy city in previous wars to force a country to submit to the new threats of power.  It is what Genghis Khan did as a warlord, what Alexander the Great did to expand the Greek empire, what Nebuchadnezzar did to expand the Persian empire, what England and Hitler did, and what has been behind every attempt at global communism since Karl Marx wrote down his collectivist vision on pages of paper and international unions and secret societies sought to expand those management methods of central force community to community.  COVID was their grand fortissimo of thousands of years of attempting to build an international empire controlled by a few elite dominators.  Only this time, it was disguised by hiding the attackers behind white lab coats and academic institutions.  But the greed and power were no different than what we have seen from the worst tyrants of the entire human race.  And in 2024, it’s the Bird Flu that will be deadlier and more transmissible, and a way to hopefully get away from the punishment for their crimes that is coming their way by killing off those that might have the courage to prosecute them.

The giveaway to the effort is the gain-of-function research that made the Covid virus transmissible to humans when it would typically only be regulated to bats in the Wuhan region.  This is why Dr. Fauci and his subordinates are in so much trouble and deserve to be; they made the virus that was natural–unnaturally transmissible to humans.  And for them, it was an experiment because Covid 19 wasn’t very deadly.  It was a practice run for them and a test to see how the world would react.  They didn’t want to kill everyone, just the elderly and weak, which is precisely what they did.  What they did was another form of mass murder disguised as science and economic tampering.  And they had the governments of the world dancing at their fingertips with billionaire money given loosely to build a compliant team of murderers.  The danger with the Bird Flu is that the attack vector looks to be the food supply of the world, so you can starve the human race and force them to pharmaceutical alternatives.  And by creating such a crisis, they hope to avoid an organized world that will prosecute them for their many past sins.   And you can bet they will try because they have no choice.  They either turn to open mass murder, or they are going to be prosecuted by an angry society for what they have already done.  And before they let go of power, they will do everything they can to use it to save themselves from a world made angry and look for much-justified revenge.

Rich Hoffman

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The Failure of Bob Livingston and Newt Gingrich: Once you give up moral authority, you lose it forever

I’ve told the story of meeting Newt Gingrich before and how my wife completely insulted him as he reached out to greet her.  However, the context of current events merits revisitation because clarity has to be made as to why that event occurred in the first place.  We are seeing now why politics has changed, why people feel the way they do about Trump, and how the political left has lost forever a trust they abused recklessly.  And so did Republicans.  It goes back a few years for us, back in the 1990s.  My wife and I were young back then but every bit as involved in politics, and I was deeply involved in the antics of the Clinton administration. When he got in trouble for lying under oath over the Monica Lewinsky affair, we knew we had him dead to rights.  Even carrying around his little Bible wasn’t going to save him.  He was going to be removed from office and even possibly thrown in jail, and at that time, Bill Clinton deserved it.  It would have destroyed the Clinton global initiatives, which opened the door later for Barack Obama’s communism, and would have saved the nation a lot of headaches if only they had destroyed Bill Clinton when they had a chance.  Bob Dole was the head of the Senate, and Newt Gingrich was the Speaker of the House.  Things were poised well for Republicans.  Bill Clinton had done wrong with his affair with legal gymnastics that were not going to save him, and we knew the blood in the water meant the end of the Democrat Party.   But then the mistakes were made, and Slick Willy, as Clinton would be called, and the family name would stay with politics, bringing in an era of mob-style politics in the Democrat Party that has brought our nation to its knees now permeated the next two decades once these mistakes were made.  And those mistakes were and are unforgivable. 

The mistake is old, where outrageous evil thrown in front of Puritans locks them up to action, allowing the evil to grow even more, which is a Saul Alinsky tactic.  The mob and Larry Flynt challenging the Supreme Court on First Amendment rights perpetuated this evil, but it was that kind of time when Bill Clinton was caught in so much scandal for the sexual relationship that he lied about to all of us, under oath, which was the actual crime, had the media come to his defense much the way they had with Larry Flynt on the charges on smut peddling.   The media turned the whole story into a sexual one rather than a legal one, and the entire case moved from a crime to the behavior of two people, in the case of the Clintons, most of Washington D.C., behind closed doors.  That’s when the wheels came off the Republican case, starting with the tough guy Newt Gingrich and his second in command, Bob Livingston.  To defend Clinton, Larry Flynt put up a 1-million-dollar bounty on anybody who had slept with a Republican in Congress and that they would be exploited as hypocrites.  The media story about “it’s just about sex” began to swing the other way unbelievably, and my wife and I watched the Republican Party completely lose on the issue when they had all the moral and legal high ground needed to preserve justice.  It slipped right through their fingers because the head of Congress, Newt Gingrich, had been found out to have had an affair with one of his interns. At the same time, his wife was sick with cancer in the hospital, And his do-gooder second in command, Bob Livingston, had an affair with an intern too, and it was exposed, marking him and other Republicans as forever tarnished. Much of that brand damage still occurs today.  When people wonder why Trump, a guy who has been married three times, is leading the conservative movement, it started with soul searching during these critical years in the 1990s.  

