Sheriff Jones on Glenn Beck: Talking out of both sides, especially when it comes to Darbi Boddy

As much as I think we all want to get behind Sheriff Jones’ terrorist watch initiative in Butler County, Ohio, I couldn’t help but wonder if the same guy talking on the Glenn Beck Radio Show was the person who had stripped away the CCW of school board member Darbi Boddy, over a bogus civil protection order filed against her.  Anybody with any logic knows that Sheriff Jones has played his part in allowing another school board member, Isaac Adi, to file a motion of protection against Darbi Boddy essentially over pure politics.  The lawyers who run the Lakota school board don’t want someone like Darbi, a staunch conservative MAGA type of community representative negotiating labor contracts with the radical leftist teacher’s union, so they have all worked in the background to find some way to remove Darbi from the school board by some legal nonsense such as this civil protection order that Isaac filed against Darbi, constructed on the back of a napkin and abused by several political figures in the know.  This is a clear case of abuse of government power to subvert the will of the voters who put Darbi in office.  But because these political figures, and their legal handlers reject who the voters put in their political club, they have turned toward the power of abusive government to edit that decision in a vile and disgusting way.  So when Sheriff Jones, who is at the center of the case, says to Glenn Beck, “The sheriffs work for the people, and if the people don’t like the job they do, they can vote them out.”  That clearly isn’t the message in the Darbi Boddy case.  The unsaid statement from politicians like Jones is that we control the law, and we can come up with anything to destroy you, including taking away your CCW over a phony political charge meant to keep an elected officeholder off her duties for 90 days so they can appoint some weak loser they can control for contract negotiations.  Essentially, the local version of Joe Biden, to join the others they have allowed on the school board.  Wherever there is a lot of money, we should expect this kind of corruption.  But what is new is that we learned the lawyers are actually the activists behind election fraud, which is what all this is: the removal of a public pick for office to manage the affairs of the community. 

Sheriff Jones had a pretty good meltdown at a nomination interview with the Central Committee types at the end of 2023, where he did not get an endorsement.  His response was anger in stating that he didn’t need a party endorsement, and his response for his upcoming re-election was to go it alone.  So he has picked this immigration issue, which we all agree on, and booked himself on several big national shows to bring celebrity representation into Butler County, which we also like.  I like seeing my sheriff on the Glenn Beck Show and other places discussing important counter-terrorism topics.  But we also expect to walk the walk and not just talk about it.  Jones was in trouble with the Central Committee people because of how he handled the Darbi Boddy situation and Lakota school politics in general, especially the behavior of the previous superintendent.  Then there is the Roger Reynolds case; Jones has been caught many times trying to destroy his political rivals over the last several years, so there wasn’t an option to vote him out of office.  He destroys anybody who might try.  After I learned from several people who knew what happened between Jones and the Central Committee, I thought we probably should have put up someone to run against him.  But people liked him enough to give him the benefit of the doubt, so in that way, Jones sabotaged any rivals before they could be put forth. 

So, the guy we heard on the Glenn Beck Program was not the same person we are dealing with in our community.  I wish it were. I like that Sheriff Jones who can do media and represent us nicely to the rest of the world, and I’ve told him that directly on more than one occasion.  But this activist who uses the power of office to abuse that power and take down political rivals, such as what is happening against Darbi Boddy, is what makes the world a much worse place.  In Darbi’s case, the sheriff who pulled her CCW is a sheriff by the name of David Duchak from Miami County.  But all these sheriffs know each other, especially on this issue. Sheriff Jones has allowed it to happen and done all he could to blow on the embers of discontent, only not directly to maintain plausible deniability.  My statement on who cares about a Concealed Carry Permit, we are a Constitutional Carry state for just this very purpose.  We can’t ultimately trust the government not to abuse its power, so gun rights are a check on that power, and the police don’t get to use the machine of politics to disarm the public.  I view a CCW as a good practice and will continue to maintain one.  But in Ohio, it’s not necessary.  This is also the problem with red flag laws.  When it can abuse its power, as it is against Darbi Boddy, to remove her from an elected office they don’t want her in, the government can use the law to destroy people, including disarming them under some bogus suspicion generated by that same government.  Who believes a big man like Isaac Adi is terrified of a 110-pound Darbi Boddy dripping wet?  (Which is why most women don’t like her) Yet because Isaac made an accusation, the powers of government have been allowed to ruin the life of Darbi Boddy in very destructive ways, particularly on gun rights. 

Meanwhile, the terrorists are a real threat, and we do need to do what Sheriff Jones is saying, at least to the media.  Private people are the fine line between success and failure, which we just recently saw when young thugs at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl party opened fire into the crowd of a million or so and were stopped by private citizens bold enough to put an end to the senseless violence.  The police were then called to come in and clean up the mess.  And now that the Biden administration has allowed many terrorist cells into our nation through his open border policy, we have a lot of similar threats that are undoubtedly going to continue.  And our best hope of minimizing casualties from this threat is to have private people helping law enforcement manage the danger.  And Darbi Boddy is one of those people with whom Sheriff Jones should be aligned, not antagonizing over political power.  You can’t talk out of both sides of your mouth.  You either want to stop terrorist threats with community involvement, or you just want to go on Glenn Beck and other shows to talk a good game to get re-elected so that you can just abuse the power of elected office to bring meaning to a life otherwise lacking.  But you can’t have it both ways, which is why the Central Committee was hesitant to endorse him in the first place.  Sheriff Jones’ performance had come into question, and people have been thinking about firing him.  Yet it’s not nearly as simple as he tried to make it sound to Glenn Beck.  But we don’t have anybody to rival him because he has used government power to push away rivals and maintain himself as the only choice.  But if anything, that lack of community unification has made us much more vulnerable to terrorism than anything else, and Sheriff Jones has undoubtedly played his part in that discontent. 

Rich Hoffman

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3 thoughts on “Sheriff Jones on Glenn Beck: Talking out of both sides, especially when it comes to Darbi Boddy

    1. Who decided that? The voters elected her. They can also unelect her on the next term. They are in charge. The government employees, the lawyers, the other school board members, and other politicians don’t get to decide what’s best. The voters do.


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