Kevin McCarthy Had To Go: We have representatives in America, not leaders who can be captured by globalism

The biggest problem with modern politics is that we’ve tried to take an American republican form of government and mix it with this Marxist globalism concept, where consensus-building values are the value system.  The American government is supposed to be boisterous and combative.  I do not mean it in an over-the-top way, but in the values that should be pursued in government, where honor and valor drive decisions.  Not administrative state passive-aggressive manipulations.  Of course, when you have a government built on passive aggression, you will have a failure, and that is the case of every Marxist government that there is, whether they are outright communist governments like China, Cuba, and North Korea or socialist governments like what they have in England, all the EU, Mexico, Canada and most of South America.  The globalist standard has been Marxism consensus building, where individuals are twisted into accepting the whole of the mob despite what the people electing these people wanted. It has been a disastrous failure, especially in America, with everyone in the world trying to steal our money. Politicians are all too tempted to give it away to make all their global friends and lobbyists happy.  At least with dueling, individuals had a measure of respect that backed their actions, which showed in successful government.  And in that spirit, it was about time that Kevin McCarthy was thrown overboard as Speaker of the House.  Matt Gaetz did an excellent job of sticking to his promises and showing that he’s not afraid of conflict by not falling in line with the mob, and that’s how a good government is supposed to work.  We have been functioning from all the wrong measures for too long, leading to significant problems for the American government that must be fixed. And removing Kevin McCarthy from his speaker role was an essential first step in what will happen over the next few years. 

This was obvious after what the World Economic Forum tried to pull on America during the Covid crisis, which they were at the heart of.  They didn’t understand American forms of government, where we have representatives instead of leaders.  And they thought, just as they have done with corporate structure, that if they capture assets like in chess, they capture the whole thing through consensus building.  However, the American form of government was meant to slow down these communist ambitions and put the decision-making process on a representative republic where representatives of the population were elected and sent to do the people’s business.  In that understanding, Matt Gaetz is the perfect representative acting on behalf of his constituents.  Kevin McCarthy was not because he had strayed away from representing his voters, and instead was getting pulled into all these other directions that globalism desires.  More irresponsible spending to establish a continuing resolution on a budget that is way out of control.  Nobody wants to see Kevin McCarthy work with many loser Democrats who wish to destroy our country.  And because he did, he should be removed.  And if such a fight becomes personal, let them fight it in the street.  That is much better and more honest than what we have been getting from the government.  All the dishonesty of such a passive-aggressive government shows itself in inflated spending because, to hide all the malice, the government steps into a giveaway mode to buy off the public the same way that consensus-building monstrosities have bought off our politicians.  And the whole deal gets blown up into the kind of disaster we have witnessed for decades.  It is not good that it has taken this long to remove the Speaker of the House for not performing correctly; it should have happened long ago.  All this politeness costs money. 

Klaus Schwab has been increasingly frustrated with the American West in that he sees so much pushback with the direction of his Great Reset that he’s been asking leaders to turn over management to the World Economic Forum to implement all their dumb ideas.  I told you guys over a decade ago about Socialist International and other Marxist organizations that are at the center of everything the European Union is up to.  Klaus and the gang do not understand the American government, nor do people like Larry Fink and Bill Gates, prominent investors in globalism, as direct advisors to the World Economic Forum.  The key to their Marxist push with their economic plans for globalism entailed asset capture.  If they can capture an institution, such as a political party like Republicans and Democrats, they could control the institution’s direction.  But they missed that American politicians are supposed to represent Americans; they don’t lead Americans.  Americans don’t want or need leaders.  They only want someone to do the work of government that they don’t have time for.  So when the Administrative State captured all the leaders of the world for the efforts of Covid management, which was essentially a capture of capitalist systems of economic activity and directing them to Marxist measures to remove the push of capitalism to the pull of communism, the assumption was that America would be steered where required by the World Economic Forum.  But that’s not what happened in America; politicians who went in that direction had their power removed, which is why checks on political power are so necessary in the American government.  It is supposed to be messy because people are messy.  And honestly, we must deal with the chaotic nature of governance before any excellent work can be done.

Kevin McCarthy was Speaker of the House over one of the most historical periods in American history, where we have a criminal family in the White House, which massive election fraud put him there, we have out-of-control border crossings and drug cartels essentially running the governments of America and Mexico, we have sex trafficking occurring everywhere untended, and we still have to punish the people involved in Covid.  And McCarthy was making deals with Democrats over a government spending itself into oblivion with more than 30 trillion dollars in debt.  Talk about a clown show.  Every member of Congress should have been just as outraged as Matt Gaetz was.  And that there weren’t indicates how many of them have become out of touch.  They see themselves as leaders more than representatives, which wasn’t what they were elected to do.  Most everyone, from Sean Hannity to Mark Levine, has missed the importance of the Kevin McCarthy removal.  Even Trump misses the point when he points out that Republicans fight each other while Democrats get along.  That is because the means they use to value government is wrong and built around Marxist ideas of consensus building instead of the conduct of a representative republic.  Most everyone, even people many consider the most intelligent people in the world, have missed the obvious.  America was never designed to be led by leaders.  The government intended to cool the jets of the power grabbers and prevent them from the kind of globalist deals that have caused us so much trouble.  We have a government in desperate need of accountability to the voters, not submission to authority, which has been the assumption.  And why so many people miss the importance of why Kevin McCarthy had to go, and many like him, is they are measuring the wrong values.  Our republic will survive; we don’t need leaders.  We need people to keep the government small and out of our way so that good things can happen in the country with the largest economy.  This is no accident, and why the Marxists in the world are licking their lips to get a hold of all that wealth by capturing what they thought were leaders when they were just representatives all along?

Rich Hoffman

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