Of course, Bill Clinton got off the hook, and the whole story became about hypocritical Republicans who couldn’t keep their pants on. That’s when the entire RINO movement started, and the party needed to be purged of them.  Newt left office in disgrace.  Bob Livingston had to resign, and he did so to inspire Clinton to do the same.  Of course, Democrats don’t feel guilty about anything.  So the reaction from Clinton was essentially, “I’m good; Hillary likes to watch me have sex.  So go suck on that.”  Hillary enjoyed her husband’s affairs; she controlled him with them the way people who like to have dirt on people love such information.  It was the closest Hillary ever became to being President when she could push her husband around every time he got caught with another woman.  She was herself a sexual deviant.  But she enjoyed the power such knowledge gave her over her husband and president.  So the whole thing came up flat and embarrassing because Republicans couldn’t live up to the lofty image they presented to the public when it counted most.  To this day, it’s much worse, and most people can’t have an opinion on morality because they are out there doing the same embarrassing stuff, and the FBI, CIA, and many members of the media know all about it.  So when it comes time to have an opinion, Republicans can’t express it because many times they are just as dirty as Democrats.

Fast forward about 20 years, and my wife and I talked to Newt Gingrich; I shook his hand and spoke to him a bit.  He’s a brilliant political commentator.  And I can talk to people politely and find something to like about them.  Find some valuable attributes to them that can be used politically.  My wife can’t.  If a person is not authentic, she wants nothing to do with them.  She was still mad at Newt Gingrich and Livingston, who had gone on to become a power lobbyist, indicating that he was a party guy in D.C., not a rock of morality, and my wife couldn’t forgive any of them for compromising the Republican Party.  To her point, we didn’t live that way; why couldn’t Republicans in elected office resist the temptations of the flesh and decadence to keep the party on the moral high ground?  Why give that up for anything?  Yet they did, and she refused to shake Newt’s hand when it was just the three of us at an event, making it very awkward for me.  But I understood my wife’s position, and ultimately she was right.  Many Republicans, even now, cannot speak on moral issues because they are committing violations of the flesh as much as anybody.  And God’s forgiveness isn’t enough to save our country.  That’s a lot of the reason we are in the position we are in now, and so much evil has been allowed to grow.  It’s not enough to have opinions about smaller government and taxes and have a pro-business platform.  You must be a good person to your family, community, and country.  And so many officeholders fall short.  And when they do, my wife and I have never forgiven them.  I have lower expectations of people than she does.  But that doesn’t make her wrong.  If only Livingston and Gingrich could have maintained lofty morality when the temptations of the flesh permeated their conduct, the world would be much better off now.  And we wouldn’t have to fight as hard as we do to undo those sins of the past.  Once you give up your moral authority, you can never get it back, and such authority is needed for running a government, which is missing now.

Rich Hoffman

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Josh Gates and the Secrets of All Civilization: Why the World Economic Forum is involved in the ancient site of Gobekli Tepe

