Process Efficiency Through Fast Draw Shooting Sports: How to eliminate communism from any culture

There is a root cause of big government and communism in general, and it essentially all comes down to laziness.  The best hedge a country could have to protect itself from communism is an emphasis on hard work and personal improvement.  If you have an efficient society where personal conduct is rewarded, you will have a better society generally.  And they will not vote for communism and all the various follies of Marxism.  I have figured out that over time by participating in Cowboy Fast Draw, particularly a great group of people I have known for quite a while, many years before I started shooting with them, The Ohio Fast Draw Association.  I think of it as one of the best sports that the human race has come up with, but in making it an actual sport that has very rigid rules and regulations, as most shooting sports do that involve real guns and ammunition, the drive toward speed and accuracy has created a window into the purity of human intellect that I find endlessly fascinating.  And that’s what was on my mind as my wife and I had a wonderful meal at the Punderson Manor overlooking one of the deepest lakes formed by glaciation near downtown Cleveland, Ohio.  We were camping across the lake and preparing for one of the first Fast Draw competitions of the year just a few miles to the north, and economic systems and process efficiencies were most on my mind as I thought about current events over pork covered in honey and garlic sauce.  Out of all the educational institutions and means of human intellect, I think the best representation of efficiency matched with risk formed out of Cowboy Fast Draw and America’s fascination with Western arts and entertainment. 

It was something most obviously revealed during Covid, which we all know now was created in a Wuhan lab and released by China and a lot of other nefarious governments for a Great Reset by the World Economic Forum to spread communist-style government micromanaged by a massive, leftist, Administrative State.  And so many companies and governments were ready to jump on and sign us all up for it by a media poised to spread the news as fast as television broadcasts could put up death graphs on the side of their visuals.  This was the theme of my 2021 book, The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business, which I wrote and published during the first year of the Biden presidency, on the heels of the most ostentatious takeover by governments over private industry using Covid as their excuse.  But I wasn’t happy just pointing it out; I wanted to understand why human beings did this to themselves because that is where the real answers to life are.  That is why people were so quick to wear masks during the Covid crises, which were artificially created.  More specifically, when you look at a process for a big company, you will find that they have too many administrative employees and entirely too many rules.  Incompetent people use rules and large administrative practices to hide their incompetency from the eyes of a competitive world.  And you really don’t see that in people until you hang around people addicted to speed like there are in Cowboy Fast Draw events.  Human beings create a lot of rules and drag on any innovation system because they are timid and weak as personalities who look to shield themselves from risk through legislation.  And it is those kinds of people who make governments restrictive and crave communism and the security of a perpetual nanny state.

Of course, the sport of fast draw, especially The Ohio Fast Draw Association that I shoot with several times a year, is to shoot at a target when a light flashes on it and to draw a .45 caliber single action pistol with a wax bullet, as fast as you can from a holster at various distances.  What I like about the Ohio Fast Draw guys is that they have a variety of combat scenarios that are part of their competitions, and it forces you to find the fastest means to achieve the objective within some rigid rules that are always part of shooting sports.  The endeavor aims to manage risk and competence toward the stated goal.  Not to run and hide from it, as most organizations do where this problem of individual merit isn’t addressed.  In my real life, outside of shooting sports, which I consider a real vacation from the sluggish minds of bureaucracy and considerable government inefficiency, I would say that most people have some element of timidity in them that is open to government expansion over improved processing, I see how a lack of management over personal risk drags the world down in unhealthy ways.  People love their rules, their regulations, and their slow rate of completion in things because they are terrified of the actual responsibility of accomplishment.  At Cowboy Fast Draw events, all people generally agree that the goal is to shoot fast, hit the target, and find the most efficient process to perform the task.  That means drawing the gun from my holster in fractions of a second and shooting as soon as the barrel clears the leather.  There is no hiding the intent behind process rules disguised to protect the incompetent from the expectations of performance.  And I never get enough of it.  There are usually six or more events per year, and I always get a lot out of all of them, but what I get most is time away from the sluggish people of the world and their slow obsessions with administrative practices that hide their grotesque lives from competitive expectations. 

Since my last competitive event with these Ohio Fast Draw guys, I have been to Japan twice to deal with real-world issues of efficiency and competence necessity.  In Japan, they do not run from competitive expectations; they fully embrace them as a mass culture.  They are not in love with the process flow that protects themselves from competitive expectations, which is part of their samurai culture that is still alive and well there.  As my wife and I ate our meal and looked out over that lake, this was May of 2024, and my last competition was September of 2023. During that time, I had a chance to observe Japanese culture up close and personal, including how they eat.  Many lights came on for me as to the cause of human society leaning toward communist governments and why corporations of all kinds were so quick to do so.  Those elements of the fast draw and Japanese society painted across the current events of our times revealed a nasty sentiment holding back the human race for many years.  But the sport of fast draw had purged it out and away from its hiding places, and I have found myself obsessed with the results.  It was the root cause behind all the Lean work that had been developed in Japan with the Toyota efficiency standards, into why people behaved the way they did when work was presented to them, and responsibility for success fell on their shoulders.  It would take America’s gun culture to match up with the most successful economy in the world to evolve the sentiment, which I always cherish at competitive shooting events that tell more than just the story of American tradition.  But peel back the veil to the most wonderful elements of human intellect, the ability to use risk to produce efficiency and innovation that otherwise would never come to be.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Judge and Judge Often: Don’t get hung on a cross or be destroyed like the Indians–punish evil and make them pay

Here’s my thing: we’ve been too friendly to the Marxist movement behind much of our social interactions.  There are a lot of people upset with me over my recent smoke shop article and find my anti-pot stance intolerable.  Hey, I told everyone back in August 2023 how it would be before a bunch of losers and lobbyists worked to make marijuana legal.  And if there is an edge to me now that people didn’t notice so much before, it’s because of things like this.  I have watched the pot movement grow over the years by these hippie flower children forces that have been gaining ground since I was born, and I never liked them.  I treated them fairly, but their intentions were always to take and take more, no matter how much kindness we gave them, and now they are going for the destruction of our country, and they aren’t shy about it.  And now that pot has been legalized in Ohio, a place I call home, I consider it an act of war.  And anybody who has looked up my past and researched me already knows my position.  There is a lot of violence in my wake over fighting pot in my various communities.  I have been evident in my position, and I could tell stories all day about my long life fighting against it that have much more relevance to people now with the context.  There are lots of police, mayors, and commissioners who hear my name and know the trouble, and they’d rather forget about it.  These were not things done in secrecy; it’s all been well documented.  But this whole “you do you, and I’ll do me” libertarian nonsense isn’t going to work for me.  So the pot heads brought it on themselves; now that they’ve brought that stuff overtly into my community, pot is the new “Lakota Schools,” for me.  Locals in my community will understand what that means.

