Just How Good is Don Jr.: Don’t be surprised to see the campaign signs for 2024 saying “TRUMP/TRUMP”

Not that he needs to hear it, but one of the big topics I talk about in my book, The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business, is the concept of “ghosting.”  If you are valuable, do you need other people to know it?  It would be best if you were secure enough in yourself to be good at what you do, whether or not you get recognition for it.  And that is undoubtedly the kind of person Don Jr. is.  I don’t think he gets enough credit for just how good of a patriot he is, and how history will remember him.  His dad soaks up all the headlines, naturally.  But I’ve seen enough out of Don Jr. now to know that he’s doing the things he is for all the right reasons.  And he is certainly secure enough in himself to not be the headliner.  Donald Trump Jr. does things because they need to be done by somebody, and I would argue that without him, his dad, President Trump, probably wouldn’t be able to do what he has been doing.  But for the sake of fairness, I see it.  And so do many others.  When all the smoke clears from these turbulent times, and history is trying to figure out what happened, I think Don Jr.’s name will be one we talk about for many years to come, and how important he was to helping to make things right.  It would not surprise me at all if Don Jr. ends up being the VP pick because as I have said from the beginning.  It’s not enough to win in 2024.  We have to set up 2028 and 2032.  There are horrendous forces out there in the world who want us all dead so we have to get control of our government so it can do the job we need it to do.  And Don Jr. is in this game for keeps at this point.  And he would be perfect to take over and finish what his dad has started.  Don’t be surprised if the campaign signs for 2024 end up being TRUMP/Trump. 

I’ve had a chance to meet and see Don Jr. in person several times now, the latest at Lori’s Roadhouse in West Chester as he was campaigning for Bernie Moreno.  He is very good at what he does and interacting with the public.  But what’s missing from him is the usual pretentiousness of a person born with a silver spoon in their mouth.  Recently, a bunch of knuckle-dragging slugs questioned my judgment, asking me why I thought a person in the business world was worth as much as I said they were.  I didn’t talk about the many businesses this person had started and made much money at.  I didn’t talk about the many community affiliations they were members of.  I didn’t talk about the kind of car he drove or the size of his house.  I replied that he had raised eight children into adulthood, all good kids.  That was the most valuable thing he had done, which was why he succeeded.  You can’t cheat being a good person.  You have to be one.  And you can say the same about all of Trump’s kids.  I’ve met them all at some point, except for Tiffany and Barron.  But what you don’t see coming from Trump, even with all the marriages to different women, is him producing slack-jawed hippie slugs.  A lot of people these days follow the social mandates in parenting much to their detriment.  Don Jr. is undoubtedly his own person, but you know what, he’s a good person, sincerely.   And the MAGA movement is much better because he’s in it. 

Look at Joe Biden’s kids; they are all messes because their father was an idiot.  Many people look at their kids and blame their failures on something that the kids did.  But if you have crappy, no-good kids, it’s likely, (primarily likely,) that they are terrible because you did a lousy job as a parent.  That doesn’t mean that you have to be a perfect person.  Trump would never claim to be an ideal person.  But if you care and work healthily with kids, teaching them right from wrong, they can grow up and be fantastic, as Don Jr. is.  His brothers and sisters are, too, and Eric and Eric’s wife Lara are just wonderful people who are working hard to make the Republican Party better than it was.  And the public does not see much of what they have been doing.  There is very little pretentiousness in any of them.  You don’t hear from any of the Trump kids, “Do you know who I am?”  They show up at places and do the work year after year and have built an excellent network supporting their father, the frontman.  But when President Trump isn’t doing it anymore and finally retires, those kids’ work will resonate well into the future.  And I feel they will always be involved in politics because they want to Make America Great Again, whether in front of or hidden like ghosts in the pages of history.

Don Jr. could be doing a lot of things with his life.  But he spends almost every hour of his day making America Great Again.  I catch him doing his podcast and giving interviews on other podcasts throughout the week at all hours of the day because his heart is really in it.  He’s not hoping to get his dad into the White House so he can become “richer.”  The good thing about the Trump family is that they have already tasted success in life.  Daddy Trump prepared his kids for life on top of the social pyramid, and they didn’t lose themselves the way so many other children of successful people did.  When success is the focus, not the family, it ends up screwing up the kids.  But when you are sincere in what you do, and success is the byproduct, the kids learn the right things along the way and can handle it.  And because of the way that President Trump raised his kids, we are fighting to save America today in ways that wouldn’t otherwise happen.  Don Jr. has quite a cast of characters working in the background while his dad draws all the cover fire.  And it’s not lost on me just how vital those background characters are to the future.  Democrats do not have such a network of characters.  They are hanging onto the past, while the Republican Party has all the new growth.  And a lot of that new growth can be attributed to Don Jr.  President Trump didn’t just roll out of bed and have all this great network of support that has pulled together in such a healthy way as we are seeing.  The most significant trait of a leader is to do as Don Jr. has done.  Whether or not you get the social credit for the action is irrelevant.  Who cares what some dumb fool thinks of you?  The question that must always be answered is, did you do what you did because it was right?  And Don Jr. can always say yes.  And his father taught his kids the difference, which good parents tend to.  But when kids go wrong, as Joe Biden and his kind often do, there is always a good reason.  It’s not a mystery.  It’s because they were terrible people.  And bad people make bad kids.  You can never cheat the results of a child who spends so much time with you in their life.  You can’t hide it from them if you suck.  When you look at Don Jr. and meet him, you learn a lot about how good his dad was.  And you naturally want America to have the same opportunity.  The ghost is always the most powerful position on the chessboard.  We play the pieces.  But the ghost plays the game. 

