‘Not in Our Town’: Standing against evil as it intends our complete destruction

Sometimes, you run into something special, which continues to be the case with the books from Chilidog Press, following what I considered a wonderful experience with the book by Karen Holcomb on the Ruppert Murders.  That might not sound like good reading, but it was because it captured a time that now seems like a long-forgotten period, only captured by literature.  I had a chance to talk to Michael Gmoser recently, who is the prosecutor for Butler County now and worked on the case back then, which was so obvious, and I have a lot of respect for what a conservative prosecutor has to go through to get a case to court, let alone successfully prosecuted.  It’s not easy; evil has been working in the background for a long time and continues to this day, the forked tongue of many devils, and they have been attacking us over a long period at a rate that human lifetimes typically don’t measure.  Yet their impediment is no less ruthless, and prosecutors have their work cut out for them.  I liked the book on the Rupert Murders so much that I turned to another one that had long been on my list, that also turned out to be a dramatic treasure, and that is Not in Our Town: The Queen City vs. The King of Smut by Peter Bronson.  I don’t think a lot of people realize how important Cincinnati has been in fighting evil on a national stage, but this book by the former Cincinnati Enquirer reporter and editor captured it all very well, from the mob infestation that started a dark path for one of the world’s cleanest cities, to what it is today, a borderland haven of cutthroats and nefarious criminals unleashed by progressive politics for the destruction of all civilization, as presented in the efforts of modern prosecutors Joe Deters and his assistant at the time, the very excellent Juvenile Court Judge Melissa Powers.  And the superb work of another famous prosecutor and sheriff, Simon Leis. 

We’re talking about the beginning attacks from a global progressive movement that hid behind organized crime and moved through policy and our courts into polite society as a menace always lurking in the background, and the efforts of reporters, police, and prosecutors to stop it as it thrived in Newport, Kentucky and migrated over into the clean image of Cincinnati to destroy the concept of families and conservative politics essentially.  There was a lot of money to be made off evil and the destruction of good community values, so there were many groups that sprang up to take advantage of such an imposition over time, whether it be outright organized crime, or corrupt government officials organizing the killing of American presidents and destroying the lives of media figures like Charlie Keating because they were all American poster boys and had to be brought down.  Just as they tried to with the former NFL star turned sheriff, George Ratterman when they drugged him and tried to ruin his squeaky clean image by drugging him and taking pictures of him in compromising positions with a hooker.  What worked and didn’t work became a playbook of the political left over the years, and much of it happened in Cincinnati, Ohio, because that was the target of much mischief.  And behind all the efforts was a mob-placed hit man of a different killer nature, Larry Flint, who was so evil and vile that he meant to lead a personal crusade of destruction against family values as he draped himself in the First Amendment to temp us all into abandoning the Constitution, just to stop him.  He went so far as to devise plans to blow up the Supreme Court. 

But Cincinnati stopped many of these attacks, which I see as the template for what is happening nationally against the same evil.  It’s not the classic mobs that we know now from movies, but globalists who have taken over, only on a much larger scale.  I always liked Peter Bronson as a reporter, but I’ll admit that I stopped reading it after their hit piece against me in 2012, and I determined to do my reporting for people to take the place of what classic newspapers used to provide with editorials and opinion pages with letters to the editor.  But Peter’s book answered many questions for me regarding what happened to The Enquirer after it was purchased by the Gannett group and lost its local flavor.  It makes a lot more sense to me now what happened, as I had a front-row seat to all this over the last forty years.  Peter Bronson managed to capture it all in that excellent book Not In Our Town, which was quite a trip down memory lane and a perspective that defines the fights of our current age.  Evil is at work in the world in all the ways that it was in the land of Canaan under biblical consideration.  And Cincinnati was the battleground that remains a hedge against its vile menace.  Cities like San Francisco, New York, and Chicago have long fallen to progressivism.  But Cincinnati has resisted thanks to prosecutors like Simon Leis and many others and a public who saw through the smoke and kept electing those kinds of representatives to fight those fights. 

I was able to see Sheriff Jones at a recent event where Attorney General Yost was there putting together a run for the next governor of Ohio shortly after I was able to read these excellent books with regional intentions, but very much defined the fight we are fighting nationally and internationally and I was feeling very reverent.  Not just in Peter Bronson for doing what he couldn’t do at the Enquirer, and that is reporting this whole truth in this battle against Larry Flynt and the way sex and pornography are used as weapons against our Constitution to destroy American society, but in the thin line that prosecutors and sheriffs utilize to fight on behalf of those who elected them.  We might not always agree on every little thing and personal issues creep in and erode the trust it takes to fight crime and prevent an insurrection against our values by vile characters always lurking in the background.  Larry Flynt was a solitary character put in place by the mob to use sex businesses to provide cover for their many other crimes, and to use that cover to keep law enforcement busy while organized crime made a killing with the results.  It worked so well that they took the game internationally, and it’s the mess we see today.  But that doesn’t mean we have to put up with it.  We can and should fight it.  We should put our differences aside and find what does join us, and that is a fight for America to be great because the people who make it up strive to be so.  And are not lured away from the task of pornography and acceptance of crime from a lawless bunch of losers who want to corrupt the world with their evil menace.  It’s the same temptation that was captured in the Bible, to fight for God or not and yield to the forces of evil whenever they corrupt, whether it be Sodom and Gomorrah or the Land of Canaan in general.  The book Not in My Town by Peter Bronson tells the authentic story of how good people fought to keep Cincinnati clean and accessible—and stood against evil when it counted most, which is a blueprint for the world to follow. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Good to See the People of Fairfield Schools Aren’t Stupid: In Lakota, corruption put Christina French in a seat to protect the radical teacher’s union

I was happy to see that the people in the Fairfield school district, who just voted down their ridiculous school levy, were not stupid.  As I have always said and will continue to say, you are stupid if you vote for a school levy.  These public schools are cesspools of Democrat politics, and they rot the children from the inside out, purposely.  So, feeding those ridiculous Democrats incubation factories is stupid.  The schools are controlled by radicalized laborers who want to be paid too much to do too little and offer a community very little in return for the massive investment.  So, in the Fairfield schools just north of Cincinnati outside the I-275 loop, a community that is only a fraction of what it once was, they said no to their tax levy, which is a good sign of things to come.  People have learned a lot over the last few years, especially since all the Covid lockdowns exposed this clown game for what it truly is, and more people than ever are ready to admit that public schools are only a free babysitting service for parents too busy, to take their kids anywhere else because they are too poor to take their kids to a private school or find some other alternative.  Public schools are like public toilets; nobody cares about what happens inside until you have to use them.  And when you use them, they are always in a state of degradation.  I love education, but we don’t do nearly enough of it.  But public schools are not my idea of education.  They are more like prisons of social conditioning to feel all the wrong things and express all the wrong values.  I don’t believe public schools got it right, especially over the last few decades.  They have become propaganda factories for Democrat politics, and any good that was intended with them has long gone from social analysis.  Nothing says “I don’t love you, kid” more than sending them to the rat race public school attached to your zip code. 

