The Dummies of Davos: Rather than taking over the world they should be in jail

Yikes, this year’s World Economic Forum meetings in Davos were not very appetizing. Whatever they were trying to do, in looking like a bunch of smart people gathered to talk about solving the world’s problems, it blew up in their faces quite dramatically. As I say all the time, I watch the reports from Davos whenever they have them, so I have observed them evolve over the years. They are entertaining, and I enjoy watching what those kinds of people think, even if I disagree with them. Regarding the Davos participants, many people are naturally insecure about what they believe are “smart people.” The World Economic Forum participants tend to be highly educated, and the natural assumption is that because of their many years of commitment to academics, they are naturally more intelligent than the average person. So automatically, a barrier between them and everyone else forms, which they exploit to their advantage. Over the years, they have used that relationship to make a move for world domination because of their leverage over people who form across the lines of intelligence. The Davos participants are a group of people who assume that they are the smartest people in existence and that, by that nature, they should rule over those not as smart as them. They think they know better than any of the world’s governments and the people who elected them what should happen on Earth and how the affairs of human beings should be conducted. And because most people don’t feel very confident in having a conversation with academic people, all conflicts are avoided and the Davos types came away with the impression that they had a right to rule the world, almost as if it were an obligation to their existence.

I would say that such impressions of intelligence only grew because people didn’t know who any of those people were. But once you understand them a bit, you find out that they aren’t very smart, just as is the case with most academic types. Once that natural assumption is removed, and you talk to some of these people, you find out that they aren’t brilliant and pursue academic lifestyles to disguise their insecurities about intelligence. And at that point, the ruse falls apart. Which is what has been happening in Davos over the last several years. It used to be that nobody outside of their network paid any attention, except people like me. But because of their massive political tampering around the world, by attempting to take over governments by unelected bureaucrats, and their role in starting the Covid crisis, which was detrimental to happiness everywhere, people are paying more attention to these malcontents than they ever have before which has forced them, at Davos, to be more self-conscious knowing that the world was paying attention to their every word, and scrutinizing it. Now, with the freedom of speech that is quite common on social media, especially in the United States, the filters the World Economic Forum has enjoyed in the past aren’t present, and people are noticing that not only are Klaus Schwab and the gang not very smart, but they are radical leftists that are dangerous to everyone’s personal lives. The more people learned about them, the harder they had to work to make a good public impression, which did not turn out well for them. Because they are coming across as the phonies they always were, without the intimidating presence of intelligence to back it up.

Not that there is anything wrong with academics, but most of the time, the case is “those who can’t do, teach” certainly comes into play here. What Davos was this year, 2024, was a collection of micromanagers who have very little understanding of how the world works and what the people in it are really like. Like most academics who pursue such a life to protect themselves from social judgment, the game works until reality displays the opposite. It’s not enough to have theories about how things should work. But when those theories are imposed upon people who know better because of vast life experience, the results are never good for the academic, and that is the best way to describe this past year of events at Davos. They failed miserably if they were trying to show how smart and capable they would be running a one-world government. Rather, they overplayed their hand because of the level of scrutiny they now have to overcome. More people are now paying attention to their antics, and that pressure negatively affects them. Most of the events of the week were centered around building trust with the public, which they had lost. And their market brand has taken a massive hit, which I would say they deserve emphatically. Over the last decade, they had a public impression of being “elite” in the world. But now, they just looked like a bunch of out-of-touch fools full of untested ideas that would only make everyone much more miserable along the way. And in trying to overcome that level of public scrutiny, they made fools of themselves. It’s hard to believe that anybody used to listen to these people: John Kerry, Larry Fink, Bill Gates, and many others. But people are much less inclined now that they know more about these people. The brand of the World Economic Forum has taken a major hit.

My name for them over the years has been the Desecrators of Davos because they tended to want to desecrate everything in the world that was related to value and national culture since they desired to rule the world, literally being the creation of the United Nations.  Their fantasy has been to be like the United States, only a collection of socialist nations as opposed to capitalist-driven states.  And that they were going to shame and desecrate any lifestyle that did not facilitate their whims of progressive thought.  But their approach made their effort appear more like a day in the life of the high school homecoming queen who ruled the halls of the government schools with peer pressure and inviting people to her latest party as the only claim to power.  Once people caught on, they were fine and free to enforce that rule by doing many other things there was to do in life but appease some worthless homecoming queen just to be seen being near her.  I would say that these characters deserve a new name, based on their performance at this year’s Davos events, and that is the Dummies of Davos because that is the only explanation of their performance that anyone could make.  What they showed to the world was dumb.  It is hardly the kind of behavior that would cause people to want to follow them and change their governments to appease their wishes.  What we know now is that most of those participants weren’t only dumb, but they should be under investigation or in jail for the mass destruction they have sponsored as part of their globalist social experiments that went wrong.  Law enforcement within the countries affected should arrest them and lock them away before they could do more harm.  And that the Dummies of Davos could be prevented from further harm in the critical years to come.

Rich Hoffman

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