Issue 1 in Ohio, the Cult of Death: The evil that was happening in the land of Canaan is behind the modern Democrat intention to change the Constitution to include abortion

Ironically, all the same characters who support the Palestinian attacks against Israel support Issue 1 in Ohio. I, of course, am a hard no on Issue 1, which is an attempt to put a radical abortion agenda into the Ohio Constitution up to the 9th month. It’s an outrageous death cult that we are dealing with here that is precisely the same as when Yahweh granted the land of Canaan to the Hebrew people because the Palestinians in the area, the “indigenous people” were sacrificing their firstborn children to the gods of Baal, Moloch, and Ishtar and God had enough of it. So, the state of Israel was created to silence a vast evil that had been taking place. And no less than that is the scope of the problems with Issue 1. When the previous Issue 1 that failed in August of 2023, we knew this attack by the various death cults outside the state was coming. They had targeted Ohio because it had a low threshold to bypass the various conservative governments in the House, the Senate, and as governor and could change laws with a simple 50+1 majority. So as soon as Roe v. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court and kicked back to the states, some conservatives saw the vulnerability. But it was too little too late. A vote was taken to attempt to raise the threshold for constitutional adjustments to something more reasonable, like 60%. But the out-of-state money poured in, and the push for this death cult activated all the losers, the murderers, the slack-jawed drug users, the trans crowd, the gays, the two or three real Joe Biden supporters, the lowlifes, the criminals, and the Israel haters into voting in August in what was supposed to be a surprise election. But Issue 1 was defeated with around 57%, so now this cult of the death abortion issue is on the November ballot as the new Issue 1. And I would like to see it fail.

But on this one, I’m taking the long view.  I can see that the vile Democrats think they have this one in the bag with early polling, along the same lines as what Issue 1 failed on in August.  Around 57% support this cult of death for various reasons, the same reasons that Israel was constantly challenged by the temptations to worship Baal with human sacrifice.  When people wonder how the ancient Canaanites could have killed their firstborn children screaming for their lives just to appease a god, all they have to do is look at the supporters of Issue 1 in Ohio for their answer.  The same could be said of them.  What the abortion activists want to do to the Ohio Constitution and the money from out of state that set the table for it is nothing short of human sacrifice.  This proposal is so radical that even contentious arguments about the 20-week ban, the Heartbeat Law, and even parental notification will be thrown out the window without any legislative input, and the evil menaces out there have drool dripping from their mouths at the prospect of turning such a red state as Ohio is into a victim of blue state politics with a simple majority vote.  In an off-year election where a president isn’t on the ballot, Democrats think they will see a surge in support over Issue 1 and the pot smoking Issue 2, another subject for discussion.  I see teacher unions puffing out their chests already through extremely liberal school board members who they think will get elected because they supported this cult of death.  So unless something drastic happens with turnout on election day in November, it looks like a long fight is ahead of us on this one. 

It is hard for good people to grasp just how evil Issue 1 is, or abortion rights in general, are.  But then again, this isn’t a modern problem; it’s a death cult that has always been with the human race.  It was the reason that Israel was created in the first place, to stand against that death cult.   Over time, it has been hard for people to stand with Israel and the various death cults of the world and stand up for progress and human decency.  Many conservative voters will sit at home on election night; at least, the supporters of Issue 1 expect that to be the case.  They think they will sneak this one under the fence, just as Jezebelle had corrupted her husband and the nation into Baal worship and the eventual destruction of the Jewish people.  We have that same evil menace manifesting behind out-of-state abortion groups seeking revenge over the federal Supreme Court position by targeting states like Ohio for this vicious attack.  And it is an attack; there is no soft way to put it.  There are plenty of losers in Ohio at the various Democrat strongholds to get this Issue 1 passed, especially in the college portions of the state where Democrat politics have seeded themselves into an otherwise very conservative state.  But it would take an outrageously high turnout of conservatives to stop Issue 1, which is hopeful but unrealistic.  As a result, millions of lives will be lost, which makes those functioning from evil in the world very happy. 

But it’s not too late yet.  I would recommend everyone go out and vote.  Don’t take this one lying down.   History shows us that we will have to confront evil like this many times in our lives and throughout time.  And this is undoubtedly one of them.  Encourage your friends and family to get out and vote against Issue 1.  Vote against this Cult of Death that Democrats want to bring to our sacred state of Ohio. But be prepared for the day after the election; the liberal media is already poised to throw gas on the fire and show Ohio as a victory and a ripe target for radical politics.  What is being attacked is the core of Ohio values, and to turn it into a complicit blue state for the vile intentions of actual evil that have their fingerprints all over Issue 1.  So we cannot lose our composure.  There are many ways to fight corruption, and we certainly will have to.  But before we resort to those methods, we can solve the problem with an election, which would be best.  Fighting these death cults is a mandate of existence that will occur with intense voracity regardless of what is written on a page and called law.  Ethics can and will be defended irrespective of any legislative endeavor.  I would recommend that we all be much more vocal about these cults of death and not let them hide in the background of our society and to shame them into oblivion.  But first, show up and make your voice known on Issue 1.  Give it your best effort at defeating it at the ballot box.  Then, depending on the obvious outcome, but nothing is sure until it is, we’ll go from there to defend life from the grips of death that come from all Democrat policies and their desires of doom for the human race.

Rich Hoffman

6 thoughts on “Issue 1 in Ohio, the Cult of Death: The evil that was happening in the land of Canaan is behind the modern Democrat intention to change the Constitution to include abortion

      1. These are the unjust who deserve torture for their horrendously evil lives. Jesus can forgive them. But I’m not inclined to do so. They are killers and deserve to be treated that way.


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