With all that said, I have had many, many, many people ask me to run for school board in my community of Lakota.   And we’re not talking about slack-jawed losers but brilliant and influential people.  The game has always been evident to me, but for the sake of those people, I have tried to do whatever I can to make public education better for the scope of a community.  And in management, saying no is a significant first step to whatever Democrats think they need.  Even if they ask for an extra gallon of milk, inflated, wasteful people who look to the government to fill their bottomless pit needs must be told no.  That is certainly true regarding wage levels, which are directly associated with the inflated budgets that public schools utilize.  And to have someone say no often is why people have wanted me to be on the school board.  But I would never waste my time on such a fruitless enterprise, especially since the name of the game is to have closet Democrats running the school board to pave the way for the teacher unions to have easy contract negotiations.  And the whole game is set up like a parasite to a community’s property values, like a gun to the head of a robbery victim.  It’s just not a positive experience in any way, significantly once kids grow up beyond the fifth grade and stop having parent presentations to see the art their kids did in school pasted all over the wall as if to justify everything.  Once the kids get into middle and high school, where puberty is running away with logic, everything gets a lot less cute and useless for the dollar value.

However, I’ve tried to help put conservative school board members on the board in my school district of Lakota several times over the years.  But a pattern emerges that is quite obvious.  Rival school board members who don’t like the conservatives use woke laws to protect them from voter intentions, which is the case with Darbi Boddy in Lakota.  She was a Tea Party type conservative on the school board, and that group worked hard, just as they did Todd Parnell before her, to use woke rules to remove members they didn’t like, then the board would override the pick of the public and appoint their liberal members.  In this case, because of a legal technicality driven by a bunch of people who might otherwise call themselves conservatives, a court order kept Darbi from attending school board meetings, which, after 90 days, allowed the Lakota school board to vote her off the board and appoint a new member, without going to the taxpayers.  In this case, it ended up being Christina French after a long list of excessively liberal names offered themselves as options.  French is not a conservative, let’s just put it nicely.  But she represents the kind of people that the teacher union wants on the school board, and as the out-of-control costs stack up into chaos at Lakota, they try to do what Fairfield just tried to do, with tax increases in more overt liberalism as policy, don’t say I didn’t try to warn you.

The community Republicans should have stood behind Darbi better than they did.  Isaac Adi, who ran as a conservative for the board, voted to put French in Darbi’s seat, and he’s the one who caused all the trouble in the first place.  Darbi shouldn’t have let her temper get the better of her, just as Todd Parnell shouldn’t have, but these people can infuriate you.  And they can support child molesters and break all kinds of laws and get away with it because they are Democrats.  The rules are only there to control Republicans because we have allowed that system to manifest that way and make conservative politics, which is, in the majority, a passive role in the education business.  This is why public education is failing everywhere and why it costs so much to get so little.  Because there are so many RINOs, which was undoubtedly the case with Darbi, they didn’t back her, so they get to deal with Christina French, Julie Shaffer, and those other radical Democrats.  Many of them probably call themselves Republicans at wine tastings, but their behavior is overtly liberal, and it shows in their spending habits.  No matter who we put on the Lakota school board, this will always be the result.  Republicans have to walk around on egg shells while the Democrats are dancing on the tables naked and laying face down in the bathroom by the toilet at education conferences, and they get away with everything, because the teacher’s unions wants such fools in charge of their budget.  See why?  Which is why I say, and will continue to say, if you vote for a school levy you are stupid.  I can at least add to that that I’ve tried to help make school boards better, but the future of public education is to put the funding to the child, not the zip code, and make the schools earn their money, drive down their costs, and attract children to their enterprise through competition.  Of course, the public schools won’t be able to afford government union wage rates, but that’s the point.  That doesn’t benefit anybody but the parasites who have access to the next generation of children.  And if you want to fix education and help kids access learning, that’s the only next thing to do.  Everything else is nonsense.  More money doesn’t help the kids at all. It only increases corruption, as we have seen in Lakota over many years.  The more money, the more corruption, and the process that got rid of Darbi Boddy and put Christina French in her place is corrupt beyond repair. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Banning TikTok from China: Morality is the best policy for protecting society from its enemies

I’m generally not for the government getting into the banning business, such as all this talk about banning TikTok from American consumption.  It might make everyone feel good, but at this point, it’s not nearly enough.  I think what they do in Florida with age restrictions is the right way for all social media.  The introduction of the internet to kids in puberty has been horrendous, culturally, so they are headed down the right road in Florida by identifying that fundamental use problem.  Strengthen the family; you solve a lot of these problems.  The government is a poor substitute for parental guidance.  But that doesn’t change what TikTok is and China’s intentions with it.  Yes, they are all about propaganda, and TikTok was invented as a social media platform to empower stupidity to destroy our culture by making it more mainstream.  When President Trump wanted to ban TikTok during his first presidency, he had the right idea in identifying a threat to our American youth.  China wants to make them dumb and to pursue the destruction of the next generation.  I was just in Japan studying how Kobe Beef is produced by tampering with cattle growth in ways that make the meat taste better.  TikTok was invented and utilized to be different from other forms of social media, more appealing to youth, and more addictive than YouTube or Facebook.  As a result, it is the critical platform millions of Americans use to share videos and opinions about a whole array of matters.  But residing behind that effort is a menace to destroy the mind of the consumer with addiction and short thinking, sexual obsession, and low intellect manipulations.  That could be said of most social media, but when it comes to TikTok, owned by the Chinese, the level of deceit is in a category of its own. 

The more general threat behind TikTok is the ability of foreign governments, hostile to the United States to own American assets.  Not just social media companies, but movie companies, land acquisition, and all other forms of investment.  America advertises itself as an open society; we allow foreign investment into our culture under the banner of “free trade,” only to see those hostile cultures use that weakness as leverage for our destruction.  Who needs a military when you can destroy the culture that produces the military?  By now, even the most dense person should understand that’s what we are dealing with.  When you look at all fronts, the poisoning of our youth with drugs, the teaching of communism in public schools, the destruction of the American family with feminism, and other methods, it should be obvious to everyone what’s going on.  Globalism wasn’t about bringing different countries into a capitalist society.  Globalism was about destroying the only real capitalist culture left on earth and eroding it from within, much the way TikTok was used as a kind of Trojan Horse.  But the troops don’t sneak in under the cover of night to slit everyone’s throats while they sleep.  They do it in the day, while everyone is awake.  But they get the people to slit their own throats and giggle about it like it’s a rebellion against convention.  The openness of American culture has been used against the kindness it was intended to project to the world’s less fortunate.  Rather than be thankful, those countries have plotted our destruction and then boasted about how weak we are for allowing them to do it.  So the TikTok problem won’t just disappear because politicians create a new ban on a social media platform.  The effort will just pack up and move to the next technological thing. 

