Bird Flu is the Next United Nations Bioweapon: We know what they did with Covid, and now the food supply is their next target

We are getting ready to see a level of insanity that has always been a part of the Democrat Party, the communist left, that we’ve never seen before.  They always had the capacity for evil to do what they do, but we will see the worst of them in 2024 as it becomes more evident that they will lose power.  And I say that in the future state because the only way they have gained and held power is through deception in the years leading up to now.  And they can’t maintain that illusion without deception.  So they are losing control and will lose their ability to have power over other people, and the wheels came off during COVID-19.  They went all in with the Chinese bioweapon from Wuhan, sponsored by the United States and a whole list of whores from Bill Gates’ money supply, along with many others, and they killed a lot of people, harmed many others, and ruined all our lives which many are still digging out of.  At this point, more people are willing to admit all that than at any previous point because it’s such an evil concept that most would have never thought it was even possible, even as it was happening.  And that is what the communist left was counting on: people would be slow to recognize the threat, and by the time they did, the world would be functioning from a “New Normal” after the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset.”  I’ll repeat it now, as I did then, well before the Trump administration figured out what was happening.  Even Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, and all the other popular talk show hosts hadn’t caught on to it yet early in 2020 when we first heard about the bioweapon virus.  On day one of the COVID-19 virus, I said it was an attack on a scale bigger than Pearl Harbor.  And that was how we should have been looking at it.  So I was always right about Covid, and with that track record, I offer that bit of history so that people won’t be suckered again.

Bird Flu is the next bioweapon that the communist left is planning to use to have a COVID-19 part II.  And, of course, they have no other choice as they watch the world turn away from them by the masses.  I think all this is good because these bad guys needed to be smoked out of society in ways they have always been concealed.  And you can see the trends in the cross tabs of polling that have them in a panic.  More people of color are supporting Trump, for instance, than anybody thought possible.  And it’s not older people; it’s the under-50 crowd, which is a big problem for Democrats.  Also, regarding deportation politics, over 50% of Hispanics support that nationalized measure, which was a surprise to many who thought that once illegal immigrants were here, they would support all their friends and families, too, coming in the same manner.  However, most support enforcing border policy away from the current open border strategy.  The communist left is finding themselves surprised at every turn; things are not turning out as they academically planned, and now their fingers have been caught in all kinds of cookie jars, poisoning the cookies.  They will lose on the world stage, not just in American elections, and things will improve.  But there will be a lot of violence and chaos in the meantime because most of these people are complicit in many crimes and the mass death of millions of people, and they have to be punished.  I think it’s good because, at least finally, people have seen the evil behind the friendly masks, and all this horrible activity has inspired them to act toward justice.

And I would caution you, dear reader, I’ll say the same thing to you now that I told John Boehner when he was Speaker of the House, and he laughed like I was just another local conspiracy theorist, anything from the United Nations and its partners, like the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Organization need to be considered military endeavors.  I was right then, and I’m right now.  It was people like Boehner, my neighbor, who made us vulnerable to these attackers, to begin with.  They represent global communism and are on a military effort to take over the world and destroy the United States with the most powerful weapons the world has ever known: propaganda.  Another act of aggression that people have been slow to act on even when the evidence was abundant.  Everything they propose should be considered hostile to the sovereignty of the United States because they do not intend anything good for our national sovereignty.  And their biggest weapon to date was Covid.  What they did with it was no different than dropping bombs on an enemy city in previous wars to force a country to submit to the new threats of power.  It is what Genghis Khan did as a warlord, what Alexander the Great did to expand the Greek empire, what Nebuchadnezzar did to expand the Persian empire, what England and Hitler did, and what has been behind every attempt at global communism since Karl Marx wrote down his collectivist vision on pages of paper and international unions and secret societies sought to expand those management methods of central force community to community.  COVID was their grand fortissimo of thousands of years of attempting to build an international empire controlled by a few elite dominators.  Only this time, it was disguised by hiding the attackers behind white lab coats and academic institutions.  But the greed and power were no different than what we have seen from the worst tyrants of the entire human race.  And in 2024, it’s the Bird Flu that will be deadlier and more transmissible, and a way to hopefully get away from the punishment for their crimes that is coming their way by killing off those that might have the courage to prosecute them.

The giveaway to the effort is the gain-of-function research that made the Covid virus transmissible to humans when it would typically only be regulated to bats in the Wuhan region.  This is why Dr. Fauci and his subordinates are in so much trouble and deserve to be; they made the virus that was natural–unnaturally transmissible to humans.  And for them, it was an experiment because Covid 19 wasn’t very deadly.  It was a practice run for them and a test to see how the world would react.  They didn’t want to kill everyone, just the elderly and weak, which is precisely what they did.  What they did was another form of mass murder disguised as science and economic tampering.  And they had the governments of the world dancing at their fingertips with billionaire money given loosely to build a compliant team of murderers.  The danger with the Bird Flu is that the attack vector looks to be the food supply of the world, so you can starve the human race and force them to pharmaceutical alternatives.  And by creating such a crisis, they hope to avoid an organized world that will prosecute them for their many past sins.   And you can bet they will try because they have no choice.  They either turn to open mass murder, or they are going to be prosecuted by an angry society for what they have already done.  And before they let go of power, they will do everything they can to use it to save themselves from a world made angry and look for much-justified revenge.

Rich Hoffman

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