I do a lot of important things over a week.  But as I told my kids while we were in line to get into the Josh Gates Live: An Evening of Legends, Mysteries, and Tales of Adventure at the Taft Theater in downtown Cincinnati, nothing was more important than the three of us going there together while my wife watched all the grandkids.  My kids grew up on Josh Gates, and more specifically, Indiana Jones, who obviously very much inspired Josh Gates. It was important in ways that most people don’t measure things.  Specifically, I wanted to know a few things about Josh Gates in person that don’t come through the editing of his many thousands and thousands of television shows and interactions through the filter of social media.  Josh Gates is a very talented and good guy who has done much with a quirky in-between media lifestyle.  My family has immensely enjoyed his trips around the world.  My kids were interested in going, so I bought some tickets, not knowing what to expect from a live show.  But I did get my answers, answered.  And it’s not so much what he said, but what he didn’t say as a very successful producer of several shows on Discovery Channel and the Sci-Fi Channel over the years.  He’s seen everywhere on earth, all the various political systems, and conducted paranormal research in some of the most haunted places in the world.  But as I spent time with my kids for that evening in Cincinnati and ran into a surprising number of people I have known over the years, as the place was packed, I was thinking of a video my youngest daughter had sent me by Jimmey Corsetti at Bright Insight, a video channel dedicated to the next generation Josh Gates, Graham Hancock type of material that permeates the foundation of everything and leads right to the doorstep of the World Economic Forum.  So, there was a lot to unpack as the lights dimmed, and Josh Gates came out with a roaring applause to confirm a mystery I had long been wondering about.  And it turned out to be a fantastic evening.

At the end of the night, Josh Gates answered a question from the audience: does he believe in the paranormal after all his adventures? His answer was a cryptic one; my interpretation of it was that there was a social narrative driving the finance industry to not discuss their fingerprints in the activities that most haunt the human race.  Josh Gates is a mainstream guy who gets to fly worldwide, filming exciting television.   But he has had to make a deal with the many devils of that industry who like the ratings, but it’s best to always keep the answers just out of reach of the audience as the Oak Island show does.  Take people on an adventure and show them lots of exciting stuff.  But don’t bring meaning or personal opinions into it; we’ll fund your shows.  Let people ask questions, but never give them the answer.  It’s the way that people who want to control other people control other people, which is why, as Josh Gates was talking, I was thinking of that Bright Insight segment that featured why Gobekli Tepe in Turkey was being protected for tourism by the World Economic Forum disguised as helpful, but in truth, it is to prevent further excavations that show just how advanced humanity has been for over 10,000 years now.  As a professional, Josh knows where the lines are, and he stays within them even if there is plenty of evidence that shows just how mysterious the world is. 

Josh Gates gave an excellent answer to the audience when he answered that what matters in all these adventures is the stories, not so much how true they are.  Philosophically, reality can be decided by all kinds of circumstances.  However, the value of a story in unlocking the brain is ultimately more important.  I was thinking of many mysteries that personally bother me because I know there is a significant game of control trying to keep all humankind from discovering their true origins.  Most wars are about keeping everyone so unstable that the official narrative of human existence can be contained in a narrative controlled by those who want to rule the world.  I didn’t get to answer Josh Gates when he asked the audience what he should explore paranormally in Cincinnati if he were to try after a person from the audience asked him.  I would have told him that most of the downtown area of Cincinnati is deeply haunted and has been long before the city was ever built, especially along 5th Street.  Fountain Square and Jeff Ruby’s Steakhouse in the center of the town are built over the locations of a giant Indian Mound that was destroyed to create the city, so the whole area has deep ties to a paranormal world that is much older than many people think.  Including the Taft Theater where we were.  One of the people I know who went there and talked to me the day after received a tour of the place, not realizing she was a ghost.  She’s been there for years and haunts people often, disguising herself as a helpful usher.  But for no reason at all, she took him and his wife on a tour of the whole place and showed him where all the people who had died in the building still resided.  I believed his story, quite certainly.  I have some “experiences” at the Masonic lodge near the P&G headquarters that more than confirm the presence of lots of paranormal activity.  That whole street from Mt. Adams to the Museum Center is a haunted hot spot, and Josh Gates could have an exciting show there.  But my only question to the storyteller was, “Did she show you where the bathroom was?” 

Adventure has many layers, and I do travel and see things for myself.  I admire how much Gates has been able to travel and return to tell about it.  My family loves to travel, and we try to travel together as much as possible.  However, few people worldwide have traveled as much as Josh Gates; his perspective is important.  We live in a haunted world, hiding deep mysteries that are being kept from us deliberately to maintain a social order conducive to the rule of a narrow band of aristocrats to maintain an illusion of ruling over us.  And that is why the World Economic Forum communists are suppressing further investigations at Gobekli Tepe and many other historic sites around the world. It’s the same attitude they have in China, where many of the world’s biggest mysteries can’t even make it out of the communist media market.  They want to be the god their public worships; they don’t want their people to know much about their past.  So, the real fight in the world is between this knowledge of more and the people who want to rule and try to control the narrative.  Josh Gates said that his job is to show people many exciting places.  And that the value of those places is in the stories they tell.  Through those stories, you can learn the truth about things you otherwise wouldn’t have.  But the real essence of the mysteries is under the world’s political order, which is where my interest is.  And I got more out of that little event than I would have thought, and it was a wonderful evening.  Josh Gates is a wonderful dude. 

