World War III, Armageddon, and the Fight Against Israel: It’s just the attempt of Marxists to control lazy people through their own stupidity

I would say to everyone to relax.  The fears about this being another World War or that we are living through Armageddon are hardly the case.  Hamas’s latest attack in Israel is just the latest failure of globalism, just as is the case of Ukraine being invaded by Russia, and the threats of China invading Taiwan.  To understand the problem, you must admit to what point globalism is the villain and always has been.  The people at the World Economic Forum, the old Socialist International people.  The climate terrorists.  The secret societies.  International finance.  All doors of trouble have the pathways of discontent leading to their door from all these troubled regions, and these veiled activists leave behind the fingerprints of evil.  But it all points to one essential thing: the right to be lazy by the Marxists behind all these movements, and that is certainly the case behind the Palestinians who are dedicated to wiping away Israel from the face of the earth.  And that is always the position of the indigenous people’s argument.  Islam was not even created until 610 AD in an attempt to make the polytheism of the Arab world more reflective of the Christian and Jewish world.  The Jewish people had been in Israel for over 1000 years before the Muslims attacked Israel in 638 AD, just twenty years after the start of their religion.  Before that, Israel had been invaded many times, first by the Mesopotamians, and then the Egyptians.  Then, by the Romans.  The Israelites had been displaced many times leading up to any discussion of the modern tensions, mostly propped up by the winds of war and who blows on them to ignite their energy.  If you take away the outside antagonisms, there would be no threat of war because the characters advocating for war are actually after something else, and it isn’t the end of the world as we know it. 

The Israelites have always been a dynamic people and have had a prosperous society; they have managed to stay alive long enough to be the most extended community of people on the face of the earth, and obviously the most persecuted.  But their existence came about due to the rules of a prosperous country. What makes a nation great are the philosophies of value that it beholds, and the laws that came from the line of Abraham, then down into Moses, and many since then have shown the world what the success of Western Civilization can bring everywhere.  Many tricky characters have been involved in the interpretation of history on all sides, and they have purposefully released versions of history to control exclusively mass populations.  For instance, in the Near East which the Greeks interpreted, there isn’t much mention about where Jesus was leading up to his teachings in the Holy Land.  Or what many think happened after he was hung on the cross, with nobody to witness.  Studying the old Silk Road brings about a lot of much-needed perspective on the spread of Buddhism into the Holy Land through Jesus.  But before that, Soloman’s empire extended all the way to Japan, as I have pointed out before with the Tombs of Kufan all over the Osaka region, along that same Silk Road.  Before Solomon and his father King David, we have the son of King Saul, Gad, who founded the city of Kandahar in Afghanistan. So many of the events we read about in the Bible were purposely edited to confine these movements from our understanding of global politics that has been thriving for many thousands of years, well before the tempers of the modern era are attempting to cry foul for the purposes of global domination. 

Laziness is behind much of the trouble, an attempt to spread the Marxist messages of economic terrorism behind the façade of religious definitions to disguise the attempt.  But the object of their real menace is laziness and protecting their right to it.  Marxists do not want productive people in the world, and since the Jewish people have embraced productivity as a value system of their culture, they have always been the subject of attack before European Masons, descending from the Knight’s Templars, invented Marxism to control the world through international finance.  Attacking people over their desire to work is much more complicated, and even international finance people appreciate a culture that works hard.  So, they passively aggressively attack value in the world behind a religious façade, hoping that other lazy people will never do the work of investigation to see what a sham it all is.  Rather than attack nations of people, because they work hard, the attack is over history interpreted by the same forces that want to rule the world through their version of the story.  And that is certainly the case with Islam.  If you read the Quran, it becomes clear what it was quickly: a political book, not a religious one, meant to gain power over what was left of the Romans who had ruled the region for a long time and destroy the forces of progress at that time which had reached into the Arab world, the descendants of the polytheism of ancient Mesopotamia and the gods of Baal, Moloch, and Ishtar, along with many others who would end up showing themselves as the gods of Greek society, renamed.  And the Romans tried to unite their empire through Christianity.  All along these historical efforts, and with the tampering of eastern thought always looming in the background along the Silk Road where supposedly Jesus was a king in Kashmir after his supporters broke him free from his tomb to be healed in the Himalayas where his grave resides to this day, have kept the world stirred up in controlled ways that are obvious in conflicts like the one in modern-day Israel. 

Why does anybody think the modern wars of Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and China are filled with political volatility?  And especially in the Middle East?  I would propose that the contemporary governments of globalism stir up those wars to keep the past from people’s minds so they can maintain the power over weak, lazy people with the interpretation of history they have formed to enrich themselves.  And if people were actually to connect all these dots, which isn’t hard, then they would see who is actually pulling the strings in the world for the exploitation of labor, and the spread of Marxism to the enticed lazy people of all cultures for the ultimate, centralized control over all of them.  Yet to know these things would be to take away the manipulators’ power, which is very easy to do.  But World War III?  Armageddon?  No, just the attempt by global manipulators to take advantage of lazy people they want to rule over and tap into their superstitious beliefs about the end of the world which has been looming in the background of most religions for tens of thousands of years.  When globalism and its economic attempts at Marxism came along, it showed how controlling people through selected history and filtered through religious interpretation that this new ability to rule through secrecy became such a desired trait of shadow governments.  And once you realize that, you will see clearly that the fight between the Palestinians and their Hamas terrorists is just a disguised attempt to impose Marxism on regions that still show positive attributes of independence and national productivity.  Ultimately, the motivation for such antagonisms is the greatest threat to the world that anybody has known: the exploitation of lazy people for the right to rule over them through ignorance.  But the truth is always just a few layers deep and easy to expose where the real villains have been hiding all along. 

Rich Hoffman

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