One thing you will never see in front of one of these smoke shops selling marijuana paraphernalia is a nice car.  People who do dope tend to be lazy losers who drive beater cars and look like the kind of people who can barely get out of bed in the morning.  Anybody who thought they could replace good business in all the vacant strip malls with these smoke shops and that it would be “good for our community” was not thinking straight.  When people say to me, “Who died and made you king,” here’s the deal: if people are free to rub pot consumption in my face, then I am free to cast judgments on it and the people who use it.  For me, there is no blurred line on pot consumption because it’s the sign of a society retreating to the primitive, to follow the Vico Cycle back to the village hut of compliance to a tribal council, and is the opposite of freedom.  Consumers of pot are weak, and they are seeking to justify it with a chemical substance that hides it from the world where they should be working to make themselves better.  So when people tell me I should be like Jesus and “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” (Matthew 7:1), I say, look what happened to Jesus when he was hung on a cross crying for the Father not to abandon him.  Don’t end up hanging on a cross.  Humans can bring whatever meaning they want to religion, but I’m not OK with the teachings of Jesus if people think we aren’t supposed to judge lousy behavior or punish people for it.  I’ll stick with the Old Testament, thank you. I say, “judge and judge often,” and punish those who intend harm to you and your society.  And any advocate of marijuana is intending harm to our society.

I warned everyone of the old hippie notion of “live and let live.”  I’ve told everyone the truth about how the KGB and the CIA worked hard to import communism to our college campuses, just as they are now with the anti-Israel movement, to erode the foundations of our youth.  The concept of “let’s party” was revealed in the excellent Ayn Rand book We The Living, a youth movement meant to usher communism into their society in Russia.  Ayn Rand would know because she had to flee her homeland and her family to escape it.  And all that nonsense was brought to America in the 1930s with Roosevelt’s New Deal policies, and it culminated in the 1960s with all the campus riots.  And it’s still happening, festered on by people like George Soros, who fund a lot of this destructive behavior among people willing to take the easy money and bring chaos to our streets, to submit to communism.  And pot is one of those strategies of communism against America.  The intent was to weaken our youth and our Biblical culture of values and to fall to communism because everyone was too stoned to fight back.  That is why I have such a hatred for the stuff.  I’ve known this for a long time.  I feel this way because I read a lot.  And I don’t take attacks against my country kindly.  And all drug consumption, even alcohol, as far as I’m concerned, is an attack.  The legalization of pot is meant to destroy the concept of civil society and replace it with a bunch of stoned losers who won’t work, won’t lead their families, and are no good to anybody for anything.  Yes, I will judge others, and I will judge often. 

I ordered a margarita with some friends at a fancy dinner the other day.  People around me at the table were shocked because they knew my position on drugs.  Occasionally, I’ll drink something with alcohol in it because the texture of the drink makes it interesting.  I’ll occasionally sip on a wine as well.  But not very often, and never to get drunk.  In a long list of people who have known me over the years, nobody will ever be able to claim that they saw me drunk and disorderly.  I was always the one who was sober and had my head on straight, even when I spent time with some very wild and crazy people.  In my church, there was an epic battle between them, my congregation, and me over communion.  If not for the church, I likely would have never tasted a drop of alcohol.  I was never OK with the cannibal ritual of eating the symbolic body of Christ and drinking his blood, which is a Roman way of bringing all the religions of their empire under one roof of Christianity.  I’d rather not sacrifice people to the powers of the universe in any way.  And I’d always recommend staying sober to do it.  But with pot, there is no redeeming factor.  Like many people have said to me recently, “But the Indians did it.”  Yeah, that’s my point.  Most of them ended up dead and eradicated from existence, with their culture destroyed.  See a pattern?  There is nothing good about pot smoking, and anybody who is trying to sell it to you is trying to destroy your culture.  And there is no compromise with it.  If people want to bring it to my front door, they will get what they get.  Now that they have, I am much less tolerant of their other behaviors that I find objectionable, and they will hear from me about it often.  Because I will be doing what you should be doing dear reader, and that is “judging and judging often.”  And punishing those who have done wrong.  If you want to save your country and not end up destroyed like the Indians or hung on a cross like Jesus, try something different, starting with judging evil and punishing those who commit it.  And look at intoxication the way I do, as a slow way of killing intellect and, therefore, the person that houses it.  And punish it as attempted murder because that’s what intoxication, all intoxication, is.  The murder of a mind. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Smoke Shops in Ohio: Nothing says ‘Loserville’ more than a pot economy

Nothing says loser like a smoke shop.  I used to make fun of them while traveling through states that had legalized pot, such as Colorado.  They trash up a community.  But now they are in Ohio because a bunch of leftist losers took advantage of a bunch of stupid and naive people and convinced them to pass marijuana in the state, which then says to the world, our community is a bunch of dope-smoking losers.  I can avoid them daily, but recently, while going to Dunkin Donuts to get breakfast for my grandchildren, my wife had to look at two of them right by our house.  Smoke shops have become the new go-to for brick-and-mortar plazas, struggling to find tenants as most companies compete against online sales.  I understand that, too; I was shopping at a brick-and-mortar store in Columbus, Ohio, with a long list of needed items, mostly books.  But they didn’t have everything.  I ordered on Amazon and was able to get everything I needed, fast.  So brick and mortar’s are struggling.  Plaza builders and strip mall operators have too many products chasing too few goods.  Most of them have their usual nail salons and Chinese restaurants in them.  Or if not one of those, a Mexican restaurant.  But it’s been tough to keep them filled with all the brick-and-mortar failures.  Add to that the effects of a Biden economy with massive inflation and over-regulation that has crippled economic flow and you end up with a lot of strip malls at 60% occupancy.  It probably would have been a good idea in our economic planning to say no to some of them before they were built.  But the plans were all rubber stamped and now the owners of those developments are hard pressed to fill them.  So, to save the day, comes smoke shops along with Cheech and Chong to sell pot to a desperate public dazed and confused being taking full advantage of by a criminal government exploiting them until the public rots away with pain and betrayal. 

If I have to look at pot smokers and smoke shops, I can assure everyone that I’m going to be a far less nice person.  I despise pot.  I once had a group of friends in my very first apartment who smoked pot in it while I was gone.  I was 18 then, so I was in the prime age for people who did that kind of thing.  It was everywhere, especially at rock concerts.  I always had, and continue to now, a strict policy of no pot, anytime, anywhere, under any condition.  I had a little parakeet that I kept in a cage in my bedroom.  Yes, I was a weird teenager.  I liked those kinds of things, and while the apartment was a bachelor pad intended to pick up many chicks and have wild nights, I wanted to be married and start a family.  I was tired of party life, and I never liked it.  So that little bird was special to me, and a good companion as I started in life.  When I came home one particular day, after working very hard on one of my first sales jobs, three of my friends had smoked pot and tried to get the little bird stoned.  I was furious.  Actually, beyond furious.  Not only had they gone into my room with pot, knowing how much I hated the stuff.  But they blew smoke onto my little bird to get it stoned.  I had been friends with some of these guys since childhood.  That was the last day I ever spoke to them.  They reached out over the years, but I did not reach back.  Some found the light much later in life, but I did not forgive them.  If Jesus wants to be an idiot and forgive people like that, have at it.  I despise people who do things like that, and I, in general, despise pot users. 

