My Opinion on the Debt Ceiling: America is bankrupt, and its time to file it

What do I think of the debt ceiling deal that the Republicans just gave the Democrats, the crazy Biden plan for perpetually more spending and a substantiation of more out-of-control costs? Obviously, it was a horrible deal, and a default on the debt would have been far better and would have avoided a lot of pain coming down the road. It was irresponsible to make a deal with the Democrats, Kevin McCarthy got played giving away negotiating points that he didn’t need to, making it easy for the Democrats, and now our federal government has signed up to balloon our national debt to over 50 trillion dollars by 2030. It’s reckless and destructive, but I’ve been warning everyone about it for a long time. Our government does not represent us; it represents globalism, driven by international finance and the Open Border insurgents. This isn’t something that any government that plans to stick around would ever sign up for. This is precisely what Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson were worried about regarding losing sovereignty to the global banking clans, which was very much the centerpiece of his presidency. This deal only helps two groups of people, those who want to destroy the concept of America by choking it off with massive debt and Democrats who want to stay in power by giving away stuff to a voter base and then to pay for it all with interest to those same hostile parties. It’s like a credit card company giving a teenager infinite lines of credit to rack them up in debt so that those same companies can live off the interest rates due to the irresponsible spending. That’s what this debt ceiling negotiation in 2023 was all about. It took the issue off the table until after the next presidential election so that all the current parties could stay in power and keep from having to discuss all this until after the next election, and when we do have that discussion, the next president will be seriously shackled. So, in short, it was a disaster. 

But not a surprise. There aren’t enough Freedom Caucus members in Congress yet to make changes like this, and even some of those were too tempted to play nice with Kevin McCarthy to avoid the bad headlines from a media that was cheering this massive financial destruction. The value of this debate was on whether America would not pay its bills. Instead, it should have been, why are we spending so much money? There just weren’t enough politicians articulate enough to make that point when the headlines were pointing in another direction. Of course, the world wants to make a lot of money off the interest loaned to America and to have politicians in their hip pocket who owe them, like Joe Biden does, as revealed by the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop. This is why all those politicians are rich; they didn’t get that way by doing the right thing, but by selling out their offices to investments, by making policy decisions that were only good for those who put money in their pockets and allowed those politicians to buy mansions, in multiple locations and live a lavish lifestyle. What was expected in return is that all those politicians who signed on to this debt deal would vote in favor of endless spending and debt to provide easy incomes off the interest to those global insurgents. They think Americans are suckers and have no respect for us. If they can all get rich from the destruction of America, then they will be very happy.   And after signing this debt deal, many people are thrilled.

I was surprised to see positive reviews of the debt ceiling negotiations from my congressman Warren Davidson and fellow Ohio congressman Jim Jordon. They thought initially on paper that it was a responsible thing to do to beat the June first deadline artificially created by Janet Yellen. Like most crime families who have been doing this kind of thing for a long time, the Biden administration set a bunch of artificial deadlines to drive the sentiment, and the Republicans fell for it, pure and simple. Once the story of value became all about meeting those deadlines and not reigning in irresponsible spending, the negotiations were over, and that’s what I heard from my local congressman. The value they were working to was simply the wrong one. They believed they were fighting for the right to be honorable in paying our bills. But these are bills that America shouldn’t be paying for. And essentially, all this just sets up a final apocalyptic resolution, a judgment day in the very near future. I’m not signing up for this mess. This is not my government making these decisions. These are people working for hostile foreign intents. The Freedom Caucus is growing and will continue to. Not before we have to have a standoff on the debt crisis. Thirty trillion in debt is too much. I remember when we thought 16 trillion was out of control. So all this is just out of the realm of sanity, and the only way out is a massive global war between globalism and nationalism. 

This only makes President Trump more attractive. He’s personally been through this before with his own finances, and he solved that problem by defaulting on his loans and declaring bankruptcy, and that’s what America will have to do to get out of this massive debt. Of course, the people who loaned us the money, such as China and other prominent bankers, will be upset. They have a nice set-up with collecting interest from America that they won’t want to give up. But America will have to default on the loans, declare bankruptcy, and completely restructure our government, which most people aren’t quite ready for. Yet eventually, that is the only solution on the horizon, and nobody has been talking about it in the media, which makes it worse. There will be a lot of anger once all this hits the fan and people realize the economic impact on their private lives. Really, we should have had hard talks about the debt ceiling way back in 2016. Trump was doing what he does, and that was to spend America into growth, which would have worked if his presidency had not been interrupted in 2020 by a hostile coup by our intelligence agencies. Now the way out is to become the number one generator of fossil fuels, default on these high-interest debts, and renegotiate entirely the trade deals with all the foreign powers. And recognize this financial situation for the military threat that it actually is. It’s about crushing nationalism in favor of globalism. And we will have to flip that script for our own preservation, which will be the hot story in the next election. All this mess could have been avoided if only we had enough responsible politicians in Washington, but we don’t. We have a bunch of sell-outs, and they sold us out with irresponsibility and a commitment away from American sovereignty, and they did not do their jobs. They did not represent me; I can say that. And I’m not OK with the deal they signed; that battle is now on the horizon. And I’m not with them. That’s for sure.

Rich Hoffman

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