My solution is to keep the government out of it and raise the expectations of social behavior through free market enterprise.  I agree with Trump, who has changed his mind on TikTok over time and with some perspective.  As long as we are allowing criminal syndicates, like China, and hostile billionaires like Bill Gates, to buy up massive amounts of American property and to use it in a hostile way against us, whether it be farmland or social media platforms, we open ourselves to the hostilities of those antagonizers, and there a lot of them.  Of course, those types of people want open borders; they want to suck off the merit of a capitalist country with lots of people to exploit in the process.  The government was supposed to protect us, but many of them are just as bad as the criminals, not being able to resist the many temptations in Washington D.C., from the easy money, the gratuitous sex, and the compromised lifestyles.  The way to beat all these characters is not with more government rules enforced by corrupt government officials but by increasing society’s morality in general.  We don’t have to put up with such low standards as the Chinese have offered us to make us fat, dumb, and easily manipulated toward their military objectives.  We are expected to express our feelings about things and to maintain standards that are difficult for lowlifes to live up to.  And in that way, who needs a ban on TikTok when a social stigma behind the platform permeates through market conditions?  The best way to deal with these hostilities from foreign governments is not to allow foreign investment to be so easy and to use a good moral code to regulate the amount of stupidity a culture is willing to put up with. 

There has been a lot of consternation locally where a new representative for the 47th District in Ohio beat out an entrenched Republican who is well known to be a RINO because she happens to be a pastor for a large church.  RINOs are dangerous because they believe in compromise and are willing to work with evil to make things happen, which is how we end up with things like TikTok in our culture.  The consternation comes from the endorsement of Diane Mullins from churches to become a political representative because the argument is that it’s supposed to be illegal, separation of church and state kind of issue. The left commits a lot of unlawful acts, such as cheating in elections and conducting open borders.  I don’t think a church endorsing a pastor for a political position is a problem at all.  And those who want to think so obviously have the destruction of America in mind because the entire debate about the separation of church and state was to make sure morality wasn’t provided to sustain a healthy culture with biblical guideposts.  The goal of removing such considerations was to make it easier to destroy the youth of America, which was a military strategy disguised as social policy.  But it is in affirming those moral values, a society protects itself best from intrusions like TikTok and other intentions from hostile foreign governments.  And we’d do much more good by not apologizing for upholding moral virtue than in a newly created government ban.  I would rather have a government ban than have a rudderless society, such as bans on drugs, abortion, and general bad conduct.  However, the best way to enforce moral policy is to have a society that isn’t afraid to make judgments against bad behavior.  And that is what most of these characters fear: people and politicians are not afraid to judge; which was the most effective means of social control ever invented by human beings?

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Lessons From George Lang’s Primary Win in Butler County: Political terrorism isn’t the way to win people over

It was not surprising to me that George Lang won in the primary for the 4th District Senate seat.  He was the best person for the job and is an integral part of the MAGA movement in Ohio politics.  And I like the guy quite a lot.  However, some things happened in this primary that need to be discussed, particularly concerning Candice Keller, who ran against him.  I thought it was a huge mistake when I first heard that she would.  I personally like Candice, her husband, and her supporters.  However, my relationship with George was founded on years of built-up trust, so everyone should know where my support would go.  But I did get some nasty campaign utterances against George, which I could care less about.  But I heard from people who questioned me because they wanted to say that George Lang was a RINO just because they lacked the extra gear he has in politics.  I think there are all kinds of people needed in political efforts; there are people who throw rocks.  And some people make deals, and all sorts of people in between.  Just because a politician like George has skills that other people don’t have, it doesn’t make him a RINO.  As I said on election day, George Lang never ran away from Trump, where many people in Ohio did; he even put a picture of himself next to Trump on the slate card in Butler County.  I have known George for a long time, and his support of Trump goes back as long as mine does, well before many of the modern tag-alongs saw the light.  I’ve been involved in many scenarios with George Lang where I know better than most what kind of person he is, so my endorsement of him came with that knowledge, which should have been the end of the story.

Always stand by your people, and never let the mob impact your opinions

Yet, right before the election, another friend of mine, Jennifer Gross, a representative from the 45th District, had called George to let him know that she couldn’t publicly endorse him because all the Candice Keller people were giving her a rough time.  In general, some kid running against her got ahold of the recording and published it to embarrass her.  Jennifer is of the rock thrower variety in Columbus and tends to have much of the same support as Candice Keller.  By talking in a friendly way to George and not being antagonistic toward him, she somehow betrayed Candice.  By default, if you wanted to prove you weren’t a RINO, you had to support Candice Keller.  Jennifer should have been able to help George Lang with an endorsement and to do so without fear.  But that she did fear the Candice Keller people says a lot about what’s wrong in politics.  If one politician has a better platform than another, then that is a free market appeal toward politics.  But forcing people to vote for someone else is the same kind of garbage that the radical left communists do.  That came from the Candice Keller people, mainly as it was applied to Jennifer Gross.  This is precisely why Candice Keller lost her previous seat where she was in the State House.  It takes guts to get into the arena but more skills than that to stay in it.  She got into trouble and didn’t work to build the right alliances, and she soon found herself on the out.  Which is her fault, and hers alone. 

George Lang never turned away from Trump, while many others have

I like the kind of trouble Candice Keller gets herself into as a rock thrower.  She was the one who caught Cindy Carpenter campaigning for Democrats in Middletown, so her brand of politics has its place, which keeps everyone healthy.  Regarding George Lang, she doesn’t know him like I do.  And it was her choice to run against him, and if she wanted to be in the arena of politics, there were other positions she could have picked.  Instead, she tends to want to run against George Lang and see how much power she has within the evangelical community to pull votes away from one of the top Republicans in Southern Ohio.  That’s a choice she made that isn’t rooted in good tactics.  It might be interesting.  But the effort isn’t serious beyond rock throwing, with all things considered.  If we didn’t have George Lang to pick from, I would happily vote for Candice.  But when there is a George Lang in a race, George is better in many categories and would get the vote and public support.  Jennifer Gross should have felt she could publicly support anyone without harassment.  But she was harassed, which led to that phone call to George, and was recorded by political rivals trying to make a name for themselves.  When it comes to party politics, everyone either wants to win, or they want to make noise.  In this case, support for President Trump should be the establishing criteria.  Everyone should be able to agree on that as a baseline in politics and work from there. 