Just because a bunch of loser politicians listened to their donors about the need to get into the pot business, it doesn’t change my sheer hatred of the stuff.  I’ve heard all the arguments; believe me, some really intelligent and powerful people have worked hard to change my mind.  After all, Speaker John Boehner, who is a neighbor and we share many mutual friends, left Congress because he saw the writing on the wall with Trump entering politics, and he became a pot lobbyist.  People like him for years have been talking about the medicinal properties of pot smoke and how you can make a rope out of it.  They have looked for every excuse to use the pot industry as some expansion of business in the state of Ohio, to make it a business-friendly concept to attract businesses to the state.  They tried to justify pot advocacy with economic expansion.  To me, if that is the best you have, then you are a dying economy with a dying workforce run by a bunch of suckers and losers.  John Boehner cries a lot, smokes too much, and was a globalist sellout when he had the third most powerful seat in the world as Speaker of the House.  And he went from that to being an advocate for pot in Ohio, and now we are seeing the results of what people like him have brought to our state.  Smoke shops everywhere. 

My wife is less tolerant about pot than I am.  We have family members who have bought into the whole “I need pot for my chronic pain” argument, and we have no respect for them or anybody who uses pot for that matter.  We’ve heard that the Indians used pot, so we should too, to be more aligned with “nature,” is what they say.  The Indians ended up a culture driven to extinction with their rain dancing and peace pipes.  And that’s what happens to all cultures that embrace intoxication in any fashion as a driver of economic means.  And my wife returned from that particular visit to Dunkin Donuts very upset that she had to look at those smoke shops because they were signs of an invasion into our community.  We’ve lived in Liberty Township for a long time, me much longer than her.  So we have watched the changes to the negative as all these East Coast people bring with them their Democrat ideas from socialist influence in the places they moved from.  Generally, we put up with it with as much understanding as possible. But seeing those Loserville smoke shops in our nice little community was too much that day.  And for me, it’s the parakeet all over again.  I have no tolerance for evil, and certainly not vehicles of evil, such as pot consumption.  I see nothing good about it, not medicinal, not by making rope, not in a Cheech and Chong movie.  And a pot economy is a drain on all other aspects of economic growth.  Any society that is built on the degradation of the mind, which is what pot is, even as a pain killer, will destroy your society.  And when you see a smoke shop catering to pot consumers, that is the kind of world you are building.  It is disgusting to see and hear about it from people who should know better. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Ding Dongs in Columbus: A Review of Governor DeWine’s State of the State speech

Before I get into the obvious homeless guy on 3rd Street in Columbus who was standing on the corner a block south of the Statehouse, completely nude, with his ding dong and buttocks clear for all the world to see, as if he were getting ready to shower at a YMCA, I have to talk about the fantastic book I bought from the Statehouse gift shop that I have had my eye on for several years now, The Art and Artistry of the Ohio Statehouse by Dayna Jalkanen.  Every time I go to the Statehouse, I think about getting it, but time is always short, so I never do.  I love the Statehouse and the intentions of the work that is supposed to be done there, of republic-style representative government, and I had just told a story to similar people about my thoughts on Governor DeWine’s speech where I stood in the rotunda with DeWine giving out pictures with a lunch buffet set up in the middle of the room where senators, representatives, lawyers, lobbyists, cutthroats and even media personalities were at work saving the world from their perspective.  Even the “Rooster” was there dressed in his backpack and poorly attired shorts, deliberately showing disrespect for the process as he runs a government blog checking the antics of the powerful with a kind of Marxist mentality of “bringing them all down.  During this visit, I had a little more time to make it to the bookstore, where I was there with Jennifer Gross, the Ohio Representative from the 47th District, and her son, a brilliant young man.  I explained to many people that DeWine’s speech this year was horrible, worse than usual, and uninspiring.  And there was a thick blanket over the whole State of the State address as Columbus conspiracies were awash in speculation and scandal.  But as I have said before, the Statehouse is there, grand and has deep roots in history.  It intends to inspire people to greatness even if they fall short, as was apparent under this current flock of politicians.  So, I wanted to get the book to remind myself of the worth of it all.

As I checked out the book at the counter and spoke to Jennifer about all the perils of progress during legislative proceedings, I reflected on what I had just said about DeWine’s speech and why it was so bad.  Governor DeWine was clearly in a lame-duck stage of his term.  He was on the outs with the Trump campaign over several controversies.  But the biggest one is that DeWine isn’t a Republican, especially not a Trump Republican.  He’s a product of FDR’s New Deal and some Johnson version of a Great Society where the government was there to do what parents couldn’t or wouldn’t.  And that was the entirety of DeWine’s speech on the State of the State on 4.10.24.  The whole thing was about how the state of Ohio could take care of children in ways their parents would fall short of, and everything he mentioned required more legislation and tax money spent without scrutiny on the next generation without any real expectation of success.  As I had just said in the rotunda, everyone in that room thought they were doing the right things, including DeWine.  They all had the best of intentions.  Nobody thought of themselves as evil.  Yet there was evil everywhere, and why?  It’s a challenging game where you must go to Columbus to work with others to make things happen.  You have to build relationships and get things done.  But in compromising with other people to get things passed, most people find themselves changed forever in the process, and they aren’t the same people who were elected, and they don’t survive the meat grinder of politics intact. 

Whenever I attend a State of the State speech, I always like to sit in the gallery where all the lawyers, aides, and lobbyists sit because I want to hear how they talk to each other.  They all have some specific thing that concerns them most about the government.  It might be renewable energy, social programs, or even Rob Portman’s retirement status, and how many boards he is sitting on for advice.  I was sitting next to one of his former aides who went on and on about how much influence the former senator still had in the business world, which I had to snicker about.  I’ve known Rob Portman for a long time, especially at the beginning of his political career when he was in his 20s.  Rob Portman shouldn’t be advising businesses about anything; he doesn’t have the horsepower to understand the field or how it works.  But in that gallery, I heard many stories about things those people wanted to impress upon each other as they were caught up in the moment.  All dressed up to listen to the Governor give a speech about saving children from their parents.  I explained it later by identifying the problem for what it is: all those people at the speech had the power of government at their fingertips, and they had to decide how to use it to help people.  And that’s where the evil comes in: when people don’t have the right thoughts about things, how can they decide to use government the way it’s supposed to, not how their feeble minds interpret it?  DeWine intended his speech well, as everyone listening did.  But where can they apply government power to the right purposes?  That’s what I wanted to think about as I bought that book and why I took a little extra time talking with Jennifer about those kinds of challenges this time. 

