The Trump Hurrican is Coming: Yes, they think you are stupid

Here’s what you need to know about the Hunter Biden indictments: it’s a bone of sacrifice to the gods of politics hoping to appease them in the same way that ancient Canaanites would sacrifice their firstborn children to Baal and Moloch hoping good fortune might be granted to the perpetrator of death and doom.  And these people think we are all stupid, and we will take the sacrifice and move along, and all things political will return to control of the SWAMP.  No, it means that Trump has a sizable lead over Biden a year away from the election, and the media is finally catching up to what I’ve been saying all along.  If ABC, owned by Disney, is willing to admit that Trump is winning by 10 points now, you know that the internals are much worse for Democrats, and there aren’t too many with their hand up willing to take on the bloodbath that is coming.  If Democrats can’t cheat to win elections, and this one has a lot of eyes on it, and they know it, they will lose massively everywhere.  I just finished several trips worldwide, across the United States and back again, and it’s the same question: when will Trump fix everything that Biden broke?  Nobody is looking at Biden and thinking he represents anything for the future.  He represents destruction and mayhem, and people are onto the game.  They aren’t taking the bait of a sudden set of meaningless indictments sent toward Hunter Biden, especially after all we know about him.  Much more serious charges should be sent in his direction, but nobody expects anything to come of those.  We are dealing with a rigged justice system built to keep corrupt politicians in power, and people are tired of it. 

That same kind of oblivious sentiment was evident over the talks of the CR that Kevin McCarthy signed up with to join Democrats in further funding the country’s destruction, breaking the essential promises he made when he obtained the Speaker of the House earlier this year.  Those days of cosmetic hugging on the house floor and crying politicians seeking compassion over logic have put our country into dangerous inflation as the crooks that made people like Hunter Biden spend us all into desecration like drunken sailors on one last heist.  And Merrick Garland thinks he can lecture us all about an ” impartial ” Justice Department and not working as the personal attorney for President Biden.  Of course, McCarthy should lose his Speaker role.  He lied to his people and made deals with the Devil in the vile Democrats.  The price of milk is high, we are dealing with $6 eggs, everyone is being crushed by the hidden tax of poorly run government, and the pitchforks are about to come out, and Democrats and RINO Republicans know it.  They see the internal polling and understand what the actual numbers are saying.  Trump is poised to win every state in America in the next election by margins that are not even close.  And many people will be out of power unless they turn to violence, which they are contemplating as we speak.  But first, they will try the old trick of lying to us, as they have gotten away with in the past, and see if we are still all suckers who will go away and leave them alone.  And to take the edge off the many indictments thrown at Trump to keep him out of the race, they have tossed these silly charges at Hunter Biden, hoping to make things look fair when the opposite is true.

The scam was always proposed behind a mask of civility.  We were supposed to believe that middle-class suburban moms wouldn’t vote for Trump because of his mean tweets and harsh opinions about his rivals.  That the world wanted fair treatment of political opponents, not hostile bloodletting.  And we were supposed not to judge Hunter Biden; he could be anybody’s kid.  We all make mistakes, don’t we?  And Matt Gaetz should not seek to remove Speaker McCarthy from his Speaker role because the Speaker was working in a “bipartisan way,” after all, Matt doesn’t have the votes.  We are all supposed to take this level of corruption because the system is too rigged to change, so we should send this ridiculous government our taxes and shut up and mind our own business.  The bad guys out there think these things about us because they think we are as stupid as they are and corrupt.  We are guilty of trusting them as much as we might trust a neighbor with a lawn mower.  They have lied to us, and we are hurt by it, and now it’s time to pay all these losers back.  And they fear what kind of world that’s going to look like.  I don’t know that anybody has ever seen such a thing.  But I can say that after all my traveling, people are just holding their noses with Biden until they can get Trump back, and they can’t wait to vote for him.  That is what the Biden crime family indictments are really about appeasement, not justice, to protect a corrupt system beyond repair. 

The politics of the future in America and the world will not be as it has been in the past.  What gave us this world of over 30 trillion in debt will not last in the future, and those who have blown on that destruction for their strategic aims are caught as well.  The world that allowed them to do so much terror behind charities and altruistic press releases differs from where real value dictates behavior; people must be what they sell themselves as.  The forked tongue of the Kevin McCarthy types is precisely the kind of purge that the Republican Party will have to endure.  And there are no Democrats that can be saved, aside from a few unique people like Robert Kennedy.  The entire Democrat Party has been built on a beach of lies, and the testaments of their ambition are but sandcastles facing a hurricane.  And that Hurricane is Trump, a category five that is about to hit in the middle of their plans.  I have been watching all these old politicians who thought over the last three years that things would snap back into some pre-2016 political mode run by lawyers, consultants, and corrupt magistrates.  That was never going to happen.  Yet many people believed it, and the flimsiness of their plans is evident in their actions and the depth of their corruption shows in the Hunter Biden indictments as if they thought that would shake the world off the justice that is coming in these upcoming elections.  Sorry, everyone, but the Trump hurricane is coming, and you can only blame yourselves.  You should have listened.  I have been warning every day for more than three years now.  The government is not in charge; the people are in America, and these government people have been caught not reporting to the boss.  And there will be a lot of Hell to pay, so get out your wallets and purses.  Its time.

Rich Hoffman

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