Rich Hoffman

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The Achilles Heel of The Administrative State: Why to Pick Trump over DeSantis

Political theater aside, there are very declarative reasons to pick President Trump over Ron DeSantis in the upcoming election in 2024. And people are on to it. It’s rooted in the audacious statement by Trump about his former White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, when he called her out for not properly representing him on a Fox News segment, declaring her an asset of the globalists. It’s the Achilles Heel of the entire globalist movement and the politics of the Beltway, the thing they don’t want anybody ever to learn because they think we are all too dumb to see it. It’s the concept I talk about in my book, The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business, where the gunslinger walks into a saloon in the pouring rain and drinks with his back to a room full of killers. But nobody makes a move because their first priority is to measure if they can use the stranger to their advantage before any other consideration, and the gunfighter uses that knowledge to destroy them all before they even realize what’s happening. Every great executive understands the concept, which, naturally, Trump does with his experience in private enterprise. People like Kayleigh McEnany, or Ron DeSantis, and the Beltway supporters hope to keep it a secret, but they need people like Trump. Trump doesn’t need them. And that is the true terror that is exploiting globalism all over the world presently. And in order to suppress that reality, if they lose control over election fraud and the media, they will find themselves in a world where they are not in charge, which is becoming glaringly obvious. People have always known these things in the back of their minds, but the promise of the Administrative State, the core of our education system from the beginning, was that communism would enter into the decision-making process, and group consensus would rule the day. Leadership by individuals would be replaced by consensus building. Which, of course, has turned out to be a disaster. And Trump knows it and exploits it to his political advantage.

The Fox News support of Ron DeSantis then becomes much more apparent. As a news organization, they cover the horse race of politics and are not interested in the solutions of political debate. They like the problems of politics and never anticipate that answers will ever come. That is how their business model is, to talk about the game, not the actual results of the game played. Fox News is all about providing color commentary in the days and hours leading up to a game, to use a sports metaphor, but once that game is over, they move on to the next big game, the next horse race. For them, it’s all about revenue generation, just like the Beltway culture is. They want people like Ron DeSantis, who need donors’ money and want to control what kind of color commentary Fox News will be discussing. And for them, it’s all security for their origins for making money because it provides a stable environment politically for their business interests, which have thrived under the illusion that consensus building by the Administrative State would be the method of the future, which they invested in. The big difference between Ron DeSantis is that he’s essentially broke. Without money in his pocket, it’s like going to a gunfight without a gun. He’s young and doesn’t have very much money. He has to make money for many years in his life, so that makes him much easier to control than someone like Trump, who makes it clear that if anybody betrays him, he will drop them like a rock into the ocean and never look back. 

Without Trump’s independent wealth, we would not have questions about the actual validity of the Administrative State and its controllers, the Deep State, which are globalists involved in finance. They built a rigged system, and they have a layer of bureaucracy that protects them from the impact of negative results. And that rigged system would have stayed intact if an independent person like Trump had never made themselves known to politics. Trump cannot be controlled because he is independently wealthy. Ron DeSantis might talk like Trump, but he can never act like Trump.   Someone will always control him because he needs someone to give him money in some way or another. Ron DeSantis could never walk into a room with his back to it and have people not trying to take him out because the rules of consensus building were never going to protect people from each other’s ambitions. But the good executive knows the value of leadership and can afford to alienate those who are ineffective, disloyal, or malicious. They know a million Kayleigh McEnanys are out there, people looking for a chance that only Trump could give them. But there’s only one Trump. And that is the source of the panic that is moving through politics with the new global populism that is reshaping the world currently. The political system was built to put money in the pockets of donors, lawyers, and consultants, with the eventual outcome producing something of a horse race for the media like Fox News to talk about but never to resolve. Because if the problems were resolved, then there would be nothing new to talk about in the media. A solution-based society does not help the social parasites fake that their Administrative State is effective. Only that the goal is to raise money to spend on the horse race, and that is the reality of the Deep State as they have been trying to hide it. 

Ron DeSantis ultimately made the same dumb mistake that most people do these days; they felt they were never going to get anywhere in life unless they sucked up into the Administrative State. Even Kayleigh McEnany fell for the bait. And the reason is that they don’t understand how executive leadership works. They understand the sentiments of the press. They know how to say the right things. But they don’t understand how the right things are determined because they are not independently wealthy and free to live on their own terms. But Trump is, which is why he’s such a terrifying prospect to the efforts of an Administrative State to continue selling themselves as useless solutions to a world that expects results. Nobody in the Beltway of politics or the media that reports on it is worried about Ron DeSantis. Without a Trump to hide behind, he’s all talk and can quickly be controlled by the forces who have always controlled politics. And those protections are built into the rules of polite society, that you don’t call people names, that you put up with deception by not discussing the real problems. But the only solution to the real problems is through directness, and that only comes from the independence of social interactions, where you don’t need others to validate your existence. And Trump doesn’t. People want to be near him because they want something from him. As a top executive, he knows that and can use that leverage in all his relationships, which ultimately is the essence of leadership. Aligning people with self-interest is the actual method of success. Consensus building is meant to hide the lack of results behind making everyone else feel important when they clearly aren’t. And that is ultimately what the entire election of 2024 is all about. Which only President Trump is an option for the future. 

Rich Hoffman

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