But the answer to that question was at the corner of 3rd Street, just one block south of the Statehouse as I was leaving.  There was security everywhere around the Statehouse because of the governor.  I was leaving the Senate, and there were plenty of police.  But then there was this 6’ 6 man of color standing there with his pants pulled down around his ankles, underwear, and all oblivious to the world around him.  I don’t think he knew his ding dong was hanging out in full view to all the cars and pedestrians moving by him.  I’ve seen homeless people all over the world, and they are caused by too much government destroying the personal initiative of individual people.  And here was this guy, an apparent creation of a nanny state government rotting away in full view of everyone just a block from where all the rules of Ohio were made.  And nobody was doing anything about it.  He was violating public decency standards.  He was probably violating many drug laws.  But he was a person of color, and nobody wanted to be called a racist for pointing out his bad behavior.  So, everyone just ignored him and went about their way.   No doubt, several children that day had their lives ruined by seeing that naked guy on the street corner on a sunny April day in 2024.  With all the grand ideas proposed by many governors over the years, the reality is that the quality of life for people only gets worse the more that the government tries to replace good personal conduct with more laws, which aren’t even enforced a block from where DeWine gave his speech.  And all the people talking about big, fancy ideas in the gallery were already in their cars on their way home, driving past all the problems none had the guts to deal with.  Which is how evil works in those kinds of gatherings.  Well-intended people who use the power of government to do what they lack as people, and it migrated into society to show itself in that homeless guy so disconnected from reality he was nude on a street corner in the capital of Ohio, which should be a showpiece of excellence.  The Statehouse certainly lives up to the lofty expectations.  But the people in it, inhabiting it, don’t.  And they hide their lack of courage behind procedures and fancy speeches.  Yet they always fall short because their minds aren’t up to the task, and they don’t have the guts to increase their intellect where they can help people like that guy instead of making more of them by default. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Good to See the People of Fairfield Schools Aren’t Stupid: In Lakota, corruption put Christina French in a seat to protect the radical teacher’s union

I was happy to see that the people in the Fairfield school district, who just voted down their ridiculous school levy, were not stupid.  As I have always said and will continue to say, you are stupid if you vote for a school levy.  These public schools are cesspools of Democrat politics, and they rot the children from the inside out, purposely.  So, feeding those ridiculous Democrats incubation factories is stupid.  The schools are controlled by radicalized laborers who want to be paid too much to do too little and offer a community very little in return for the massive investment.  So, in the Fairfield schools just north of Cincinnati outside the I-275 loop, a community that is only a fraction of what it once was, they said no to their tax levy, which is a good sign of things to come.  People have learned a lot over the last few years, especially since all the Covid lockdowns exposed this clown game for what it truly is, and more people than ever are ready to admit that public schools are only a free babysitting service for parents too busy, to take their kids anywhere else because they are too poor to take their kids to a private school or find some other alternative.  Public schools are like public toilets; nobody cares about what happens inside until you have to use them.  And when you use them, they are always in a state of degradation.  I love education, but we don’t do nearly enough of it.  But public schools are not my idea of education.  They are more like prisons of social conditioning to feel all the wrong things and express all the wrong values.  I don’t believe public schools got it right, especially over the last few decades.  They have become propaganda factories for Democrat politics, and any good that was intended with them has long gone from social analysis.  Nothing says “I don’t love you, kid” more than sending them to the rat race public school attached to your zip code. 

With all that said, I have had many, many, many people ask me to run for school board in my community of Lakota.   And we’re not talking about slack-jawed losers but brilliant and influential people.  The game has always been evident to me, but for the sake of those people, I have tried to do whatever I can to make public education better for the scope of a community.  And in management, saying no is a significant first step to whatever Democrats think they need.  Even if they ask for an extra gallon of milk, inflated, wasteful people who look to the government to fill their bottomless pit needs must be told no.  That is certainly true regarding wage levels, which are directly associated with the inflated budgets that public schools utilize.  And to have someone say no often is why people have wanted me to be on the school board.  But I would never waste my time on such a fruitless enterprise, especially since the name of the game is to have closet Democrats running the school board to pave the way for the teacher unions to have easy contract negotiations.  And the whole game is set up like a parasite to a community’s property values, like a gun to the head of a robbery victim.  It’s just not a positive experience in any way, significantly once kids grow up beyond the fifth grade and stop having parent presentations to see the art their kids did in school pasted all over the wall as if to justify everything.  Once the kids get into middle and high school, where puberty is running away with logic, everything gets a lot less cute and useless for the dollar value.

However, I’ve tried to help put conservative school board members on the board in my school district of Lakota several times over the years.  But a pattern emerges that is quite obvious.  Rival school board members who don’t like the conservatives use woke laws to protect them from voter intentions, which is the case with Darbi Boddy in Lakota.  She was a Tea Party type conservative on the school board, and that group worked hard, just as they did Todd Parnell before her, to use woke rules to remove members they didn’t like, then the board would override the pick of the public and appoint their liberal members.  In this case, because of a legal technicality driven by a bunch of people who might otherwise call themselves conservatives, a court order kept Darbi from attending school board meetings, which, after 90 days, allowed the Lakota school board to vote her off the board and appoint a new member, without going to the taxpayers.  In this case, it ended up being Christina French after a long list of excessively liberal names offered themselves as options.  French is not a conservative, let’s just put it nicely.  But she represents the kind of people that the teacher union wants on the school board, and as the out-of-control costs stack up into chaos at Lakota, they try to do what Fairfield just tried to do, with tax increases in more overt liberalism as policy, don’t say I didn’t try to warn you.

The community Republicans should have stood behind Darbi better than they did.  Isaac Adi, who ran as a conservative for the board, voted to put French in Darbi’s seat, and he’s the one who caused all the trouble in the first place.  Darbi shouldn’t have let her temper get the better of her, just as Todd Parnell shouldn’t have, but these people can infuriate you.  And they can support child molesters and break all kinds of laws and get away with it because they are Democrats.  The rules are only there to control Republicans because we have allowed that system to manifest that way and make conservative politics, which is, in the majority, a passive role in the education business.  This is why public education is failing everywhere and why it costs so much to get so little.  Because there are so many RINOs, which was undoubtedly the case with Darbi, they didn’t back her, so they get to deal with Christina French, Julie Shaffer, and those other radical Democrats.  Many of them probably call themselves Republicans at wine tastings, but their behavior is overtly liberal, and it shows in their spending habits.  No matter who we put on the Lakota school board, this will always be the result.  Republicans have to walk around on egg shells while the Democrats are dancing on the tables naked and laying face down in the bathroom by the toilet at education conferences, and they get away with everything, because the teacher’s unions wants such fools in charge of their budget.  See why?  Which is why I say, and will continue to say, if you vote for a school levy you are stupid.  I can at least add to that that I’ve tried to help make school boards better, but the future of public education is to put the funding to the child, not the zip code, and make the schools earn their money, drive down their costs, and attract children to their enterprise through competition.  Of course, the public schools won’t be able to afford government union wage rates, but that’s the point.  That doesn’t benefit anybody but the parasites who have access to the next generation of children.  And if you want to fix education and help kids access learning, that’s the only next thing to do.  Everything else is nonsense.  More money doesn’t help the kids at all. It only increases corruption, as we have seen in Lakota over many years.  The more money, the more corruption, and the process that got rid of Darbi Boddy and put Christina French in her place is corrupt beyond repair. 

