The Government Endorsed Attack on America: Sexual Perversion and drug poisoning to destroy our entire society

I can just say that I’m not going to put up with the kind of garbage that went on in Middletown, Ohio, over the last weekend of June 2023. There was a drag show in public that went on, which is shown in the pictures here, that was just disgusting. But these went on nationwide, this assault to desecrate sexuality with unhealthy lifestyles that this current government in America fully endorses. I see what these sexual deviants are doing as an assault. It’s one thing to have sexual lifestyle choices behind closed doors; it’s quite another to weaponize it and to stick it into all our faces as an assault on the very foundations of civilization. So on the very next day, I met with some friends down at the Courthouse in Hamilton, Ohio, for a stake in the ground of goodness to March for Children as a moral position as a response to these horrendous intrusions. It was nice to see so many people there, and I was surprised that there were so many officeholders present who weren’t afraid to put their names next to the issue. Essentially after some speeches, shown here, in front of the Courthouse, we marched around the old building three times, just as in the attack on Jericho. In this case, after three times, we didn’t want the Courthouse to fall, as did the walls in that Biblical city, but for the barriers to law and order to fall away so that justice could be established to protect children under full assault.

Without question, the most emotional speech of the day came from Mark Murphy, who is part of the leadership of the Republican Party of Butler County. Mark recently lost his daughter due to a fentanyl overdose. It only took one time for it to happen, and if it can happen to Mark, it can happen to anybody. What a lot of people fail to realize is that a lot of these evils that we are seeing, whether it’s the drag queen shows or the drug cartels deliberately poisoning our youth with drugs like fentanyl, these are military attacks against American culture. They are deliberately targeting the youth of our culture to destroy them and, as a result, American culture as a whole. Listening to Mark talk, the number of people losing children to fentanyl overdoses is astonishing. The silent killer is the biggest threat in the world today. If ground troops did these deaths with tanks and guns, we’d be outraged by the attack and would seek revenge for the aggression. But the attack is coming in a way we don’t typically think of as an attack, but as a leisurely activity, drug use. Yet the intentions couldn’t be more obvious. We have a media culture and a government that is actually helping the situation along, and there is no other excuse for it. Drugs have always been a problem for the attackers of Western Civilization; the motive is to exploit the free culture with poison so that the competing cultures of the world can then thrive without comparison. Usually, we’d hear about these stories as soldiers who died in the field somewhere. But this attack is on our doorsteps, in all of our neighborhoods, and is all too common. Unfortunately, Mark’s story is not unique. It is so common that people are numb to it that they’d instead think about everything else but this topic. That’s why it was nice to see so many people show up for the March for Children because until we admit that there is a problem, we will continue to be vulnerable to these globalist attacks run by the organized crime arm of that effort, the drug cartels. 

Who in their right mind wouldn’t want to stand up for children, but that is precisely the threat in our schools these days. Public education has become a predatory environment, which is most publicly articulated in the PRIDE event in Middletown. The outlandish behavior seen there is being bred into kids in public schools, and very few people are standing up to it, and apparent evil that is an all-out assault on cultural norms. Darbi Boddy was at the March for Children event as politicians like Jennifer Gross and Todd Minniear spoke about the challenges of doing what’s appropriate for kids despite grotesque social behavior that the masses have now accepted as a reality. But the kids are counting on the adults in their lives to protect them from these predators. And what else could you call people so obviously addicted to a sexual deviation with the intent to engage with underage children? It’s a clear case of evil as far as I’m concerned, and when we are confronted with such things, we must do something about it. There is no common ground with these types of people who have only destruction and mayhem on their minds. A purposeful corruption of the youth toward a life of ill-advised sex addiction; nothing good comes from such a lifestyle, yet we are expected just to take all this desecration politely and without anger? I don’t think so. Everyone who facilitates these types of activities, from officeholders to teachers in the schools, are accommodating sheer evil. It’s not tolerance to accept destructive sexual lifestyles; it’s irresponsible. 

For me, it’s not an option to be accommodating. If we are going to see these kinds of attacks against our American culture, then it should be expected to have an equally hostile response. When the attack vector is so apparent, and the death and mental destruction of an entire nation of people is the target, then nobody should expect to be treated nicely in their desecrations. We are not obligated to kindness when faced with such evil and the intentions of malcontents. If they are free to express themselves in such grotesque ways, then we are also free to have an opinion about it and to let them know that we are judging them on their bad behavior, at the very least. We are not obligated just to take it and accept it out of some guilt by a leftist definition of privilege. Sexual addiction is bad under any condition; nobody should be thinking about it as much as the trans show in Middletown clearly is. But the point isn’t health; it’s destruction. They are selling our own destruction to us through the temptation of pleasure, the most ancient door to evil known to all civilizations. Whether it’s through drug abuse or sexual lifestyles, our current government is helping America’s enemies destroy our country from within, and the casualties are real. And it’s not just the adults they are targeting, but our children. These days, they aren’t even bothering to hide any longer. They do it because they don’t respect us or think that we’ll do anything about it. So the effort is on us in this present time to engage the enemy and redefine the terms of destruction. We cannot co-exist with evil, nor should we expect to. Instead, we must make our opinions known, judge the bad behavior for what it is, and commit ourselves to save children to save our nation because the attack couldn’t be more obvious.

Rich Hoffman

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