Just because someone is successful or has more skills in a field than other people doesn’t mean they are wrong.  George Lang, in my experience with him, is far from a RINO.  He might be able to work with RINOs and Chamber people.  But he’s always the same guy at the end of the day, and I know his politics.  Making deals and getting along with people is only bad if you compromise who you are, and George doesn’t.  There is a lot of evil in the world, and just taking a hard line about a progressive topic such as transgenderism might make sense from a biblical perspective, but in general politics, not everyone is driven by such motivations.  And at that point, politics is not an evangelical enterprise.  If the goal is to use politics to enforce scripture, then you will lose support from the public, not gain it.  Whereas, if you are accommodating people’s viewpoints, even if they are evil, you might end up with a few more people in the pews on Sunday looking for leadership in their otherwise rudderless lives.  Trying to intimidate people into submission isn’t going to do the work for God.  God sells himself.  Doing an excellent job for people who need it, politically, is the way to go, and we should always pick the best people to perform those tasks.  And not try to intimidate people into support through fear of peer pressure.  There were a lot of primary positions that didn’t have challenges, such as Sheriff Jones’ seat, which I think he’s very vulnerable.  It was a choice to go after George Lang, so there will always be costs in the aftermath.  However, people should be able to express their opinions for or against candidates in a free market way.  Otherwise, the tactics are the same as the terrorists from the Karl Marx left.  And we should all be able to agree on how we feel about them.  Yet the harassment of Jennifer Gross shows a deeper problem that, until fixed, will continue to keep us from winning the way we need to, where the evil truly resides, in collectivism that both sides utilize to cover a lack of political skill whenever they are at wit’s end. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Proof of 2020 Election Fraud: How will Biden explain the lack of support in 2024

I’ve heard all the excuses about election fraud in 2020 and the denial that it happened at all.  But as I have said all along, don’t sweat it, because the proof is right in front of everyone.  And the Biden administration knows they have a problem.  Because here it is, another election four years later, and it’s the same two guys.  But they won’t be able to fake it this time, and they know it because COVID-19 was their cover story for insurrection in 2020.  But they won’t have that opportunity in 2024.  They might want that opportunity, but they aren’t going to get it.  So now they have a problem which will be evident to everyone on the day after the election of 2024.  Why didn’t old man Joe Biden get 81 million votes this time?  But instead, performed only in the 60 million range?  Well, that’s because they cheated in 2020 and made up all those fake votes with dead people, illegal immigrants, counting some mail-in ballots several times, and many other scandals to get Biden up to that ridiculously high number because they knew they had to cheat under the cover of a global pandemic to suppress the Trump vote.  In 2024, they won’t be able to duplicate the results because cheating will be much more complicated.  And that will be the ultimate proof of the massive election fraud of 2020, the inability to replicate the results even as the same conditions were presented.  So when you hear stories about panic in the White House, now you have some context.  It’s not just about trying to win an election and staying in office.  But it’s about covering up one of the biggest crimes in the history of the world, the massive election fraud of 2020 that inserted Biden in office against the will of the American people. 

I told everyone after the last election, and this was before we knew all the stories about the 51 intelligence agents who lied to the American people hoping to commit election fraud, knowingly, when they associated the Biden laptop with Russia disinformation, or the outrageous discrepancies on counting mail-in ballots for days after the election until Biden had the number he needed, and election officials were not allowed to monitor the results.  There are also many problems with digital machines that had votes switched due to algorithm settings that were not even conducted in the United States.  Or that Facebook spent half a billion dollars on their own version of voter activism in favor of Joe Biden.  As I said then, and continue to say, I traveled all over the United States over those next couple of years and personally verified that there weren’t 81 million voters for Joe Biden.  They just weren’t there, and that was before he had four years of horrendous results.  The economy is horrible.  The world doesn’t respect America the way it should.  The open border policies by Biden are an obvious Cloward and Piven collapse strategy meant to overthrow our nation.  So due to being a bad president, Biden has bled away support.  He hasn’t gained them.  So their problem is, how will they show competitive results in this upcoming election, knowing all that?  The answer is, they won’t be able to.  They planned that lawfare would destroy Trump, preventing a direct matchup; that was how they planned to suppress the results this time and avoid exposure.  But since Trump is the Republican nominee, the sweetest revenge possible is now before us.  A direct head-to-head matchup to prove that the results from 2020 were always wrong, showing that a major crime had been committed and now punishment would be more than justified. 

We have hit a kind of threshold in the rhetoric, and the Democrats and other anti-American forces know they have stepped in it and are making a lot of noise to attempt to cover it up.  They have gotten away with crimes before by kicking and screaming like a bunch of babies in the past, which prevented the questions from even being asked.  But this is different.  Nobody could have survived what Trump had to return back to the exact same ballot matchup, so nobody was prepared to explain this problem on the day after the 2024 election.  If Biden had 81 million voters in 2020, then where did they all go?  By around 20 million lost voters?  Without question, the Democrats will cheat as they always cheat, and have been cheating for decades.  But those efforts only keep the races close and make it look like we are a 50/50 country, while we actually aren’t.  To win in 2020, they had to perform the task under the cover of COVID protocols and all the dumb social distancing and unconstitutional laws to allow theft to occur on a kind of one-time basis.  They never thought they’d have to face Trump again because he would be destroyed, so they went all in on the effort and thought they’d be able to legally control the results and never have to explain the discrepancy.  However, a head-to-head match-up under the same conditions will more than show that election fraud occurred in 2020 because the Democrat Party will not be able to generate that same level of support just in voting numbers.  Because they never had them to begin with.

So what happens then?  Once everyone has to admit that the only reason Joe Biden was in office over the last four years was because of election fraud.   Meaning, every bill he signed, every executive order he issued, every policy that was done, including the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal that killed innocent people, they were all the result of election fraud, an office acquired illegally under a massive criminal enterprise?  And this same criminal enterprise just used its Justice Department in an attempt to put in jail their primary political opponent.  They did put in jail members of the previous administration, such as Peter Navarro, who went to jail on the same day as the primary election in Ohio and other states in 2024.  It has all been unbelievably evil, so evil that most people haven’t believed it possible.  Yet the election results in 2024 will be all the proof needed because Biden will not get close to 81 million votes.  He’ll be lucky to get 60 million votes.  So how is anybody going to explain that?  Not only will they lose the power of the White House, but their crime will be revealed to the world.  Even the doubters will take notice.  So what will happen then?  We won’t be able to turn away and forget about it all.  We won’t be able to turn the page and wash our hands of what happened.  Many thousands of people were involved in that massive election fraud, and they all had to be punished for what they did.  Because the election results will be the proof everyone has been avoiding talking about, and once that election happens and Biden loses badly, there won’t be any way to explain the results except to admit the obvious, which will then compel us to deal with the matter the way we should have four years ago.  But we haven’t had the guts until now; irrefutable evidence is placed before us and can’t be ignored. 