Rich Hoffman

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Sara Carruthers Loses to Diane Mullins in the 47th District: Don’t work against the Central Committees and new media

It was wonderful to see Diane Mullins win the Representative seat for the 47th District, beating out Sara Carruthers in the primary who had held that seat.  I think Diane will do a great job, bring some fresh perspective to that seat, and represent the people of Hamilton and the surrounding area very well.  But this is a cautionary tale that deserves some thought because it was Sara Carruthers who had come out after the election of November 2023 and referred to Tea Party types in the Republican Party as radicals, as she was alluding to the assumption that party politics existed in some moderate relationship with communism and that she knew better than everyone else how to navigate those choppy waters.  Her crime was one of the Blue 22 coalition to put the moderate Speaker Stephens into power and undercut the much more Republican presence that had been planned.  So she was a declared RINO and made herself known to everyone as such, leaving the Central Committee to pull her endorsement and support Diane Mullins as a replacement, a much more conservative Republican.  And I said so much then and put my support behind the Republican slate card.  In that same exchange, Sheriff Jones became frustrated and went out on his own not seeking a party endorsement.  Things are getting hot in politics, and for good reason.  Who needs Democrats when our representatives are like Sara Carruthers?  Or Cindy Carpenter, for that matter.  And like Sara, many in Ohio went on to support Matt Dolan over the party pick of Bernie Moreno for the senate seat.  Even after the Central Committee of Ohio had put their support behind Bernie, there were many establishment Republican types who refused to deal with reality and instead supported Matt Dolan. 

More views on this site than most any other media platform. The power of new media. This stat from 3/25/24. That is much more than most best selling novels and cable news programs.

The approach was arrogant, and the money people continued to support Sara Carruthers even after she was rejected by the Central Committee, which carried over into several state races, most notably with Moreno.  Arrogance comes from an assumption that they have more of a right to pick people who are good for them than the average voter because they put more money into politics and deserve it.  Sara Carruthers had much more money to win in the 47th District than Diane Mullins.  I also heard a lot from people during this campaign that George Lang was just like Sara Carruthers and had donated money to each other’s campaign.  They were both RINOs, so how could I support George, not Sara?  Once a RINO, always a RINO, according to these opinions.  However, my distinction falls under the actual representation of voters and how a candidate views that role.  Obviously, with Carruthers, she was not happy with the political tide from the MAGA movement, and she was not pleased to see Lynda O’Conner lose her seat on the Lakota school board in November of 2023.  Many manipulations went on with the Central Committee in that case where Lynda received a party endorsement by tampering with the vote.  There were some games going on between West Chester and Liberty Township that forced Lynda through her endorsement process, and people responded by not voting for her, defeating her soundly at that next election.  So perhaps Sara Carruthers thought that money would win out in her election and that the party endorsement wouldn’t matter much.  And Sheriff Jones went through a similar process.  He was vulnerable if someone wanted to run against him.  However, the respect between the Central Committee and Party Establishment types had been tested, and there was apparent ambiguity on the matter, which was quite simple. 

I think it’s great that Pastor Diane has been so widely endorsed. As to the church and state separations, that has been a terrible experiment. It’s against the law to conduct election fraud, have open borders. And to traffic drugs. If the churches support Diane, the world is a better place for it.

Money does not buy what people think it does.  Traditional media is not the way to win campaigns, and disrespecting Central Committees is a bad trait in state politics, especially in Ohio.  More donors providing a larger war chest does not work like it used to, with new media being the primary way people get their news.  Some of my articles for endorsed candidates saw individually more than 35,000 hits in the week leading up to the primary election in March, which is typical for me.  The newspapers never say much about political candidates, so as voters are curious about the names they see on yard signs, they look them up and usually find my articles because they are longer and are more opinionated than what they get from traditional media.  As a result, my endorsements usually impact my pick because it is one of the best information platforms for people who don’t already have a firm pick in mind during elections.  And I knew when I did my piece against Sara Carruthers that it would offset the money she had in her war chest because radio ads, television, and yard signs didn’t work.  That’s not where voters are getting their information anymore.  It might be a launching point, but it isn’t the destination.  Voters want opinions about their candidates, and vlogs, blogs, and podcasts are the best ways to inform voters who they are voting for.  And those are much less expensive ways to communicate, but they also demand more personal authenticity than just a static one-page ad in the newspaper used to provide.  This has made it harder for RINOs to hide their liberalism, which ultimately was the downfall of Sara Carruthers.

At the heart of the matter was respect.  Chairman Todd Hall addressed that issue to the Butler County Republican Party with an obvious tone that supported Trump’s nomination for 2024 to run for president.  Any fantasies that RINOs would have had in dumping party endorsements in favor of donor sentiment or shoving through endorsements that the Central Committee did not adequately pick had diminished, as they should.  Plotting and scheming against the voters is not a good way for a political party to validate themselves because if that’s how it is, then they aren’t worth the trouble.  Over these past few elections, new media and the power of the Central Committee had been tested, but the results were noticeable.  The political parties were not in charge.  Donors couldn’t buy support with unfair leverage as they had in the past.  And Republicans who acted like Democrats were going to be punished and cast aside.  No matter how long they had been in office or how well-liked they were by the establishment.  All the schemes to eliminate Trump are based on the same logic.  And back to George Lang, he never betrayed Trump.  He might associate with people like Matt Dolan and others who are obvious RINOs.  But he never stepped away from MAGA’s ideas of making America First.  But Sara Carruthers did, and her sin was in being one of the Blue 22, which set Republicans back severely in Ohio from the Speaker seat.  And she had to pay.  Just as others who join her in deceit and betrayal, thinking they know better than the average voter what needs to happen in politics and to mask it, can spend money on more yard signs to stay in power.  That’s not what happened with Sara; her story should be a lesson to all.  Don’t betray the Central Committee by playing games.  Representing their wishes will make things a lot better for everyone involved.  And that’s how the ball bounces in politics from now on.   

Rich Hoffman

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Lessons From George Lang’s Primary Win in Butler County: Political terrorism isn’t the way to win people over

It was not surprising to me that George Lang won in the primary for the 4th District Senate seat.  He was the best person for the job and is an integral part of the MAGA movement in Ohio politics.  And I like the guy quite a lot.  However, some things happened in this primary that need to be discussed, particularly concerning Candice Keller, who ran against him.  I thought it was a huge mistake when I first heard that she would.  I personally like Candice, her husband, and her supporters.  However, my relationship with George was founded on years of built-up trust, so everyone should know where my support would go.  But I did get some nasty campaign utterances against George, which I could care less about.  But I heard from people who questioned me because they wanted to say that George Lang was a RINO just because they lacked the extra gear he has in politics.  I think there are all kinds of people needed in political efforts; there are people who throw rocks.  And some people make deals, and all sorts of people in between.  Just because a politician like George has skills that other people don’t have, it doesn’t make him a RINO.  As I said on election day, George Lang never ran away from Trump, where many people in Ohio did; he even put a picture of himself next to Trump on the slate card in Butler County.  I have known George for a long time, and his support of Trump goes back as long as mine does, well before many of the modern tag-alongs saw the light.  I’ve been involved in many scenarios with George Lang where I know better than most what kind of person he is, so my endorsement of him came with that knowledge, which should have been the end of the story.