Rich Hoffman

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Middletown Pride Attacks Nancy Nix: I want her as Butler County Auditor for another 90 years

Last year at a Middletown Pride parade, pictures were sent back from a friend we had who attended, and Nancy Nix saw them and was outraged.  It was the same game we had seen before, starting really with Larry Flint trying to peddle smut to the public through his Hustler pornography efforts, a front for the mob activity that desired to conduct all kinds of organized crime behind the grand distraction of public shame, sexually.  The gay rights people had taken those lessons learned by Uncle Larry and used those same First Amendment protections to assault American families with ostentatious sexual displays on public streets.  These days our country goes through this every year in June as radical sexual lifestyles seek acceptance from the public and to erode away their judgment of their behavior with in-your-face strategies meant to insult and normalize bizarre sex practices in public.  I was with Nancy Nix that following morning, and she showed me the pictures she was getting from parade witnesses of sexual behavior and the apparent grooming of children on her phone.  And it was very disgusting.   It was disgusting if the sexual lifestyle being presented was between two people, a man, and a woman, both attractive.  We have decided as a society that sexual conduct is something that belongs behind locked doors.  And I would say, contained within that room so that people outside don’t even hear the conduct, let alone see it.  This has been a long battle in Cincinnati where smut peddlers operating as a face for organized crime have tried to assault our Puritan sensibilities and clean image with the kind of smut they have corrupted other cities with, especially Atlanta, New York, and San Fransisco.  Nancy Nix vocalized her opinions about the matter justifiably as a public official, and the alternative sex community was outraged that she was outraged.

Truth, Justice, and the American Way

So this year, that same Middletown Pride group of Ishtar-worshipping despotes and public menaces invited Nancy to their next parade so she could see that the parade wasn’t nearly as bad as she thought.  They say that she wasn’t at that last parade and didn’t have a right to have an opinion if she wasn’t there.  And if she didn’t come to this year’s event, she didn’t have a right to have an opinion on the matter; that is their insinuation anyway.  The trick, which is from the Larry Flint playbook, is to waste people’s time with accusations and draw them to become involved in a smut-peddling event as a form of social control.  I can tell you this: Nancy Nix is a very nice, sweet woman and a family-first conservative.  She’s not going to sit on the side of the road with a little blanket to watch drag queens and pornography advocates strut by her in g-strings.  She has much better things to do with her time than spend one second on that material, let alone an hour or two.  The desire of these pornography peddlers to receive validation from society through a public performance on a taxpayer-supplied street does not necessitate the wasting of Nancy Nix’s time or demand that she, as a public official, not have an opinion on the matter for the sake of society and some Karl Marx lefty view of fairness.  Nancy Nix does not have a social obligation to accept the detrimental behavior of sexual deviants who seek to impose themselves on mass society with audacious displays of sexual behavior. 

It wasn’t that long ago that you had to be 18 to get to the top shelf of a Playboy magazine at a bookstore.  And it wasn’t easy to get into the strip joints where topless girls would dance for a dollar in their g-strings.  Even in those days, with pornography becoming available through media more often, there was a social barrier of acceptance that protected kids from the bad decisions of adults.  And any pornography for adults is a bad idea because they should be thinking about a million other things than the antics of the flesh.  I would say that knowing Nancy Nix the way I do, she is pretty free loving, supporting whatever anybody wants to do behind a closed door.  But we should all agree to provide children with the most healthy options in life.  But what we have with these progressive groups is a direct attack on family structure and the core ingredients of a healthy society, and we don’t owe them anything.  They want to attack our sensibilities, and they seek to validate their existence by dragging us into their world of chaos and destruction, such as they are trying to do with Nancy Nix by luring her into their diabolical schemes so that her presence will validate their social discourse.  My feelings on the matter are much more judgmental.  I think the behavior should be prosecuted to the furthest extent of the law.  No public indecency should be permitted on a public street, even between a man and a woman.  Let alone people dressed in drag and luring children in to put dollar bills in their g-strings to groom society for more open sexual conduct and acceptance.  People should be reading a book, not thinking about sex so much, and I would propose that we discourage more sex of any kind and fulfill market trends for a growing economy.  And under no circumstances, in the Bible belt of the Midwest, should we allow the desecration of our culture with these smut peddlers. 