Rich Hoffman

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How Corruption Begins: When the power of government is used for personal gain

Everyone has different ideas about corruption, its appearance, how it was born, and the cost of it to civilization.  But I did get a clear view of it recently while at an event involving Don Jr. at Lori’s Roadhouse for a campaign event with Bernie Moreno, supporting him for senate.  At those kinds of positive events, there are always political people who show up, and as I arrived, I ran into Darbi Boddy, who wanted to attend and show support for the people there.  But, as this is a story that has all kinds of bad elements to it, Isaac Adi, the other school board member that I had been involved with to put conservatives on the board at Lakota schools; there has been a restraining order put in place keeping Darbi from being 500 feet from Isaac, essentially preventing her from attending school board meetings, because a bunch of political people want to get rid of Darbi off the school board and they are using Isaac to challenge her in court over a dispute the two of them have had where he claimed he was concerned for his safety.  This has resulted in Darbi losing her CCW and being unable to attend any event where Isaac was also present.  So when Isaac shows up at some political event that Darbi is at, she has to get up and leave, by the court order.  It’s an entirely ridiculous notion that a woman the size of Darbi was going to be some physical threat to Isaac Adi, who is a reasonably good-sized person, but that is what happens when your courts are corrupt and politics takes over logic.  As it stood, Darbi wanted to see Bernie Moreno, so I met her in the parking lot and scouted out the venue to make sure Isaac wasn’t there, which he wasn’t, so she entered and talked to people as she normally would.

About twenty minutes later, Isaac arrived, and as I watched him enter the building, I saw him walking in a way I had not seen before.  I’ve known him for a while and tried to help Isaac on several occasions, so I came to know him as a compassionate, nice Christian man.  This person he has become during his first two years on the school board was surprising to me.  I was most disappointed in him when he joined the labor union in laughing at my name when it was brought up in a school board meeting, as he joined the crowd in a mob-like free-for-all.  The criticism didn’t bother me; I expected that.  But that he played a part in it bothered me because I thought he was a better person than that and would not participate in those kinds of things.  But it wouldn’t be the first time someone like this let me down.  So I took note of it and moved on.  I have talked to Isaac occasionally, but I gave up on him over a year ago as he was politically useless.  It was an experiment that was tried, but when Lynda O’Connor went off-script, Isaac’s political future was tossed out the window.  So any interaction I had with him was minimal.  I had not seen enough of him to reveal the person he had become since he got caught up in this lawyer scam against Darbi, and the power of the courts had gone to his head in genuinely destructive ways.  He entered the building to sign in like Connor McGregor entering an MMA fight; he was slinging his arms out, counterbalancing his large belly in a very theatrical way, which was interesting.

Upon seeing this, I went to find Darbi to tell her that Isaac had arrived.  She immediately gathered her things to leave.  I offered to give her my hat and jacket so she could sit on the opposite side of the room, far away from Isaac, and attend the political rally anyway.  Nobody would have known the two of them were even close.  She declined the offer and said she had to honor the court order, so she left.  The whole thing was ridiculous; this court order put upon her for purely political reasons was taking away her liberty senselessly, and people weren’t doing anything about it to defend her, and all that power that Isaac suddenly had over her had gone to his head.  And he was enjoying that power way too much.  For something that was legally questionable, to begin with, it now was a power that a person like Isaac had over people in his community, a political rival, that was the most concerning.  And since I had not interacted with him much over the last few years, the corruption was evident.  What he was now was built by the corruption of politics and was a good lesson of everything that can go wrong and often does.  I knew him when the effort at elected office was full of good intentions, and he was promising.  And I can think of hundreds of people I have known, just like Isaac, who all started the same way.  But thousands of compromises later, and their shelf life near expiration, most of them fail and become corrupt to some level or another, and it was shocking to see how far Isaac had fallen in such a short time. 

When people stop doing what they know to be right or even think to be correct and serve institutional concerns, the process of corruption begins.  Then, corruption takes root when people like Isaac learn the kind of power they can have over other people given to them by the power of politics.  Soon after, they become one of the many who learn that institutional power compensates people who lack private power, so they seek the power of government to do what they lack the courage to do themselves.  And that is clearly what happened with Darbi and Isaac on the Lakota school board.  He lacked personal courage and was quickly swept away by the corrosive forces that enjoy making vast amounts of money off an institution that collects taxes from the public and distributes it for power, using children to extort the villainy.  And once he learned that he could have a lot of power from appeasing the institution over his values and peer groups, he knew what that power could give him.  In this case, he was able to meet celebrity political figures, and he could force Darbi to leave and deny her the same enjoyment through the power of the courts, which was given to him for other reasons, all corrupt in their own way.  We say corrupt because the relationship intends to abuse government power for personal gain.  Isaac might be a pawn in that game, but the seduction of the abuse of it was something he was enjoying, which encouraged more of the same behavior.  When the law is used to support personal power and punish other people who challenge that power, it is corrupt.  And when you look at the many millions of other such cases nationwide for many of the same reasons, you can see how our political landscape has become so corrupted.  The temptations to fall to corruption are too much for most people, and that is the case with the Lakota school board and the reason that Darbi Boddy had to leave that event.  Not because it was the right thing to do, but because political power had been abused to give power to private people they otherwise would have never had, if not for the power that government offers people willing to abuse it.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

If you Vote for the Fairfield School Levy, You’re Stupid: What really causes communities to fail

I’ve said it for years, and it’s just as relevant today as it ever was, perhaps more so.  If you vote for a school levy, you’re stupid.  That’s what Darryl Parks and I always said on WLW radio when I was a frequent guest.  Many of our old interviews are still on my YouTube site, where we talked about why in a thousand different ways.  When he was the program director for Clear Channel Radio, we spent many hours discussing what had come true in public education today, well before anybody else realized it, and nobody can’t say that they weren’t told.  It was just an inconvenient truth that nobody wanted to admit to.  When they thought of public school, they thought about school jackets, class rings, homecoming dances, and the social aspects of being around other kids.  But public school designed by socialists, Marxists, and outright communists under John Dewey was never intended to teach anybody anything useful.  It was always about social controls that would last the duration of people’s lives with liberalized sentiment and submission to authority, which served the notion of big centralized governments.  And the entire system has collapsed on itself.  Finally, people have admitted that sending their kids to public schools was something they’d instead not do if they could get away with it. Suppose they could afford a private school or some other alternative.  And that is the state now where there are massive waiting lists for alternative schools to the government school option at the center of everyone’s community.  It’s taken many years, and COVID was the final straw, but people have finally admitted that the public school option is one they’d love to get away from for the benefit of their children.  Based on what we know now, if you are choosing to send your kid to public school, it’s more for your convenience than that you love them.  Nobody would choose to send a kid to a public school and, in the same sentence, mean it when you said to them, “I love you.”  Those things do not go together.