Always stand by your people, and never let the mob impact your opinions

Yet, right before the election, another friend of mine, Jennifer Gross, a representative from the 45th District, had called George to let him know that she couldn’t publicly endorse him because all the Candice Keller people were giving her a rough time.  In general, some kid running against her got ahold of the recording and published it to embarrass her.  Jennifer is of the rock thrower variety in Columbus and tends to have much of the same support as Candice Keller.  By talking in a friendly way to George and not being antagonistic toward him, she somehow betrayed Candice.  By default, if you wanted to prove you weren’t a RINO, you had to support Candice Keller.  Jennifer should have been able to help George Lang with an endorsement and to do so without fear.  But that she did fear the Candice Keller people says a lot about what’s wrong in politics.  If one politician has a better platform than another, then that is a free market appeal toward politics.  But forcing people to vote for someone else is the same kind of garbage that the radical left communists do.  That came from the Candice Keller people, mainly as it was applied to Jennifer Gross.  This is precisely why Candice Keller lost her previous seat where she was in the State House.  It takes guts to get into the arena but more skills than that to stay in it.  She got into trouble and didn’t work to build the right alliances, and she soon found herself on the out.  Which is her fault, and hers alone. 

George Lang never turned away from Trump, while many others have

I like the kind of trouble Candice Keller gets herself into as a rock thrower.  She was the one who caught Cindy Carpenter campaigning for Democrats in Middletown, so her brand of politics has its place, which keeps everyone healthy.  Regarding George Lang, she doesn’t know him like I do.  And it was her choice to run against him, and if she wanted to be in the arena of politics, there were other positions she could have picked.  Instead, she tends to want to run against George Lang and see how much power she has within the evangelical community to pull votes away from one of the top Republicans in Southern Ohio.  That’s a choice she made that isn’t rooted in good tactics.  It might be interesting.  But the effort isn’t serious beyond rock throwing, with all things considered.  If we didn’t have George Lang to pick from, I would happily vote for Candice.  But when there is a George Lang in a race, George is better in many categories and would get the vote and public support.  Jennifer Gross should have felt she could publicly support anyone without harassment.  But she was harassed, which led to that phone call to George, and was recorded by political rivals trying to make a name for themselves.  When it comes to party politics, everyone either wants to win, or they want to make noise.  In this case, support for President Trump should be the establishing criteria.  Everyone should be able to agree on that as a baseline in politics and work from there. 

Just because someone is successful or has more skills in a field than other people doesn’t mean they are wrong.  George Lang, in my experience with him, is far from a RINO.  He might be able to work with RINOs and Chamber people.  But he’s always the same guy at the end of the day, and I know his politics.  Making deals and getting along with people is only bad if you compromise who you are, and George doesn’t.  There is a lot of evil in the world, and just taking a hard line about a progressive topic such as transgenderism might make sense from a biblical perspective, but in general politics, not everyone is driven by such motivations.  And at that point, politics is not an evangelical enterprise.  If the goal is to use politics to enforce scripture, then you will lose support from the public, not gain it.  Whereas, if you are accommodating people’s viewpoints, even if they are evil, you might end up with a few more people in the pews on Sunday looking for leadership in their otherwise rudderless lives.  Trying to intimidate people into submission isn’t going to do the work for God.  God sells himself.  Doing an excellent job for people who need it, politically, is the way to go, and we should always pick the best people to perform those tasks.  And not try to intimidate people into support through fear of peer pressure.  There were a lot of primary positions that didn’t have challenges, such as Sheriff Jones’ seat, which I think he’s very vulnerable.  It was a choice to go after George Lang, so there will always be costs in the aftermath.  However, people should be able to express their opinions for or against candidates in a free market way.  Otherwise, the tactics are the same as the terrorists from the Karl Marx left.  And we should all be able to agree on how we feel about them.  Yet the harassment of Jennifer Gross shows a deeper problem that, until fixed, will continue to keep us from winning the way we need to, where the evil truly resides, in collectivism that both sides utilize to cover a lack of political skill whenever they are at wit’s end. 

Rich Hoffman

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How Bernie Moreno Wins Ohio as the Next Senator: The three key factors

The results of the Republican primary for the Ohio Senate, where Bernie Moreno won over Frank LaRose and Matt Dolan, will be similar to how Moreno will beat the entrenched Sherrod Brown.  It wasn’t that long ago when Jim Renacci ran against Brown, and I thought Jim had a great chance to win.  I knew Jim a bit and understood his personality.  And I’ve had a chance to get to know Bernie, and I think the lessons learned will undoubtedly fall in Bernie’s favor.  With Moreno getting just over 50% of the vote in that primary election against two other good Republican candidates, it is very telling how this will play out, which is something that many outlets have been considering now that the strength of the Trump pick had performed.  Can Bernie Moreno beat the dreaded Sherrod Brown?  The answer is yes.  Matt Dolan was a good sample of the anti-Trump vote, whether they be RINOs or Democrats, and statistically spreading them out from what we saw in the primary over into a general election should be pretty similar.  Looking at the voting results precinct by precinct, Bernie Moreno performed very well in the north, better than might usually be thought.  And, of course, in the south, Bernie Moreno dominated, which is somewhat expected.  Anything south of Columbus in a matchup with Sherrod Brown could be considered Bernie territory, while in the north, he is vulnerable because he’s not the Trump-endorsed candidate.  The Rust Belt unions want Bernie and Trump.  They will vote for the person Trump wants, which makes Trump the kingmaker in the Senate race if the anti-Trump forces couldn’t generate more than they did against Bernie Moreno, especially with all the negative ads that tell you everything you need to know about the matchup between Brown and Moreno. 

Additionally, this is something I discussed with the Moreno team during a private sit-down a few months ago.  Sherrod Brown may have been in the Ohio Senate for many decades and is a bastion for progressive politics on the radical left side, but he is vulnerable in ways that Jim Renacci didn’t exploit.  Jim got caught up in the classic high-ground strategy of not exploiting the problems with Sherrod Brown’s domestic violence issue.  The previous election results showed that Brown was vulnerable, but Renacci didn’t go there. In several debates, Brown turned the whole issue on its head and told Renacci he should be ashamed of himself for even bringing it up.  Since that election, Sherrod Brown has been much less ostentatious publicly, showing cryptic vulnerability.  Instead, being a crafty politician, he has pivoted towards Trump support as he was the president then and hasn’t run away from him.  Brown acts like Trump is his best friend to confuse voters into voting for a union ticket for further support.  However, a swing of 7-8 points could be eroded from Brown on the morality and ethics front, which could quickly put Moreno over the top in November.  So I don’t think it is as close of a race as the national pundits think using conventional wisdom.  I believe convention will be thrown out in 2024 because a new set of rules that nobody has ever seen before will be applied.  And Sherrod Brown doesn’t match up against that wisdom at all.  He is built for classic unionized politics where Democrats controlled the narrative.  But they have lost that narrative, which can’t be ignored when looking at any election results from around the country.

