In the 2024 Election Trump Wins Big: With Kennedy in the race, he pulls votes from Biden

They aren’t brilliant on the Clay and Buck Show. They talk about politics, but they just don’t have the sage advice that Rush Limbaugh always had, and I think corporate media wants it that way. They lack the Metaphysics of Quality as I like to term it from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. They are not at the front of the train but do all their radio work from the caboose, at the back, where things have already happened. So, their thoughts about Robert F. Kennedy getting into the presidential race as a third-party candidate have been way off and the record needs to be set. I have had a lot of people concerned about what they heard on that show, and a few other media sources that all are getting it wrong as to who Kennedy would draw from. The initial impression has been that Kennedy would pull away votes from Trump, similar to what happened in 1992. It would be the opposite: Trump would win easily and it would be Biden who would lose voters to Kennedy, precisely the much-needed independent voters that everyone is always so concerned with. If it happens it will play out very similarly to when Ross Perot ran as a third party, but instead of the Democrat winning in Clinton, it will be Trump winning over Biden, by similar margins. Which would be fitting in many ways, a proper bookend to a period of nightmarish government scandal. A lot of bad things happened along the lines of globalism when Bush entered office on the coattails of Ronald Reagan so people like me couldn’t support Bush. So I worked for the Ross Perot campaign and he peeled away 19%, and Clinton won, and we ended up with not just eight bad years of him, but all the government expansion after 9/11, then the Obama terrorism mess. It’s been rough.

If the election were held today, Trump would win easily in a head-to-head with Biden. Trump is beating Biden in six of the seven battleground states and is tied with Biden in Michigan. The corporate media has been shy about reporting this pronounced trend, but that’s how it’s shaping up. People want Trump back mainly because the economy has been so debilitating. I did notice in my area that gas prices have fallen below 3 dollars per gallon. Well, that is globalism trying to stay in power, it’s not because of Biden, other than all those types of people are fearful of what will happen when Biden is not there anymore. The wrath of the American people is at a full baritone and a quiet fear is emerging regarding the next day, after the next election. Suppose it’s Trump and all the economic policies from Biden suddenly get reversed, which will essentially be the end of the globalist experiment. In that case, many people are going to have a terrible day. So they haven’t been talking about how well Trump is doing this far out, even with all the legal cases. Trump by himself is fine against Biden. People want revenge for what happened in 2020 with the election problems, and they are ready to put their foot down and vote with excessive anger. This globalist economy has been paralyzing for many people, and they are furious about it. So without Kennedy in the race, it’s poised to be a bloodbath against Biden and artificially low gas prices won’t help. It’s too little too late, people have already made their decision. And the EV market problems aren’t going away. The stories will get worse in the coming year, especially in Michigan so there is a lot on the horizon that low gas prices won’t fix for Biden and his globalist insurgents.

Yet with Kennedy in the race, Trump wins easily, perhaps every state.  And if you are Bobby Kennedy Jr., that makes sense to do.  Because for the Democrats to go through the kind of populist alignment that the Republican Party has gone through, they have to take down all their corrupt hawks, and Biden is representative of that era.  So, Kennedy will run, whereas Bernie Sanders was open to a deal to sideline him.  Kennedy’s run in 2024 would be the launch of a 2028 campaign to put his family back in control as the kingmaker of Democrat politics.  And I wouldn’t mind that.  I like Kennedy for many reasons.  I look forward to his next book on the Wuhan Cover-up in December.  I have been waiting for that one for over a year now.  His previous book, The Real Anthony Fauci, has been excellent, and people are slowly learning how wrong and corrupt everything about COVID-19 was.  Kennedy has been great on that front.  He’s not so great on other things, but fantastic on Covid, and we will continue to see fallout as people learn the truth.  This new book will expose the connection of the DOD to the Wuhan lab in China, which is why every month it has continued to push out.  But it looks like December will be the last delay.  And it will be a ball buster, especially going into election season and exposing how much of the Biden administration was involved in the Covid cover-up and using the virus created in a lab in China to seize power they never deserved to have.

But essentially, Trump’s base support will at least be 39% after all the court cases come and go.  Those people will never leave Trump over anything.  Biden, on the other hand, has a base support of around 32%.   The Democrats stick together, but their base support isn’t as significant.  Usually, they make up their numbers with independents who cover that gap.  But if Kennedy is in the race, he will suddenly get around 22% of likely voters, with the remainder sprinkling around the other candidates.  And Trump will get his share of those, putting him quickly into the 40% range, making it impossible for Biden to beat Trump anywhere.  And such a blowout will be fitting, considering how they took power.  It will be the only thing that can heal our nation, and people are poised for it.  And I think Kennedy is so committed to the anti-vax message that has defined Biden’s presidency that he will run to put the issue at the core of the 2024 campaign.  All these horrendous things that came with the Biden administration are coming to a head. They have been trying to outrun them, but it collapses in 2024.  That’s why we have elections on things every four years; it’s just enough time to try something without giving elected leadership time to destroy our country.  So either way, Biden is losing; Democrats have ostracized their best next chance in Kennedy because they tried to crush populism instead of embracing it, and either way, Trump will win.  Campaigning from the basement just isn’t going to work without Covid to shut the world down again, so all the corporate media so profoundly committed to global communism and Marxism are going to be vulnerable, and that revenge people have been wanting is going to get its chance.  And that will be a great day to witness.  That’s how things look one year out from the next election, but it will only get better for Trump over that short period.

Rich Hoffman

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