Joe Biden Was A Disaster: If you want to destroy your enemies, make them compete with you

Whatever anybody thought about putting Joe Biden on stage for a June debate, there would never be a good outcome.  With the White House disputing even facts everyone could see and calling them Deep Fakes or “Cheap Fakes,” having that beat-up old compromised man on stage for 90 minutes against one of the best communicators in modern history wasn’t very smart.  It was even arrogant because the belief was that the people who did put him on stage thought they had such control over all things in the Administrative State that they might get away with it.  No, it was a bloodbath, even more so than anybody had hoped.  Even Democrats had to agree, even if their enthusiasm for that disaster was the hope that Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer might take over at the last minute.  The truth of the matter is that Joe Biden is the best that the Democrats had to put up, and he fits the needs that globalists have for domination over both American political parties, which they have sought to control.  Biden was a puppet president who was inserted.  And whatever they thought about doing the debate, and doing it in June as opposed to the fall season closer to the election so they could make adjustments before the August convention, nothing can salvage that performance.  It was probably the worst debate performance in the history of debates, not because I wanted it to be, but because it was what it was.  Joe Biden looked horrendous.  There were no Deep Fakes or Cheap Fakes in the editing.  He looked terrible, and everyone at the end of the debate knew it.  At least, Biden did one good thing: he brought the country together to agree that he lost that debate and was horrible for the Democrat Party.  And that the Democrats were now stuck with him. 

What was more critical was Jill Biden’s little speech at the end, where she looked even worse.  The screen captures of her crazy face, forever reminding everyone what has been happening.  Jill Biden is a product of the system, a person of social titles, and exactly what America wanted to get away from regarding European aristocracy.  How will she keep her family out of jail if she loses power?  She clasped onto Joe Biden, looking like he was a kid in the Willy Wonka factory, much as she did the trial of Hunter Biden on the gun charge, flying in from France to show her support in the courtroom.  But the minute she wasn’t somebody in public office, she was a nobody with no talent, and that was scary to her.  It showed up in her speech when she realized that Biden had all but lost the election after that debate performance.  Her dreams of keeping her family out of jail for their years of crimes depended on staying in public office.  That was the only way out for them.  While her husband, Joe, might not live very long, the Hunter Biden stories and the Ashley Biden diary revelations will continue to destroy her family for years to come, and she will end up a disgraced wreck.  Her husband might have avoided that embarrassment through death, which looked to be at their door with his performance, but she had more life to live. Without the presidency or a prominent place in the Democrat Party, she would drift into obscurity quickly.  And she realized it with the cameras rolling. 

This is kind of a thing for me; all I can say is that these are the benefits of competition.  Everyone who kept their powder dry could pat themselves on the back.  If you don’t play by the law, you can’t use the law.  And many of these crazy lunatics from the communist left would have hoped by now that the whole country would have been a January 6th.  The Masons had experience with this when they provoked the French Revolution, which got out of hand.  The only way out for many of these Democrats, after what they had done in the decades leading up to this debate, was to create massive unrest.  They wanted more violence than what they ended up with on January 6th.  And I still can’t blame people for getting angry on that day.  It could have been worse.  We witnessed a government stealing our election to stay in power.  And those in power are lucky that all they received was the little protest of January 6th.  It could have been far, far worse.  But I think the best way to beat your opponents is to make them compete and not let them hide behind some administrative veil.  Make them stand on stage and perform.  And because Trump and the rest of us did not riot or give up on the Constitution, the Democrats had to have that debate and show what a fool Biden was to the world.  The pressure of the expectation to perform legally forced them to do what they were not prepared to do.  As I say all the time if elections are protected from cheating, Democrats cannot win an honest election.  And if forced to perform in a competitive endeavor, they can’t, not at any level, win. 

And that is the lesson: if you want to defeat globalism, don’t fall for all their shiny toys.  Don’t let them mesmerize you with illusion.  Make them perform, and watch them fall apart.  You won’t have to fire a shot.  They will destroy themselves, just as Joe Biden did on that debate stage where everything was in his favor, including that CNN was the host.  Trump walked into enemy territory where everything was against him, and he dominated, which was the point.  Everyone was so worried that Trump was going to fall into a trap.  He’s a good executive; if you are good at anything, you should be able to walk into hostile territory and do well.  Trump needed to show the world what losers all these people were.  And just by showing up, it forced Democrats to put their best person on stage, and yes, Joe Biden is their best person.  That’s how bad they are.  Without all the illusion of The Wizard of Oz, with the smoke and fire, there is a weak little man behind the curtain who is powerless.  And they put him there to pull the levers because he was harmless and would let lesser people rule the world.  That is until people realize what an illusion it always was.  And anybody who wanted to believe in that illusion had that ripped away from them with this debate, which will likely be the last one.  Joe Biden could never afford such an exhibition of incompetence ever again.  And nobody is ever going to give him a chance.  If you want to win at life, make your enemies perform before you go crazy, grab guns, and turn to lawlessness.  The way we handled some of the most significant crimes in human history has been good.  It might not have been fun.  But it has been effective, and the proof was in this devastating debate performance.  We are just getting started on the dismantling of the administrative state.  This was just one little brick. 

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Rich Hoffman

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