Then there is the Trump factor, which Sherrod Brown has not seen much of.  The first time around, Jim Renacci was the Trump pick.  I met them at the airport in Lunken, just outside Cincinnati, and Jim was very excited.  At that time, Trump was a popular president doing well, but the political left was in the middle of their Russia, Russia, Russia nonsense, looking for a hook to attempt to derail Trump.  Covid hadn’t hit yet, so nobody knew what to do about Trump’s popularity.  But Jim Renacci, as nice as he was perhaps, was too well-mannered for Sherrod Brown.  So even though Trump endorsed Renacci, the power of that endorsement was not fully realized, not in the way that Bernie Moreno will experience.  After seeing Bernie with Don Jr., J.D. Vance, and Vivek Ramaswamy over the last several months, I realized there is a much different atmosphere to this 2024 election that the Trump endorsement machine understands.  And Bernie has a personality that won’t waste it, whereas Jim just didn’t put the teeth into the effort to knock off Brown.  So Brown was more than a little lucky in that last election, that he didn’t have to face the Trump endorsement now that it has matured into a well-oiled machine.  And that endorsement means voter engagement, actual votes in a booth on election day and before.  I would say that the personality difference between Moreno and Renacci is worth about 8 points in a race like this.  Both were successful business people who were in the car dealership business.  But Moreno is much more like Don Jr regarding a likeability factor than Jim.  Nothing against Renacci, but personality means a lot and Bernie has a lot of it.  If people get to interact with him, they will learn it quickly.

So, three things identify Bernie Moreno as the best option for the Sherrod Brown senate seat: to join J.D. Vance as a Republican and MAGA member of the Senate.  First, Bernie is very likeable and people will want to vote for him, especially where Trump is also on the ticket.  Getting the Trump vote by itself will likely be enough to win this race.  Then there is the juice of the race, the ability to attack Brown and exploit his natural weaknesses due to poor family maintenance.  The media downplayed the domestic abuse conditions of Brown’s ex-wife, and even she gave him a pass publicly.  But there was plenty there to exploit and Moreno will be able to bring those weaknesses to the surface in much the way he stepped up and over Frank LaRose and Matt Dolan in this primary.  Then there is the geography of the situation.  Bernie needs to perform well in the north, north of Columbus.  He doesn’t even have to beat Sherrod Brown in the Cleveland area.  He needs to just do well.  Because in the South, it’s Trump country, and Bernie is the man.  It’s an easy math problem, one that Renacci wasn’t able to tap into.  There is just more pop for Bernie, and he has more endorsements from people who will hit the ground running for him.  Right before the primary election, Trump flew in, and Kristi Noem was in Dayton.  Then, the next day in Milford, Ohio, Kari Lake campaigned for Bernie with J.D. Vance.  Just a few weeks prior, Don Jr., Vivek Ramaswamy, Kimberly Guilfoyle, and others hit the trail, especially in the south, and put their arms around Bernie to secure a victory.  And when that is done for the general election, the results will be very healthy for Republicans up and down the ticket.  So I don’t think it will be close.  Bernie cracks over 50% while Sherrod Brown will be lucky to get into the 40s.  And there is undoubtedly a clear path for Bernie Moreno to become the next senator in Ohio. 

Rich Hoffman

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Vote for Diane Mullins in the 47th District in Ohio: She has the Republican Party endorsement and she’s a very respected church pastor

I am thrilled to see Rev Diane Mullins running against Sara Carruthers for the 47th Representative seat in Ohio.  Sara has shown herself to be the Nikki Haley of the Butler County Republican Party, disparaging MAGA Republicans as if she hoped that party politics would swing back to the globalist brand that has brought so much trouble to the world of politics.  The Central Committee criticized Sara Carruthers because she broke caucus with House Republicans last year and joined Democrats to elect a moderate Speaker.  She revealed herself as one of “the Blue 22” who joined Democrats to prevent the Ohio House from the type of reforms that were needed to align with an America First platform.  And after Lynda O’Connor was voted out of the Lakota School Board, a lot of soul-searching had to be done in Butler County politics.  It can be a tough job trying to meet the needs of donors who want entirely different things from politicians than voters do, but Sara had crossed the line and paid for it when it came time to issue party endorsements.  Sara has a lot of money in her war chest, but the person on the slate card is her challenger in the Ohio primary, Diane Mullins.  And I am rooting for the pastor of Calvery Church in Hamilton to unseat Sara for a more appropriate representative once Trump is back in office, and an America First platform will be needed from top to bottom in Republican positions.  I’d vote for Diane Mullins in a second and would be very happy to do so.  In my district, I will be voting for Thomas Hall.  However, when it comes to the 47th District, after what Sara Carruthers said and did over a very short time, she deserves to be replaced by someone who represents that district more accurately.  After all, that is the name of the game.  Not every district is the same; the goal is to ensure that voters get proper representation.

From my experience in these kinds of political discussions, where Constitutional concepts are at the core of all discourse, I have found that religious people tend to do better when it comes to defending constitutional necessity.  Since our laws are based on Judeo/Christian Biblical tradition, it takes people familiar with religious life to understand and apply law to daily life.  We’ve tried secular politicians, and they are too easily moved off their mark and corrupted at the slightest temptation.  It has always been a challenging game to play where large amounts of money had to be raised to get a politician’s name identity so that they could even get elected.  That would put politicians always at the short string to those donors, which then could pull them off course to constitutional alignment.  But that has changed a lot over the last few years, where traditional media has lost much of its power, and vlogs, podcasts, and blogs like this have turned out to be far more potent than yard signs and television ads.  More people spend their time getting news online than watching it in front of the television.  So that plays into this opportunity to have someone like Diane Mullins in the 47th seat instead of someone who clearly couldn’t handle the pressure in Sara Carruthers.  Wherever possible, I think the Ohio House would do better to have religious people in representative government, lessons learned.  I’ve always thought that way, but for the sake of society in general, they wanted to believe a more secular approach was possible, but it isn’t.  That experiment has failed miserably.

Of course, there’s more to a representative position than just being religious.  However, in Diane Mullins’s case, she has a lot of experience working with large groups of people and leading community improvements.  It’s interesting to hear how print media trained in classic reporting interprets a pastor of a church running for elected office.  Many of those people have very little understanding of what church on Sundays entails or what the context of biblical study plays in our law and order society.  So they repeat the same woke rules that BlackRock has flowed down to them from the World Economic Forum and expect the people of Hamilton, Ohio, to accept those standards.  News flash, ordinary everyday people don’t care one bit what the aristocrats from Davos think about religious opinion.  They have solid and independent views in Butler County, Ohio, and don’t want a United Nations filter on their political discourse, significantly benefiting Diane Mullins.  She’s fresh and passionate and has proven she can walk through the valley of death and resist temptation.  And that is needed in Columbus.  We need a lot more like her to represent our government.  If we had them, we would be a lot better off in the future.  Traditionally, someone like Diane Mullins would not get much traction because the donors would choke off access to the Central Committees because they controlled the media.  However, as everyone has learned over the last ten years, traditional media is a thing of the past.  A war chest can get some yard signs out.  But it can’t buy people’s opinions as it once did, which has been a hard lesson for the Republican Party.  The hard lesson of Trump should have been evident to everyone, but the globalist types thought they had control, but they never did. 