And so it goes; knowing all that, my wife and I were shopping at Bridgewater Falls in Fairfield, and we noticed all the yard signs advocating for a new tax levy for Fairfield Schools.  Fairfield is a school district neighboring Lakota, where I live, and they have been flirting with a new levy in Lakota for several years.  Public schools were designed to burden a community, so everyone has to go through a kind of divorce with their government schools where property values are perceived to be directly connected.  For years, it has been thought that people move into or out of a community based on the quality of the schools.  That’s what real estate people will tell you anyway, but that has, too, been a lazy way to manage school districts.  Government schools that are controlled by radical leftist teacher unions with consistently high wage rates in mind have no means to generate more money to pay their staff but ever-increasing burdens on their property taxes.  So the game continued; home values would increase, making more taxable revenue available for the government schools to confiscate.  That money is then used to program the next generation of children into the ways of Democrat politics, anti-God sentiments, transgender bathrooms, and racial politics, making for much of their youth, future Democrat voters.  Public schools are essentially teaching anti-family and a replacement of domestic concerns with obedience to centralized government. 

So the longer a community survives this process, the more burden and expensive those government schools become before there is a collapse, and the following community with the next shiny thing becomes the new destination, leaving the old community behind and used up.  That has been the story of several communities around Butler County, especially Fairfield, where I have much experience.  My wife and I were married and went to church there for many years when it was a destination community for many people all over the country.  I have watched this government school game for a long time, and behind it all is the communist intention to attack private ownership.  We are seeing this trend in Liberty Township, within the Lakota district now, where apartments and lower-cost living seek to attract lower-income people who don’t own so much private property.  It’s not a massive conspiracy; I know all the trustees involved.  They are nice enough guys.  But it’s in the handbook of community development, written by the same dumb people from the United Nations who designed these horrible public schools.  What could go wrong with a community entirely of apartments and people who vote but don’t own property?  Then, people who own property are squeezed out of their homes with high taxes, and before you know it, the tax rates are too high and unmanageable, and people move away once their children grow up and start lives of their own somewhere else.  In the background of all these apartments and condos is the hope that the children will stay in the community when they grow up if only affordable options exist.  But what you end up with is Democrat voters until they grow up and take on more responsibility by starting a family of their own.  So they vote for school levies, but their landlords end up having to pay the taxes, and the schools achieve one of Karl Marx’s goals: the destruction of all private property.  We have seen this cycle everywhere, and Fairfield has suffered from it.  Most of their best companies picked up and left because the taxes were too high, the same story that could be told in every community around Butler County, Ohio, for the last four or five decades.  The Lakota schools are watching if any of these levies pass so they can try independently for their own.  We have managed to keep the taxes low in Lakota because plenty of people have a hostile reaction to the prospect of higher property taxes.  However, the system was built to fail in every way, providing a tempting lure to busy parents, free babysitting while they work, and dual income lives to pay for all this mess. 

However, changes are coming with another Trump administration; serious reforms to public education will happen by eliminating the Department of Education, which should have occurred during the Reagan administration.  But the communists fought to prevent it with the standard fear tactics, which Reagan listened to.  And so we have had this uncompetitive socialist model ever since, and Trump is poised to change it.  And to that point, the most apparent change will be that any federal dollars will follow the child, not the zip code.  That will mean that Fairfield, Lakota, Mason, and several other government schools along the outer loop of I-275 will have to fight to have children in their schools to access the funds that come with them.  And their cost structure will be challenged severely, which would be great.  Many teachers at Lakota schools make over six figures, which is a big part of their quarter of a billion-dollar yearly budget. If you have attended a school event anywhere lately, you will see many of these teachers can afford to miss a sandwich or two.  They are not specimens of excellent health, let’s just put it nicely.  The entire system is poised to fail, whether levies are approved or not.  And knowing all that, if you vote for a school levy, as I have said for several decades, you are stupid.  It’s silly to vote for any public school for more money that they are just going to waste on radical Democrat teachers.  And until we change that, it’s stupid to give them even a penny more. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Vote for Diane Mullins in the 47th District in Ohio: She has the Republican Party endorsement and she’s a very respected church pastor

I am thrilled to see Rev Diane Mullins running against Sara Carruthers for the 47th Representative seat in Ohio.  Sara has shown herself to be the Nikki Haley of the Butler County Republican Party, disparaging MAGA Republicans as if she hoped that party politics would swing back to the globalist brand that has brought so much trouble to the world of politics.  The Central Committee criticized Sara Carruthers because she broke caucus with House Republicans last year and joined Democrats to elect a moderate Speaker.  She revealed herself as one of “the Blue 22” who joined Democrats to prevent the Ohio House from the type of reforms that were needed to align with an America First platform.  And after Lynda O’Connor was voted out of the Lakota School Board, a lot of soul-searching had to be done in Butler County politics.  It can be a tough job trying to meet the needs of donors who want entirely different things from politicians than voters do, but Sara had crossed the line and paid for it when it came time to issue party endorsements.  Sara has a lot of money in her war chest, but the person on the slate card is her challenger in the Ohio primary, Diane Mullins.  And I am rooting for the pastor of Calvery Church in Hamilton to unseat Sara for a more appropriate representative once Trump is back in office, and an America First platform will be needed from top to bottom in Republican positions.  I’d vote for Diane Mullins in a second and would be very happy to do so.  In my district, I will be voting for Thomas Hall.  However, when it comes to the 47th District, after what Sara Carruthers said and did over a very short time, she deserves to be replaced by someone who represents that district more accurately.  After all, that is the name of the game.  Not every district is the same; the goal is to ensure that voters get proper representation.

From my experience in these kinds of political discussions, where Constitutional concepts are at the core of all discourse, I have found that religious people tend to do better when it comes to defending constitutional necessity.  Since our laws are based on Judeo/Christian Biblical tradition, it takes people familiar with religious life to understand and apply law to daily life.  We’ve tried secular politicians, and they are too easily moved off their mark and corrupted at the slightest temptation.  It has always been a challenging game to play where large amounts of money had to be raised to get a politician’s name identity so that they could even get elected.  That would put politicians always at the short string to those donors, which then could pull them off course to constitutional alignment.  But that has changed a lot over the last few years, where traditional media has lost much of its power, and vlogs, podcasts, and blogs like this have turned out to be far more potent than yard signs and television ads.  More people spend their time getting news online than watching it in front of the television.  So that plays into this opportunity to have someone like Diane Mullins in the 47th seat instead of someone who clearly couldn’t handle the pressure in Sara Carruthers.  Wherever possible, I think the Ohio House would do better to have religious people in representative government, lessons learned.  I’ve always thought that way, but for the sake of society in general, they wanted to believe a more secular approach was possible, but it isn’t.  That experiment has failed miserably.

