A Little Taco Truck in Oakley: Hard work and good food that come with opportunities only capitalism provides

Oh, I know, my kind of Republican politics has not been built by the Koch Brothers and other personalities who don’t get what’s coming in the future. While I am eager to return to Trump’s border policies and send back illegal immigrants wherever we find them, I do have a soft spot for people who are willing to crawl through broken glass naked to get into America and take advantage of the freedoms afforded individuals in the greatest country on earth. I don’t blame anybody who wants to get into America and work hard to have a good life, which they are not allowed to have in many other places. I tend to think more of immigrant people than I do of people who were born in America, by default, and expect someone to give them a golden slipper for the rest of their lives. I like to see people working hard. I have much more in common with most immigrant people because they often come from cultures where hard work is not only appreciated, it’s expected. The labor unions in America, with all the elements of Marxism that go with them, have destroyed the labor force in the United States. And for me, this isn’t even about cheap labor by people exploited because of their resident status. It’s simply a work ethic issue. While I am a person who likes AI and robotics because it makes a business not dependent on slugs who are afraid to work, I like immigration labor because of their work ethic. And when it comes to deporting people, I would vote to deport crybaby welfare recipients living off Medicaid well before I’d get rid of a cook working 18-hour days in the back of a Chinese food restaurant. I appreciate and most enjoy knowing people who work hard. And I very much despise lazy people who expect things to be given to them just because they were fortunate to be born in a rich country and want to exploit every political giveaway that they can get their hands on.

To this point, a friend of mine was out running around with me, and he wanted me to do something unusual for lunch and go all the way to Oakley to show me. I am used to Liberty Township and West Chester, Ohio, for lunch and dinner options. I expect delicious food if I’m going to eat it, and I like pleasant surroundings without a lot of slugs lying around, bringing down the vibe. When eating in public, I don’t want to smell pot smoke and look at a bunch of freak show contestants while I’m eating, so I usually go to places I know are safe for that kind of thing. So I was reluctant to follow my friend’s advice on this lunch option he was talking about, a little taco truck in a BP gas station in Oakley near the old Cincinnati Milicron plant that is now torn down and replaced by new economic development. This isn’t the best part of town; this newly developed renovation project is just east of Norwood. I have a long history in this area, so I wasn’t too excited to go there. There are taco trucks all over Cincinnati, so why this one? They have taco trucks at Liberty Center, which is my favorite place to go and eat. Why were we going all the way down to Oakley? Well, as he promised, according to him, these were some of the best tacos in the world, and he would know he’d traveled the world a lot and had sampled lots of food from many different people. And he swore by this particular taco truck that it’s simply the best around.

So we went way out of our way for lunch, and I was shocked to see how small it was.  But it had character; it was sitting in the parking lot of a gas station with its little grass umbrella shrouding a few picnic tables.  To the left behind the gas station were a couple of cops hanging out because of the vast homelessness problem that the area has and the frequent drug deals that are pretty obvious a part of the discarded shopping carts lying around.  Oakley is trying to reform itself with lots of new construction, but when people lose their way in life and conjugate all together in one area, they usually get depleted economic zones.  And that’s where we were; we were there to eat food.  So, I was skeptical.  But we knocked on the window, and a smiling face greeted us, a little Central American woman happy to get an order.  She immediately took the order and soon smoke was coming out of a little smoke stack on top of the truck, which was much smaller than I expected.  Two people were in the taco trailer that could have been pulled by a small car, and the whole thing ran on propane as its heat source, evident by the stack of tanks behind it discarded for refilling.  The entire event reminded me of something you might find in the highlands of Peru and some tourist spots in a remote part of the world.  A few people were making something happen with very minimal resources, and they were excited to have customers, which they went way out of their way to facilitate. 

To get drinks at this place, you have to go into the gas station to get them.  So I was having a cultural experience with all this.  But it was enjoyable, and once we were finished, the food was ready, and we ate it in the car.  These are all things that I usually wouldn’t do for lunch.  But, boy, was it all a treat.  It was great food made fresh and in large quantities.  It was worth going out of our way to get the food, and I was happy to give that little taco truck a little business.  These people wanted to work hard in exchange for a bit of money, and they provided a superior product.  This is as opposed to a fancy restaurant staffed with slow-minded people who feel entitled to a job, who often give only as much service as they can get by with not doing.  You get a good environment because the people attending such a place with you don’t have holes in their heads.  But this Oakley place was the opposite.  And if you wanted good food from good people trying to scrape their way out of a difficult situation, this little taco truck in Oakley, Ohio, was the place to go.  And it reminded me of what kind of country we could be again if we made it so many people were rewarded in life for their hard work instead of penalized.  While Democrats might think that these kinds of people running this taco truck will vote for their entitlement programs, I don’t think so.  I think they are primed to be Republicans and that they would vote for Trump if they could.  And these people want to work hard for a piece of the American dream.  And I am glad that they were doing what they did.  Let me say those tacos were fantastic!   America is a lot better off with many options from people worldwide who want the same thing: freedom and a chance to do good things without the government trying to hold them back from living a good life.

Rich Hoffman

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