I’ve been to Japan a few times over the last few months, and you don’t see this kind of thing in their culture at all.  They are very conscious of their social functions as a country and very committed to proper conduct. As a result, crime is way down in even their most prominent cities.  Tokyo, as one of their largest, is filled with generally good conduct, and you don’t see this kind of smut peddling hiding behind a not-so-veiled effort at trashing the First Amendment.  What has been going on in America should be considered an attack by domestic enemies who are trying to undermine the Constitution and a society based on the biblical perspective of law and order.  And they are trying to destroy that with events like this Middletown Pride event.  To give themselves validation, they targeted Puritan public figures like Nancy Nix to come to their event and say, “Oh, that wasn’t as bad as I thought it was.  It wasn’t as bad as the pictures.”  But their goal is the same: to shut down free speech by using free speech to insult our judgment and ability to construct a healthy society.  When it came to Larry Flint, we dealt with him with zoning and largely kept his smut peddling regulated in society.  And the same holds with these public expressions of alternative sex practices.  Nobody wants to see a bunch of drag queens running around our city streets, especially in Middletown, Ohio.  And if we do see it, we have a right to judge it.  If they will put it in our face, then we have a right to react to it.  As any logical person would conclude upon seeing the smut they are pushing, their behavior is disgusting and detrimental to the proper building of a family.  And they should be arrested for exhibiting any sexual conduct in public for the harm it brings to children and society in general.

And regarding Nancy Nix, she is doing a great job as the Auditor in Butler County, Ohio.  I’ve always thought we had good representation from a financial perspective.  But Nancy has taken the effort up several notches of expectation.  I hope she continues to be our auditor for the next 90 years. 

Rich Hoffman

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Dave Yost for Ohio Governor: The world needs people wearing more cowboy hats

I think it’s a great idea, with Attorney General Dave Yost of Ohio becoming the next governor.  I thought it was even better when I attended a recent event for Yost where the announcement was formally made, and I saw that he was wearing a cowboy hat.  That’s what the future of Ohio needs, and America in general in a post-Biden, second term of Trump, are more people wearing cowboy hats because, to me, cowboy hats stand for Truth, Justice, and the American Way.  Growing up, that was always the mantra of Superman, and I knew there was trouble in the 1990s when comic book publishers and entertainment producers stopped letting anybody say that term because they knew what they were up to.  Globalism was about destroying personal references of excellence, whether individual or national, and Superman’s statement was undoubtedly against the new rules of global citizenship.  But when I wear a cowboy hat, that is what I think about and want to project to the world: Truth, Justice, and the American Way.  And when Trump is back in office, that is on the menu, and it will need to be for many years.  I would consider it the top issue of our modern times.  And the entire world is looking to us to be all that and, even more, to carry a light for them to follow into eternity.  But first, we must survive the present and a dark menace that has permeated the human race since the dawn of time.  And to beat it, the world needs a few more cowboy hats.  And I was thrilled to see many people, including the Attorney General, wearing a cowboy hat to this event in Butler County in the middle of June 2024, just a few months ahead of the Trump election for a second term. 

It’s been a while since I spoke to Sheriff Jones, one of the people at the Yost event.  Over the years, we have gotten along on some issues very well but not so much on others.  However, as it has come up often recently, as there have been a lot of contentious fights within the Butler County Republican Party, the trick is that we want a big tent.  And with a big tent, there are many people who come from a variety of backgrounds and commitment levels.  There are some very passionate people in the Republican Party, especially at the Central Committee level, who live, breathe, and will crawl through broken glass naked to fight for what’s right, and they have very little tolerance for a political class that is in it for the money, fame, or power that comes with holding a public office.  But, we do need money, fame, and some level of ruthlessness to solve many of the problems that we have in the world, which is why I have been saying since 2015 that Trump would be the best representative for the head of the Republican Party.  Getting here has been a long journey, and I want to see a big tent Republican Party.  I tend to find things I have in common with people when I do team-building activities.  I stay away from the things I disagree with.  When Sheriff Jones and I talked a bit, we agreed on a lot, especially in law and order.  Which I think will be a significant theme in America over the next decade.  I want a strong sheriff in my community, a big, imposing guy, and a gunslinger, to be honest.  And one who supports gunslingers to ensure that we have Truth, Justice, and the American Way preserved for future generations, no matter what.  Defenders of the Constitution need to be ruthlessly vigorous toward committing to justice for all.  I also want a strong attorney general.  I want strong members of the Senate and representatives.  And I want a powerful governor on the frontier of law and order.  Crime and illegal immigration that have expanded the drug trade are core problems that will take vigilance in lofty quantities.