Of course, there’s more to a representative position than just being religious.  However, in Diane Mullins’s case, she has a lot of experience working with large groups of people and leading community improvements.  It’s interesting to hear how print media trained in classic reporting interprets a pastor of a church running for elected office.  Many of those people have very little understanding of what church on Sundays entails or what the context of biblical study plays in our law and order society.  So they repeat the same woke rules that BlackRock has flowed down to them from the World Economic Forum and expect the people of Hamilton, Ohio, to accept those standards.  News flash, ordinary everyday people don’t care one bit what the aristocrats from Davos think about religious opinion.  They have solid and independent views in Butler County, Ohio, and don’t want a United Nations filter on their political discourse, significantly benefiting Diane Mullins.  She’s fresh and passionate and has proven she can walk through the valley of death and resist temptation.  And that is needed in Columbus.  We need a lot more like her to represent our government.  If we had them, we would be a lot better off in the future.  Traditionally, someone like Diane Mullins would not get much traction because the donors would choke off access to the Central Committees because they controlled the media.  However, as everyone has learned over the last ten years, traditional media is a thing of the past.  A war chest can get some yard signs out.  But it can’t buy people’s opinions as it once did, which has been a hard lesson for the Republican Party.  The hard lesson of Trump should have been evident to everyone, but the globalist types thought they had control, but they never did. 

There are a lot of people who only get involved in politics for the money that can be made off the power the government provides, and among donors, if their business survival depends on globalism, then they are going to try to steer their political representatives into that direction, to protect their viability.  That’s how Mitch McConnell has got himself into so much trouble with his shipping business and how John Boehner lost all credibility as a pot lobbyist.  I’ve had some hard talks with people who have to walk that fine line, and it’s not easy.  However, government service becomes much more viable when the Bible guides representatives.  And I think Diane Mullins would bring a lot of fresh air to the 47th District.  Friendships often form in political efforts because almost everyone is likable when the rubber hits the road.  But we must judge what people do, not what they say, and in Sara’s case, she played a role of deceit when she worked to keep a Speaker of the House who was much more America First from taking the gavel, and for that, she needs to pay.  It will be interesting to see how Diane Mullins does with the Butler County Republican Party endorsement as opposed to the amount of donor money Sara Carruthers has.  It will be a real test of where we are these days on what voters get from their representatives and whether they can break free of the kind of controls that have previously held politics down.  Do the donors control the party, or is it the voters?  We’ll find out on March 19th, 2024.  I hope that Diane Mullins will get a chance to make Butler County Great Again, which could lead to a whole new set of opportunities for a good, moral government. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Wonderful Purity of Leviticus: Dying on a cross doesn’t solve the problem, but taking a shower will

I hear it all the time: Jesus died on the cross, so my sins were forgiven, which erases away the rituals of the Jewish people in serving God.  To which I say, but never forget the Ten Commandments, which were created out of the same culture to create a new society out of the old, this one that worked.  And it has given the Jewish people the longest-lasting civilization on the face of the earth.  And it has given us the foundation laws for a civilized society.  Jesus is all good, but all that dying on the cross and stuff is for the birds.  It was a society of failures conquered by the Romans 1500 years after the Ten Commandments were followed that proposed this compromise, and once they did, the Jewish people never had their former glory and power on earth directly again.  With all that said, I think there is a lot more to the rituals of the Old Testament that are important to God, and I think we see the apparent blasphemy of it in modern times as a direct assault on the concept of goodness and return humanity to the primitive where they are easy to control.  The laws of God, as given to humanity through the biblical texts, were intended to advance civilization, and those who have followed them have enjoyed such an experience.  So to me, as I explain a lot to people, Jesus and the God of the New Testament are not enough for me.  They are not religious enough.  Jesus had a lot of good to say about life and the afterlife.  But there is more to the game of life, and by the time the New Testament came around, the concept of a Christian rose out of a tired society that was exhausted from being conquered.  So they used Jesus to forgive their sins and hoped that would be enough.  But of course it wasn’t.

The wonderful laws of Leviticus

My position has been to just not sin.  Why ask for forgiveness of sins when you could just not conduct the action?  And that has been my policy most of my life.  I see the laws of Leviticus to be particularly interesting, mainly as they deal with the laws of bodily fluid.  I’m a person who never passes gas and despises it because it is an act of bodily function. I would say the purpose of life is to become more than that, not surrender to the animal acts of the body and its consumption of destructive life mechanisms.  Based on understanding something about quantum mechanics, I would further say that the laws of Leviticus, particularly from Leviticus 15, God needed a clean platform to deal directly with his people, and once people showed that they could not live this clean life, God no longer appeared to his chosen people.  It wasn’t possible. The last successful time they were able to do it was in Solomon’s Temple.  But once the Ark was no longer there and the Jewish priests lost their technique for cleanliness, God was not able to appear to subsequent generations of people.  Instead, Jesus had to be born as the son of God directly to carry away all the sins of society in the flesh, which is very interesting.  This leads to only one conclusion about the interaction with characters of the spirit world: they like and respect clean people.  So, people needed to keep themselves clean to stay close to God. In those times, constantly taking showers without running water was difficult. 

If people spit on each other or discharged sexual fluid in a less-than-contained way, the rituals of cleaning themselves up were quite extensive, and we must conclude there was a good reason for it.  For instance, the interaction with God in the Tabernacle had to be behind a veil so that he could manifest in a cloud of smoke upon the mercy seat of the Ark, the rule of law of the Jewish people.  And bodily fluids, a clear product of our dimensional world, held back this relationship with characters beyond the terrestrial world.  God brought people on Earth laws to live by, but people needed to be clean to interact with God.   And those who found themselves clean were successful.  Those who weren’t saw their societies rise and fall accordingly.  So if people found themselves dirty after sex, for instance, there were detailed rituals they needed to perform to clean themselves so that God could interact with them.  They weren’t belching and farting and giggling about it.  They were locking themselves away until they could clean themselves in the presence of God.  As a creature of another dimension, bodily fluids got in the way of this process.  Leviticus, in particular, was not included in one of the oldest surviving texts of humanity because it didn’t have something important to say about human maintenance.  That God would be so picky about how people preserved themselves is quite an astonishing revelation, especially given the context of those times.  That such concepts forced society to adapt to those needs could undoubtedly contribute to advancing all civilization into what we see today.  Clean behavior was central to a proper relationship with God and the universe.

