Josh Gates and the Secrets of All Civilization: Why the World Economic Forum is involved in the ancient site of Gobekli Tepe

I do a lot of important things over a week.  But as I told my kids while we were in line to get into the Josh Gates Live: An Evening of Legends, Mysteries, and Tales of Adventure at the Taft Theater in downtown Cincinnati, nothing was more important than the three of us going there together while my wife watched all the grandkids.  My kids grew up on Josh Gates, and more specifically, Indiana Jones, who obviously very much inspired Josh Gates. It was important in ways that most people don’t measure things.  Specifically, I wanted to know a few things about Josh Gates in person that don’t come through the editing of his many thousands and thousands of television shows and interactions through the filter of social media.  Josh Gates is a very talented and good guy who has done much with a quirky in-between media lifestyle.  My family has immensely enjoyed his trips around the world.  My kids were interested in going, so I bought some tickets, not knowing what to expect from a live show.  But I did get my answers, answered.  And it’s not so much what he said, but what he didn’t say as a very successful producer of several shows on Discovery Channel and the Sci-Fi Channel over the years.  He’s seen everywhere on earth, all the various political systems, and conducted paranormal research in some of the most haunted places in the world.  But as I spent time with my kids for that evening in Cincinnati and ran into a surprising number of people I have known over the years, as the place was packed, I was thinking of a video my youngest daughter had sent me by Jimmey Corsetti at Bright Insight, a video channel dedicated to the next generation Josh Gates, Graham Hancock type of material that permeates the foundation of everything and leads right to the doorstep of the World Economic Forum.  So, there was a lot to unpack as the lights dimmed, and Josh Gates came out with a roaring applause to confirm a mystery I had long been wondering about.  And it turned out to be a fantastic evening.

At the end of the night, Josh Gates answered a question from the audience: does he believe in the paranormal after all his adventures? His answer was a cryptic one; my interpretation of it was that there was a social narrative driving the finance industry to not discuss their fingerprints in the activities that most haunt the human race.  Josh Gates is a mainstream guy who gets to fly worldwide, filming exciting television.   But he has had to make a deal with the many devils of that industry who like the ratings, but it’s best to always keep the answers just out of reach of the audience as the Oak Island show does.  Take people on an adventure and show them lots of exciting stuff.  But don’t bring meaning or personal opinions into it; we’ll fund your shows.  Let people ask questions, but never give them the answer.  It’s the way that people who want to control other people control other people, which is why, as Josh Gates was talking, I was thinking of that Bright Insight segment that featured why Gobekli Tepe in Turkey was being protected for tourism by the World Economic Forum disguised as helpful, but in truth, it is to prevent further excavations that show just how advanced humanity has been for over 10,000 years now.  As a professional, Josh knows where the lines are, and he stays within them even if there is plenty of evidence that shows just how mysterious the world is. 

Josh Gates gave an excellent answer to the audience when he answered that what matters in all these adventures is the stories, not so much how true they are.  Philosophically, reality can be decided by all kinds of circumstances.  However, the value of a story in unlocking the brain is ultimately more important.  I was thinking of many mysteries that personally bother me because I know there is a significant game of control trying to keep all humankind from discovering their true origins.  Most wars are about keeping everyone so unstable that the official narrative of human existence can be contained in a narrative controlled by those who want to rule the world.  I didn’t get to answer Josh Gates when he asked the audience what he should explore paranormally in Cincinnati if he were to try after a person from the audience asked him.  I would have told him that most of the downtown area of Cincinnati is deeply haunted and has been long before the city was ever built, especially along 5th Street.  Fountain Square and Jeff Ruby’s Steakhouse in the center of the town are built over the locations of a giant Indian Mound that was destroyed to create the city, so the whole area has deep ties to a paranormal world that is much older than many people think.  Including the Taft Theater where we were.  One of the people I know who went there and talked to me the day after received a tour of the place, not realizing she was a ghost.  She’s been there for years and haunts people often, disguising herself as a helpful usher.  But for no reason at all, she took him and his wife on a tour of the whole place and showed him where all the people who had died in the building still resided.  I believed his story, quite certainly.  I have some “experiences” at the Masonic lodge near the P&G headquarters that more than confirm the presence of lots of paranormal activity.  That whole street from Mt. Adams to the Museum Center is a haunted hot spot, and Josh Gates could have an exciting show there.  But my only question to the storyteller was, “Did she show you where the bathroom was?” 

Adventure has many layers, and I do travel and see things for myself.  I admire how much Gates has been able to travel and return to tell about it.  My family loves to travel, and we try to travel together as much as possible.  However, few people worldwide have traveled as much as Josh Gates; his perspective is important.  We live in a haunted world, hiding deep mysteries that are being kept from us deliberately to maintain a social order conducive to the rule of a narrow band of aristocrats to maintain an illusion of ruling over us.  And that is why the World Economic Forum communists are suppressing further investigations at Gobekli Tepe and many other historic sites around the world. It’s the same attitude they have in China, where many of the world’s biggest mysteries can’t even make it out of the communist media market.  They want to be the god their public worships; they don’t want their people to know much about their past.  So, the real fight in the world is between this knowledge of more and the people who want to rule and try to control the narrative.  Josh Gates said that his job is to show people many exciting places.  And that the value of those places is in the stories they tell.  Through those stories, you can learn the truth about things you otherwise wouldn’t have.  But the real essence of the mysteries is under the world’s political order, which is where my interest is.  And I got more out of that little event than I would have thought, and it was a wonderful evening.  Josh Gates is a wonderful dude. 

Rich Hoffman

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2 thoughts on “Josh Gates and the Secrets of All Civilization: Why the World Economic Forum is involved in the ancient site of Gobekli Tepe

  1. Thanks for the tablet- IMHO it shows the celestial timeline for the creation of a unique set of spiritually opposite twins – (looking at it from left to right in the Museum center pic)

    “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed…Was not Esau Jacob’s brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob, And I hated Esau…”


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