I am even more strict than the Sheriff regarding the death penalty for crimes. But Jones is pretty close to my own thoughts. Save money with the trial and court lawyers. Justice is what matters most.

I was proud of Sheriff Jones and his bit on Fox Nation, which was very good and played at this event.  That is what all sheriffs in America should strive to be.  Jones projected on a big stage how I wanted Butler County, Ohio, to be known to the world, and he has managed to maintain a big platform that projects that commitment to law and order to a corrupt world that might think better of bringing their mess to our community.  But if they do, we must be ready to deal with them.  Jones has a plan for that, too, which we talked about.  I am perfectly fine with discussing philosophical differences in a big-tent Republican Party with people all over the spectrum of ideology.  But to do that, we have to beat the bad guys, which the Republican Party can certainly rally behind and will need to do in the coming months and years.   And if Sheriff Jones calls me, he has my number, day or night, and requires some community support to pursue law and order, I am there, by the bucket load—no question or hesitation.  I am happy that we have him as a sheriff and a police force to deal with threats to our lives and livelihoods.  But sometimes they need our help, and he knows from me that he has that help anytime, especially if diabolical terrorists are running around from dumb, dumb Biden’s open border policies intent on the destruction of America by hostile domestic enemies, such as George Soros and his mega-donors of billionaires from the World Economic Forum.  Failure is not an option when it comes to law and order. 

I have heard about this Dave Yost for Governor ticket for a while now, and I like how it is shaping up.  I don’t know who else from the Republican Party is planning to make a serious run; the Attorney General is the first to make his intentions known, as it does take a few years to build up the brand for such a thing.  And I like some of the people becoming part of that Yost ticket.  I am becoming increasingly excited about it day by day.  By the time that election happens, Trump will be in year two of his second term, and there are a lot of bad guys in the world who need justice brought to their doorsteps. I want Ohio to be one of those states.  As I saw Dave Yost greeting people in his cowboy hat, and tall, imposing body, I could see a future that looked much brighter than the one we had been dealing with.  These dark days of Biden could be coming to an end along with all the domestic terrorism of Barack Obama and his band of misfits from the Weather Underground.  I want someone like Dave Yost working with the Trump administration in that governor’s seat.  Sheriff Jones is on board and has been working with Trump for a long time.  Butler County is covered, but we need all of Ohio headed in that direction. So yes, we put our disagreements aside and put the party first, and we had a group hug.   We needed it because justice is required; there are plenty of bad guys to go after, and we will.  And on that, we can all agree. 

Rich Hoffman

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‘Not in Our Town’: Standing against evil as it intends our complete destruction

Sometimes, you run into something special, which continues to be the case with the books from Chilidog Press, following what I considered a wonderful experience with the book by Karen Holcomb on the Ruppert Murders.  That might not sound like good reading, but it was because it captured a time that now seems like a long-forgotten period, only captured by literature.  I had a chance to talk to Michael Gmoser recently, who is the prosecutor for Butler County now and worked on the case back then, which was so obvious, and I have a lot of respect for what a conservative prosecutor has to go through to get a case to court, let alone successfully prosecuted.  It’s not easy; evil has been working in the background for a long time and continues to this day, the forked tongue of many devils, and they have been attacking us over a long period at a rate that human lifetimes typically don’t measure.  Yet their impediment is no less ruthless, and prosecutors have their work cut out for them.  I liked the book on the Rupert Murders so much that I turned to another one that had long been on my list, that also turned out to be a dramatic treasure, and that is Not in Our Town: The Queen City vs. The King of Smut by Peter Bronson.  I don’t think a lot of people realize how important Cincinnati has been in fighting evil on a national stage, but this book by the former Cincinnati Enquirer reporter and editor captured it all very well, from the mob infestation that started a dark path for one of the world’s cleanest cities, to what it is today, a borderland haven of cutthroats and nefarious criminals unleashed by progressive politics for the destruction of all civilization, as presented in the efforts of modern prosecutors Joe Deters and his assistant at the time, the very excellent Juvenile Court Judge Melissa Powers.  And the superb work of another famous prosecutor and sheriff, Simon Leis. 