There are a lot of people who only get involved in politics for the money that can be made off the power the government provides, and among donors, if their business survival depends on globalism, then they are going to try to steer their political representatives into that direction, to protect their viability.  That’s how Mitch McConnell has got himself into so much trouble with his shipping business and how John Boehner lost all credibility as a pot lobbyist.  I’ve had some hard talks with people who have to walk that fine line, and it’s not easy.  However, government service becomes much more viable when the Bible guides representatives.  And I think Diane Mullins would bring a lot of fresh air to the 47th District.  Friendships often form in political efforts because almost everyone is likable when the rubber hits the road.  But we must judge what people do, not what they say, and in Sara’s case, she played a role of deceit when she worked to keep a Speaker of the House who was much more America First from taking the gavel, and for that, she needs to pay.  It will be interesting to see how Diane Mullins does with the Butler County Republican Party endorsement as opposed to the amount of donor money Sara Carruthers has.  It will be a real test of where we are these days on what voters get from their representatives and whether they can break free of the kind of controls that have previously held politics down.  Do the donors control the party, or is it the voters?  We’ll find out on March 19th, 2024.  I hope that Diane Mullins will get a chance to make Butler County Great Again, which could lead to a whole new set of opportunities for a good, moral government. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Stopping Terrorism in Butler County, Ohio: The FBI is warning about the danger, and it will be up to us to prevent it

Regarding Sheriff Jones, my local sheriff in Butler County, Ohio, I prefer to have a good relationship.  We do not always see eye to eye on things.  But, in 2024, he is a supporter of President Trump, and so long as he is on the good side of Nancy Nix and a few other people who share a common interest, we are in a decent place.  I happen to love Nancy Nix, so as a political foundation, everything starts from there.  If he’s good with her, we can find common ground to work with.  These are not the times to focus on political differences but on what we have in common and as I would expect my sheriff to do, Jones, who is up for re-election, went to Washington D.C. to meet with the head of the FBI, Christopher Wray to get a briefing on the obvious, the very real possibility that terrorism will be unleashed in 2024 as yet another form of election interference from the radical left that put Obama and this goofball Biden in the White House, to bring so much misery and destruction that we have been witnessing.  I’m not a fan of Wray, the FBI, or the other intelligence agencies.  I’m not particularly trusting of any law enforcement, as the temptation to abuse their power is a thin line that often fails.  But law enforcement, like our government in general, is something you must have to maintain a civil society.  You want them to have the power to do their jobs but never enough power to become an authoritarian regime where their power goes to their heads, which is certainly the case with the FBI.  They are out of control, untrustworthy, and dangerous.  But when they are worried about domestic terrorism, we should all listen.  And they are worried.

The problem, of course, is the apparent border invasion that the Democrats in America have unleashed with the help of the George Soros Open Border Society to expand globalism as a military endeavor, to destroy national concepts all over the world, and to replace them with corporate communism.  With more than 10 million illegal migrants flooding the American southern border, there is always going to be a percentage of them who are prone to terrorist activity, and they are now lost by the many thousands within America as sleeper cells ready to do their malice.  So Chris Wray is warning sheriffs all over the country to be on the lookout and to do what they can to stop terrorism from these border insurgents wherever possible.  Of course, the most significant danger to this well-intentioned alliance is that the FBI’s suggestion is to violate more constitutional rights for the safety of all and to expand the government and resources that money can buy through taxes to deal with the incursion.  That’s the old Cloward and Piven strategy as provoked by the left, overwhelm our system with dangerous malcontents and hope they erode away our concept of safety and run for the skirts of mother government for protection.  Well, as much of a danger as that may be, that is not what Sheriff Jones is proposing.  Jones is generally good when it comes to protecting Constitutional concepts, he was good during Covid.  We may disagree on other things along the lines of how much power police should have and the abuses that come with police work when power is abused, and mistreatment in society is unleashed.  But in this terrorism case, he has a similar view to the one he has with firearm carry policies.  He wants to help people help themselves so we can help them and law enforcement keep our society safe.  If you see something, say something, and know what to recognize and when. 

To that point, Jones is getting behind terrorist recognition classes to help educate communities on recognizing potential terrorist activity, which I think is a good idea.  I believe that there is a very probable chance that we will see not just one terrorist activity in America, perhaps more significant than 9/11 during 2024, but several.  And we cannot lose our minds as a country when we experience them.  We have to keep ourselves together and put Trump back in office so we can get this country back under control.  The immigration policy of the left has been a military attack, and that’s how we must see it.  The purposeful displacement of multicultural insurgents hidden within the ranks of the hungry and innocent is a malicious attack meant to destroy our society.  And it will be a painful process to clean up.  But you can bet that these same characters will do anything to stop Trump, including unleashing terrorist cells to invoke crises of such a magnitude that elections will be disrupted, and the government can unleash emergency orders to change how we do things Constitutionally.  We will not have the luxury to spend 20 years dealing with a terrorist attack like 9/11 or the Oklahoma City Bombing.  We will get about 5 minutes.  Without question, there are plans to implement several of these horrendous acts, and the FBI is telling us they don’t have control.  The CIA has been caught all too often tampering with other people’s governments, including our own.  They were involved in the document of 51 agents who stated that the Biden laptop was Russian propaganda, so they are looking for a way to erase their sins in all this as well.  Nothing unifies the country like pain and death, so beware.  There are a lot of sins that bad people are perfectly willing to cover up by keeping Trump out of the White House and the world on lockdown, even worse than we saw in 2020. 

We must stop terrorism person to person

This crisis of magnitude demands our best as a culture and community.  And I would highly encourage as many people as possible to take the classes Sheriff Jones is making available.  Work with law enforcement as much as possible to help them be better.  I think it’s unrealistic to prevent terrorist activity from happening.  I believe the best we can hope for is to minimize the damage from terrorist intentions, much like the rules we have with concealed carry.  Just because you carry a gun, that doesn’t mean you can stop aggressive shooters who seek to kill first.  But we can minimize the casualties by halting the bloodshed when we see it—the same with terrorism.  The object is to terrorize people, so the best way to prepare for that is not to let them terrorize our society.  Detect it, report it, and stop it where you can ahead of time.  But when it does happen, don’t become neutralized by fear.  Be ready to engage it appropriately and root out the villains by supporting law enforcement so they can do what they are designed to do.  We’ll have time to have political debates later.  But we need to survive as a culture first, and some hostile sleeper cells have crossed over into America with crime as their goal in life, who want to destroy everything it means to be an American.  So it is our task to pull together to stop them and to put that aggression in the other direction, and make them, the antagonizers, the terrorists, and the cutthroat criminal syndicates, flee for their lives.  I am often critical of too much police, and I have been very critical of the upcoming police levy in Liberty Township.  I see too many cops sitting around looking for things to do.  But as I say too, you need a certain amount of law enforcement to have a civil society and the point of politics is to figure out that sweet spot, how much is just right.  But putting up with crime is not an option. I was on my way to Tractor Supply a few days ago and I saw a car pulled over in front of the Elk Run Golf Course with about four police vehicles and five ratty-looking scum bags pulled out of a car with all its doors open and drug dogs sniffing out corruption from drug-induced lunatics.  And I was thrilled to see the police doing a good job.  I wanted to get out of the car and give them all high fives because that’s how you keep evil characters from harming our communities.  Don’t put up with bad behavior.  When you see it, call it out and give it back to them before they can give it to you.  And if we do that a lot more in 2024, we might get through it with minimum casualties. Hopefully, everyone will get through it.  But at the very least, diligence will save lives, and we should work together to do that. 

Rich Hoffman

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