A Review of ‘Government Gangsters’ by Kash Patel: The proof everyone has been looking for

I see it all as turning a corner. The story laid out in Kash Patel’s new book Government Gangsters is irreversibly potent. You can’t unsee it once you have seen it. I have watched America wake up for years to the kind of government that it has, and it’s clear where it’s all going. It’s most evident with the Speaker of the House situation in Congress. The peer pressure pushes for order and compromise, where the voters have had enough. They just want to save the idea of their country, and now they know how bad some of these Government Gangster types are. Just a few years ago, people like me would talk about how bad the government is, and people would squawk about wanting to talk about something else. Now, when it’s evident that the uniparty is willing to pull off their Republican masks to keep Jim Jordan, whom President Trump endorsed, from becoming Speaker and to get Congress going again, we can see who the activists are in our government who don’t want the will of the American people represented in congress but are tethered to lobbyists and international tyrants willingly. They’ve been hiding behind the Republican brand while doing whatever it took to profit themselves no matter how much they sold out our country, and now people can see. They can see how some low-life judge in New York has tried to show power over a former president, Trump, who just so happens to be leading over all rivals, including the current president, in polling one year away from the election, by being ahead in 6 of 7 battleground states and is tied in Michigan. The scam was always in the order of things, and disorder is emerging to expose who these Government Gangsters have always been. And it has been not fun to see.

Kash Patel is no slack-jawed loser; he served high up in President Trump’s administration in several capacities, including Senior Director of Counter Terrorism and Chief of Staff to the Department of Defense. So he was there for most everything directly over many years of the Trump presidency, which most of the Swamp would love to pretend never happened, just as they are currently in denial of the direction of Congress. People don’t want more sell-outs in Congress. They want people like Jim Jordan and a minority of participants in the House on both sides; Republicans and Democrats are hoping that if they drag their feet longer, everything will snap back into the scam that got us all into trouble in the first place. But that’s not happening; people are now awake, although slow to respond. Ultimately, it’s economy that people judge their government by, and this economy isn’t good. There has been a lot of hope that if Robert Kennedy jumped into the race to make it a three-way entanglement, it would help the Democrats. But early polling shows that Trump, one way or the other, no matter what is going on with court cases during the upcoming primary season, will have 39% of the vote. And he will get a share of independents who are sick of the price of milk and eggs being too expensive under Joe Biden. And Trump will win easily. That reality has not sunk in yet, but it will. Rather quickly. Now that these Government Gangsters have shown who they were, there is no way to put all that back in a bottle and move on. Which I think is a great thing, as ugly as it has been.

Early after the election, after I started my Rumble channel, which now has over a thousand videos that get respectable viewership, considering they are primarily about politics, I explained to everyone something I had known for a long time. The mob got tired of running from the law and instead moved into government, so we now call them “Government Gangsters.” It has not been a government for the people by the people but has essentially become a fourth branch of unaccountable government called the Deep State that has captured law enforcement and the military to perform the kind of mob hits that Al Capone was famous for in Chicago. People at the time thought I was overly dramatic, but in 2023, after three years of hindsight, people saw that what I said was true. That it is all too true. We don’t have a government serving the people in America; that was all an illusion, performed through rigged elections, a Marxist-oriented media, and a K-Street lobby that gave easy money to anyone who defected from Constitutional concepts. And once Trump was elected, impossibly because the system was so rigged against something like that, they hit the panic button and started to show who they were all these years. Government Gangsters brings the evidence of just how bad it is, and it is. The FBI has become essentially a hit squad for the Deep State, which has its roots in international finance and a legal system deeply committed to concepts of globalism and the abolition of the American Constitution. Most of the time, all books like this are missing other points of view, but in this case, there is only one view. That our government is out of control and is hostile to the people it’s supposed to serve, and they have now all been caught, and it’s up to voters to sort it all out, which will happen now that it’s all so obvious.

I was in a public place where people watched the Ohio State football game over the weekend with Penn State.  And games like that used to occupy all of America’s leisure energy, but not now.  People remember the Jerry Sandusky scandal at Penn State.  People know how much less money they have to spend on fun stuff during football games like that.  People aren’t nearly as distracted as they used to be, which allowed these Government Gangsters to thrive, hidden in the background.  At a game like that, usually, people wouldn’t talk to me with my guns and cowboy hat looming around in the background.  They would try to ignore me the best they could.  But not anymore.  Instead, they ask me, “When is Trump coming back?  Is he going to beat all these federal charges?  Will Trump be able to get our economy moving again?”  People know I’ve been involved in this stuff for over 30 years.  My answer to them is, and has been, that there will be a lot of turbulence.  Fasten your seat belt; it will be a bumpy landing.  But yes, Trump will be back, beat all the charges, and be able to get the economy moving again the most powerful in the world.  It’s simple: just get rid of the government gangsters, push out the organized crime element of our current government, and things will suddenly get a lot better.  But first, you must admit that there is a problem, which is where many people are right now.  People are hoping and praying for a return of Trump and the destruction of the Government Gangsters, which are now clearly evident for all to see.  But the gangsters are hoping to wait out the storm and are planning on everyone going back to sleep so they can resume their crimes against humanity.  However, America is waking up for good this time, and the results will be inevitable. 

Rich Hoffman

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