Yet I will also say, look at the enemies of our culture, especially the one in America, which was built from ancient Jewish law, which our Constitution and Bill of Rights indeed were.  The obvious promotion of personal desecration, especially sexually, in the pornographic culture is a deliberate strategy to keep people from God and higher ideas about living and life in general.  Everyone should be concerned about the invention of the internet, not to help humans survive a nuclear holocaust around the world or to have central control over all humanity, but to pipe pornography into every home and every personal computer for the ritual of destroying the people consuming it.  To keep them as far from God as possible in direct rebellion against God’s intention to help his chosen people live fruitful and productive lives.  Even the concept of Jesus dying on the cross for the forgiveness of sins was part of that ruse.  So that people would dirty themselves up and think that all would be forgiven.  So they would allow themselves to be defiled and to live life without the worry of sinning because Jesus had it covered.  When the real scam by evil in the world was to separate people from their God and the concepts of creation that would take all humans back to the Garden of Eden, the perfect union with the universe for which they were created.  The rebels of God’s divine council intending to overthrow God’s work in the world want the desecration of his creation, so they temp humanity with disgusting rituals of filth and call it a reverence for nature, when in fact, the design is to destroy all who listen.  The pornographic life is meant to keep the mind of humanity in primitive animal life and far away from God and the need for righteousness.  And we see the effects now in a dirty world full of disgraceful sexual conduct meant to push God away so that evil can take over and rule from the chaos.  And to think that it all starts with a simple shower and a desire to live a clean life as the first step toward a righteous order of truth, justice, and the American way. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Learning to Waste Time: Why public education doesn’t make smart people

As I always say, I wouldn’t send my kids to a public school for any amount of money.  If you have an option, you should always use it rather than send your child to such a horrible place.  I’m a big fan of homeschooling for many reasons, but one was most obvious due to several recent events involving one of my grandchildren.  My daughter always updates my wife and me on what she is teaching him, and they take frequent trips down to the Cincinnati Museum Center for education trips, so he’s what I would consider way out in front of other kids his age, which is almost 8.  In many ways, he is way ahead of many 25-year-olds.  He is brilliant, and I don’t just say that because he’s my grandchild.  But his interests are well above and beyond other kids his age.  For instance, this incident of notice was that he one day just painted a map of the known solar system, the inner and outer, and he had details in it regarding planet placement and other celestial bodies that people at NASA would struggle with.  It was very advanced and was a clear sign of a vastly deep interest in the subject of astronomy, and other sciences.  I reminded my daughter that Thomas Edison was homeschooled and if his mom had not taught him independently, he likely would have never developed the genius that he was known for.  I also told my daughter that if her son had painted a picture like that in public school, he would have gotten in trouble for it.  They wouldn’t want the other kids to feel bad for not knowing the same things, so they would have penalized my grandson for showing extraordinary ambition above and beyond. 

Public schools are not designed to create the next Albert Einsteins and Thomas Edisons; they are prone to make the next Karen fight with a welfare recipient over a shopping cart in a Walmart parking lot.  Public schools are not designed to produce intellect.  They are designed to make stupid, compliant people, and I see this all the time in dealing with people of all kinds of educational backgrounds.  The number one thing that public schools teach children is to waste time.  They certainly aren’t trying to get kids to become the next Thomas Edison, which is what my grandson reminds me of, and because he is being homeschooled, we can see the development in him without restriction.  I think most kids are intelligent, but we teach them as a civilization to be stupid.  Our government wants them to be stupid so they cannot challenge their power.  The globalists want stupid people because smart people would never put up with their nonsense.  But the most devastating attribute of government-run schools, and education in general, is that we teach people to waste time.  That wasting time is the priority, not learning.  Being compliant and waiting for someone to give you something, rather than waking up every morning, taking life by the horns, and using it to your advantage.  My grandson gets asked a lot when he goes shopping with my daughter, “Why isn’t he in school?”  Of course, the answer from my daughter is that he finished school at 11 AM.  He started around eight and finished around 11.  Now, he has the rest of the day to do other things, like draw pictures of the solar system, including the contents of the Kuiper Belt.  They do more learning in that four-hour span than most kids get all week, or all month in public school.  And that is sad to realize.

The typical kid wakes up and waits for the bus to pick them up or their parents to drop them off at school.  They then wait for the first class to begin.  They wait for the teacher to give instructions.  They wait for the next class.  They wait in line for lunch.  They wait to go to the bathroom and recess; they wait in line for the drinking fountain.  The primary thing that our education system teaches is for people to wait for things.  So, it should be no surprise that they grow into adults waiting for their tax returns and a pizza to be delivered. They were waiting for a text from a correspondence.  Waiting, waiting, waiting.  They were not taught to do things but to wait for things, so it goes for the rest of their adult lives.  And should we be surprised that we have a society of fools who don’t understand that the election in 2020 was stolen and that our current president is completely illegally inserted?  Or that COVID was a bioweapon built in a lab in Wuhan, China, and released to allow the governments of the world to cheat in elections and knock off rival powers like the United States, not with military weapons, which they don’t have but through the Administrative State.  They exploit their natural inclination to do what the teacher tells them to because they were raised to follow orders and wait for someone to tell them what to do next.  What else does anybody think will happen when society is taught to be compliant, not to think?  And that’s why we have a lot of the problems that we do have socially.  Our education systems have massively failed our society, and almost everyone is a victim of it somehow. 

I’m proud that my kids and their kids are learning not to operate on that ridiculous hamster wheel.  I grew up with most of my friends being honor students, so I’ve always known knowledgeable people.  One guy was so intelligent that he sold his honors robes at his graduation for a small fee to someone who wasn’t very smart, but their family expected to take pictures of them in those robes at graduation.  He sold the robes, and you know what we did with the money? We went to Perkins to have a couple of hamburgers and spend the rest of the day to ourselves while everyone else ran the rat race of wasting time created for them by public education.  I feel pretty strongly about this issue, but when I see a mind alive with excitement and genuine passion for learning, it just reminds me how many other young kids are being disabled for life because the dumb adults in their lives are teaching them to be compliant to the many fools who have acquired power, and they are learning the critical lesson of wasting time.  And they will grow into future employees who waste time.  Taxpayers that waste time.  And gullible fools who believe everything a corrupt government tells them because they are too lazy to ask the obvious questions.  And more concerned with wasting time than learning something new and doing something with that knowledge.  If you trace back many of our modern problems, the source goes back to our education system and its many failures.  Homeschooled kids, at least, aren’t typically taught to accept these failures.  So even if their parents aren’t brilliant, the child isn’t learning to accept such restrictions, making them far better off than their peers for critical thinking.  But unfortunately, this is rare in the world.  I’m happy to see explosive intelligence from my grandchildren because my kids teach them not to accept silly social restrictions to advanced intellectual concepts.  What are we trying to do if we aren’t trying to make the next genius in the world?   I don’t think it’s a mass conspiracy to make the world dumb.  But I think it’s what you get when you let dumb people make up the education system.  You don’t get intelligent people.  But you get people used to wasting time and doing whatever authority figures tell them.  Which, in almost every case, cripples them for life.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707