The Biden Administration is Guilty of the Hamas Attack on Israel: If you want to be safe and protect your family, carry a gun

A very ancient evil was evident on the faces of the Hamas attackers in Israel, and they wanted the world to see it. A lot is going on with that attack, but the key takeaway I think best came from Jack Posobiec when he talked about the quality of actual intel people who should have warned the world that this attack was coming. Jack is a frequent contributor on the WarRoom podcast and has some background in military intelligence, so he should know, and it’s been my experience as well. Intel agents aren’t what we’d like them to be, which are Jason Bourne and James Bond types of characters; all too often, they are hipsters standing around the office in hiking tennis shoes sipping on coffee. What we see in the movies is a myth; it’s what we’d like to aspire to. But reality is a long way from such ambitions. And it’s because of this that the world is such a dangerous place. We invest a lot of money in government to make us feel safe, yet something like this attack on Israel can still happen. So, it has all been an expensive illusion and is a very sobering reminder of why we have a Second Amendment. Those poor people in Israel, where entire families were killed when Hamas decided to make a move of outright terrorism against their sworn enemy, the creation of Israel in the first place, would have been far better off if they had been carrying guns and could have shot back. Because in the end, that’s the only answer to such evil, which is very much a part of the world, especially the dangerous world of liberalism as radical Marxists everywhere have made it. Many evil people were blowing on the fires of that Hamas attack in the background, and the lesson is that the world is not safe, and the government is not there to protect people. Instead, the opposite is the case.

The Biden administration knew this attack was coming, and so did everyone else. That is why the border policy of the Biden people suddenly wanted to build Trump’s wall, a reversal from them that had a lot of people scratching their heads. They know what they have done, and without question, there are many sleeper cells of Hamas and other terrorists operating within the United States, hiding in the density of our cities until they decide to perform a similar attack. The only reason something like that hasn’t happened yet in America is because of the amount of guns that we own. It is significantly more challenging to behave as Hamas did in Israel when the public is as armed as in America. Gun-free zones still have a lot of danger, but the house-to-house raids, the checkpoints where entire families were slaughtered, and the young women raped next to their husbands and parents wouldn’t occur without bullets flying in the other direction. And when you see that blank look on the faces of the Biden people in the American government, and the mindless clinging to sending more money to Israel to show support is their only answer of reassurance, that’s how bad it is. Only gun ownership can protect people from such an audacious attack. And that would be my advice to everyone in the world who can; as the Administrative State continues to fail and the Deep State withers under the pressure of their destructive policies that they can’t hide from the public any longer, the animals of the world, groups like these Hamas terrorists, are going to emerge and do what humans have done for thousands of years when values are removed from their core conduct. And the danger is never far behind.

The Biden and the Obama administrations before them are to blame; they have been paying off terrorists in Iran, supporting the terrorist state with money infusion at every subversive opportunity, including the 6 billion recently that has many people talking. But rather than let the radical Marxist elements hiding behind the Quaran whither away under their weight, these progressive globalist groups have sought to keep Iran alive and well to support state-sponsored terrorism worldwide. So that is why there is a Hamas terror cell, to begin with, and as many of those Palestinian sympathizers said in New York rallies in the wake of this devastation, they see themselves as the resistance to evil and imperial Israel, which they are determined to destroy. I’ve given the history before; Islam was a tactical invention of the Arabs from the last days of the Roman Empire to push back against Christianity in the region. I’ve read the Quaran many times and know it very well, and my opinion of it is not one of divine revelation but of political intent to undermine Roman influence at that time and the Crusades that followed. It was always a creation to hide the old gods of Mesopotamia and Canaan behind a solitary figure and attack the very premise of Western Civilization. So, there isn’t any peace, as many initially supported Israel’s creation through secret societies. The people of the Near East and the East would never allow such a power to emerge, so they would always plot and scheme its destruction. The only thing that keeps them in check is the threat of force, a strong United States supporting Israel, or personal power from gun ownership.

I would say that many of the evil forces captured on video wanted the world to be outraged.  But the people committing the acts are too stupid to do much of all this alone.  They have a network of influence that empowers them, and when you pay terrorists to be terrorists, as the Biden administration has done, those malicious animals will be inclined to do what they did.  But the message to the world is frustrated fear, just as it was with Covid.  In election-year politics, the globalists are grabbing for straws now as they see where populism is going.  Ukraine hasn’t been working to unite the world behind a cause, which taps into ideas of biblical apocalypse and diverts people from the economic depression that is getting ready to hit the books.  Or the antics of the Biden crime family.  China’s desire to attack Taiwan while the world is watching the tragedy of the biblical homeland and has their minds occupied by audacity.  Everyone needs to know that you are on your own regarding safety and security.  The CIA, the FBI, and other intel agencies supposed to keep everyone safe are filled with the wrong people.  Not the tough guys of our movies but the social rejects who couldn’t get a real job doing real things.  We saw that failure during 9/11 where the CIA and FBI didn’t compare notes, and we ended up with a bunch of panicky politicians throwing money and more government at the problem as if that would solve everything.  But it only made the world more dangerous because when you pay terrorists, even with appeasement, you get more terrorism. After all, they see it gets their attention.  The guilty parties were always saying peace at all costs when the maniacal evil we could see on the terrorist faces of Hamas was so raw and quickly displayed that it continues unchallenged.  Ultimately, the only thing that keeps the world safe, somewhat so, is gun ownership, which everyone should be pushing for, not just in the United States. 

Rich Hoffman

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