We’re talking about the beginning attacks from a global progressive movement that hid behind organized crime and moved through policy and our courts into polite society as a menace always lurking in the background, and the efforts of reporters, police, and prosecutors to stop it as it thrived in Newport, Kentucky and migrated over into the clean image of Cincinnati to destroy the concept of families and conservative politics essentially.  There was a lot of money to be made off evil and the destruction of good community values, so there were many groups that sprang up to take advantage of such an imposition over time, whether it be outright organized crime, or corrupt government officials organizing the killing of American presidents and destroying the lives of media figures like Charlie Keating because they were all American poster boys and had to be brought down.  Just as they tried to with the former NFL star turned sheriff, George Ratterman when they drugged him and tried to ruin his squeaky clean image by drugging him and taking pictures of him in compromising positions with a hooker.  What worked and didn’t work became a playbook of the political left over the years, and much of it happened in Cincinnati, Ohio, because that was the target of much mischief.  And behind all the efforts was a mob-placed hit man of a different killer nature, Larry Flint, who was so evil and vile that he meant to lead a personal crusade of destruction against family values as he draped himself in the First Amendment to temp us all into abandoning the Constitution, just to stop him.  He went so far as to devise plans to blow up the Supreme Court. 

But Cincinnati stopped many of these attacks, which I see as the template for what is happening nationally against the same evil.  It’s not the classic mobs that we know now from movies, but globalists who have taken over, only on a much larger scale.  I always liked Peter Bronson as a reporter, but I’ll admit that I stopped reading it after their hit piece against me in 2012, and I determined to do my reporting for people to take the place of what classic newspapers used to provide with editorials and opinion pages with letters to the editor.  But Peter’s book answered many questions for me regarding what happened to The Enquirer after it was purchased by the Gannett group and lost its local flavor.  It makes a lot more sense to me now what happened, as I had a front-row seat to all this over the last forty years.  Peter Bronson managed to capture it all in that excellent book Not In Our Town, which was quite a trip down memory lane and a perspective that defines the fights of our current age.  Evil is at work in the world in all the ways that it was in the land of Canaan under biblical consideration.  And Cincinnati was the battleground that remains a hedge against its vile menace.  Cities like San Francisco, New York, and Chicago have long fallen to progressivism.  But Cincinnati has resisted thanks to prosecutors like Simon Leis and many others and a public who saw through the smoke and kept electing those kinds of representatives to fight those fights. 

I was able to see Sheriff Jones at a recent event where Attorney General Yost was there putting together a run for the next governor of Ohio shortly after I was able to read these excellent books with regional intentions, but very much defined the fight we are fighting nationally and internationally and I was feeling very reverent.  Not just in Peter Bronson for doing what he couldn’t do at the Enquirer, and that is reporting this whole truth in this battle against Larry Flynt and the way sex and pornography are used as weapons against our Constitution to destroy American society, but in the thin line that prosecutors and sheriffs utilize to fight on behalf of those who elected them.  We might not always agree on every little thing and personal issues creep in and erode the trust it takes to fight crime and prevent an insurrection against our values by vile characters always lurking in the background.  Larry Flynt was a solitary character put in place by the mob to use sex businesses to provide cover for their many other crimes, and to use that cover to keep law enforcement busy while organized crime made a killing with the results.  It worked so well that they took the game internationally, and it’s the mess we see today.  But that doesn’t mean we have to put up with it.  We can and should fight it.  We should put our differences aside and find what does join us, and that is a fight for America to be great because the people who make it up strive to be so.  And are not lured away from the task of pornography and acceptance of crime from a lawless bunch of losers who want to corrupt the world with their evil menace.  It’s the same temptation that was captured in the Bible, to fight for God or not and yield to the forces of evil whenever they corrupt, whether it be Sodom and Gomorrah or the Land of Canaan in general.  The book Not in My Town by Peter Bronson tells the authentic story of how good people fought to keep Cincinnati clean and accessible—and stood against evil when it counted most, which is a blueprint for the world to follow. 

Rich Hoffman

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